S-f y ' f T 'IT 11 ), mmmmmmasmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmm THJ * EBATEgBURO AiDVOOATM. /. V CI LOS ING 0U1 B I PPreparatoi New. This the same, bi ry to moving into our means goods to all, as it our prices were ne new building, we are ; good as new, At Coj ver so low. As barg closing out our Entir >t Prices. Our custor ains don't keep?=con e Stock. Our new bu ners know the charac ie now. ilding will open with ter of our stock; our everything goods are ' V k' ' \ f Soutl Batesburg, h - - Carolir ? ULA anil Iff Lull- Sou Batesburg\ th Caroli na ?I ? . . W / f-m ?-? 4- ' r? L%/-v4-4- y-w ? i | 11^ +*^****+++**+*++ * ++ !*-?*-W* ->++*} +++ { { *1-J" ! >+++ ! < % | $ ?? mii?? miiiiii?ini ii in mn i~i i i /-? /^V T m Stop Friend: IIclt IJ> UCllCI these hot t I uurui^ : sultry days han a nice cold refreshing beverage; I|| Jack Ha 4i School rkaway'sl days I, v^uuun Murray's llurcliound Mullein ami Tar is rn ve remedies known for curing cougs, colds, 11 aireclions clno to inflamed and irritated ei ages. It is prompt in alfording relief and c n ing ;i cere. M11 ?-?-?i v'c 15 inpiisi d Of the must rthr lanrippe, si?iv throat ami )inlit ions of the air pasI'l'taiu in its flTuct < !' lias Have you stopped to c what a you have in tli Policy of the Pacitie, win you find such a Policy? Who lias it for sal?? I What company can comj for one moment? * n: J ? * ? onsidti Uo you know ie ideal u ua" Ice Creai I \ )ete it \ 1 C "nccnn 'c I here to go for it? n on Wednesday's and Saturday's I n* I rkmrtonir '? *:***+ '} '} . * ?** * * * * ;H CHAPTER XXI. * /V\HG little playfellow alluded to l>y Mr. Itedingtnn was Emily Bi Scratclilcy. At bis particular i rununci ul>? l.oH 1....... ! BRAOEBRIDGE HEMYNG H 4 + ' { ?H' *H' I't-H'W'H14++4 *! + > {*'} 4* ++++*3--??4 -:--h *; +-i- -{ r.rnlly kunrkcd at fli<* drawing room loor, then opened it and* delivered the iio8sjik?* J"?t as .lark had told her. ".My wife! Itenr tin*! What ran have inpponod V" 1 "Nothing serious. 1 hnpeY" said Mr. ji J ' k II i 1 ti t O Horehound, M And Tar nay be used to advantage iti eases where nib l is pleasant, purely vegetable and absolulel v'oLhinjj else like it. in all the world. It slim louse, ready at. band wlicr. needed. Parents al in eases of eroUt). It h:i< reuvirtrniilo vii li I lei ii ' i mcdioines have tailed, y safe for old and young, lid have a plane in every will litid it'selTect mag I il.. i ii .u.nt .-..II i .... i I... ymi ever LiiuiK in: might need insurance Mone in life than death? How many thousands losi insurance through inabilil premium caused by accid sickness? How can you buy medicii ilk one * v / m. m. Leesville's e their ^ lent or ; $3 fe YOUR ie and Eg ^, w 1 VUII1 punj Popular Druggists. COLUMBIA h A \T1/ . ^ uuw ?'%-? M..UVU j J to spend n week at Willow Copse, ard her parents "and been only loo glad to j t allow lier to accept the invitation. She I p was delighted to meet her old friend ! again and called him "dear old .lack" ! j, as she gave him a kiss and asked after i her camphor hag. I ^ "1 like Emmy," said Jack to Blocks, I the butler, with whom he was great I ,, friends. "She Is such a Jolly girl " j , lodhiKton. j "I hope not. indeed. Yon will excuse ny unavoidable sibsonce lor n brief pace?" "Hy nII ine:tlis. I'niv ask your wife n." "Thank you kindly." answereide fc ^ I family or your self when y come disabled by accident The Ideal Policy answ unci iu- |jm i i sick or E Make this your ,r your M bia. Every cot ?" !! E Sa^ ant* SOUI1^ ^ 1^' tion