r ' * ) > T rop / v mr THE BATE8BPRO JPWjOA \ND f h INI -? Where is the fi tory. Also the I rst place to spend yoi >est place to buy on ti ir cash. Of course al ime. Why, because t ; The L. D. Cullurn Cc hey can supply your \ General Mdse. Fun vants, when your cas niture, Buggy and W h gives out, or if eith< hasn't already lo; See us sure, firs' anecl you money, see 1 t, last and all the tim< ;hem, they may do it, e, especially before b if you will secure the I uying your fertilisers. ) ; I m. ? . BATE TT"-- r agHMH?1S3M iSBURQ, f SSETi^SZ^" ^'TWTMTTfKniifflF^a'Saa V Pffl BATE m???? :SBURG, : ? '"- ^*-*^ > *&&& s. a !tt]M ' TASTELESS CASTOR O! ! SOUTHERN R. R. SCHE ^ DULE IN EFFECT . j JANUARY 9, 1915. j Atlanta, (la., January4, 11)0 FANCY FAMILY R B and ] w r: COLUMBIA r_ / GROCERIES. 11-r L). McKayI *JJ men Sf I I v*e *t i V*. f I M,n eland, cut off from tlie rest of the Id save for slow mails, to be linked tlier countries by means of wiretelegraphlc connection with the (land Islands. This is to follow Tj' action of the Icelandic l'arliait, at its last sessions in voting a rly suoside of *0,380 for 20 years for BlirtVKA. H Lorick & Lowranc wholesale & R< 'arm tools, 7agon and carriage ht QnrI dOPflc ;e, Inc., etail;. , I irdware, A form of C; tor Oil which c Schedule < hanges on the savana _ j Division, effective January'J, r.X)4. diS~ No. 13:5 Lv. Columbia 11:40a. r llatesbur/ 12 :50 p. n 3.H Trenton 1:38 p. i: Warrenville 2 :08 p. i Ar. AUGUSTA 2 :50 p. i V?, oft Ill Our stock is now complete, comprising trade. We invite the attention of carel useful articles, \sitli tlie assurance that ' entrusted to our care. 11. ,, Iiaisins. Currants, Citron, Orange & i Pine Annie & Orange Slices, and assorte u. 11 Flavoring Extracts, & Spices in full v; NU1 [everything necessary for the .ul housekeepers to a partial listfof T we can give satisfaction to an\ oilers l > )t I Lemon Peel: Crystalizcd Chcrfiles ' d Crystalized Fruits. / 'u,c r bec< iriety, and of choicest brands. I ' I U*r lb. | teir ..... jl ? F he cinaniuui of F. Giescl is a hy-" *hetical ranio-active element supid to be allied to lanthanum. It ? irs bottles violet, causes paper to { jme brown and crumble and reachts greatest activity in a month af- VJ precipitation from solution. At- f >pts to isolate it from lanthanum v V/i. UlXlLiVl KJ U1XU kXVV/VAUj 'oultry and stock sup} H. C. chicken food, nsect powders and liqv lermozons, )yster shells, Dlies, lids, be given to childi with as pleasant taste as cam GT1 Lv. 1 :l,!> P- ' Trenton 1 : ? { p. r A r. A I K I- N 2 :20 p. i a No-,:u Lv. Ail just ;i 2 :55 p. i \\ ai H'iix il'.e 4 :27 p. i q *t i<*iit oii r? :o? p. t I ntestiiir/ ft :44 p. i ii. Almonds, Walnuts, Pecans. Filberts a n" Evaporated Apples, Apricots, and Pea n- Sun 1 ried Figs. Pickle*, Sauces, Catsup?, & condiment Apples, Orange, l'annnas & drapes ii n- High grade Teas & Co!Tees our special n Keep us nd Brazils all Choice New Slt&ck. y,-e ichos, with nicest quality of La^J>rar.d ^JUS I she s of highest grade. I l,y ) season. I ion ty. in mind. titrations are being made. ^ ?es Moines has one thoroughly yiness woman. In suing for divorce _?" claims as alimony the money won her husband in a suit over the al TJ at ion of her affections. It is small -?ndcr that he held the alTections of -r:ha spouse at aliigli ligurc. J_ Jape cure, 'ratt's poultry and sto ]gg makers, jice killing powder, VI ck food, i > ( This does aw with the unple ?^ ~ i->-v 4-' /-io I .\ I . 