The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, February 17, 1905, Image 4

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ppp sjzipn TH SOME NEWSY NEWS ! v GATHERt20 BY MR. RKWl. oF V ^ E BATESBURG ADVOCATF. VAGENER'S , "T V /^\ T "V T t~-t vlARRIACE IN MEXICO. _ 1 rpREC! TI 3 CUTisj r& !<. I- I>. NO. I FROM r.ATFSBURO Hol o r from Wagenerk- how .. iro \on conilin any.vay along the iw.itc. No, sin iajfc mid pudding have | not I von <?'M, neither has potatoes nor ' sain r kraol and a vv'iolc lot of other ' {o el t/dn-vs. Is there anything d line ! ;lor>g , Mir rou'e? ii i v is this cold I IJUi IN 'j Muv' I Tin I ANY INTERESTING E- even VENTS OF THE ^ PAST FEW DAY3 ! i the I PFPSONA! S the KiirukciucbI niicl Wrdiling IVretuo.iicM Ar? Celebrated. Mexican people are hospitable to lit, always welcoming their friends though they have not enough to themselves. And they religiously the sick, iu^oling those who contagious diseases. They are alJdicted to public social functions. Invariable mode of entertainment i the dance. They are f.uul of inu I 1 I Keep your exp< expecting to find bargains?A speec 1 ectations high-?Come myriads of amazing ly and complete clear ' < ill her s? rviig \?mi. v tiii is t'i in i Li or with la .1 I'. I?. \ ? l i did n?! si'i' aiiittiliiK from him 1 i- t week lias lint cold weatl rii r 15*it you la led > I | f,iet:d. vr Well we ha'.e l.a'l some mig* l\ had weathe. l'oi ihcp.i-i f< a divsawl if i- M till \t-ry disjiptie. itle, nut tl is car- i ier lon^s to see old ?x.r shi'ie in hi- ,.n I SIC, t j iii.thl o;ipo Thrtre is a poor weather hiatMii r py. 1 [?r knocking for admittance into, lustr ur {l*oz.v co titer; won't uat p'ejse 1st the 1 in Mi with a few notes collected lltHl in Wis route? ! l,clll: i neral Tliif; v ? at li.'r luis lc<p Miinwlati ?!1 lirrlil f.'ir # !? ? -! ii <>?l- ..... it ' t'llli houiih not proficient in the art of it. probably more from lack of rtunity than from lack of capacThe violin ami guitar inv the usual I umciils of nit: :c. the repertory of neal musicians beinjr usually liuito a f"\v I lilies which are in equal iiul for ti.e dance anil for tlie fuI. e o." the ni> I interesting and beau i! tin' :: ! Inactions is the nren > ance of every Weight goods mi The sacrificing < Overcoats, Pa vestige of Winter .ist be had. of .nts, Underwear and plead*r once nnain, when t in- I iiln> j t.t, >' the so l can net at it and net i lit-i: j crops in n<>o<J shape for another year. lI(,( Broad Marsh school house was elos- to ed a few days last week on account of smell pox scare, hot 1 think a little scare was all. However it is open a 'w nain in full blast and we can see the (I tots muddling with their books as we . < I )| -1 ?. ? V-IV 1 ??l I III." ? I I - I r?5; iLItluicirh they a-e si rutr-l'nir J m.u., nrd looking forward to ' hi* af tj n l (>l.I summer t imo which - is sure n!,.| couhc. o:icc /! rifio farmersaio 1^ if > ' f) " > pre . ? i r4njr for anotfior crop b- oc" an i-r t > i osstio s for puano. w! '. j flic carrier has his route n?rfiii>u.ii I ). When ;i youn^ man wishes to .v i.e asks f ir llit? : ii i of his elioiee e parents, in ( of the irifl herself, if she is jjiveii the prendnrio jit !' din*,vs. rshere 1 in by shotting <le:ii'i:istrations joy. The bride "W" brhle r mill are puhliely presented H .e!r futnre p retiis-lii-law. after H h the i i . pass ,11 proeeasi ?n 0 ^ ' lit "J (to roapie. eacli OHO drop. , ...... . r in ii.i . <i.? i.. . H. EPS TIN, J Heavy shoes is en 100 pr. Whltt.