The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, July 14, 1905, Image 5

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{ _ ^4 ^ m i nm I"ipp. arQj xnrT^cT V IE. ^ " v v # m a i ~ THg BATBHBPKa APVl \ ** \ >OAT?. ' * - - .. "--<51 " \/'.?i? ^k'SSsHl MaaMMMHMHi! Thp o*i "OWC MMNMMtMMIMMHMKMrgMMMMi rp^ifpct r*Y Jed ' lU/H PVAI* Ci fti Ka-f rhe /\ -a * rhe S W ^^Kmum^IK tore has been Dackt - ft1 At Wondi The Great W W WE 4^' ^rful C* Western ; wvia in L/ai "" ' V*" s irnival Salvage Cc ^""'8 purch of Low )'S SALE OF Tl asers, taking advanl Prices HE JACOB WOLF ? .? V?6v tage of the >TOCK. On accoi ers could ri Don't pu I - a chance t( int of the immense cr< iot get waited 011, but it it off until it is too 1 :) get such bargains ag iiCMDCn rrur? m a owds last Saturday (a we are now prepared late, and be sorry you ;ain. It will pay you 1 mmrn?ammmmmmtmamtiam?mm lthough we hired all tl with an army of sales did not take advanta; U^Jni^even^Uioughy he extra salespeople w ;men, so as not to kee ?e of this WONDER? ou put the goods awa: r re could get) a great n p you waiting. : : i'UL SALE, as you m y for future use. lany customay never get | i lie re/v E WES V TERN rACOB SALV "wox-.:f\ AGE C Batesburg, South C :ompa Carolina. ? H NY, Cos \ t Sale OF \? r/A r* #1 . COLUMBIA HOTEL. BEST IIOTEI, IN TIIE CI I'Y S. F. WHEELER, Pro] I THE HUMORIST. "Isn't the doctor's wife hcuiitifi. 1 She lias a neck like that of a swan." J "Quite so And the docloi has : I P* liil! like that of a pelican." ?.1 udge I BENT HER DOUBLE. 1 'I kn-*w no one, for four weeks, when I was sick with typhoid and kid- CHI ney trouble," writes Mrs. Annie Iiun'.er, of Pittsburg, Pa, "and when I ,'0t better, although 1 had one of the (I ?estdoctors I could get, I was bent \Y lolllllc. Illlfi tixarl In rn.'t rviI.nn'l" " IVENTS AT EMORY. I SEl LDBEN'8 DAT, DRY WEATHER STORE AID MANY IENTIONIHGS. "r- ? i in town ''rom our regular correspondent.) ! e had a lovely children's day at j Mrc VERNSPAEEOW. S AND TVirrCBMGS. atlin Shull, or near Sardis, was on business a few hours TuexI u ' -? "J ? / ?. n Ra Call and See The I AA A jvcs auu nges in. 1 <? . , t *" a* v-v i ? JI.I AIHI A, \J. I Read Jack Markaway' School Days. (i K?. IlEl.l. Tl.MMK.ltM IS. J. >VM. Thukmond. THURMON D Ai TIMM HUM AN attounkys-a r-i.A\v. Will practice in nil the State ami Now Missionary- ('an you tell me ) what h is become nf my predecessor? S Cannibal Chief?lie made u trip into the interior. < hicngo Journal. lie?Vou love me, I know. Mie And how do you know? ' '-Why, I love you; therefore. I'm in ^ love. All the world loves a lover, and] ..MX. ww ?vnw 141J liauua Ull I ?.m< my knees when 1 walked. From this firie let i tUle ullliclion I was rescued by larg Electric Bitters. which restored my ^ health and strength, and now I can . walk as straight as ever. They are ' simply wonderful," Guaranteed to Cure stomach, liver aod kidney disord- ^.on [ers:atO. J. Harris, F. U. Gunter, K a( Timmons Bros., Crosson Drug Co, of M Dry ?unday. The speaking- w^s Batesl)ii and dinner plentiful. A very \ rents ne e crowd attended. Mr. J. r. Smith Boukniglrt and tamily I f()r , ted his mother, Mrs. Lucendia tQ accej knightl Saturday and