The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, February 23, 1906, Image 1

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Look for our a< ment next week Our Spring I ?It will ine of Ladies and Mt ins L>w Cut Shoes ar s rived this week. L. D. Cullum Co. k wot nex _ _ *; ead carefully every/! I d in our space in thj I tissue. You will save I 1 i - ? * be n custom ?etct '3? -JO 1 li IheB ATESI BA^SBl KJRG A L IRQ. S. h.'FKinw. |;pmi>m< DVOC 7-^V ?3 <oo6. ATE c dno money oy uomg E. JONES. | JACOB (>IIIN:~\ , I s WILLIAM A. LAT M.'iR (ip: ^ "1 V_~ ? 1 U . ' AI cap: f/v ' u: \mv mt Cl1A'-vi-ii3 U. uOOiJKlCH, , Vice I\c;t. RUi:MS H. BROWN, Asst. RAILROAD BANK UPJST \, <V:OKGIA. SOiVJOBD PROFITS, $550,C ??.S!TS $3,000,000.00. sr ifflUMNULS. Mrs Catty, of London Kng Miss 1'ei.rl Gibson, of Vermont, >00.00 air spt'i uing the winter moot the Lexington spent a few da A l li'liot ? title u-oolr \1 ro i 1 n t ! LEXMTif. ToK&or batesbunr Advocate Lcxlittlnii, S* C., F? b. 22,? *???: Since and the a(|)uri; nienL of c< urt no have bad who a vcrl ejuiet t n.e- However, the hs at membds of iho bar are cng?ned ir ys in some leal matters anyway, a re f I surra, t I < apt, J. F. Lyles who has b?cn sur. J veyintfup in Fairfield County, forscvII rral weeks is at home now for a short . t imc. V] ! j We weie K'ad to set; Mr. .Jessie Hall I on our streets Saturday, HE ACTS RATIFIED LE BY LEGISLATURE. A Georg Miss 5W LAWS or INTERESTS TO Tuesd THE STATE IN GENERAL. ESVILLE LETTER. J E. Gunter, of Steedmau, was Tuesday; also Mrs e Goflf ilua Groves, of Blackville, came ay to visit Mr. and Mrs. H. B. y for some time. .T. If. Itnnkniiflif.nnrl Xlro .1 fl J>< posit. your ins i ution and h money with this strong re ave no concern about its safe1 i . . I considered l lie lady exper t at .!<. iaids at Hie hotel and Mi.-s fl ty* wliih her si jwuin lu re lias been I ________ short one has already made i warm friends, Mrs. N. Rogers Bayly return< t*harle?ton on Thursday to be her shter, Miss Isabel Conner, w ouite ill with typhoid fever. u " creiicc u uie e.iH" in ??uiui vs. iiaiui Li 11 will be leld here on iSatiud iv ilie Jl ibson ii,st wlh J<\ K. lucher Ksq , as- spec jui a ial rt'feie. T. C. Slurkie, Esq . reptnsuy lesentsjhc plaintiff and Messrs Etird <nd I)r?ier tbe defendant. ^ to Anotlvr reference win ne held nere on the Olli day of March in tne case ol IS Lula Gutter vs Martha l"allaw and I Mr. .1 im Jackson and Mrs. Minerva ( an!*, of ijfener, viiiled llielr sis ?u> ter Mrs. i). C. *hull last week. lfi Master Cape Gantt, or Wagener, was in town Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cofer were the guests or Mr. F. O. Gunter's family Sunday. BI I Kinar [UGH LOCAL LEGIS ? Mi 82 LATION DONE. Miss IT OHLY THE 11WS OF VARIED f (1 spent Tuesday afternoon In jur^ visiting Mrs, Dr. Timraer> Kpple Etheredge spent Tuestown Having some deutal work i Helen Tbcmas, of Rlverton N. r.e Saturday to spend some time Dl\. W. H.T1> MERMA Pri>slrii>nt. N. U. XGUNTER. A.C JC Vim-Prcsident. Col. Andrew B. Watson, of bemia. gave a dove shoot on Wei day morning. The rain prevt the sport, consequently no large were made Mr. and Mrs. Farber will leavi NES. ^*ew York to-morrow to be at several days. Cashier. nun xiiuw. messrs urauam atio IIj_ <artin rpresent the plaintlfi and Jne? Messrs W II Sharpe and E. L. Asbill snted represenlthc defendants, bags Sheriff * If. Gorlcy brought Harnp" ton Bolaid froin Georgia the other ? I< t' f,a>'a,u* I-dged him in jail. Extra jHent i?n Pat'rs wero h'li up and the Sheriff aetad npon them Mr. ltoland Is charged with seduction. As smin [ Our friend Mr. M. S. (Junter paid ''olumbia a business call Monday. Mr. Bryant of the hethcar