The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, April 28, 1905, Image 6

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! ,,w:j?VfTT1':/v1.-. ' ' ^ '** X i .|| i r in^iiW k I I 7THE BATESB ?Q ADVOC tgggm??? I. wr Ithc AMIMI k V V T i % # ATE. - HMMMTTtBtflBMBaaHHHMHi i . _ ";; ia MAMC CAD THE 4 jl A AVOWS COURT. V.'' w? ( ilTTEN D jOODS CO ry GENER N R' ? w I I I1L? h I Ej-KOLUNC I J Hundreds of c |,-on, with l ho * * ands of eggs of t -oWus, enjoyed. only children c: t.jrjr spinning a [TIA egg rolling on tl ndte House law i 11 Lj lira* RoQBevel itha number iflf invited guests, ,yCd the Irolic fi IV ll the White Ilou! ; ?1.... .. <1 A MJIJUfclN UfcAiri. Ceorge Eavison Wight, sou of Mr John II. Wight , president of theSherus wood I>istilling Co.. died in hi., twennd ty tirst year, after a short but violent ns. {attaek of aeeute indigestion. Mr. nl | Wight, who was known here, having j" LI j spent several months last- winter with ui liniftLr I Vl\ A AAA-# - - NEW HOTEL. A sea* ycstcrd; Mr. M. K. Uullanu, Ksq , asJudg Batesburg. S. C. Clerk o! DearSir:? of Mess I sec in the very excellent paper j, j? n uhlished by Mr. N. Kogers Bayly, ers Ha\ Kit the new hotel you are building i'|,u t t Batesburg Is lying on her back hoi- ]')Uncat don of court was held here \y, Mayor Edwards presiding e. Mr. J.C. Glover actinias r the <,onrt, the Jury consisted is. Mike Rutland. D 1J. Hawl, lartley, M. d. (Junior, X. Rogly and Dr. K. C Kidgell. rourt was called to try George i. for beingdrunk and disorder In order distance >> the harves enth Anni selling a g prices offe Our bus of any pre that those of our customers fho could n'ot get here to par ?t of bargains offered at our 44 versary Sale" we have decided ;reat many of the lots still uncl< red last week. iness for the month of April e: vious April--Knthiisiasm runs living; at a 11 JJ ticipate in Great SeV" ^ fir tree has been cut in to continue cently which made nine saw osed at the 14 feet, in length, sc: feet board measure. The tcceds that tU'? cne brinB ,m ; high--Ev- ? ? _ * . licv. W. Stanley Kmen \ ounger Iioose s> jtl ^rut? (|(.< cratic fashion, < ,ye(j tjie NN t Oregon re- the other ehiplr logsaverag ilh.g 21,483 MONET A NEWS product of l^nvva. >re than one 'Hie MonetU h School closed present sehola. vcar Qn Fri rector <.f J "!f ?.tJtLTl^habU:- "c'' Mr. uiul Mrs. N. Honors I'ayly, tlicd at lei itii the Fniversity of Maryland hospital, 111 on A| ril :11st. Mr. Wight's prospects were exceptionally bright and he had much to live for: lie was of a bright ^ for and happy disposit ion: a young man d day of great promise and beloved by all ^ who knew him. Miss Fanny I'avly, ? >wing for u name, and also, tluit yon jv llIK| | re ottering a week's entertainment to llle str) lie party suggesting t he best name 1905. j ml one that appeals alike to both the rep rest 0111 mcrcial Tourist and the Tourist j, . .sue rylng to get rid of his money Now The ev on't call it the "Drummers' Homo," very to or there is no such thing, and a t,lic out raveling man seeing tnat name would furtiissl 1.1 III- -itwiiil -i i;iil sett nllloU" lio'll fool . lor usIiik profane language on eels of llatesburg, on April 8th Mr. K L Asbill of Leesvillc 11 led Mr. Duncan and Mr. K. ilher wsis counsel for the city, idence in the case was of a >nllicling nature and virtually y ground for conviction was .ed in the evidence of the ac M .?