The Bates burg Advocat C. aue. It gave ; very vi\ id it- :i;i .# n- i ?? .... Yfe a| '([jCn V I F B ATEBBY^ * P.iyOCATB ** ' - ||, MIBII, I \ f Subscription Rates, In Advance: One Year 60< Six Months ZrA fintared at the Batesburg, S C. P OAee aaSecond Class Mail Mutter. - -i i>.iu\mhii->c \ ti.i i art sever years. He told the story of li e towi progress iu a clear and eotic'se n ai 3- oer us viewed by himself. J* rhe St'lti tlCV. \\< ro ca t c' ? "heri'd HI :1 i-'ji : r'x f I.L ( 1, v ; os? I "T0 ?' I' I > ir t. v.. 1' s ' i. i h j a: H1 ^ , JL> a: : .1 u THE VEtfY HESl nGIJARANTEE ) \' J\' OMOM ?s RED A. ) vV: r! ,1 . a " Vv 'S - KU I A I Uts pia a n r grown >iolk red blss. : ts. rr. rc quart. i xmd'p&ckasrc . i ' B a. * .t ti y Your . r . I t u r e IN No attention paid lo sorrespw ence that is not signed by sonde orrect name. When sending In change of addr alway give your old post office. iv .v ; ; i i d lie i'lrun s a r i ; : . tli ? iid vied be fere n i ; i< i 1 . I. s; t tl ir> h< v. v it a glanc.- via" i I cf i. ii has bjen ? xp? l.d ' ' ;-ii.v)() worth cm*",') percent Dis N. ROQERS BAYLY, Ed. & Pre FRIDAY, FEB., 23 1906. THE COMING CAMPAIGN. T?-?- Xf ? UI.UV1DITOSO or forlicoas i:'t! < 1 - TT t a oui. .... 'MX^ li Jiil ,,;j TrlH 05 5 UhL 1 AI . !. I| The Car*, 'ina I ;Uni 1 cd Stat<, S i te, Co: s v NC i i :n r.v S152IS32I ORQANI/LU1868. j|f! Salional Bank .mtyancl < ity Depository?^i I <^ ; 14 I j.. f-.iAit AAA Inup 1 CUIIII I L i . en ^mailer mils. ar0est stock a riiest store Lowest prices. 131.1-1.119 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. rANMF,TRF,S xhv iuuuuajr a oittlU Iireu tl)C 11 gun in the coming campaign. Ma are the fond hopes that some ot < represeotatirc men are nursing, ma are the dreams that fill their bri with risionsof high ofllces and go fat salaries. "What a pity It is tli ail cannot reach the goal of go?.d fi fnrto an 1 r>r/s * r.>i n\ ui n\ tit 'LCI iai i?r ^ I lilCI'CM Ulluv\ tli ill llif I ll.e of "" "1 1 percent, per annum ia able quarterly. Fel l nary, Ma>, Aui gust and Noveuibr. OFF!( W A Clark, I'rcslilct t J.S. Mu.K r, Vice I'ic. i.:u t DIRliv Jnliii TT V. ,!lin |MIU III . .^.TVUWV 11 11,. I Surplus profits . . . . 72,000 |Wf< Liability tf stockhold^s 2(>0,ooo Pi 1 $-1*2,000 I CERS. I f r 1 I'. If. M. i?han. Cnsier. L M Lell, Assislau Cashier, j ITOLS. I , r*M pJe \\/;n ,vt4?v ??uu i/iuiuiiR'iicc, wiiiu ci m tune it Is that the old state of s0u Carolina has not twice as many t Ices to fill, but on the other ha would there not be just as many rnc candidates to spring up from the nn tltudes and cry out "There mu surely be one place left for me." Th? rnmin'* * '** *" II'th >11 IK ire ill ist '.A. I rk, .Julian U Friday, Widiani I?. I owrnnce, .lolm \j. in ;m ; , W C :* L / -. ?? tfjr* j j i iius n. i>rv:u, Ti S. Pes Tores, f Wil ie .fonos t ' T II. ^riiihsu S M. ll. r. I .Uu t^W I' \ - - E --- i I a "4" -<"V TI T r* iow about c hat lonj' K a n t e c ' i a sio c< > ') u r i njj strirmcnts Whet I can i are , he V Ail Eat Bread ler Advertise.1 or i ot, but \ou ruite an appetite and enjoy MA KK if you occasn nally ~ vampaign will if slg count for anything be one that h never been equalled In this Sta'e sin< the days of reconstruction. Whiskey will be the cball nge ar corruption the countersign througi out the coming summer. Senat* 4,B?n" will be on hand to see that h popularity is ??