The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, March 09, 1906, Image 5

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I A ft A ? 1 i i a n f A ii ti i l ?^^^^S!5S^55!25S555SH5H3HSS(B[ IT 0 i I IP lira * I . Ld n 11 o 1 We want you to We are carrying ful I I 1 V u make it a point i II line of everything-. U U U 111 I :o visit oir Store fo J 1 J Of. r anything you w u re mm ant to sell again. ? V?aJ| I I Buying in large qui give you inside prio intities and having es. i the CA to pay fo I r the goods on arrh &?V ' ' *?* v SlfllK *' fal, enables us to \Jfl 4 HP* ' H FK&zte he L. ichi t D. < Wftiiv wvr ^VW 3 ul I u I m Coi r* _ m pa nj A tf m . I 1 I F rraSBOM / ? 11^ THE HUMORIST. I SOUTHERN R. R. SCH E-l ^ ? i DaAnfa 1 ' IT.IT . utn carol 'i t it a fuc. i'r<ifessor, lha t- ( f sue let y ore oaused h> li *1 the world nut knowing In o' . half lives?*' ly <l?'tr sir, tlio tn ublec?m< th r.e-lnilf trying to (lnd out.*' ca Tribune. :.. um .. * ? /ii 11.. _ i ;t the DUL.E IN EFFECT fnr Jany. 7th, 1906. ow I he J Atlanta, Ga., January 7, 190 sfn m Schedule Changes on the Savani . Division, effective January 9, 1905. ni* So. 133 Lv. Columbia 11:55 a Ilatesburg l -xfi p Trenton 2 :o3 p. 6. iab . in m. iu. vwpiv 1 Will 1 Eat Bread Whether Advertise;' or uot, but jou iveaamg Presents. . won muti /yit at r/ SILK Sa Greater Today T1 very beauty loving, style abid nan in Columbia and for n iPP'S VLE lan Ever. ing, money savin? lanv ?a ran nVl .1 ? il.lL )' > v.. III>11y .N ;i UK) I a Just like him; it <!oc->u't v. lo ko.?Kiw York Sun. ilior (whose children have 1 en .tion superior to her own, t su; daughter, whom she is in t o! .. ickiiijf)?l'.l learn you not t 11. el me. iKcr warrenvuie 2 :3ti p * know Ar. AUG US LA 3 t Lo p No. 134 Lv. Augusta 3 :30 p. Warrcnville 4 :00 p. tad an Trenton 4 -.37 p. lipr Batesburg 6 :30 p. . e A r. Columbia ft :'.5 p. Ucacl No. 129 o con- (joliimbia 6 :00 a. Dn ?I " m. m m. m. m. m. m m. tku urc*L<; un appcmc ana enjoy 1 1IO-CAKE if you occasionally ^ participate in some outdoor sports, and at these prices you |-J "AUTO" A Bicycle (worked over) _.8.4& F \ Good Tire i **> TERLING SIL- J*?1 VER, CUT GLASS, Silk Tl ANDPAINTED CHINA. mer INE CLOCKS and j*"^. jfd come to Tapp's Wonde usands and thousands of yan sever seen. ... lis $10,000 purchase is the h it of new Silks ever brought one retail establishment. ^ ! to offer to the ?hor?r?innr nnhl ? r Silk Sale today^* Is of the- prettleat . truest single ship-* into the South ** 1 fe are proud to te> IS/* cair^ta ??rA ?J--*? ill daughter (between liers T :i, mother, leach.?i'uuch. . ! v ll John had onl> made t \Miil(lii't It- all Hi is dill a' t the J'i? | eiiy. l'ir l o l he law \ ers bctlie )\\ hoi I el" me'.' They ;i v v m to death, 1 declare, 1 obs)- *H*vesuurg o 1W 2. Trenton, 8:15 a. Ar. Augusta 9:50 a. : Mo. 130. >awill Lv. Augusta 10:30 p. l lic-ukj Pass Trenton 12:20 a. i " Ilatesburg 1 :30 a.'