%?#in LM.. owlo nciiol/ J ery salesn shoulders make a m Great it ing the G ed--new and expre Our Ne nail and every sales-laay navt to the wheel with a detern record for themselves and th 1 roads were made in every depa reat Easter rush, but such wer goods have been rolling in by tss--fresh from the grea1 fashio :w York representative writes i : put ineir .. ...... ' rinity hpireopal Chore mnation to x il>UICrls x,?. '** firm. is t lie ? i eat est divorce co rtment dur- the United Slates, if not 1 ? anticipat- leaving Japan out Of consi /ery freight Philadelphia Ledger: n Centers. of Chicago rajs tlie llock: IIS to clear UIU llsc',:s,s- ^ e wonder going to dc about it. ...... -v... . eu exercises. ' U Concord,? j u. t. >' of Batcsburg Hampshire! county Sdhoi** HM.jntcluu nt A. mnnnilty I'1 Sanders mad( t effective artdr in t lie world. cs The ^cli?{? louse was crow deration. anfl the ente Went was in e Frof. Good way highly stable to Miss I > mountains Rutland, prir' Df the School what lie is! to Miss Cora an, her assist an (laughter of Mr. N. Rogers Uaylv, was 1 till v 1 L \y engaged to be married to Mr. Wight: < ess- they were to have been married in tbe v "ded eoming aut limn and t be blow has over 1 u '* whelmed her with grief. Cate \ and a 1 {Notice To The Ladies of w 1 A _l_ . ?? .!' l"'v" " " I he cold iron bars; but call it the with h Southern Palm," and he would have lRgS w isions of sitting out in front with a ^Jr wo-story mint julep in one hand, . vhileheis writing his HSitli order cjjUM( vith the other. This, I think, will ippeal to both the Travelinn-man and senle!1 tourist, if you think so, don't be j,avt! \ jashful: just pin J1 meals and 1 beds mum man *?? aj ui ii\i ? uma paoiuv.u npiossive'di^iiity and his ruli;re prompt, just and impartial Asbill made an ahlc and patlie- -S wal, to the jury in behalf <>f bis which with the evicent truth ncau's testimony, reduced his ce to one half of what it might teen under the lav%. The maxipunishment that could have ; our decks goods, as put en sa key your appointee of all eariy spring purcimM on May 1st., a Million Dollar S tie there--he never lets a good 1 expectations high, as you will i. # Millinery. C? u i wca.911 to;k will be1, k?"*>s cj?' , has gone J)emocratic. t alue Slip, SO was misled by Mr. Bryan I not be diS" that President Roosevelt Democratic doctrine. New York Tribune: V humored and philosophu Taft ' sitting on the lid,' tinds it dlfllcult to go on oyster Bay COM. WA>f)N ACTIN l'erliaps it Commissioned jmmigration. 's btator.icnt watsvn, has r^inc(j ,f,om ;i so1 is practising WecksstaylnN York City, v he has done tell* work looking /1th the good- ward to desir:., jm; reuse in :al Secretary population. Watson suece ' exen Castro in creating i?i ncw in to res with his J is- (South rarolin fculit ions and, j: i5aiesDur?. ? All those interested m the I>au;?h? ' " ' tors of t ho Confederacy. arc invited to 111''' : meet at tin- iioino of Mrs \V W. \ hen | Watson, on Church Street, at half ''"" past t en o'clock on Friday. May 12th. our cried t i" MATTHHWS. v a : i >n ;i postal card and send mem in. .. . , been u 1 ours verv trulv, .. ,, on the ' diet t ANOTHER NAME. COI11111 Curosity. although when carried to owing extremes, has like everything else, so The treated, its disagreeable features, is was K nevertheless of no uncertain value tine o when judiciously used to beget and hist- handl >asscd upon Duncan was :?o clays tfl chain gan^ or $.