ppp sjzipn TH SOME NEWSY NEWS ! v GATHERt20 BY MR. RKWl. oF V ^ E BATESBURG ADVOCATF. VAGENER'S , "T V /^\ T "V T t~-t vlARRIACE IN MEXICO. _ 1 rpREC! TI 3 CUTisj r& !<. I- I>. NO. I FROM r.ATFSBURO Hol o r from Wagenerk- how .. iro \on conilin any.vay along the iw.itc. No, sin iajfc mid pudding have | not I von g , Mir rou'e? ii i v is this cold I IJUi IN 'j Muv' I Tin I ANY INTERESTING E- even VENTS OF THE ^ PAST FEW DAY3 ! i the I PFPSONA! S the KiirukciucbI niicl Wrdiling IVretuo.iicM Ar? Celebrated. Mexican people are hospitable to lit, always welcoming their friends though they have not enough to themselves. And they religiously the sick, iu^oling those who contagious diseases. They are alJdicted to public social functions. Invariable mode of entertainment i the dance. They are f.uul of inu I 1 I Keep your exp< expecting to find bargains?A speec 1 ectations high-?Come myriads of amazing ly and complete clear ' < ill her s? rviig \?mi. v tiii is t'i in i Li or with la .1 I'. I?. \ ? l i did n?! si'i' aiiittiliiK from him 1 i- t week lias lint cold weatl rii r 15*it you la led > I | f,iet:d. vr Well we ha'.e l.a'l some mig* l\ had weathe. l'oi ihcp.i-i f< a divsawl if i- M till \t-ry disjiptie. itle, nut tl is car- i ier lon^s to see old ?x.r shi'ie in hi- ,.n I SIC, t j iii.thl o;ipo Thrtre is a poor weather hiatMii r py. 1 [?r knocking for admittance into, lustr ur {l*oz.v co titer; won't uat p'ejse 1st the 1 in Mi with a few notes collected lltHl in Wis route? ! l,clll: i neral Tliif; v ? at li.'r luis lc

?l- ..... it ' t'llli houiih not proficient in the art of it. probably more from lack of rtunity than from lack of capacThe violin ami guitar inv the usual I umciils of nit: :c. the repertory of neal musicians beinjr usually liuito a f"\v I lilies which are in equal iiul for ti.e dance anil for tlie fuI. e o." the ni> I interesting and beau i! tin' :: ! Inactions is the nren > ance of every Weight goods mi The sacrificing < Overcoats, Pa vestige of Winter .ist be had. of .nts, Underwear and plead*r once nnain, when t in- I iiln> j t.t, >' the so l can net at it and net i lit-i: j crops in n<>ol.I summer t imo which - is sure n!,.| couhc. o:icc / :.li! rifio farmersaio 1^ if > ' f) " > pre . ? i r4njr for anotfior crop b- oc" an i-r t > i osstio s for puano. w! '. j flic carrier has his route n?rfiii>u.ii I ). When ;i youn^ man wishes to .v i.e asks f ir llit? : ii i of his elioiee e parents, in ( of the irifl herself, if she is jjiveii the prendnrio jit !' din*,vs. rshere 1 in by shotting , $2 "0 " $2 4H? p:iss. by Look here Mr. C. when arc you >jo no iirj; to s!ay I hose two bi?r swine in the pen? This carrier is gutting hun- ' ?ry .''gain. cn an Mr. .toe M Johnson has been 'pute p sick but we areyhuito say lie is out jj?| again. sh Mrs Austin II. Ashill remembered tlie fragrance of the sweet old gua- 11 ' sniek. l>le *' 1 sldet Mr*. Ann-* Garvin prcsentcn Hie :uul rritrr with .a nice iocs* of span; rib? 1,1 xv \ i . . ? , _ rccr? (1 sausage one day last week. So vjsjl r s!le seems to 1?? theonh patron a- |s lIS ng t\ho route who realizcsllio hard Si?i;u Ips |if the rural carrier. be si n> r:.? :i r >ii >w.? tin* i.ievit.i- | Iniicc. This |>iil)l!i' hetr itli.t 1 is rou , eil almost : s li'.n ''i? : us marvl i;re ! I bavo heard of I tit one instance liicli the compact was n t las t. t!i?