seel ion moved ir. town last week. M isscs Susie and Sara Shull two of our popular young ladies gave a pound party to their many friends Saturday I evening, (fames of many descriptions ^ i were nlnvfri and overvhoriv set-mod to IMPORTANCE ARE INCLUDED at ? n IN STATEMENT OF LEG- . ?' ISLATIVE WORK. i',r"im's cotta^ As usual tile Mineral assembly did a ^reat deal ot local legislation and ^ cse acts are not of general interest. Miss lunu, nuc 19 WILLI UUI llbllCl > Leapharts. Epting, of Little Mountain, the ir in-law of Prof. W Aug. Shea' i moved in town occupying the ;e at the oil mill. Carlisle Peters spent Saturday unduy in town. i Ella Lou Able, who was thrown M. > CITIZENS I PAID U E. F. STROTHER, At The Citizens Bank of I V. PERRY, Assistant Cashier. BANK OF BATESU P CAPITAL STOCK. $30,000.00. ty. BATES IIU KG. Batesburg, S. C., in entering: upon a New Y Mrs. Shuler has returned fr( trip to Colombia. Mr. A. B. Clapp, a Vermont lVvJ* italist, who has been touring West and South and who has come up from Cnba Is a guosr at ?. C. Lexington. Mr. L. W. Thomas, of Colon c?r? has been spending a few days at 'm a as put In jiil he demanded bail and was allowrtl his liberty in the sum of cap- M80.00 c;*li nond, which was supthe planted inki few days afterwards by a just regular bold. The The case of Patrick Veal vs. I.ucas et. al. cane up herorc Magistrate ihia, Wingard tin other day, hut the plainThe tifT was umble to keep his case In | have a Rood time In general and long ' j for the time when we w ill again be entertained by those fair youngladies. ^ Mr. Hunch Sciglcr was the guest of < Mr Milcdge Sliiul Sunday. (j, Mr. I 'oily Harr one of Steedman's popular young men was in town mjiiday. A1 i Meeting generally only the counties from 1 which they* arise. Below will be is geli und a list of the enactments in rich the entire State is interested: jl0me T<? establish Christmas holidays in troubl e Slate colleges. ? To incorporate tlie Union Carnegie , ... and Si ee library, I'o change t he name of South Car- _ , TT , . Colum ler buggy In Batesburg Monday, ting on very nicely.. ? Maggie Bonnette has gone to stay on account of a throat e, i Lcssie Jackson spent Saturday ltiday with liomefolks. J. H. Bodle spent Monday in bia. docs so with fiatterin come to all who wish ing transactions. Sa where land and lnsun Deposits solicite g prospects, and extends anew, a cordial i fair dealing and courteous treatment In ba fety Deposit Boxes for rent at a low r ince Policies, etc., will be safe from fire, d and money 10 loan on favorable terms. Lexington this week. ink- Among the guests at The Le: ton on Saturday last was Mr. Gee lte' Reeves of Columbia. A party from Potsdam V. Y rived at The Lexington last Wed day. The Southern Railway has < court and consequently no final disp >si? Ion of it was made. Messrs Ilaw tm^" os and Spinner represent od the plant iff }* ' and SharpeEsq., the defendants. Miss Lutie Craps the eldest dau ar" ghter of Mr J. M. Craps sustained 'nes* serious and painful injuries the other day by falling from tlie upper story of iom- >?r. Craps'dwelling to the ground. I >r Mrs. il'is'tbi'Hc hunter visited her , sister Mrs. Sv\inton Gunter Sunday. ' ?, Mr and M rs. A. C. Raw Ik is on a vis- tin it 10 relatives at Oranifeburg and Si. ; Matthews tllis week. tll( : Mr Ose fail our popular slati: n ! agent spent Tuesday in Warner. ho bo< Mrs. Annie Gunter and little daugh .. In ?hnnnln r ?.ne? >vrl.i tr iiu, uiurgi; 10 L ur university OI 11 Hi Carolina. Fo ratify and confirm the charter of 2 Cent rat ( arolina Power company. Dom I'o provide for a monument to mark trated e grave Of Gen. Thomas Sumter. Tuesd I<? prevent restaurant and eating