^fv ^TV i a . ii. ii> ?~ ~ vm T.i IBAYBjBPRfr ADVOOATB. iTl'?r Jew .lev Vftlrv I *?IV ^ , ! I HF rMH ~ w\ | Busim IL? JSS. I hi IT -vrv suave opei in the K< Buildimr nea up I aminer I Z\ JpW" I &T A T' VJI \U? vr^ r 11 > T elry busii ,y work is all 3 tiess. juaranteed .A- A t% nil r ^ JLi v in give pence tic n. lave been watch ins Southern and Seab< i sansTaci ipector for The oard riil.oads If Make H er in 3S its Bow the History W ednesda^. it * r of this to1 , March lGtl svn lias sv & I t i?Nev- 8 Bl , # ich an it for some time past. -in? your jewelry or nd 1 will serve you at very reasonable p send it to me promptly and rices. ft unusu ft very 1 ?/ al Event I threshold ol Jeen Inau? ? the new s pirated np< leason. oil the |? 1c "MY MOT' Qood for one a ro" nd all. i our" SALES FOE ! 1906 fflU ST BE DOl JBLED. i Jatesburg, cdmam rnnvro wtt t vivf who w - * -7 S. C. as t hp treasnwr nf fln/ino* i Hi The hard That is exa 3$j?: sale--ovvain 4#kshavins: oui f*mm IVTann est task we can set 01 ctly the task we unck g every offering at pi r profits far below the iffipfnr^VQ cir?r] ImtaArl irselves is to better o ;rtake. For months \ 'ices 10 to 30 per cent ;ir normal low lived?1 "ovc rm pnnfvn r?fc marL ur own best records .ve've been prepat ing under present New n addition to the g a mnnt lic? orra aiit? iy, aiju of the past. 'M M for this very ,,ftl n i ,nW/ ered iork prices- los, oods secured t\Tp t tiuinaii uvuhijU wiijii iuan.ii THE EACE. ilTln r n n Conner, who Is a meml er 8,,nssec ic pieseiit council, Iras recons^* j ure the his expressed determination not, Lee q and for reelection and in re*p >nse I jQr ,be ie repeated demands of many of ^^e.L1 V V I1IULV71I A|i mm! jyers in this W 3 2uring a Far- #1 *? ? pers practical and ^a <5$?- enti upoi fit?our sales w ro? seir a candidate Tor the position tie the Ha holds. Besides being averse to Ilollem n serving as a council nam, there 2 many private reasons of both FOR S> onal and business nature why he c?nditi< not enter the race His action Is | rely in response to the call made w'th y< n him by those who feel the Im- reP?' ance of his presence in council. - hmnor )>:i? hppn a menilipr nt T T5T A uk of Andcrs<>n. an J F. S an cashier of Seneca Bank. * iLF -One squi r* piano in fine on Gordon the Jeweler. Re>r Gordon the reliable Jeweler >ur watch, clock and Jewelry (. itatesburg, S. C. r ITTTrDQ DFMATIITWP TTir_ must be d< ijsk they'll go v I tf, I IIIWl ?, Afill! -ill Cll Dubled?we have the vith a rush. Sale last Witnei IL- D:mw,.W ?M 4^ goods and have cut 1 six selling days. 3S the following items _ _ :he prices to the vanis 1 shing point so ^ cm?au; ^1^, men mit ?????????? ert ^A'*_ reel i ^ A w 'w'"w * ~ - AJ .U1 V ucil for two 3ears and is now ch;>iri of the e< mmitlee on lights and a 1>AL nber of the .?avs and means com- g ? fee and is the only one ot the presni fibers who is a candidate for WEI L'ction. |O0( represen'at:veof The State called n Mr Cooner yesterday and asked in outline of his views as to tile Mi; t uuiiuuu uxjiuAiuiuu un~ LED FOE IN BATESBURG, ; POST OFFICE FOR THE X ENDING MARCH 3RD., >. NAME'-LADIES Carry Ca' ty, T* _ ? ?r s 20c values all will 300 yds. all Silk /?Tvv V dues (white) 100 yds. Chiffon 200 Pieces, Finis vV ??' ill? te) 9c 10 Pes. 36 In. Ribbon 15c to 25c 10 Pes. Lii ins: J Taffeta 30 to 4Sc. inu 12 I-2c value. ,9c 2 Pes. White Do liin? Braid, white Muil 25c value, 01 .... 3c - ~ 8 1-3 I Cambric 10c value J > case Pillow < - 8 1-3 J -Inlsli White Suit- 500 yds. Bleac Sale Price IOj *s'< "2 in. wide, t Swiss mercerized . 10 I)oz* LInen i'y 17 1-2 " IW# rnllnr r>4c 5 Pes. Lace -ases free of starch 'ty 12 I-2c 300 yds.-40 bed Linen Table Dani- uc 75c values 48c 3 Pes. Irisl Napkins, 75c values, Suits ... 5 5c 1 Pc. Heavy i eiL* . iiK.e Stripe l awn 8c qual- worl 5c Mes ij; p?ss iii. Lawn 12 I-2c val- the - Vc <2$^ m ,si h Butchers Linen for cion 15c Prop C,^ that Plquo 12 I -2c quality jagg, wha Vc econ k to i?e 'lone by tne next council. -**sr: ?aid that he wanted to s?'e every M i< ihi improvement made in all o! various departments but tliat. the Mr r important thing was the judis expenditure of t he taxes and a ] icr distrihution of the money so ,, r each department might receive t v\as necessary for its proper and t4 omical maintenai ce, and after all s. nai Marvin, js Nancy McCarty, Binner Morse, s Susie Ruff, Sarah Willis. S A M ES?(JR N TL E M EN . John Tanim Bradley, Allen Carr, Juliet Cook, n ! ? V t a 50 Doz. Ladles Bl 10c values. . 