The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, July 14, 1905, Image 1

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19 VlclNB* MAI ~~~"1 ' ~ I / mmUC / . * > u / Ci The First Bank of Bst*sh pay? interest four timer a year on paiit? m tn? Havinxs Department?t pounded every three months. Fut y spare money to work?it works wi you sleep-has a perpetual, eVer iner ing earning capacity. We invite yoi open an account now with our llank be numbered with our live hundred tiositors. org ilheBA and dc TESBU RGAD' VOCA First National: Batesbu I Bfl Capital Stock Paid Up, Surplus, Undivided Pre Deposits Average Paid Out in Dividends, Bank of rg. , 125,000 00 fits, $13,200.00 .. $130,000.00 $0,025 OQ GEORGIA T{/ AUGUST U LHOAI) r,ANK, A, OEOltGlA. W'%. \ | \ I I mi K. \ | ,vs. 11 BATES BUR( PERSONALS. SPII Mr. Hailisou Corder was in town lis morning. ? J S. C., FRIDAY, JULY 14, i<, I FROM | JOTTING SALUDAi oni<fii DPU )o5. S FROM | lEXffll JOHNSTON. ?. QAUMI iND OPMIIIIC. nn.nnun..n ?..A BTON ROBERT B. : DEAD. I AlfiU ABA I A IS t KNEEGE ] I J AV/UU I 1*1 IN I f? 1 . i irniurm, CMAS. C GOODRU II. Capital $'2oo,ooo.oo, L Banking by mail is entirely prac deposits by express, registered r ^ will be credited your account am liUKlls H. BBOWN, Ass't C ashier. Intlividetl Profits $276,714.oo is ticable ami safe. You can send us your riuiI, money orders or checks and same ;i receipt sent by return mail. __________ s. Miss Until Wingo, of Campobeilo, . is visiting her frieiul and sehoolinte, Miss Salome Thnmerinau. SUNDA Miss Ilatlic Lee<?uest,of Denmark, SHi visiting Miss Mannie hates. Miss Eunice Courtney, lias returned ter spending several monlhs with (Fion ?r mother. Mrs. C. T. Wiseman, of ,, . , ii t X' 11 ,s' ilisburv. N. C . i ovviJii*, riiii Y SCHOOLS. BOUNTEOUS (Krom our, OWEBS, SCHOOL MAT Lust fall an Tpuo f j1 the-Hretienc possession of little '-Ity l i our reKU?si?' correspondent i hammn and t he pleasure of the writer of "more inorta ounAi< ahu uiiioimo miSURLILS DltU CENT. NEW COUNTY eKular correspondent.) GEN EH A] 1 far into tlie new year I" seemed to have taken the best part of our (From our regular lie sound of the saw and Special. July 14 lie call of the masons There are only ir. have been heard, nrospnt ;iwn uum ru jail, trroKis and KILLED IN8TANTL l^news. ihg THROWN I correspondent.) WAGON. "Blessed is the man \ four prisoners in . . t ? , _ . ^ itiiif ii,p anc/iict ?"s trust in God." On Y BY BE'ROM A who putteth last Monday You insure your Dwelling, store and & Stock against, Kin-: _ jw Why not insure vour^J-> It Miie? per week is what we will pay \ or illness. It matters not what R have, our only requirements are, I'rom us, then an accident or ill no 5if This is the season fa 91 9 wlicn sickness pre- t() 9 W\ Wvails? We are the tk O people to protect you. PI ,'oti for loss of time caused by accident w ind of disease or accident you may purchase a $5,000 Disability Policy ss, and we pay. (iet rates from W. \V. this let Miss Lilly May Winstead of Johns- meeting hi, spent Wednesday with Miss llat- volition c Etlieredge. Qu|te Itev. 10. K. llardin, Jr., of Mt. to lie on ioasant. S. C\, is spending a few days ^ainly 1 itli friends and relatives here. speecliei Mr. and Mrs. William Cato, of Mo- S>pc(^!1' 11a, were in the city Tuesday. <ter to be in attendance ;it the sometimes fro f of the Sun lav School Con until Its closr at Waids. pride the solic a large crowd is here: all seem '"Ks that liavi joying tlic meeting. We cer ^hc ils',es> hij have been having some line ' ',c W(M,den hi s. Mr. S. .1. Watson made a! '',rst tin >n the topic, "Elllcieiifc teach- Jolm Mobley i need of the Home." that de- Mr* Carrol \vh ? ? lone has alread ... lirst dawn of day, term orrourt. 