The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, March 09, 1906, Image 11

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II ill in ' I I "TTfc? W^^7rF' W - i - _ _ v. ~ ? i? BATMBURa ADVOOAT m. 1 New Je Wflrv # ran ? I HF I I yf B 1 ifp I" ? , ?- ? t mtW Busin i ? ? ?" J less. * hi 3 IT J IT i nave op< in the i Building enea up Caminer f i\ .IpWb : -M UTT A T' VIJ mi m e II > I T ? I ^ x^if1 e? elry bus My work is all 4 /v> * m t rx m a . ? TT iness. guaranteed ^ * .j f Hll r ^ . 1^ V 1 in give pern tic n. I have been watch i Southern and Sej eci satistacnspector for The lboard r_iLoads m H Make er in >s its Bow the History Y\r ednesdav >i r of this to , March 16t wu has s h~N e v- H1 uch an S for some time pasi Brin? your jewelry < nd 1 will serve yc at very reasonable t. or send it to me >u promptly and ; prices. # uiiiisu: # very t al Event I hreshold oi ieen I nam r the new i urate d \\\ season. >oii the |? "MY MO Good for one TTO" ! and all. 1NFS m 1 OUR ! SALES FOf 1 1906 Ml 1ST BE DO DBLED. | Batesburg kinrPMAN rnnwrp wtti MAirr win s. c. 0 Was 1 hp trnaenror r\t ||| The hard* That is exat ;fj|= sale-owning ^Jfc shaving our HE from Manu: ist task we can set 01 itly the we unch ? every offering at pi profits far below th( facturers and Imnori urselves is to better c irtake. For months 'ices 10 to 30 per cem iir normal low livedters on contracts mat >ur own best records we've been prepaiinj t under present New In addition to the |p months r?crn miv * I a \ of the past. 'iff y for this very w ? "York prices- ^ \ goods secured Sk 1 ATr viv . luuijuuiou uvvuuu niuu iBAAli THE EACE. Mr n R Conner, who is a mender t f the piesent council, has reconsid- j urp red his expressed determination not o stand for reelection and in re?-p >nse i jQr o tlie repeated demands of many of j he voters of Ward 2 has announce |)ri| VI VLVIICC otjf for eight terms and is hlnu' an expert accountant, and li? s seem to Inherit in a large meas1 the talents of their father. Mr. :G Holleman has loen connected the past six years with the Peo's Hank of Anderson, and is a th -rof J. T Holleman, casluer of 7 with the reE country, has velous, and lit beautiful--f< Not the . idy Cash, and in con 3 been ransacking eve Indisputably supre oreign and domestic minutest slighting 11 1 nection with the stroi :ry Mart and Northei me assortment-=all ?cotton, linen, silk ai of calities to g? ? W M. m. M V 4 ? VAl V ^ V y V' * ' igest syndics to of It 'n Fashion Center;?& that is new, novel, ncl silk mixed, tin a fraction of pr< A.IXX a II lill/OV 11 I Duyers in this Sp ; ecuring a IV ar- ; practical and < :>fit?our sales ' nmseii a candidate lor tlie position lie the iow holds. Resides being averse to'llo igain serving as a council rain, t here j vere many private reasons of both : )ersonal and business nature why be j con lid not enter the race His action Is | m** mtirely in response to the call made w'* ipon liim by those who feel the im- ref ^ortance ol his presence in council. Mr C.mnpr li:is hwn a member nl T TS Hank of Anderson, and F. S i'.oman cashier of Seneca Bank. i R SALF -One squi r: piano in fine idltion Gordon the Jeweler. Rember Gordon ih"1 reliable Jeweler h your watch, clock and Jewelry >airs. Batasburg, S. C. T nr TfTTruo DrwiTvrnn mr must oe do |$& they'll go w 1000 yards all Silk ubiecl?we have the ith a rush. Sale last Witnei Ribbons 10 to . >n<> goods and have cut six S 'lling days. ss the following item W 1_? I the prices to the van s:~ ishing point so < ~ _ _ iiiu :out)cil for two years and is now chair- . nan of the c< mnitlee on lights and a * nember of l lie .ravs and means com- g nittee and is the only one ot the preset ni nbers who is a candidate for ^ eelection. 