The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, April 28, 1905, Image 4

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Pmm' ' THE HUMC The lieu is not exaotl but Just now iT^r.i Is land. i JJJL' si,,,. Furnish in; the lay of the * I innrlc Ta li-rr imT' I k Don't fo IfiKit I lAjJBBAtfM A AttV.tiCAm r aiVfiute'lj ^^Q2^2SE5E53Essi&RK^B?iifififi Our Success . . C . ? *A Batcsbur \nt? Cnlnc I "Imve you a llooi /LII OClICa | two weeks?" \ "- H it lias a beautift i X Woman Asks M r paint that will last ? res we have Devoe's I il gloss and will wear \ The wife?l\x>ple en what a woman lus dm band. The Husband?That many bald men wear Statesman. VJ V/WVIO mot always sec and ? for liar bus's so. A Kivat i Shoes wl^s!?Youkei* I > T ^ U p-to=dat< think of getting i this Summer wit a pair of OUTIN" Of ilong: ;ish E hout la GSh^ES. j course vou k .s!?? ft Guided by that as our Compass just what you want. Withe dence we could not exist. So ii us have no doubts, we will t The quality of our Goods pit fastidious, and our prices appe sensitive pocket we have bougnt i1"" ^'illN 11 i,r ?ut your COIlfi- monsllros. n dealing with I reat you right. I K k jases the most g ,, al to the most | Lees ??????? _g 1 OlUne over uprrij applied, j iinTIIKKR1XJK, K NT 1ST. I villc, S.O. % Austin's store. ^ tiucK? i ucuiarc. 11 prettier every day. Dick?You only thii every time she comes < uglier bulldog.? hiofli Head of Foreign Where would you prof uneul? Vaitnir fIVo n.1? r. \\" imcu is gc tinnj -phe Walk-Over S ik that because ' a Thing of Bea ait she has an J 'p|le Walk-Over S so News. an Actuai com Trade Office? i The Walk-Over Sh'tc Is er to to as 0111 ^ Finest I.eai.icr uiul ..11 1 Shoe is me . * yoi uty. va5 >hoe is tort. Hen and vvome made o M Its couibi- m _ , _,. - r 'saving y antime you K ^ ? lit shoes. Ma _ .? >s or Linen Mj? n's, $1,501 . . M lisses' ani(f,1''t'rens'|^ TR i ' C? \ 1 J. C. CILO' >ur Success-Our Sales. Our 5 m; mal i; \ cdw \f I~H 1^ ? PUYSlCU* T ? **?? ? >uccess-Our Sales.!! om< " K t , | MM | ^ ^ _ I - "TAT TV ( U7 M1TCHKLI,. \ I : and SrudlSoN*. I ?l>ur?, s. i.:. $ ;e l!our?: J o i> a. li. I o:?p. in. k - 10 to 0 p. in. I A. WATSON, \ ? whore the natives an New Yorker. Katharine ?Think man for his money! Fabcttc?Yes. i vo of It, but I could newi UI.U ? lk'troit Free 1' c"i?? a ^iuviuiv^ ii.ii i*?n ui oi > ic ana i~oi s vegetarians,-? j ivseni.. the highest art wear. of marrying a j HATS | of all Stylos, Folt and Si often thought j the higl est. grades <>f r get hold of the Furnishing Hoods are hi who wish them. mori rep /% in Foot- M 1 a Opposite Postoffice. Colu Lraw, anti ?????????? assorted ^ ^ . re f<>r all V-'V dU Y Mai|1|lers Solititcd mbia, S. C. >UGHS>; ' Llif !lu? !iii i w 1 \ i ? iuai\i , . \ JI 1 JV rlance at these prices; t doubt awaj -1 1 \ I J ? 1 V / 1 I Hate O'tii'e in Tt hey knock all ?? ^ Gko. ItK I. WM 7 TIII'IOIOM attoh: )KNTI8T. A iMiirjf, s. r. Ifplioiii' Kuil<Wii?. ntf Every Thursday. ii. TIMMKKM AN. . TnritMDM). ? ^ TI.MM Kli.M .W, SKY8-A I'-I.AW. ' Harry? 