0l . Now we view with tlnce neKroes_on( I block of brick build- Henry wantcrfa, He ...risen, phoenix like from of |)js w|f whJch ( d stand on the sdde of ue is represented 1 [hidings on Main Street. an(1 T G sturkie ree are owned by Dr. bar The Qther md are already rented. Iield for minor offer iO occupies the middle _ ? tJ v moved in. The others f^arHeld Donner te white man ami ^'r- Kneece e of the negroes, with Mr. Hlease, left hei Id lor the murder horse wagon to go out in X'curred last April, on business, .lust beyond by A. 1). Martin , .. . i er s on the Mt. W illitt of the Lexington two negroes are mule beeaine unmanagCi ices. an endeavor to hold hin ly of Pelion was parted; Mr Please was in company e in a one the country I J. W. (,'oonK road, the able?and In n. the lines thrown out WATSON, Agent at IJatesnurg, 01 PARROTT & BA COLUMBIA, Si | Your Ra r wrue lILEY, Dis. Agents, ti, 3UTH CAROLINA. iu rning; t Mrs. II. C. Iiodie of the Emory see- received >11, paid I'ateshurn a visit Tuesday. Prof M. Misses Mary and Lucile f'ooner vis- v,e'Nl' ;d relatives at Wards this week. ^'l. " >\ el 1 II Miss Lucy Itiser of Leesville, vis have a'r d her friend Miss Eva llile. ^ntur- when tli y and Sunday. ceiviug Mrs. J B. >f)kt?>and children are they uti inviii H/1J? 11 ?> ii nu.> I much comment ai d praise. are ovvne(l by M. Steele of Fur man Fni- er anf' tfave us two very inlerestin^ roa^> *or oc>('1 i is certainly a fluent speaker. During the lose people over at Wards the handsome epntation for feeding people Mr. L. 15. Asl icy mo I hen*: they are not de* that was alioii any one on this occasion: Johnston as f; re us a plenty of nice har- elegant appt U.A. Astin, I)r. Park- committed Jto Jail h Van Edwards soon be st,^ate W. R. Ilild ipation. lation of contract; of $500. reign of tlir tire fiend Drug Store occupied by . * . Haiman, ei till was destroyed; that ,ln^onrn ??ispa.tol?, t the greatest loss to "eli . r.mmerman, ar as beauty, with lts MarUn and T. U. >intments, it was the ?'arl*cue at Pel [ist week by Mag- and bruised up to a certa! erbrand, for vio- Mr Kneece was throv released on a bond wagon with great force ar back of bis bead with sue ditorof the hex- to kill him outright. Ini Solicitor Cieorge Ity his neck was broken. Messrs. A. D. I Mr Kneeee was ai>out Sturkie attended I years of age and was a lion lust Saturday, j Jolin M Kneece. in extent, vn from the id fell on the h violence as all prohabilthirty three son of Mr. ) Capaci May be cut oil at any moment b, constitutional disease. In such a iniumsstop? I 111; |'ll)i;i.l I'Y All ot Philadelphia, guarantees you a further premiums, should you bet to investigate. Write io (lav for W. L. WILLIAM ity " y injury, or some lingering, incurable or ii event would vour Insurance Pre- a 1 JTUAI. LIPIE INSURANCE COMPANY, liu paid up policy, or life income, without oine totally disabled. It will pay you illustration. cui SON, General Agent, ?ia iimuia q r a month's visit, to her parents at ' table ws aKe,,Cr- eatables Miss Vixie Rndd l>as returned from coojv veeks visit to tier home folrfs at Sa- atfret? oll la. yo to \V Mr. and M rs. John 11. Watson, ae- Wear mpanied