II you want a S an Organ drop us about It and we ewlng Machine, oi> a postal telling us will suddI v vmir Come to Heidquuri .an f :ers for anything you i want. L. D. Cullur ? n Co. 1 Phe fourth carload of thoi? ?tu*r? wants on easy ter E. J( Thel IATES1 nl :ate teed "Easy Riding Rex Buggies" ? been received. Have you bought e yet? Prices right, terms easy. E. JONES I Ti iECITlZEJ Beeeeeeeeeeee??e NS BANK Lir^i>uKU, 5. C.t FRIDAY. A1 1 iJE uEXINGTON GO | VENTIOK. || A CONTEST FOR THE PEACE | CODNTY CHAIRMAN. AY 11. iqo6. Pi- i f "TI ' ) ;v Have you ever made a rcsoluti Or salary or a part of the net earnln Perhaps you have made such a OnlV tO hllVA !! lfAHf IrnnH l"'"**1 : "$xj Sj, -v4>4>^ IE SAVING HABIT" on to save, to "put away for a rainy day," gs from your farm? resolution?more than once?and tried yoi ll,w?- k-~l? - - a part of your monthly '?> ur best to carry it out, But have you ever tried saving 1 at- find It a great help. You nre apt ily | might be spent without a second 141 ?> 1 hen think, too, of the additior vis 'y nioney would earn. T You can open a saving account ';6 2. d jllar up, so it should require bui ? any more putting off. i Don't hesitate to open an accoi you may not be able to ca'l at th< nf> just as satisfactorily?an inquiry L'S- We will hone to hear from van i.v.im vivn.cn away wun repeated tcmptatlo with a savings account in The First National i to think twice before withdrawing money I thought if it conveniently lay about the hoi lal safety afforded the customers of a bank in The First National Bank of Batesburg wit t little effort to put this good resolution int jnt because you think your deposits would i bank in person. You can transact your be will bring full particulars as to how you sh ns to spend. Bank of Batesburg? You'd From the bank, where it <*> ise or in your pocketbook. | ; and the Interest your | th any amount from one x o effect at once?without seem small?or because | isincss through the mails ' > ould go about it. f y i tie 1 ^ Bant nor s ^ NOT ?!? State -~v vvoru i?/\ I fi\. Cs title does not carrj afety of the funds BE MISLED. You ra : Bank failing. The '? a with it security entrusted it. DO rely ever hear of a Citizens Dank of ngf lucut; Capt. A. 1*. West and I)r 1 tfjfc II. Tjmmerman, vice presidents; a wjj I-'. II. Ilendrix and Jauics H. Add .secretaries. Col. I). J. (JrilTitli w reelected State executive conimittc in in from tliis comity, wi/ Tlteie was a contest for the coun chairn inship between Messrs C. J Kiiid :.iki ] ', .1. Kihercdite, rosultii I in I 1 .. . 1i.nl i f. ? ? " ? IV. '*> ber of depositors in our Savings o <*> Money has nn ever increasing e * unless you make It work for vou. y? NOW with The First National Bat as present face value. Tell your nei ,c. <;> The First National Bank of Bate OFFICERS?W. W. WATSON, Pi DIRECTORS?W. L. RAWL. wlv fcy . cotton hu> er: J. R. WATSON, in ,1. -v Co. ; M. E.RDTI.AND, live stock,f * farmer; J. P./TATTHliWS, Casliie ^ W. W. WATSON, President The I ..... ...TV hie pleasure ui luuing your Department. arning capacity?It works while you sleep. One dollar, five dollars, ten dollars, one h lk of Uatesburg will he worth in twenty ye. 