* ^ ns ;; No Longer at n ? a w vj. a ^ ~ Bicycle o ' Snetti L ' ? v w j. i S'fcii J Mouse v PO^ t ^ fa t* d r I: 1 Vc 11 Ct V Ii c ni i i [alloxan v 'jesfco' !e 1 - -*4 ^ > 1 jar : | A ' i ur p i v i " ! . \ nu1 ciputc in some out'I or sports, atk1 at hoso j ie yoi' 4 \ t"i () (wm k fi n .8.45 1 45 2-ii" : ( it h _ w ..ww lui^/ancu &I1U 1 keep his healers In line by telliDg few smutty Jokes and jollying tl crowds. From now till thr time The Sta Democratic Meettng takes place I v.. . inence from evorj c: ;.ccivabl.' ho and corner nf t Experiment. itSouthern Life Insurance is no Ion t ger an Experiment; the A\oney is hei 5 n the South, and also the brains an '' every other thing that takes to mak < r* . I. Con?li it i ??<-* 1 ?' - >>? *Tb?- il ? (Chas. U. A" La -ast Coar a-y i' house of like ki Trcncnc! us Slock of ^ . ?. /i ' V n O:.: t3iand) htconage of any a nd in the city. t< / a i n u 1 * nd Qu :recl o:. V-_._ U l.r 1 stir tor v, : ' ! ' * 1" ^ ? ~ ? IN C H I-1 . r. a 1*5 1'GUNS & PISTOLS :OOr> TANI?A 11 M \KEH that they will make the race but the purpc of feel)'..; Uitir strrr-, with their fellow n .n AMiugt im>c umukcu so greatly the past few years, not only with the how1"*0 " * n. ia. hi *' ^vr r 11 %*h . that hi^fMiinlnu- ? i ? M> Ipolicies. Sio'nb II l^UI III vu. ' v. ^ ' .. recieved from k". C. rc i.*:? ... possible, to County i co-. r?.ii 1 beinvis ed c.iryfnj, ; ! home industry. V. v. 6 - v lO J. ' , > t I" Vj^ I-i O . p ; ' " ; I ie 'b Ou i' f' -at's 1 11 i \ . i]i J 1 ' I I .1*J ,OvV . . Gu.i > 4"? ? - i:esttc to get the r o olTt wutsiuBeives for public office. Ti Classes no longer seek the man, hu the man seeks the masses and uses a the artifices known to modern scienc to get into the push of t he papula wave and roll on its foaming billow >i HUUI in e::ci< .si- n, . Lexington, Aiken a; Sr! C liouses. The lo'iowi: _ Speci . A " will write your applL.iiici:*, , ^EY. JOAB EDWARDS, ,, Leesviile, S. C. i MAYOR, M. 13. E DWARDS, Bateshtiror 'L V -n A: \.y ii,., Jvjb i V. ^ Cook Stoves ' . *ange , 0*~en Fiai kl . :i. Place I-urnis!?!!? , ? i>mo i "5 > : ? ,r\ ^ ... ... *i. > u. . ) I \y IWED OF i "!-ircl Coal Base Bit ' \Vo!;'J Heater: , . : .How Ware, Stove )ur f icto" ie re t h yorlc; they htvv .' ? 'o : ces; they always 1 ;a". on hand to puicht T i ' j 1 : \ v "? -jAi )il i, ' ... l'v L: . have A nolo A-; it ise the best re. - u.. < T. . Fillro 's, .v . vwi/ auu spoils connected wit It. If nn thp oth?r t-h? csnd! date can not ride the popular vvav he looks about him to see where ther may be found a ring (as the Ueni c fables) that opens the throttle tlia starts the machine in motion, then by gaining what he lacks in poj h D. A. SIlViONS, Wards, j~ Q. L. SALTER, AND JOHN t EIDSON, Johnston, S. C. )( For agency, drop a card to. ; JONES * 4"" We n i\v ' ve on nnnd h? large .r st ; r r dealers. Don't f.. I to call at our tore ore buying elsewhere it" you want to s Lee A. Lor Columbu Phone 498. 1? ck of the above ? * c\\%r ' fn i?'i nt.? . <> ' - * ? - ? * ) u? J sci samples and set prices tie -5 .ave money and set lire l.est. ick & Bro, 1:1 s. c. s< Uto M ? - ? r,A-- ' xoi from the large reatesl hardwood I hey buy material in 1 d as to obtain the 1o\a >st mills of the i ; P*1 umber districts; ; = 11 . mrg-e Quantities! ;A'? / est prices in ad-! ?Vol*ks B i-ivl Street, i 5 ^' - ??