The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, March 09, 1906, Image 9

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> 1 IT? * \ 1 I ?fa m MATMMMUmB jjtVOCA ? . -- "Yx ;;v ? mn iurnrrff^, flilllll; ? w f T ? ? n E Af r\Tn ! D 'i Ou F U 1 Lr U u.niture Busin I IX VJ less Increases E YV CLr J lay by Day, and U I 1 Why? \fi V J M J -#-JpJK^?&3^b f m f i f ii?S ^ | 1/ ni f THIS The momeni and Mcst l?xcl never find in t You also hav IS THE SEC! r you enter cur door you are usive Designs. Here you fii Siis Store a niece of second-t e the extreme satisfaction c *ET:impressed with the Tasty A id the only Furniture House land furniture full of Vermii >f knowing that we are t ellii arrangement and Selections < : in Columbia not doing a ch< n aud Dangerous (itrms. ig you Furniture for less th* of our stock, and after an in ?ap instalment business, am in it has ever been offered In u= spectlon you find that we si I you are absolutely certain i Columbia, and that we mi S I f i fl 9 . | 1 r^HNH ^ J? I I I In Plain Figur< changes, and v We are recei vited to insped Sole Agents 1 es, and that the price markt vh jri yoa j i 1 i >t suiteJ ii ving weekly hundreds of ne> t the Grandest collection of For the Celebrated RED CRC ;d is the Lowest and only O? ri the exchange, Ve readily i THESE 1 v and beautiful p'eces in An beautiful Furniture ever sh< )SS MATTRESSES. sE. You furthermore have 1 refund your money. >OINTS SHOULD APPEAL twerp, Weathered, Early En )wn in this market. the satisfaction of knowing TO YOU: glish, Mahogany, Bird's Eye that we cheerfully and will! ; Maple and Golden Oak, at ngly make ex- ill I id you are In- I f I I I ? 2 KI 1 : E. h COLL i JMBIA, REWS FURNI TURE < - SOU! COMPjS M CAROl 'Ill i The One Price Store That : i ?aves You M oney. r* ? Ti| THE Ml ' UBi nnu ntnn n M DlYfl h IkeI iJs ? TT A T*7 A ? The music they heard before not passed Montoni's barge, in one of th gondolas, of wliich several were see skimming along the moon-light sea full of gay parties, catching the coc breeze. Most of th< se had musk made sweeter by the waves over whiel it floated, and by the measured souni of oars, as they dashed the sparklin ? wl.k V n..rl 1 | Seed I Pntfi Irish tnpc! Bargain 20 Per Cent. On All Winter Clothing:, Over Cn: Flyer! ** Discount I Boys and Youth's I A KUEAHUt d The feellnjf eloquence of Valanc 0. ) r ' 4 . t I AMD MTULME ourt J I)urinjf this period of torturintfR ise to Valancourt, Emily was su 0 that kind o! at upor. wltli wli Iden and irremediable misforti jctimcsoverw helms t lie mind. L him with tli* tenderest. afTecti 1 li:ivil>ir lulu' l>oni' .wwu><l titic. aii*i natriicu, tin tiiougllV herself in a fairy scene; eve Madame Montoni was pleastd; Mor us" toni congratulated himself on b:s re ink turn to Venice, which lie called th ich first city in the world, and Cavign ln(. was more gay and animated i ban evei ov The barge passed on to the grai i on canal. where Montoni's mansion wa , ' situated. And here, other hit ins c ? * ^ 1 We are now ready to name e ii St< * RED BLISS ?f Qrirl "RAT2T. V : prices on Genuine Maine 3ck 1 TRIUMPH RF.n RORTT! - COME QUICK! GREAT YOU. J. C. GI BATESBURG, BARGAINS AWAIT .OVER South Carolina. "Itu II* I ocn, IJVI UI'IIIM It'l tc VI increased. This wan also the i inveterate, ccttuse Ms te.^p words and manner were such as, w out accusing her, compelled In i accuse herself, and licit !i-r left h hope, i hat the odious portrait ?as cartCfet ore of his prejudice, or all ed hei on excuv* for expr? s-in isirld hi ni ;;s the I rieno and c< i.;inii>ti 11' all her f*"?lire rlavs. she I m?re ,, ' as f h r?i u:p<v it ai wete ore I i * i d i In in Inn, 'li iiii.nI h. \- i.i* n i er stith rinir. wl I o sud ?