1 Ji < f \ ^ J## ####1 I WI Ip Red u i ^ The cuts afe If you have |$| our stores. s&fe ent enormoi provements cing is enori H&: price persua Muslin Underwei tory Pric< H Chlldrans Drawers.. 10, Ladles Drawers 19,2 l Gowns.. 39, 49, o Pstticoats 4 Corset Covers 10 500 Dozen Men Spool Cotton 45 \ " Cn f'O.UU AUlt5 ? ^jg? 12.50 " ._ 10.00 " 6.00 Uxtr* Trouser* t5.00 *' 44 3.SO " ? 2.50 ?' 44 iSfe* 2.00 44 44 10.00 Values 7.50 " 5.00 " f 25^;"^ Handkerchiefs by the Hund Vt^4* -?< aA worm double M '\v'? VM1I I- Anr?/ii-4 ..-.'A.. , . . ? j w v. t up|/UI Lllllliyt j>6.00 Low Cut Shoes $3.08. Crossett s $3.53 Lo> t $3.50 and $4.00 $2.00. Whitten's Low Cut $3. $2.50 Specials, at $1.08. Queen Quality Low Cut SKIRTS, JEWELRY JEW $6.00 Skirls .. $J.0N We have on hand about $500 ol soli $.1.00 Skirts $1.08 Jewelry, consisting of Watches, Chain 1.00 & 2. * r, k ' _ __ THE BAIBURQ ADVOCATE.' noted desperADO SLi ock # PLUCKY BOY MAIL CARRIER HIS CAREER. ^ _ ^SX Asheville, N, U.. July 25 ?S| M iff Q !^g While attempting to liokl uj United States mail and seize by tlhe horse and mail cart, which 1" old Frod Sains, the mall carrier i Shclton-Laurel section of "W North Carolina, was driving, tl reer 6f the noted desperado, 1 ^ U-IHL l/U Wilson, was brought to a bloody ^fv One shot by young Sams did It. ice ouires4j&\ Wilson had taken the hors 1 . . mail cart by force from young iplate< im- -XNf/ who was carrying tlie mall be 3HK Shelton, Laurel and Tennessee, 1'llP Q'Vlfl- Ch* son, one of the most noteddespei of the mountains of Western ii n Carolina and Tennessee, be tne wy ot young Sams was unarmed. . Hiram Wilson had killed a m lib. ^AtA; of men. Wilson killed young II 590$? cutt, of Yancey County, some ^ ago, and the trial attracted grca i Curtailafca! tention, as it was believed the li vyjv* was murder. The case was rer - JS to Ilaywood for trial, and ther almost a riot precipitated by W1 a. friends. He wt? aroiiitlrti en ... ... op SgJfcj turned to Yancey to resume blc __ ^tv distilling. Ho great was the f 2g8||? htm that lie conducted an illicit - -.1.75 openly in his yard. 2 7s rxCr Hiram's most noted act, hoi W was the killing of his brother ~ Wilson, in Yancey four year: Towti! Zeb had, the year before, been e ^tate Senator for tbe counties ol i rgjesk- cey, Madison and Mitchell. 1 ? ues 7 & 9c demanded the loan of Zeb's liors this being refused. Zeb was si ,9c death. Hiram claimed that Zel ? issaulted him and either the jui . u . Tzfc&Z deved or feared Hiram, for he w at I'riceif the wf quitted and went hack to dlst .. But trouble then came. Judge the Gods. ^nv ^vig had niram indicted lor c jq v . ing and gave him four years * uos-- <*9c penitentiary and sent him to 11 .. 94 in chains with a guard of fifteen , to prevent rescue. _ But Hiram only stayed in the tcntiary u year, because he \va f the hundrfls every doncd on the petition of Yancc . i Ple? Then he went back to dist -19c to |95 Do/.. No action has bccn taken a, ii young Hams for the killing. II ho rewarded for his act.?Ne\ to 19c wort! double Courier. _ " ~ SECOND WEEK JORORS 81 a?0's and ldi IICCS. A Sinr'" ?se at bedtime will V' n .ue poison upon rising the .li.irning than can be expelled 0-yy w frwcA ''/l^ the system in any other way. " vi^ n'es dissolve tlie impurities, lui) in ihe kidneys, cleanse trie bladdc " I'eve pain and do away with bac ! [* p speedily, pleasantly, perman i ' f: Sold I." Timmnos Bros. ?f>?4 If TRENTON'S WAREH01 __ ^ m begun on thc Trenton warehouse r'Vbuilding will be of sand and c? blocks ana thc contractors pr that the building shall be rear s l''? ?lirn'nP ^,e C0Llt>n season Invitations are out announcin, .