The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, March 09, 1906, Image 2

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The Bates burg Ad' r ^ - *. f -i .-7 I * - - - ??? yocate. y o r?r^ i 1 * ? 1CT0R \ 1 ?y I k /X #-? ^~v m. * 9 4 LBATMBn?? ADVOOATM. EVERYTHING f T Tk I - - V * ;V- " '?v _ " - ' ' ST ' c - mm MMcrlpUM Rates, In Ai One Tear Six Months Sntered at the Batesburg, < Ottee as Second Class Mail ] Mo attention paid to y Ivinct: DCU I "IllSt POR DESTROYING ? Bugs will not ?tay ? and di lea leaving a c< ?8 to Quickslen Mercur Matter. Dropper for applyii 1 Only 25c. at orreaDoiid- ? - ? 3CA1 I'UlSUlN i AND PRIZVtNTINQ Bl^S. when applied, kills eggs and bugs Dating of poison thai is far superior lal Ointment or any other poison, ig with each bottle. in mugs. When you have a prescription filled, you want to be sure that pure drugs are used--When they are filled hv our Licensed M TRADE MARK \ REGISTERED / W'KL^:' - Tine FertSSIz |gjr tor Eig Cro ^ W\v\\ iUY?L}?- ' . X'*\ r ?ps SS.< eaoe thai la not signed by sorrect name. When sending in change < alway give your old post off m dnnpoc raviv r.i ' tender's IUUIN 1 tiK'S EVEKYT of address BATESBURO, ice. ?? A D~r? - B DRUG STOIE tilNu IN DRUGS. - ?a ? cs ? S ??r .- ZV-T. V. ZT ^ IT .- I mr'Ma "itorr* t^tn v. Druggist, with our pure drugs, the best results are obtained. Our Line of Patent Medcines are complete. VVe have Horse, Cattle and com fertilize crops fron balanced foo< Less Aecea Fewer acres, lighter labor, larger yi bination secured with FARMER* rr proved perfect by twenty-one ' 1 Southern soil. Farmers' Bone d for every stage of plant Growth p* ge S;J lcIcJs?a happy V BONE, the /cars of great is richest i . j, < frntn r'inttn FRIDAY, MARCH 9. V PROGRESS. The Citizens bank of K half* If. -?1 ^ 1Y0UR J Make this your bia. Every co . , , cnrp onH COLUMBIA 3ANK. 1 banking p!a;e i:i Coiumurtesy, consistent wit'i I _ ? - ^ * Poultry Powders. Keep us in mind THE CROSSON DRUG CO. Lecsvlile'* Popular DrugglMs. rfrom cotton to co Fish scrap is used in under all crop conditii for the Royster trade r sting, and i3 suited to a great divt. rn, wheat to small truck. /I a cl o witln Fish every ton of Fannerv Bone, insuring r ons and making it famous as a crop sj nark. ----- I? , :rsity uf crop ? '1 lourishmcnt iv cr. Look fcM i u?m i?o annual BlUUKllUIUCrS on Wednesday morning. Ti that will be seen publislied < in this issue Is indeed very g in every respect. The gross amounted to over twenty i oent and the undivided prod ed nearly five thousand dolla ha nlr ha a nn1? ? I?? 1 meeting avul,u le report 3 tion given chec ilsewhere J9 ratifying W gate onr saving earning* jg| r,:r 9 Palmetto B ire. Tlie | Car?i*?l nrn vaulting, special atteti\ king accounts, lnvesti;s department. : : : ank & Trust Co.. "I AO. C .1 IP ? Leesville, S. C Southern Railway H HERE Pg hum 1 / 'S TH12 SALKS RECORD K OF TIE 10 CROl* E-taOt'SiliO / 1B65-PSO TONS \ 1000-1,500 TOWS \ 1095-12,000 TO!\'S \ 1900 53,4-55 1 ONS \ H 1 Wk V ' . 'i i few uw? vuij vccu iLi uusiue: year and for a great part of t It was located m an out of place in tbe rear of one of t where it was Impossible to fin searched for. The officers tbe same with the excepiio installation of Col John Bel lnthanl.?n< ?'