- - BATESBURQ ADVOCATE Subscription Rates, In Alvance: One Year f>Oe. Six Months 25e. Entered at the Bates burg, S C. Pos Office as Second Class Mail Matter No attention paid to xirrespimd ence that is not signed by sender' correet name. When sending in change of add res always give your old postofTiee. N. Rogers Bayly, lid. and Prop. FRIDAY, APRIL 28. LOVE OF THE BEAUTIFUL, TH PARENT OF QOOD TASTE. God is everywhere and is the princ pic of all things, so in one shape c another, there is wisdom and beaut in all that He hath given. A love, < the God given beautiful, wherein tli preponderance of Soul over matter sufficiently marked to create notlc< able impressions, is called Good Tast< As the quickened soul, after mort; death, freed from the deadening ii tiuences of the flesh, becomes acutel susceptible to the torments of cot science so. the. sensitive snirif ivhie during mortal life, quickens in cor verse with God in the beauties of nr ture, enjoys in this life, in its love c the beautiful, a serenity of peace an a beatitude of pleasjre, that liken unto Heavenly reward. Good Taste is mental vision, clarille< by appreciation of the beautiful, int k. an attribute of character; that is, it to a gift to see the beautiful as other cannot, and to feel, by soul prompting known as intuition, just what is th proper touch, or the correct reai rangements ot things to make tlier appear more lovely. Good Taste and common sense art as it were, twin angels, whose missio it is to guide humanity onward an upward to the All-beautiful, All-lovin, and All-wise. Good Taste, being a divine attri bute, applies to all things, but, in n way are its pleasing, retining and ele vating influences more seen and felt than in the culture of Mowers, slirul bery and trees. The possession o / flnnH Tnotn onH f bo I /.i-n /?f ? ? ^ AWOWV wwu vnw awvj>C Ul LUC JOCilU / tiful is an impelling force, that wil J not t(ear retiK-^n^; it is ap, '?npu!$? ^litions, thai canity| 'L," . wv wbiliou He or she, who has it. and owns a home, will, at onco, if rich, and gradually. if means are limited, beautify the home with lawns, violets, roses, shrubbery; with whatever of plant life is available. All of which w ill, as Good Taste suggests, be intuitively done with proper effect. Batesburg has some very charming gardens but, none within its limits, is more lovely and no home in our midst more truly bears witness to Good Taste or more enticingly shows the green carpet of its lawn, the artistic effects of its plant grouping and the luxuriance of its roses, than the aesthetic surroundings of our well known lovers of the beautiful, Mr. and Mrs. Thos B. Kernaghan. COTTON INSTEAD OF JUTE FOR PACKAGE COVERINGS. Inspiration of common sense underlies the suggestion to use cotton instead of jute for guano sacks and similar coverings. If fertilizer manufacturers could he induced, through a concerted and determined stand by our Southern 1 merchants, to supplant jute by cotton. 1 the overstocked situation would at ' once be relieved by opening up a new market for the surplus, which now acts as such a dead weight upon j1 prices. r All depends, in this movement, upon *" a united front, as it is a drive, that will array aga;rr.t it all the powerful jute interests of England and Anicra lea. If. jute is to be supplanted for bag- j ging purposes by cotton, the effort of 't) Southern merchants in that dl- n rection must be earnest, persistent and by organization; and the planters of the Son Ml U-h/irA.,/.- ? J |mw.m TfuvTvffl IiUilLCO, must show such determined preference for m fertilizers and packages in cotton coverings, as will prove to the manufacturers, that the insistence of the mer- 0f chan j is not whimsical, but that It ac is based on what the farmer wants ni< and will hare. ,()' The prosperity of the Southern | store keeper rests upon the well be- jt,s ing of the cotton raiser and it is ly therefore his duty not only from "k sense of gratitude but from the die- 1,11 tatesof self Interest, to protect the I' ft MM?Mi??cotton grower Und to do all possible > | that tends to better bis condition. A statistician makes the startling announcement, that the duty alone paid on jute, coming into this Coun? try, is $22,COO,000 Der annum and that.. t if cotton was subsMtuted for this jute* the amount of cotton needed to take Us place would be over 2,000.000 oales a year, or 