*??). The Ver- 1 if the jury was guilty with rec- * cnclatlon of mercy to the court, -I to tlic nature of the testimony. | sentence passed upon Duncan ? days on the chain gang, or a f ifL").on. Mr 10. F, strother eil thecity's case with marked This ( change s the last, not comt and $1.5( have mo iepartment has undergone ince Easter--The best has bee come and you'll not be sorry 1 i sooner--the beautiful hats pu ) last week have put tongues to re at the same price. ?? rid j ? a complete pi?y of jtproics. n saved tor New York Mail; Henry ;hat you did ieisestnePresidcnl'sliter I out at $1.25 we fancy we hear this talk inc:--we somc ot t,'le President's ! panions: Who's tliis lierc Philadelpliia Kccord: V I proverbal frost of tlic pe I siw:iri> md snow eoveri rewarded in 1 ,y()rts> by sec Jamca criti- tlio co-opcvat! a, tlle N,? .1 i> . iress. arv style Hut .... _ ? Mr- watson :n r,i i inquiry from . . *-s >Lk-,n' 1 hunting com- curing imm.g: ,Uiat"lhave ; Hank Jim?" arrangements tart sev,ral m work in the p ?al N(,lth 1<:ur, V'hat with the countries fron t|)e i,cst a^ aches in Del- turial people i e obtained.'' nir the early M int: A inu!o ran away with Mr. Johnie i York haki-ami his biitfKy last .Sunday; Mr. Fake escaped unhurt, hut the buggy (( was smaslKMl up. made Thy Messrs < Kwalt spent the night en to recent It with Judne Temples, ipean Dr. John Nicholson paid a visit to ricul. F Matthews recently. Mrs. Matilda Matthews lias been en attention wnen mo elements 01 ( a real worth are in a thing or proposi ruling. (ion, calling attention to it, is nine the et tenthsaecoinplished toward its sue- tore t cess. 1 f a name can he utilized to create interest sutlicient to beget attention, < it is clearly wisdom, to adopt it. The Advocate suggests the name of ' hi 'The Anilorie" for the name of our his f; >. .\i?|ii*ai UIIM'II u? i in; of 1110 court by Mr. Asbill ami isc will come up in due time be- ">" he circuit <^>urtat Lexington. GENERAL NEWS ' ni'et o Nod Mack, who murdered at her in-law in I) last, Well, country you see at price* chandisi Ulotning. this is our hobby and we've gol skinned in the lines we are sh all the latest fashions in great 5 that are positively lower thai 3 was ever offered before. strawberry blossoms in L the whole tuie lias confounde,i rei; owing. Here tudc and-lonKtt?(le. variety, and New York American: 1 pn?ai stock in the contention 1 equal mer- efeller is making donati. to ease bis couscience. convinced that Mr. Roc conscience. (Jeorgiu, 1 IVilLL I ^CK SOLE itiuus of lati T1)e followii |,ii stocks wcr? in Columbia o pi-ji "jnh. Mr Kansas takes Ravle purchas >0r oilier pari that M r. ilock- slirs. of tirani: im^on stock a uns to missions pav 5 sin ,f Kichland a Kansas Is not par $100, and m,.c of Uichku kefeller bus a $25. par $100. brs. 0f Louist I stock at Canifl , very mi. mil is iii'.xii linpruveu. Mr. W. I.. Matthews has had sick sdld noss recently in his home; one of 11is John ohiIdn>n. who lias boon sick, is hotter, .ics ."