given checl era all fin &AFN1V. banking place in Columjrtesy, consistent with >anking. Special attending accounts. Investi i ii ever mere was a regular tomboy, il ] |, was Emily. Slie would engage in all the j amusements and games of boy*, and. ! though she was very delicate and feui- i ? iuiue in her manner, she hud 110 ullectu- j p tiou about her In short, she was just ; s the sort of girl that boys like. n Emily happened te dm use p - -whett .Mr Crt*>Vout ai'l and. heffp-' i n lug of his arrival, she hurried out to p JueU to tell him the news. Jack was i st Into tho outstr. whed hag ??r s'Mji. ; it* made fninth- t lT.ii is t. :in I In- was as lda<-k j 8 ,s his hat. <'oughiii};, sine/hug ami jJ ^ remhllng with ruge. he tried to g< t tin- 8 ~~ oot out of his eyes, mouth, oars ami ! H j ioso. During this interval .lack slip- is ed downstairs. Ho cut away the cord S J ml entered the drawing room, meet ! m "( ug his fat lo r in the middle of tlie jfl fUllYV Tlll? 1;? I 1 ??1* Ilflil luh'lt fnllCOil Ikf * mmamtmmmmmmmmmmmm xniiwini ~ )ur Success . . I in id ed by that as our Compass tist what you want. JVVit h lence we could not exist. So i is have no doubts, we will \ )ur Sales jj we have bought | out yojjr_confi^E. , . n dealing with | IV.'l 1 \'Oii riiclil i S these questions, solves all problems. It pays the face value to ! mily, in case of death. It f es money to pay the premiu his policy while he is hurt < and this insures his policy paid to his family, should I these Hj gate onr saving* T ! Palmetto Ba u rnisli- ES mS OU H Capital $250,000 ' to be COLL ; department. : : : : ink & Trust Co., .00; Surplus $35,000.00 JiYlBIA, S. C. sotting souie bird t. ape made of bricks 1 lu the shrubbery. v "Ob. Jack," sin* ?,rieu. "such news! Who do you think has conicV Old Crawcour!" "What does lie want?" "You," said Ktnily. "Yes, or else old Seratohley won't ~ ! pay his bill, aiid he's conic for the ' j money. Fancy the old duffer coming ! i lie noise outside :iml was voint; < > see 5 lint It was about. t & t "DM \iiu semi lor ineV" asked .1a<*k. , 8 f "Yes. my boy. What's all that noise j ? "1 think It's a drunken sweep." < "A sweep! 1 won't lia\e sueb ills- S xaeeful pi oeeedlnys in my house, n pen the front door. .lark " I m .Tai'k ran to the front door. Mr. |? I he quality of our (ioods pi 'astidieus, and our prices appt sensitive pocket J. C. GLO / V - - ? -- 'V ' . ' "" * \ eases the most ;al to the most ? verT of accident or illness It pays him his whole ins in ten equal installment, lie from accident or sicknef tally disabled or lose Ids ha his ftetor hisejesight. And remember there is n fOlJLriTO ff >r tllP .1 Icohllit \r ?r\ || .11 I ll s n, w ai Ki.i\ \ ice5 bo to- j nds or j oextra Cerials, Evapon . kyi.us. President. Prsldent. J. POPE MATTHEWS, Sec'yated Fruits, Can nee here! Well. 1 like his cheek!" "Didn't you like the school'/" "I didn't object to the school. The i fellows behaved stunningly to me. (\>1- j '' llnson was a cock, and all the sixth | were bricks when I was chained up. I llunstou was the only sktink. It's 0 Crawcoiir himself I don't care about." ' 1"Wotihl you like to go back'/" "Now I've got a mother and a father I | and a good home, perhaps he wouldn't '' ra\v?-our uiu i??ok liKc "i (U'tlllKtMl ' Weep. ? "11. Do. you follow, what's the im-au 1 i;; of this?" cri.