1 hear that arc going to lie ma t rie a lcve mutch? Dk:k-< )h! dear, no: far as that; it is men transacti ni. 1 hey on happy together. -IJos 1 * - - ! - Batesburg S noiiiin^ so vui-: and i*l v !i business /-* | < Kiu t.. in- vow Clothing .<>n Tr;tn fiipl. Companj Murray's Hureliound Mullei * live remedies known for eurin >I IOC all aflfections due t? inflamed sapes It is prompt in alTordl tenin?,' a ei re. M \ Horehou ii and Tar is enmnnl* |I sore tlnoal and geiugs, iNiltls, lajfr r 1 , . , .. . n-of tin* a.r pas- 1 and irritated condil its elleet ol basing relief and certai , an a i Tii ur ray's . rr nd. Mui 111 Nice Iairjce (Ilass Solid Oak Suits, SIS.00 IJuurtered Oak Suits, (Jold Finish, well made, nt You can't afford to pass these by. Solid Oak Sideboards in endless variety We bt d $20.00. Our >2."> no Hoard is a tfeni that shine We have shades with springs at 25c., Rugs r?Ue. tides 05c. 'lie finest line of Stoves Will practice ii > shoddy,1135.00, $40.00,$.? IK). I QUI, ? in K Lex it ?jriii at :? 10.50. $15.00, T18.00 s out its own value Art Squares $2.08, Tabouret ( 'pilEd. j I'll vs|oi a in the Market. iiill the Mute and I*. ' ?r >. 'uni ts. aiitVii..w: !'<iildin^. I on, S, (/. _________________ J \. CJl'ATTI.KHAIJM S AND StlltOliOX. t **3*?r?r. K.O. I wuwii'i?i wish hiy tBSfctad of, as I expect His Honor -Perhaps lylajj in bed than l\ii<) Tit-Bits. ?! ?So vour father ?d to marry you for What did you sa\? Slip ? I nPi'di'irlnrl triU'in " s < If f . l.viiiK i- '?od. ~ low rates Charleston, ? thought I warnj cur money _ Southern Rail l,lm ! An ro may be used to advantage in c It is pleasant, purely vegetabl ^ J Nothing else like it in all th 1 ' house, ready at hand when ne< leal in cases of er nip. it has i paroxysms of whooping cough IWciy Price 25c. Gunrant id Tar H cines have failed. * t ases where other m |>r old and absolutely sal \ pl:u.t. in v worn. Itsh .uldh , il s(l|Vert m;l./ del. Parents will colltro||ill}r thc e n irk mio virtue eer! CVer>' PUr Ji\m Kinjr, Iron Age, the Steel Cooks for $9.r>0 Fine Steel Ranges with warming Closet and Si> .95 per roll. Our bcautifu Neelde Case for aski fCTi. et us know your wants, if you cant eo: The J. L. Bowles Ft 04 Broad Street. I : holes, only $:io.00. Mattings ' T H h tie to see us. IN> irniture Co.. r. ItATKSUl Augusta, Ga. IKKNVUiM \ N, I HAN': K. didn t, and then he &a case you haved't any Journal Dobbin?You didn't allow did jou? Dolly?No. I wasn t? be entered lor a pi i Dobbin?1 ..under v Jill I I Ml I \ UW id if lliat is the! _ " r ~ sense.?Del roil Al.iV J S*1 1 Account Botothe German "t swell enough /e- fix IT 10 ^ hat t llf st \ In in 1 ^ ( D05 AT OR Prepared by the Mur Many :haser. j UG STORE^' c "ia, S C ray Drug Co , Cult ? Shoes are A Woii I). M. r KOSSON, M. I>. N AMi SntOK'iS. " I LLK. S. r. STKOTMKli I I hor&e bonnet. is troit k villc .101 fcllts?No, I can neve our St.Trilly are opposed 51 :s?But if you are n Bte?i 3l;id all our deplilA Lccjter. to 1 e this sum- 't . urnul. r marry you. A) j May Festival Golden Jubi family.?Pbilr. Attractions: lub, W/O. j arc a Joy anu fort and ICC. Shoes. ship. Mat come to C 4- /\ Hen ? Forever- -C?,!