> Mr. lb 1\ Matthews is gradually iinit ^'JT. proving. I .1 ud^e Temples was recently in Said m In Ja. '. Mr. Joe liuthorford has just re<1 Oil new Hotel. I t?v sli The word analoric, being a coined who word, is not in the dictonary, which colon naturally excites curositv, as to its to pn meaning. Wj Anilorac is Carolina reversed and, , < ha the word, after being read front a look- .Misj( ing glass, suggests all the salubrioty of |?UsS I climate, all the fanning of zephyis voun ootinp 11iin wit)? a bird pun and, afterwards tried to kill two more rd niciij will, if nothing happens event. lie lump to-dayjin Mantii p. 11 iaui H. Hussell of Anderson S. is pone to Panama to aeeept a ion on the force of the ('anal. Mr. ell was preceded by another p man from Anderson who is We 01 er's san dollar. * Hats. pen Saturday morning a line of riples, in all the latest blocks, a 0 ? T71 O Washington Post: Tli fruit crop lias been 11 Manufactur- frost will be excuse eno t 50c. on the ing the price of fruit Ja The trusts need a cert: goods sold. New York World: It v days since Mr. Carnegie ? ^ I ? pYiiPctr-ri tii nav nior -- - - ~ "l[,arodlby the $1,450)0 GONE. u^h for lK)Ostr Tho l'residei (ti?. i n>t Na rs and sugars Uank of Milwa^,. im n an lin amount of t.j)arfied with //.lenient bank's money. ?)lt. amount is nnl? a few defalcation is n?js $i,.-,ou.000. said tliat he directors of the ^ iiuar; c attention to 1 the bank Kinbul, turned irore < >rangeburg. Mrs. l; I'. Ma It hows had tis guests this week Mrs. berry IHmean and tional Mrs. Jaeob Lorick. ested. \y0 ;l visitor hr. Timmons of !lls of HaLesburg. n1 t lie The ; "" """" "Baxter and hu Ion and all me loveliness 01 irons anu ai,e;, Mowers, that the combined Carolinas suggest. Se netit COMMENCEMENT IN SALUDA. lriM" i near kllle TirnMpd SelinnU Close ;i l?rtl idy on the isthmus. vera| id' Kershaw's most promi- eiti/.ens were placed under arrest * pril 2"?th charged with beiii? i n- ' iled in the lynching of John Mori. on the night of Oct. 2nd MRU, Kerhaw. Moriison wantonly d William Floyd, who was the n man killed hy him. (treat ? $1. 75c 50c 1 C k. jr evv npec Shirts now 75c. . " " 50c. " " 39c. ase $1.50 and $2.00 Ha mi is; | small colleges A1 read lege ortlcials in Iowa <>r his labors by distribul for him rfuaong fifty W< A ijuick and generous Praise F:or The Chess ts now $1, FROM THI WASHING ' ~ I ?4f ~ m.otr _ ,. ?ll? iii 11111 y generous col- ex-bank presided t.'rank < . opose to lighten low; he was usi j( |l0 i,ank'> i ling $12,506,000 speculating in \ L an(i Was , ;stcrn colleges, in the recent eclsc> response. 1 THE COT'I.j\ SUP1 ipeake Oyster. According taj|.eluo n^st ton roar. pOl't. '1 be tOl^}sil>l<.' colt i)H (? ?.n,r llfa t ill i>80 bfl Il'S OlTai 1)0 ill . i i 1...? . 1 Jitrcin??nev Dots aught We are much mixed just now. Corn planting, replanting and planting cot,, Km i?,ntinued. and discussing the iiiuii sit nation and almost cussing the irs re-, ,.llss 11i;it stole our cotton seed, and is I,Til, |ottier things that keep as stirred up . ~ ?