.n r ycur Columbia 3:30 a. i 11 must No>7 301110 T m. | m. m m An Electric Stroke Bell 23?A. New Guaranteed Wheel (with Dell) 18 4ft A New Departure Coaster Brake (beet made) 4 95 . A Good Foot Pump 45c ^ GUNS, R'FLES valt BRONZES. c Si . kinc line stick on hid to select JJJ from, id New Goons ?s Kl""b f""1 ics in good, fresh stylish Silks jch a magnificent collection i 1 of Silk. All widths, weight s and fancy mixtures, stripes ynes, Forbidden Silks and all h Silks. \ ou simply cannot g iaw OMWII nUllUCrim m +~ / ind variety in every: s and colors. Plain and plaids. Crepe I the popular ;rasp tne idea wltn* i : . :t t v, > n 11i.ii John 1 0 L" on i 1: Hits " ! 1m re!" i xcktimeil the hu c-f {t >tii<>n;iblc unaiid, " a'hui i. o: I l:e doctor eoniioK here t .'r.ii ioiis I" she exclaiiDei) i. , h e m.. i v.. leave luj ladn't u" vA/iuiuma o:uu p. i Pass Batesburg 6 :14 p. M Trenton ? :58 p. i siiand Ar. Augusta 8:10 p i a ti,c No. 8. again Lv. Augusta 7:50 a. i , pet- Pass Trenton 8:50 a. i flesh " Bat-sburg 9:38 a. i m. : No Longer an Experiment. 71 fj Southern Lifo Insurance la ao laaj, cer an Exper/ment; the Money la hare \> oc 1'ia i UL-3 IN GOOD STANDARD MAKES single Gum 3.8-1 Double Ctiiu ... ..8 4? Air Guns (wood or metal) 75c Corduroy Hunting Caps (pull dcwn TO band) 60c If Victor Talking Machines and one doz. Records (express prepaid) 22 00 C_ 11.UV- r-*i I oui airirai daily, ev^ The t have a handsome stock ol fino Towfllmr in nil tho n|t> turning anu seeing lor yourse y detail except price. ?k your neighbors and friends best we've ever had. You mj as a rare chance of we would * $10,000 in Silks at one clip, for you?today. lr. tremendous 4rf- * about the values; List u nderstaiufcJtha %neverfiave bought It's the opportu 'J " ? 'I , Mjp,, (SC 1 .x 1 ' <1 vouV C.llii'iict; " ? il l> ll.i t it i IOW si IX' ' ' ;i t'i.up Oil t lit; "'.I .III." o, i : > tiif w e's i (j u t ai. < iu;do a. i No. <8 Ex. Sun Lv. 'at e.>buw 7:20 a i Ar. Perry 9:20 a. i iiKing No. I". Ex. Sun fooL" Lv. C.'rn ^ :i* p. i lian.,. Ar. Ilatesburp 8 :5.r> p. i \ A "Jl Vlimrlo p Oi%lo n i,,? ouuLn, ina aiao me Drains and every other thins that tatas ta make a success of busineaa, and the South. ,, era Life and Trurt Company of Qreena? boro N. C.t Is here doing business on a sound, conservative scale. Ton mas* see our contracts to appreciate our ,n pollclea. None better, fe-w as go o? e cry policy (uarantecd by the State oi r"' North Carolina. Every cent premium^ oiuiui b rrcmier Typewriters. Gun, Bicycle and all kinds of small machine repairing. Largest Machine fhops of its kind in the city. tv Mail Orders Promptly Filled. H C 1 * iuu uunuiij ill Oil IU6 latest ideas. Taffet rat tray ytnr presents netore jz\ ets. 1 THK BLACK TAFF what a lot of Black Silks. Taffetas and F it and width. We want you to see the mi as. Most wonderful values the South ha SMART SPRING S show some of the smartest, swellest Suit tyles. Stunning effects in walking skirt Ic Linen to Taffeta and Panama. Wa cti?r?. ETAS. >eau de Soles galore. Every ". igniflcent guaranteed .Black s ever known. UITS. Is of the season. The ret 1 ngths with short Eton Jackfin* W* ii . iif,. i uiiKcr% laie < ii., vo u la lasts 1 Is > i i Ifii under liim. . . . u . not i ii.e; i'"? ii' ... Nt \\ ^ ork dun. ;t ,i?!ei i piihli su.un v?i/. ' v. B.tcsburg. 8:00 a. i Ar. l'crry 9:20 a. i e has .. m>. 