treat use keepers at railroad and steam best ei At stat ons from furniseing mcels road, white and colored passengers to ? ? i r THE OPERA HOUSE t fall to attend Breen's lllusExhlbition at the Opera House ay night Peb., 27th. A rare to all. Sec small bills. The ntertainment of its kind on the Prices 25 and 35 cents. pieieu me new nepoc at summer and now are Kradintf and beauiif the grounds. % Mr. L. M. Werts \\k- Iiere ye; day. Misses Mary and Pauline Ilutt Leesville, visited Balesburtf jc day. 1 .o V 1> I Inti b n I <1,4 * C - lann w mgaru was eanen ana n is reporter! 'ying that she is likely to recover before so very longiter Sheriff Buford, of Newberry cour.ty, was in town the other day. o, of The new Lutheran parsonage loster cited at the upper end of Main street has been completed. 1 Lf.icow T* f : A T V, ivi hi umi ii aiiu|'}uu^ jrnicnuij. Miss Estelle liawl visited her sister T. M rs. Alotr/.u dunter of pear here Tues- dal day. gei We regret to state that Miss Brittle . IIP i dinner who is attending Leesville ! eamu lioine sick yesterday. J Mr. John Simons of Lexington ] I county was in town today. ro have application fees of candl- MIS! tes lor ine ncal licenses to go to the nerolfund. Slaking appropriation for dispensary destination. )liss l'o establish a board of pardons. party* Appointing a hank examiner. "The C Establishing a fish commission. Thos x11! iO) i ntr n fiinrl fr*r rlicihl. RftnUv S MANNIE BATES ENTERTAINS. Mannie Hates Rave a small in Men lav evening at her home I )aks" about one mile from town. j so picsent were: Misses Helta I ritrltf. T Pnllnm . i i lie ? >c. iit3 Com pa si \V i i? 11 h Co ; s V. . IE. lv-i^ ir ittu jI Lite Insura ly, Philadelphia, Pa. i ?'i. ; 1 <s i i Agency men wauled Supervisor of Age I ft 4f?ia. ?. A. UUAIIIK1II <tuu nil lIlv'C Kinard. of LeesvHe, visited v . 1\ liiniuerm?" Mr Iliram Udrldge visited lives at IVrry this week. Mrs. Napier of Augusta, lias visiting litfi cousin Miss .May me < ter this \%eek. * 4.^ Mr. C. T. Wiseman and little da 7i. J. I Jl . niumir auu ? . *i . 1 UA Mrs bale Swansea a flvln# visit the other f /lift 9 "? >rela Mr. Julius Rallentine has returner! from Columbia and will do business , at Rallentine. S. C. nepn iun & (WARMING Mrs. Swintcn (Junterand MissCarlie lir Sh'iil were ot> our strt'uLtt Lor:.iy shnp Pa pinjf j "Sparrow." 1,0 lai DELMAR. emeu y taxing insurance com- Holma nies. Molda i'o iix the salaries of the circuit ste- wrighl Uruphers at f 1,200. W. M. fo establish a county court In Rich- Jones, id The To celebrate South Carolina day in e public schools. c V l'o buy new II i^sfor the State house. A' *?e>fV? ??Vi?? VU1IUUJ, UUUCk n, Fannie Mae Henderson and Hodges jncssers Philip BoatL.Colwell Cullum, J. B. Ilolman, Carter, Mike Perry and Albert decorations were red and white. /. Stewart has opened piano c i.i , -r.5 ( i \ ' t . f r : : SOI TM CAROLINA. . ^ 1 > I X 1 35 1 J i1l)UT DY1 jo u> win ili you die. insured. ARE YOU? .?* til ill* - i v i /> ? i * a i r** . # /\ ?.? rv ler, of Tronton, were here Sunday 1 Mr Leslie Kernaghan. of Colua visiied relatives here this week. !VT/~* r WihieGunter visited \iker INvJj vuRUsta last Sunday. Mrs Kramer, of Leesville, wa town .Monday. t % t t r Mrc A trH Hmiulitpr \f i?< XV VUUilillAilU PARTY. 1 art* Among the charming events of last week was a party given by Miss Virla LS jn Bodie on last Friday evening toa number of her friends. Delight fill refreshments were servi d Kl I N . Mr. NV a. Kami tier is working for Mrs. a V. IIHe. 001 Mr. J. O. Eargle, of Leesville. spent ;i couple a couple of days in this sec- ie lion last week. wi Mr. J. Ij M Oxner, ?f lirookland, is in th ssection visiting relatives and P" also on some business. l0^ io charter the Central Railway w m party of South Carolina. 