*! I\ the. wen to lie sepsirsit pp a * j pern p- f.? ver certainty tn l iirnwn hi distant parts of Old wo' 'd. !? I!? \ could sranvlx li tip m_ beauty and grandeur, such as her im agination had never painted, wer |l( t unf lded to Timily in t lie palaces t >n Sa<>fo\i< and 1'alladiu, as she glide l0,, a ng he waves. The air bore n eTj sounds, but tlio->e of sweet ness, ecli l?. " K along each margin ?.?f the cana ,i ( and from gondolas on its surface , while inoiips of masks were seen dar . . .. ... II.,. r...,r.n O.rl.t I .... r UHU JLJi.XXVJUJ JL 1 e .f Write us at once for pric d orders and will ship out or ? the month of January, and i. ary. We are headquarters ^ FIELD AND G, ti JL. V :es. We are ready to book > i any date wanted during | I up to the 15th. of Febru- ? ? for-- | ARDEN SEEDS. * I THE CHAR p REMODELED AND NE\ | Army and Navy S??9! ??*?**** fLESTON 1 VLY FURNlSHbD. K| Headquarters S violent reaeiilment, with which contemplated it. At length, lur ger rose to such a height, t li. t 1 ancourt was compelled to leave house abruptly, lest he s-hu;h! felt tils ovsn esteem by ?n ii t< n ate reply. lie was t! en c< iivn that from Vadanje Mnntini ! < nothing to hope. f"r win t if ?i ni t v nr iliwl ico mi* i>ti?. >iir i - \ i r?<-? ; ut(1 .ill t mi * < n o I- tii- v.i'.i of a Strang an. , tor siK-n was .>!onl uiii. ar.d of a per !, ho li.ul hut ',)U!v hi on anxious 1 h? ii istoii t lioir m.i Lia S' It was in v slif o; a ;< v-.iuivd id subdue 1 i? f. ai d resign herself to an e\e j, wi.i. s!><- mil id not avoid. The . |o? oe el \ ilai.fourr a 111 d oil m I I i? suipri.Md her, sine** she att |jj k VIM liit itJi't'ii-* if^ui. iinttvrn, ai? P 8 'cmul almost to realize Llie romanc M.n of fal,y laudt< The barge stopped before the poi air. I ieo of a large house, from whence her servant of Monloui crossed the tei n race, ai d immediately t he parly dis si embarked. From the portico the or? passed a noble hall to a stair case u I ri- maible, which led to a saloon, litte< e Write us your wants an< LORICK & L r- (INCORI y COLUMB J WHOLESALE and R 1 let us name you prices, ? .OWRANCE, | ORTEO) | IA, S. C. f ETAIL SEEDSAtEN. 5 ^ I.OCAL AND !.<;NG DISTANCE " P Steam Heai. Llectric Lights, El ^ SinjJji and En Suite. C | RIDD.iCK & BYRN ^ CHARLESTC rELEPHONES IN ROOMS S i?ctrlc Elevators, ROOMS Cuisine Unexcelled. ? S, Proprietors. ^ >N, S. C. ?? <te r,xJ i " from a person wh** cu d feel pain of guilt. without i l e luiniilit repentance? To Montuni he looker! with e<piu apondency. since it was i .?rK incut, that thl*. plan ' f s ; Initialed with till ?! (1 t probable, that be wjukI r. i his own views to entreaties, ,o j|)(> :>iii fcl it to its Just occasion: but. wl ( ( i d i\ that, oh which i \va- t'Mj.jit Thoinijvt. arrived, and : .. ;id ii?i t ei ti<'H of liis bointf pern; (' I to I ?:.i? l ave nf her. pi'.ef ov ' v > ?? !% c osid'Mat ion. thai 1 111 i c hi io -peak to ill , nr. t ?; ol Mali one Monte ci l:i-> c 'i soiut.ioii li.oi been . .1 II . .1. ? inf.!*..,../! I...r> icii up in 2x stvle of magnilicence tiia she surprised Emily 1 he walls am she ceiling were adoimd with histories ut- ai.d atU gorier! in fresco i i silver tripods depending fn in ciiaiii iad <?i i tie same metal, illumine t ih im,'apart in ni>, the lluor of which *a ini, I coveu d w itii Indian mats panted in re , variety of colours ai d devices; ih it i ua./i i)iui./.fti <vl i I . A I d >; si'eutly, while her fancy bore her far 8 away to France and to Valnucourt She was recalled front her reverie to a mere mortal supper, and could e not fin*bear sir if lug at the fancies PRESENTS FOR THE Engagements P> iazc '<hnivjiiv/jiiw?iwwicwi rm monstrances, whieli tie ia>.s i been picpaieo to itsisi. Ye< i?. .. I.irinh Ins promise to i-uni>, Illolt solicitous, conceiiiIi>k liii* < than jealous of uis consequence, ancourl was caieluJ to uo n< t tiiai might irii Aiontoui; lie v.rotcto liiin, there not to UciuaiKi an intcmew, u lilli*. aiirl llfttMi.r tl.ii- i:. I 11 i. - j < lil i . 111:i i.. a I ter he prove . :i .