The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, February 23, 1906, Image 6

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fc. l' M ? ??^1 -? I I? PI?? ii 1 mum~ -rn+m*mv m ' t vt IMAll ror BATMfeTJJtft APT00AT, ^ mmmm ? ~~ ??? ?^ ^ ""'.1 "?-'''L i "uriMf i jiron Bisy Tbcm B* * *>. V t. c v V J fw- 4 <ta :': FT ' > - 5 V/T ? -rv-j i MB r/\ A-\ IT M 1 I at: t i iim'TTr r'tfMnrM -A ^ L L * W?w A H * II H 1 I 3 ?i Ji a<l?(l v. >vs girls. c.c > i , .i,I1M??. ?r5*( r wc nave Li bon" Bu: EVERY PA le ceieDra ster Brow JR Of JAR tea "Bim n shoes. ' AIMTPPn ; Kib flfrtlT* mmmmmmmtm3 >mSteoe3C5^ ;1^J | ii | Bear In Mind n In w tving Shot ? Boys or I/. Vs never I cheap, ?foda ? shoe th> ^ Our buyer i ping them to * for either date and of tl iis'-.ment. C( s now in New York ; us daily. For the la ie latest patterned fa )me and inspect ther and the northern m; test styles and fashi tbrics you can find n n carefully and vou i a M.?*4 ?4 JL_^ a irkets buying goods ions, goods tnat are lone better than at Will 5PP hr^w for otic ' 1 WWCOTi , , . R>rWomen. ? and ship- ^ new, up-tomy establO/l *T? I I ^ - ^ - ^ ' 'I * I tears after ~ civ days remember It Pays??^ to buy 11 Blue Ribbons they're made from be: and workmanship and *" competitors w ! ii>iHnM because 1 1 11 1 t/ material 1 arc /q are. One call will SI-] convince you. I. RAV . . ... TT IUI UIIV au VI an uur "~" ZZZIZIZZrrr: ^ _________ I J Built for Servi 1 1-iiVi iiMtffliaSTir t ['"TitfWTlTl'TnTi* jl vmnn n itti ce, BaTESBI ! urimimin JRG, KKHBRBHHHETSEEESSKSSBEflBZHHKbS _ ~ 9 s. c. <g DflAlaa anJ tillLU IIo a I ra ils: pin\n a i e . 11 sin The farmers ol our sect ion seei tent 011 being in time; much o laud has been broken and si wmujivjjn. k*? ?? ?>' . e n il son ,.i?i D I Isl pi.lnr 1 luiinpHoii. of iSetc^itoo, atU-i e<J H-rv.i'i s :n ti ? ttaui 1st church >< Pi-mi eiila v ? in- Mls? Burnctte. the efficient t h< f the at Berlin spent Saturday and and :veral in town. - Fine Fu Makes I I rn i t u rei i > Fine rBifli A given number of ac jer Yields :res fprtili 7<?rl xrrJt-U In ? T> large new grounds nave ueei? ca the old fence row-, and waste i are being looked after and a gc out look for brighter daya appear near. Mr. C. 11. Kneece is selling a amount of fertilizers at Haxter. indications arc that small acreag iureo,, Misses Lessle Jackson and ! '. jiaces <jt>0k, of Lcesville College, spent neral Ulfiay and founday with the tnbe folks. i Dr. and .Mrs. Guuter and elm ularge of Leesville, spent yesterday wan i I'he mother, Mrs. rtusan Gunter. Mr- and Mrs. Eddie Brudie. u.u ' y ? i i\UU. And >ou are alw I ays sure to find at .1 i ? s i L greater yield of cotton, tl Farmers' Bone does mo the acreage and increa who uses .... w' i ???? mui m. aiiiicia uune ban the same acreage with ordinal re than that. It makes it possible se the yield. Try it this year. * , t ' <. ; proauce a 9M ry fertilizer. fl| : to reduce The man \V" ' > 4 - ? r A hu :?iliy cut in Hie haw mill one <J.; veek. Qu'.le a number of our young n i ii . 5 v.ieui i ! '' r fl in wp n i!id Low vjrade ; m n c ?i fulir frur 4 ' li I - Vf '& nmmi j0f iv lade With Fish ^ ^BL ams attended i i;v a1 Ibuiv by i'ruf. Cim . . jod ' . For several reasons I lie t ruble District l!? have decided to clust school with a nlee lit tie surplu their district. Mrs. Y. U. Watson though weak visited at the home cf ,.i i .:<! I 11 pound party at .*5 .t :s Saiurdo night. ir" > iir. Ljlce Kcdd spent Sunday ov us of in Lexington. 