'an<* I'o punish the stealing of car brasses. ba<* l'o prevent merchants when in buslne bt front seeing tlieir stock otherse than usual. K Fo require railroads at junctional lntsthrough the railroad commiss The 1 to erect depots. bough l'o require railroads and other com- rt,ad ? n?i t luoiiis ill llic ivui I new block. Mr: Stewart bu > vcars experience in the piano IDGE SPRING. Cotton Ware liouse Co., have t an eligible lot across the rail opposite the depot on which" Pi. i J i < t;i > s;i I \vlit "Hi. ..(i. .1 -<>-Yo i ic i ^eccivtid at malu lie Paid twenty annual p 1 i>5Ui<Al\tC CAJiVIK iiianJ, Connecticut, *t zz zz ;.r j.m'ovviueiii. near middle life, is very m live. 'I'llis is lim\ lie won: rily, the face value of tin* policy? remiums and received in annual dividends /\l\ y " b 4,,',w ? " ,, * Li>u. of Leesville, were here shop ?ch" Monday. Mr E. A Home, of ftldge Spi was seen on our st reets unday. Mr M. ?S. Gunter. has been at (UOLr City Hospital in lugusta for two this week, with his sister who is serltiiis ootid.Mon. in the tastefully decorated (lining ^ room. At a !atc hour the quests al! departed after an evening of much ring, enjoyment. Those present were: Dr. and Mrs. the W. P. Timmerman. Mr. arid ?irs Fred days Cnllutn, Misses Lucile Nullum, Rva in a Mace, Lncy Little .John, Ola I'hnrpp son, Isabel Riooker. 'Mara Sawyer, \f 1 . \f/.Llo Lb.. Mr. A.L. Margie mane a business jm( aiu'i pleasure ti ip LU i uilllllbia, Lex-) mgt in and Summit last week. | Mr. Paul Shealy was throw.i from a trt a few days ago and slightly ' liurt lie was doing very well at ch last report, br The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. t r< Wesley Margie has been quite sick. )n carriers to provide toilets at st.a- l,'ey 1 us. equipi I'o give the federal government con- imPro' )1 over the <iuarantine stations. ro prevent railroad companies from tur,leC urging extra fare tor crossing idges when entering the Mate. I'o give tlie federal government con- 11 s 16 >1 over certain lands on Sullivan's ,Ke ! . to ea\ purpose to erect a thoroughly >ed building with all the latest vements, Jesse Timmerman has lust reI trom Oklahoma. He gives ig accouuts of the fertility of il and the rapid development of sources, but he considers the section as t">o good a country re even for Oklahoma if'J.oOn, making His Profit was than I Wasn't That Wit Had lie men during ihe flo.uK) plus Hi') aniui; may, at two years would H '1 ELLS 11IE S'J'OKY: " a w It It* ttr ilie net cost only $7 . $2,720 or over 37 per cent mc lie paid, even at his age. iniiig? t he .'O years, his IJenetlciary would have i il dividends up to t hat time, whalever year ive heen $ 10.280, at ten . fll.H.'to, and so oil WE PAN ANNUAL. DIVIDENDS " a c /** 2$0 Mrs Rhodes, of Perry, is visi 1 ^ relatives in town. >re M r. J. W < ooner .1 r, of Tlie Lees Sun was se. n on our streets Mod r~N,jV?rt M r. U. Ltheredge spent Mondu , which, Ridge Spring. I ll IS Messrs. Lawrence Hrnzell and ninga Duncan, of Columbia, wei . .'lit Nil' V/l IMlt'li "lUIUil I ?UUWr>, I < I I I 11 \ Mac Henderson. Tullie Brnneh. Ruth Child*. Pearl Gibson Edna Holmao ivllle Nannie Gunter, Mvra Glenn Lnna day. Etberedne. Luc'le r'ooner. Ruby (iloviv in f>r* ^ann'? bates and Maude Anion Messrs. .1. R T. Major, J no. Bell Towlll. E. F St rot her, W. a Coon Jen- ^r. Jule Cooner, Kuprenc Hartlev, re in Kennie Hartley, Ernest Hartley, Mim< Ihi Mr. J L B. Oxner is building an up-1 to-date tenant house on his place. I clc Del mar Lodge 1. <> O. F met In ;in their new hull over Mr. A L- Burgles!''' store Saturday night for the tirst time. w< fo: Farm work is