*M??&53S^p Cm rnarriage of Mr. A. II. Miller and * Miriam .Ionian of Winnsboro. EAi r>JWc i ... . . vjjvjc* winer is among irpnum i iiiusl 4^ ular -VMUn^ men al,(' l',e ent'reco LiltC. Every nity joins in hearty congratula ... ^rs ^('c Clemson College \V ill be Of- guest ut the home of Mr. J. F it Miss Ma'y Fox, of Concord, ? ^fasE has been the guest of Miss Fannt Bettls for the past week. Cuts ? MM ^ra P'lOC-;e'rv'n? wh" has v$4#, visiting her mother, Mrs. Morral 00 at $2.40. returned t a/\ ci nw 11 r Van- ,,ert wcrc here Wednesday. week Hiram Rev.Groseclo.se and Rev. Grcever i L|,ej, e and left Thursday for Lexington to attend iot to the Sunday School Convention. I \ Mr. II. L Wheeler was in town Al 3 Thursday. as ac- ' Mr llilng. Misses Mary and Carrie Derrick at- aloiv H. L. tended the Missionary meet log at Del- aboi 1 is*ill- mar Wednesday. her 1 in the this A BANK FOR ^ WA6ENER. "? s par- nig i ;y peo- Aiken, July 21.?The town of Wage then illing. ner is to have a bank in tlie near fu- peat: gainst turc, application for a charter for the e will Bank of Wagoner having been h,r vs and warded to Columbia yesterday. Tlie! board of corporators who apply for the charter are Messrs C. K. Ilender- lN,r iLUDA s,nan(l Gunter of Aiken and . K. Gantt, T Y. Lybrand. here A.G.Ward, F. C Cook and S. It. Mi p Smith. The capital is to be $20,000. v*er Jr, While until the directors are elected Gun lnia.tr then: i 11 be nothing definite known flack' "thout the plans of tlie new hank, it Is u^ar uljM understood that a lot will be purchas- 11 ?ir.rc' ed in Wagener and a brick building turu t \Ti n(jL.r erected as soon as possible after tlie i l1 iryan,' charter 's obtained. Wagener is a' ^r/rnwreeslVP. little *^wn, and tlie JO'- ( eatl, rounding country is riCK an,i F.uspcr- M< Igett, J ows' W.? per share, which is its right. above par. The People's Bank is loirnes, Cited in Aiken.? Kx. you 11 ^ FOUR DROWN r;: r, WITHIN HOUR. from n r Pine- HL ricate QUARTETTE OF TRAGEDIES OCCUR AT ATLANTIC CITY BEACH. ently. Atlantic City, N. J., July 2.1.?Th? surf claimed four victims within oiu hour late Saturday. All met deatl under sensational circumstances A cc father lost bis life in a vain attempt ^ j to save bis crowning daughter: n sQn lSV young man drowned after it friend L.jttl'j( ' nearly lost his life in a heroic endeav from been or to rescue him and a middle aged i)e :. Tin visitor was fatal!v stricken with bem uncut o-rbagc while bathing. The dead: ,,ein omi.v |; iri L. Thomas, aged 4i?, Cam -.our ]y r?' ten. N . ' call 11 Alias I! leu > liomas, aged hi, ( an - genet g the den, N. J. try tl I M iss C. W. Sharpies, aged 2s, Jenkln- Innlti Mr. town, l'a. ty. pop Walter N. Whitlock. nnr#?d , ? c,? . mi ii- I >>I po mrviu- mond, \ a. [ .\ikei ti? ms. held. The old time method of purlin)* the n .ystem with e walls ,, . , . . olina, J. C , )' the stomach and intestines is su- t|JR s, cMay perseded hy I tide's Lit t le I.i\ti Pills. t'hey cleanse the liver, and instead of ' ^ ?^ . weakening, hnlld up and strengthen 0 been . . . . ' , V , the S , , t lie who.e system. Relieve headache-. 1. has ,... .. .. . .j lie nit ' biliousness, constipation, etc. Sold . .? When b f I immons Ilros. Ibcri ""u A LARGE REWARD. such t Rock J i nfl l,lor- THE GEORGIA RAILROAD BANX OF- ti.?u has FERS $1,000 FOR ARREST OF T.W.ALEXANDER. ?"