1 A represen*ativeof The State called ipon Mr Cooner yesterday and asked or an outline of his views as to the II VI IJli I ILUU UiiUlAimilU UflJALLED FOR IN BATESBURG, I. C., POST OFFICE FOR THR ffEEK ENDING MARCH 3RD., 1906. NAME5-LADIES Miss Carry Ca>ty, 2(!c values all white 300 yds. ull Silk R ?Tv' v dues (white) 100 yds. Chiffon T 5^?^. 200 Pieces, Finishl ^and Colors 5c values 9c 10 Pes. 36 In. gibbon 15c lo 35c 10 Pes. Lii inj: I affcta 30 to 45c. inn 12 l-2c value. 19c 2 Pes. White Do nn Braid, white Muil 25c value, oi - | Pr Whit,- Vnl OI-O I Cambric lOc \alue I 1 case Pillow K 1-3 -Inlsli White Suit- 500 yds. Blea Sale Price ... 10; 'n* t Swiss mercerized . 10 Uoz* Llnci i'y 17 1-2 i tv. >c.. ..... |)oz. Cotto 5 pes. Lai Cases free of stareh Ity 12 I-2c 300 yds. A died Linen ]'a!>le Dam- uc , 75c values 48c 3 pCs. lr 1 Napkins, 75c '.allies, Suits 55c 1 Pc- Hea' in Doilies Site values I ce Stripe Lawn 8c qual- v 10 In. Lawn 12 l-2c val- i ish Linen for 0 ? I5c [' Pique 12 I-2c qualltv jfe'i?',* e vork to t?e 'lone by the next council. Ie said that he wanted to s^e every i >ssibl - Improvement made in all of he various departments but that the u e>t important thin^ was the judlious expenditure of the taxes and a iroper distribut ion of the money so hat each department miyht receive rliat v\as necessarv for iis proper and Gonorrheal maintenai ce. and after all j>irs. rial Marvin, Miss Nancy McCarty, " Binner Morse, Mrs. Susie Ruff, " Sarali Willis, N A M ES?CJ RNTLEM EN Mr. John Taium Bradley, " Allen Carr, " Juliet Look, 50 Do/. Ladles Blei 10cvalues. W 3 Doz. Lad. Mercei 15c values ^fv" 5 pes. White 50c (. 1 Pc. New White C 50c values ached Gauze Vest J ues Sc I |?c. White TU rized Gauze Vest. Chine 25c value 5 Pes. each 36 If ^hina Silk 39c Butchers l.inen w '.heck Wash Silk 35c 35c 1 Pc 90 In. LI fv puiv > ai" 19c . . . , 5 Do/.. White rrcerized Crepe de 2.3 10 l)oz. asst Finished Towel 1. Shirt Wa st and . , A profusion o ould be cheap for - ' ? . * Scarfs, flats, Ta 22 1-2 Stamped, Plain, nen for Suits or ured. ".28c I Bleached Towels Ac 25 White . Cotton, Muck, and ' case ea* s 15c values yc 99 and 1.29, f fine l.lnen Towels, 25 Lace Ci hie Covers and Scarfs, 12 l?r. Lac , Hemstitched and L'ljj- j 2 pr. 1 a(; I (- ii: vibij ...19: o Counterparts 63 :h Counterpanes 79, 89, . worth 2.50 pair. ^f?V irtains worth "jOc.. . 37c Ssjmp d c Curtains worth 7.*w iO,- S' #P S( I these necessary iiuming expenses ad b on mot alt the city council ouid alford shou'd be ixi ended for | mprovements. lie thought the first to 1( ' ne was the paving of Main street and ^ lid lie was in favor of its beinfr done. 1 leali/.ing the importance ?f good el ihools he, of course favors improving * ^ r,. K Hifner. " M. 8. Keyser, " King Mac, ' Sam Perriw " J. H. WMUIe. hcse letwill be sent to the ul LottcJ Oftlci Mar. 17 lJK'fi if not (yered before. In calling for the ve, please say "Advertised" giving Of lie4 -1 " " 2 Pes. Henley SerR Wool Mixed Suiting 20 Pc Androscogai gjfe You are c m- ir|g days anc e. a new White Sheets, 1.00 quail 25c value l<? 