I Whitte ;n Dry Qf 7 f- %+> -%? >ods Co., M milium Ai>vooA?a. mmmmp STOLE ' THE 1 tUSSO-jAPA- jSEEN, A HE" i Gr< Over $10,000.00 of oui duction. Morejfenuin time. If you value money - ha H/t.aafnarl C ocll lint jat July Bargair r Magnificent $25,000.00 ?tocl e Bargains than ever before or If you want the best- = l)onH I viua irni t it line cfniM ' I" ?-i i Sale. PE \y Cut to below cost of pro- < fereil in Batesburg at one i i lit art with a dollar of your ,{il o 4- I.?la\ RSONAL AND RELIGIOUS MATTERS OF INTEREST. COMIN( From our regular cori-cspondt nt. > ITI lie Sunday School ? on \ en Lion ol ! Kid^e Association met with ??ur ^ plisl i liurcli Tuesday ami Wed lies ^ * >' a L'ood and larire crowd assembled LlTTLU. nese M. Wlltc, ;s AND GOINGS; MANY ported, Km :hs worthy or note. plenipolent I. \ llcsii Ciawon of Prosperity, tlic peace eoi i-ndim* several days visilinp United >tat< SITUATION. IN who seems to be, as re sia\s wisest, and lo ill1, ctlonahlc diplomat, has FINL CROPS, G( ,10,1 by, 11, o ! ?, chl.T MARRIAGE, I iry to represent !h sua in ifere lice lo he held in the NEK ;sin August. Mr YVIlte SWANSEA. )0D RAINS. A QUIET )EATHOF PROMIIT LADY. IIU1 U VUI IIVVI WUOBB) Mil C preme Bargain Event i It's a well-known fa Thousands of Dollars > dollar--Hence our abil We are sorry for the P< friendship don't count r>0 Dz. Armour & Co's., Chateaux J V/M V V/ V/U I O bV/l W* II lO | n the history of this entire sec ct that with the evei-ready ;vorth of Seasonable Goods oftt ity to, at all times, offer value uor Devils that have to take tl , with us, in buying goods. Violet Soup, worth I ,r,,M Ill's. Hates UIIUUV31IUIU1UI> I IIV Ml :tion. * 2< Cash, we -SCOOP IN" [Ua ;n at 40 and 50c. on the imi s that cannot he matched. the ie loss -hut sentiment and '.usl SUl UU burg Hickory Stripes 8 l-ic h day. The speeches were Kood h "i 1 the spirit of the meeting was Jill ' * """ it could be desired as each speaker Miss 1 pressed his hearers as beinn full of Che win! spirit of his Master, which make hasrelu Lhi^ impressions upon the people Virgiuh h concentrated hietheiii as, L)rs. jjr; j, 1 jed, *1 innnerman and Quattle- ()V |l(.r , iin of liatcsburt? and tfessrs. S. .1. npar f-?i I I cr\n A TnwitAH ? ?'! X* ' i in our town lius returned to has hecu elol i>. powers and Silie Wright, after spending lJuis?la' ,1 be r and spring months lie re 1 ?e ar^e is . rued to her liutne in Richmond, ^rr . Russian iroo ileal ly in a < J .1. Kthcredge, accompanied the.Japanese lii!dren. visited her lallier. such time to uinbia, list week. for Japan, w lied with full plenary (From our regi his acts will bind all i Japanese have captured We have had s nid of Sakhalin, Kussiau since my last wr lg north of Japuij and the looking promish ps in Manchuria are prac- \ve are sorry t desperate position with t)j w, j. simply holding back for place. She sutTe strike, as will count most era| wet wjt|, hen the Peace Conference i..~. ? ilar corresponden'.) ?ii iome very nice rains it itiK utid crops are itf now. o chronicle t he death Spires, of near this red intensaly for fccvTyphoid fever, until lf>c. cake, ? :tO Dz. Armour A Co's., Violetta S 10Dz. Mennen's Talcum Puude 10 Dz. Colgate's Talcum I'owder. 10 Dz. 21c. Tooth Brushes 2 Dz. .lap. Flat Silk Fans, worth 10 Dz. Seconds in Black Rubber, 60 Dz. Ladies Black and Fancy Co 60 Dz. Boys Heavy Ribbed Hose, \ 30 Dz. Misses Heavy Ribbed I lost 8c. 1 <1 s. HUM'S loap, lik*. <"ake. 4c. r?