Sunday. Boarfj p le again Smith, we are always 1 to see our ^friend come. Miss 1 . , ular yoi r. Vernon Wise und Mr. Carl , ,,, . . W 'vwntrs ami I'llliureu, OI irg, are on a visit to tier paar here. L Fellers left here this mornSavannah where he lias gone it a position with the *ea ^y. Jttolee Gunter, one of our pop ing ladies and a graduate of ' ? I Phone 4*>k. SPF T I UU1 ICaV LV UIU., Columbia, S. C. 1519 Main Sti 1 RPOTHFI? fv ?Courts. Oftioe in lCaiiirinai! i'uilding, Lexington, S, C. rcej ('IIAUI.KiC. WII.miN. All' III I KCT. ^ COMTMUIA, S. C. vou a.iv an in mis world to me"?| :Li i Mrs 1>" Style?I'.iulgrt, will you please hang up my skirt am' jacket? 'I lie Mailt Vis, mum, Sh'll 1 yil two lieketsoii 'm or only v\an f'r th' two of 'cm??Cleveland Leader. i " i~?:u:?>sviiie; price :><**. Uol IIo) CHOlURA INFANTUM. sect M child N >t lixprcted to Live from One nuB llour to another, but Cured by | Chamberlain's Colic, .Cholera and M Oiarrhoea Remedy wer Ruth, llie little dnmrht <>r nf R K ? eesvin stein, two popular young men of LU)U as , stein's crossroads, were in this neart?c, .ion Sunday looking at the ladies. to ^cgii ir. Itoyd Crouch, one of Batesburg's Mr ^ it charming young men. was at trjous j orv Sunday. sltion \ lr Homer Padget, of this section, Mis? it to the hospital at Augusta to be .n tuvni rate 1 on lor appendicitis Thursday e vAinege, nas accepted a posiLeacher of the \Vel>ster school e. She lert Tuesday morning i her duties, lewlon Lucus, one of our inausoung men. Iiasarcepit-d a port ith M r. F <). tinnier. Sarah Shull is visiting relatives i today. j H10 BROAD ST[ When you * 'THE OR I always kt Cjltillncriif cessois to C. B. Allen. *EET, - - AUGUSTA i buy a stove, buy the best. EAT EXCELSIOR." Parts :nt ill sto.^' ' < - Write for ' i A K. .1. E niEKED'JR, , UA Surgeon Uontist. I.iM'-villc, S. C. Office uv<*r Austin's Hlorc. ! L. M. MITCHELL. J " Witik'e After all, the first year of married life is llie most unhappy,' don't you think? j i Tufl?nh, yes |t takes about that Ion for a man to lea in how to conceal j I'liings from lis wile,? I'own and jCountrv. ^ \ ' \ ,,.1 ili, twill I I f.v #,11 pDoweyof Ague wvi lie, Va , was serious- 11 ! ly ill of cholera infantum last summer P ! "We gave her up and did not expect Bui her to live from one hour to another," ^ hesays. "1 happened to think ol efS Chamberlain's I'olic, Cholera and Diarrhoea lU niedy and got a hot- ^ tie of it from a store. In itive hours 1 misv a change for tlie l>etter. ( ll*/? ! --' - it ?pe you will have a success. Homer! Mr. a. rotracted meeting will begin at ur'1, a /ler Sunday. Aiisse SD?!)t II >rv, dry is the word, the farm- ^ of this section have gotten no noo? i for the last live weeks excepting w siiowers. just enough to cause Mr. I er to run otT of the eaves of the onour? f*e?. nil Mrs. A. C. 11awl sv>ent Satnd Sunday here with relatives s Ottolee and 1 rilie (Junter few hours with their sister, ifer, near here Saturday afterlovd Had nf S'tepdrrti- :;s streets a sii-'i t ?1 ?