2-3 36 Larjje Bleaclu a 36 in. SI eet- 24 Sheets, Best ordially invited to pa 1 the goods can not b ty 78c 20c White hd ;d Sheets, only 44c 15 pcs. Whlt< (irade 98c values values rtake of this great o1 e had aeain at the v>i kfs only 2c 12 I'r. Ne* worth 3.75 Book [-old Lawn 7c . 10 Pes. 15. 5c f Bargains. Sale o ifpR miofpfl rlminnr t 11 v S^yle Bonne Femme, jSP'5?" si 2.P8 yjmS* T c India Unon 11 1-2 " y lasts 6 sell- jt| v taic? 1^ VTV : ! ne system in every possmie way eon- j istent with no> d business judgment ! lie fire department, be i bought, sufj , . eicnt for the present needs, but be j bought the police f<>ree ought to be jT lereased, as tbc city finds itself able '*i ? i a financial way to afford it. to As to the matter of Sunday closing, ma: I r. C 'oner said his rec >rd was known to 1 nil Qiv\U-o fnr iltfli- 11? i u,..... w. (ftx* - - ----- ? ? I IV IVIIt'Ct'Cl 1 . i>l Amoudmrut Hfjectfd. Laura." said Mr. Ferguson, burrledezplulning matters in the kitchen, lldn't want to bring the man home dinner, liut he kept staying and., ring ut tho utlico, and I just hud I isk htm. Vou will have to put as I J a face on it as you can." I Our new s %.' > bracing the |fe- purse and 11 ||? of any in th il'r, pring stocks for ever newest, the best, the iste we have made a e State. ^ # X y department is net cream of the in arki selection the peer of ? - ^-/ X | V>- v/ V V> V V VI VI A A ? I ^ V . uly the pink of pt at. With an eye si any in this section a n ao oaic. ' p irfection?Emngle to your ^ nd the equal ^ ^ I ? fc 111. I Ml" _ ?j Lilico e nninissi. u should he :i 1 lo\%eel wr ienforce the laws and that as as gy,,, lev did so council should not inter Krv, re with Ilicin. dih.t now [R. LEE f, HOLLEMAN. HE PROSPECT!/? BASK E AC- u?. - . Ts*/ f you think I'm going to change! face on his account, Georgo Fer-| in." said his spouse, red aud uu"you'll have to think again! You bring him out to dinner right J"?Chicago Tribune. ???????? , What He Needed. father recently received the folloTTiote from a young man: rJ Am a a iMU /% 1% IV JDS ?|; INER STANuS wtLL AT hand HIS OLD HOME. jeeinl to the State. Tl1 Wiilhalla. March 7 ?The f.irnds of y^1 ?e (.? Holleman in l?i-i nati e t'-wn ?tudj etf!a<1t<? It; r . of his appoint in'nt. State bank examiner. Mr llollean was born and reared here and t >nt, lr> Anriprsnn .ilmnl 1A rn .rc t.m five ir on?nuou iiKP your ooter Jessie's in inurnge. She and 1 nre in luv. I think I nedo u wife. Yures. HENRY. e father replied l>y letter, saying: end Henry?You don't need a wife, need a spelling book. Get one an<S r it for u year. Then write me again. The t hnm-n. oiue men," remarked the asstmipcltlzen, "are horn to lead." it ^i?ir jr%i1 % I IS f.i nds feel confident that lie lias gon e energy and business ab lity to mttn charge the duties of Lhisofiicc in a actu tisfactcry way. he li He Is tlie son of J. W 1'ri'i i Star os," answered the cautious per"but the trouble Is that every who feels a disinclination to do al work takes it for granted that ) one of those men."?Washington . , * "'A