The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, May 11, 1906, Image 2

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The Batesburg Advoca ite. The Lexington Hotel Is closed fo thv huitiOMr. After oonsiderabl talk over tbe benefits derived an v "U m - -?s^ .. TT"?* ^ 7 ;? *3s r :U '^ViC r/m * ' f fj \ M^ATEM^V i9 fOCjATy TOR I * ? X 9 - -m- i mmasmsimmsumam 4 a. D. MARTIN. 1 Setwcrlptioa Rales, In Advanc Om Year i Six Months CJ. . . _ ... ? Entered at the Batesburg, 8 C. Office aa Second Class Mail Matt' "Wo attention paid to Torres ?: 50u. those not derived it lias liecn decide 2So. that tlie doors of this nicely to'"' hostelry shall stay close* .^'p Post ^ated terar. it ^ " during er. be a strictly |r "iJl l,,en of con .. opei. at the t* Ur,st hoteI ?"d o _ ~ living in t* * e of yeur " hen rh - - such tv.?rth H,,d lne elfin *" .fi A G 11 L tie FOR MAN J use Cures Rheumatism, Sell nly Pain in the Back or Chest, So ose Bruises, Scalds, Burns, Stings ate : : : INVALUABLI ! N I A"' \i " 4 T | \ND B".I itica, LuinbaK* $2 re Throat, Sti' X from poisono; c. ^ E FOR SI : 18 \ THE CHAR] Kl-riODHLI-U ANI> NHWI | Army and Navy I | I.OCAL AN!) LONG DISTANCE Tl |n Steam llcat. Electric Lights, Hid ft LBSTON I IB -V FURNISHED. m ? Headquarters ^ p ILIiPHONES IN ROOMS ctrlc Elevators, ROOMS fyA I vJt LAWYER, 1 LI:XINOTON. S. C. ' L. M. MITCHELL. I BTSICUN AND SUBQKON. 1 liatesburfCi S. C3. Olllce Hours: 8 to 9 a. m. l noe that is not signed by se correct name. When sending in change of e alway give your old post office. M Donnps RAYLY. E?I. < nder'sk- *,au tu" cyumrjr ci coLtca i 1 Is mucli more preferable to acd snow bound landscapes* ~UJ_ Maj. and Mrs. Fred W. Childs, ft iddress Ruth Childs, Mrs. Ividder, (sister Maj. Childs), and Mrs. Gattjr left Sunday afternoon for Vermont, 1 they will spend the summer, ft k Prop . uid j Cures s, Stiff Joints, icc I Sweeney, Honey back if not satisfied. C OUNTER'S C :::: batesburq, laj j 1 Contracted T-; i , 3s Spas in, ?&c. * >c. ? >RUC RE - r>. C. ffi Singly anil Lin Suit??. Cit ^ * RIDDOCK& BYRiNS %/. CHARLCST<? mm isinc Unexcelled. s Proprietors. |j| i, S. C. Mfe| OH z to 3 p. in. 7 :80 to 8 p. m. I K. J. A. WATSON, Dentist. Ratesburjf, S. C. ice in Telepnone Building, idtfu Spring Kvcry Thursday. FRIDAY. MAY 11, '906. The rain durin g ti e early this week will cause the farr frave plenty to do in t he w?y ol the grass that is sure to foil - lianas inauc many friends dm his stay Lie re as proprietor of Lexington and each an1 every on a tliam will bo clad to sec the i return to take c'i; iye next fall, part of i ncrs to TflE 0TH?R F kil 1 i nor Under tlie impulse given the mr ow the _ , 'or jBi<r2"est Sellings ve- < X&Tviifif A" tXTWHAL APRUCATIWI P f OR ALL I Nf LA ft AT I ON A. alve ir ! rid. p. S! hot sate i Dr. O *ris, y I Blind He "About a year ago," writ 1123 Broadway, Augusta, C blind, sick headaches and ba no relief until 1 tried adache I :os Mrs. Mattie Allen, of fcj 3a., "I suffered with 0 ckaches, and could get ?9! T. 13. KLHNACHAN, INSURANCE, ATESBURQ, - . S. O. 10. L. ASIULL, rum- nirl P'?? ? - * *" wet sp^ll. It is a little sad to think hot more things Paul Junes inigl done ir he had only had the i to wurk with that Die nation spendiug on his tomb. ? ilium lw an iis*11 tuc w:si>i;usiiry