The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, February 17, 1905, Image 5

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The 1 My competitor agencies and mc 1 To my patrons M y I sell everythii P. S. We have a line Low Rates Via Souther Railway. To New Orleans, La.? Mobile, Al l'cnsucola, Fia. One lirst. class fa p'us twenty live cents for the rout trip from all coupon stations. Tiel ets on sal*'March I <> limited Marc 11th, l!tof>. u ay he extended to fetor March J"), h loo.-,, account - MA it 1 >1 (ill v ?o Washington. !>. (' I'LL 11 >10 N n v L INAI'l'.niA TION For V Lilians rate one lirst cla fare plus twenty live cents for t! rout) 1 trip Ironi all coupon S'atioi.: For Military (\?a> panics and I r;.: Hands in uniform are mipanyin/ tliei in parties 20 or more on one ! ie! e' at one cent per mile pit:; arhit.iai h Tickets sold March 2nd and :tr.i limited March sth. 1:)0.">, but may 1 i>vti?i(1ml t r\ M ntmh iDnJ Very low rates to other points no< n effect. THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY i the best route to the alxtve pointsoperating through Pullman and l>ii ing cars on al! through I rains. ^ For full informal!ioi^u>pl^^^^^ W r.r vr.^HM T)1 V1SK >N PASSENC KR CHARLESTON , S. *' WA NT T< > Ht v A WEI i >ix( i i ?HI :SI:NT;? Come i 11 and let u show on.** line of gto.l suitable for the occusior Sterling Silver. B^rry bow is, handscm designs $10.00 to $50.0C Bonbon and Olive di.-hc $3.50 to sn,o\ C ir ving sets $-1.50 to $16.<)( Sterling Silver spoon* forks, la.lle; in variet; at attractive prices. Cut Glass. Handsome Berrv howl! $5.50, $6.5*, c/ $15.0( Bonbon and Olive dish* $2.25 to $4.00, Decar ters $8.50 to $16.00, Su^ ar and Cream $6.00, 1 $9.00. Fine China. Beautifully decora te< imported Salad Bowl $.3.00 to $5.50. Crack< Jars $2.75 to $4.50, Choi olate Pots ?3.00 to ?5..^ Cake plates 72c. lo $5.5( A Good Clock is A ways Acceptable We have a nice assor meiit of Clocks. Sm? silver and sold artistic d signs, $2. to $5. Eight d; Mantle Clocks, strikl'i hours and fcalf hours i to lO.OO. handsome go Clocks 10.50 to 25.0 Candelebra in gold ? '.I. hp/\|/| f I A/' L* C ^ f 0 UItlLV. li j^uiu viuvn^ 1O.&0. If you can't come vvri for our Illustrated Cat logue of staple goods, v Watches, Jewelry, Si!\ ware, Cut Glass, etc. f P H. LACHICOITE & C 1424 Main Street. COLUlVl d?\, S, < THE Merchants Say That ] s accuse me of selling' everything so c >st of my creditors that I am going out tis Most Err and friends I will say, try all the oth Prices are a SHELTON P. P! ; of s/imple shoes that run from $2.50 tO $6.00 will i " ^ a W ^ ^ A R i Is Coming:. id ^5 k- My I-all Slock of Hoods is just coining in and in a few days I will be rea ii ' ' N ' 111 1 ,,( 1' ( 'M (ds rf all k;i ds. 1 he1 e goods were bought wit _ great i aie and pat ticular attention given to I he selection of same. Mylincc h-'-ss g< (His will please the most fasti.lions in fa :t the whole stoe'c isrontplct ii I will he sold at prices that will please the most particular buyr J, C, Glover. sS ' Cohen Carrries the proper styles In EOOTwear. Always when you cannot tret shoes to fit try I I - "Little Higher in Price, but " j Sold by liegular Dealers in Every Town. Cost ft Li tie tliorc 3. i jit First, But?. l'ntenl Axles, Which Have Hun ^,000 nole3 iS i j w it hunt oiling. r= t? bo 15 FRS and enqi nes, isar-pr? i 1 ^ ^ ^ and Sheet Iron Work, Shafting, Pulleys, Cea: ing. ' Boxes, iiangers, Etc. Building Castings?Cast every day ; c ip-i, ity !MX) liai.ds. I Harden ilose. Pipe. Valves and Felting: Belting, Packing and Machine Su| ll, plies and Repairs. LOMBARD FOUNDRY, MACHINE & OILER W ORKS s' ; SUPPLY SI ORE. AugustaOa. J SPETH BROTHERS, ) Successors to C. B. Allen. i' cS40 BROAD STREET, - - AUGUSTA, CiA 1When