(:" Vd's HaU'.sli r 15c. 50 1'iecoK He.st 1 ? ioc OiM) Yd's. 5c. La 10c. '00 Vd's He. L 10iv. o7c. d dz. men's $1 5 Combs.. 05c 10 dz. It?j white iluied llose 08c 5 dz 5-V neck pvortli 5 V 15c 55 dz. mens am . worth i v ioc 25 pr. ladle's $1 uur*r lick ..... ..9C "" turg ?> inch l*iills 5c ^ol ruble Oil ('loll. ... 18c , iwns 4c |,,d awns - 05c ?? 0 & $2.00 hats I 00 h(1 licmsl itched hdkfs 08. ma ties 10. ,ir< rj boys25c caps .. 15c. as } .'J? hut ton shoes .. 66c I IVOVHI Alt ill i UllllTI tl IIVI i'l . u eman or Jolinston. J. M. Daniel, Prof.] F. Carson and 1KB White of J-a- last wee a, M. W. Johnson of Dry (.'reek Miss I 1 many oilier laymen, with lfevs ^jr j|a| wards. Bass, Cro stand and Padgett were m:, de the meeting a grand success >lher S. H. Sawyer did grand work I*ev. ( speaker and singer. was ? lefore adjourning the Convention 0,,'?ot I). II. Hi/.or wont to Ceorgia convenes, k, in interest of his school. ? ^ula Oxner of Lcesville and R A YS F1 ininie Yuughun of Hainbory irried here on Juiy 3rd. CROPS ] J. p itoo/.or of .Saluda County pnnn i ??r town LI i is week, selling ten- WJUll 1 ton. iu.M r rmay niori was wanted to tl 10M RED STAR. will not begin tl in fine condition, I July as stated in i * *?Tn . ..... count of the coril iains and other (list. As yet no news. sctllf? i ling when her spirit le great Beyond. le protruded meeting lurch or this place lie third Sunday ot i in? last letter on ac- L llict with the Metho- I diUnite time has t>een 1000 Yd's. 30-inch Heavy Sliretini 500 Yds. 8c. I 50 Pc. 12 1-2 Lawn, at 500 Yds. Calic 500 " 20c Cotto kr ... 05c J Lawn, at 5c 25 c. White - = - 9c o - - - 4c n Skirts 12 l-2c u If iuU syu Prs. Ladies Oxfords, 5()c M" > Lad. Sample Skirts at Wholesale price to tiK Close out. ih< )0 Of Mpii'c ^aninh. i!\l rpted resolut ions endorsing and Miss It iipalliizihK willi Mie elTort of I lie visiting k! people of Saluda county in the jj, , ve they are now making to rid .,j|J sj, tnsclves of ih<; dispensary i.i an ltp ,,t| ; elion to he held at an early date, ler the lesolution was pastcd by ''H> ; Convent inn. someone suggested 'lethodi it the entire audience be allowed to "ow. an tress l?v a liximr vnii> uml it itiit tlw ai.tl den kill*' Marshal, of Rock 11*11. is mou ou? ? rftlat Ives here. The lico.lt 1 ohn Shealy, who has been very Kood at k for sometime, is ahle to be The crops ilxnit attain. rain, es| district conference of th? ' n >- corn, ist Church is beintf held lien A\j j<8 i>u]]j i| our town is full of preaehe.s LpCh| ;l few 'irates and visitors. I .i I ??u aro very gi IGULAM SOKKUfONBINT. USlUStWCek All* i in this community Is formerly of this present. Washington, L>. i are looking splendid since ai(l iM l?viallv tlir cot ton and 0?Klctlc ISavy 1 risigned that pos position as Con ic Shelgrove, of Delmar, institute at V\ days in our midst last jn industiious have liarl with , Clarence C. Croft, county, but now of H U. clarence baa been ^ I tied States cost and hut now, having lit ion has accepted a >putcr in the* arnegie ashing ton. Clarence \oung man and we 50 Pc. 15c Fan Paper, 25 50c Corse 50 15c Towels 100 Pc 4~in Si 100" 5-in " 50 '* Fine Ch fetta Ribboi icy Crepe , t " " " loC ">< ts, =* - JMc s 10< Ik Rihhon 10c I 15 C y iffon Tafn, worth |() 'V a wuiiipiv ' >ants - 38c to $3.5 0 hes ) Men's Fancy $1.00 ^ Shirts, - 75c \['0 D Men's Fancy 50c a*; Shirts - 30c I)z. Men's 10c Collars 45c Pj Dozen. I)'/. i?iWhifc Helmar visit- Silas 1*. Hutin, I ft ion last Saturday but for several} place, and Miss J I'ickert s l.ttle son was , , , . ... , . . tinu re, who for ked by a mule one day last . .. , ... . been to tlte Ml doctor stales that some ol xt .. ,, . , , Mr I'. E. Hutu e broken, llcisstili suf l uoh success, ilet marriage in town : Darlies were, Mr. formerly of F&tesburg, of this Lucy Mason, of Bai- H few months. llinery (lepartinent of Kotli parties are 45C - JUST OPEI 100 Ladies Rea $2.00 Hals 100 Ladies and Newly Trimr 50 Odds and Shapes, - - - soC NED. * dy-to-wear *, at - - $1.15 ^ Childrens ' lied Hats, 50c in Ends in )Soic it itched Handkerchiefs 08c Dz 25c Neck- Ties - 10c 44 50c 44 30c 44 15 and 20c 44 11c tin 44 25c Suspenders at 10c wii 44 10c Socks at - 08c Jor f 0ln) ng from t his part, of t he count ry, 1 nnm,iro I try ami give yon some of the hapVe are having plent y of rain now ABA l crops are nourishing: overv thing lOine, near.lolis ton. erinjf. M. ('rosson, our popular pliy- Mrs. J. N \ ho has h< on on the ^o, now the sick list Mime at tending; faithfully liis tfkul to say i sis. is now hin.sell t|uite siek Mr ;in(j m at Mr. Irvin RBECUE AT r,?7? .cry popular au< pathway througl Snelgrovc has been on strewn with flo> ! brand visited market. ltisinger's near Lees. Mr. Ernest .toi f last. in Swansea. out has pulled some fodder Mayor H. J. Se i wc hope that their It ^^^H ^^H bringing a good price ire putting it on lite Hi les. of Wards, is now ibles. of Sandv Knn Whit Batesburg, = A IVculiHr A it!inii I. Regarding soum of tin* jods Co., i South Carolina. I'ii WftfimTWD Us very promising: now. Ir. Jolinio Swyuort is sitlTerl.ig with ^ aitkli*. which was cut hy an axe ' le hewing cross-lies. We hope to: pi?>p? 11 ii oiiieU recovery. ' 11 1 Ins I >in friend. Mr. (.1. A. Shealy, of near vVav all; ion. visited friends here Sunday fashiont Ir..I:il;c Suitnn worsliip; e.i a> I'nio roast p TAYLORS. I, ' beetle will be held on I lie church will y of Mr. A.Taylor r ket and crops looking r;;1 well. hur * ??UM OUM HIGULAN COMRCSPONOINf. ft HI . r,1 it j A tut ill l;mners are 111 town this MttUJjiWiU. COTTON RUSHING TO MARKET AND J THINGS AS SEEN ALONG THE ROAD. vu All A vr?'at and jfraud time is i-xpected ^ i. > iiuien >unuay am' uincii with cream ?' . Jimmic ItedonbaiiKli. served. , ^ .valkiiijj lisses A rrie and Mary Caugbnian wj|| f,,,. nt Miniiay last with their brother. , , , races, U jrce. in the 1.arena section. XCept II Irs. Erastus Risinger, of m ar Lees- cue is h lc, spent last 'luesday with her nish frt nl. M rs. K .*\\ jm-rt loud lat ilr and Mrs Rnfus v'-filv Mi nmi fiom di uu an fcrist; ui'.siur.s. win i>i The fresh aii and exercise ol 1 N%" ln:" ; alxjnt and talking to friendf r.isli the appetite and sack C *?t races and all kinds of races lg the negro race, (this barbe?r white people only? will fur- or poopi-i p ely to all keen interest aim if Wiling fun. Many speakers. or pb tferent points, will talk on all \w.n m. ? MUCH NEEDED SAMARIA. and I Lust Tuesday every one was \ AIN AND MOVEMENTS have a thorougl 10MINENT PEOPLE. ?^5?>ere VULbe, ?" . M4.1)e home of 5 I lUUIllUi S RAIN AND SOCIALS J PERSONALS. brought ruin, wbii h * / 01 y glad to see; wo ^ flfl ) season now. moon-light picnic ir. and "Mr?. It:* NT "1 bolts, bard shell and all. It will from ten to fourteen minutes ttme under water, searching the and stones for these delicacies wi ducklike bill. It makes it most clouting little pet, hc?ouiiiig very and squeaking with delight when Its antics are a constant sour? pleasure, though if care is^not < 1t will overeat itself, seeming to in captivity difficulty in digcstiiu stiiv week selling cotton. t hey art- rent ! joicing over the fact I hat it is bringnnitl | ing ten cents again. ''f-i* j having niceshowers occasion tanie 1 ,l''? 