*;? - .Vfiiday. /he Lar woro nri v ? a ^ aa a j in thiss< We have: left. Wri gest Stove, Ti icl BicycIeHou action, i i i i i i x few very Pretty Calendars te for one. You are invited Physician and Sur.ihun. Mntesliurj;, S p. n= ? OBI.W Hours: fy H to y a. ci. >-? ' '2 t?? ? p. nt. 7 :80 to 9 p. m, I>i:. .1. A. WATSON, 1?KNT18T. Rul^hni-u' < < ?.W I W>1 IIMM IIIUI I 'C'l IIIC 4111 | ; you expected il to lie?" asked the bachelor friend. "More," replied the ex-bache'or. "I lind it a whole lot of things I never even dreamed of "?Chicago News. Mrs. McSnsh?George, you've been , drinking! Mr M"?s\k1i Plnfin/I . ??.* ' I ? 1 u r im'jji ji ii giving il aim ueiure j she hud t<*ken the half of one small i I' bottle ?he was well." This remedy is 1 the; for sal by Timmons Pros, and Crosson jcon! Drug Co. J q seel The llohunn Cullum Co . eroi lUitesburg, s. c. j Gentlemen: ? i g We hareuladlv arranged JVlihS coplc or this section are laying by within ir crops; they are looking very well Messi iidering the drought. llender iaiu has not bees threshed in tins Felii ion on account of the short good ti Mast mong those, who worshij ped at Gunter .ler Saturday from this section few hoi esteJie ?** ?r sister. M . k. Svriutoii ft Muter rs. Ed and M son Gunter took in the ' cut" jn Saturday. Tney report a me in jjenerul. i*rs Marcellous and Kliottc of San l>ain were in town a lis Sunday morning. to 111 ke < when in / SPETH Suet 840 BROAD STI our store your headquarters Augusta. BROTHERS x-ssors to C li. Allen. {RET, - - AUGUSTA Oltioe in Telepnone HuiMing. At Itidge Spring Evorv Tliursda - . .-.. I.. I - - 3 j T. li. KKRNAtJIIAN, , GA, 1NSI RANUK. - ?- w W.*II V/IUI MMi.l, 111 uvai * ] can't tell a lie? 1 ? Mrs. MeSosh?Then. (leorge you're ! even drunker t han 1 thought. (Jo to I bed.? Cleveland Leader. ~~ ' An editor has very little chance in I liussla." "Very little," said the foreign visi with The llolinan-Ciillum * Hardware | ^'ji Co., for the sale of the I.. & M ' Paint. Please inform everybody that , EVERY CHURCH will be Riven a. ' liberal quantity of L tnpman & Mar-, tine/. Paint whenever they paint. "D|j Methodist Church in Ceorgia, used * ^ ;5i gallons L M. mixed with *_'t pal- j ? Ions of oil. From use of other paints. Iwvf ..nlanl.tlA.1 % AA 11 1 e Mr. and >' rs, T. M. Rodie and ^ dren, Mr. Wesley Wightman, a noon nlar young Gent, and Mrs. Sadie severai lie and Miss llosa Duncan. M isse IINTS FROM PELION. ;0RN BAD. COTTON GOOD AND u r . n innmilTin > t\* nirmt? ' . Kline will leave Ibis after>r Aiken, where he will spend days on business. s Estelle ttawl, Lizzie Cunter . Swinlon Gunler weut down lesion on the excursion Wed3ray Gibson is visiting his EVER Wants to look ni ?e in should let us make your e ranks hijflt >< his line and We ate now in our ne ;Y MAN bis appearance and tooblain the best resu lotlies to measure bete in Columbia. Our every suit is a model in style, tit and linish. w place. l:fcti Main Street, near Skyserap ItATRSItUltO, - - S. <\ K. F. STIIOTII Kit Its you ; ATl'OKNKY AT I.AW cutteri it \TKsm i:?j. s. e. or, and I lim>. i iif 1111 iy recognition lie is li :iI?!? I;i tfot is transportation one way on tin: Siberian llailway."' Washing* | ton Star. "Weren't you awfully embarrassed wlu n you lin t your liusdand's lirst wife at the reception yesterday?'' i "1 don't know why 1 should have, ? ) i S 11?? uuc U'<?n rimr o Km t ? I 1 inum uuuni iai u.