4:?. ' unday Only. T.v. Perry 7: 15 p. , l! ha(i .i. 1 atesbur^ 8: 20 p. 1 No. 233. | t.v. Ed?. field *: p. , c af- 11 2:22 p. 1 : Ar A I K 1-:N am;, ? , recieved from S. C. retort ed, u far as tn. possible, to Coanty it cornea from, to m. be invested carying home patronage t? home industry. We want a good llv* m. Man In each section, especially at D, Lexington, Alk? n and Saluda Court. houses. The following Special Agents i will write your applications, 1 RF.Y. JOAB EDWARDS. i. i^. i uurtncr st| Qun, Lock & Bicycle Works 563. Broad Street, f Phone 521 Augusta, Ga. BSSSSlfcC*" seeing our goods. - The H. Lachicotte;?"??? 1 All qu & Company, JEWELERS. ! L" PINK DKE^S U0< new shades of pink In the dress goods an luting a lot of comment. These crushed i h and tone up be lutifully with the neat lalities LADIES' FURNISHING DI ies' plain and fancy Linen Stocks, very nei OBS. . ? ....... i attracting much attention yerry effects are stunning grays of the new 'spring.' HPARTMENT, w and nobby *t-y les.. best >1 u > <>. ?.- . i j.iled i h?* ui 11vi I'i v nih.iiw .it till' papers ' >:i? mi, I Jii>t p> 11:i i ours A .. v - r- ii-'cyi| . p c t 1 I i :< (a ; | ' lii it r^el > i i , . \ i \ I ii.? ?? N .34 r' L* Aiken 4:02 p. r T re it bui 4:37 p. m over K'i^reiield 4:5.r> p n rt?f i d Buy Your sou J Leesville, S. C. I1 MAVOk, M. B. EDi WARDS, fiattsburg, - D. A. SIMONS. Wards, G. L. SALTER, AND JOHN EIDSON, Johnston, S. C j For agency, drop a card to. ' qualit 24 Main St., Columbia knots Lad South Carolina. Moavi Pret Hie uuras and resins obtained from wh'tc ie trees have Ion# been recogniz d as Nev ?hly bene tidal in the treainunt if mater ckache. kidnev and hh.ddf r i muKioo y linen and mercerized materials, fumishe and buttons. Tapp's special prices.. .. les* Turn Over Collars, lace and embroider ly embroidered. Very neat ani pretty. 1 tty dainty All Over Lace, rouud thread an< and cream. Special ...... r and attractive patterns in fine All Over E ial with dainty patterns. Prices, yard ... d with embroidered. French ... .25c, 35c., 50c. and 69c. y, plain and fancy edges, rapp's special ; rice 10c. I oriental designs. Black, ? 49c. ta f?2.98. mbroidery. Sheer tine mull . .... .. 50c? to $5. it ' ? i ?i '.1 >'< na ' 'lie n \\ i i. Nc.tisi^nic ? , ci Ni?. mi ; 11 "s u n 0 1 m (1 to clcr* <n a 1 > v c.? veiiind Leader. i I would like to pet 1 ?> opinion from you. o tliis concerted h ii r n itur ::r in COLUMBIA some Mr. Rail road Fa ^ froi mn\t Untpchnro- nIInwo/! r?f# a JONES 1- & ill ?? Wewlll ooarlnee you that yoti B | Increase your yield* per acre" I i and you wont hare to keep It a ee- | I cret, either. Head what Meter*. B : WhfiTT a Son. of the Humolli R 1 ne ules is the name of a new medile, the principle ingredients of which ne fiom the p'ne forests of our own tive 'and. Sold brTimmons Bros Vi ^' hV 1^ R< THE JAMES L. TAPP COLUMBIA, - SOUT irlor... irSTwJ ;staurant, j 7<Z rx r\ * > company: h carolina. * J ^ead and mal e$ "ll.e taint : iron. * s & I e :fc, Wont poller, Vt , " , * School bouse No. 1. painT O. If . I - --- ?" * li . betfislaiures of c utt inj* down the past t. v o cents :i mile. Magnate?It