The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, February 23, 1906, Image 7

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- jll_J ? t .? i, IKMBW? * mmmm mmm 53?^"" KB umm ' Tg? BATMBP KO APTOOi ' ? ' ??trnmmmammmi^N??? . ^ Lfc' tBJ ?4< A-Kwaxzsrrjzrtr \ ? " Btsy Ti17 3u c tr; B 3 FT nun? 1 H. ii km I y a * w k -.-p:- j >{ : ""tk .l~ mm JIT ml 1 < ^ rat aaob?4i>itf I'iffiwi?jy n i if. aEtaBMraPM A it W~-%k 4 11 *.. & % ^"*gK.^^KawrwH^M II r, M ii. J& iU 1 ??Xf3 ^,RLS* R5^VNV^-t J*B*l we nave i ' bon" Bi EVERY P :ne ceieon ister Brovs AIP CilTAl atea "tsiu m shoes. JANTPPn e Rib- = i? i Wrtlf II Vd Bear In Mir In ?. "*ving ?Vu)ol . k: Boys or Ia Vs n' p cheap, si'oda* she Our buyei d ping them 1 Stun tor either tlfltC And Of rvcr to buy a licl?fTI?nt I >e that rips and - will. r is now in New Yort o us daily. For the the latest patterned Come and inspect th< c and the northern n latest styles and fasl fabrics you can find em carefully and vr.i . jujl 1 r m *4 m ^ a^/ i.arkets buying good hi'Mis, goods tnat ar? none better than a i WJ* i i cpp hpiv f n?* ot? * LOW CUT . . , . ftrWoncn Is and snip- ^ ; new, up-tot my estab I tears after .7 ew remember It Pays?? to buy "Blue Rib they're made fron and workmanship **s ? "" competitors bons" because ? i best material ??????? and are we are. One call wi ? ?/ ? ill convince you. JTRA1 ? , t .mi !?/ TT I Ul CI I I I I ? a^^jBaspyy-TPfraFii m \ if? vau uI ?111 uur I nzzizzzrrr-- ^ I I J Built for Set 1 jfiThi IidHliKTtrnf '"-TWfWCTy n T7?nfin 'vice. I BaTESE I isr ? nvmnn *URQ, I ? ? - S. C. <? Bit ATM MU Bil IIo a i ra ins: i?lo v* ,ue h The farmers of our scet ion tent on being In time; muc laud has been broken aiu IT nutiMIill. 5T J A Vk | ^ s> ^ ?M-|j SOl) ? I ' Jill m piiinr i iionip8oi?. Of iSetcetoo, a ? ?:<J H-rv.c s ;ii tut* I5aui l>l cliurc bi<>|j)ii ii unlay secm in- Miss Burnctte. the efficient t ill of the at Berlin spent Saturday and 1 several in town. ; Fine Ft Make I I i r n i t u r ei Fane rBig A eivcn number of ger Yield; kyoA TirJ+U C- ?? large now grounds have beet the old fence rowi and was are being looked after and out look for brighter days up near. Mr. C. I). Kneece is sellinj amount of fertilizers at Haxt indications arc that >mail ac v- > ? . .,,1 |v*t . .. i cleared,, Misses Lessle Jackson and tc places (jook, 0f Leesville College, spent \i general U1day and sunday with the pear tu be foiks> | Dr. and Mrs. Gnnter and cln ? a large of Leesville, speut yesterday wii er. The niuther, Mrs. Susan Gunler. r0.UK.eita.!ld Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Brudie K i\yf I It* ? , And > ou are a I i Jl fi ?.l). ways sure to find at L greater yield of cotton, Farmers' Bone does n the acreage and inert who uses ...V..U.VM win* a <aniicrs? our , than the same acreage with ordini tore than that. It makes it possib ease the yield. Try it this year. r - ' ' ' - Le proa vice a |M iry fertilizer. (e to reduce |H The man '3E8B&.3BWtM. to- lit . J- . ' J ,U- X !_ ..!!' P udly cut in Lne saw mill oue <J,i veek. ignite a number ol our younj. n i i: o r? i * \ ieu ! f ' ? o ri t? " V i^\' i i i u i!id Low vjrade r a /i t ^ r? A ?ij m I * g I I a V> ' i i I f# ^ 111 5II Made With Fish ams attended i bu;v by i'rof. Che .. : on * For several reasons ihe ir District l!? have decided to school with a nice little si their district. Mrs. Y. li. Watson thoi: ffcik visited at the horn , t ;<! 