by John It. J r.. spent Sun- fUi?t t*hi y with relatives here. Jones, i: lash, with basket dinner. The tidcst Drug St is literally loaded with good and Augusta. and that hash! well, the town grieved ew what he was doing, all are but th ne i tills point. We will want to T. Ouzts, I ards again. rebuilding, a e pained to writo that the in taringcompl Id of our good friend, J. O. The spirit of i dead; this was the only sad ed many prlva r ... ... new dresses ore, between Columbia , " fu?inc. 1 think every one in Pi now on foot to lo see it burn down, P"t of Lexington rgetie owner. Mr. IX the lKMts of som list no time in the to make a new coun ml now, it is a 1 read) Sheriff Corley lost etion horses a few days at improvement lias caus- j Mr ,, s ?radfor( 10_b..lM..iKS to put on the Hrst of AUKUSU of paint and several L . k vvu.s 10 UK 111 uie lie is survived by a c cut otT the lower and four small children, county and with He was, and had been e other counties time a consistent mem ty. Bethel Baptist Church. 1 . one ?! his tine Chrlst-llke: he was a ma, not ashamed or Him, v* FO tlesh and dwelt among us. 1 will leave about It was a pleasure to cot i for New York, him on things spiritual. levoted w:fe for a long ber of the His life was 1, who was k'ho became i verse with 121.5 I'lain street. ii. A. i/rriM,EJ( >? i .v. ORtiAN W YOU CAN WIN ? _ Though you are ho provided you are The Insured under policy l<n;.<r. r?I l.-vr->MIV !t/t I T ' I "* I T V I I | L W/lwVJj'ii >.' w A({K\T. IIA'PKHHI HC. S: < ? S|)( :hh> ix i s.-) i. vl; WITHOUT DYING, iund to win if you die. Ilt'' insured. ARE YOU? at Tint lie i: iMCllDAMfP CflMPANV i.. solicitor (leo. ' ell Titnmernian jilt Sunday in Batesburg, extend o The ehil diss Daisy Xeil. of Spartanlurg, is jnteimei tiling M iss Cat herine Cullum at Wanl Misses Kuby and Mildred CJlover at- o'clock, tided the Sunday Seliool convention Wards, on Tuesday last. . i ted us a Br. E. C. Riddel), and little Miss that son u u..? UM. .U ?a els. ??. dwellings arc ,ur sympathy to brother Jones. jire ||l|ite ,)a Id was three weeks ok', 'llie j,,e jjjy t,o the ut was in the cemetery ton s on Tuesday evening at f?:?i j Miss Lucy i on a visit, to h refreshing showers have vis-; ijurgersand h< gain; we are sorry to know | for several we ic have not had any rain yet. J iyvi 1 lc by tlie , ._ . ..? wuere ne win make now bong built. Some ndsome, and will add ^,r- Bradford lias attractions of Johns- Lexington for over I is Magistrate here, . real estate and ir burgers, who has been , . . .. Xf ,, r He has many frlei er brothers Mr. C. L. 1 ,i. .. .... , and the surround ersiMer Mrs. Colg lough, ... . . . i .11. .. all hate to see him eks was called to Greelllness of the sweet lit- ^'r- Frank \V. Ills luture home. May the great God, Wfc been a resident of world in Hie hollow of hi! twenty years. lie '"Who tempersthe winds and is also in the land"?deal gently with isurance business, and children, who are 1 ids in Lexington ar,d hi great grief over lb ing t'ountv. We each and every member ol go. we extend our heartfelt s Shealy, County | (tntntnTi 0*1 ** ? io holds the 5 hand and, to the shorn the widow jowed down elr loss. To r the family ympa hy. KnuciMA iTi ij i i.Ii :: :: :: of Hartford, Who. Look out a 20-Year Mivlowi alive. Tli i He Received ill mat in it V, the hi He Paid twenty annual premiums J Connecticut, :: :: :: :: Co ment. near middle life, is very much , s is how lie won: ? Co tin