p jjV I INI THE RECTftE HI !MO? \ ?? * " fo'#\ <- ? ' * ~ THE BATBSBUBO i BWfltn. _ rwwtfl I ^ inn n?ii'w *-? "?* ^ ' ' -iff'' ' ^ 1%, T I Having dete push our HAN HARNESS, ant room for same now offering goods Factory i rmined to 11 ^ 1 D MADE "1 want to bo vaccina ito make bails this the surf this summer ' We are "Ahem! I'etter send I . - orother around and be 1 a lOl Ol pruxy."'?Houston Post. made bar- ? Men's Fa ited where it winter nor in ,?"?L,e'dT Furnish '' | If you hav ^Headache, r? lings Evalglne ^ Will cure it In 10 mini ~ For Sale at all ^ rvm rn ctooc ? L 4er-i | | iSatui Jt?, | Sgurai :c >3i lu i ni day February 18th te our Half YearClea 2?rv? T^iSc Colo ^ INU. will inau-g in Up Sale, j l\/o W/Slll ness at great prices. BEST WE BACK I ly reduced q ave Trouble r It needs but. little for that when your sioinacl B* i sully affected, grave uu unless you take the pr< A airvf your disease, 1155 M 5AlN DS. Young, of Clay. N. V., < "I had neuralgia e tfas. S!i??Wi?ll lixiU h#>re! 91 ai^ui fOffe jr be mar- BWha lour F |. We can . t that 111?^ 1 IIIO r, t goods We have Ie1 :all and Winter Stoc must move them. m iw?rwr ? 4?m TT V TT 111 J ft over from! :k, at prices! Z r Suit Cases :rwear, - " , . economizing on tlic gas all oourtlog days; It's a pity II blow a lit lie iu on gas on 01 ETSON*S ^a*'?^'"ukei* Statesman. THE OLD TIME W Hats. Our Grandmothers gave and *nd teas because they kuev modern medicine and m# during our I r -m j ' we can't I 1J I ir wedding I . I it ro AY. | >nlc. us nqwders it to r notuiiigol I ,f 'fchnds. In | ^Id LV ou Need Goods ck-bottom prices. C We are confident \ your interest to inv rments. Of Valuel ]ome to this! ve can make! estigate ourS Davis & 1517 MAIN Columbia. n She?'I he man I man iy a little lower than U lie (suddenly ttopplnj S'IKEET, on my knees, a little 1< r* P ?f them. v ^ lie got her.?New Yt Mr Kirk >eys Rccom Mr m.ltAl 1 y must be "on- ..??%? le angels.!' f)?Ilerc I am Dwer than one ?rk Weekly. WHITE & FANC mentation ' > >>"<-' r-? . . , . this ape of progress and disc Ij coated, compressed tabli superceding the old time p teas. Kydale.s Liver table pressed chocolate coated t; Y VESTS to swallow, pleasant in eil reliable* They contain ttiat cannot be used in pow Ingredients that have an *>verjr, nice its are fast owders and .'ts are com- W /1ablets, easy W fl 'ect, always _ f ingredients rde rs or teas eff jet upon I W Ve have No c lat we will offe an Fresh Good e are ready to mlk Id Stockj r will bej s- - I ) rijiht cnyj ive guarantee with ( ,JT^\ lydale's Mo n icli I'abl OlK ablets I sell, and havi t >ked to refund the nu a nst auoo . 1 I ave used Ij 1 my family \\ ii h best \iikscy. Mtrgaiiti n > a blits an | ii i aied. I onicily ompanv, llii * "r " *' suits maue i every 1> >x o lets and Liwi Pits Guaran i never beei >ii' y in a sinyl I these tablet results. W. 1. ;; jhele^ kory N V. \vh 0 Orucr. Iie n*er mat is never 001 the so called liver powd> 1 teed. trail will prove their raeri For sale by Dr. J. D. Tim BatesburK 8. O, t * yy p< r\ Hicks?Nonsense! How col)W a deaf and dumb v whist. How could she hoi laiuea i ruin h elc- A Ivvroi I rv moiis. I U( date on earth B voman play H| d the card*/ ?j rig that may occur>n't forget to ren : February 18th to 25 1 M n amber the, ith. q SP^BI i D n't overlo tie things. The I. rger ulluiize i'Vi i) (1. alt .a rat ion lo Ktiaraute. ^\VC/?