'llul ?-*rol'-*> are looking very min i feil. ! better. ^ Mr. lierlcy Smith is suffering will "li-t\e ''hl'cndicitis and up to this writing lie is not any liet It r. at Mr (J. W. Aiidcr.son's tomor- \jr row, July thirteenth, instant. Noted |as speakers are invited and we all know , , tnat Gib is pretty hiinseii.es- a peciallv on picnic day. 1 las Mr. ('. L. Temples remembered the ! carrier the other day by giving bini a ' ' pair'* of nice watermelons. c'" tail ! This carrier took a rest a few days s. Kmanucl Swy^ert. spent Sunday Kinds t with relatives <>n Saluda river. ,u ''K ' weot iir. and Mrs. V. J. S\v>yert visited |cn(j j(, Mr. Krnest Hcdenhuuph r-undax r";ii? io tier, Ik >iir old original ltidtft> Ruad beef music a c started last Saturday and we cer- he in (> nly appreciate Mr cow. ut *re have hat prophesy, t bat delijj >t ful din- i>rx, ,'iinK 1(^0 >\\ i c'dn-r sp?.it enchant inp mo,?injr. lid speli-ijindiiiK oratorv, will i . r 11 i ' Our populi lcntv for all who ini. , , , ley. dropped . We ?otlce< . Hum!, v?c o.iae jjoou fiVown tonikMit. mnuiiiicate to-day. We . he most KOMlle and re- M.is Mamies wars on yesterday, that 1 tannic Fuhner i for a lontf while, and ev- Miss Frankie 1 >ks much improved this day for Saluda w the county sumr ar Sheriff, Mr. I'. II. Cur- Misses Mary in to see us this morning troin Newberry < 1 Dr. Mack, Magistrate , 1..? "i? (Wednesday). healy is visiting Miss Herlong leaves Tliurs- ' here she will attend nor school. and Annie Herbert, Co., are visiting Miss hard crayfish shells. Its yoat is, the mole's, of an unusually silk.-i glossy texture." The loitucsi l>uy. June 21 is the longest day t not improving very much. There art some new cases of fever this week. the The oldest son of Mr. Samuel Sis1"i ils trunk, ol Lexington died last Thuis u,(.1 day night and was buried as this niehi P'ltce on Friday afternoon. ilis- i \i.. e o* n - 1 . | last week and jjave his substitute ;i . jchane fur the lirst time since the es,1 tablishmcnt . Kisingcr and Mrs. IMercv linger spent Sunday last with > r? I Mrs. (Jen Caughman near Laivi <1* ion Mr. .1 ill the farmers around here, who home la d their cot ton for 10 els. and more ,ome tii selling. Thais right brother w - llut.l mer, liold your cotton for ten ets ,L.L> hisl I take notes?. I>os ?in justice to far lin MUKETTA. derrick's (\ , the toad, i our regular correspondent.) Messrs. > iilin Kill laud, of Texas, eaim ^"t'eee and si week where lie will spend "?a,ded the ne with his mother, Mis. .1. Ulis '"oriiln, land. All are indeed tflud t<> 1 "'LC 1 irilliant laee atfain in South Mrs Lula t- of Mr. ]?. K >nstable, also going down ' One of our Mt lose Kueece, Richmond l,'le k*a,l)',iatiui <>aines I'. Westmoreland, ( scho'a exclusion for Charleston fcllat 1,0 ui" 1,es tf- ll<>|?e they will have Misses Marie spent Saturday HoaLwright, the mother Mrs- K??mie Kus Hoatw light, our populai Mr. and Mrs. 1 . Willfntf boys sto->d 1 for ihe Charleston r.ship. We all hope ueeessfiil ? and Carle Mitchell nijfht at the home of >ler. liohert Itrou'ii vl observe ami on. On Salisbury plain, in Kim may be seen a eromleoh erected b, drulds. It if# eirele of huge s .which onee formed a temple, but most Interesting part of the stru Is the sneritleial stone, whieh is a b flat slab so placed that tin- rays o plclbi/ oil it cted'o t*tt I I m./n. it ,.