Sou'li Carolina by ti c coalition tween :lie prohibilio: isis sale v many it have IS^S' a' hy demagog, cs who an 1133 000 wayS rea(,y for anytliir g. which t lead to a" opening f>>r tlu-m. sev is now _, counties in that slate have abolis ? UjX. the dispensary. Much crowing ,n / Towmwm ii be ) /Vfv1<u?s cuour. miadachl. S 'mSt4 HtURAlOIA.COtWHTMHtAb C jjAMU-UUCCT 1ITESN6TINQ4, 3 ai / ^^PHICE~23 CHHT5 ma> } f'THEOARLAND DRUG O I era) < ' . auibom.muma^ , J .'rOA Wimoto. ?H CIKCUtAft IHAI#e\ ilied \ l?^?? II I I ""W -*? >. ? -www w- ^ was h. !5. . J. < D- Tin; > i and h Cross' Co. < ^ j | WINE gjy Women's E&j ^VS. 1 rAnini Relief | W.ll p itv?v*?*/~nrc? otTrl Rl flfl UM" vwmiacnur ai mw, LKESV1LLB, S. C. isincss tfiven careful attentf >n Qko. Hku.Timmkkman. J. Wji. Thurmond. UIIMOXD it TIM MKIIMAN, ATTORNK Y8-A M.AW, raetice in all the Stat* and U. S. Courts. Hntk 1 ?1 V uiiVmo n A pension examiner.reports old Richmond darky refused t tidy a /ormer member of his c who had lost his discharge pa the ground that "I done got ii plication myself,' Joss 'e ry." that an ,uau'Kea 1,1 over uiese ioca? vicio o iden- an(^ ^ie K??^ people who had re ompany ^een ,e(* to Relieve?not exercl their own thicksliops?that the pers on lanap- pens'lry was a very bad thing, rmcm'. down to await the beginning of inilleuium. Araoug these oounties was Edge! Z\y MEET ME sinj. ?????????? NEW LI1S thr ^ye foave just received , fJ quality Linen Suits. Th ield. ^ .. * summer. One line of tl ! AT T/ IEN i S. || some beautiful, cool, fine e very highest style for the hese Suits are mnrie of n !\< i n i m i\.v.jiaiv vv/i i 11 i Nv now 1 feel like a n< recommend it t< WRITE know it will c US Cardui is pi FREELY vegetable and frankly, describing 10111*11C your symptoms. We will funCt consider your caic and give IV.I IV. VU ivj Jlilj I' V V. ) III iu fJC w ' ew woman, and wish to KI 3 all sick women, for I gjj ure them, as it did me." H ire, medicinal extract of BP herbs, which relieves |p pains, re.guiates female r1 ions,tones uptheorgans fti a proper state of health. fed ... .. Ii?n, Lexington, S. (J. CUAIILKS C. WILSON, ARCHITECT. COLUMl'.lA, S C. OLUMBIA HOTEL. . A Saluda roan "happened very serious misfortune the otl ?he lost his pistol, his roost tant article of wearing appai advertises for it, and maybe be lucky enough to find it agaii Hewberry Observer. lijb goou peopie 01 mat county v< ?, a out the dispensary, and jubilated < 10 r u ay their victory. Then they sat d inapor- . ... j to await the dawn or a better day. . is now breaking upon them he will . , A correspondent from the tow Edgelield, writing to the Charle News and Courier, tells of the I L>iea uve, handsome quality of whi owi trim, ultra-tailored appez it baby Irish lace, edging; ai stylish tailored suit, gres n.lf Another line of White I stun llow finest linen, elaborately 1 te linen, eton effect, with irance. Eton trimmed wiih id buttons, skirt tucked; a it value at $7.00. , Linen Suits are made of the trimmed with Irish Crochet 2 I c _ - envelope). Don't ht tf. but Hfj write today. Address: Ladles' Adr' visory DeptTi e Chattanooga MeJiiji.' dne Co., Chattanooga, Tcnn. N ML NIGHT BABEL Fry it for your trouble. E|j I:E; Every druggist sells it |3 S. I ^ in $1.00 bottles. Jp j l< t it 1 A Dangero js Accident