being delayed on aceounl of the continued wet weather ,j ianu lo allow South Carolina college to )se Col lent' street between l'ickens ' ^ (1 Hull and to open l'ickens betwe? n ,|.uJ t ven and 1'endieton streets* h To require common carriers tore- julVe I ;igh freight and to establish scales pere> r that purpose. Mrs To require railroad companies to a, jVes ve information concerning ship- u Mattie Home has returned an absence of nearly three is and her many friends aro o see her at home again. .Misses Nicholson, of Edgefield been over on a visit tj relatives . M. V. Jones is visiting rel, in Edgefield. i n %? !*/ * 1 I ? J IJ. O. Krt" I). E. RIDG T. T. r "cotton m Cotton is briiiKinK m Bateshuru Market ! 1 u, i\c?iuciii n^wuif iv3uui v* liLL, Special Agent, Batesfourg, S. C. 1AV & Brother, (ienorol Agents, LKET. LIST Or LETTEBS REMAIN! ?ay llie CALLED FOR IN BATE Z as reported S. C., POST OFFICE FO town Monday. MissEstelle Hrazell, of Colun visited friends and relatives in i this wceK. [NG DN" Rui>y Swearingen, of Trei W is the guest of Miss Viola E ISBDBG, Sunday. 'R THE xvWp MiH?r, of Granite Hartley, Gallic Prober Clarence Ore nhla, her, Jim (Crouch, IT. G. Swearinyn town '"rover Holstein, I) Kratzer, K. A Black. Mike Perry, J. W StrlDlin^ A'bert Jones, Cyril Jones J. B Ifnl lton, man. KIT Uulirell. W C. Mates. Prof todie Corbett, J. L Hitc. J Wm, Mitch ell and Caldwell Cullum v i lie, oats are looking wen except on low ] ||)( lands where they are dr mned. Wheat is generally thin but is improving. , - E. m NSW BOARD OF i:tit of live stock. .stevei to cut dead trees from near the j?iant tblic roads. Spriui To incopporatc the Newberry, Whit- ur ire and August i railroad company* ing a To incorporate the Middle arolii.a eratln id Western Railway com pan v. Mr. To punish indecent exposure. Creek To change name of Saluda Ifiver and h x at * v;i . " tiu it at i;lic UlU ns place near here, has lost an . It was buried at the Kidge i cemetery 011 Monday. 1). h. l'runtls is in Florida takmuch needed rest and recupig 1 rom his recent severe illness, .las. li. Watson, of the Dry neighborhood is at home again, is health issteadily improving. Hr L. 1). uuiium WEATHER Rl SPECIAL To ? 11?i ADVO SI ATE WEATHER 11 ! ;> i) I j njjtl ai <1 -l WEEK ENDING FEBRUARY JADT 1906. llUril. NAMES-LADIES CATE FROM Mi-s Mary Matthews, lUKEAl' " Marlnie Preston, NAMES?EN TLE Mill unlay Mr. Bruce Prater, I II T) u l>.. _ spent Sunday here with his parer If |17 THm Mr Hilmry Grant, of Jnlin spent a short while in town Bund Mrs M ^reuch of Lcesville, here "-aturday. Mrs. Lucy McLena, of Johr .N spent Tuesday in town. M i-uoa Xoft lo Mi-Pftrtha nnrl ! ,s PROF. CLINKSCALES :r LECTURE. was On Tuesday evening Prof Clink scales lectured at the Onera hous< 18 on' and took "Scraps" as his theme. Th lecture was given under the auspice ^aliio of the (?raded school here and t h U10A 1 ;; CONTROL. On Saturday last 1 lie new board of cc % Dispensary Control was (appointed, ti f riiey wore as follows: M. Rawllnv son, of Richland Comity, < liairnian. E f lotin Mack, of Colleton ?"ounty and J. jwer company to tne ureenvnie-Car- ^ ina Power company ann allowii g froin* ie company to build a dam across le Saluda below the present one. Mr. To allow suits against insurance marki impanios to be brough' in the eoun .orsh es where the loss occurs. Joint resolution to buy 50 copies of Izas'" I he Jews of South Carolina." To incorporate the Piedmont Power wnrn< C. G. Barr has just returned his trip to Florida Barnes is raising lettuce for the et and has some about ready now jpment. ? All persons are hereby sd not to hire or harbor one I UK nftLr.i First prize Barred I'lyr Kggs. Setting $ 1.00 s. i\ cum; .