>S .utile of tl.eir n?d or sale by l>r .1 ok the lit- Husband ? Vuu ate i Wife -Well i 30111J1 .111 economical who satires? for a possible sc fall needs I'd like to know wbat mi. tin ir Pr? I5I4 Main St . very Lk.x U li.e. 11 ry s?-l 1) Timuions Colubia.S. 1 ?t. ecotioinieal .n't eall a worn . es Iter "tddiiu We sell Pk Teet, Wlc'e he chatter with and ask '*Wha C Chicago Journal. p?. Startling But Ti n People the world over *i imhinO* ?n learning of the burnlni illlKJllig ago theater In which near eloir a wcm- g Kg r hands to R Rg>; kt's trump?" R Eg] ire iiorr'Sed G pi f of a Chic- ^ ly six thou- G3LZSZZ ^^VCORNER>^ iTHEBAlUYcopf ugfjg | supplied leave: er ones to be 1< Fall Hosiery, Fall Shirts Fa'I Underwea .. ,, ? ny is like.?San Krau s the small- | Joked after. Afraid of Strong A Many people suffer f lieu mafic pains, and | athcr than take the .s isually given for rh knowing that, quick r< may be had slmah' by ; leiaco lUilletin ledicires. Machinery or years from uefer to do so trong mcdicim eumatism, not /l/I <11 lief from p??li I" 1 111 LI annlvlng (Miami miiu iKruyic not iiitrn uvea tlia.ii Ave times this num r oinr) 3,#o pepple died ftom pne ^ Cfilcage during tlje s^nje sArC-'ly a passing rotice. ofBhese cases of pneumon r?fl a cpld and cnild havi nlfPC veMjd by tho timuly use o laifli Cough liemcdy. A| ?r\\rn -n > jet, inure ber or over ^par, w|tb I ^?~jf ibeen pre I ?\~ \ /*k taw HHB Glomes, popular ^^H^^Pshades, stripes, persioi ALL SHAPES. color and "I'op.c.v's locking I or figured, the malior with him?4' "Lun?8." n & dots. " You don't say Wi t'-i./xrv 4 No, strong. There 50c to $2'00 ?hls ?ialk,., ' L. B.DOZIE h a new baby ' ps 11iid uvvakt ; H|Hfl||flBflH^^Kaniberlain's Cough for It cured my dai 1^ j* pr* r^-Bof a awvera ujM 4 rv.CC v>V/ lh'B saved her life whe th^utened with pneumou ' 1 ??.,? 1. C. LEV: Parlor.. 1 T4 f I f? <\vun i w# i Ell .iiVS. I'l! i list''"! ji'lill - - Sick Mi a due This <1 J r??KS; itf a !r<> ii a CU!'-.' !.S a rio-t* ;!" !??. 'fl "f" I 'ala's vt.? n;u 'i an I Liv. ^ J ! fairl. i 1 in n I i I- ? ' rrc&i I Ooiumb lie. i . :l iifiit r>* ul' | '' 1,,ri K?t liie (!(0:i up; p| p ? QTtw Yoik Ci rumerci.il. I# M I ? TMICMARACTCl ttlnKu-' I WOM>o,M I rat* war I I is c-.uni y j I FOP 1 A roin mil, i III/ I- \ / ^ LcjiOf / ^ MAKERS. r< ^ "WA SWELL BOOT C'7V that individualises ^ i?6 wearer as ^ ^eing exclusive. It. Mivid, IN ? '1 lw ; r",r V A . oprictor. I ,f';v *? j MV .'o (> of (r,i?. S'tiVct. '* 'r > !<>( " i* II l?KV v *f . ' i I . ' ' \ it t i? 'j 11, 1 ' in 11.> a rI**-. ,, v t M* 111 " vr.iy l?v mi , \V()'M f i t ; so n ( 4 * * i ? y t ?.-te a : "" < M? <\\ :? v t v. , C..!u:r:bi?i, S C", - ?'