Ti'irm! jponecl I lie otlior day to a pmni?n ST HOTEL IN THE CITY. F. WHEELER, Prop. COLHM in \. K. c. f! Salvel! Spread Hi i Salve, but ?e Pine Salve, natures rt.inedy s, burns, .tores, etc. Sold by ons Itros. ? During the past week inqi come to this town from Co Watson the Commissioner o culture and Immigration at G relative to the date of the TriFair to be held here next No He stated in his letter that he the information for che pur liry has Lllat'8 being raised in that to\u I E j Uie business men over the propos f Agri- 0 pUt in a line of business lice olumbia - -Count* rhC busincss me? of Edgd lield do vember pa^ ^or business licenses, wanted busi|,ess men do. except where it pose oi >ut t,le bttle fellows and gives tli 1 b. late 1IOCI LIU11A, LUC C LU11 ition rows of this beautiful lin nses collar trimmed with pipii best we could find for . not N< Lawn \\; run* em a New shipment of Law jiicKCL is a periect neautv; I enlace insertion, and the, ng of baby blue. The very $12.00 'alsts $1.00. n Waists with Insertions, OPENS;FLOODED E WIT H D1" POSITS. WO] citizen's wife whose horse ran ay xvllli her and llanu lior a^aiijst a SKiaph pole ^ ( ucli accidents, though of daily oe- j in all parts of the world, add 1 X little to ihe sum-total of woman's i ferinj*, as compared with the terriresults of t lie diseases peculiar to ; ^ men. which drive so many women j ^ 909999990^9 "The Old | Reliable" | * doing sonu advertising for us. up citizens and go r.o citne banks aud leave ycr subsc It utkes money to fur' >> v ?cprises. Lliavu the i-oa- 01 fi m crace alrnadvV Wlian t hi Wake ,non<,Po|y- A" business licenses r of the wrontr ,n principle, and an unjust Tiptlon ,lu,ircct taxation, hut the f ifhArc of WrtrroHolrt cavtlinl it < i i nl er le lk'lped. 'j'ln- io n tiavm< . st r it- derived ?rr... iiie di ! .try. tills dcticienc *n\ I i-e ni id e I in some outer way. il is loo mca ?v wpni 1 ? i ar< tucks and embroideries; way A nicer line at . . nn'i Th<? Hat Vou Want. -ii< _ The 11at n <>w v .-jinc > if*. *. < <t ; ? wC::o? uu. < Jl.i ! fapp's. 'f .oy ? r.ilSr !1,11 fififftr 5! i/ ii | ' ,4w** I irAil ii' ant f*nr?i a an/1 4 i I L- 24 /\ t* ?i rit a great value at . . $1.001 . . $1.38, $1.48 and $1.75 ; $| 9?? I ini?n Itt ? lit* ing 'it ?Sv >' l'urc I.!. Mi i'ilf-CJli-;; i . : 1, i weight inr llio ci?ncnn? moL'nc 1 o#?H_ I MO | NEWEST mSTITUTION!^ m t-i fi"n m wt* r* r\ r* I r*. I Kiiuiiri'L'U awn I. ;>remai lire jrravts. 10 'ln> quest inn is. wliat is to be (lone O he coming race is to lie protected j I the answer may well be told in t i e J i'i ..I . u.., r>1..Mnbn O t ?i. - I , 1 ** * ueonria ? ? Railroad. usi? anu Charleston.also t i<?y were going to enforce requiring the use of Now they seem incl let itter as *r a ft an for . be collected by direct taxation, strictly explain, and so there is no help to request _ . ttnsincss licenses must be paid, lined to 1 , ? So the business men howl beebe fore tney must now pay for the priv nm Liu ' of doing business in Edgefield, a tney ' the property owners howl because 40 crr..lac. "ate of taxati( n 011 ,,ieir PSWPrfy t',eJ Madame Stedman. She keeps at tli r j( ront and leads the millinery style .'or the Carolinas. The Hats sli creates have an individuality all the atist >wn?a certain note of extreme sty] ?nd