ice value of the policy? (li W) j ' int Did received in annual dividends -t? j-\ sui ace ivm^eii, wcm 10 wards 10 me ^vrrm i nvention Tuesday. lack or r Masters Henry, Willie and Cilenn j lson, of Augusta, (la., are visitinu m jss c eir uncle, Mr. \V. B. Ulenn. ? after a r Sirs. Allen, of At lanta, (5a., is visit ymm, flier friend, Miss Hessie Altiuan, (j. s Mr. Tiios. llalsey Fox, of Aiken Iday ino: MltSuildnv with his mother. Mrs. I Cnlloim iiiivusiiiu mat or account 01 ^je gjr| ^he cl a in the crops from Hngers to | Burgers, who Ireek or, the liatesburg road : messing. We need rain again ' Mrs. Hazel leo Attaway is at homeagain, ',er mother in nonths visit at l>ennet tsville. Mrs. Epps vv White and Luther Wheeler, ',ave gone to I uluda's young men, left Mun Pa^ a visit i ruing for Smith's Business j Mr. Julian I a* v i 11a-r I/id Iv v wlki>ri> 1 hnv I ? t lilil <?f Mrs. McDonald j Treasurer, is veryleft Johnston last week. | wi^h typhoid fever. j Jr., and Zireniba 1 leaves to-day to visit i rc*ver. *'(,r'tla' Mr. Karl Oswald Uli Beverly and Hippie, j ()f Th(, uome Ban! 5dge field for a few ('.ays. , |Iarman left Tue Lo Mrs. t'antalou. j Stone Springs. l?i Mobley who has been j tending thePress a ill at ! is home (SuiuiiJL m a. i Mr. VV. P. RiK>f, I Hendrix are slek j GAN ^an?il.CR.hiRr!wAS PRESIDENT OF A slay for White j COTTON OIL COM r. Harmau is at- r, .. issoeiation 1.. s?-s- R' Wf' )arp?; preslden i Urcr ill I hp Ilrirlinirf m Tr \. UAUTRUST AMU PAMY. ~ L and I l eas imt i 'AII.HO . making mil* net e (/ His Pf-*s* v;.< $2.7?.(] -I ' & (1 i.iC i/..itl, -?i't That Winning? Had he die.i during the ',*(> yea the fdU.Ooo plus tie- annual dividend say, at two years would have t>een $ TELLS THE S'J'CMY: 4*WI5 PAY j i? u UiWI.. Reside ')SI? <?I11 V U. '?7 1 \J am ? , mj or oore j ^s?? " "?" ; mi rs, his lli'nelioiiiry would liaw rtvdwd 11?? Is up to ; 11:> L tiin'i. whatever y?'ai\ |0 2^0. ill l"n and so tin. TIPS \NNUAl. DIVIDENDS " sjk lit Asrcnt. Iiatcshurtr. S. C. | J imiQ Fox Lo Uil Miss Eva Cooner left for Saluda w'" "'.'jy-niorninij" \vTi?"5v frots to t',elu* the cliuir of assistant teacher in Aifss K > County Summer School. to a-rite Mr. Albert C'ullun , of itidye Spring, Miller ;nt Sunday here. renter, 1 . ^ . misfortu Messrs. Jesse and I.. Rodie o! ... o..,. ? n J ? IUI auiuc bllliu ke a course? Eugene . ;*?y ! has returned I e Thursday morning . the t ri -,"?jT 7 J!t ~~ iICTi f.YnTTTeti ?e,'!U1-';lvL!"is uiis ?ct. is able to be out a^ain. j Angelic Andre ellyler, a responsible white j Miss Eunice t iviii^ near Saluda, bad t lie | inaking" Llic lie ne to lose a line voiiuk mule ,',e k?'r^s ...i I..,.. IIK I II Wll ui i mi r> su?o ' nere. unne much pleased with Reuiah Fox .... ftan* refin 11 i 11 . rir where l hey v ;is some added attrac- bt " ,, . , ? J**rs. MaryS. IV III IICl gn?.?U. Ml? J ws of Spartanburg and j .^|,e various eomn ales of Augusta, are wor^ making pre| arts of the young men <-0lin* v Reunion lo I also glad hv \l?iting ((st eighth and ninl i t ?* ny and Cotton Oil Com pa and Mrs. .1. J. lin/tou. committed Salelc meit I'rtun 8at?? in;; carbolic acid on July i isitcd their aunt j Bright Williamson, wh | appointed receiver of the lit tees all hard at c?-. reports assets, plant >urat ions for the j 315.4H; llabil ties. T? lie held here Aug- The following incoherer li. left by the suicide: . "I ta "?V iny, of I>arle by drinkitii. ^ o has been Cotton OH etc., $1,276, it note was ke this with R. S S!A\* ONS, Spec JOHN V. RYAN, Supt. < COTTON MARKET. Cotton is brinpin^ today on l Batcsburg Market, 10 I s as report iul Agent, liatesburg, S C. ( un )l" Agents, COI.UMIilA, S. C 1 "NEW BATESBURG n.