\t II li t: h"'lVi \ ! VH ; ll III l ? !?' Jl :< I {| er Than UulJ "l uas tr >ub r l f??r sot j!; c!:r ,1 r. \ II "\o ortei il> V.\ 1 b ;A?? > v,s uv Ifiour> ! c?cr U'c:. T". he*.I ? ii v Kj - pi my m ife t'n etcelf* t |:> thsku mi of Ij in j '-* Iwlp I l|i< Vi 1 \ tV"M| | w.-: maki: 'Hf. I IF*.. . I I. wui.um kj'J PR!CE. in s. c, UOO A S^i'Af.M.Tv" . ! ) ' 1 r > 7 k i ' rr Everything th Afford Columbia, ii.it it takes _\ mi s.t\ -He positively r< fu i | cite v\ hen t hey t n? iIkhi , . ioll1 beloie c tnoaiiy.'' ie Market ! SU1, s. Ch mberlaiu's Cou^h S. C. j Mother's Favo I liatV * I (<> sii.n (II I. \ r > ? _> I "? f ?:.u- I. Ml sl>( r ? 1i i?J411 |i i ANJ "> Ramedy ttia ^tRAJNTTI \ /TV Y"X.~T r t ?t ' ' r Jear-i. She .xa>s Klecti e tu>t -phndid for feinali U\\ ^ *re * gr^nd ^nlc Orator for weak, run down * >tlufr medicine can take it our | family." Try them. ^atU'actlun guaranteed by /Ms, Uatesburg Drug Co. [iiros. and Crossou Drug Cc . _ _ _ _ iville. rie Hit'rr-j "j ? -r -T" ? u troulilt's; J JL J v:\n?l Irivi?? 1 wiiioii. So ' M | , . is place in Gianca at t h03' Only .'iOc. O..I. Har- (j Timmons ?. of LeesVT! _ - f - " * e prices; tliey knock oubt away. 'Medicine, | i i I Bi'll tonics that liven up clil | ? Hire force for the Fall Ti lit re's the line on which Headauarters Sky< TO OUR P 1 'S Milling and lea \[pv| -fr* 'es l,,is romofl v. its 1^?C/LL | and pr.mipt and pi-rinani f\ n?*r* ina('? ' i f.ivoriit* with 1 dj./tr whcr II i> espt'ciall ~ iiuil li ' is id iin ilI c.iildr j and w tixipiii^ c ? i_ 11 as i /\? fords |iii-K rdi and ; | no opium or ui her liaru PI )/ WliZ uiav !? .'iv.-n ling proper ?J JYLti pleasant tasi >nt eurosimv. Heads! ones and a people every ; ly prized by of Ct*netery Wno/l i Suits, $18.00 inish. well made, no shoddy,c35 00, $40 00, J hese by. rss variety We bepin at $10 30. 415.00, is a f?om that shines out its own value, s at 25c , Rugs 50c. Art Squares >2 98, Ta of Stoves in the Marl ft r/M?o Typewriters and repair ,ls00 Desks, chairs, filing ca Office supplies, from aj Uurct point to a letter press Rubber Stamps, se* j j Stencils, made on ' I. premises. ! oil -- - J The passing of the ho us hfres for the fray to this coming year. Wni been our aim to have t our patrons at heart, we a better position than . st*> ii i ;i I'll . I" salt* Urns Jfc Orosson I < oiit lierV" int he welfare 01 qiiedunW ignoramus, are to-day in * ,\ In't g'?in' to have u 'VLT hefnr? l?.w?l?* ? ' " ' ' ti(l I 1 ' il I ml) lip Timmon CAHBAOE PLAN IS IO * HliADINU. i lovsii lii open air. f?0C in support ; ready for shipment. The Manajuhl early varieties. (Jrown nei tcr ami nvi11 stand freezii orrupled ttie without injury. Hates i per thousand, for inch trouli.e per thousand. 10 one I j 'that it's nearly always I R EARLY J that's t>een doing something ' wit* that kills himself t> I.UOO plant' thinks he's in the way?" test lurg. xr salt wa j :>g weather i . n 1000 lo/? , i Tw ke To,d T,le 06 or more: ^Vewlsli to repeat what \ rv ? - ' 1 h * "* ;h77;,;;w * ii"?n Ki"^-i,on ak<'. <-,u'^ I Kine Stei*! RanK? s with u.i out of the ( |4 y& p,.r ro|| Our hcautifu ecause he ' ?JflT"Let us know your w. The J. L. T 1904 Broad Street. we have | eel Cooks for :*i?.r>0 i.in>T Closet and Six holes, only -fSo 00. Mil ?