->e IU" ^UHOIIS. "1 lie | L. \ M. -aved them over eighty dol . (j lars. | E. <J. Tracy, Waverly, N. V., writes, . ^ "Have sold the L. & M. Paint for' G twenty-five years. Customers call for 011 1 it, saying the* used tlie L. & >1. is s twelve, fourteen, and in one instance pric seventeen years'ago, and will have no! ,p ther even as a uift." I . . DARDLbULd A FLLNI I. iiimiier "'rom our regular correspondent.) 0 the Editor of the Advocate. orn in tliis section is short, cott* n 1 general average is good. Cotton elling for over Ifc. that's a good e. lie barbecue hereon last Saturd; y, iii-ur uau'sijui^ ims week. ^rAKBOVV." nave uie largest ami new We do alt t rine and el I'riees are moderate SCM \ * Columbia, Meti. :;i, 1 v si imc oi ooiiMis cv<>r s!iown in coiiuiumu. t ailing' in ilu- !??>st manner. UTZ & HOHFER, 1334 Main Street, - - South Carol in. Davis & Co. 1 r. 17 MAIN STllERT, d. Columbia, - - - v * iv.? nuui i 'p u nut nat i am positive never cost Imlf as much as mine."? <'hicatfo Record-HeraUl. Toy:" ' Yes, my son." "How can a man tell lie has a very i la rife lis'.i on his hook it he'i C | catch il SOU. BY HOLM AN CCLLUM CO ' E (iOOl) FOR STOMACH TROUBLE AND CONSTIPATION. I we "Chumharlain's Stomach ami I.iver ;sucl Tablets have done me a great deal of ; w'ii good," says C. Towns, of Rat Portage ; cou Ontari >. Canada. "Being a mild phy-1 at ; s 1 k* I lit' lift i' I* i Hi I'l V ni'P IT r ?t nn? ilnoen ?-*t C/?l \ y me *ut, past on t nely; something t 500 or two were present. vjry thing was quiet, no drinking, quarrelling at all and Mr. Editor folks of Pclion, love to see . ust \\/ It times as these. We w ere some ** it disappointed about the new nty question. We heard no speech I~^ | ill, but all seemed to ettjoy thein- I \ 11 'PC 1*1 < lift ?lft/?l **Ar>r? ~ . M. Perry ictricol Co., BOILERS Muxes. Hanger*, Ktc. Hi (i.inleii lluse, Pipe. V'lilve plies ami Itepnus. l.O.MI! SUPPLY SI ORI:, August ; AND ENGINES, 2'S! ami Klwet Iron Work, Shafting, l'n'levs. ( i.hlinu Castings <'ast evrv day ; rapi.-ity 'KV '? ami Felting; Hi'lt'tnir, I'licKinu ami Mttrhi l\Rl> EOUNDKY, MACHINE & OII.ER aOa. F? r cheap, medium ami line iif elate y;<mis we cany the larj i" p'i'po stock in the South. Kverythinjj tearing. Haunts, Saddlery and Farm ( ) hands. lie Su| fan lx* had. Any single part ul" i V\ ORKS ^ ness in stock and can he furnis "Vrrv easily. my hoy. All In* lias lo i-tO- l'?'s to k'et someone t.1 till it. to Yonkers .statesman. 1,'CSt I in Tl?' Aetor-Author?That third act '* ai | will tall Hat, sure I t liiuk I'll put an liar- i ad. in the papers and see it that'll ;hcd I lu ,i' A's Star of a Wile An ad. in the and 1 ran recommend them to all who hoy sutler fmn stomach d scrder." For enj< sale bv Timmons l?r>; a ,d Crosscn ' j ,l)rug Co. jM|. CUY IT NOW. jtv,i Now is the time o buy Chamber- ^ Iain's Colic, Clm'r i an I Diarrhoea i (0fl Remedy. It is certain to be needed ' ^ sooner or later and when tliat time vu M I IJV til ui 1IUVM1 |.! c stfot upaball game and t'at wa? oy^d by all. vUl! ,ast week Go I saw tit to call from , . J. C. Godard's family one ot i is II 1^ n Ixc s, a>fe about two months. Irs..). II. Laird is in I>r. KioaI 's infirmary, at Goliimbia l?r owltou perforrre i on her a laiifu Z3U itractiiig Eleccal Engineers, AN1> ipply Dealers. Cohei The i l'S best for Money, /\nax/ i U a Uar?f on short notice. Our Motto-?The Best the Cheapest. Closing out our stock Back Bands at cost. j papers: Tlit: Actor-Author Yes: under S '*Sii nations Wanted." fuck. (if ftiiirsu. the dialogue is rather of i r.ii'.v." sail I tli?