- indij 1 Prosperous Year--Phe- i>od\ pain nbmenal Growth. >him T Hl STATS. Saluda, April 29. The commenceI ment exercises ot the graded school 12 at this place came t<? a close last nipht 2:< The audience was the latgest ever as- chu srnation followed the murder. The I ot Morrison was buried in the icrs" lot a* no one would allow to be buried on their premises. v ?'-1 :;><t I'. I. lntennissioi.. > 1 r> What position should the reliesoecupy with rog;' to e\ " -? * I^AJETC ' 15 dos, 45 doz. 12 Onl onb St "JSc: . 10c. Collars 5 for 25c. . Boys 25c. Caps 20c. y. $12.50 Suits for this f '$7.95 -v t -y 1 f l m m % 1 1 UCYCI UlC an 31 ' *1T came to "Cv'ashington,"said lace McRitcliie of Glasgow, : to a I'ost reporter, at the SI "This is not the literal t rut ?_ mean to say I never ate one Kan to compare with your Cli sort, which seems to me the blvajvular toothsomeness. .s ,i 111 inj mv, v... | 11 n'.>! i iar?i v ,tla'L 1 "i^inh' t Mr. ^ jiI* ^ v7 J1 1" "o"?mu,g Scotland, now afloat in Great Britain :.n 1 in o lioreham tinental Europe 2.012.Ono against 1), but I "In 000 last year; in Egypt 201. that be- against 203,000; In India T o. icsapoakc against 43.5,000, and in tin- I ni acme of States 1,20*,000 against o i io much I year. I i.ii. ;\\i"i ns .Mini'Ki} morniiij; imils wnuts ?s .j. ii ' in nil km smootk. w'-sr 1 __ . ,i v on" thisfold K:i>l wind slops and \\'t tTnd 1 t heblackberry crop safe yol and Hie ' (1W) ' Cluoshcrrics just budding. 'll <K'|? 1 I 1 Ilush now I i hiiik I near a bee w; as"'swam. of WYU! all tlu%se things distract me, <li i n,.u... tih, ni>i 1 . Msembled in the auditorium, and in tone 1 i * ? * :|s I\\\d been all t i>v. <HI(T artmc. .- ? . aimed, there were two of extraordi Lontr. '1 iry merit. These were tlic chief II. MoM aturesol the evening. One of these :t:<>? 1' .is delivered by Dr. Ceo. It. Cromer Home ) Newberry and the other by ITcsi- Wat kin lit I-' N. litiilp of t lie Edgefield in- II. cms linpthc Master's Kintf'f cover M. ,iu- , r i1 < .rc ehnsa;# ? ?\e ?"* \ I). Yillanl, l'rof. Dorn. W illan. . M. some special claims of lissions. \V. !'?. III'". L. S. ^ s. .1 A. Carson l .'.Jones, I>. % land. ; 1 bu bun $10 25, $9. 48 Pr. Sal< 48 Pi1 ts JNew, JNeat ancl JN< .00 Values, only $8.25 50 Black Clays, at $6.9! Ladies 1.25 Oxfords foi 3 85c. TVTrm 9 1 0 uetter arc tney man any v JhJkJy y peans get that I consider it trip across the Atlantic to en. Besides, to a Britisher they [J dicuousiy cheap over liere, I . i half so dear as in England." r this . DEATH OF JOSEPI icnncr i e hi n o , worth a ! IS NOW OUTCLASSE jo.v thorn. seen ri- It must make Kmporor Willi jeinir t ot s,t l< l" re:ul how President Iioose\ c ui^ht a wolf l>y the jaws and t him limb from limb -Chic Chronicle. rt 4C,A., LKITKIJTO MATlIKtYSA; H? >1 tin IV ? IH. UKI 1M 11 ViH i\rn ?l ;iu 1!W\> that town l>->y with his deadly sliritf- Cl shot, who didn't hit that, sweet siny to ;mi injj Mocking l?ird, that I hear, takes -p ,.lt | olT my a; tention.s. 0> "' e i Tht meask s have put their stamp m aR? J on Me. Clarence Falltiw and lie is cc ! ipute. siek. .. This serihe made a business trip to s0 i\ -1 , . m luite. It came al>out t ms way: I >r ' romer. who consented some time ago i make the litelary address, wired j l'kiM) uesday morning from C dnmbia that ' N'- '> 1 ving to tlie necessity of his presence ; I'h:to i the supreme court lie could not training line. "> sclic A telephone message was at once lit President llailey, the situation c iiltiinnrl tit ltim fi nrl t /\ t lm .l..l!.rh* Millan. SUNDAY. I A. M. Devotional Kxoreises,'adgclt. I The necessity for better home- , j in order to make better S. tlais and earlier Christians: 1 | Padgett, .lake Lony, .1. A. K. ('. 