1,000,000,900 pounds of cotton, which, at 8 cents per pound, s would put into the pockets of our cotton growers the immense addition7 il sum of $80,?00,000 a year and, to us this some $25,000,000 might be add* ed, if such articles, as are uow - shipped in wooden Ikixcs nnO, which couid just as satisfactorily be paclA'U " in cotton bags, were induced or oilier wise impelled into cotton coverings _ $80.000,Ooo a year are with $25,000,000 E more each year insight are indeed immense annuities ard the merchants . and farmers of the South, if they do ' not strain every nerve tosecure them. ,r will stamp themselves as weaklings - and, however sad their lot may hereafter be. ceitainly will not be cn10 titled to sympathy. 's "Tlie Lord helps those who help themselves." 11 Wards, which some days back our lv esteemed contemporary, The State, j found it difliculty to locate, is coming out into bold prominence as a Rail* t road center. The route for a new line has been surveyed from Wards . to Saluda, a stretch of 121 miles. The survey indicates that Saluda will soon have the Railroad facilities to s which her natural advantages so just.j ly entitle her. 0 Mr. Hvde, the president of the Equitable, appears to be a Dr. Jeekyl 'S to some and a Mr. Iiyde to others of r ' the Company's policy holders. 1 Whether Hyde, with the hounds of fpublic criticism hied on his trail, can hide between a higher and a lower identity long enough to save his pres' idential hide now agitates insurance 11 ciicles. tl g "Stop shaking those loaded dice at me: Am I, who have heard Senates * thunder and San Juan bullets Gee u whiz, to side step to the tune of any * body's or any thing's dry bones?" '? Never! At the snap of the whip his h snake ship died and in the pictorial 1 papers of Europe and America?there * stands Teddjfc * 1 serpent's j) " | ideas Jiow to shoot would seem at I i I first blusli to lie snmnu-hof I nii|)CI'ilUUU!i here in Soutli Carolina; we wish the Educational Congress at Columbia c,od speed in its laudable efforts to substitute educational aims for human targets. With but few exceptions, the gar. dens in and around this section, have suffered severely from the late cold snap, and we note that many will have to be planted over again. A Jew sees Caesar Young seize the ? gun that killed him and Nan letter- ( son is about to pat herself upon the judicious vision of the Jew. * The general cry of low price cotton by the farmers is nothing compared to the voice of the woman who wants . a new spring bonnet. If present indications are correct, the coming Gubernatorial race, will have a large field of starters speaking from a race horse standpoint. The Japanese and Russian fleets are now in action. Will Russia's fleet prove to be as fleet as Kuropatkin's Army? nou White is ringing over the Sand (ills and Piny woods and the Quails )o longer quail at sight of dog and :un. Batesburg has Its trials and tribuit Ions, but *.ve note tliat the trials' re few and far between. Rip Van Winkle, as personitied by : lie inimitable Joseph Jefferson, will ! ever awaken again. As long as the Guano Houses remain itesburg will always have a land iV ark. _ A Daredevil Ride ^ ten ends in a sad accident. To heaj * cidental injuries, use Bucklen's Ari nst ca Salve. 44 A deep wound in my fa || K jt, from an accident," writes Then- . re Schuele, of Columbus, O.. "caused ? e' ters ; great pain. Physicians were help- ' s, but bucklen's A mica Salve quick- . pr i healed it." Soothers and heals burns e magic. 2f>c at O. J. Harris, F. B. ,nai nter, Timmons Bros, and Crosson "lls ug Co. of Leesville. mus ????- on tl ' Tfttt BATESB^RQ .A! *T. F. riRNDRIX, J. 1j. MATTflRWS, H. A. President. Vice. Pres. N Cu l he Bank of Lees1 Capital, $30,000.00 Leesville, = South Carol Come in to see m, we want to see and know you all. tiou taken to insure safety to depositors. FOR INDIGESTK Take >?^ Qunter's Elixir Pepsin Com This is not a cure all, but only recomi Indigestion in all its forms. We know th lieve you. No matter how much you suf1 long standing. If you take one bottle a< directions and you are not benefited we 1 your money. Can any offer be fairer thar Why suffer when you can get relief? 