- " " ? ? -? " V m0d V V/ V7 V/ ' ? ior one r Iwt time XB COH d if not. flj JULIUS H, vV.vLKG 1 Vican of the ^tnrngrii'S^^^S^^3! 1 Towil : Lf.w/, oui JM3IA, S. C. E JONliS ?'resident. ?* dent J. l?Oi*E MVPfilE.VS. Sec*y. THE SOUTH'S GREATEST SYSTEM. UNEXCELLED DINING CAR SERVICE. THROUGH PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS ON ALL THROUGH 3 TRAINS. .11 X19C |k Norfolk, Va. if s. c. ^ 5?130,091 TO IMS \ y'"m'F'O fJ7,nr- r.r-? ft a L \? 'J t?fel J C. . J imksl.*- ? r.-^ ?? ? 1. ? <i.x1i .. -> m \ *r , Ta:-boro, fj. C. Macon, Ca. M vuw U1 ifll . Tf ti who is notable to attend at tl to any business. Dr. W. H. Timmerman is tber of the institution, a that fact alone, the bauk great part of its success M Jones. Cashier, has by his e< - arneayc . , U the old reliable. t the fana (too. I The Carol in owes a mfl r. a. c IjUnited States, State. ourteous W SAVINGS DEPvRTMKn m aw 3-^nT jfe_ J UH.1i; i] -3 .<m s-l-ii..,. - J. : ! . ?. .=...i.iiL'^gludiiit ORGANIZED 180b. ia National Bank .Countyand City Depository T. C;u>ital n.ti.'l in . . S on nnn P * I V/UllYCtllClil OCIICUUIC9 Ull Oil IUCUI jtrains. ^ - 3 Winter Tourist Ratesare now in ; 3 effect all to Florida points. 1,11 For fuii information as to rates, ^ routes, etc., consult nearest Soulli|S|frn Railway Ticket Agent, or j BROOKS MOROAN, Assistant (Jen. Pass. Agent, / = J Atlanta, (ia P. W. HUNT. UALAMAS BRO'Sl | RESTAURANT f" -OR LADIESarul CENTS. I Corner Broad and Wash 7T v* " o I! ' ' ? I \ , ? i.?? i. .. f # ?; c-v" - 3 t\ ..w, :i . i J J * / . ?ua?iucub maue cue oanK I less friends and Mr. M. V Asst. Cashier has ad'ed mucl banks popularity. We at sure that Batesburg and t rounding country feel proud showing made and surely tl nsne more so than TilE ADVC uumber i=3i Aiueresi allowed at tlie rate fija 4 per cent, per annum, payal L Pern quarterly, February, May, A 1 to tin gust and Novembr. e quitt. he sur- Oj W A Ciark, President. I of the Muller, Vice President lere art E3 L JC aTE. jj John H. Bollin, Of Surplus proiitd .... 72,000 | :>lti Liability ? 1 stockholders 2C0,000 | $4*2,000 | OFFICERS. I F. H. Mcitflnn, Cashier. ft J. M. Hell, Assistant Cashier, I 1RECTOR5. | Thos S. llrvan. jjtr! DIv. Passenger Agent, UW Charleston S. C. i??j& 5! ington Streets, AUGUSTA, CJA. SOUTHERN RAILROAD TRAINS ??ss the door, Gentlemen cun get >n or off right at the door. j EVERYTHING THE MARKET Al - ^ rORDS SERVED by POLITE AND . ATTENTIVE WAITERS. I Li*, * A- ' ? v ' t t n : n rj ? . v ~ii. .u Our -rreat show in;; < ic .ls is the most eon active line that, it hn ; S i :>!' now si , f lp.ote an< ?'. ' 1 ,o\r >'* The South has many cl pots for the allurements Northerner, one of the most < ful of which is the Surumerla trictof Datesburg, S. C. N has nature dealt kindly w! place scenic:illy, but she has ft* MUU . ? ? - w . a. i"lark, ESs Julian 11. Friday, larminv El William 11. I.owrancc, nt tin 3351! John L. MimnauKh) 9 w c' w^iKl,t nd'T- lasHBSSSiirmi ut onh rr The Gre It S. Drsl'orles, l Wilie Jones, p T. H. Mci?lian. ,i 8 Muller, ! JaiiTrs Wnodrow Ej at Stove and 11 The Old ?, ?? Reliable" . $ Oooi^ia ?dv e 4=5 ^1 fS n^! J i ^ Newly fitted up. Perfect service, OYSTERS, (iAriE, nnd all the finest [)i meats cooked by the best cooks in j Augusta. j Q( POPULAR PRICES. , le \*'? . . ?. ?? feed you. Make our restaurant your . >-fb--dsuarters. We will take chargei ivilago to