Tnr mniADii 3T I case growing out of the klllinir of thu I '/ ' ' S*?.gA OA . TB. ' 1 1 # ' * r>T / , ?: . . .t; lUb UUiliUlwli JTirst Sweet Thing?The claim to be connected .with the best families in town. Second Sweet Thing?Yes stand theyv'e just put in a ?Chicago Daily News. ' *? little Carter children, and for Snobtness Rowlings and his sons and the i some of Moore, were convicted, lta states In this letter that he Is s ; I under- K? t0 8aylng he has hatre telephone. venom Ms heart still, and e to keep it there. He says when been In hell for ten thousand yt agoing to the devil and ask hin I..V* nnrl lltm muht I llA CAllnltlir 1??1 Vf linn which ?. WW nejfro. I I?I WllDRS || ure to d and , S Eleazer 1 to let The Great H i cycle Stove and House "i neyT o opcncu tu?i u day bank in New Tork on day of May." 'I wonder if the night rat est la less than the day rate "Nitrates? This Isn't th al Bank."?Cleveland Plalu Sally Schreecher (at the pi -* ? 4.1 t .ru.ti Il?;tu UIIVI ",vv w aviiviwwi ??? MIIIIB the first he expects to meet a num lilt ft lends after he dies. ,e of inter tfusta Chronicle. 9?" -- c ChemlcOe&lcr. ?- Wedding o ??jo vv'iu save you money in his berAof HABERDASHERY ?Au' DEPARTMENT. ___ The best and latest Furnishings may always be found here. IN SI11RTS, COLLARS. CUFF! flLOVWa nvnpnwpi n S i E kuis. B. All La :';; (v untry I 3, hot- like ki brothers, en Old Stand) 'atronage of any ind in the city. snout; x manual. Her Father?By Jove! Y soon be capsized I f you wen such a squall as that.?Tatt "People don't talk as mi frenzied finance as they usei "No," answered young kins, "not since the race ou'd jolly ^ c mot by Prosen uch about 3 to." Mrs. Tor went a" STERLING SIL WIUTK AND FANCY . VESTS. I Q Our Full Lino of v'oft and Stll [|Jg Iluts arc here, comprising KNO) 8 I'K l'soN, and oilier makes. Prices from >1.00 to >5.00. Suits ilude to Order; Fit Guaranteed. ^ '> JIY\ btOJlvOf i >vt . .ites, Rang T ; s, Bicycle; V' 840 5>i< St. gM a . r jn?i? - Trafi es, Tinware, Sporting I 5 and Supplies. L Augusta, Ga > maaaM?mu AtmaMamummsmmamatmammm way."?Washington star. Don't you thinks' aske castle, " that the new mil somewhat recondite last Sui "I didn't know what it w time," replied her hostess a ed with her diamond stu but I do remember tha< ver. cut gl d M rs. Old !da??"w" handpainted ch ras at the sshc toy. piisje clocks and ddcd fan. . his face oonr? DMn\T lSH Main Street, ASS' Columbia,S. C 1NA. The tar ihat is contained in B Laxative Honey and Tar is harml It is not coal tar, but is obtained fi the pine trees of our own native 1 7CC Af 4T " IV'O JR C BA syour ban bia. Every courte OLUMBIA NK. iking place in Co utiisy, consistent with i lOOkua Kina 01 rea aim line glassy, still we oughtn't b< on the poor man. lie mlgl It for the la grippe."?Ch ord Herald. Kennedy?Tiler do be so Importhin' Chinese labor f' Fanymaw canal. r?. -1 -O jca sum wi UryVJ 11 i too hard it of taken Icago Rec- , 4 line stock on tail to -netalk a, [? 311(1 NfiW GOOt r to dlK th' 1 \o T r% >ltll TT1M/V g.i j# raw. nit; a Liaxunvt,' uuii"y una is the best remedy for colds becaus acts on the bowels?thus expelling colds from the system. Tee's Is select original Laxative Honey and Tar, is best for coughs, colds, croup win ng cough, lung and bronchial nti ^ Lions. Sold by Timmons lire* i"1* * ifir * sare and sound nan) 1C it VJ rail faa tion given check in, the V4| ami nj gate onr savings c! N Palmetto Ban r* -t * ,i? ^ ~ ? Iving. Special attenX accounts. Investiep.irr.ittttiit. : : : k & Trust Co. | Uorgan?rucy uo; mu don't blame th' heathens f f'r war!?Puck. First Tramp?Says In thi per as 'ow some of them i works eight and ten hours: The Philosopher?Ah! II world for some poor bloke r preparln' dinVUIH UilUJ, is Vre pa- We have a handsome sti Billionaires I f,aa "ird fine Jewelry in all s!?Puncli. Keopie Will ICt 111 Eat tie Brea< luu Whether Advertised or not, but * * s-'upicai ;D-^->U,U J'J.Ul COLUMI ?3 JULIUS H, WALK'i i Vicj-Pr?? J HS^H^g^rcr you ?; surplus 53^,000.00 L3IA, S. C. President. | J.