>.1 I .>>1 I.. 11. 11141 111*1 I Itt'lll I'.J 1.1IIH ingu- star. S. C. last week on business, irons re.u Mr. A. IS. Winward spent s'tdurdaj IiiikI. j and Sunday w ith*l'i iends and relative.' V die j in ('oluinbia, S U. tones I i the | Mr. F. S. Kelly lias moved to Hates rture burtf where lie works for the Middle mad. i y| i||s. I' tile | i - lyo11 Mrs. Ma?nif Kae and children of y Augusta are at the bedside of Iter wa. J.sister, Mrs. (I. ('. Hlodie, who is very ' ill. Mr. and Mrs P. It. In liner visited friends in Watfener last Sunday. Mr. H. II (Jarvin and Legare Ken- (| nedy realized that the carrier was in \ i rse11. M i ?se< /ell, Mr. Editor, if this est-a pes the uere las iie basket you may a^ain hear from lh}* Ike. Mrs. I parents, DELM4R DOINGS. ooil rains. v'" ' s ; , . c. . . . '-een th? Iks l.i'i'ii Slie.ih is vUitiiiLf her 11. 1". I> On i Ida and Maude Miealy vi?ited verv sjc>^ ;it I 1 uesd.iy. will soon l?e i, M. Hoist t'in is visit in1, I er Mr. and Mrs. 'J'. II Cate. Jarrie Mitchell, one of I.eis- ! MATTH] it tractive youiitf ladies, lias guest of Miss Viola Hurton. Q4 uiier from Samaria, is relatives at Salu present, but we hope she herself again. .Iain Sain da f the Children's d; " " last Sunday. GWS MANNA. .. 1 JMiss Frankie 1 enn is visiting her edsoe. lerlong spent Monday K. Busters the Itlst of June. The old guide shows the place to visitors tellstory that a young girl once sa hint, "I suppose you have seen It dreds of times, haven't youV" Wonldn'l He llee?nielle?l. Two of the most eminent In wye the Philadelphia hat were Benj Harris Brewster and his half hro .? ? >> ,?i i. > mi. i i?umis. \s no \\ as mr many who a resident. of this place, I tut lias recently been living at Williamston Id to o . ... S. ( is with us acum. luiti- * I | I he meinbeis of dilieient churches baptist, Mcshodist and Lutheran rs have decided to tio to get her and hold ,mij? j a series of meetings, or rather a I'nion tlier, | Meeting, which will run about ten need of soinelliinK and pave him I hrn some more watermelon last Wednes I ^ > day. Many i hank? old friends. ! tu'e Tim people nf this sect ion are hur- ^ ? riedly pet t iltp rid of their cotton onj.|,(n i this little up shoot in the prices. I Sonic of t hem having refused sixteen ^ cents last year with expectat ions of ol"' ' Uct *. inp more. j |> 11 ?? r in ('olumhia. M* , , our mid: Ir. I'a trie II all man lias recently 11 visitint; in this section. Mrs. E lit lie Mi r J. o Rarele. of l.eesville, spent . . , , , ? . , ' . a visit u us lay nitflit with Mr. A I. har^'le ( jj( Ir I?. A. Iressloy was at Ihlinar summer cav last week on husines?. 'I lie pi lof. -I. W. Ballentine. of NeivU'ii* . imr.-ii I Sva Lou Watson lias been in uuuu llA it this week. 01 ! H. llolstein anil daughter. ^ l* have li ss t-ecille, of Florida, are on ion and eve ? her parents. Mr and Mis boon. 1stfin. They will spend 11* Ynurseribi months here. a trip over c ntraeted meeting at liethel l'n)Ps me lm? "'nine Sniiil-iii ,, ili llio 11HL ttturs? y.r. Joseph L rHEH NEWS. Johnston last Ti; i ad tine rains in this sec ! Misses Eugenia i\thing is getting on a ! long, Hettic and 1 I Friday ni?ht svitl e has just returned from j n little Saluda river. The j TTIP T P 4 17 king line and are in good liliJ liEiillk onjt sold cotton at. i est) ay. i and Mary El'en 11 eiHelen Uritfsby spent. . It Miss (1 race Buster IS STOPPED. r reufrii'K carrou urowsior. noin held the office