1 t 1 (O * Mrs. Lydia Gunter has a very i?.i s 10 child, who is thought to he dan^i ously ill. U'y Mr. Ross Smith has bought a 1<? this t , j M. V* Xr ji iJ pwi* ^ent u er * k All the New Thing! " Green Furniture, Fve Manlr Wpnth VUII v Cll inder the market, s in Mission and Mahogany Birds pH anH fSol/Iom 1 I has twenty-one years c 13,000 carloads of Roys This volume of business LC9K AT if fertilizer experience back of hit ter fertilizers were used on the croj i stamps Farmers* Bone the best. OUR TWENTY YEARS' RECORD w / V \ 1B85 ? 2SO TON<5 ti. Over ps of J 905. v bci ibc U.-ji unduy r. J'ickoKs F.tiliiA in i <.p slowly, lohsi \V Adain.NU.rid f.tmily tlii* p tri tuai roof last jmiiuI.iv Thi-rti will be preaching al ll acboi 1 house n- xi 26L at ;i o'clock r. M All are invit# d. mr?u <11111 1!> pitpailUK I/O WUliU V dtall be pleased to have >uch a> M v i>k .ihaMI la ill } dwell .in<>Kg Ui Miss - I -rence Toole spent sun si i- t ?* in llatesbun? last week. The eesrs. llamhi cmc to us w? I re- ommended ai-d Iiav made nn?i ( ^ r "lids It- f<- a I r. ady A Mr and 'rs John lirodie visited kC - ? - ?"I""? w * ' Oak. ne , Every Article in < '* {in Plain Figures ai 1 ^ 1 J? r> W v. vi UIIU VJV/IUV1 1 I our store marked nd One Price To ? ... ? I w? Jy/Zn2! Norfolk, Va. V" n i Columbia, S. C. ft Oi I 1890-1,500 TONS A 1895?12,000 TONS >00?58,4-55 TONS X >-130,091 TONS \j ROYSTER GUANO GO. SS Blind, bleed i: tlchwiK prcru piles are instantly relieved Zan. This remedy is put up ir laps)die tube* Alto no*/./.!e at tachi so that tne ned.cine may .>e < p Inside directly ndier* thetr.nbe ina'es. * iii'/. in relieve* ir iv'-in uiniiH yesiernay. , Mrs Ci. < ii-- " t ' nd *rr re'un Hi 11 1 I > liHiIrs ?i uist. wce1< iiili ^la* " sev- nil moni lis in to mi I 1,1 ner was shucked l:?si wee1' HfUt ,l(| ,,f | in- dea'li o. Miss Lei p i ? o. uf tiaiit I Al?? V1 iss cla h; . :< v l iidsheie besides a host .<! tv? s .* lie ?? ill ni'ss her II t. s>. every Doay. ror r will deliver ^ II gout ,o!umbia, without exl "! E. M. AN a snort time 'we is sold out of Coltra charge. DREWS j jP Kvyiriw? / Put a Buh Behint m We call especial attention to ihe hinge j of stay with main bars. This is the essential of every good win I Knr -* V* ' 1 the Bars \ oint at each intersection ^ i fence. Unless the ?t*v ? 2S< t! by .'immo is Urns liiE LEfiiSLiTUilE HAS AHJOUivli TBEHuUSE OF REPRESENrATI PERRY. h>' nifire I extra im. SaO n?-ri p ?-> ?i -ii'icd Ir-- Tuesda\ m<Tmng |j|j vt. Yi el, n ocv?ii? d abut tt f . I r i if no 2???? was detail) ii I3i i: i . just one week a^o 'lie reiru'ar me?*timrof town cou Furniti ih at: NEW CAROLINA * COLUMt n Thp QfAfA Thof j re Co. / BANK BUILDING. * ilA, S. C. 1 r% i . (( ai ? uiup luuii iur it-nee cannot recetv ' and light itself. All rigid stay fences hav< disappointing, as they crush down and whi AMERICAN Is made with a hinge joint, by which the secured and the fence if properiy stretched I nitely. With the hinge joint, no amount c L effect the connection of stay and bar, whih e pressure from contact M : been unsatisfactory and u en once down, remain so. M ^ FENCE) maximum of elasticity is V , remains in place indefi- m >f strain on the bars can M ; the onnosite i? trtiA r\f FINISHED ITS YVOhK AT II.; P. M. SATURDAY NIGHT, LEGlSLAIivE illiiE. Tht; house ??l lepifhCiiialivcM jouin (I (li<* atiii(lii> ni^h 11 ;')7 b\ til" i? i i v?* clock nu inin. i ? iiotefl 11i.ii i ii i mi ohdieat ' oil' i v )7 1 M > ( I'c rv was called fc'iorder on tl I ti itist l)> Intendant J. W. Fai >.r ?!? following cbanrCR we il?- Mi .1 K >iyrnp.