* aut bridegroom in that cast- lining ed with ostracism. The betroth:.! ually followed by marriage just as as the services of the priest can petired. The marriage cererrfony is OF COLUMB I ISA, |ii . i ii.mu > mm i ir oilUv.' ? 50 pr Ladies M100-; 50 (It 7. 10 and 15e. Lii en Oil I, us 20 " La lies 1.cavk Undervost <\ ic.50 < vcrcoats 3, *.0.00 * >s $ '.">) (iV.-icoatK L. th??carrier with soni * Hue sweet pota* t,?s. 1>C tli Mr .loliti M. Knecce at last opened ro liis heart and gave the carrier a half pn bi.lirloi' tin s.vejl potatoes. Mr. jj, Kneece 1 assuro you your kindness is appre* dated 'I'iic carrier has been a little under Xl! I 11.,. u 1.11 in r..f 11..1 n..a r ... * - P i p, | . , luinj Sovtlial now boxes have recently t)K, , on rtrectcd along II. K. I?. Net. 1. I for ink Ivhon a f? w more sees their er dam r. Wegener will have as pood and pn.l< oly I a roite as anywhere in we?l< e c; 4 n'ry. Miss?|T'im ?. Rotors who has been dtinglar Mr. S. I.. Temples for tin Co, oat ninl by llie usual ??. Indeed the festivities are often lilted for several nights after the iitijjr. ?Southern Woikinan. THE AGE OF STARS. >r A l?l* (lir AMlronomor lit MaUin?r 111* < ftlou I:I t IOIIM. The Merc h&nt i .Ml * . (! .-Wilis 25 tP". HI Sll'tS 25 $.".50 Jac' e ? 1S> $3.75 " !2 $2.5 ) ' Mennt-n's Talcum Po a tier i' pis 3(5 in. I'.Kic'c IVau I>? S.?i. S'i I. g and not wet all over, l?Ht we killed twenty una b rdi and the ear- er tier e line oil'the hunt a little dislig- 1>N uii d but st II in the ring. When jroa 1 old Mi sealed the ehil \\ I .lii ii ol Israel into the wilderness m.il ic sorilow of the carrier and hci r,/ua any friends who aiv aiwa.ts jjlad t( it w: e her ll?ri^nt and smiling face. an,i Mr. .lo|>n J. Cofcr killed a line pork. last .Saturday. Wonder who else i< .lS n peel injLf sausage besides the cirri r rluus und? There sociable uiven at Mr tell itwnla.v ni^ht and f kivc a star contracts from the surding nebulous matter from which as thrown off its temperature rises, with this augmented heat occurs a ige both in the star's spectrum and r. Kedliol iron is not nearly so hot 11iI? hot ir >n. I'.y observing the va- V^OIl s changes in tint which the metal *rgocs the fotindryinan is ahle t?? with considerable accuracy its deof beat. A somewliat -similar Tailor . . ning Tuesday Next, 1 -ebruary 21. z pes. ;4 iii. 1 Hack Chcxiot 3 ui'y Ladies $'3 (to'Tailor Suits l'oys |1 'S> Jetsey mi its 1 :*M>>ds. Standard <*a'ico r? | cs 10 . 1 r j ide Worsted pes j*? n. ^1 00 j el 11it-vlots 1*0) y Is. ;it> inch Leavy sheet in;; :.7 2 $10 00 7 4c. ~iC .70c. r?c. after bein^ llior many days and food 1 h came sqivi' and they cried unto him " an 1 said, Fattier Moses we have no bread: Likewise crieth the carriers wile mi',?i him and s:\vlhhusbandwe ,n have not hin,' to oat. th carrier said, ,M wi.e the lord will provide and as tlie carrier drove up to Mr Kallaws Ihix j ,n and Mr l i.lv [ '.illa v presented him | ja. splendil^B iinc is reported. Musie nxtl ok plontillul tli<' folks took iU"* .vantage ofl the occasion wit!) :i few l1"' : ays and stain had the older ones ^ join t InBBt herefi n* the lad weatli- ;m, outsidc^Hs soon forgotten. Vr. (I. iodic one t f It. F. I>'s fr'^ nst hono^B patrons was in town on u ro st Monda^^diking after some oil) ' un \ Ii?