-lie hud Iicim if received fr \ tt.v u t in Their last intervh IU.V> a (i h i eiM cui ion, wtiicli the kI^i i.m suffered fium his U tters, no t mi it s .sir out avail to procure it. II a 11 lore, ???P XVI. l io v< id i si' til Kmily's i , ii i vuxvma c?i.v4 uiu^tij \j i uic iiti IIV.C ca- , were f pale given silk, embroidere i?m j and Cringed with green and gold Ha \v,,cmii lattices opened upon il'e grau nor'canal, whence lose a confusion i in-! voices and of musical instrument: I and tl.e breeze tl a: gave freshness t | I lie apartment Emily, consideiin t he gloomy temper of Muntoni, lool *('~|td up< n the splendid furniture ci h :> mih uuu ueen indulging, anu at ucr d conviction cf tlie serious displeasure, . which Madame Montoui would have d it expressed, could she have been made ^ acquainted v ith them. o CHAP. XVII. K Muntoni and his companion did not ' return home, till many hours after S .1 1.,1 J I I,. k A. KKcann13 For the Brides. PRESENTS For the Anniversary. Or Preseats ....JUST SO..,. In fact if you need any kind of a O. J. HA A N N O U N C We take great pleasure In announc eral public that we will have with us ti ^RRIS' ; E M E N T . :lng to our patrons and the genor the following days only, riarcb dcitV'iured touwait. v\i:h cu.nwus ropiy Mom i.i. *tj !tii? *. i ' > .. V .1 .1 o ^<>1 tl. tl :i*> ?in iiM- rview tuiilii l lnl ft IIIUVu 1 l ? .1 v ll.'P llJ.O or ovcrconu : i? wis..t . t . I. it would serve only iopi< Uij? e us altercalinii between then. He, t fure, thought proper to refuse ii * 14 ? %i ? IV . I, kt I.?- * .11 r> u > i< \ ! ? ( 11 J i:i- 'ht . pu!a<* - 3. and towers i. 1 ! M'.i* e'-.i, w!.?"-r clo?ir s ?ur(t ..w i ..< ! . ii 1'' it mulnits fiCt llci .ii i . eoio.iiM. i tie so i .) v.-. >i . tut'd the waves aprl l, c, i \ i. un.-i us i.i Ft iuii, which -i ( less t.1-' ftboreft of the Adrift here tti a sat: iiiii t < v.. while tn the m t?U? porticos ana , () onnades of house with surprise, and iemerabere rl* 1 ho repcr'. of his Ivinp a man of brol iUr" en fortune witli astonishment. A> 111 ? said sh<- to herself, if Vulancoui " couid Ijv:t see this mansion, win , peace would it jfive him! lie woul li" convinced that the repui ,u'" was gr'?u ailcss. |;if- ' | wadtiiue Mouioni seemed to assurr ^ tur uawii urfi* UIUMH u IJ|A 'i n ^ ***-? rialic Tlit air}' groups. liicli v, danced all night along the colonnadt rt of St. Mark, dispersed before tin morning, like so many spirits. Monj toni had been otherwise engaged: hit soul was littie susceptible of light 1 pleasures. He delight ed in Hie energies of the passions; jhe dilVicuJtici le and ten i pes us of life wnich wreck tl ? p esent in goods, v. e have them ready for you. Wc have decidedly the largest selection and have only solid and genuine goods. You take no chance in dealing with us hut can feel absolutev ly sure that you get what you think you are getting the best. Inside and . outside, alike, in fact everything we sell is fully guaranteed. If you will * favor us with a call you will see our ? prices are Irwer and the goods better 19th, 20th and 21st, an axpert opticiar of A. K. HaMkes, Atlanta, (la., the lar; optical establishment in the South. ME WILL TEST EYESIGH The Doctor Is i.duate of one of in the United Stat s is thoroughly coi ods in refractive science. Including He i, representing the celebrated firm gest and most favorably knows IT AND FIT GLASSES. I the leading Ophthalmic Colleges nversant with all modern meth* tlnnironv Onhtbalmnlnaru Montoni, nieauu bile, every mom impatient to leave 1- ranee, repeated orders for dispatch tc servants employed in preparation tlie journey, and to the persons, whom he was transacting some ticular business. lie prcserv? a eady silence to tlie letters,in v Valancourt, despairing of ^t t j Mark were thrown the rich lights: ' ^ shades of evening. As t hey glided ' i t he eiaiideur lealures of this appi i Im , ... , , ( I ed more distinctly: its terraces, cr \s-ilh *'((' w'"1 a''^ majestic fabr touched as they now were, with D? r ^ splendour of the setting sun, app dii di c ' as "ie^ ca lled up f *" 1 the ocean by the wand or an end ' I,.,. rat.her llinn ruarmi 1>? "<> UiL- dil.> U1 rt V?l I IJCCbS; UUb ill Gill Ol ' was restless and discontented, att dm not even obhfivc the civility i bidding her welcome to her home, ics, J^oon after his arrival, he ordere tlle his gondola, and with tavigui, vvei ear. out to mingle In the scenes of the ev rom n'nhr Madame then became serioi ian- ulld thoughtful. Emily, who w: .