looks, y i. ^ it were a deliberate s< I \ e us of the pro lit we ax| t. i/.e when we viu nlT the I a niL'ers' pusses.?ChicaK b ertaln sender1 purchaves of $25.00 worl rouoR- or over--10 per cent Dh chcmc count off Smaller Bills. pectt-d lonor- f ARGEST STOCK oTri" I ARGEST STORE *OWEST PRICES. ROTON j Wards S. C. Fruit Farm. Daren t, Miss., write: "From two acre* of strawberries, on which 1,000 pound* of Virginia-Carolina Fertilizer* per acre were used, we oleared a profit of *75.00 per aore mora than the other 14M aoreeof strawberries Which had only 600 pounds of this i fertilizer." Thus double the quan- .* tlty of tbeee fertilizers on each acre 1 of any orop. and more than doubly A "lnoreaseyouryieldsperaore." Re sure you bur only > Irglnia-OaroJlna Fertilizer*. t Vlrrfata-Carellea Chealed Ce. I ' A Sure Remedylj Lame :s? Lravm, proprietor. rc" **,lM 1336 Main Street. 0n1> Hve W? (f llldlH C ?a gallon.' OI'fcN A 1.1. NIGHT So,db BOTM PHONES 207. rytiling the Market Affords. KM l. <x m ; iwi? C4wtix{ I scJ KhIIoiih L. &-. M.. an.l> nine ill, Tost i.f paint, 97i conls "olman-(ju>lnm Hd"we. To., iWtsbniVi'S. C. RKTJffeWW^^ lit I'm selling :i wowlerfu it* It will cure nsllima, sc c : ^tuid for the hair; also cur (1. Iv iiitUil, SiiioKiiik i.ahit, colli it ml nucr-Miy, hold on! Win rs round here need is a | in eitie hahit. ?J ml ;e. lined- 1313-1319 Main Street, iatica, COLUMBIA, S. C. VANMETRES, it the i Funeral Directoi l-ateni and Embalmer. m I Richmond, \ a. Atlanta. Oa. HP Norfolk. Va. Ratonnah. Oa. ? 9 Durham. N. C. VonUom^ry. Ala. Bj Charleston, B.C. Memphla, Tenn. a Baltimore. Md. Bhroveport, La. E S K I ftnaHMnHnnni CRESCENT EA DQUV ! )\ Neuralgial Q Sprains! :j&Bruises| j ;f Yoi Columbia, : S. C. ravrap Next tojUgjijl Skyscraper, tlpv i like to do good, therefore let I A % Bast tor Si Coughs. Colds. Crom, SMU^^K Be wh.>no ij Jhn^h gjj Cough. Etc. !;t i Is New rich happy? kcr?No; by ihe liiue foi c , line lo him liis wife would in i; drink out of the saucer ? y .i L fe. i to headache, constipation 1 1 .itt le Li vcr 1'ills are bosl luie's It is not difficult to relieve blii u't let bleeding. Itidiing or protruding pi brook with Man/an, the great pile reme It Is put up in collapsable tubes w nozzle anJ may be Introduced and , <c piled at the seat of tne trouble St< Tl pa'n instantly. Sold by fimm< 3 Bros. ud, | les dy. i ith sipops DBS I RESTAURANT ' 1538 Main Street. COLUMBIA. S. C. 6veryt*iiri J hi S : i* >n. J5 50 &L00 u* aci T SOLD BY J t t All Druggists ?,mril Dr. Earl S.Sloan ery c "a BOSTON MASS. USA. pa,nt __ 10 C Subscribe for The Advo sour earnest wish to donate a Lity of the L. & M. Taint to ev- i nurcli wueu ever it is lo be >00 chinches painted with L . & M | I fHT lions L & M. mixed wllli 8 gal- f [ | S | Linseed OH will paint a mod- | H ! J MB *??rr bo'll*. S ^??tr^ Hj n??.ir Hr4Wlaa PrniHUM V i i 1 ffij v ikV c hi ionic the liver. Si i ?4 "? I L>](1 b> I ^ ubscrlbe to The Advocate. Ii lit uvav vi r iiuiij^ q at Moderate Prices. a ate-50 cents a >ear in eratc dvance ! l. sized house* ( &M cws's only $1.20 per gallon. Jk If. Zinc hardens l?. AM. gutsrr It* to Th? AdTOfc&te*' ; y i 4