~ Beauty is in (,n For Work ma V erial and Sty*" Cohen's Sn>e V V &XS M J Ready for Immediat The addition of \Va CAl.CIMO. a .superior wall liuisli. uiir decorating interior walls and ceilings. 1\ AT,or ???????? hat; e Use by ter 0,1l-v Barb ??.>.! for an,I SllOD issesses exceptional sail INLT AT LAW Ksitl' lio. s. er "ThJ}' cable import, . pat/rin's soldiers law torKnvcrr.l months." "Well, it's been loi sfnee they've earned Cl*T?latid Leader "Yes the walls of om > -? ***** j? ?' 1 ii..-'. toys that Kuro-I e Famous Kickolls Ore , . . Irnbats in tho World .-ecu re ti t been paid j. . _ , Largest salary ever paid .1 .. . .ii'ti.wts litre r than that ai j thing"? The D'Aeos the most Si Vet Ever (liven in America. vilie D'ACOthe Human Elect -cnsalional and Thrilling, r Hat, are ?:o ? ~ rJ-fi . j kJ l?l t. a test Ac;'0 Acrti Cohen's Misationni 1636 Main Street, including l'hone and ! ric LIk'IH ?????????????? " i ? Shoe S*ore< ColMmbia' S* C* ail Orders solicited ? I I l itary and lin -resisting qualities. It is ve fade or rub olT. I>ut may he washed otT whe 11 has no disagreeable od-ir so eharaeleris mines. Made in all t he standard I inls. I it y only- Till- MIST. Ask For a Color l.ilSt llant* ry durable and does not Move .. necessary or desirable. Lie of hot water Kalsols standard? in one qual- Nearer totfrapli (i; Card. siiibics wh r ? *" ** *? "? ? ?""ii , wi'li'iyii" in i id. .on . j - tin low located 'lie IMirtllery next t?? RuLlaix.'.i ere \\( \\ ill h<* nhnl t?? | nr.' 'ends a J ?*. f . m dtaf arul dumnlphabct," "What for?" S? we could doour<|iiar ot.t teinj? overheard." ? Floln dealer. "I wantyou to take hack "of 'fhe ""KThfl cai'nc " Has Ever Heen Given in Soutlila Schuet/.en I'ark converted reling- \% it h- ' '''Finland. Excelling in Hril Cleveleltird ,l?*au,iful L.u"a Fark. Rate one fare plus 25 (inln rate 50c) from all points in Sunt olina. From Augusta and '"'ha: that parrot. 1 l'ii-L-nl? cnld Mnv S 11,'iin] mtli nf- YVTti'tfM IWil '1 6 into Commenced Rusinc liancy MAURICE WALTON. Rkksidknt. I ilium ALBERT h Car" DIRECTORS: Maurice Walton. Win llotte. i hnrles T. Puiul, .lames E. Tar with i Henry H, Ouinniui^, brvan Lav\r? i iTTVl J ' ga. | "| ss February J, 1904 li W M. .1. IIOIXIXCSWOKTH, Vice-I'u r.s ATCII, Casiiikk. .1. IliOliuuswori)i, M iu. il. IJarrett ver, William M iri ii . I.. 1.. Arri ntoii lire, .John J. ICv.m-, Thomas 11. Maxwi'l UffffiO LOW ilNCORPORA'Till)) Hardware, Glass, Paints, COLUMBIA, S. C (KANUfi r Oils, Etc. 1 >v Ai pa* *? in lirst class order. KING. He uses dreadful lanpuatff "Bat only in Span I ?n, 1 In Spanish." ^ 44 Ves, I know." 44llut how can madam k 4,1 studied Spanish to tii he stid." ClevelandTlaii <4Ia your husband buyinj m wna this veaiV ' ;u ked ni'am, on]v j Anal limit May UUIi. 19J5. Jo information apply io any Southern Itailway, or n uV" Ti. W. HUNT, odour, what D. 1'. A. i Dealer. Fharleston, S UROOKS MOHOv N. ? any Kastci A. (I. J\ the euiioii? Atlanta. r fuii I "ol'Ke s- Mi:ppln?y. Ajfent I l)oes H irt'liei al UaiiUin^r I'll ii.r.