-ii's ?2 50 fc?hoes no 'I his shoe is made f r us bears o M 00 slut *s, t'h^O; 3 50 " 52 50: 81 00 ami 75c; ormous. IV ^ 2 00 nc stutrip niol A'oarantcod as wo re on sent. $2 ?M) shoes ? CI 50 ' CI 2">, $2 "0 " $2 4H? p:iss. by Look here Mr. C. when arc you >jo no iirj; to s!ay I hose two bi?r swine in the pen? This carrier is gutting hun- ' ?ry .''gain. cn an Mr. .toe M Johnson has been 'pute p sick but we areyhuito say lie is out jj?| again. sh Mrs Austin II. Ashill remembered tlie fragrance of the sweet old gua- 11 ' sniek. l>le *' 1 sldet Mr*. Ann-* Garvin prcsentcn Hie :uul rritrr with .a nice iocs* of span; rib? 1,1 xv \ i . . ? , _ rccr? (1 sausage one day last week. So vjsjl r s!le seems to 1?? theonh patron a- |s lIS ng t\ho route who realizcsllio hard Si?i;u Ips |if the rural carrier. be si n> r:.? :i r >ii >w.? tin* i.ievit.i- | Iniicc. This |>iil)l!i' hetr itli.t 1 is rou , eil almost : s li'.n ''i? : us marvl i;re ! I bavo heard of I tit one instance liicli the compact was n t las t. t!i?* aut bridegroom in that cast- lining ed with ostracism. The betroth:.! ually followed by marriage just as as the services of the priest can petired. The marriage cererrfony is OF COLUMB I ISA, |ii . i > mm i ir oilUv.' ? 50 pr Ladies M100-; 50 (It 7. 10 and 15e. Lii en Oil I, us 20 " La lies 1.cavk Undervost <\ ic.50 < vcrcoats 3, *.0.00 * >s $ '.">) (iV.-icoatK L<X". " " .0.-,. I'.tc. $, "5 jT." r>. th??carrier with soni * Hue sweet pota* t,?s. 1>C tli Mr .loliti M. Knecce at last opened ro liis heart and gave the carrier a half pn bi.lirloi' tin s.vejl potatoes. Mr. jj, Kneece 1 assuro you your kindness is appre* dated 'I'iic carrier has been a little under Xl! I 11.,. u 1.11 in r..f 11..1 n..a r ... * - P i p, | . , luinj Sovtlial now boxes have recently t)K, , on rtrectcd along II. K. I?. Net. 1. I for ink Ivhon a f? w more sees their er dam r. Wegener will have as pood and pn.l< oly I a roite as anywhere in we?l< e c; 4 n'ry. Miss?|T'im ?. Rotors who has been dtinglar Mr. S. I.. Temples for tin Co,<l st woVk his returned home much In w i*'i ny a ii-asi more nomine ror abundnneo (if things to drink than tilings ti> oat ninl by llie usual ??. Indeed the festivities are often lilted for several nights after the iitijjr. ?Southern Woikinan. THE AGE OF STARS. >r A l?l* (lir AMlronomor lit MaUin?r 111* < ftlou I:I t IOIIM. The Merc h&nt i .Ml * . (! .-Wilis 25 tP". HI Sll'tS 25 $.".50 Jac' e ? 1S> $3.75 " !2 $2.5 ) ' Mennt-n's Talcum Po a tier i' pis 3(5 in. I'.Kic'c IVau I>? S.?i. S'i <r. $ 7.: a. * $!si. I.e. ! i ' < ? .00. ,1... II-1 had the ph-a-earc or t aking a bird hunt ' last week, hut had the misfortune 1,1 nt fall in < rh in-1 uo pi it ('reck and hurl s< It > I. g and not wet all over, l?Ht we killed twenty una b rdi and the ear- er tier e line oil'the hunt a little dislig- 1>N uii d but st II in the ring. When jroa 1 old Mi sealed the ehil \\ I .lii ii ol Israel into the wilderness ic sorilow of the carrier and hci r,/ua any friends who aiv aiwa.ts jjlad t( it w: e her ll?ri^nt and smiling face. an,i Mr. .lo|>n J. Cofcr killed a line pork. last .Saturday. Wonder who else i< .lS n peel injLf sausage besides the cirri r rluus und? There sociable uiven at Mr tell itwnla.v ni^ht and f kivc a star contracts from the surding nebulous matter from which as thrown off its temperature rises, with this augmented heat occurs a ige both in the star's spectrum and r. Kedliol iron is not nearly so hot 11iI? hot ir >n. I'.y observing the va- V^OIl s changes in tint which the metal *rgocs the fotindryinan is ahle t?? with considerable accuracy its deof beat. A somewliat -similar Tailor . . ning Tuesday Next, 1 -ebruary 21. z pes. ;4 iii. 1 Hack Chcxiot 3 ui'y Ladies $'3 (to'Tailor Suits l'oys |1 'S> Jetsey mi its 1 :*M>>ds. Standard <*a'ico r? | cs 10 . 