> *? take a A reward of 91.000 lias been offered 'ds by the (leortfia Ilailroad Hank lor the ipprehenslon of T. \V. Alexander, prescn 1ic]y vho left Augusta on July 7th. after ,()Vcrn ! six lefraudinpr that Institut ion out of fr,,m t| lam- 20,000. Circulars have been sent, to even town in the Cnited States and Can ,m. ida, as well as to other cmntriea, Wei of ,'ivinK a full description of the man hecuc i inn. There is little doubt that, if Alexander on cam not Is living he will ho brought tack to didates liT1. Augusta to stand his trial. None oi will l?e the other institutions afflicted by the cal issu failure of Alexander & Alexander all and have taken any steps whatever to eacellci "have the man arrested. '"* v %"?IM[7?nR^H S ' ^S HARRIED. ,. W. A. CQONER, OF IATESBURG WEDS IH1SS OLA THOMPSON OF ANDER- *! SON. event of interest to the people of sburg and of .Saluda and Lcxlng3ounlleF, was tlie marriage or Ola Thompson, of Anderson, and iV. A Conner, which took place c home of the bride on the 2oth. nt. . Conner Is a prominent young* less man of Hatesburg and for s years was traveling salesman for )cWitt shoe Company.I rs Thompson has taught In our on t>ci'ooi lor several seasons and accomplished youlig woman of ming personality. The ceremony i home atTair. Among th< se prcsvas Mr. .Jno. Bell Towlll of Bateswho acted as best man for Mr. icr. delightful reception was held the ing Before the ceremony, which largely attended by the relatives friends of the bride. The preswore many and costly tcr the ceremony Mr. and Mrs' er left for Ashcville for a few ;s stay. Upon their return to sburg they will he at home to friends at "Hartley Heights." SAGED LADY DEAD. s. I.cppard. an aged lady living e on the place of Mr. W. E Sliealy, it a mile from town, was found at Uotne in an inconsciuus condition morning, and died about eleven >ck without regaining conscious* e was a kind and affectionate id and good neighbor?always duinto others as she would have n do unto her. May she rest in e. SEWERN." s .1. W. Lowman and grand-chil, of < >rangeburg, spent last week visiting relatives, r. and Mrs. P. L. Gunter. of Aiken : the honored guests of Mr. E. B. Ler's family last week. Maxcr Broeden. one of our nnn. young mm, who has been spendicveiul weeks at his old home, reed t.<> Ifatesburg Sunday, r. V. O. Gunter and his fair dtugh MissOttolee, spent Tuesday In input, alll>!. S. 1 lenderpresident of the Aiken Car assoin, received the following letter Gov. Hey ward this morning: ar Sir: 1 am in receipt of cntnmuiou signed by yourself and other hers of the Aiken bar expressing views as to the advisability of g an ext ra term of the court of ral sessions for Aiken county to lie case of Isaac Knight, forcrimtssault, committed in Aiken conni am also in receipt of a nnm?u>. tit ions signed by citizens of 11 requesting that such court bo dying. 1 beg to refer you to sec 744 of Code of Laws of South CarJU02, volume 1, which says that ilieitor may make application to iver.ior for an ex'?ra term of court icral sessions In any county of tatc when he thinks that the pubcrest demands such term of court such application is made it be11iie duty of the governor to apsome one learned In the law and sted by tiie chief justice to hold erm. Icr these circumstances 1 feel be only course I can take in the r 4 -- - , cu li> me is to rorward all i in the ease to Solicitor Davis, soon as 1 hoar from him will ction in the mat ter. 1> C. Hey ward fiovornor. M T. riolly, the gentleman who ted the citizens' petition to the or. also received a similar letter lie governor. Ex. rbecue at Leesville. vill furnish a number one barA'itti refreshment* at Leesville ipaign day, August 9th. Canfar county and state offices present and discuss the politics of the day. Come one and enjoy this greet feast and the ill speaking. SVVYtlKRTA ASDILL? f