di piny. V, ) pains and cti .n of lb; unmatch ^ V-/ ^ i. i. T 1 1 * * j aave sj; *-,SV,L^ u nun a uitimy, nry aimosphi Ilclous. healthful and tree fr( l&rla. The LexingtOD Hoi done much to add to the ret of the place. ? Doston Tra Spring is here and many trees are showlig signs < f ;re, de r. Bicyci mtatioi .nscript. Speth le House Bit thers. ft Kcinroat'. ^ Elegantly Equipped PassenM gcr Trains between ail 'rl points. Pullman Palace |^f Cars between Atlanta, Au- ^ g usta and Charleston, tls > between Augusta and St. ^ Louis and Charleston and Cincinnatti. Past Freight V'p Service between the West ?2 ?>1 . - - -- .if your packages and treat you in u manner that will he certain to make SO you our permanent customer. nq Come and see CALAA1AS BROTHERS' RESTAURANT. >me silks at sp:. iu i \ ai it we have ever offere iug is tnegi <! - ' wuic |i?i u ui iuwd ireee ua <3cd into leaf. If we do not klllirg frost from this time season will be a Terr early one gardens have been planted some places the plants are thriving. Plowing throught whole eountry Is well under * ve bud -=> have., (Chas. B. on tb. Largest Countr . Ma/o and it house 01" like up and Tremendous Stock >ut th< 'ay am. Stoves, Grates, R / Allen OK - land ) y Patronage of any ; kind in the city. of anges, Tinware, Sporting a* ?nu Augusta, Athens, Ala- JT. I tyV con, Charleston, Savannah and all points in Southeas- Kvl | %> tern and Carolina territory, V V O i A. G. Jackson, ** 1 jr General Freight and Pas- y senger Agent, \k M AUGUSTA, OA. Also manufacturers of all tl:t ' FINEST CANDIES. Chocolates, Hon-lions, Cream- 1 Fruit Candies, put up In handsome nj boxes for Holiday (lifts. MAIL ORDERS HAVE I'ROMEl rc ATTENTION. ur Order your meals by Telephone and in re T * ? "* Ni<r-ic ?s e> <- i Murray's . .! , . ost if'*? i.ri. ;y p-t . : . ... 'Sit. *t has the same ?. fo . at! :cl liiir; s. J i: 4> ifc -J ?' W-" c iMlirii " Rood ti t'iroct, : <u:p, \V u vne bud continues to show 1 It will be but a few days bef farmers will be through. The Brooklyn Eagle seems led about the security of th issippl legislators. It Bays ' log is getting on so well In Mi: that a Kill als face Uoods, tSiC} oretb' 840 Broad St. I troub- -r ? ? e Miss ___ . ljdoj. q r| { 1 tsissippi a. /cles an i Supplies. Augusta, Gt 'TBS. ^ The tar that is contained in bee's : Laxative Honey and far is harmles.-.. " It is not coal tar, but is obtained from : lie pine trees of our own native forests. bee's Laxative Honey and Tar is t tie best remedy for colds because i: , | ^ /\i, ? La 1 i .2 1 l\?ia AVAnllin.* ..11 . we win De ready when the train arrives. COR. BROAD & WASHINGTON i STRUIfTS. AUGUSTA GA. Rhone 1244. ' * | Is I . All J ... I .1 < .... . ?' Aiurr v1 I i > : * -v.:*. . i i: . ,n! . !;c. ' . i 1 I _ , I \ . | , : ? I r 1 u r s .0 onirics WU?W W will lias uccu IU U1 UUI the legislature to hgalizelt moving the penalty, Supn irate people of the 3tate were vade the legislature, some c carry a few statesmen to the tree?what then?" Well, w not protest. icea in Four to in JUST t lay an? nearest Jook Stoves, Steel Rati e shai O^en Flanklins, "Ho Place Furnishing Carloads DECEIVED OF iges, Hard Coal Base Burners t Stuff" Wood Heaters, Fire s, Hollow Ware, Stove 'U1.1 UM INC W /*? Vyl.l" I 1 III O I A ft; I I I I ail colds from the system, llee's Is the j mi^'ln:iI Laxative Iloney and Tar, and | is !