-l ON THE RIDGE" f* 0(' \s \\ orroin iMTv 101: s\r? un i lilNl; ^ilUI uory, visited relatives here Sat- c;,nu. |ai] lay last. n ill in t VI r. J. A. Shealy. of Little Mountain week am iite.l Mr L. A. Black this week. j >iist Mrs J. W. Low man and her grand- ease hea lighter, Miss Marguerite I >ukes, of .1. E. Sin angehurg are visiting relatives in road II <1 around Hatesburg. to be be; _ ? fill ??> w .<> 111letj i lie mine in; ? ne# or examination* found a Mrs. Kdwan he hoof; the mule lived a 1 spending tlie li 1 died of lockjaw. lier parents, rate Elhcrcdgc set aside a Moblev. rd before him a few days ago. ith against the Southern Hail- | * rs" . An"U! le also has an important case j SWtVl l,lt ll' ard soon. Some young men j a 1 1 I ci?rv ii*i?c i t I ! llnnn linn. ' ?0W SPe,1( K. 1-. Asbill Ksq.. 1 Moh'.c.v of ( ohimhiu is jn |0wn Monday. i..t jlays ot July with .. i inii-i < mm to a large n Mr. and ?irs. .Miiian lathes were in town stand l he exaininat i Kastfiling with her tlirop scholarship, lighter, has heeii vis Miss Jennelte onie at fidgelield j pU-asa.nt visit to i la few days with hoi fll,?uli ,Ai...r i< ..?? r .11. .???! own free will accord, and ?>f I.eesN ilie was , brother to get the . takes, but no coward." umber or young' 'JTL 'n!.-1'win" SPECIAL FROM hcrrick af'er a LEX11 relatives, lias re . recently t I J ? 1 !...?* asked my Make misNGTON. a Life In Dy lj. i< 'itilinn* WEATHER REPORT July I I l^OS S!i).v?M".st ?-il.iy :in I Situi?l;iv. NOTiCE. \\I? I'lioi ri \lii.i-: ivvi:stmi;m. i 'I'm those who havi' marketed their | l'?* "t?n-eeiils cotton" or have other stirphis funds t.i invest safely and profita- 1 . 1 l?l> we direet your attention to the op- ' . port unities offered here in "New ihlle>l>lir?i on tin* llitltte." Here' I vvhei' Inore money has been spent, I S. ?- | and is heiny invested in improvements ! vj. during the last year than any town its : /.e in the State. Ileal estate values have I lee 11 enhanced from double to live times their former values. The in Dr. w. l? kneece, of Baxter, was]*"""""' I led to L*xinglon Monday to sec Mr j l'sl t"'1 idit-ns Hoof, son of Mr. W. I'. Hoof, !s,'e"1 l() 10 is ?| u!te sick wit h fever. ami l?el | ugl Miss Bertha Sanders, of Bordeaux, i |,-viu C\, is visit in*,' her cousin, Miss Kl- j work. -| a \\ hLlen. ^ ^wj |^y * Mr and Mrs. 0 I;. Hall, of Aiken, j I'liurch v e visiting 1 >r. and Mrs. J. A Wat Blouse. . I brother Dr. Ki 11 roll sometime since: they ] liave been full of "fuss X The \\ < 'I javid very badly and used , meeting on Mo ly language. The church is , residence ol M liein for (listuihinc religious j The Dauuht t he Lowrey's arc represent- will hold the.r rhui mond and Raina^e, the ! jnif on Thurs(l; "ill l?e represented by?:. S. |e? ?arrlson> ed I aiker. j companietl l>v Miss I held a pleasant inda\ afternoon at the nAlIT\ III' is. lames Hean I uND'AM ers nf the < onfederacy Some days ago Mi regular monthly meet - ( formed our people tl ;iy next with Miss l'.?w- j days we were to ha riage. The <)ld I 'ai . . . I rn..l "?o ' suranee man with an 'jM Raima Ivoon. bmg ;m(, ()f the frm , I'hihlw, accused of cmlie, nppXI/O insurance funds, is at I/ll?Ll*iO? lined in the j iil here idam Kuinor in- Ihigh was arrested in A! ?at within a few to which place he had rei ve another mar-: Batesburg. Sheriff t'orlej ne is usually cor- curing requisition pane is, >i.; . e at Halesr>:? riiKl) //.lenient of iresei t conllanta, ( ?., noved from after se? went to At Fifty head horses and mules and v? fine quality. Lar^o slock ??i v.