-d Mr. Itedinjrtoii. In vain Mr. Crawcotir tried t?? spcal.; _____ e could only splutter out a luoutliful f soot. "(let out! < let out! I'll teach .Irani; 11 vagabonds like >?.u a lcss.ui!" As lie spoke lie kicked the unlucky rlnclpal of Pomona It misc. Kick l'??l | i oullcss'-VHII" lilies. Villi* ? No Flies C niecess-Uur iSales.fcj hi Us! v the Pact lie has the same 1< serve that all other old iim parties have t20,0o0,0H). ] fund to made good every el their Polices, a few good 111 make good money, selling grand contracts for me in n t.rir?t ?ir?rl ot'hvir Kn/lu ohnnlr I UOOC1S, iljal rce comausei" ....Met ien can these CEREALS?A full line, compri jv (lis- Oat Meal, ItaUlons Jircakfast Foo l nr.,I t>? ..In.. , INUtS dCC., CAY'S.... sing Force, Maple-Flakes, Cream of Wheat >d. Grape Nuts; also Tapioca, Sago, Farin make a set at nie as hj did before. If '' be did, 1 could easily stop it. and 1 can 1 tell you my name would soon be walker. Where is old Fireworks?t'rnw- '' eour, 1 mean':" "In the drawing room." "I must give him a turn before he i v goes, ile mustn't come here without ; knowing that your humble servant is j 1 a within hail. I'll wake the old duffer h lin' Whidb/o u Af V twed kick. and In- ran toward tin- | rout door to save himself further |>ain. , v\ "Out you said Jack. r-'iviim him parting kick :is In- 11:1 >s?*?I liim. . "The scoundrel!" said Mr. Itcdingtoii. not inking around liim. "What iic.m. I milder?" tile Little Rinily Lad sunk down on n I-j(i Hit in ii eorner and was trying in vain i stltle her laughter. ItCil "What a funny girl that Is." observed /liy suffer torture fivnn Plies se whu use our S.reen Windo' Keep your Homes sweet, ck germs of disease, by using; Pai ish, Glass, Cement ?S:c. We h utify your premises and al tl an I A1 )s.|tiiLoi>? vn's ami Doors do fan an 1 free from ints, Calsom-Wall ave all you neej 1 o le sainj time, by I one of our?Ideal Policies me a card and I will do tlie c. l. .toistj District Agent. WARDS, S. C m k cnu/ADr , U.nc I..IU xwu Uttin;;. i?tl? "P EVAPORATED PIII'ITR < rest. Primus, Heeded Raisins loe. pack a NUTS Walnuts, Almonds, f limited stock left. ('ANNHI) GOODS in large var Kippered Herring, Imported San can. "Heecli Nut'' Bacon and SI . c OKra and Tomatoes' Asparagus S Choice Kvap. Apples. Teaches, Apricots tfe; Dried Currants s 1-:$c. 'ecans and Filberts?all at reduced pricesiety, embracing Herring in Tomato, San lines of very best quality, frcm 10 to '2~>c. pe liced beef; Spinach, Cauliflower, fleets, pears and Tips: Teas. Corn &c. -* "* "* I \ "There 8 some drying cord in the J ? back yard." "(let thai and look sharp. You will ! ( find u?e on the stops of the front door," said Jack. Away went Emily, who executed her (1 mission without delay and joined Jack n ,r with about fifteen feet of strong cord. Cliding up to the front door and ^ : treading n dselessly. Jack fastened the f fr. Hoilinutoi) ' Sin's :11 w :.> - l:iu_'h- pl*C ilK." ' "Yes." said .1 :n*K. :iM(1 In- l.iirst Into :t md fruflfii \v. "It soon is onlflil.iu" "Vory. It's ili;i 1 swoop. II.- lool.i il j i) mid. Thorn In- Is on tin- Inwti. slnik10 liis list ?t you. lie looks :ts if Ik* rofO ?OillO to sll.V Stotirs :il tin- willows. He's talking mid onins; on n w III S.... li..'- ..i. i.. . .... venuoii, to save a Doctor's hil o. o. mic Opposite Post Off COLUMBIA, S. I. > YV N, ice. C. iTI. 0 L,L/ TV AI\L jf \1 Local Agent, |jj|k Batesburg, S. C The Quality FULL LINE SUGAR Ct REU jginia Cured; "Ferris" arid "Ix>vt Keep ? K. B. anc COLUA . . 