50c., Bottle. Gunter's Drug Stor Next to Post Office, Batesbu Old Reliabl' A Policy-Holders Company. Us Policies are simple, cle; forward contracts. It is one of the strongest companies i When you want First Class Protection, or investment, ci get our rates. We write up-to-date Policies. Marshall B. Young, General Agent, Colu Pugh & Phibbs, Agents, Rutland Bui BATESBURG, S. C. L. M. MITCHELL, M. I).. MEDICAL EX AM I .^1" g = I Goods, i>uis v.vM ....McKays. CEREALS?A full line, comprising Force. Maple-Flakes, C Oat Meal,Ralstons Breakfast Food, Grape Nuts: also Tapioci and Pearl Barley^ EVAPORATED FRl'ITS Choice Evap Apples. Pea Prunes, Seeded Raisins 10c. package; Dried Currants * l-:ic. NUTS Walnuts, Almonds, Pecans and Filberts?all at r limited stock left. CANNED GOODS in large variety, embracing Herring in Kippered Herring, Imported Sardines of very best quality, frc :ati. "Beech Nut" Bacon and Sliced Beef; Spinach, c.mli DKra and Tomatoes' Asparagus Spears and Tips: Peas, Corn & FULL LINE SUGAR CURED MEATS including '"Sm finiaCured; "Ferris" and "Dove" Hams. Keep ,us in mind. R. B/and D. Mc & - V^ULUJYlttlA., S S. "Little Higher in Price, hat For Sale bv 1. FL WIT I ani\ ,, IIIL/, i^ciicsi^Lir^, OLUM6IA COLLEGE. COLUMBIA'S W/ 'he corr.er stone of tlie Columbia 'ego, at Columbia, was laid on 25th I taut, with impressive masonic cer- The Columbia Water l'< jnies. The stone is a bloek of mar- changed hands and now i bearing the inscription in gilt let control! of the New Str( i, "Columbia Col lege, 1854?11)05." interests. Thencwownci he Governor, the Mate (hand Mas- op the canal, or a(|uad of Masons, Mr. John It. Bellinger. limit of its capacity and v ?7 church dignitaries and numer- steam plant for auxilary p officials were present. Rev. K. Vatson.of Spartanburg, one of the Subscribe for The Advoi ters, read an interesting article within the reach of allhe history of the college year. pUnd. | ST1EGLI THE GUN i Sucveswir t (i 1 \N netted for Fishing liswill re- >'cts, Seines, llooks. feror how roles, Keels ICfdillg to The T;imlem Spinne wi refund baseballs, Glo\ 1 tls? Bats, E Phonograpl Record e' Guns, rg' c and Ammun Trv us on I'ock< eSTSEGLITZ OL l.-.os main s Columbia, Phone lITti. ? /7\ Always liberal t 1 Aery church w ill! quantity of L. A M. \: 4 gallons I.nngman M I'a ini mixed wit linseed oil, will paint W. T). liarr, Oiiai in,, sti ight- writes, '-Painted Fri 11 tlie orld. withL.Jt II. stands varnished." 1,1 onl and Don't pay $1.50 a g: oil, which you do ii . c r Painlmoii, ?> v. jjuy oil fresh from i Id i II J, cents per gallon and f & M. NER. It makes paint eost r gallon. Sold by I ?^ LUM HARDWARE GilCU East Mope When leading phy< W. M. .'-init hart, of ] curable consuinpt ion nished: but I ?r. K i no - n for Consumption. Co kept liim out of his -This specific < inc. and saved inv lit* 'ream of Wheat, have used it fur over i, Sago, Farina sider it a inarw! us t cure." strictscie .dies, Apricots. Roughs, Sore Throat* preventive ol I tteun teed, .">0e and *100 hot educed prices? , is , j{ < ;unt< r. Tii Crosson 1 >1 iipr ? 'o of Tomato, Sand hot tie free, in 10 to I'.'iC. | el' (lower, Beets, c. ithlield", \ irW'llL EVANS, * Haberdasher, OTT ll3> Main St., If COLUMBIA, S C J? If you St.?*H*8 FURNI reelIv I at our I Fill Orders By Ma I. X ' / i . CHANCE T(. Ml PIANO NliAU I; M r ( \\ . St e\\ a ! ' i > "V Vt O io of the pioin < i Mi o liis native slate ^ ' winiit i" I.-'--1 < 'III ,i li (KViipat i ll, lie is u ii; III! " ?< 7j one in this limn any urs organ la* or sin- may cents a I Subscribe for The Advo '^-:iz:'^rnmmmmmemma*ssssm Frm r rmem MB VERY LOW EXURSION | RATE VIA SOUTH ERN RAILWAY JUH TO THE FOLLOWING POINTS. j KANSAS CITY, MO.?Southern Kaptist Convention: May lOtli, 17lh, ?1905. Rate OSK FIRST CLASS _ FARE PLUS r>o cents for round trip: Tickets on sale May 7 to 11, inclusive, 1905. ST. LOUIS, MO.?National t'aptist Anniversary, May, l?i-U4, 1905: Rate ONE FIRST CLASS FARE plus cents for round trip. Tickets on sale May 14-15-10, with tiual limit May, 27th [^ H ASHKV1LLE, N. C.?South Atlantic Missionary Conference, May 17,21st 1 1905. Kate ONE FIRST CLASS I Z" FARE plus 25 cents for the round Ait trip. Tickets on sale May, 10, 17th; 4/ linal limit May 2:id, 15?05. 