mmr^ 1 1 "ll ' "V n 1 V. / # ' /V j UiM99* AJTOOACT. |s-' v,1 -L - -f ? ' < "; - " V ? 1/**% I . B. DOZ I a. : '' . J: IIR. I ' |K1ot COMP MmL. I%1 ' ' ; v:?. r c # OLUiV C+n EEIA, | 1 4-?? x -4~ cy H s. c. P/\h IS? I -fill ? fij / -, - ^MKnn p = Benja: b Muresco min Moore & Co., Ne , the finest wall Finis! ? uia w York Manufacturei 1 made. Anti-Trust \ It J *s of Paits, White Lea< Vhite Lad, unadultera IV/l ? i and Muresco. Pure \ ted. We carry five c? louse colors, ground ir trs .n stock at Colurr 1 I U rnvvn ttTTu r\ n wn m Can give p ? rompt sipment at old ; i prices. ? ????I I u i lnti HUfllUttlST. Mrs. Flrstfloor?I called to ] about your daughter's playin'. Mrs. Secondflat?Now, look 1 she'll play just as loud as she 1 See? Mrs. Firstfloor?That's what I go!n' to ask for. You see, I'm i to irive Willie a wIiIddIo'. and I d peak X | 5= I "The Old j ,r| Reliable" j un'L 1 J. H. Eleazer , 4 BVJ5KYB1MG p li Drags. Er When you ^ave a precription filld, you want RESENTS FOR THE jf? igagements % PRESENTS Ari For the Brides. ^ PRESENTS M 11 THE CHARLES REnODELED AND NEWLY FURNI my and Navy Head 3CAL AND LONQ DISTANCE TELEPHONE >TON | SHfcD. quarters j? :s IN ROOMS want folks to hear him holler.?< caK'o News. "Ah! dart njf,'' remarked Ne ?'l see you have prepared Koine diriK with your own little ha What kind Is it, pet? "Th?that," sobbed Mrs. Ne' la > > li'iinrl ''' I AHflnn fPIfr riita 3bt SS Georgia 1 A I wed. g Railroad. % aids' 0 El?g*ntlj Equipped Paasen- ^ m jer Train* between ell e X points. Pullman Palace ( ' Cera between Atlanta. Aw- - Will save you money In his 1 HABERDASHERY B DEPARTMENT. f The best and latest Fur- | nlsbiags may always be ^ found here. IN SHIRTS, COLLARS. CUFFS, 0 GLOVES. UNDERWRAR u ucsurc urn pure ui ug? |-t ire used--Wfen they are Hied by oir Licensed )rugglst, witi our pure #M# I rugs, the beat results are >btained. th*^ Our I ine nff Patpnt IVIpd- l<^t.ioJ >r the Anniversary. SR s Or Presents JUST SO.... I t if you need any kind of a it In goods, v e have ready for you. c? 38^ have decidedly the largest sei and have onty so'ld and gen team Heat, Electric Lights. Electric Elcvi Singly and En Suite. Cuislae Unex RIDDOCK & BYRNS, Propi CHARLESTON, S. C. tors, ROOMS TDK celled. sfi ietors. ffl ^maaagnkm "1 used to think that Miss Ros< was beautiful." "What made you change mind?" "J heard her talk."?San Fran< Call. it usta and Charleston, also ^ ' between Augusta and St. || j Louis and Charleston and (, Cioclnnattl. Fast Freight %s -j. Service between the West w and Augusta, Athens, Ma- ?. V?ur Vu con, Charleston, Savannah II X and all points In Southeas- J| \ msco w tern and.Carollna territory. ^ Si\ a n i?* ? WHITE AND FANCY C VESTS. h Our Fall Line of Hoft And Stiff f Hata are here, comprising KNOX, STErHON, and ether makes. Prices from 91.00 to $5.00. , Suits Made to Order; Fit Guaranteed. - ?- ------ r * ? ?uinc % incs are cotiplete. We f?"""; lave Horse, Cattle and y?"?! T outsld 'oultry Powders. seins favor Keep us in mind prices than < THE CROSSON Be UUU?. I uu UIIVC iivf wiianwv III K with us but can feci absolutee that you get what you think *e getting the best. Inside and e, alike, in fact everything we fully guaranteed. If you will us with a call you will see our Murri are Irwer and the goods better >thers give. coughin Sure to Call At ""J" , A tated m Stop Goughii ly's Horehound Mullein and Tar takes awa] g. When it is taken for any form of cough t of the trouble, and by its soothing, healin embrane, takes away the cause. n g. Y every necessity for i It goes straight to g effect on the Irrfrm IJe?Millionaires arc very com now-aciays. She?Some of them always wei Detroit Free t'ie*s. *' 1 *111 what dilVi-reiKe can it sib:> u.aV.v "> you when a. vu'ih' brar\ in some 'Aw/uifc'little town T VJ. JcltKSUn. II rnon W General Freight and Paa- J Z V senger Agent, W " -? AUGUSTA, OA. () ij 5 >3-5 CC-C-C-eH&S A. D. MARTIN, ISM Main Street, Columbia,S. C ' ~ 1 S^Monevft S1 UKUU tu. U Lees vllle's Popular Dn""*1*** ^ -eesvilie, S. C Cor A healing Gospel. The Re*. J. C. Warren, pastor of Has isrnn Rintlst (Church. Re lair. G*.. 