. <1 * ? THB : I'iMif i" ? i * -m ii m V \ SATESBPEO ADVOCATE. T* - '** 'tr, ; 'iUH , y.y . V* * y, . v;<5^eEjRBhFia55>sS^Qfl8WHHlK^H^^^HH^H BKBSflHHSBjHfllBfliMlfliflflMllflBfllfi leu if* U' f- . / . . mmammn?mmm TOT r In iMI I Tn , m wrlpr to makp room f hWAli or Fall and Winter St feA AV ock. I have decided t. j sell all mv Odds and ' 7 Jr ' :A/.\ * Ends in Clothinir. B ] * - ^ I Shoes, ] V/X V/l. V/ x VVf A AAWA A--W W V AAA Hats, Shirts and Und( CLOTHING! tit *11 r> jrwear at a Big: Redu CL ^ 1 T~1 1 T * _ _ j_ k"* ctiin. Goods must b< X>THING!! i r- i~^ r\ j_ t mi %/ _ - e sold. Come early ai cum r\* l ? w/ id get your choice. iING!!! ? Will SHOES t sold at from $1.50 t< mi milire Ljine at zi > and HATS! 3 75 cents, now Closin -rTrr*n d rer i^ent. ljess 11 sue g out at 69 cents. St j rr r\ j _ lan wrigrnai nice. >ES and HATS!! ioes that sold for $1. I ? 50, $1.25 and $1.00, 1 I I an B d 75 cent Shirts, will win n< ig Bargains Ii sell for 38 cents. A 1 ow go at T r**|?li Days Hedri I turned fnee :tit< le soys lie's :i pentleinnn mill his ''' s s* n?'s ? rmveimr. sir. nmt If be tots nt i he'll kill you for kieklti;; of bint." j is led the khrdener. ! ?Hid ' 1 :in if he isisslbleV Why. us; the yofir ;is> II :Vjf %v " -U1 ih hut the eoiuploxion"?~ Binelled ink tin* wine off at a gulp and you o? not : pale. Tben be drew a long ^ f81 put his hand upon the region "^''11. to oiuaoh. not afraid f you and that you have M ihI me. 1 will come buck. 1 sec mo among the curliest ^ I'oinoua House when the M?* our got up aj ?? my 311. war . a . mill s tlip result of tljl* dliiltnlinil out- | ' "" sir.'" Interrupted Mr. Craw.-our. i h> wire Is not h?re. It was all a I m>* huri i. 1 fell over a rope and pitched in- j vlnepar he soot, which w as prepared for ! '"Oiitaine ; man's pi k'ot with my kuowledpe. I hope '' a will ac?]uit me of hlatne. Come to ^*et on' dressing room. Vou shall have a ' shall I in hath, and 1 can leftcl you some 'i ps to put on. What a slranpe is - twlstlnp i muc luuur u uiouiki* : Kit >u 11 tune of apology "Vch, id a"'' j'*.1' Uit rv I must have tei.en tip the V?!*' ' Itottlc instead of that which .11 1 d sherry. 1 ask the gentle- . c union. I'm sure." ha* ni^e way!" cried his father angrily. J". ' ii'^f t of uiy right or upon my word tu 1 " ' >e teui|>ted to box your ears." j?\i. , * v r >h." ejaculated Mr. t'rawcour. ?* . . \,u . i .... , of the larder ahout hi pain, tlie vinegar . . I .< lIM TllfM >-i ju ?m .a the Xclniined in delight. w '*? uiid." muttered J nek. * lid Mr. liedingtou. "Jack Is choice, and 1 a in satisover, niul now you must . e refreshment before you is the fii*? Hno ^ fli ^muKr Double S> To be sold ei Don't fail to M. E eat trSiiggies and K ither for Cash or see my stock before v . RUTL AinaDouts Fall payment, 'ou purchase. j Sr AND, 5 Ft must liuvo hot'ii Jack's ijrs." I fwl ?<>t a ?1?>111>t of it. inv ?lear sir." re- *inot- ^ il Mr. ('r.-iwcour. "i know him of j ^,u'k ( lie's always up to his trleks." , *Itnliiiut, ley walked toward tin- house, and IRK'liet 1 il they had passed the window Jack I""''- 11,11 ped liis head out anil e.velaiiued: te||i>, hoys! 'I'heie another drawing ' rtvover? - ? i... i. ?i j "Playi me: Iruly it is pungent liquid, j ' i.- i .. 11 .1 ^ ; .11 1 hank yc it I \viih being tied in a double i . ... i ... mony on tuj enly, I a 111 griped! Oh. oh! i . lisappeared In a trice, aud Mr. ' *8? ? u" on handed tin* school master n toU\ or' 11 Ilusk Of brandy, ivhtct, he sip- an8lnR f h to his internal comfort. n'" 1 ,H? nffth they descended to the the 1>r,m,pal : room, ami Mr. Crziwcour hud Certainly, d his serenity. hBTe the r>< fill hoy. come ami shake hands | ^ou m> s?'If, ?u do cere- | account. I beg. Another le would l?e grateful and nd correct a passing spasm i the vinegur?if I may ST II Id as to suggest it. said TPHE^ C , and to make sure you (Successor t> ;ht stuff 1 will attend to auswered Mr. Bedington, PicHin EGLITZ-3UN MAN. o F. W. Huseman.) or T/irUp ISA Parlor... Restaurant, /1ESBURG, SOUTH CAROLI CRESCENT | RESTAURANT NA. in* I i tug 11 r v, Dnc Dollar Saved Represents Ten ^ Dollars Earned. i'lie average man does not save to fori exceed ten percent of his earnings, lie "",l must soend nine dollars in livinir t !'"11 I. IHIilimlUII lll'llvrll 111 HI UH- lll.l" ' V) roimi door siii< 1 salt! in a stern voire: pr|m.