- ..i charmed with everv thine she sa 11 i happiness of ethers, roused arc (11 strengthened all the powers of hii ' mind, and afforded him the hlghes enjoyments, of which his nature wai d capable. Without somes object o it strong interest, life was to hem litt 1< i- more than a sleep; and. when pur is suits of rea. interest failed he sub is stltuted aititicial ones, til! habl w fthanirwi thpir nslnru il.o.r .-*oc ] than others give. J Be Sure to Call At Sylvan Bros., Cor Main and Plain Sts. COLUMBIA, S. C. and has had long . \perlencc in his spe REMEJV that we have arranged this engageme m m of ability and cnutation and thi work. All examinations are free and only ^r/ f " f"* ?i v?%?f c laity. iBER nt and secured the services ot t it we, personally, guarantee his regular prices will be charged for good, ana bavin# subdued tlie pi. that had transgressed against hi? ley, solicited only the indulge!) being allowed to hid Emily fart liut, when the latter learned, he was really to set out In a very days, and that it was designei should see her no more, forge every consideration of prudentdared, in a second let tei to Enai ssion i. "J , I 1) UUis. * i pol* Ct. of She looked round, with anxious swell, quiry: the deep twilight tliut. had that on over I he scene, admitted only r few perfect images to the eye, but,at s< il ),e distance on the sea, she thought tth-g perceived a gondola: achorusofvo e, lie j and inst ruments now swelled on iy to | a?r so sweet, so solemn! it. seemed nai ? ' o ? endeavoured to enliven her: but r en flection had not, witii Madame Moi toni, subdued caprice and ill humo im- aut* 'ier ailsVNCri? discovered so nine 3tne of boll), that Emily khvc up tlie a she leoipt of diverting l)er, and witl ices l'rew '? a lattice, t" amuse lierse Hie w'^'' tlic scene v\iihout, sj new at like so 'nclja.ntlnff. e- i ed tubs unreal. Of obis cind was tin 11-1 habit of gaming, which he had aAlopt r, I ed, tirst, fur the purpose of rei'ecini :h him from the languor of inaction, bu t- had since pursued w th the ardour o l-1 passion' In tnis occupation he t?? li passed the nig) .t with t avigni and id party of young men, who had mor ! money than rank, and more vie f ___________________________ j 1 If you have a ^Headache, Ner-3 <=!fcvale-ine 3 glasses. YOU CAN SA^ and obtain the hlgl-cst class of profesi Ing advantage of this opportunity. Bear in mind the dates, A dose of I'ine-ules at bed t ime w it. i f ~ * $&'$ VE MONEY klonal service in this line by Uk? , March 19, 20 and 21. ... * j ts 'in.'-lllPH cnnt.Hili nollhor im.r ha* propose & clartdes<ine marriiKr. also was transmitted to Madame toni.and the lest day of Emily's at rtiolouse arrived, without alio Valaucouri even a line to s< ntl] autTt, or a hope t Stat lie ghou allowed a parting iuteview. This t',e hymn of angels descending inro Moil the silence Ot night! Now it died a' Slav un(1 :ancj almost Iteheld Lilt I olt cl irdin^ re-.astencting towards heaven; t io his igaui it swelled Id be uled awliile, and a^ain died in silei ,t,Kh 'I'he first object that attracted In notice was a group of dancers on U hujr terrace below, led by a guitar, ai jl0n S' me otlier instruments, em- Emily, n- stie li>ten<d, caught tl jce , eusive enthusiasm; her tears flowt L>r than either. ie To be continued id For bloal Jng, belching. lr.(ligesti?"> )e 'etc., eat a King's Dvspepaia Table ;d I .. Vet meals, ^oitl by Tii.i.woi.s bi< ! ^ Will cure It in 10 minutes- 3 ! For Sale at alt ? "|^ DRUG STORES. 3 . 7M iUiUMiUiUiiUUiUittiUTC yt usually relieve backache, before morn- a inR. These bea&tlful little globules f are soft gelatine coated and when b moistened and placed in the mouth k you cau't keep frum swallow mg tl.em. fi lcoliol?Just Kumk and real01 obtained rom our own native pine forests, cour lined with other well known bladder* i luej, bi<od unci backache remedies, i iid bv Titamnos lire*. ?