you buy a stove, Lbuy the best. |11 'THE GREAT EXCELSIOR." Parts always kept in stock. - Write lor e- . Catalogue. : : : : : ? The Largest Stove, Tin= ,kl ware and BicycleHouse u, in this section, i i i i t to We have a lew very Pretty Calendars left. Write for one. You are invited to make our store your headquarters i when in Augusta. i/. ^ ^ ^ I SPETH BROTHERS, Successors to C. It Allen. J |840 BROAD STREET, - - AUOUSTA, O/ I I L BATESBURG ADVOCAT*. [ Have The Best heap that some of the merchan of business. i p h a t i c a 1 1 er firms and get the best pric is Low as ERRY, liatesburp sell any pair in this lot for $2.25. A Rlflrlc Alnnrn l-MclHwifal, nervously. I " did na make a mis _ bouse?" COa t "No!'' roared the skipp Dennis HaggerLy's house. 1)Y J. C. PLCMBEH. man, or yo-. il l< se the eh (Copyrighted, 11)05.- by Daily Story eajnC^ l,OUr'S t,mc Publishing Company.) ^married in a Ij ' said. "The landlady is a J "Sandy," raid Caplain Pole, as he ^',c' "Rugemcnt; I hope " 1 shifted Ids tiller so as to pass a ln.rge wrong in the house.' e towing down the hay, "you'd hotter Captain Pole was arous ask Kate Ilaggerty to have you when the morning by Mr. McDoi we got to port " ? countenance showed great 'There's na hurry." replied S;indy f*'irbation McDougal. mate of the schooner Ajax, ^ e've ruined nusaid enjoying his pipe. his list at. the skipper. "(Jo ahead." retorted the skipper, "What's the matter?' pettishly, "you'll wake up some ijporn- (he Captain., ing and see another chap Jiviijg oil "" was na crape on Kale's money." 1 howled McDougal. "The " 'lie's na got it yet," expostulated Mr. was lixing the steps hung McDougal. alpaey coat on the bell pull "but she'll have it when her nuncio The skipper whistled, lies, and he's old as the liilb." j "I 'll na marry her," shi "Hoots! < ?nly 70. and men artHivine Dougal. "I'm aweondled!" longer than they did," said McXugal. "Then," retorted the sk 'It's I it I le sa prised I'd lie it^p 1 i vr*s dilllculty repressing a roar i to he po.*1 t ter, "she'll sue you for 'Y-I l/J_jrimuJoalJUij^^^l^^^^^^fciniise:_The landlaily is to llaggerty's will, .\?a mi liedlateU s i ... , j IWn Ilaggerty bore the banner. age t i An,l r 1 in, a.a! il.e skippH- P??u.ticaliy. was t..< s 1 posscssoiB' thel secret. He knew Kate, and I ItJ' 'wo., so lie did some thinking. 1 I'lim he apprise 1 Sandy 1' j "TPjQPv. 1 lis mate, of the secret, and intn*,uc^1, him to Kate. a I ikr "lie's too stincrv to ever so ' her I money," soliloquized tbeskippcMr'and he'll make her a good husband. Sandy courted cautiously. ^-ite, rv/WDT I 1 with a dowry of 910,000, was v-W" at. ~=!DOlN ! LI tractive, hut his characteristic^8!'11* giness made him hesitate a Inn ieuring the expense of a wife untl the, AbOllt VOUT dowry was possessed, J * McCnnald was looking the t?'ring! . lownof the schooner's rigging when ITI1GS=" th kiorer cat no aboard much e,T'1 -*1 laggerty's sick," he wl f>P<rof .nd.v "lie's pneuinoni; land ie!s LllC I Till a > > old a man to get well. ^"\v'.s; c .1 l ime handy. ' , i # h'nr a m > m??n! '-'anly waver< 1 t be ! your rrien .ie sai 1: ".To may get well: thi 'i*e 8 no * hurry " , captain Pole coupled Mr. MePougal's name witli an adt^cti ,e, and went gloomily below. ; ^ Captain Pole's watch was a *na|ive All old LmeConipun.esare machine to which he lay greajt sLre ami the friends of humamtj and when it heeame out of ordertiterc ; They, are all safe and . .... i . .. ...... .. 