|pa rk. 1 want you upstulrs in iuv dross- ja,.|% , room presently. Krlojt up tin* slier- "(>Iad will youV It is in tin- i liiffonler." -Tli.it VII riiiht." answered JueU. >?otni; t> i about it>ii tninuti's Mr. Crnwoour j,Vj.MI|).s r-i'il from tin* bath clean ami com- i , able, ami lie was Just putting on WU8 ie clothes the valet hail laid out for y,,m- ,.f i when Jael; and his father eame in. wouK1 iir old friend." exclaimed the auutng, "Jac I. ' .luck went Iul so. 1 Mr. Hedinj lo see you, sir." he said. asking his v right and uiunly. Now I am tas talk to you. I.ei bygones l>e un e'0?*t to only admitting that if 1 erred 8t>tuehow ,.u, dde ot severity with you there ' '' uaK u ' iielt that was aggravating In '''R found w tidtut to tne. Would you or "There vnu not like to eonie back to t'on tetweei a. see to ttoe pie. will you r " ;ton poured out some wine, ^Cts, Seines, isitor to come to the side- Poles, te It. Mr. Cruwcour made Tbe Tandem j rise from his chair, but lid not succeed in doing so. j BflSCballs leuvy oak chuir, and, look- ft't it Li a puzzled expression, he | D31 is some species of connec- Phonot i this chuir and myself. I j ,IUI,U< 6 * Hooks, Bobs, Lines, , Reels, etc. Spinner attract Fish. Gloves, Mitts ts, Etc. graphs and \j. David, proprietor. 1336 Main Street. OPEN ALL NKilJT liOTH PHONES ~u7. Hvervthiiiff the Market Affords. 1538 Main Street. COLUMBIA. S. C. Everything in Season. The Best of Everything at Moderate Prices. ! pcnses for every dollar saved. '1 hat J wall lii iiiK I lie ease lie cannot be t uo earef 111 about unnecessary expenses. Very often a lew cents properly invested, like buying seeds for his g irden. will it." save several dollars outlay later on. It . voi is the same in buying Chamberlain's 'iav Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy. lvIt costs hut a few cents, and a bottle . IV e have brought you some wine, your ol 1 Mr. Hcdliiiitoli. wisely | Mi. wine sherry very good'." said owu lia schoolmaster, smackinu his lips. ..j sjr la k says he know- nothing al?>ut HI ( continued the hoy's father. "It s y o.l.l. The careless fellows must ^ ?i-lmt e laid their sack down thoughtless- u.,.n and you had the misfortune to fall sU;,j.;ill It. However, try a glass of wine." iiQ(' 1he he principal smiled and took a brim- ..o. i I< en a crooked sapling, he minds ,'h",r and J labor required." twice. Tbej - ? ..... I another leri Is there anything pecul- 1 oe i trousers you were uood j ad ine in place of my own?" j OlinS iprton walked over to the j d tried to assist him to rise ' lir. hut he could not. i are stuck:" he said. A fyi ipal put his hands on the eiked himself up once or ; re was the sound of a tear, j Try us on w. and he was free, hnf he CTlRril IT"! cords. , Rifles and lunitionPocket Cutlery. 7 r.nv cTnnc Columbia, : S. C. Next t Skyscraper I I Subscribe for The Advo-| i cate-50 cents a >ear in advance. f-f n c oi 11 ill mi' nouse oiu'ii saves a uir tor's bill of several dollars. For sale nil)] b.vTiinmons Uros. and Crosson Drug : - j j Co. nil' Subscribe for The Advocate. I 1+Vi I * ltr wineglass tendered him l?v Jack #v. , . , - lt . . , thought I gazed fondly :it it as lie said: ,, w call Uje le is a ship tossed upon a sit.nnv v t ' Now an. nm, my young friend you are ^ a voting hear who has all his trou- 1 1 hill Com! 1 a 111 ii i-i'HihHi mi pun:;. Mill i . J nek. "1 wonder what he'll l<1 '**f' t'le next." '"'u. . m.v dear hoy, believe me to be T{ ncere friend." . ~ ;'s like the end of a letter." Subscribe n*c f?I r - * I IL.VJUI 1 A sent of his trousers behind j I'rfW Mi ) be continued. Colli IT ~ ~ Phone 276. for The Advocate. U VHJ11 O I V7I\L, , UN STREET, ibia, S. C. $ 'I 1 I CI I 1 IZ5 An Idea LwI tl 1 I Health Resort. UL 11 Opened For I ? IV. Quests June 15 th- i VL^ P" ? I > '[' :l; $ ;1: vi: V I 4 s Special ULPHl Attention Giver JR BA iTHS. V ^ V A % 9 V y 1 't: 9 I ^ \RRIS - For Rates ar LITHIA id Reservation, = spriiv Apply to JGS = C( J }MPANY. 1 *lina.