>; ^sta, Ga. ddi I %micu*vj u/ muucaung Hie wheels t such an extent that they work 1 perfect unison with his ideas of su< cess. Hut my readers this does not app w# are ^lad to say to all who have fi ed positions of trust in the p .st ( those who will in the futuiv, lit I & ROTON , .su V05 TO C r> * i ^ f\ A ir IT Id 111 OLPCCl. OLUMBIA a rsj x. ition to the cash discc All our instruments bhiclino; p;r \v mtee i mmrna-.. :v c mate )unts. aro cove ed by i i *? nst IV; crni v k v. lvv v* * * N i i;. :'( ' c : -v? p PiuS^fltS. MJNQ S L umy to uwse who seek the oflice f personal g: in alone and let greedy a arice fill t icir minds, hearts, sou and bodies so full of personal gra that the Iir-1 and great object (1101 ?rableCltlx 1. hip) is killed or li< dormant an I nothing remains bi the wily pdnician. We will ha\ J ;; Wards S. C. ft n 2.w M ili.i la's vaur b:i i bin. livM'y con a ! sDun:l bank i 'v:-i c':.?ckb7 ;* g itc onr savia x? dj r.g place i i Cain iiiy, con ;i ;te:it with in^. F - j a! atlen" acc n i -. Inveslioartnitinf .... l ton years. ( o r*.] , i X . . J IAN! PINE ' n i \ iA<} CUT GLASS, OPAiNTED CHINA. CLOCKS a in! littONZES. some food men in the corning can palgn, men thai would scorn an} thin that must be kept dark or that coul not stand at any time a search -llgl jnrestigstion, men that hold ri office f jr the good that they may I bie to do their state and leave behin them a name to go down to posterit '% Palmetto Bu Capital $250,000.00; COLUA1B! WILIli JONt I ? .. p r t , < i i sl's i iwo, _ Ij Surplus ^35,001).00 I A, S. C. i'l'e.siJor.t. U t :i i ; '/ , t lino I a li'ii siocit on to select ami New Goons arrivinar fflv. that Is an honor to the state and a who knew him; of such men as thes Carolina still holds herquotoand the slippery politician will only giv uch men a chance and not tur every ju9tand good impulse int a misconstrued meaning our Stat will In a shorter while than it taw & JULIUS II. Vl3d-1' i Sach V-1 !w> >1 1 J. I*;).* M\rr;lG\V5, Sec'y. We liav; fiC? J' i a lniiiloa stack ol i Jewelry is all tie 1 i . ' to pen this become an example to i great number of others that toda; are far the inferior of this in mor ways than one. Gov. Hey ward ha made us just such a man as the stall seeds and may the oflice oe fi 1 lot at the next election, (as he will no be a candidate ), hv * m?n ?o ?- t a y e Frightfully Burned. a Chas. \V. Moore, a machinist, of b FcrdCity, Pa., had his hand fii hifui1 ly burned in anelectrical furnace 11 t applied liucklon's Arnifi v, uoors, B 1 n r k & >? m t, Cabinet Pom Iff i latest weas. I' ycnr presents More 1i-,i cir si ;s, ,, ? j ? ???? ua no IU IJl the Chi9f Executive of our dear ok tate aa he has been. A GOOD LETTER. We are greatly indebted to Rev. N N. Burton for bis letter in our last is 3 toe usual result: "a quick and p rfec I 1 cure" Greatest he il r on ? r. 11 IV Burns, Wounds, Sores, i; Mi Piles. 23c at O.J. Harri.', Vinr. Bros., and Gunter's I rur S >c Bitcsburtf, and Croseon Dru;* C;>., * Leesvillc. "Fewer C. (). BRO W COLUMBIA, .'Anntels i/"--moans i>- voe paint N c: *3RO., s. c. ? i ?' i-1 i l 47 Jicot 4.^ ' >y, i > tlumbia So uth Carolina.