- author < >1 the "ITeiichj " cl o.nedy. "and perhaps il's too long. I>ut i emld boil It down." "Yes. ' rcbbet! the critic with his ~"Tr i ?Pe come von will need it badly?you wil j need it quickly. Buy it now. It may , save life. For sale by Timmons Bios. ' ^ an l Crossnn Drug Co. ,,rr > A Sl'kl'RISn FARTY. . jliy A pleasant surprise party may be y given to your stomach and liver, by jn^ la* ing a medicine which will relieve x ration on >aiuraay afternoon. A\ 3 wilting she is very sick. lissCora Risli is spending some ie at Pel ion. liss^lara and Lula W ise are spondsome lime ln-re with relatives. 1r. W. M. Yonce, of Fla., is spendsome time with hi* parents. ( lor. !.,Kn CJ? 1-- * ^ I Columbia, S. C. ft V/i 1 Por Pit, Por C<] Por I inisli, out Cohe 16.16 Main Str( i'ii f IWI ICJ 111W >111 fort, For Style, For Materia * Shoes are Unexcelled. n's Shoe Store, jet, Columbia, S lone and Mail < Inters solicited. 1 and Davis & Co. nnst? in 1 lie air, "if you intend II is 1??r public consumption, by all means boil it." Philadelphia Press. 1\)R? l-I) TO Sl'A RVl; H. F. Look, of Concord, Ivy., says: "For years I sulfered agonies, with a sore on my upper lip, so painful, 11 sometimes, that I couid not eat. their pain and discomfort, vis: Dr. jlfcl Kind's New Life Pills. They are a Spe most wonderful remedy, affording sure relief and cure, for headache, dizzisor ness and constipation. 2.*?c at O, J. Harris. !\ l?. Own tor. Timmon* Dios., H ' , r, cln 1 Crosso 11 Pl ug Co. slu Subscribe for The Advo ii? uuicjr ouriiiy nas rciurnen io r home in New Brookland after nding a few days willi relat ives. Ufa tcv. J. F. McGill delivered a good mon to I lie folks last night and ^ t erwards the pastor of the Baptist ^ jrch, Rev. L. S. Shealy, made a >rt talk to the people. A large iwd attended last night and I hope rue crowds will hold out till 11* iffmmwmmmwmwg f you have a|| eadache, Ner-3 algine H The Bat 50 Cents esburg* Advocat 5 A Year. : : v> hen you want a pleasant laxn . that Is easy to take and ivrtaii .t= : ' act. use ('hamh t la in s Stomach Liver tablets. For salt; by Timn Bros and Crosson Drug t'o After vainly trying every thing itlve else. I i-ured it, ith lsueklen's Arnica i1 to Salve" It's veal for burns, cuts and and wounds. At <). .1, Harris l-\ I *. Gunnons ter,Tiiuinons Hros.,C'russon I>rug<'o., ofleesville Only 25c. | cate-50 cents a \ ear in|'as advance. f rc j Read Jack Harkaway's School Days. ho t. ?? > Mr P. K. Hammond and Mr.Under ^ i n Gilbert arc spending some time i ^ lit friends at I'elion. I iVith s ice ess toti e Advocre and it li ft of readers, I am one of the boys Yin cure it in 10 minutes. For Sale at all E^| DRUQ STORES.' 3 kuiiiui; JI - ?V ...... -<7 v - .. _ > iii .r-1. -/ ii- rir'Ttnii.WiififiHhfi ii "iin 'W I '"fofftlHHHI #1 ' KWg? - - - ' '-W v * ?> ' I ?W ^ - - - - - * . . J ;::i .lilli