neatness that only cojjies fro, ,lcE? ..he skilled hands of an artist dc anc jigner. ^" * jl). beautiful Summery Whit lats shown now; the nobbiest Sai ha- <rs you ever saw. P. ices Host Aloi ic somcst dresses and waists, worth ;s $1.25; will be sold at var-j ... oOc le , . . ir! JVew Mattings. le., . " In our Carpet Department you will find some of the best values of the . season in Mattings; a special line of | I? ccol well \\ e iriii^j Mattings offered, I l_ laid on youi floor, at the special price j iviinu iiis &nu ; s, TAKES ffi $500,000 BY MID- ? EIGHT. ?; Oh : .yuai.i !! fi in?; iHimoi niv nany, hi itiered constantly with backache, II cou'd not wear a corset I also had *C ^ cache and hearing down pa'ns. * ?* ^ ich nothing would relieve. M v lus- i B C! >d spent hundred'-: of dollars on ?ho | 0 ? t d ctors here, htd to no avail. The i ph ll one suutfes1 o'l an operation, hut | pjL his 1 wieild not i enst id . At hist?|2? j the advice <-f a dear friend. 1 took /" etween Augusta and St. ouis and Charleston and iiiciunattl. Fast Freight ervice between the West nd Augusta, Athens, Aluun, Charleston, Savannah u?i all points in Soutltcus- ^ iru and.Carolina territory, ? L Q. Jackson. ? V, . ?.he comtnille ^ Kd ) N< mm-s created quite in banking circl been increased. Tnc ?,'oi resnoi e asked . ? 'nf'H ffST -Vipr^'init this auiy be ii ses they , red as the usual procedure in wherry . cases: that the loudest amonjr t howlers are these who \oted ag: the dispensary. Like the thou a nev . .1 ^ t-ss people they are, they da es. A without giving a thought to the n den ,fir SILKS. suet Blnck Peau de Solo Silk, 36 Inclu . wide, fast black, wear and color Ri:ai ' inteed, -worth $1.25; special at yai linsi Vi . Tcday we will sell Black Peau d k SoieSllk,36 inches wide, extra heav; ncec. pure Silk, best fast black, worth $ 1.5 it yard, $ 1.1 ioer i am? 5_ ? ? i? IUC YUI u 1 vt. Other beautiful patterns ir * I quality Mattings; the , ! 1 we've ver been ?K'' ' . .... at the rs prices; _pecial. .. ..n? ^5c, .iOc anJ r- 35c. d Hofi Fibre Rugs, coolest and most i ?c sanitary. $1.00 and up. le ; y,1 Window Shades. iO 55 j We make Window Shades to fit j I'lie first "Niplit and Day I at K" in Wi the world opened its donts for l?t:s- tint iiless at. G o'clock Monday, and lioni to i t hal l inie on until tn (Ini^lit ? lei ais dill ind clerks were Kept busy. Within 1,0 tive minutes sixt v accounts had been C op nod, representing deposits ??f about nio l lOO.OOt> WIn ti tbe clock in the ru- to t und.i marked midnight I be d< p sits ate ii- /I inn in\ in iMln ih ti A I t h'tf 11. ii i r . r i ^ in' f Cj i<1 iii. and c m I riitlifnlly say ^tjCi i bum tin: very lirst 1 ? ?tt lc? I bettati inprove- 1 m ? l"il? and brl IiK<> n J Went woniaeat well, and sull r more pain.'' I "** " Janiiii is a put". Harmless. vegetable i ? d cine, for til l lie diseases piculiai vmhii mi It relieves pabi and reywl '/"* J~ s the I unci ions. SnM at all dni)f-j^^ to i .. i I Alt 1. .1 to- ? ' ' 0^ icral Fre;j it and Pas- "?