> st for coughs, colds, croup uhoop' i'K' coutfl), lunjf and bronchial afiec * ionr. Sold by Tlmn.ons Hros r ...i i i ??? i f ri I injuni nmi cure km cuiicn n mat s pleasant, harmless, and elTVi-t i\e n ,L lee's Laxative 11??uey and Tar. Sti icrior to all ot !n*r cou^li s> i npsor no < , emeriles In < uise it act s on tin tm\v Ik. An ideal remedy for <'oii?li<. 1f?lds, C'riaip, \Vlioopinp Con^li and 11 Cliraldo luntf and bronchi..1 ali o ions in t'liild 'r adult. Pleasant toj :*; av * a . - Ji'y ? ?: *s:. *.o ; . t is j'ur oitii .ai'v cou;;!i r~ I . icc . v (u..: A \ L . v < . v. l'i c; ..rod l y I ; a. c . : . ... lio;is votupo. i - ~r. The caudidates are not coir to the open ver? fast, a grea t Of political gossip is going i quiet way and the different are being carefully discuss* <1, to this time the greater nun aspirants are laying close \> ting inamount We n 'w h?ive on hand he largt for sale in Columhii, and w are >n in s Jeal -rs. Don't fail to call at our Issue* orc buying elsewhere if yon wa ?'Ut l)| w A B ber</ Lee A. L( I Colui 1 r*? iAo ipe, lite. J3t stock of the above ^jooits ever offerei also prepared to ria;ne prices of interest t store a .d see .samples and ;;et prices be ut to save mo.iey and ?ei the best. >rick & Bro, sifria, S. C. t . Prevention I (s Better ake. SoM l?y Tinunons Brws I H E 9J? * ? lo C* 1 a atr ^ /\ ?*-? n sL " . I v J.. -?* 'V r:~" II Our roads are gradually bei proved and pleasure driving i< more enjoyable. Deep sand pulling and tugging does not great extent inhance the plea: an afternoon drive. Cotton la remaining ahn ffione 4yo. ng in> muci -, hard r* t to any SclSn^ sure of Doors, nf ?h. ? ^ - 1519 Main Street. inaaBXMmiNWM?m?M>wrimur. -* u . \ I mmmmmm Mian Cure. Some times a patient dies after taking medicine prescribed by Miystclans and thinks it is from the. attack of the disease, when it is from nrenc.rlnt Inns Will save you money in his HABERDASHERY DEPARTMENT. The best and latest Furnishings may always be found liore. ?>" ;l R*T f > ' l)oor . litii'.i i / > , v.'J ^ j.-S ai: 1 HIO "?l III 111 um? price end not much act Manifested in the selling of t Pk. Manj of our citizens are p out trees. This is indeed more. A town or residence i hade is like & habitation in a ivity 8 L>! i r he sta ilantin* a wis. v It bout barren ids, Rail t, Cabinet Mantels Improperly compounded by incompetent I)-uprtfl>ts. Thin is not the case wli#n you have your prescr;ption8 Idled by Timmons Bros. r ; IN Sill UTS, COL LA US, CUFFS, GLOVES, UN DEItWEA It , WHITE AND FANCY rifiL Our F.ill L'ne of-oft awl St iIT Zk Hats arc here, comprising KNoX, S I K i s< )N, aiid otlirr makes. Pr ir??< from il nn #/? *" nn % ;'yqUni: ' avi aany, : *. .'VLAN <>ri re i llcst. >bll I -\<1 \ ofate. dessert. Guano hauling continues ant are the hundreds of sacks our fectivin*. "Fewer gallons wares ' manf C. O. BR< land i> COLUMBIA, ionger',--means Devoe paint )WN & riRO., s. c. Salve! ^'ilvc!! Spread the Salve, but let it b<- Pine S::lve, natures n.medy ' for cuts, burns, ?ores, etc, Sold by j Titrmons l;ro?. ? Suits Made to Order; Fit tiuaran- _ trrd. 1514 Main Street, j;ltV Columbia,S. C , ;sl" /> f V I > ./?> t fl . ; : . - ' a. ' i <. 11 < 11 II I ... V It LO.VlliAUij ?rLV Alv)i(ti, Au0ustaua. t X . I . .Aw W.M. ? V\ (.