-hie on hand and two car loads to arri next week. tiiv^ory-Uliea MnleCn .1 no. W. <'under, in:ina?'--, . < nmbia, N. < . BARI5KCUI:. t r 'Pill.' I I.' I'V population ?>f the town is nmv about I ^()| I . t\ thousand. when live years mi;" it | ' was barely one tltousaiul. More than ve a lit:i <I!*< 1 tlioiisaml dollars bas iiceii | si.. 111 Ol- pla 11 lied to be eX|ielt<le<l ill VIS mini . i| I and private improvellients. ; r,.| l>'- 'i'lie reasonable taxable value of the] '.own is n >t less tb hi a million dollars. I | New enterprise.* .ne beinit talked Ol J and promoted. The operation of thel new ' Suinmerlaiid" (Tourist) Hotel ot next winter will invite ole isure, health 1 and investment si eUora into our midst. I ? 1 ' i. ... .... in. in invest .da ? L. M. Mr. Kellers Mitchell who has Ii lenitf an dtin^ his fa I her in Columbia, has '"t*1':i: turned. | meeting i the Mell Mr. and Mrs 1> l>. Kawl returned; edncsday from New York and j Superi her points, wheie they iiave been F. Samp a pleasure tiip for the past ton is in his vs. selnhil in and J. L. Grigshy, .M. D.I ?neora d their w ives, went to New e,.'ts fro,n t,l( st week to In- present at the ,1<*r s,> of the District Conference t<f Miss Maude enlist 10piscopal Church. ing sometime ntendcnt of Kducation. li. Two small i le, is dressed to lushest, and Johnston, had glory these days, lie has his I Possession of a isms, as lie railed t hem." with (lav morning i' lemming, out' 01 me ; " '* r",<- ?? ?=? L' "l.und of flowers." is Mr. .1 W Pond om iter, Mrs. Julm Marsh, merchants, led to h ,, , -losie \ lid rews, :i d;i t^uat t lehaiim is spend- . , ... , ,, , , . ., , , ,, 'beloved 1'iekens Joi w it li t lie homefolUs ?n .. .. ? I. Hodges of the H tegro hoys living near officiating. A host a e intent ion for the wish them years of loaded pistol, on Mon* ness. The contents of the ? 111 mi"* uniaiiuc. I Icilllil ami i?roii?Ul i'UKI* " s (?f our thrifty hitftonon Tuesday last, ymen'saltar, Mrs. [''!l'Tr,'f7.rv'T MR. KUTLANli'S LAR let liodisl Church HORSE DEAI or friends here 0nj of the tine horses, s ut.aloyed 1 appi- drawing a hearse belonnin E. Hut land and winch was denlv sick several davs :w ai*K to uexHE GRAY ). 0 often seen K to Mr. M. 1 taken sud'< tiii'd nn 1 \\ 1 I. I' r < i > . > i11 i i-? i i. wurbe(*iiti of 1 lie season at my place J illy '22ml. 1 All w ho al lend sh receive the politest altntion l> ner will be cheap ami served in i best Style. Mnsi. dancing, ice ere: and cold drinks ol" all kin Is will t.e f iiistied throughout I lie day. < J< ?<?d on will be maintained. A TA \ l.ol! (,ii i ;till I..ok . i oum I. It are not i r.-mly t<> in . --?l we suusest that > ? ?> ; yuiir i< 1 ! > money hi 'i'lir First , vj, ill, j National lltuili >i I .aieslinrt;' for safekeeping aial until a tnore favorable opportunity for investment presents lttin .'if 'ili. allows a liberal rate III (tj._ i.t int. i ? -1 mi ileposits, tin'- rale vary, inK loin t.< live per rent, per anlei" mini. <|.*j..'inline upon the time the ' < .unit stall ! Tie- ptihlishoil stat?'