1 mm bros,. Main and Plain Sts. COLUMBIA, S. C. The Yellow Fever Germ. is comp recently been discovered. It irrltatlo Murray's Horehounc Mullein and Tar. osed of the most effective remedies known ns. Coughs, Colds, La Qrippe, Sore Throat I for curing bronchial , and is invaluable In fust's *uadmit. >mir books i?? its a vesV" tuev asked 'lirn * "s?? difference at all," said the ular author. "It's t lie puhlieat to the story that helps me."?Chi Tribune, Nevv Jerso) man?'"he only t yOnr Maie has to be proud of i.? llt'ILAWYER, P"Pn 1,1 LEXINGTON, 5. C. caK? L M MITCH ELI,. 'HYHtClAN AND ,hinR Hut^sbur^, x ok me half an hour to walk a mile. Guara wo bottles of Electric Bitters have malar ~- ? rcr.jj I have Just vrallrrd at O. iree miles in 60 minutes and feel like Cunt< alking three more. It's made a new Crosst it ciine resemuiauue m lue ma- toniron jerm. To free the sysiem from m Crouj ? germs, the most effet tive rem- and o(d< Dr. King's New Life Pills. .nteed to cure all diseases due to nary 0 ia poison and constipation. 2nc T n-.j. J . Ismi * iu | Attui&ii/tit' uiua i auu ;r's Drug Store, Batesburg, and )n Drug Co., Lecsville. ing me piruxyms 01 w nooping cough, and J. Contains no harmful drug and is absolul Pleasant to take. A large bottle cost ugh Remedies. Price 50c. Guaranteed Satisfactory to eve AT DRUG STORES Prepared by The Murray Drug Co., Colu > as an antispasmodic ely safe for young s no more than ordlsry purchaser, mbla, S. C. titli of "Mother of Presidents." Virginian?I know it. It uevcr cured t.. mv t>iutidor>rtu aticei tli -t t: Uuuld be a bivK ? Uuiitf li tho "Ylotlier of Trusts."?Clii Tiil> .no. I met ? ?? | In ni: ei in i it|j??i ,\ i r vote? 8 to 0 m. in. (>c 2 to Hp. in. stors :*? v ? n n >' Lx* 03*? I)R, J. A. WATSON, Dkrtist. , S. C !I1 I . rtue i? I'fiepnour Huil lug l"hcim?W The fanner'a *' I V1.UUPtrAsr** ^"b^k"^ I a I ooant grow I tl I kurnr In proportion to the fertility I of Die farm. To eupaly to your farm ? I the elementa that hare been taken I I from It by plan tiny and harraetlny I eeaeon after eeaeon, nee bountifully / I Vtrrlals-Carolloa FortUlzor* J ' Ian 01 me." iireau-'su reuiuuy mr ealtncM and all Stomach, Liver and idney complaints ?old under guar- Pills I :itee at G. J. Harris . i lmmons nros. ? " ? "<= ad Gunter's Drug Store, Hatesburg They ad Crosson Drug Co.. Leeaville. Bras. UALAMAS BRO'S Sc reason Dr. Dades Little Liver five perfect satisfaction is di* ? :lr tonic effect uu L'ue iiver. never gripe. Sold by Timmons ?? c >uthern ^ Seed Ir ish i uiUiiWor roan?I'll fui . iH iei :cll?r i .1 rllment.rv Candidal*:?Hut. y < never \orn hint i i ' ish ti?Nawp. but s* cii thee! Tin- 'lent lewoman. I I "You two are thr< wn togell irreat. deal aren't youV *ote At Ridge Spring Kvery Thursday 3U'>e T. R. KERNAUHAN. I't' UK'*. ? < (with a special formula for. very crop). They lay at the root of tbous anas an4 thousands of prosperous farms. Use these fertilisers for all your crops, no matter what they may be. They will greatly "Increase C your yields per acre." and make your monoy-boff fuller. Ask your dealer for them, and If he can't supply yon. rwrite us direct. Don't pay your V (rood money, nor gtwa your notet for any inferior substitute. VIRGINIA-CAMUM CHEMICAL CO., Richmond, Vs. Atlanta. Oa. Norfolk, Savannah, Ga._ t RESTAURANT =ORLADIESand GENTS. T Corner Broad and WashUNE ington Streets, AUGUSTA, GA. ?c Railway HE SOUTH'S GREATEST SYSTEM. XCELLED DINING CAR SERVICE. We are HJQH PULLMAN SLEEPING Potato* ! now ready to name prices on is! Genuine Maiffe ' You bet. we ride home or same ear at 6 o'clock."