'jthbors and your friends about it. sburg: pays interest four times a year. Com resident; N. A. DATES, Vice President; Wn olesate dealer in lumber; T. B. KERNAOI crcliant and farmer; J. A. WHITTEN, propr arming implements and undertaking; N. A B/ r Pal inetto National Bank; A. E. GONZALES -Irst National Rank nf name to tbe large num? & No use to keep money | undred dollars, deposited ? ars more than double Its | pounded Quarterly. i i. M. CARTER, Cashier. & IAN, fire insurance and f letor Whitten Dry Goods | ITES, Vice-President and & , President The State Co.; ^ ? tsates O contr w whon W lead 11 ? men cnprf ;Ihii*?- is a State Ha oiled by our own lion n are the best, most business men of 1 who have won the cc nf n i i nk, operated and ne people, among1 progressive?the lite community? mfidence and re= k Kli| ........ . VI. VI Uiv iVIUlCI. UIU >U Off ^ lieilltf to 27. The follow uitf were elected as de 7i. j call sso tlie St ate eon venti ?n: I>r. I M M. ? ro-son and l>r. E. J. Htlieiedj. . I , EHrd and W. 11. Sliarpe of Lexingtci K Kx tc ? H. P. B0UKNI6HT1 DEAD. i. IACOB PHIN1ZY, President CH/ VILLI AM A. LATIMER, Vice Prest. RUI GEORGIA RAILR< AUGUSTA, GE< I ? KRLES (i. GOODRICH, Cashier -US li. BROWN, Asst. Cashier DAD BANK )RGIA. X, y , M In an; ^ control ro with an $a people" 4& iness wi have an \'4CIII? y Bank you have to depend on it. Compare the CITIZliNS y. It is a hank "of the people and has advantages o\er mar itli you. Call to see them, tail lple resources and will protect ' \ the people who own and \ BANK OI: BATESBUKti * , by the people, for the \ (V. They want to do bus- \ k matters over, for they \| their customers, \ w | SWANSEA. Rev. I* A. Mih'ett left forhishoir |j* In Surnin> rt'?n t artav after conduct in Kj# allium lays nuetinp at the Kapt .< yj| church lierc. t wo accessions to tl mf church : n?l much splr!t ua! stri net hoi ?Tv inifamo tcrthe member? are ihe result iANOTHER OLD SOLD-c ; IE ft ANSWERS THE * LAST ROLL CALL. > t i,. Mr. II I* Houknigbt, a prominent " . cit i/.oii and Confederate soldier, died is at li e age of <>' years, at his home a- J CAPITAL and UNDIVIDED PI DEPOSITS $3.00C Deposit your money with nstitution and have no conceri f.n Ann, ROFITS, $550,000.00 ),000.00. this strong reliable i about its safety. nli aPi aia 1 - J DR. W. H ,? A. C. JON l]8j DR. W. I. TIMMER MAN, Pres't. IES, Cashier, DIRECTORS: M.nnriERMAN, U. X. HUNTER, I. W. P. TIMAlERriAN, JOHN BELL TOW J. FRANK KNEECE, DR. M. U. eee* 1). X. OUNTER, Vice Prcs't. { H. W. PERRY, Ass't. Cashier. ^ EDWARDS, W. K. SHEAI.Y, ^ ILL, E. F. STROTHER, * BOATWRIOHT. * *! \? fjj of Mr. Suhlett's enmost woik. Fl y! music was very rood und t the le:i?: ship of Mr . A. I >urliam. of < leont i Xfl who is a musician and sch ist ol rai & rift. I'.U Miss Mario Dukes. of Hrarichvif Isas 1?'ou in ro on a visit to here hrnt I i . Ru\v< . w. Dukes, for several da: ^ Mr. W. <' Mat tin left ia t Put s ! WIN WITHOUT D you are bound to win if you d I you are insured. ARK YOI er policy 10(1 (t:$7 in the TUAL LIKE INSURANCE COi Hartford, Connecticut, *l :: . ? ? ? ? >jk- >a- vV VA \ * Mr. l\C. Etlierecipe of oran] [' ? Tr, spent a while in town this wee YIINU, h,s Parents. Mr. P W. Harncs, of Tihlpc was in town 1 nursday on hnsii Mr. Win. M. Carter It ft Wee UPANY, for Greenville where lie will tlio Sixth Annual Convention mr kis in;nn? in lk'nnci isvnii' am having c'o i id a m >st suce-sMitl tori s'- bu i>i ;,ereas principal of the graded so lino k wit! Miss Viiiti-' R>of, an aeeomphshc .???:rs^r lady ? im to a H;it;o: K. lnv.binet. Fridai Master Asa Iivabinelt isijuite si< Ai'li continued fever, bv.t is li<:;?c Is tin t-liat lie will be better soon. Mi>s IVt Meetze, of I b ook In nd, wit h her sister, >! is. Malllo tVil! ;n ,0 itfain to the delinlitof her friends liei Mrs Ma!lie \Villiani< and l.tin::> r? f; iend.s llirr, (] Sunday from a visit to it aiiv t urdav ... i, l.i i ..... .... .