1 r j ide Worsted pes j*? n. ^1 00 j el 11it-vlots 1*0) y Is. ;it> inch Leavy sheet in;; :.7 2 $10 00 7 4c. ~iC .70c. r?c. after bein^ llior many days and food 1 h came sqivi' and they cried unto him " an 1 said, Fattier Moses we have no bread: Likewise crieth the carriers wile mi',?i him and s:\vlhhusbandwe ,n have not hin,' to oat. th carrier said, ,M wi.e the lord will provide and as tlie carrier drove up to Mr Kallaws Ihix j ,n and Mr l [ '.illa v presented him | ja. splendil^B iinc is reported. Musie nxtl ok plontillul tli<' folks took iU"* .vantage ofl the occasion wit!) :i few l1"' : ays and stain had the older ones ^ join t InBBt herefi n* the lad weatli- ;m, outsidc^Hs soon forgotten. Vr. (I. iodic one t f It. F. I>'s fr'^ nst hono^B patrons was in town on u ro st Monda^^diking after some oil) ' un \ Ii?>?1 <>f gauging si shir's temperature, therefore its sige. is roliml upon by astronomer. Color, thru, and spec- H< . opic analysis enable the astrouoto estimate the age of orbs thsit _~ only beginning to exist sis stars |3cil others whose light is fast tor having coagulated, as it were, i si nebulous mass, si star assumes lor that may be best described as lit ease bluish white, much like that I ; will make his headquarters esburg Shoe & C TT *11 1 at the store of Nothing Co. 3 pes *.0c >i!k ]o |hs. ?I Oj I rcss Goods cut t? 50 L .l'c; I iht Drawc rs H 5 Mens Suits 2.7c 7. c. "C. m -- ?? ? ^| $2 ! fcTf 77 c.l ?u.i a uii-sm'i spar* no-, |)( backbones etc t In; carrier thought:? ,.a well t ho lonl did provide nn; enough, pj T in earl ier has bo-n begging peas on aivount of ice tieiiiL' 1 ;-oy.?n and slippery. ?e ( IV must expect to cat j of ti Kha^o t mer by tli> supply o! ! ar?\ he | ^last lie electric arc. Stars of that line therefore, in their infamy. Then es th?' white stage. followed Ity the >\v, orange and red. earn succeed- i hue indicating greater celestial antakes place. Aceoinpanyiio^^^^^^^BWl iges in color are changes iu the j truin of the star changes that in- j ne win nave on < Vuasmfi-Pnl 1 ivir* i-w-f* Ml ill IV/ V_/J_ l/l Suit. tn fit finrl cic hio display a % /"* M ^ iC lillCCDL Isever^^^^^MM v\l rr?o Vdi-i $!.no hirls 10 > M lis 5oc shir s MUSLIN U . The most e? tUttt vrnir eves NDERWHAR. I cquisite underwear ever crazed upon-= T!u'cani< r> father was up to see liim a few days aim and alter inquiring as to t ho health of us ail lie nent- 'J1' ' i . nini((l as to Puds linanciul stanTI ' ; iuj?. look here !'a I n:u-?t tell you, 1111 KiuU financial >l;u diiii; at I l.e | lest ill I i tiuie is it*it much, hut I j*ot two hor- of ses i o.\ jny new horse is weal: but he rill i seems to ho wid'Htf. M .M r. . A Jones io ' ! > t '^^Bp"i:n^ people last roes- |jm>s ^ cV' i.'"Hi luw rnmil was present the I a ^e?>,:^Hin(> was a' hand. the z\st T' I l;iy evening at the. home .ll!y Mrs ' . . t.aiilt here was the ma"- ca|c| i^e nf I daughter Miss l.eliaatn! y.ine, r. < >si H lay.; of Keen. Miss Lelie j i?