1 i. < l. . l?i t v ft 111111 t /woit I'Mi't c was unij one wuLcnuiuKcr 111 i lit- < ?.' who was permitted to ivp;iir rt . A tcr j They protect the insurane uis abort ive eltort to excite Mi. Me- age and financial difficulties 1 i.mgnl toact i<?n, lie ( lanced at hi,j They protect tne widow ai watch and lound it stopped. when the loving h'jshand an " 1st he it to Sinooi he i d, ; "d aSjeep (0 wake no more in he left the schooner scowlin sf i he So that his love for them immovable McLougal. who was si"l death> an^ ajj true Me working on tin iic/.ni I provide for those they love The skipper had left his watch wllthi . . .. V , . ],. The Spectator of New Mr. Snioot and was a I ton l to dp;lit 0 , . , , ,1 . sah-to! the Solvent at when he remembered that l> : tns ll.i- .. . IT . , , |. ,1... lane ( ompames in the lTr ggcrty lived direct!\ oi i?i> to 11" , , , . A, . I , . . ii i ,4,.. and t anada, 82 in this ( oil watchmaker, lie glanced at '<> .> t la 1 , . . i . .?in (..anada. li rise an ! t -ie i lie ru >!? I Ins eye.-. ;|n i stared. The Pacific Mutual "of 1 l! was not the ovi cn. c i Lat Mr. in thislist, '"M years old." ! Haggorty was bavin. some J n paifs has never faih ! done to his front step, that caused i its obligations promptly. 1 him to stare, hut alt ..chad to the he. 1 < unquestioned, for Honest D pull wasa streamer of ciape. safe investments and la He hastened hack tot lie sell oner. Dividends We invite close j "lie's dead!" he Sloped. ' j of its policies and places, a "Ye na mean it!" exclaim d Mc will satisfy the insuring pu Dougul. Our Ideal Policy is the b ' "There's crupc on the Io n : t hat 's a ,,n the market to day 1 1 landsman's fiag at u.a i| jr,,(Mj hustling men in my , your best rigging on and conic there'., sell these Policies for me not a minute to be lost ' : contract to the right Man j Mr. MclHitigal was soon at tired in I his l?e.->l black suit of clothes, ; uid I lie 'f two set out for Miss Ilaggerty'-1 board-' ingliouse. \ p T TAV Miss llaggcrty was at hoi ne and V . 1_J. UvyiM would see Mr. McDougul in titf parlor. Captain Pole chose to \raii on the street the result of lus mat e's suit and walked up and down in f out of Q1 the house. Presently McDougal came !;OP\iC*lcll J_/loL. to the iloor and beckoned to the skipper. "Well," said that gentleinai*. as lie reached McDougal, "is it all 'right?" AA^QYV^ t "1 have na asked her yet," .replied ** ctl v L_ Prices In Batesburj ts here have reported me to the cori y Not So es and then come to me. the Ldwesl S. C. 1 ^re ye sure STATE NFWS E* J> ETIIE take in tlie " " ' Penti Governor Hey ward pardoned last or, "it was year 53 criminals and.committed the ' eesvl"c? Hurry up, sentence of 28 others of these Ml rx,n ance." criminals, 28 had been convicted of ?'"ce ov*r Ausl McOougal either murder or manslaughter. _ # - L. M. MITC i w,w?l- "h? , * * Physician and t k. no Senator Wiliiaws hill looking to a Batesburg witness of tax on coca cola is exciting much in jon re na tercst. Tlie hill docs not outlaw coca Office Ho cola hut imp >ses a license. His prop p P a.ei early in ositionisto tax the dealer and to ugal, whose raise a revenue by a direct tax of from ? mental per- to $1,000 on each place where coca cola is sold. ' "** ^ he, shaking Dentis * * * Datesburg, exclaimed The Czar of Russia while walking through the corridors of the palace at the door," Tsarskor--Selo, picked up a letter ad- dl.:e in Telep! man who Pressed to him lying on the floor It his i,i'ick contained the announcement that: 12 ,, r ~ ins Geo. !jei.i. Tim ,?? men had sworn tit kill hnn in revenge .1. yymt Thli for the St. Petersburg massacre of Til PRMON1) & Tl rieked Mc- ,,an, :ir3' The Czar lias not left attokne ys-j i the palace since and a heavy guard of ^f|" praeWee in all t ipper. with Cossack's surrounded the palace Office in Kailffmi of laugh- ground while detectives watch t lie Lexington, breach of P,l'ar<'- ~ j^^^^H^^HH^HBHH^H^K^^ditiunsarc AND I Bilesburc cases of disorderly conduct - 1 i,iii t?ennls i are almost unknown. ' T. B. KERN A # ? Between!' and *10.30 o'clock Monday night the O'Neal Street Methodist INSLRAN F.piscopil Church, in the cotton mill village, in Newberry, was burned: the BATESRURG is believed, having itarted front the furnace. The build- I>1C. *.v. 1'. Ttill 'ng which coast with its hands in r' K . . . . .. 