-uunuiKiu ou., ui iiccaviiie, mil two adopted daughters: Mrs 1 hiniel (lunter and Mrs. William Drafts, both of Leesville. V.vs remains vsere laid to rest in the Lut hentn < e.tv?tery at Leesville, tin ' la-t sad rites beir.jr petfoliRtd by the { Rev P. it. Groseclose, in the preStrvct 'i :i lar?e concourse of sorrowing | friends and relatives. Company, Philad Write to-day for insurance position; trocd men v Z. H. JONES, Supen COLUMBIA, ; : SOU"! elphia, Pa. ncs or AK'eticy ranted j /isor of ? m CAI;oi !\ .? His Profit > tha Wasn't That > Had he died du the plus the a say, at two years wot TELLS THESTOKY 1). B. U I) E. U T. vas $2,720 or over 37 per cent in he paid, even at his age. Winning? ring 11 te years, his Benellciary would lia iinual dividends up to t hat time, whatever \ lid have Ik?**u at ten and so "WE RAY ANNUAL 1)1 VII>I;NI)S." 1AWL, Resident Agent, Butesburg. S. C. IDOULL, Special Agent. Bateshurg, S. C. T. I1AY & Brother, General Agents. more land Sunday. The rlass of 11)0(5 of the Hat traded School have issued invi ve received '? t,)p tlf*'1'!? exercises to to 1 (rear, which. Friday May lstl , at s;:;o o'd on. THIS t lie Opeia. I louse. Messrs. Fred Culinm, Walte l ledge. Dr. J. A. Watson and 1 Hartley have returned from a 111 I I Ul'lv i tl liU The private schn< I lw re in t or th eshur; efficient supcrvisimi r. !>/' __________ trip to Huntin?(on, Pla. After n>r several days lishin^ and Ml- -"Od sport tliey visited St. Aug > Jacksonville and other points terest. SHOP. Mr. J.hn fat or. of Sumter , S. C. 3 ver'1' d.i^s in tc?wii tiiis week. ' ' ^Watson lias lieci kcr1 ai* '1'''1 lohis bed for several daj spend- .Miss Klizahoth Nash was the attrn( having live yuest of Miss Sal lie R st. SutHay ustine. Mrs R. L. Ly brand. children at of in- little brother, Jut k. spent a part t last week in Wagoner with friends sp< nt Mr. J.C. Keyuohis and family an Mrs. Ti l Du'.m's have retutncd fr?i it eon- i pl 'asant visit to Hate: hnrtf I.ex s w itli "ik'hiii InspatMi. iuaiinKcu>e ana Tiircw Mr. Hlhcrcdgi ui of the wanon backwards, dish, jj -aling his shoulcr blade and injuring ' f iiis i i?ht aim. I>r. Milcheil was im J nodiately called in. and. while ihe injuries are very painful, it. i> hoped v(l ' that Mr. lilliered^e w ill hjoii be him ]lt 1 -elf again. n 11 t\rnrs i m 1???. V KIKIIII ? a tunri , 11(11^11 Hiuy oill, 4 avil which the sheriff writes: I liave ^'r- ai> is day taken into mv custody and much p iced in jail at Saluda Mr. Clarence a deep miilkill act oidh g to the Urns of o'clock ur letter and an order served np? n bucket 1 hy the supervisor of the county, and wa 1 have not discharged my full duty his you these premi.-cs please direct nie symptc i t her." pain. ukuti us, mice year old son of d Mrs. P. C. Stevens, suffered >ain yesterday afternoon from ^ash made In his head about 7 by running under an old tin that was hanging from a tree s being swung to and fro by ng sister. There are no serious ims, but an ugly gash and /A V* ii 1 "! ^ ft i/iai'..7,jwi\vj 1 Vj auu I ICE RUl E c o o ! i II ?r to General Office I your home A. AT. till 7 P. iYI. and day Excepted ). 