11idjjel 1, \V. U. Me J. X . 72 Pr., She 6 Pc. .J. at ? 6 Pc. J XTJ-V_.11 O Lu,KJ\J VyjVXWXLlO _L o A Popular Brand 3.50 ?e at 2.50 46-in. Eolines, worth 35c. striped India Silk at 35< (j .1 L_ rrue JV10T1S ! r^,1? vencra'*le actor, Josep son, wbo has finished to tlie tfoes, as Itip Van Winkle, Ii "1 AA a,K* ot-'iers< such a wealth of i.iJUj amusement, is dead. Mr. died at 1)is summer home Bench, Fla. on the 23rd instai q Jefferson's body wjll be put ir NICIIT. h .letter- LEKSVILKK, S. C. theatre I'earSir: When vou see a well-dr oh Acres ed man. you like to say: j'here's innocent sample i f my clot he*. That man JetTerson worth t wo <?f himself as he was \vl at I'alm he came to me." nt. Jlr We have the same feeling. < i a vault paint on a house is worth tw.n I ucxinjrton last ?aturelay and on my! " the yellow ilajjs hung out every where, ? thov told 111? they had twenty odd ''*** eases in town, don't know how many s, old ones: hope they will keep them * ls close. as 1 don't know any one w ho t ;i wants to get too elose to them. The grain erop has Improved much tl) in the last week and looks now like ,.( we will 1i i ve :i 1 :i i r it: hi i m-iinni . . , the trusroes, teachers ami patrons, '' agreed to de present and at once J r arted tar Saluda. An hour later Dr. 1-: '' roiner wived from Columhia that Ids -:0" * ise in the supreme court had been ' revival, - aid and he was on the way. I ' ' I'n'H As is known, both of these gentle-1 signed i enarenotea for their interest in iucation as well as for their scholar 1 Missionary So in <>n, .laU'z I Vr1 lit or miss ion. iomti of the signs of spiritual lake Long, JesseEdwards, M. fotf. 'l. I). Villard, S. H Bass, 'oininittcc. 2 Pc. c at ] 1 pc. S 6 pc. 3 1.0( _ r 16-in. 1.25 Black Peau E L.00 !6-in. Natural Pongee al i6-in. Soft Taffetta, \ ), at 65c. k _ H /T 1 rx . - B I hi iHJiiJ iiiu reiilii )p jsO10 j friends can be gotten to ' the final interim nt 'I In ; family and friends were I n. from I aim Ileach to Buzzard* I I 5C. j the special cars of Mr. H. J IfOvtll antl 11 r-J* IMnott. Jose Vv. X l/Il son was justly esteemed as t I briliant and effective hijjh| of 11is day. ives ana omen as omiusnmn paiuiti^ ja tlior for le?ul-siml-oil. It looks t lie >r oh- w i body, first put on. In three mont! sit do conveyed In three yoars il decidedly don't. ? bay in head <and-oil chalks off in tl.n I. Flaprer it is considered a first-rate .. . t pli Jeirer l ists three years lie most I>evoe lead-and-y.ine is about as p comedian in three years as it was the d;:> painter left it. int. ' ly Ikmi Wat eh the A?i vorate and l lie growth In n't el llateshiii^. tlien you t an tell where ti i we are at. I would write mure, if 1 had time, Jj,' 'i:l* nr. malerial of any interest.. , hi ood ki "" EDUCATIONAL ,,, attainments, and