>?1 <>f gauging si shir's temperature, therefore its sige. is roliml upon by astronomer. Color, thru, and spec- H< . opic analysis enable the astrouoto estimate the age of orbs thsit _~ only beginning to exist sis stars |3cil others whose light is fast fadin.it. tor having coagulated, as it were, i si nebulous mass, si star assumes lor that may be best described as lit ease bluish white, much like that I ; will make his headquarters esburg Shoe & C TT *11 1 at the store of Nothing Co. 3 pes *.0c >i!k ]o |hs. ?I Oj I rcss Goods cut t? 50 L .l'c; I iht Drawc rs H 5 Mens Suits 2.7c 7. c. "C. m -- ?? ? ^| $2 ! fcTf 77 c.l ?u.i a i.in- uii-sm'i spar* no-, |)( backbones etc t In; carrier thought:? ,.a well t ho lonl did provide nn; enough, pj T in earl ier has bo-n begging peas on aivount of ice tieiiiL' 1 ;-oy.?n and slippery. ?e ( IV must expect to cat j of ti Kha^o t mer by tli> supply o! ! ar?\ he | ^last lie electric arc. Stars of that line therefore, in their infamy. Then es th?' white stage. followed Ity the >\v, orange and red. earn succeed- i hue indicating greater celestial antakes place. Aceoinpanyiio^^^^^^^BWl iges in color are changes iu the j truin of the star changes that in- j ne win nave on < Vuasmfi-Pnl 1 ivir* i-w-f* Ml ill IV/ V_/J_ l/l Suit. tn fit finrl cic hio display a % /"* M ^ iC lillCCDL Isever^^^^^MM v\l rr?o Vdi-i $!.no hirls 10 > M lis 5oc shir s MUSLIN U . The most e? tUttt vrnir eves NDERWHAR. I cquisite underwear ever crazed upon-= T!u'cani< r> father was up to see liim a few days aim and alter inquiring as to t ho health of us ail lie nent- 'J1' ' i . nini((l as to Puds linanciul stanTI ' ; iuj?. look here !'a I n:u-?t tell you, 1111 KiuU financial >l;u diiii; at I l.e | lest ill I i tiuie is it*it much, hut I j*ot two hor- of ses i o.\ jny new horse is weal: but he rill i seems to ho wid'Htf. M .M r. . A Jones io ' ! > t '^^Bp"i:n^ people last roes- |jm>s ^ cV' i.'"Hi luw rnmil was present the I a ^e?>,:^Hin(> was a' hand. the z\st T' I l;iy evening at the. home .ll!y Mrs ' . . t.aiilt here was the ma"- ca|c| i^e nf I daughter Miss l.eliaatn! y.ine, r. < >si H lay.; of Keen. Miss Lelie j i?- ii niiniiiii-iiudii 111 pnysieai siruc- i lu tlit* hluish white period of a s infamy the characteristic wiile of hydrogen gas predominate in spectrum. As the color changes, lines of calcium, magnesium and appear, the hydrogen lines graduhcconijng thinner and those of j ium broader. ltooklovcrs Muga- I V wv ixvj WHVi lAkl lilO business is Columbi need be no delay if a', are required. a, there Iterations V ? - ^ Come expecting fall garments till est laces and tl the verv to find generously immed with the fihe daintiest einbroi= ' carment you are Ton e.irrier tried a walk around hisjw: rouic last week str.d let toe till \ou I ha am act italic string haltered \cl trom hi it I dn Ti tliinSv I will tiy walking any mora fa Mrs. II. W. Haltiwai^er is very ill sv hill we hope to see her nut attain real soon* h Mr. (J. M. Adams is confined to his | ss (> !'' m;ir 11 i >si pipuiar Kil ls a:.dj ( ( is *1 ionds who wisli her a Mi V I l: ml who has Ikumi suf- whi? riiii ?aeeinatt*(l arm is aU>ut of tl 1 man Mr. Hi^Wiuolcr cftiulTncy visiter UIII. e sUin grafting experiments which !"