<1 lg.S i FOR SAI Thoroughbred Rhode settings. $1.0 per do/ iv. i? uaj iijcii, noutti Ruck Columbia Novelty Co , riiege letters will he sen! BfiE, I>ead Letter Oftlce Mar. 8, IS i * delivered before In calling above, please any "Advertiset 13. am ' let J. Frank Kneec Ishnd Red en* WHEN IN NFEn Bodie of Leesville, were hereshoi , ... .. Tuesday, i to the K'fllfnot Mr C. L. Jones, of Columbia. for the Wednesday In the city. 1 giving jocepi, Aden, Is spending ;e. P. M (i;lyS at, Leesville. Mrs. J Walter Mcf'artha, of lumbla. vested triends and relati pplnjj proceeds wpi'o applied to the schnc library. He hand < d his subject in masterful way and convinced ever spent onp pr(.Spnt that he was ihoroutrhl conversant with 11is subject, Th a few h< use was well tilled. Col ves In Mr an^ Mrs. C M. Rhode*, lei >' il w j lie of Kichhuiy County. W. O. ec Tutu in was retained in his old po > *ition as lie had no opposition. h v !MR. KITCHINGS = in lira l. Will >mpany. c< To allow an illegitimate child to in- er ret rrom its mother. To amend dispenaar*: law, making gulalions as to other counties the pnes une in Horry and Beaufort. To The genera', hi 11 on voting precincts. -(1(j The pure loud bill. .^0 To appropriate *j?>,hoo for tlie James # jera Stone as lie is under age and un- , [infract with us. >igned> John Y. & Nab Stone. while in o:llce. make the solicitors' salaries !,repeal the law exempting Conte veterans from license when Mrs. N. Ropers liatesbi V i-hSgtoms day. YesH relay was A a : <1 -?\ a. fl I In- li I t f ail ; Hayly. iir^. S. C. Of anything in the store flxi such >is Computing Oil Tan VJl^'T r-'t^ca' ?'r Cutters, Cr BlilaaA , .. e" cr, * ::iw Circs, | ins; S .??s, Office fixtures eratore lor house or store. , . , Parrot nntl Pailey, Vr, [ ! 1248 riain St., (I pill) 01 ? 9 town this week. ture line ks Ver- A* *pent Sund; imputing Leesville will, th- family of Orost'Cl'-S" I'savs 'hey have n vompui- |n t |)C |1(>W ,,, rs ii iu and have a ' homo, lie thinks In: will k<i agu V ritc an early date. Mr J.J. Ila vl his gone to ^ ^ Wrh nnrl Atl.or twiiiitu't h t n this morning for 'lampion, s. <: where they wIP spend a few days Mr. Khodea will attend court there. Itev. noved Mr J. W. ?trihllnir has returr.e nice from llonea Path where lie went l iln at be present a' the wedding of Mr. & t. Mctiee. Mis J. (J Culluin and daughU A11U VAIIIA/I " * Mr. W. h. Ki tellings had the misfortune to have his leg broken last i)( ,1 Saturday- lie was in a wagon, ;ni 0 his horse became frightened, and ra < ] away, throwing hi 111 out, and breaking his leg. I ?r b I'nli l)I?VT n.. . f!.,? -???. " I dealii The general magistrates' l>ill. All l'o establish an industrial school for boan oys? the reformatory. ofllce To mike I'hursda/ t?f fair week a gal lioliday in Kichlaml. To establish a county court in Aiken rpQ -also one in suiPtcr. ?p0 To publish tlie names of beneficiirn s In State institutions and t he j)ave iiy In seed cotton. owing city councils rather than Is of health to appoint health rs. require State house clerks to bond. re-survcy tlie EdgeGeld-Aiken have expert chemists examine bodies of persons supposed to been DOisoeed. tic I <1 % ? II \ Kin wiiiumria > ''' < vi i Mte. ( J># 1 vi i\ auu VVHVI I'V/I mo IM'I i n KV/ cliasu nis sprinw ?infi mihium-i kr ?'?* ?s.s ivau ' ii'ii iur /iiJKtiai.i jrsiniui c'- of (l h(. J; t of Mr. and Mrs. I'? kins. \y v/i\ rv . ^ i v/ii ^ live i imiiii uv> eir ling. l)r. W. P. Tiinmcrman. s auirn ??i nu n ui ^uaidl II S 1 To prevent supervisors and comniis-l ' loners from furnishing county gup- r113'^ ' not 1 I prohibit wrong use of badges or [nia or secret orders by person^ nembers. ? State Feby. 20tli. - mi*