- |{( j iiu-nts of The First National Itank. I which appear from time to time in the Mr (Irover llolsteiii. of Mouella, j ' 1 'Rf sited Itatrsburtf Wednesday. , am i o whirl) o| A series of meetings will beyin in , of ltidK*' e Methodist ('.lurch on Sanday j t.r of p. ornintf next. The pastor, dev. K. . There is Hodges, will he assisted by the mice. V L'V. it. S. Truesdalc, of Columbia. and plea Mrs. I >r. Wingard tfnd iss I tail lab they w il so (lays. They are in attend- j P'sl0' passed 1 the Summer School here, 1,1 ',0>s ' '<) pened on .1 illy 10. Prof. Boyd, he died on 1 in Spring, and Miss Kva Coon-> Mol tor Chai atesburn, are the teachers Of pleasure .see ahout thirty two in attend-1 for t he "eit v I Vv hope it will be profitable day on the sant for them here. We hope j morning. 1 feel that they are welcomed u"'v O'on,c MR. J. A WHILTEI mi the elleets <?l wi ich _ __ silay morning. TOR OF THE FI1 rli si on! A goodly crowd BAN kers boarded 11 ** train1 At :i meeting of ?y 11 it* m'ii" and for a The First National 1 "Isle of Faints'' litis .July 11 ill., Mr. J. i was elected an addi the bank I ? NOW A DIREC- Wednesday 1ST NATIONAL '",i;s " and Miy stylish yray [K. pair were bought by Mr. t lie Directors of Kansas ('ity, Mo., and cos tank of itateshiirp ? Austin Whitten "hlLLMAN Sh itioi>al director 01 , We are triad to know t pair of large l.orses. The Kullaiul in t l?ig money. APr." his famous DHL/WAR BARBHCIJF: Our Annual barbecue at I?eln will be held Tuesday, .Inly I! The best refreshments will be serv eminent speakers will he invited make addresses on the various a; cultural and pnlit ieal issues of t In* u Everybody is coming. I'e in " I !.l to.-Iilirjt AUVoinie, as Ifi|llnni in tin- Yivasiir> I ><-|>n rtineut of t!?? | *'' fiiii.-ii Si:11 -. will slo>\> (Id* stendy I.,< an.I ln*a 11 i j \ urnwlh of this institution. _ A^h tli- ?a|>ital lias boon fully HliJ. |<aiil in litti over four years, still nearly seven thousand dollars have l?. ? ?i | aid out in dividends, mid a re- lit in M-rvi' and undivided |>ioflts fund ot |(| rj.j. ahoiii tiiiri ii thousand dollars lias! , h ii a. in n i ii la tod. mnkiiiK an . -sol j it.\ i- i i of a bout twenty thou .. a I d?d- ! Ii,,. I..i in four years on a ?a|>ilal of ! Ii< i, -111 \ -1 i v i lh >n and dollai.-'. Tile ||| >x, have relumed to their home at W) >aiU11 ixinvtm, after a visit to their ! at ,,onu* int, Mrs. Mamie Fox ( ,j. a . Mrs. St Julian (hillum is vsitiuy llallelt* 'i' parents. Mr. and Mrs. 1 i? nrv (' i days an< rkins, of a. Mrs. J. Frank has returned ' A QJ Hue, after an extended visit to Saida. To tl a ami wm inane memseives i {jjURl Alia way and liis grand son | A pleasant .? , went 11? l?alest?urg a tewjaj the residen ) _ Hates at t lieii one and one-li iud or thames, ie Hateshnrg lodge of Odd , our town wen 'RISE PARTY. surprint* party was ^ivon Vt''> S"tvcssfu] in i! ccof Mr. and Mrs.N. A OAn ''usiness, tilt* In I>??an 1 it'ul home, about ! N|r- Whittcr air miles from town on eessio" to n,e last Tho First. Nation ny youny people from uint* m.-ml.ers of I hi present: of prominent and s well-known busi- 1 place, with its one irg. Having Leen springs, and Electric rock ic conduct of Ills en for the reception of gut oard of directors Terms, and per i as a valuable ac- merit arid water free. Ad ces of the bank. Mrs. J. p. Clc al Hank now lias Illlii eir board, made up lUoeessfu) businos NOTICE. half dozen is now opista. week, treat(lres; rnorlby, man, (ia 4,pnsii.M a. l. i:ak?;li i.e. s\vvi;i:i FOR SAiJ: CIIFAP < >ne horse, on - mule, one two Ik 1 wo sets uncoil nears. < open htiHHV two set Liij'ey I iiess. A | | I > to ILL A l: A V ' policy <>f Tli l-'irsl .National i'.aiik is {'|* conservative y?