theilars'eaudienee. SOU 1 st. nitfht enjoyed a rare and unique eat. L)l The addresses were profound, im- . ressive and clothed in chaste Knjjlish hey were aloni; educational lines \ jt were not of the inade-to-order ^ , [ belied ind. , Preceding the addresses there were ''\isioi cercises bv t he hiirher irr.sdou < ['HERN R. R. SCHE- J JLE IN EFFECT * ANUARY 9, 19C5. I Hunt a, (!a , January i" uUm 'han^cs on the Savannali ' - J i, HTectivr January !i. VJOG. 9 PC. 2 2000 y 10 Rol 100 Sa 15 Lar 1 n * ;ac. ivionair suiting at l ds. 36-in. Sheeting at 4 is 25c. Matting at 19c. ,mple Smyrna Rugs at ge Smyrna Rugs at $1. all T?vi n rvrjrl m r\r* i i r\\~ i' t?i 9c? l-2c. ICOTTON WAREHO i l). J. Sully, the prince < operators, was in Columbia OCp clay last. For ten or tifteeri Sully lias been visit ing cot toi 00 j studying tbe situation, woi ward* tbe ostablisbm ut c -i r*Ti /iiK" is 1116 secret of i 1: no vo ret rope a"' ^ good mam painters kit<.\v / some mix it with their leal. Weyi of cotton 'n: no*' "l rto<i | deal on Mon It's the zinc'and the ^rind in-,' tl days Mr. does it. You can't mix zinc h\ ha i centers, ^ c grinbit in by machinery. "kinjf to- Painters are lindieg i s nut. Lho ?f cotton somo painters are slow V?i. O,.,... , CONFERENCE. " me: M i,)(l Tin: Ivhicalional Conference of ( (' tliiiii)?i:i w is opened by an address of j,. Ii;ii \v?slc< mil* l ?\ <;<iv. I?. I Icy ward fol|1(l ! lowi I l>\ M i Itobt. (Ogdcn, bead of 0( j I lie (>j?dcu | arl .v, who spoke wit h (( ,,^1, 1 ureal oflVe! ivencs-. and force; Hon. I j, >elli I.owe. Ks mayor of X <' liv..n I 1 I'li'.r Hi; ificatcs of scholarship were given to. | i,v ( 'ol iiss Maddie H. C hapnian, .too E Hates roucli and Will 11. ('arson, they hav- Trent ig completed the course. At the request of Mr Alvin Ether-1 *'1" lge. chairman of the board of tr.,s-j^r? >t\ the certiticates were presented by , resident Ra\ly, j Tito people ol Saluda are justly ' .> U. 1.1.1 umbia 11:4 > a. m burg 12 50 p. m. Oil ) p. m. cnvlHo 2 :D8 p. in. (JUSTA 2 :.*?u p.m. No. 233. {( field 1 :l"i l). in. 60 Dz. Mennc Colgat Every a. XTlum-l^l/bC 1H Boys Heavy Ribbed He ms Talcum Powder at! ;e Talcum Powder at 1, body trading Five wanririuBes. -t \ Mr. Sully expressed himscl >se, 1 rjQ,. than satisfied with tie out I izr* said that he expected to per LwC. an organization in tiie near ^v? will provide warehouses largf to >tire over 16,000,000 bales Mr. Sully is very sanguine rv jl and good results to the cottoi UUIlarb industry from a systematic w i V#M nnu?? i? I'tija <1 \ t.n> : ii ;i t as more wear P,,0(i clothes. How n inv . ,i look and mcrs 1,ave vou 'lia' know it.:feet such Yours truly futtrc as F. W. DcvocA Co. : enough Timmons liros sell oui paint, of cotton _ ilrrmvintf A TERRIFIC STORM. >arehou?e ! . . I " IVil- |V lt( i >r MeKelway. of t lie Hrooklyn haitlo, aj in;: in a speech full ??l sen so. wit an I p. humor and Dr. Alderman. president of (| I tlio uni v<T.sit \ ??l Va . spoke wit h liis 1( iKiial vitfor. Supt-. Joy nor of N. a| NP'.kc 011 Soli, libraries; Supt. Mcrritt (>!