\^ 1 t en - .1 successful of rcecut years | J led to a new form of livelihood, h i . fairly remunerative. Several ie London hospitals have un their s the names ami addresses of y men and women who have unlUen to sell portions of their eutiivlicnevcr the necessity arises, and t lint quite a regular traffic Is 1 n't Forget the C TUESD/ ^ rx w A * >ate: ^Y, r . ? jt VIV? -? looking for at lo ever thought po You'll not be < * vver prices than you ssiblc== dissapointecl. i 1?.? I wit h la grippe. w(> wish for you I j Mi". A dams a speedy recovery. GENERAL NEWS. Former Mayor Met'tic of ('harlot res- ' ville Ya. was handed last Friday ? morning at 1 At; for the murder < f his; wi e. lie I ft a confession with his ' I r^H III \V no on i>y?.T ss < Mr . (joss paid Halcsljurn a mo last wook. iiuiin Our t m last week for tat?'S*ai^H Mr Kiritf I>avid, have \01 In wflHostcr, I'a a nnti \%as sou- 1 i-ncrd ro;i \ i-a: s in t l,r pt'iiil gg niaii notug <1 >ne in lno inlying and soil B ^ I of liuinnti skin. The persons who 1 I willing to snoiitloo thoir liesh for oy nro hy no moans confined to the and destitute olas-. London Mail. 'l'lir I'oKtnl I II i41 iia o tirst stop toward the formation ho postal union, which has had widu results, oaine front t!ory in the shape of a proposal for an cdkUAKY 1905. 21st, Extra g coJ quality, Umorena sr.aoc, ; ruf.'Ie, 1 inch Torchon Lace n; 3 Tucks and Lace Mage; ir.d with strings. only 50c. | -11 i ii ini ;uivim.-i.hi 11111in), linn | ki I (1 his wife, l?ritijf coin pi lled to do < ' i he deed hy an evil power lie could n not o\ercome. | A 4 III!?? *< < oliiiiibux. Tl.o holier ill a < Miiimso Columbus was j first allowed hy scholars only in tin* flirt half of the last century. The i < '. i,?i ;^ Unit n Ttinhlliist priest in tlie I.I I < 1- K 111 >; >1 K 1 I I >V I I lUM I I.I' ;itns n^H In: 111:111 elaims that l.a< at 1 Lhe wo^B consented it would have conn I) in t -1 -s'vps toward mal riinom l1"' hi I tl^dnc considers this scotoma 1 IfoneRojd luijj is a stop j tow'ii flH t riinony it will bo bod h i some K South Carolina follcsto ro- furt| irn'i'H sli'ps for we are afraid inm tlni t^|ia\c stopped over with lt:i*i'>11:11 postal congress. This nu't tcrnc i.i 1st;;, when t\vei?t.v-t\vo I dries Joined tin* union, including Cjj whole ol Kurope. A second cons met in Paris in 1N7S. when ten r countries came in. and tlit* ottltitle. "International Postal I'nion," deiiliitely lixei. Its Spheli' was icr enlarged at congresses at l.isin iss.-, and at Vienna in lsnl. Si. Ep ^ A T T) A nrnr" n r stin, - i iiifn oidc'ry i!i ><1 ? i o. i; "??1 11 out wiii f?:i!'n*r \r / 1m : an l K .?> >; ; -i -.I H J? o\v ?i i-1? r.i ? ' r? KV > '^ >r 111*1 li century crossed tin' l'ariflc to this co!11incut 111ill returned, making a written report of his discovery. The report ' still exists. It was translated Into French in IT'.U hy M. i!c liuignes. It i pjivc a narrative of a voyage eastward ; i by a priest for HiUton li. where lie found I i a eonntry which he named I'usatig. I IV jple similar I > the Indians were dejl scribed. as we'.l as American plants. "" '1 !?4 i, '"'tffiSH!llu' ''"'n'sit?* < u111?*r was li imv las' i ' 1 I 5011 we 'a^Hm.4 nilcr some business in | man M M Imuran 1 of IVny was k?