1 11. pound party at s il' IJ.l S i" :rcU; liight. " v,r. Like Kedd spent Sundaj UeLeus 01 in Lexington, eluse the Mrs. Lydia Gunter has a ver: lrplus to child, who is thought to he d; ously ill. ;gh very Mr Rosg Smith has bought a rf i his I U ?i V"? , ov,-r P-r ^"1 . All the New Thin f .S'Ck iii^ei- Furniture 1<? in f\,p /VI <r? r\l\\/ao ' t can aaici^ 2>ciy ell . under the market, I igs in Mission and , Mahofanv Birds 7 O 11-* _ A/4 #1 ? % /4 /* /-v 1 <-l ^-v1 I has twenty-one years 13,000 carloads of Ro This volume of busint LOOK . - of fertilizer experience back of h ystcr fertilizers were used on the cr< jss stamps Farmers* Bone the best. AT OUR TWENTY YEARS' RECORD . V ^ / IfiBR-SKfl TftNC ^ ^ im, Over H Dps of 1905. B i. I ' fl * .w rA B BCiibeidsL wnday <r. 1'ickeus Paila* j* i slowly, ?htt \V \dain.-> and f.iinil; the pm mat roof last buml.n There will be . school house n> XI but da.i at i? o'clock I'. M All are iuv iown and is preparing to bui.d iliall be pleased to have ?uch 'M V Itg 11 ! I c I '(I la 'I ) (Ut'll . Miss H .renee Toole spent y vis; < t, "'#? in f latest iur>! last week. The ttamUv c<>me to n? (1 jju recommended ai.d luiv made :>l ( ^ r '-iids h- rr air* ady ited. a Mr and 'rs John llrodic visit \ye ^ ? v mu piv^ *t vu Oak. WiDlC , w., Every Article ii ntbllj ; , r-v| f*# in Plain Figures '(1: t iiiv cu auu uuiucn n our store marked and One Price To 19C Norfolk, Va. C f* Columbia,S.C. ft Oi 1890-1,500 TONS 1895?12,000 TONS ^ 1900-58,4-55 TONS \ C vrr __ Ar\< TAMO \ 'O IOV-/,OC? I i v/ito ^ . ROYSTER GUANO GO. I mt - V7\ I . arboro, N. C. "aeon, Ga. Blind, blee lir ilelrnn p piies are instantly r. lieved Thia remedy is put, u lapslble tubes Aim nuzzle ai 8" that, tiie nudu'ine may .?< Inside directly wlier* tlieirn ina'es. MliiZin rc.i-ves !r lla> Ginlts yesterday. tr,riJ l ( Mrs (3i.:" "ir-* M " t '-*nd -rf rt1 1 t i li/trlfS'< ii iii>t wct'l' u< " -iptMfiii k soV'-ral months in to* ' 111 l" M'jijj. iter w:i> shocked l ist we laclmi?-nt ,.f (iu. deaMi o. Miss <ipp i > s. .ifi.nntt A In v'iss el; 4 I i-i dslieiv bt-sides a hi in,unt,u. "|v,s m'NS "er tvery body. ro * in n"'" will deliver . II g< *" Humbia, without -"IE. M. AP r a short time we >uds sold out of Col:xtra charge. MDREWS / Put a Bull! Behin V We call especial attention to the hinge M of stay with main bars. m This is the essential of every good w M U-.- - v: -? - d the Bars \ joint at each intersection M ire fence. Unless the ttav ? S> <1 by /i nrno is lJms IflE LEGiSLiTM HAS AujGlii TBE HuUSE Of REfRESES PERRY. h?* ntfire 1 extra no. 3*>0 a'Vi d a1 ed h?-r?" Tucsda\ mi-rn ftiitiL v" 1' occin td a>> u i' l r i; re no 2ti?i was de h 131 i l . jus! one week iAil... f. I to roir.i or i mr Al t < .ti it Furnil north 1 ,n? at | NEW CAROLE railed COLU/ a?o noun Tf CI 4"/\ /"V ' I * l-? 4 - I ture Co. ^ A BANK BUILDING. UBIA, S. C. ?2 ~ \ / HJI (u.i3 a umgc ioim me icnce cannot rece and right itself. All rigid stay fences ha disappointing, as they crush down and w AMERICAN Is made with a hinge joint, by which thi secured and the fence if properly stretchi nitely. With the hinge joint, no amoun effect the connection of stay and bar, wh lve pressure from contact ve been unsatisfactory and hen once down, remain so. FENCE) ; maximum of elasticity is V rd, remains in place indefi- m t of strain on the bars can M ile the onnosite i? tm#? ?r FINISHED IIS WORK A' P. ffl. SATURDAY NIC LEGISLATIVE Tiki Th" liOise i>l icpit'sri.ia joui 11 il >uii' (In- attiida\ ll.">7 b\ th- kK'?'aliVf clut mi-in tn ! . iiot ft 11 i.i i tn- i ^: in ?? HIV II UK Vi %'?r? r ii.d7 m .( i'e rv was culled t<M?rder u t hinst. bylntendant J. W. '"!? ? ? I?? f..Mowing cbanpes <le Mr J K *?yrnp> tendci si^nuiion as secretary and ' liven an .,r,.r< Tho Wardens elected w i>iK^i* a v Lybrand. 