* .scngcr Agent, K> AUGUSTA, OA. (f\ DESCENT uas ueen esiami.sneci me .?ill never close lis doors. rJ stitution will have two sets j1 one to attend to the day atfu the other for night only. Th tbtion has been open but a while and it is found to be success from many standpoin re uiai riie in- ,Uy enJ C(i tlie ^iince, and r c]erj.s >vheu the time has eome to pay irs end 1',pi' raise a howl about it. e inrti- Tllis ,s ?"e featl,rc w'lich those i sliori ,pposed thed.spensary had not a great sic'cre(1- ^,le income that was ts ?j<h( rived from it was applied to gov merit rises, sitidfteivni In r.-dnee ^uns ill tui'irs, x/ iiiliu iiov .vlJc-, nice quality, that sells at $ I.')( will be so'd at yard 6< On 27-incli wide Black Imported Taff< a Silk, handsome quality, worth $ will be sold at yard 6? win ORDER BY HAIL?We prepay i .vithin 600 miles of Columbia on all ern- til orders to "The Jas. L. Tnpp Co. nfli- tup k ?* r- r. i :s any window; an colors or white, with ; I), j or without fringe: lowest estimate >c given on any number of windows, j I Shades made for your whole lion c, I, here in Columbia or anyv here in the I >c Carotinas. Write for estimates. nail, express or freight to any place j purchases of $5.00 or over. Address the hui k, keeping open house, h;.d re cei ved ?> uoo \ i?i: <?i s *1*1 le tiist depositor was the lliook | CIub, and to win that distinction in VVj, t he book ledger it, kept a inciseii}*ei > hnjfki'-*? I he account w indow from U Wj( A M. until ti I'. M. He was alined ,,n( with a fat cluck, and ju->L as the j, ,, clock stiuck six he shoved it thro [)tH ,0 . : . . w? .1 l| | |?-|?. 4\ I.I. To a Smart Property Owner WintinK is practical work. SI ill is. I t'a t l:o same with paint making 1538 'on know 4 gallons I& M, mixed j l> gallons Linseed Oil makes ? ikIi paint f -r a moderate si/?-cl ise -tin- lu-si paint money can bin:ause tlie L & M. /.itie hardens t in- ! RESTAURANT Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. y t'liii j i 11 S e eh > n. nrst aay 01 lis business it look posit of $(00,000 by midnight i not open its doors for busii til six o'clock in the afternooi A moos our energetic and prising young men of this p!ac be mentioned the Cooner in a (ie ' * md did >r tax0ri t(>that extent. Having ness ut. ^ out t'le '^spcnsarv the incotr (| yielded wumit off, which necessi ;d raising an t<|tiul amount by lev , , new ta*es. entere must Another fuct is mentioned inci Bro'j. La"y by this correspondent in j i m o Ir.Hnr n r.rl I l.n t it 1 Ua c IUC jAmca i COLUMBIA, i tat >inj. AvAAA AAA,A A^A 5< For everything gooi den 5c ,1!:: . DrehcrRr 1 CUmi'AINY. SOUTH CAROLINA. * ^AAA A*A/^ -A^AsA ^AA.A I to eat, fresh >? and up-to-date go to vj OC, A I -? M f OC!mi??rv C T* <K the window. Th re was a hip .scram j, ble at 1 hit l iiijc a lid I lie nioseiip'er won & only by aIh'lit I lie length of a band. | J bill a dozen ot b i s I brust their hands jra| 111 ro u 11 l Ih* Mual I lass a jut I ii re ;.n<i rea i rii'd Iiico.iX 11 jf I'lerli to j-ni i. cm l frm ihead cl ll c ini sHi n;;cr. wjj T '?. < bllki- .M II second place in b banking' handicap, ar.d then fol per it . 