-s. I Account* of Merchants, Corp >rati I'ronint Hnncrtiirti'iiiis attention SPETH BI (;.t Successors i I'?>s inti-rest on sperial(Saving-) ncc'ts on* and individuals soli. iloll. y u. rai t? t d. fc-t nd \ nt.r i id i i-t ii us. >OTH E RS, L(; C. 1/. Allen. ? 1/".f IP !' A i \ K FINEST Hi nfiMBi rI IS ? And man LOWEST "LI SPRING i must clothe wear to suit * * r woBvzn. "IkrTeral of 1 hem,"ans\ Mm.Torkii 3, "but the i wives are waarintf them. %oa tltar. iiiss A ten til?I've ? f:?' Mr. Ryrafs, why you i put- of th?' moot) as sil \Y. JI TAYLOK. \ered yrnng j. ?ook-makers' Washington. I ? Washing Frightful Suffering Relieve 11 wondered. Suffering frightfully from the O'Ms always 'ent poisons of undiee.-ded 1'ood. ver. ' (irayson,of Lulu. Miss.. look Ur >S40 LSKUAD MKttl, >. c. When you buy a ; 'THE GREAT EX d- always kept in si (v,'r(l! Catalogue. : The La roes rtUUU3l/\, V j/\ stove, buy the best. CELSIOR." Parts toek. - Write tor t Stove, T?n= WORK. JP. * Iwt PPIff-7 ,or Sp:i I have the la injjs of all c i Uncle rwci . (i loves, 11 wear we lest Furnishlescriptions. * * * ir, Neckwear, kind kerchiefs, fllr. Gyines?Well?or? pf Uie quarters a FdllftZelohia I ress. Oholl/- 1 hinted to 3on I expected to int orit : e\t property. Tliss Hweet '-VI at d'd Chnlh? lie SJtid ' Peed: I suppose it's I >l'w rnis. wiui inc rcs'i rid halves? writes, "that 1 wjiseureil." 'I ! .i"li himI bowel disorders jjive I heir tonic, laxative properth at O. .1. Harris. 1?\ it. Cuntcr r fat her 11 at mons Itros. and Crosson Drun ial|i<ee.s ?.J |,oesvillo. I. he su? i . ' s speak l<iiid-| in, ill: ? * ware and E ihn in this sects* ' ? ,,f We have a tew vc left. Write for o to m ke our stor when in A "trusts ticy cieHousse on. i i i i i i i A ry !> re 11 y Ca I en t! a i s ne. You are invited u e your headquarters m,', i. * r\tia?iia vji r.jn JriAl.KllS IX !l Kinds of Monti mei work and Iron I lllll III- .1 ! \ I 1' i II lr (mill (If I.: if ill !*?> V'llll'i' S 1111*11 fill -ir V illil u I ;?V - :i I < 11 > *** |' 111? !> * I 11 ii | 11 *11 *11: 11<* I ii.i|? 1 ii i'ii'ii |mm f w i! 11 :i ii vv U1 KN Shirts IIIS, StatlUll \ j^^OX ail 1 -ences. soft ant l:il, 1.. tl>? ? ' '.niii-i. Hand lill?S ciiti iiu- itt ?I lini~' I ,-1"' IV .1 til.- \vln?li? <:?'? & Collars. * * # ST H'l SON'S 1 St if! f lats. & Suit Cases. * * , er than words."?HrookI She?Some people don is yowl for I Ik m in 1 his ili Yes. 1 nt i In y're ' i the | (ople tint krow ;i i price Lo j. ct it! Pet n it 1 II Tin. 1^? 'I o- 1 '../.L- ..v: 1 Davis & Co. t l?riri\v \\li;.t ve.ri! 1M7 MAIN sTUKKT fMl? r? fl tlia 11 l 11?vn't (In Columbw, re I'resi. Im r Hief, u.i i'.luin niid tine ( ' t im t i t till I SPETH B Successors " c #40 B I ( / I TREET, - i A H Mil f % ROTHERS, p to C l>. Allen. ? AUGUSTA GA, ^ Dtsn Pm? ji .. i- ;i r i *? - V l \ ! ? vi'M roil %is( .