1). H. Kasley, \ 'v nnie ?V hi'lock and I> .J A Xlilili<?tl: a eh- s ii - j fen,!;,ut will be rircted on t' e 2i I llv ^lUIC I Melt m the Fanwere ' ed h's] Treas-' ________________ ere J. I v q J. Minton, se: In- J Practical Painte Si h. I lK>n't pay 8cent.s per pound for wo ^uvcb ruu money. ? I FEELING | ! | TTT7TD TdTT \a11 rigid stay tences. We Aim To %nn/rt Please, / ; sfPu/m U 5Cill ? ?' 1?il I ? liv tf '1 ? ??t- Ntl i .1 tf) 'I tif.v Uov. ll j -? .. i.u whs r? aity to *ojo :<! v ward St. iil. <m tre- i, that he *!<; ' i ? > Lion bit is and h;? 'I > >> ( place before i lie h i-- i.'.u i?r !> r iniiil i m I aii'l Mr?. IS>r-u ) r h c r. ' lii mo > n lit , fI??* ho it* njcDii. ;t li.ii it .. v< i cv- M li ir;in' Alrirlrigp. of FUlo . s hiiiik 's-I' '?** days with rei i |H)r?-|?-la tiIi 11 r. and Mrs Outlaw, of I ' ?. I visi'erl roUitivcs Iiptp Sunday. i j M t 1 luiur Ifiiaflii Ivic Knnt -<?/ r<h vo" ')u,' White l.o !. . ? hi k>ch joukoi 88 poll d.s of w|, if.j? n I Lean and i2 pounds of Wo. d. i w hen you buj L A M. Pain I 5 1ljr^' jji't a full Kalloii of paint that wo lit 1VPK ! w*ar off for 10 or 15 years, because & M. Zinc hardens the L. A M. Wh 'elion? Lead and makes L & M. paint wi like iron. 1 fAWtt J itiIIamo I tf. \f mlv.,/1 ..UK O a a1 ill V lilVIOfl f u" This Morning? 1 01) i TAKE j| ?ar .., iilmajlzWMl, Parlor... ' I> + ^ vvrit I 9 o -f- rf-fc <i < #? rf-? -4 MliAJVIl Lyli ARDWARL Luckiest Man In Arkansas. | 'm the luckiest man in A rkansas," fy ;es H. L. Stanley, of Bruno, "3ince | imini co. # EScInT I tic I ? '!->< i a f s * * II. !S . St.- > T ! ? t :U .e s ? it *lt?i J - I ii I> t .v.. ?vonks; Is si Ivl r.v ll writ MR. ? 'Jit r. i i. | \ t r i- Imn"' now 1 1 y iii iin-. W (1 hi' I.K'k Spoilt < nnrt M"ii(l;iv nt ' 'Ud " 1 AT ill. Mr. i'\, f fall\. ? ?i: iy t ^aiiuuo u ix i*i in i avi i ? uu ? ? itfbily Ions Linseed Oil will paint a m den i Kiz?'d house. to see & M. ousts only $ 1 20 per Kalh Sold in the north, east.south and w und^y ( ^ Andrews. Ex Mayor, Danbu , 1 onn., tort: i"i : out'dmj house 19yei v L M Looks well todai n so d o.i v mun-(Jullum lldwe. (. lie ;, i^gp^j $ A Gentle Laxative lrg J And Appetizer IVCMdU i UI S L, 111 B. David, Proprietor. 1036 Main Street. and owe Ol'EN ALL NIGHT ^'rca lit)T" 1'HONES 207. I)isc kno' ^ sum livervt'ithe Marker i "no restorat ion of my wife's health af- j J five years of continuous coughing i bleeding from the lungs: and I j (53$ my good fortune to the world's! .test medicine, Dr. King's New'. :overy for Consumption, which 1? w from experience will cure con- Ever* ption if taken In time. My wife roved with tirst bottle and twelve Tl*** RESTAURANT /Ylain Street. COLUMBIA, S. C. ftVT'rir in Sia^ni ?? r" ' e Tiro >aiv i-' ' < ' I lm . I ?tiIs, <-t t ? rmc PAnr n/^\Tm t r<. I.11 r tin hi ? > Tu t:.\ Mr. ' f H? < to II ' ?i..\ 1 ft * ? T - ? Hate-Nburg. S . C town Subscribe for The Ativ< * '? diu-50 cents a jear i advance The season of tiinigestiou is now at; hand Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets re *" lleve indigestion, and correct, all | in stomach disorders, *old by Timmons Bros. Affords. b"lt Columbia, : S. C. Next to !ir Skyscraper, \ I a a aw ,les completed the cure." Cures worst coughs and colds or money at nded. At O. J. Harris, Timmons v, and F. It. Gunter's f<at-*sburg, ??-? Crosson Drug <'o., Leesvllle. Subsc uvsi ui cveryimng Moderate Prices. rlbe to The Advocate. A A I1U 1 AUC L.U1N 1 / DEFECTS WHICH ^ \iNb FLAWS AND < 1AY APPEAR ON T] DTHER film.MHHH I