1 a beauty to eral del.very win your eye, be open on Sund ro 1 V/I " i -iiviiu'>.J. ;g >1 rs Frank Il.'ialrix, c-f T.t ' * was in town slopping yesterda I()Urs--7 M i ;.n !vis. I5iM radjjeMe ( Sun- ' P ml wl,s 1,1 ,,xx 11 (,|: ' ucs<'aJ' !: Mrs W. M. I'a/ I. of .Johns! i lie gtll- I (,e(j re|a; jVrS in I o" n Monday. doW will Mr. K S. HoukniKdt, of Kino ?IV from liu'C slmpping Olio day this wot RIME SPRING. On Saturday, May nili. there was ,s^* iimily reunion at I lit- home of Mrs on, vis- I'. Carson of Lliis place in honor i the 701 li birthday of her mot her, M ry, w;i?. 1-2. l'adtfolt. This l< \ed and vei k. -rated lady was happy in the p;i mm Ai AihLfl. CHIEF OF POLICE W. A DOBEY, ? PROMINENT SECRET ORDER MAN, PASSED FROM J) LIFE. s Aiken,S C.. May 6 ? Chief of Po-J Il will be observed that the sheriff, ' The was the case with several other TlUe ? i tors received on tills I ibject refers ' Tuesda '1'hrailkill a* "Mr.' Ev. i pastors ?> Frort ISPENSARY NOT MENTIONED. . ? < Kcv. I.. A. Cooper, of (>rcon/il 1 airive with )iis family on y and enter at onca upon his dut ics a: t lie baptist church. 1 June 11 tn 17 a he people will , second Bible Conferer.ee. Tho subje'-ts are these: ' The Holy " "Tlie Second Coming of " "Missions, ' "Evangelism," Jrvl ?u I/: 11^^ T - ? T. Ci. BAIL 832 HkOAi) AUGUSTA, "PHOI Made over rv n x s\ - IE & CO. 12:30 lo 1:20 P. siri:!:t. one hour only. (\ i j F:rank Kneet y*;;. ^persona Dr. Harris ? M f"OT M'imle Paillette. of I.i ? I\va* se< ii mi our stioe'.s day. JC, P. M. Mr. W. T. I'. yil, f Lanory w: * nil our st rents Tie -> suffered a stroke >f par;; \sisa few days n^o, which wa> the callsc \asa prominent Knight of Pythias, 0i Odd Fellow and Wotdman of tlic , World, lie. issurvived by a wife and two children The funeral took t \ I dace at 4 o'clock this afternoon; the J iiternicnt was in the famliv hnrvti n UUDA COUNTY CONVENTION! and'ri ENDORSED SENATOR TILLMAN'S COURSE AND MR. ORS. 1 HARE FOR CONGRESS. i*. i has id Saluda, May 7. Tlie Saluda Coun- .,n(j Wj r Democratic convention was held j ^ t*re today, On account of I lie r;i n!,.'.,. i^int rincu i,mv "uaraca iliatl eu Sunday " Ex. NMWERMAN & TIMMERMAN. R. II. Tirmnorman of Marion, ovcd his fanilly to Hatesburg 11 occupy the Burton house. ITc mod r\ partnership with his uruj; oi Ji e. \n CHILDREN ai Kodak finish work and low J. B. WB BATESBURO, ir specie., ty- , Mr L c (.roucn roUjr rid I5ABIKS. : 1 umbi i j*iiik ay. ling. Good Miss Kinu a Homo, of F priCCS was In lowi &h< ppliiK tod ryfT^rpy T ^ M TS. S, 15. (a l?t lo l^O I Ct III LI x 1. Ljlljy from C .liiii I.in, where si attending tii district nit " - S. C. Woman'.* Foreign Missioi r, was in town shopping Tuesday ncd to (? Mr ca n n?|]y,of St. Mark cd llascs'jurg Thursday, tidgo Spr>ng, ^^ ji ?'t;is iii, of Monet lay jn town Sunday, mod M nday .liss Lona Et.lwr.MUe n turne u; had neen ^/(,iUnibla on Tuesday. u l ore t ;eting Of the attending Ll?o district i nary society j ( llu, j?Veiiito Mi.-alonarv ur-':t\ afternoon a'l 11 in I was in :! s vi>il 11''3'l,v'(' om* VVi,J> '? 1 c"d > tin c!octcry alter n t .?i?*11ii;t; at laiililnl ?cr\iri*. and lie litl la, was in miihI was covered with choice il> 1 ers. , llev. II. F.d-.vards left on Tnosi i i iron ni iriiinir ?*n rnuic for ("hal tanhiva lie had ittmd ti e-ouilurn liap'ist t'onvi Meeting 'don. snc i.