1 MEATS including .' SmiLhHeld", YirHams, us in mind. 1 I). McKay 1BIA., S C. ' cord about ji foot and a half above the tlrawine: 1*00111 door, tying it on one | f, side to the hall table, which he pushed I ^ close to the wall, and at the other to the hat and umbrella stand. The draw- (| r inn room door opened inward, so that he knew any one coming out in a hurry must infallibly fall over it. Just, at that moment some sweeps ' who bad been upstairs to sweep the | bedroom chimneys came down with a '"So In- is." mis wered Mr. Undingluii. emarkinu 111:11 ihe supposed sweep; us in earnest ?unici salinn wiili tin . ardener, who had ju>t eineiu< < 1 from ! ne of tlw sliriihheri?->. Mr. I'.edinumii wall,eil down tin I ^ [ens. Iniendiim in order Ins man to lu- j Iiinlly I' lnov, ilm sweep I "Kinmy!" eried .Inek. "Oil. you'll kill ine. I know yon w'M!" A POS'I A I. WILL I'.IJI N< i TLTROPOi I^RADV /VI i V 5:1 ri;l< KS. LIT AN ) of our Hats is undetinal The Style is noticeable, waste of money to buy made Hats that lose the and color after a fesi wear. OUR MAIS ? , i I jly line. | It is a ORG, poorly ir shape r r** /-* i -1-1The Caroline COLl UNITED STATES, C( \NIZED 1868. i National Bank JMIilA, S, C )UNTY and CI TY DEPOSI ~ i - | s; " ! sack work vou're t - lit' j 111 s \v i r i 11. ' 'Si'i- 11<>\\ I've iit'fi ! 1 ii 111 |ti11? ill * "II 'II lie nil foninl out ilin V You'd (tier i'oiiio wllh mi- into tin- ili:i\\ ini; mm. ninl we'll 'it down nnil look nvt i . II' II 11 >11 111 HI III!' -I I "I"' oll'll|. . -lilll'S ^ i|' course. if wo ;ni i;in l mil. we 0 now ixii11111o> it|it1111 it." "(If course 11111. .lin k lf:t " ri'|illi''? MHUI* or li:t?l they gone than .1 nek look out ' liis pocket knife nnd slit up tlie side of the suck, turning the two sides over q | nnd making wluit he tilled "u lovely q ! hod of soot." _j At thai moment Illoeks. who hod t 0 heen sent into the gtirden to look for .ItH'k, ciime into the tin 11 nnd cried. "Master John, muster wants you. sir." "Oh, does he? All right. I'll go in ill down on lIn* sofn, wiili their nrnm mud on** ainoiljer'H wni>t, nml .-unused nenisoh es wiili a I took, tnkluu :i >l> ci'ji out of l In' whitlow now iiikI then sc?- w lint wax i-fiinv on 'I'lio swoop* men lit inn* i*ii Hit' sifter ' i*'ir sin-li iiinl \\ oiid. rt*"l how u i-oiito live burst. However. tli? lit *1 it up ml swept up the tnes* 11 ml retired. j 'lllle Mr. It* * 1 i11ut'>11 nml the vleiirn ot ' iff* lul.io it.I -* " ' 1 jiou^h To I II .i. A ORPhRS C W\A T : Coltl Water Paint. No Tri Water, and They Ai ILL U< > >ub!e to Moat re All * $1.00 to $10.00 Boys' Straw Mats, J. H. ELEAZ 1514 Main Streel Columbia,S. C runry, May, August and Nov W. A. CLARK, President. _f . WI LIE JONES, Cashier. Assets Over HR, i3a^esb '50 Cents A 'ember, J. S. MULLER, Vice-President T. H. MEIGHAtt, Ass't. Cashie $1,500,000. urg Advocate=i Year. : : : to htm. He's In the drawing room. ' . isn't lieV" (l( r "Yes. nml old Swlshtall's with hlin." j, replied Itloeks, with a grin. ,, lie went away, and Jaek said to 13 iip |K ily: "I say. Knnny, open the door jtisl |, ! a little Idt and sing out loud. Mr. < 'rtt w I cotir's wanted: something's happened at Pomona House, and Ids wife's at (Indoor. He's to make haste." Jm?l/ rotrnnf/ol ???n u?oU-/..,oo ? IM lilt" w' <11 ? Turninsr t?> i in- imhIcimt. m i'niw jut miii<1: lloi.| iiu< ti-l.i, 11.it. t let iin rotnc l.? ;? I in.' I s|i;ill i!" lulu " I J liscliicf if Ik- lines II.' l.iis iInr?-ORATI:l? Hardware, (ilass. Paints. Lasts" (DANCE OiU Pfr J V vlfc . 4 ^1.. . - I *" "" """ 'half way up wiitehwl the expected port tfcs'vuifb t)l? ItNnlKteri I V/UIIV'MUVU 011 iirxi p.lK*" C0LUVI1JIA. S . c *?