11 ;i vl l i i e i if i I 1 ii rs i ii Mid i i it ii ill I o & M. V'hite Lojul and makes th- 1. The 1 r.iint wear like iron >uv L. & M. ami don't, pay "><i a nt A1 Inn lor Lii.s-cd oil, as you <|<? n J cly for list* paint, but lm> oil f h in t no Itarn-I at iW cents ami mix 3 ll t lie I - iV M ? .final costs L. \ M. al.oiit fl "o Best of livery thing Loilerate Prices. ^UUiL. *>-..ll, Uijp^ -#C I f 3 Southern u (Messrs Will and Jule), the by hard work and perserveran built up the Baterburg Sh Clothing Company to a point they can now enjoy the bcnefi good sound ani lucrati/c hi At the time this firm started rumored that Batcsburg cot formei a ce, ha.' cl?sin(J of the dispensary lit -e ant -ccms very plentiful in the cou when ,t,las K'von 1,16 blind tiger fai ik of ; M,e opportunity they bave been I.siness. lnK' f()r' w,,en men can not buy o it was lv wl,at t,,ey believe they ha> ild noi r't?bt to buy if they want it, I -ill /Jy, , iu?i $ ^ nty mil} -J. L. M re a "C) C. ? v?~ aD 0 V * fcA** ;> ? iimnaugh i 1 .nceession l!i it even the clerks were t:i//.!e(l willi I lie piles of cheeks ami in tiles of given aid jellow lulls it lui \V. <?alcs was a visitor. hut did ' nil open an account, licit d one ol ' , c e:i lie bank olVieiuls t bat bo laiel o?.- 'pj^ >ru?e" at night, and therefore dn s'iit quire tin i inergency acc-anl for m e ja .tiro:' I niirin 1.s I u ii uj 'uini;iu-i iii111 m t o. Wiiut Hatesburs'. S ('. | ? I Uiiui j 'Mi:f or lu adju lie, i'i nst ij at i? p. c'c . ...u| Ii's I .i'; !? Liver Pills are best. Tla\ ' g ^ I i iDM* iilul tonic the liv r Sold l>j jfe^ iimons Urns. prw E :? deposits were in the form f FTfTTf Railway M 1 ROUGH SERVICE If fn?^? very Day All The j^| Way. B support an establishment whi< ried only the weariug apparel o but the success above mention) ries with it a flat con trad ictioi wisli them the fruits they so deserve. A novel use of compressed eh car- ncuieny, una mon f men *ould scorn the blind tiger as an d car ,awrul creallire under just conditi n xV( jvlnk at him and perhaps patro jusih lim when conditions are made unj \nd so t lie blind tiger began to Mi ish as soon as the dispensary air h -,oscd i; a v^ui ons - COLUMBIA, US'. 3ur. Special Showing of f a'" Lnwn embroidered and tucked, $1. Net Waist, special value price npany, = - - s. c. g lantlsome Shirtwai ts. 25 and $1.50; rich, hlnck and w litc | v $5.00, $H.t)0, $12.50 and up to$l<>.5<.; , ' Cllf M.MSK 'MVAIN Ills OWN RAN KICK U?>l .*0011 aft rward Mark Twain pccpid for; n in the biv bioi.zu di.ors to see if fold was going on. lie font aid he liKt (I i In* bank and w nld buy j she I on n tliirly <!a\ n.mgin if lie could j doll ct it cheap. Hf bad ?2 Willi him and | mi d red if i hat would get an option Ioiil ii il lint lit dull, t L't-i the hank and ti... ck=. une woman proved an exct-p- jLJ i to this rule, for after hunting giM about ten minutes in the ample | |l)R/ snf a wide spreading skirt she ad a eapaolotu pocket from which i E ]j pti'len a ri II of ten one I Ik usand j miw so ar bills. 1 've carried this around with me ' f enough." she said to the clerk at ?liusj HIGH-BACK COACHES. VW1NG-ROOM SLEEPERS gj ANI?. t| 11 UTI1ERN RAILWAY DIN- L ^ IN(1 CARS I \ FINEST CARS made by some railway com pa the Southern States of A merle; the Railway News. W hen tin of cotton for export are being to the coast, there is always danger of such highly inflati material incoming damaged t sparks from the locomotives. * nies ii. bo in Kdgctleld county liquor is i a, sav> olnodcstlnelj In large quantities, c load- '-he people are paying addit ional taken '>nc,0,,s taxes. This is the price t some ire paying for abolishing the disp nniable sary. Augusta Tribune, hrotigh ??????????????? ro pre- The gums and resins obtained rr iokl China Silk Waist, white and black, $ an,! Ladies', Misses' and < a lid I We have just received a new assor have marked at prices to sell quick. en~ Ham Special values 75c to $8.50. We s woven kind in the most wanted coloi nn /-? 