3 Doz. Lad. Merc 15c values ? ^fv" 5 Pes. White 50c 1 Pc. New White 50c values I I'c. White Voi eaclieu (iauze Vest ues 5c I l?c. White TU erized (iauze Vest. Chine 25c value... yc 5 i'cs. each 36 ir : Chinu Silk 39c Butchers l-inen w Check Wasli Silk . 35c 35c I 1 Pc 90 In. Li I L?e Sole 25C va!- " 19c J _ 5 Do/. White I :rcerlzed Crepe de 2_j 10 Do/, asst. Finished Towels l. Shirt Wast and , . A profusion of ould be cheap for Scarfs, Hats, Tah 22 1-2 Stamped, Plain, I Inen for Suits or ured. " isc I ? * " ??i lileached Towels 4c 2^ ^ hlie Cotton, lluck, and ' case each 15c values yc 99 and 1.29, fine Linen Towels, 25 Lace Curl >le Covers and Scarfs, 12 Pr. Lace < Hemstitched and Fig- 12 i?r. Lace IJ I5; values ...19: *$4'^ ot 1,1 junterpan?s 63 ^ 1,M' #COU!< j mp( ' l'1 tains worth 50c.. 37c ne Curtains worth 7">c 4?>c % Keal Curtains 3.50 values scho< icse necessary tunning expenses been mot all that the city council ,, 1 alTord shou'd be expended fe?r ,, ovements. ,, ?thought the first thii.g to l( was the paving of Main street and lie was in favor of its being done. . C. izing the importance if good e"Vftr< ids he, of course favors imprnviuer a JOVe? 1 _ * ate of 1 rj. it imner. M. H. Keyser, King Mac, Sam J'errlvv. J. H. Wblttlp. ; lett-bis will be sent to the otter Ofllc: Mar. 17 190fi if not before. In calling for the please say "Advertised"giving l6t. ?T. Prsinl/" lv nnnne T> 2 Pes. Henley Sei Wool Mixed Suitinj 20 Pc Androscog &jk . You are < *5Y" incdavsar rge, n new White Sheets, 1.00 quail < 25c value 16 2-3 36 Large Bleach* an 36 in. SI eet- 24 Sheets, Best cordially invited to pa id the fronds ran net h ty 78c 20c White Hilk ;d Sheets, only 44c 15 pcs. White CiraJe V8c values values rtake of this great of ip Vmrl Qcrcnn o i- fli p nv it's only 2c 12 Pr. New worth 3.75 ,0 I Vs. 15c I Bargains. Sale o y ii?na niiafo/] rlminrr tVi L"1'S*yle Bonne Femme, siste 2.98 The India Llnon.. 111-2 rtt lCI lasts 6 sell- lit 1 c? I r% VIV ; and < iyhicm in evrrj pusMuie way eon nt with go?>d business judgment firedejjartnient.be I bought, suf . it for tli? present needs, but be ,*Laui glit tbe police force ought to be )? expi ;ased, as the city finds itself able '*i didn financial way to afford it. to dtnr , to I lie matter of Sunday closing, staying Cootier said his rec ?rd was known to H9k moke for it self. Iln ihnmiht ?.? good n Anirudmrnl Itcjrclftl. a." said Mr. Ferguson, hurrieduluiug matters lu the kitolien, 't want to bring the man home ler, hut he kept staying and.. at tlio ottlce. and I Just liad | lilui. You will have to put as! face on it as you can." i Our new !??'-' bracing the j&fe purse and t ? *4.1 ^ oi any in tl vll-fTx ?????? spring stocks for ever i newest, the best, the .aste we have made a le State. V x X lAVi Ul/ il 1 y department is nea cream of the marke selection the peer of ; 1VV.U V j VI vy tv VI VIV4A VII .vly the pink of per it. With an eye sir my in this section an lO lactic. rection?Em- ^ lgle to your ^ :?? id the equal M? -w UR. THE > c mimissK n shou'd In- allowed UJT force the laws and that as long as KliHOIli? did so council should not inter gryt ??y< with them. may br now!"?i LEE G HOLLEMAN. A fath PROSPECTI/E BASK F kl " ing note ju think I'm going to change! e on his nceount, tleorge Fer-| said his spouse, red and an>u'll have to think again! You ing him out to dinner light Chicago Tribune. What llr Xrrdi'il. er recently received the follotrfrom a young uian: i . rv A fc. oc ri/o ii w are jf !as St i man i wrnf INfcK STANuS Vt LLL Ai hand in HIS OLD HOME. in 1 to tlie S?:it?v The fa ilhalla, March 7 ?Tlie friends of Friend i?. Hollcnian in Ins nal t e t< wn atudy it lad t?? U: r i of his appointment ate bank examiner. Mr llollewaa bom and reared here and "Somc . In AnHorsnn nlKiut in ??...? ...... tlVP C'ltil ir?noou iiko your ooter jossie ? murage. She and 1 are In luv. ink I nedo a wife. Yuri-s. HENRY. ther replied by letter, say lug: Henry?You don't need a wife, d n spelling book. (.Jet one and for a year. Therw write me again. The Chonen. i men," remarked the ussuiupr.en, "are born to lead." i E . MW..V 'Vjtuia ?n?' I 'Yes," .1 nd9 feel con lident that.be has 90n energy and btisiuess ab Illy to man targe the duties of Ibis oMcc iu a actual > factory way. be Is on i Is tlie son of J. W l'rih . Star. answered the cautious perut the trouble Is that every to feels a disinclination to do vork takes it for granted that le of those men."?Washington -