*l liberal. prompt ami i l oiirlt'oiis. To insure a eontinuance of tins poliev we cull attention to our V| list of ilireetors ami otlieers: Mike y( I tut la ml. Alon/.o Mates, Tom. Kerna?ise ?iiun, Ambrose tSonttales, Join) It. One Watson, Mavvrenee Itawl, I'oj.e Mat- .. . tin w- W. \\ Watson. I?.tvi<l It. Itawl. " Mike iViiry and J. A Wliiileii. rt d. - l-m-> S4I R. I'Y llow s Mr. John W. lint lane, who is on a | ^ isit to his mother at Monetta, spent | Willi ssterday in the city. method Mrs. M J Holstein of Monetta. paid i kindly I ateshnrtf a very pleasant visit yes- ral and srday. I ert it. 1< Mr. W C. Farber, Vlee-l'resiilent I laJ<ei'n f the Middleburtf Mill, has returned I I\t? I ?*i 11 , ami lu 111\ friends. oiic and M'sses Luci j tlol low ay, Sal a grateful heart, I take this Wingo, K.iti oT thanking you, for your KuthOooner. lid and assistance in the fune- Branch. Lo hurial service, of my son Bob- Tarant ai d uieece, who was so suddenly Col. John Bel roin us. In my sore aHUclion it him, K:l Itidj, at consolation to know that Clarence and - ........ I>r. W. I'. If anil Essie hind, Hub) 1,11 M nine Timinerman, ICut l> j e 1 ulluin, Daisy Neil. MR. N. J. PUGF Denial) Watson, Tullie i . , . , , .tii.- ItlilKfU. Mabel I H '^v'tl.cleepre Mrs. Sara Slmler. Itlie ?1.rtlc?iltles n I Tow ill, Caldwell Oil a recent eit i. tell, K. K. Hardin, Jr.. snow "'volved. A Callie Drelier, Jim Fox,! ' lu'lt > :",(1 Tim,Herman Ed llarr. I sPcak ()f ''Mil t hr. L. li Ktberedtfe, wl I IN TDAliDi r PracMcinifmcUifineatWx 1 In liiUUoLL. for the past six years, is gret that we lioar Leesville, s. (J. His ottl i which Mr. N. J.' Leppard Nichols' store, < <en of Kateshur^. ill who know Mr ts ?. r they are many, ,()* SALf lie highest terms ^ regular tfii^ outlit, Iio has been teener, S. (', i located at ce is in Mr, ?n Main St. with 8-horse REGISTRATION NOTIC The Hooks for the registration in the municipal Rl.'ct ion will he o at my Store, Monday a in May K 190r> and will remain open until days before the election. K. Cullum Supervisor of Registration. * -"x - of. 1 M bushels of row |?> as in first rla.'fl | j, (1 t ondil ion. Apply to III ill,. .M>11 N BKI,!, T< >WI I.L. ?' I,.,, ' Batesbiirp, S. (C j s tbio.'i 11 (it T.n ,l v LI com ii visit North. Mr. Harry .1 'arbor, his brother, lias returned to! latesburtf with him. Mr. Harry al 'arbor is a member of the Maryland Mill', Baltimore, and is prominent in .m(- p In: Iii^l>?-r social circles of that City Was in lid itsmiirounding. Mr. H. J Farb-Ti brill remain I.ere for two monthsor Miss iver. wus John M. Kneece, Mike Perry, I esburtf, S July 12th, l!M?:>. and Mrs. T. S If. Hare of Saluda County. the city Satan day last. One 5 1*0011) Pauline Wight/man of Kmory ' ',r town shopping a few dais ay,o. Sutfene Hartley and >'r. a"(l ',01>0 antl >. Bates. take has happened; cannot hellove that ?|. LfFNT 'iilontlonal wrong. ?K KCI> I . H',. Mr |.u> house. Apply to we assuredly belie\ W I*. TIM MERMAN. release ffom his ce that some mis- ' ??" rnnme. they will not and al1 in K(KKl condition a he has committed cheap. K. F. STJ rh, if innocent, as HOT IN THE NO re him to he, a spec ; Extreme hot spell in N troubles. deaths from heat yesterd I 1 ueiving, ai"., ind for sale 111 )TM Kit RTH. w York: 13 ay. .1 /