*i?lde Case for asking. nts, if you cant come to see us. lowles Furniture Co.. Augusta, ioiiow v^'ises, most popu goods - the market. J. Wilson" G-ibbs 1334 Main St., Columb Ua. ; cater to tneir wants. We take special pride SCRIPTION DEPA R'J chera'.als and Dru^a ar at and purest grades. ? departments are eomplet IH-Ct and we invit. ... ~vv, .1, UIMIIII a J1IIMMIHI l(J Philadelphia Pulletin. in our I'REriiENT. Our The Cent Ph> si , , u lien yon want a phyt e o t ie fre. h ,,,ijcl and gentle, easy to t All oui other i to act, always use C ein every res- Sto.mach and Liv(>r Tah!e I17 1 minions lir. utiles! companies order, Safe cle ' jaitliful count, guarnnte ries cheerfully answered. >ie that is Send order to l>. V ake and cor- j Meggc hamherlain's t.s. For s i I" ' son Drug Co. . v. mure. *n?|i once uerore In these coll its shipped Klii jtt's Emulsion is the b s cash a - I siti?"i Oil Liniment Is the I livery ai'id ' it ever procured for use ii ed. imjui lily and on animals, llest | ma ism, lameness, stiffness k Mayer | lies i of joints or muscles 1 ts> ' f ' bru ises. sprains and swell In j tret a full half pint for 25 i yoi^r money back if it do own business Yes. but it's the otlu y u,,d prosper-: caIIW>s llie most trouble." ! What's that?" ttirnr other p !( J CO heirs!"- 1 etroit t ree Pre , ! it i s recommended to do. ^ence. "r J- Timmons I'atesti M 6 ' 1 WHAT IT MIGHT Bl Bl l -S-partacus?Here's the *t< BMBB 1 clia p who died of acute in : Mark^s froii^overeatinjf in a CI lne-? signs , rant. Would vou call that a HTS A|c. ... '%/ uw an For sale ? uiys. <\ bucressor , Full Line of s] d'U'o" Ithica Hammei 5 rest an- f # aue of ivin(r rlrr to F. W. Huseman sorting goods suppli fless Guns,Ammunifi n n of of* Anf i-> aG/i/-i ^ s, If you want tlie ne\ sty m*s in MATS am OA FURNISHINGS, 2or rortly priced, look ii ^eesvi ||e, S. C. MS THIRST POR KNOl Tommy Kij.'jjjam? I'aw? law jam?V?s, my "Ain't a warm winter a tor?" "Yes, iny son.'' "Then when it gits si I why do they say the white ? m ..rp.vini una npR( quickly n?corf;i!u our opinion free A'I riUil- Invent ion I* probably piRenlable. < 1.1 t loin m net If eniillilinit 1*1. HANDBOOK " nent fton. I H.lent nueiiff for ?eourtli| luteal* token thrnuifh Mutin & tpri tut notice, without chnrire, In the Vni,, Scientific Jfmeri A hmtliOtnrlf lllu??r?te<1 weekly. 1 mutton of nnr m-iantlOn Journal. ' yenr; four niontba, f 1. Sold by all n. till warmer MIINN & Co."'""?'- Ni r's closed?'' 1 Branch umey,. at v su WMfcimrt npeion ijiaj isuiynier I **lnartlcua- Yes-chop suej on l*at? uta | a poiem i. Co. roci in ______? icati T LLMAN SELHC r#m?J*?3ra Senator B 11 Tillman has be "w"'y , r[- ed to be on the reception com u 5W TlHI the! inauguration of l'reseden OBUf? f5t, A LK V4V7J clde- Call and see o TEf> 1508 M en select ??? Telephone No. Cib OIHJ.L C IHJL1CC. ur line. ain St., Columbia, S. 27f>. at our shop. - . C Im Orders By Mail. f