2.50, $4.50, $6.50, and up to $10.00. Children's Wash Suits. tment of these Wash Suits, that we s ii mocks .i how a great assortment of the close , rs. ti l ho would 1101 cp' <i;i< coiinl for n?i? o r> aMin tliiil ho had ^iveii up nil (.f <\ is In to-hour huh I. s hon hi* got lo bo ed ii evenly ii-iirs old. hut thought h who iltdit try I hem 011 ogam when ho Is pro.* ighly lloMiid If the It'iik wps still a ni< 11vo tIn*11 Iio would 001 s;11 i mi ull-'iden i*fI t .icfount ban! John I M ow wns anions thooiirly do m tl ... WW... I Ml .-VI1IICI I mi's ill ill 1(1 1 [ j lit lost-it" JJJ he Nijrht and Day Hank < ri^m; t- fc| i the mind <>f O.iklei^li Tin r u- mw is Its first President. lie is a' o It1^] lidentof tlie Trust Company <?< t J >iiea. n. M. Wvnkoop, A" ce I ro 11 ' 1 t and ? xeeullvt oflieer i.f t lie n. \t tjj c, was one of the leading spirits jjjjjjj le or^aiii/. d I'm;, wInch was effect nww So FASTEST TI M I: (K INVENIHNT SCHEDULES |J ON LOCAL TRAINS. ?r Lull Information, Consult Any Ky litlitfru Rallw?v Atr.?n? E i vent thts, the locomotive bolI< ri:led with compressed air. A load of several thousand bales i ton can be hauled by these 1 motives at the rate of twelve m hour, although no lire whate used in working them, ? tiffc American, ^rs are P>nc trees have lonRlicen recognize* train WK^'y beneficial In the tr. dimrnl naehaclie. kidney and bladder troub r? cot- Pjni?.ules is I be name of a new mc ?c< mo- ctaa. the principle ingredients of wh dies an ,-omc fiom the pine forests of our c ver is native land. Hold by 'J immons Br -ScienSubscrlbe to The Advocate. wnue uinvas u' 1 as of The best made, the nobbiest made. !es regular and spike heel; (libson Ties; I idl- gray, pink nnd light blue. See our ich same price, $1.50. oV Novelty Cnibn Very special $5.00, $12.50, $ 15.01 in white, pink and lilac. )W 5?!ioes at $1.50 i> ; ei Bluchers with large eyelets, with )( *.i.nps, plain toe an J ribbo.i ties. A leii? (, upper window display. All colors i " jidercd Costumes Ml J and up to $20 00. These we sli iw $. >si'oi> Hi'-111 ltd i In* aelor I railed ev- eel ii ral 'voiih-ii whoopemd ace uots. 1 p stocl midnight iificen ol l hem had ur'dud sha* > ! Ii?j deposits. I hat 1*11.- I.irj/e i :-i K'f dejn .-.I! of tlio (| ,vt 'J h iphl.'n hllsini \v ;<;;>.<) ). iinl ( j. is a I i a '?si 1 0. Tin i vm i large aven It 111 l> I of Hip SMS t 11.1 I )|> I I 1 j. ; wllil i: , but it ri'iiiailicl at mid- esml ..III IIkiI In n?.irl. . . - - i II. rv i January. ISM 6. At that time t)i?& i was ;il sulisciibt d for ut iUK) h t!. It IJ-I now ut double, K Di amount. |r 1 ie luime i>f iliis novel in^t it ut ion |j Forty ft urtli street and Fifth Wflw ue. 11 is a twelve .story building (tnim li \v:is en cted l?y the men inter I in the bank at a cost of #^.000, JMj v?... ?- 11 ?- m iff kUUtj R. w. HUNT. Ifart vision Pnsscngei Agent, jiiiu Charleston, S. C, PiJ BROOKS MOKOAN. . (ieiieral Passenger Agent.gL) At Ian t<> ' ? A ? aiH 11 ?? i in?II i (jnv kmiit iii iiviiii; t u i > v;.isu UlO yn " iuih uoriu. ill in 1