1( , . . Oners Ills professin ^ turnisliings, *4.o o and been pj'd f > in full, isa total loss: while tlo in nv- 'Uv ?r ?atesbui nice i, only about $2.oo0. '1 he lire! Otliee^over the Nxtu E, d.-pa 11 ment responded promptly, bur an fuunJ tin-re n?j tie fr me structure was a rues BAThfchL'K? iiaines when the scene was leacliiil. " ?< anil its elfurts were successfully d.rect-i H. M. CllC'" ed to saving nearby prop ".v. Toe Rev. .1. II. Graves is tile p..! no the PnvsirMN a.\:? chweh. ! *#* l.KKSV II.LK. K P. Mitchall a young man -) 1-| on I years old was arrested at Barnwell ; l ist week charged with forgery. The I a, rest was made u|>on charges prefer ' K. i . S'il.o i/lcl red hv the Southern Express Com- .... I pany. Mitchell confessed that he took 1 a l>ook from the express office contain- I hatesiu'iici j ing 18 orders worth $.">0 each when 1 nnt 'inrl nrnnoplr ciirn/ul i bii. .if " VM 4 J J W?JV* V/i ?? t hese orders was cashed by an agent at; my friends lilackville which caused Mitchell's ar '! rest. ! sound and HIS PRAYER. * ? 'n '"s Chaplian Hale no longer asks Senat- ]^|ftpf y]p ' ors to join with him in repeat ing tlie nd orphan? Lord's prayer at Llie morning's devotid father is ions. This arises from the fact that COLUMBA this world; when he did make the mpiest there lives after wasnoresponese. KRAKCH OFFICE 11 love, and The circumstance was the t?;u?is of al report, printed in some newspaper, that Bates >rk publish- none of the Senators knew the prayer id Safe old The report in turn because t he source . lited States of no lit tie anxiety to l?r. Hale. ijjiGCt/I*l( ntry and 22 ''Can it lie possible t hat such a dcploable condition of atTairs exists?" he w? 0<-:i <i ,i .. , . ?c arc sin California is a more than one Senator, and he, Inallofi ts! was apparently much relieved by the Batesblirg wi . i 1 assurance given him tliat the news , , 'd to meet n . . detires rinH t-till stands paper report was without foundation <ll,u lealings and "l (! iust ,ike ,0Sre ,htf U'Nt n,af,e?" Electric ligh , a,,nnoi said Senators Tillman when he heard I 1 inspections the.story. "I fear they'd all be like j that the time ind know we ! wo fellow s they tell about down in | that tile ligh iblic? South Carolina. They were in peril of i est contract losing their lives by drowning, when tlirilCl! Oil let I vant a fc>w one of t hem insisted the other should territory to Pr:,y> notwithstanding his companion " -a no one rcmonstrated that lie did not know Rctiniah how to pray. L11' 1 cl L* "Just pray, anyhow,'said the other i j whcrcipou llie one said: fumished. "Lord, make us thanklul for what TT?C? j we are about to receive." w r?OVV IlLo, Maryland Journal. Lett 1 ! lineofDesl R. B LITTLE , , r The onlt tlach in Lkksyili.k. \j\q 1*03.(1111 to get vovk mknkr for twenty- . FivkOkntb. mkiu s atalmioi-kh. IViCGS 01 grotfftoita &4pit8 * Spkcalty # la q r, . ^ cation. IS, O. ^ LBESVILLE, S. C. - 1 h ; e?" , i?? ?? .? ? ? _ . Of y nmercial X, s ? * - t. redge. ST. s. c. in's store. rfiELiz 1 Surgeon. , S. c. urs: m. m. ) p. m. ATSON, T. s. c. Kin;4 { I lit VKRH1N. tMyXD. MMERMAN, lMAW, lie State and U. ts. n nuihlinir, s.c. _ VTFLEBAUM SlROKoK. i ^S s.r; + U11AN, VHBBj - s. c. ME KM AN, nal service to iK awn vicinity. >ii?t 1 Hank, and f nr r>l^lit. ?. ?>. ?N. M. i>. v I Itf.K V s. ? \ run.: T LA W . S. C. RRY Dmpany ^ S. C. : iburg, S. C ;al.: II here in ring resist ores for ts. Now is nearing ts will be us do vour 2s gladlv y a full < and tag lamps, i appli