-nt J. n VT THEWS, Sso'y. BBBSBBBKOHm ? If you want to ex ine of clothing bef( spring and summer s :amine a superior >re buying your ;uit; inspect the Nell?I really believe s him for his money. Belle?Well, eliminate and what else would there Philadelpcia Record. Cook?Now, Master R he married MfiSl l(lK. his money, "* beo' Dont hf jour presents egfflc, you seeinit our pods. can create an appetite and enj< IIO-CAKE If you occasionally participate in some outdoor sports, and at More these prices you "AUTO" A Bicycle (worked over) oy Sash, Doors, Blind 8.45 1 1 Is, 1 , nake of garment and n the LARGEST LIN CAILOR-MADE Suit quality of cloth E OF CUSTOM s in town?that mustn't bring your tram kitchen. Reggie?Oh! yes, cook; t! we stop Ave minutes 1 ments.?Punch. Tommy?What Is an tax? Pa?It's when your mot I into tiic his la where * t or refresh- P. 11. LUCIllC & Compatij "">er,tlnce JEWELERS. ,her bl?mes . ?r _i_ 1494 M a i n ^f P.aI u \ Good Tire - An Klectric Stroke liell a a A New Guaranteed Wheel (with Otte oell)? 1 A New Departure Ccastur Brake j (best made) * A Good Foot Pump . mKi. RIFLES 1A5 .23c * 8.46 I ?:> .45c "Fewer gallons wares io ' /-? ?-V T-^ .x . -air t, t Cabinet ( Mantels nger"?means Devoe paint hat j is the EN0R1V XOTHING to be fou IOUS PILE OF nd at the store of all your faults on me8un. "Why," said she, with h his breast, "I can hear , beat." "That's Home cipnrs b ^ <& PISTO IN GOOD STANDARD MAK Single Guns Double Guns Air Guns (wood or metal) ) r\)C* Corduroy Hunting Caps (pull dew wO O bar-) .. Victor Talking Machines and one Tr_, doz. Ueeords (express prepaid) : 11r I 1 Ls U. 15 ' COLUMBIA, 8 4! B'r"' Columbia, New Railroad "2 00 Chariest on fSreonvill.i /'..I WIN ec BRO., s. c. berry & Laurens Schedule. i..1 * * - mi?ld BRauw A FIRE !!J SAI HOME OF CORONER GLIS ED AND HE AND HIS HAVE NARROW E FROM BDILFINi -L n. u iv/ii iflB A. for LADIES and GE SON BURN- Corner Broad and V FAMILY ington Streets, SCAPE AUGUSTA, GA P. ^ x Smith's Premier ,-cg .NTS. Typewriters. /ash- Gun, Bicycle and all kinds of s machine repairing. Largest Mac ? -hops of its kind in the city. Mail Orders Promptly Filled. _ bCUBLlJl.E IN KKKK Hn Lv Laurens 7.00?n;. !? ?*? EL Lm Neub iry.- 8.8&arn wO Lv. Cliui'iu . ..... P ? .. ii-in N^Milli.: 21, ! mall Lv Colunibia .. . 6.2>>pm 11 Oo,i:n Line 1'io-piriiv- ? 4fip?n 12.21 pin Lv Cui.'ni) S.'lapm 1.22| in Ttains and 2an ive and < 1?-pa11 Trains 22 and '-1 arrive and < i-pait iiiiium mid ah iiia mi (il( I.ire. i: r nmylmnkr sc., iui)r? Lv ("inwn 7 30am 2 22| m Lv. J'rospiTit > ..S.r?f);iin 3 .'4;?iii Ar ( ohiiuliia lo.^iMiii I l*'| ni ni d NI MM .11 02. I.v. t li;ipit) G 20pm Lv. Ni aIx iry - ..7.15pm 12.31'pm Ar. Lauri i f . 0 Ci^'i m l 12, m fi rin iii!inn ili | 01. ('?ri tim-> an si i i-i-ii, imi in ma. (i.i i iv, \ 1*1 pi For rates, time tables, or further i. 11 F. P LKa I'll Alt'T, ( J F. LIVINGS! ON. Soltc W. G CHILI'S, Pre ? POND'S 0 iforiisati 11, 1 i*ply I o any agent or wri < T. A.. Ilai.k ?it't'ohnnlkia. it iny Ayent. Ikink <>f < < lumhia, ssident, Columbia, S. O. kkUTI These suits are ci ityles, they hold the it in the latest >ir shape. The a trunk and one rocker. There was some insurai building and furniture, a $750, Of this $350 was in th< $450 in the Globe Underwrit of New York, H. W. Croucl the Aetna and Daniel & Da sent the last named compar The total loss was about A jgusta. ice on the When you come to ugusta iggreffatlng feed you. Make our restaurai ; Aetnaand headquarters. We will take era' Agency uf your packages and treat y< i writes for manner that will bo certain to