- ii niiniiiii-iiudii 111 pnysieai siruc- i lu tlit* hluish white period of a s infamy the characteristic wiile of hydrogen gas predominate in spectrum. As the color changes, lines of calcium, magnesium and appear, the hydrogen lines graduhcconijng thinner and those of j ium broader. ltooklovcrs Muga- I V wv ixvj WHVi lAkl lilO business is Columbi need be no delay if a', are required. a, there Iterations V ? - ^ Come expecting fall garments till est laces and tl the verv to find generously immed with the fihe daintiest einbroi= ' carment you are Ton e.irrier tried a walk around hisjw: rouic last week str.d let toe till \ou I ha am act italic string haltered \cl trom hi it I dn Ti tliinSv I will tiy walking any mora fa Mrs. II. W. Haltiwai^er is very ill sv hill we hope to see her nut attain real soon* h Mr. (J. M. Adams is confined to his | ss (> !'' m;ir 11 i >si pipuiar Kil ls ( ( is *1 ionds who wisli her a Mi V I l: ml who has Ikumi suf- whi? riiii ?aeeinatt*(l arm is aU>ut of tl 1 man Mr. Hi^Wiuolcr cftiulTncy visiter <u?i n M r. 'ofer was la*n* a few (lay? i 11 ls rami- ill >UIII. e sUin grafting experiments which !"\^ 1 t en - .1 successful of rcecut years | J led to a new form of livelihood, h i . fairly remunerative. Several ie London hospitals have un their s the names ami addresses of y men and women who have unlUen to sell portions of their eutiivlicnevcr the necessity arises, and t lint quite a regular traffic Is 1 n't Forget the C TUESD/ ^ rx w A * >ate: ^Y, r . ? jt VIV? -? looking for at lo ever thought po You'll not be < * vver prices than you ssiblc== dissapointecl. i 1?.? I wit h la grippe. w(> wish for you I j Mi". A dams a speedy recovery. GENERAL NEWS. Former Mayor Met'tic of ('harlot res- ' ville Ya. was handed last Friday ? morning at 1 At; for the murder < f his; wi e. lie I ft a confession with his ' I r^H III \V no on i>y?.T ss < Mr . (joss paid Halcsljurn a mo last wook. iiuiin Our t m last week for tat?'S*ai^H Mr Kiritf I>avid, have \01 In wflHostcr, I'a a nnti \%as sou- 1 i-ncrd ro;i \ i-a: s in t l,r pt'iiil gg niaii notug <1 >ne in lno inlying and soil B ^ I of liuinnti skin. The persons who 1 I willing to snoiitloo thoir liesh for oy nro hy no moans confined to the and destitute olas-. London Mail. 'l'lir I'oKtnl I II i41 iia o tirst stop toward the formation ho postal union, which has had widu results, oaine front t!ory in the shape of a proposal for an cdkUAKY 1905. 21st, Extra g coJ quality, Umorena sr.aoc, ; ruf.'Ie, 1 inch Torchon Lace n; 3 Tucks and Lace Mage; ir.d with strings. only 50c. | -11 i ii ini ;uivim.-i.hi 11111in), linn | ki I (1 his wife, l?ritijf coin pi lled to do < ' i he deed hy an evil power lie could n not o\ercome. | A 4 III!?? *< < oliiiiibux. Tl.o holier ill a < Miiimso Columbus was j first allowed hy scholars only in tin* flirt half of the last century. The i < '. i,?i ;^ Unit n Ttinhlliist priest in tlie I.I I < 1- K 111 >; >1 K 1 I I >V I I lUM I I.I' ;itns n^H In: 111:111 elaims that l.a< at 1 Lhe wo^B consented it would have conn I) in t -1 -s'vps toward mal riinom l1"' hi I tl^dnc considers this scotoma 1 IfoneRojd luijj is a stop j tow'ii flH t riinony it will bo bod h i some K South Carolina follcsto ro- furt| irn'i'H sli'ps for we are afraid inm tlni t^|ia\c stopped over with lt:i*i'>11:11 postal congress. This nu't tcrnc i.i 1st;;, when t\vei?t.v-t\vo I dries Joined tin* union, including Cjj whole ol Kurope. A second cons met in Paris in 1N7S. when ten r countries came in. and tlit* ottltitle. "International Postal I'nion," deiiliitely lixei. Its Spheli' was icr enlarged at congresses at l.isin iss.-, and at Vienna in lsnl. Si. Ep ^ A T T) A nrnr" n r stin, - i iiifn oidc'ry i!i ><1 ? i o. i; "??1 11 out wiii f?:i!'n*r \r / 1m : an l K .?> >; ; -i -.I H J? o\v ?i i-1? r.i ? ' r? KV > '^ >r 111*1 li century crossed tin' l'ariflc to this co!11incut 111ill returned, making a written report of his discovery. The report ' still exists. It was translated Into French in IT'.U hy M. i!c liuignes. It i pjivc a narrative of a voyage eastward ; i by a priest for HiUton li. where lie found I i a eonntry which he named I'usatig. I IV jple similar I > the Indians were dejl scribed. as we'.l as American plants. "" '1 !?