-ep' M llutto p..i:l our town a nnvv Tii** * t I ruction. in Mother My s I am afraid arc going i<> make a mistake in ying Miss letsyways. IVotli site her i i it her arc fearfully lax houseits. Sau | know* It, mother; that's caught inc. It's so comfortable there, \ c.i know. 1 can sit down : T} Q .! :c i the parlor without being X that I'm mussing things up! l>e DA 1 D5DUKU & CLOIHING A special line of Si illiut i CO. nits at $15.95 mm ". flAiinrcs. !(;\VS Of ll " i; It \mAi jric, wide I.awn / ^ cavy torchon in- [ t i,} I I I O UIII.V UII11IM illiliuv .... . I| to (ho distant n mount I?y The i J i pivo t may Imvc leaehed only soino Is 1 land in Iho I'aeilie oee.in. Well Timed. j "Tlnst was a yro.it sermon yon preached this tnnriiiny." said tlio old churchwarden, "and it was well timed I to "Yes," rejoined the parson, with a i i .i> .in "i.n i >..? n lot | per, 1 A I'HACII BIDS klHLIIl) N Hh vic^^Hi * > v ; r I ^^Hij;c in t ic l?ruit licit. ^^ |{) 1(. ( ([ I'cacl i crowns \ II I IICIIV > Soul. i." said Tommy, opening tin* pa \\ Im sits one." responded papa, "because cat of war generally has a tack " Haltimore Herald. i? great question is not so much Honey you have in your pocket sertion; 3 inch e.l^e brella shape; full wk Only i *?n h^torn 1 111" ! (locp siull. "I II >t ienI null." XnMeoil wlisitV" iiskc.l tin- pti/./.leil warden. k. "That several of tin? rou^ro^ation 3L I > ke.l at their wnlehes frequently." r.i iwered hi innit. with another ?h e;> a ;li. I.oimIon Telegraph. Vti I tipnril ?mtl>li* limit. I'i'.rjr < I oilman is tleatl. lie lias led , a most l.oaiitiful ami a eorreet life. 'ii^Hiuii reports it ;is bis opinion it lit of 11 if Klbrta buds 9 1 killed by t lie cold. lie tIces sninl the other stamiiil varte Clint' ii -H-flbft ii linrt. unless it is the llS? lie made Ibis statement s<' / made a careful examina- ri , ( B< \tensive orchard*. There s ><.u tmt la-i^e n;ii vou win iiuj with It Ituskin. 11111:111*1 great liflils. but cultivate I ones. Virgil. iu give tneir consent to Uio niur of I heir sons iiikI tlitnuliters nml milling more tUuii station them s near tin- eiiirnnce to the innr license bureau. There they will liml theiiiMolves accosted by souie ; tlenian" or "lady," who for a mod-1 WHITTEN CO The New it lUskurir. - D RY CIOOU MPANY. Vork Racket Store, - - - South Carol in }Wi I K or y body praises lilm. Fogg Hut, < . ifound liiii:. ho trumpc 1 my are oiire when wo were playing paitners at | W,,ht _* Sorry lie S|ioUr. t'allor What dil sister say when you tolil lii'r I was hero? Tommy :>li? said, "Oh, thunder!"- ltoscon Trav j ^ ?ler. I Dills ' IHVII Mill' i ! IT.lit ja|^Hi ( ln? i-rtiji sutfsrs 11 > furl I m* r tlif | ^^^ i siilTicii'iit buds le | ' insure a toil (T<>| of pcachc Jinni 1 li ><. s< a I I. joll!lj was in ;u i is! Is hi'i'iiiso (Id anion gft&liv cjns;iljra')!\ fart it ad (j1 . , Kgagaian other varieties, tiny be , u| |,, Js the liist to bloom. | llfly ' sum of money is willing to take iIiii-o of the absent parent, r I'm lei <- < 4? quite a respectable ng father can l?o hired. Fifteen paid for a brother, and a fash-1 >ly dressed mother costs the same in!. Investigation has disclosed act that some of these professionothers have figured at weddings j times a yeur. ?'