11 i FORT WORTH, TEX AS?General I tlCKle, Assembly Southern Presbyterian Church May 18-2?th, 1909. Rate ONE Robs, Lines, FIRST CLASS FARE plus *2.00, for etc. round trip. Tickets on sale May lf>th , . loth, 17th, final limit May Gist, 190.1. r attract 1'ish. ,es J\\itt5 HOT STRINGS, VA.?Southern ' ' Hardware .lobbers Association June ?tc. 0-0, 100.1. Rate ONE FIRST CLA^S G ARE plus 21 cents for round /trip: rlS ailtl tickets on sale June .'1, 4, 5, final limit June 13th, 1005. S. SAVANNAH, GA.?National TravICS elers Protective Association of America, May 16-23, 1903. Rate ONE FIRST I CLASS FARE plus 50 cents for round trip. Tickets on sale May 13-14th; , , final limit May 26th, 19C5. 111UI1* SAVANNAH, GA.?Fourth Annual Tournament Southern Golf AssociaL't Cutlery. tion. Mav l)-!3. 1905. Rate < )N E F1RST JN STORE, CLASS FARE plus 25 cents tor round i TREKT trip. Tickets on sale May T. 8, o, 1905, g q limited May 15th, 1905. The Southern Railway is the most direet Line to all of the above points: Operating Pullman Sleeping cars, o Churches. Uigh back Vestibule Coaches- with ie given a lilieral Superb Dining Car service, taint. Call l\>r it For detailed information apply to x Martinez L. & any Ticket Agent of This Company, li three gallgns Or: R. W. JIFNT, a house. Division Passenger Agent, rlcslon, W Va. Charleston, S. C inkenhurg block out as though illon for linseed BuSilieSS n ready-fur- use the barrel at 60 | Medicine. mix it wit li L. I sell tonics that liven up the about ?1 20 per ottice force for the Fall Trade. l( U..MA N * ('!"Li-I Uere's the line on which I am i v Hea^ol,^rfpr<:; : OtUUt?fll?!0 Vanished. I mi ; "'i iicians saui ti.at K enters ana repairing I'ekin, ia..had in- Desks, chairs, filing cases . 11is las! hope \a* Office supplies, from a pen s New. i>isc<>vcr\ point to a letter press. i.Khs and < "i ciirr a iinpmpei lv compounded by in | ! cos i . competent iVuggists. il t IImi l iel? iro ; piano dealers This is not the ease when " spending the. yuu have your prescriptions " d bv way of .... , . u Idled by g to sell j.ny " 11 ide of piano or j st] ire minus the t* t> ,i,i?, | minions Bros, ;" I1" squalled it. surpass it. i's jvery ^ Price 50c & $1.00 i T 'liroat and >ublcs. nottic* free. An English school I my was asxed ( J what "etc" meant. "It is a sign used ________ in writing to make people think you catc. | know more than you do." "**" % stop Friend! Have you stopped to consider what a gem you have in the ideal Policy of the Pacilie, when can you tind such a Policy? Who has it for sale''' ' "j What company can compete it for one moment. Did you ever think that one might need insurance Money more in life than death. How many thousands lose their insurance through inability pay premium caused by accident or sickness. How can you buy medicine and food and pay doctor bills and insurance premiums. While sick or laid up by accident. How can you provide for your family or your self when you became disabled by accident or illness. The Ideal Policy answeres all these questions, solves all these problems. .J It pays the face value to the family, in case of death. It furnish- I ? es money.to pay the premiums on his policy while lie is hurt or siek and this insures his policy to he paid to Ids family, should he die of accident or illness. It pays.him his whole insurance J di ten equal installment, should j ne ironi accident or sickness i?e lo- j tally disabled or iuse his viands / ? his feet or his eyesight. Ami remember tiiere is 110 extra charge for the disabilit y contract the Pacige has tlie same legal reserve that all other old line companies have $20,000,000. special fund to make good every clause in theic Polices, a few good men can \ A make good many, selling tiiese v J V grand contracts for me in my dis- I trict. anil every Ixxly should have \ JW* one of our?Ideal Policies?drop * ^ f me a card and 1 will do the rest. .. X C. P. .lONjijs District Agent. fc WARDS, S. C. | 1 yJ f A II When Looking FOR A PRESENT ! FOR THE Happy Bride, Pern pmlvo* K7V I f The handsomest. largest and mnst omplete line of Wedding I'resenls re always to be found at our store. Ve pay close attention to their selecion. and only buy goods t hat are the try in s' in ' I i )UAU Y. SHU;, AND WORKMANSHIP, it lid sell t hem a' the Invest prices, re able goods can he s >ld at When in icCit' come in and look them over 'ears sure we have what you would koto (five, as we have them from the nallest single niece to the largest id most complete sets ever brought 4 M COM' M i" ' Sylvan bro? *524 /V) lin Street, Columbia, ^ C, 1 >?".?V R. B LITTLE Tlllt ONl.Y l'l.At'K IN LjCKSVIl.I.^. O OKT Yf-I'K ItlNNKK Kolt TWKNT YTVECKNTS. M K A I.N A'I' >1