<? HflllPl* 51 >4 i, '"'tffiSH!llu' ''"'n'sit?* < u111?*r was li imv las' i ' 1 I 5011 we 'a^Hm.4 nilcr some business in | man M M Imuran 1 of IVny was k?-ep' M llutto p..i:l our town a nnvv Tii** * t I ruction. in Mother My s I am afraid arc going i<> make a mistake in ying Miss letsyways. IVotli site her i i it her arc fearfully lax houseits. Sau | know* It, mother; that's caught inc. It's so comfortable there, \ c.i know. 1 can sit down : T} Q .! :c i the parlor without being X that I'm mussing things up! l>e DA 1 D5DUKU & CLOIHING A special line of Si illiut i CO. nits at $15.95 mm ". flAiinrcs. !(;\VS Of ll " i; It \mAi jric, wide I.awn / ^ cavy torchon in- [ t i,} I I I O UIII.V UII11IM illiliuv .... . I| to (ho distant n mount I?y The i J i pivo t may Imvc leaehed only soino Is 1 land in Iho I'aeilie Well Timed. j "Tlnst was a sermon yon preached this tnnriiiny." said tlio old churchwarden, "and it was well timed I to "Yes," rejoined the parson, with a i i .i> .in "i.n i >..? n lot | per, 1 A I'HACII BIDS klHLIIl) N Hh vic^^Hi * > v ; r I ^^Hij;c in t ic l?ruit licit. ^^ |{) 1(. ( ([ I'cacl i crowns \ II I IICIIV > Soul. i." said Tommy, opening tin* pa \\ Im sits <?n the sent of \v:ir?" > one." responded papa, "because cat of war generally has a tack " Haltimore Herald. i? great question is not so much Honey you have in your pocket sertion; 3 inch e.l^e brella shape; full wk Only i *?n h^torn 1 111" ! (locp siull. "I II >t ienI null." XnMeoil wlisitV" iiskc.l tin- pti/./.leil warden. k. "That several of tin? rou^ro^ation 3L I > ke.l at their wnlehes frequently." r.i iwered hi innit. with another ?h e;> a ;li. I.oimIon Telegraph. Vti I tipnril ?mtl>li* limit. I'i'.rjr < I oilman is tleatl. lie lias led , a most l.oaiitiful ami a eorreet life. 'ii^Hiuii reports it ;is bis opinion it lit of 11 if Klbrta buds 9 1 killed by t lie cold. lie tIces sninl the other stamiiil varte Clint' ii -H-flbft ii linrt. unless it is the llS? lie made Ibis statement s<' / made a careful examina- ri , ( B< \tensive orchard*. There s ><.u tmt la-i^e n;ii vou win iiuj with It Ituskin. 11111:111*1 great liflils. but cultivate I ones. Virgil. iu give tneir consent to Uio niur of I heir sons iiikI tlitnuliters nml milling more tUuii station them s near tin- eiiirnnce to the innr license bureau. There they will liml theiiiMolves accosted by souie ; tlenian" or "lady," who for a mod-1 WHITTEN CO The New it lUskurir. - D RY CIOOU MPANY. Vork Racket Store, - - - South Carol in }Wi I K or y body praises lilm. Fogg Hut, < . ifound liiii:. ho trumpc 1 my are oiire when wo were playing paitners at | W,,ht _* Sorry lie S|ioUr. t'allor What dil sister say when you tolil lii'r I was hero? Tommy :>li? said, "Oh, thunder!"- ltoscon Trav j ^ ?ler. I Dills ' IHVII Mill' i ! IT.lit ja|^Hi ( ln? i-rtiji sutfsrs 11 > furl I m* r tlif | ^^^ i siilTicii'iit buds le | ' insure a toil (T<>| of pcachc Jinni 1 li ><. s< a I I. joll!lj was in ;u i is! Is hi'i'iiiso (Id anion gft&liv cjns;iljra')!\ fart it ad (j1 . , Kgagaian other varieties, tiny be , u| |,, Js the liist to bloom. | llfly ' sum of money is willing to take iIiii-o of the absent parent, r I'm lei <- < 4? quite a respectable ng father can l?o hired. Fifteen paid for a brother, and a fash-1 >ly dressed mother costs the same in!. Investigation has disclosed act that some of these professionothers have figured at weddings j times a yeur. ?'