-tendered li MUnaiion :i-? >?eret.?ry and Tre* a" in-r. The Wardens elected wore ' '* V Lyhrand. I). M. Easley, W. < \V|lit lock nnd I) . J. A "llllinuse: I s " 11en-la ot v.-lll I?? meeted on t1 ? 2a' h. IIV CiVI W I licit. tie fire ' i's J. pf J. M in ton, n- Practical Painters, fkiri't pay 8cents per pound for wood avta i uu . jP 3W4OTBa^:l J FEELING | i T Tf 7T?T> TCII H \ an ngia stay tences. \ We Aim To nm/rt- f?/i Please. / ; Ir?i tf '1 t *?<." i .1 iin 'i tif.i uov. ii j w..r l.ict li r? aily to ;f jn ul ward si nL uri tlito* :i, sain .s < that he had m.?;? r i i ? ?,|mr. tion bilis ar(1 h;-n .'I i..,i forth place before t lie Oil ' .1. ler I > r imiil- i ml '< i. -.1 n:?n aii'l Mr< I/>p|f?':r' ' r .. h e r. ' lii m.o > ninir lit p r hf ho !*.* nil <?n. .it ii , ,.v. M Hiram AlrirlrigG. of Raip-bur t.n.K 's *' ' nrti"K? ',MV <1ays with relatlv j> Here i. r. and Mrs Out Is w. of i'elio u.| visi* rd n*l?i ivrs lioro Sunday. rs Mi.* i h?*w Ki'ady has bmn ve , ! ji you buy lou poundsof White beal in Kill Ki'i. 88 p?'U d> of While Lead nod i2 pounds <>f Wo d. When you buy L 8c M. Paint you tret a full gallon of paint that won't pc , wear '-ff for 10 or 15 years, because L. & M Zinc hardens Mie L. A M. While h* Lend and makes L & M. paint wear like iron. rv ' 4 trillions L, Si M mired with .1 cat iJUX V IjIV IOIX f This Morning? g j TAKE I IJW # t/l/l V . 11/ arlor... ! ' ? . ! writes 1 ?iOT O < < # ? f vrdvar?t ickiest Man In Arkansas. J f) 1 the luckiest man in Arkansas," FI. L Stanley, of Hruno, "since j n tun co. % ESCENT brt/iif,' i i. u i lie ' o'lM* (.^i a i ? t v r i S ^ I T >.r \-i ai ic.i s ? ">< ate j ' I <? Ivm t Ao works;-lio J.s sli^hl l? -i p :i' li s writ ii ft. ' t r, ii iv' r i- l.iuiv now to ri '1 ' .v hi> tin -. \V i; lock sp-Mit ^nndi and Monday with r< !ui r-es at Vo ul 141 TV! 111. Mr. i'\. f Sally, our 3trcrt d ? * - ? - ly Ions Lin>eed Oil will paint a m derate ! Klz?'d house. Je 1 L & d. costs only $1 20 per gallon. N<.I<1 int he north,?a*l south and west ( C S Andrews, K.\ Mayor, 1'anbury, T oun., ri n : '*int *dmj house 19years < ; w L v M Looks well toda>. ' n : o d \ lOan-Culluin lldwe. Co., ' And Appetizer jj ??????? ?y WMCl Uf cl ! 6 L , in rc3i ft. David, Proprietor. ?-erfive 1.136 Alain Street. and tile ^ ^ owe my oi'KN A 1.1. t'lGllT creates HOT" PHONES SOT. Discove know fi siimptii ervi'iiiiflr the Market inapmvi Loration of my wife's health af- O years of continuous coughing ^ cding from the lungs: and I 153^ ^y] good fortune to the world's t medicine, I>r. King's New ry for Consumption, which I; om experience will cure coc- Evdl*/i on if taken in time. My wife ed with tirst hottle and twelve Tha c ESTAURANT Lain Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. :hki* in S ja*?n 1 ? r n ? ' PirChiV ?**'? UlSal ' Vni . toils. OUT, . < i i'i " ** ONTAINS FLAWS i r-'. I /./.' iirh-i i \\ ?. i. tow Tu * f ..I - h ; to .1 > ii \ L_ VND OTMFT? naiesLHiiy. S. C. n I Subscribe for The Advo- } ? cents a jear in t advance 1 The season of indigestion is now at (land Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets relieve Indigestion, and correct, all itomach disorders. Sold by Tlmmons Bros. Affords. bottles Columbia, : S. C. "' Next .-?, and Crc bkyscraper. I A IIV L completed the cure." Cures stcoughsand colds or money at f id. At O. J. Harris, Timmons ind F. It. (turner's Hat'sburg, -?7 ? ?son Drug ('o., Leesville. Subscrll iwsi ui cveryming Moderate Prices. be to The Advocate. I ? CH MAY APPEAR < ?- m. a- A. M?i JL"%. 3N THE FILM.^^