< :: i. Model schools, ami Supt. M ' i. oi (' , and -dipt. Mvoders of | I t'iui a > ina io sprt olios The Con-1 mud of their school. S even years Trent fo a small one-room frame house was ,\r. A 1 iirtinlly fitted tip and the few tliil-t ren then here were placed tinder the 1 in troll of Mr. H. S. CunniUKham, ;E\. All nd now the enrollment if lwv Warr JNIONMEETING A i- C..I "" 1 -:x\ p. m. !v|,"N 2 :i'o p. m. No. Kit p. m. t'iivillo j ;27 p. id, "> :00 p. nj. f >,,rK "? i t I p. id. ($5.00)i TEN Loom" i ' Whi icxt week will be enti ^RDS of the "Pruit it Five Cents per yard t.t.PTl Hl'V (?i tied to sys of the have license i retur Exclusive of railroad, telci express companies, license fe extent of $+1,000, have so far "tnr lei in and considerable is yet i i \ icrrinc storm passen over i u on April 2<ith and (lid immense d atfe. The I'nion Mill no. i' had ' soul hern side blown in lor lo t i . .n j and much of the roo! was si i ipp. <i The employers of mill lea i. I rraphand danger in tinie to escape ii in es to l lie cept intf John Campbell a^ed l'" wh l>een paid internally injured l>\ a falling h:i uncolleel- 'J he Itothcl A. M I, chuivh ion : rciit'p well close tomorrow night | '| am- ' aftcr which 1*11?* < '^ilou party will J it j I i\> : r i iit' 11\ i 1. I?t i onn v >'i|.l. <>l la I mat inn, A. I' 1 "IT niii)|?''\ anil. Pro!. .1. 15. T. Major, of Hi -: our rip. wore present. ' A EARi-WELL SE:kVICE. and I lie Upper Union of Ridge Assoc ation Will Meet -v Air with Bethel Church Apr.. |l.,)"'1 SATURDAY I'V- ( I illtlS 1/1./ ? 1 M I * : 1 - .......... i. :.)0 p. nu No. -J;; 1 ;on 4 :13 p. nrr. oil :DO y?. m. licit) :2(4 p. tik No. I Jo 11 ml?);l ft :t?n a. m- . . urn a. m * T .M .?L *Batesbi 4 ^ T vyi \ / Company, arg, South Ca ed. Comptroller .Jones stai the amount already collected than was estimated to come that source. No Gloss Carriage Paint rolina. I will wear as long Devoe's. > * are as heavy bodied, becaust weigh 3 to 8 ounces more to i tcs that the Presbyterian chapel valued I, is more H.aOOanfl $1,000 were torn to pie in from The colored church was raised i its foundations but nntscriousK <j a?ed. Made U others OLD VETS TO MEL I ; Devoe s CampTUonnor will meet at the us the pint. nh,niir moot tntr I It'lt Achnnr .... i lit* i; < \. i". i> l lav will I i<?l?l Ills I ' I w s r\ ices in Tin- tirace I'rot- " (' s' I'stant I'.pis<-oi1 church at Kid^c Sprii. I'M >uiuiav morning next. Mr. s' 111 llav has ac "|itcad a call from Wando, ' | , in ;ir ( harlcstoii. \\ lu re his was rector : in 170!i. ' ui l'ai Sn'.iscrihe for The Advocate, it is l\ M A ... ,u. i h->oi imiihi is xeroses, i> r / i i 1 r,'llt [ (.roslund. 10:30 L. M The cause and ease of low 1,1 s"' )iritnal state in many of our church;; N. G. Conner, Then. A (jualrle ' ' nun, S. It. Sawyer. 1'.. IV White and 1h ^.ii i he/. Ferris, I 'ass I li :?o lh.w shah we. ^et the people .. > ,oro interested in the Sunday School? II Timmerman, li. B. Watson. J. on, \Vnrronvil!t? nisei Aliens ;,s now No. 7. ihia. Wiirreiiville and Antf wane as now. Ilalesburg ?' :M p. in. Trenton ?? :S8 p. m. No. 17 I>ni1y) | Sold by Timmons Bros. \ - ? * - . - I ???V- VJft 1IIV/V> Kl 11^ III ?'U? * T I I I I j_. I'll I first Saturday in M-y or May dth % I . i i'iv | wiuiin tim reach of all?ftO cents a M J year. w \ . Kneece, <>, W. Sawyer, J. H Ed- Lv. Per arda. Ar. I Sat ry 7 :10 p. m. esliuiy h :.v, p. m. % -