?Clev< Leader. "When you a^ake in the mot and find the street strewn with shoes," remarked the Observe Events and rhlngs, "you are no soiutely certain whether there v 1 the E. L. A SKILL, sland Attorney and Counsellor at Law, LEESVILLE, S. C. nlng All business giveu careful attent'jO i old r of t ab- Oko. Kki.i. Timmkkman ta^ a ' Wm. Thurmond. KIlfTDU/tMIt ?. PI II UbMill a V Iiruruam, i*. v. ^ODifomcrj^uii Charleston,B.C. Nempbli.Ttnn. B Baltiaon, Aid. 4hruvepart, U. B BBBBBBBBBBBWWBBBB^BBBiJ 01 F A WV A O SOUTHERN RAILROAD TRAINS ass the door. Oentlemen can get A or otf right at the door. Con EVERYTHING THE MARKET AF- tr*ini ORDS SERVED by POLITE AND ff^' TTENTIVE WAITERS. For Newly fitted up. Perfect service, route YSTERS, GAJTE, and all the finest ern w CARS ON ALL THROUGH TRAINS. ivenient Schedules on all local >. nter Tourist Ratesare now in : all to Florida points. full information as to rates, Writ s, etc., consult nearest SouthRailway Ticket Agent, or orucr? O ll/WKX RED BLISS TRIl and EARLY RED R e us at once for prices. We a and will ship out on any date JMPH OSE. re ready to book wanted during wedding or a cnt tight in the Inlately neightiorhood the night bel - Yonkers Statesman. 111)6(1 I uunmun I' a 1 I iuui .. ,, iTTOKNIYR'A T-1. AW r., r?> Will practice in all the beat# and I 8. Courts. Office in KitufTmaR Building. Lexington, S. C. CHARLES". V* Ilz-ON. ^ Alt' III EOT. Kreven i ion Is Better Than Cure, f n icats cooked by the beat cooks in .ugusta. POPULAR PRICES. Dlv. I When you come to egusta, let us sed you. Make our restaurant your eadquarters. We will take charge J 11 " f your packages and treat you in a ao(* p sanner that will be certain to make ! s'nKl l! . a BROOKS MORGAN, l"e m0 Assistant Gen. Pass. Agent, ai*V. \ Atlanta, Ga * R. W. HUNT, ^ssenger Agent, "'"' in. S. C. x? T .. Writ ? a sin l 1 ? 2 The children's jubilee nt good health 1 INEST CANDIES. j and s Chocolates, Bon-Rons, Creams and rt-mei ;ruit Candles, put up in handsome ^eexes for Holiday (lifts. . MAIL ORDERS HAVE PROMPT ?" * i ATTENTION, SUpa Order your meals by Telephone and other ire will be ready when the train ar- gyste ,ve** live irenglh of the lungs. The best1 iy to use for aoughs an 1 colds is I xatlve Honey and Tar. Tlie f ^ 5 ) rup that does not col te the Is. but which on the hand, expels all cold from the m by acting as a pleasant laxai'est for coughs, colds, croun. rxi! tsagain ri "R'fc JWff'6 T 36 ? JH uiii* ^ uiiMiuL ^? 1 20 Per Cent. L)isc< i All Winter Clothing, Boys a Over Coats. up niiirvi r.dcat radoa yer! sunt nd Youth's IMC A\l/i IV e m*. u a vui niniifw i | Pricc25f50f&m DrEarlSSIwnBostonMass| V td/?Sk TUTC DAPD r-M\TT ~ - I m] cur.-it in 10 inlnuies. /v I For Sale at all JSAJ DRUG STORES. 'ATMC t?T A IA7C? A MT~\ 9 oliows the use of Wee's Laxative lion- j 5 J ey *"d Tar, ilie cough syrup that ex-: i ^ pels all cold from the system by act^ mg a- m cation tic on the bowels. A 3 c^ftsln remedy for Croup Whooping ^ Cough ?nd all lung and bronchial al-| " Timniona Broa. i rtTTTFI> COR. BROAD a WASHINGTON whoo STREETS. moDS AUGUSTA GA. s Phone 1244. . ali Held l>hcMT*Urlts Ol Udolpho p'? u cough, etc. Sold by TlmBros, ubscribe to The AdvoJ A '?m y \ji\un i L#ni\vjn YOU. J. C. QLO^ TESBURQ, I mo rv n /M 1 VER South Carol! n?. ' J X 1 Uij 1 /\\JL V.Wi^l 1 DEFECTS WHICH ] rL/ivv D /\i\ vj MAY APPEAR ON T u i nci\ FNiVl^^| iiimiiiiiiiiii 'r -'