of attorney genera the state, and the first had been ti ney general of the United State-;. ' had not been on friendly terms niany years. It Is .said that on on casion a mutual friend tried t > I thorn together, and finally I'rederh consented lo bury the lintehot and Renjumln H. a card containing name, with these words written tti I)iki [ n.iy.i iir l\v(( ivi'CKs nun possimy longer l for Tlio (lute has nut been lixed vet, hut ittor- think it will commence about t he lat' hey ^ur part, of August or lirst of Scptem1 ,y IJev. S. I!, '"ass. Messrs. ( a Lake, went t CAROLINA IS SISTERLY ar,.d.re^rn'd BACKS OKLAHOMA TOR ori:an for his STATEHOOD. r A T lie, lias older d, that the many Houtht-ar- i(llsjni.ss Iders of ('klalioma town site .. , ... .. . Mr. Ed tor uuwm I-'. lloln vin Matthews and Span tj,.ian ti.e huri ?< Augusta last Saturday (|lt? Iiepaitment Monday. acknoledrk City, L. I i licodjrt1 (>. ]'rice, t ho statement). leakage from the Demade Itv k.l'1-ri't !i rv neatb, "At lwme on Momln.v evei Mh.v 1." Hy the same messenger Jumln H. sent a card in return. w read, "Benjamin II. Brewster als home Monday evening, Ma.\ 1." ended negotiations. Concern In if It ? a <1111 u . Of eourse reading may become a i Indulgence and dissipation, a liali be corrected also it Is very evl ItlllU. i ltd, llit'll BAYLY & It to 1 (It'll! I ly. ROGERS,? r..: iOl S UIOII teni. lia\ r. Jam.-s ami Miss I.ilian Kar^le hefi 'omaiia, vIsit?. < 1 Rev. J 1? Shealy imniaCil jrelay and Sunday. mission ? 11 icy arfl IE EVENING HERALD. lie Augusta Kvenintf Herald has | proper li view, supplying our Town with aml K me lines oi i ne i< risco syse sent strong letters to lie ,or l'ar'' wt> )re the eonvention y A leuresoiitation of the H|( i visited Itateshiiri? on Tuesday, ... , If you < se object it. was to make the . , , prices fur iijji'inent for the daily delivery . . produce,' to write up our vicinity. :i URl:S ENLARGED. RFfJi' respective holdings. Mewurt is liei perhaps perm: jhksi prices. c;/;r;:r, ... BH. 11... h.Kl.Mt Asr,a|10l,? your Imt.or, c?m ami farn, a s,? Urine it to me. .. K. It. Klcariman. ' expense class pianos e. TOR TH.I.MAN AT T'JSTJZ re and, will remain here j ?T1 . . anently, in connection .. ^ building enterprises. Mr ,ar? fl experienced piano expert ?f "!C lateSt aling is now a side, issue a'K '' ^ 1 "v^ 1 rart. he having no trav is: those desiring first I in get what they want lc at the same time, save A I'uj I uppy rAC / <*4X1111 t 111 T t ai'/.lir... i? .. 1 m %. i L.UVI3. vour butter, e^if* roni me? I have one >roved refrigerators '"K fresh and cool. E. It. Stead man. )ST. in town yesterday. sion to scientific literature, v'els learning not so much from booki from experiments and from the "ti ty question" system Intelligently plied to friendly experts.?Century. Kinds. . iVPtl"" I BATESBURO, SO If pirl i % 1 liirgi kind IJTM CAROLINA. I fail to cull on >011 send your urns by mail. For the tinest en* i'd pictures, with frames of any I, 8x10 $1 98; 10x20 $2.us and up- Senator I. FLOYD 1\ LTIIKREDGF, turned fn nt. Loeaville, S. C. Trenton : A V&V 1 AUUA1AAAA1 AAA ,,v If AH/IT1 fxpfiiscs At). nUiUL. >outfht throuy ? ,, m i. M'' Stewart Renjalnln li. I illman re for , an the North to las home al ,-iillllm To K,i yesterday twuuKHifi i ivcwaru ii Ol'oii^n which must lie paid if _ . h traveling .salesmen. _ , . . has pianos always on j Subscribe fo jection at The L. D cate-50 ce irniture store. advance. I L to .1. 1) HAW I.. r I lie Atlvonts a >ear in .. - -