niel repre- you our permanent customer. $1600. it Clomp. nnrl sp usually relieve backache, before m iuif. Tl)ese beautiful little glob , let us ,tre sCft gelatine coated and w it your niolstened and placed in the nx charge yOU can t keep irum swallowing tli uu in a pine-ulescontain neither augar 1 make alcohol?just gums and resinsobtai from our own native pine forests, c bined with other well known blad i, u i IS I. DO ;| BATESB lncd 1?THERE IS HUT ONE \\ rter! COME, SEE AND EN '>l ' A^9 11 URG, S. C. 11 'ay to he conv1nci-dm v ich i or yourselp. ^ inings, trimmings an hroughout are first cl 'ics are the latest prod id workmanship ass and the fabuctions for this was by hard work that the outhouses were saved. It Is not known how the ated. unless it was the worl fective stove flue. When N' awoke he saw a light over tl his bed room in an adjoinini Quickly opening the door the room in a blaze Tins roo . J W WAAVi K-?V barn and POPULAR PRICE; (Ire originC Of a de CALAMAS BROTHE ir. Glisson :?rr 01 RESTAURAN . he found m adjoined A,so manufacturers of a J CfMtJCr f a Air\ir-?r' muucj, uiooti anci backache remed Sold by Timmnos ilri.8. s. ? -rs' everything T. In Drug i es tfl i carry everything t j|| erai merch ? good s fcic t!i new m to se! ^' ff ^ 4\ r* TU ^~v * ? hat a first class genkaut carries. ^ S and a large assortment ||3| cctfrom. ~ ~ ! v C A eason. We can afford 1 'alues than you can fir /e are over stocked. bo give you better id elsewhere, for We had already the cook room, where supp< evening had been cooked. It could not have been 1 for It Is outof reason for Mrhave an enemy in Saluda Co He came here from Augi the county was formed, heip< the Court House and by hart economy had just begun to \ ;r for Lb* v/ftiimca. Chocolates, Bon-lions, Crear ^cendlary Fruit Candles, put up in han G1 isson t? boxes for Ho,lday OUts. unty. MAIL ORDERS HAVE PR jsta wh' n ATTENTION. Pd to build Order your meals by Telepho 1 work and we wi" be ready when the tra ?et a little r,ves ns and When you have a pr dsome scription filled, you wai ompt t0 be sure that pure dru; are used--When they a neand filled by our Licens< ar Druggist, with our pu I\UUUCi Clamps, b tencils, s *afs, jn ought our large sprir ecured the tremend ew line from the Bate* ig bill when we ous, complete, ;burg Mercantile ahead In the world. WILL TALK WIT DEVIL HAWLINGS, IN LETTER, 'EXPECTS TO MEET MANY COR. BROAD & WASHir* STREETS. H THE AUGUSTA GA. Phone 1244. bavq nr A liquid cold cure for chlldrc: SAYS 11 is pleasant, harmless, and efTec FRIF.NDS Raa'? T.ATDflv* TTf.n.u onil t jgton drugs, the best results a obtained. Our Line of Patent Me< cines are complete. \> n 7hat have Horse, Cattle ar tive Ik Poultry Powders. ? j. num Checl ippiies, Accessories and ? Metal Signs, Name and es. Brass and Alumi- ^ ks I Stales I?ngraving Q, Company, lompany and this over LOTIIING MUST MO ur word for the val stocked us. This i YE. Dont take Sues, come and AFTEB HE IS HANG Valdosta, Ga., May 6.?C lettcib written by old man who has repeatedly begged ernor In this way to allow i hanged, the one just written Solicitor Thomas, who pros< ?jj pcrior to all other cough syrups remedies because It acts on the )f all th< eig ideal remedy for C Rawllngs Cold Cr0U1 vVhoopIng Cou* the goviim to I) all curable lung and bronchial byliira'.o lions in child or adult. Pleasa :uted the take. Sold by TimmonsBres. ou- Keep us in mind or cold _ bow- the crosso ougha, Ih ?n drug co. jiffccl.eesville's Popular Druggists. nt to iLeesville. s. c BOILHRS and Box***, Hangers, Ktc, Building i'axt in Garden Hose, I'ipe, Valves and FeBui. ^ Hiifl Mlllf I ftMUAfin i., . ; ; m.\k V LAN I), f/ nicotic mailed <><) hand-* ! Ucllintr, Had M " a I ^st them yourself. 1 > . ? I ? rv/Uil ! SUPPLY STORE, Augusta (Ja. I'KY, MACMINU & OIUJ{ WORK J