*|| I Willi f 1 ii>in|> i -r |.i*?i i*s *iimI eMiinatt'S ? ill mi or < m . W. I'.ARNKS = kitlg V. M. Perry We : Electric Co.. r*i-mass in:icitihI ami wor ' ic?|n?i.ii v itii - - - vus r-'Fai e Spring S. C Suits mi i Fits (i iell Plumbing', J. H. i % ? icy & Whitj. :uic to order. 11 a ran teed. .? 5LEAZER, I ?^?l * fl ^ U,HV l\ ?' v* ' No. iinrt I in vif'r isn" Hht'H j nwdcrvtl." ~ 1 t' hi | | "Whal lire \uon r'oln,^ "Thov aIV' uorkii.N i honey," "A ndl wlial is I he m hi ' 11 o ;s liiii liiiL' around i " ' (Site we n.rry the i a> wI'.Pk 11 'i i(iiMti" at'irk In\\c South. Kvaryil ili.ttii's, SmMkM'y and Kari c?ti> ?' hat). Ah) >lnj? < put 1,1 ' 1,,'hs in stiH''- and van fu . , ' tin st.oi t i.(.t icv ilnli^' i till I I !? Ill llM*\ )VI f (la .Ttlf? I largest * * v/j?iv G R /V4 lit Oi:?r * * J / T k V" iltMteil ... J J3L * 3 " ? ? V- rs ' * ? ^ * i ?</l -V **h i rV W. ill. i.iZ7 5 S. .* fcx * t, f i '? ) ; ; .;; ; <>.' II.*., tl. ivmii Incorporated ** t > ? /? /-? 4 - 7 ? S * V* 'II '\ "**> I IT- * .* 1 ?.? I S 5 * 7 i <-l y t Electrical Eon- I'A i \ tractors and 'vil vm Jtr I W\r\l T ,(\\\7i .chmery and ^ ,m wOll.Ut' 3 Supplies,' 2^!MfWWW! *?-" I c r>cf nvirr\^ i?-? ^ . T VO a in Street, i>ia,S. C fffl'mmWWWfc u iiave a 3 is made " nd will l?c i'e "lilew your ini'iccMi f! ? Atlanta * ??r?st i* DAMAGEBY[ Norfolk. Va.. Apr Kirn. a wealthy I n.-k -r > / ti I i ' I ' / I t N ' ? I IV ? > th. it? * 1 lie Cheapest. IIc'M r<>!) tIn* ci mi. Closing out our sic Back Hands at co -ROST. il ?l'. -I'iMirv 1 \ * O i'? Vii'ul"' I P \ " 1 WJ /\ I t'.! ! n it.'. ; nf (I.'.i | i I, th; n \ r. M . > i 1. 1! > An (i'lO/.M, I' l l "ji l j l;.i V i i ii ::i (' i ? vV: . AM L.i i \vM l?ri i * h 1 illli, 1?ii 1<1 ij) inU'cL* :i:ul iiMM am! lo *e fo:* ? I . !.!. A!! i i i ?.ut* { i ,V 1 n <'-* ?? ers. Electric Light & Power Plant Installation a spe- I- 1* ( 1 1 1 "I" \ T ( ^ 1 / 1 (\\ c? coiy 1/1 111 ~i~- ? I Ilea,:: the State. fcvalgir ^ w ill niri' . DOZIKR CO I DRui'i ">i ii m in ii INer- 3 le % il in io ini 11111^ Sale at ;iII ys i STORIiS. 5 h in in Hi n: in 1' 1 iv"* today estimates that i h? te crops by the late frost! to ovar ll,000,r?00 to farn water Virginia alone. Tho ? !!*< R .OIV \llllKN ^ ^ ^ ' yiar In advaorc. > d:i iff Mi ii 1 ' ( |J > I >^5 i will 'I !> ' nirs of 'I i - s \j (!o. ,i11* c. i ts a Si !. < r * ?i'I ? \ !v > it. . I AMERICAN BOXING GLOVES. S. B. MM sr I ' A|. i i.7 o/e. :R, Columbia, S. C. C V, icn . wi viv;io taken any whe re; write us. k,? ??> 'OLUMP.ia, s. c. ir',1;: ' t |!>ivllll I Columbia, S. C ; i " ' T ~LIJ , 1 No (iloss Ca (Mir I MWols regular hy III' liaiulx rlain .s Mniiuuli and w ill wear a- ion Mi ls i Iht." is n >t iiiiiK l*t- are as heavy l?< -.ili- by 'I :ii1111<> is i ll ami II to M ou iSolil hy I iintiKi rri:i^c I'aint Made I ?evo s N.i (it her ulietl, because Dt'voe' nees n ore to t lie pint. Ill i iu> .