-t v ? ? ? I ground at Aiken Exchange. (I " FOR SALF A- SV .Ccvcn w'rdow sash r-l/e 34 x 3ft gf !,v o it ' b.irt! < to n at .li. Also one three w piece Suit of oak. furniture .Slightly If used. Apply to P. (). Box 23. ci lFt#AoKlirnr '1 le attendance of delegates from va- . .1 , t ho t\v ous prccmcts was below ihe aver-'.. . . ... . , the na re. i ive clubs 10 the emu. . bad' I mcrma > representation. J he dispensary . as not mentioned. Adder the or- , _?f mizilion of the clubs, Ited Rank . , ,U,K* ! as admitted. W. K. Hodie was e- j ucra 1 eti-d a member of the Mate Kx-1 utive committee. Resolutions en- j "1ST 0 .. ,...? 11.. ........... ..( v. .... t. .. 'i-.i i no r, it. . i\ limmermnn, and o will practice lo^otiicr under nieof Drs. W. r & it. II. Timn. velcome the Doctor to Hatesind bespeak for him a lar^e and ive practice. iF LETTERS REMAINING 0Nt titk ? ~ * COTTON B Cotton Is brlntfinf Kabe*burK Market 1 hr Li. !>. uunum. WEATHER SFHCIAI* TO I IIli A ; Mon.<.((? Hell Timmei * ? tt> 77 t-j m I vis 11 i f I O Hilt t'jbll Ti! } t'St I All) Mil 1 I Mr A. I.. Earglc was I in- ay on lliel Thursday of this w?ek. II - ? ro,?.rl-fl Mr net i a, v as in the city yts BiPAl^T '!t V ,'a'J(>/ h'orris has ^ ilillUil 1 laiu.oga, 'I en n., t o at tenf DVOCA'IG i:Ri)M 'inn i f the Southern Rnni man was a! which was held in ti.a city, ^'duy. Heavy frosts have beeii 1 in town on from all sec" ions,'an I in many he cotton has been I. lied. lit. of Mo- Messrs. 10. II Stcadman and . r ,a Allmau are in (ireei.vil e thi r' representing'the lot al lodge one to Chat tfr.tnd I >dge meeting of th o 1 theconven- U.id lellows. |KI? Mr \l ! ? I II * 11 - RELEASED ON BAIL, courted Aiu'ii May ! . Police man Mu-< ' places Simnc'a \> ho shot and kilcd Willi. Vvery while resisting arrest Mood, s. T night, was released on bail heing1 u>v ts week in the Mini of f (this morning in tin | rdcr ot FOR SALK. iii " VKTHHINAIiY COMINO. 11 ;p Dr. J. I:. Hcise Veterinary surg on , t .sill he in Hatcsburg T uesday May t i IMIi, ami svill he prepared to do any Si a iperatlon on stock ot all kinds or ad- m > ise In sickness. el l)r. Ileise is a graduate In Medicine 1.1 ill;, lilt U'lii.iv ?7* ? a Iiau'i III 11; ii i 1^ i t ho I'nitcd States senate were of ? r red and quietly adept* d without d>ate. WEI The candidacy of Mr. B. It Hare of ils county for congress from tnej ^'1S econd congressional district was on ntinn of B. W. Crouch unanimously adorsed by a rising vote. Ex. '/ llij tuti in BATESBURG, POST OFFICE FOR THE CK ENDING MAY 5, 1906. NAMES-LA DIES M.ik'k'it' Cooper. NAMES?UENTLKM F.N c Gall man, II. W. Jackson, uel Lewis, Wilii&ms Mitchal , ltove, Mr S. Whittle, t : ? t'a _ - STATE WEATI1 1 ai to-mghi a I;R liURHAl'. : Mi s A/. I(k>pl?urri, tul a unlay. j is il e ^iesi of tl e Mlssei ? *? . UIIU " mwni ui of Monetta, au^hier. u p-rued !,y Mis } Yiliflp,) 1 n' "" ' 1 |{ 1,1 1,1 ' (l- v:i - 1 ' .sp.'ii 1111v> soiih'Liitio wiln Capi Mis W ll.Alw. l. mi unit 1 Thoroughbred Berkshire I'igs s Stralvo beci 1 *10.00 per pair. uin and 1 E. I . HARTLEY, | Batesburg, S. I" } nnd Veterinary science. I Reference Wm. M. Carter at First National Hank, q ' Subscribe to The Advc- 'n>f' Dead 1 ate d.live die* above, date o j mi. .^vroiiRliarta. ioleittrs vt.. .rz sent to the better uttlce May 10. 190(> If not red before In calling for the please sav "Advertised"Riving ' list. J. Frank Kncece, P. I i 2