1 I M it * I#, i '? . ?A/ !' I No. 2:11 ay Lv. AiUcn 4 :13 p. Trenton 5 : :20 p. 1 as- no- >? Lv. Columbia " :00 a. Uatesburg 6 :;*> a. i- AH Treuton. VVarrenville and Aug! Telephone No. 57. 1,1* m. in. I:: Lack of IIS R. B. & D. VcKay J da 1 ha Enerj?'! 5 \ ^OIU, /\ ^OU^II -WWII3UIIIIUH. t \ brief told history but true, Kyle's Cough Elixir will prevent this O ppcning to you. It will check t tie gross of a coid at once prevent the -r igh becoming deep seated and thus 1 rdsoU consumption. The modern nntirto 1- I. Ill? ?-- T - . ftv-? ??!. ? umi 1 use throat and lung diseases, and it., i t imiil-itimr nn/1 tunb* ilfTiU'tc X >neep uip, !5 Lb. pails Lee's hog Vorm powders, 3one cutters, remedy, umiiebs ui ccts wF t ration to childr< LUI , ta - saruo ;is now. No. 7 -jq Columbia, Warrenvilloand Augi i ta - same as now. m "pugg f I r,V. Pgrrn m ^ | Ar. BalesburK 8 :55 p. ! Murray's Icon Mix;uie contains t uine Blood Tonic?a remedy that digestion, increases appetite and n. Is not a temporary stimulant. T1 HI he elements that makes it^Hea- tp makes ric'\ red l>)ood^^^H>\\s >.'.U>;;1 es slienilLLi-a^ u\ ie good in dose It3 tllllllUlULilib Ull\> kviiiv ^vv?? _ on the "espirutory organs helps na * rc speedily restore these ,rn? t> r?b.i;t health, Timmons l*at- 11 ^ouitry wire, iN\HSK A \ COLUMBIA, S: C. A u 1 >Pe For Sale by Timmon's Bro< Batesburjr, S No 130 Augusta and Columbia - same; now. j Pass Trenton 9 :25 p. t " llatesburg 10 :35 p. n No. 8 (Columbia & Augusta) . C. ?No. Change ? The Itev linht .1 I'urilol f nV ? ? > cedent for pale, emaciated, bloodl as to.lie for those recovering from sit n* prevent and overcome the lassituc down'' feeling, so prevalent in th meets with the approval and conn where. ea ess poople, and as a recup^^BP^^ 0r kness. Unequalled as a^^Bic to wa , , **3 oL, le, tired, exausted and Hun- g(j e spring. A combine'ioiiMhat les; uendation of physicians eplrvma the ...wit i) 13 not been an|thnt! S3' task is demonstrated by the fate J key d? l'uiladi Ipiiia Iceboat No. 3, which work s caught in an ice pack at tne mouth Exclu the Dele ware Bay, olT Lewes, early nday morning, ami drifted help- Wrfti sly upon the wreck of a submerged paper ge. The thirty-one men onboard postal de their escape with ditllculty, but pes (ti s iceboat was ground to pieces and fHrwriter on**raters do you realize if you are roti art doing e ver twice as inucli writing as epression Iijjl?ernd only one-hi.Sf timt of and greater speed) Write for Catalogue ai give Uammord J j Feat una. j ng on iry width wa" m ''e"r ') No It* tiding of \ta?A. ?Aev lers I time to '-"W? n..i- * ? using other than a HanJtu.?n<1 S (Hammond R other machines, hence less H| nil learn. H F.xc'usive Qaaromond Features: L Instantly interchange- jffl u, nblo t vi a ( tnv style, jj. inly In n mi v e: i.'rcek, ^ Hebrew. et. t lt?--i? Calendars and Almanacs. (?>]iio State Journal.] The meanest man in town is tlx who persists in reminding you spring doesn't really begin until M 21, or some such date. He is cut wrong about il and urobablv isdis grcgation at I-os Angeles, Cal., 1); rented the Hazard l'avilion in tin city for a year. It is the largest ha in Los Angeles, and has herctofo been used for prize-l'glits. 2 one that hireh llenry Morris, an Englishman \vl irely has given inueh attention to the su guis- iect of < aneer. rcwnllv .-n 11? ?1 - > t r. PRICE 2.">c. Guaranteed Satiifactory 1 41 Prepar ill The Murray D Columbia, Soi 10 1COV Stores, in i An r9 H liav< my ' L'OUl ered by a mountain of ice brought with by the flood tide. Paltiinore manen icrican. nffecte N ID^LTRUTbaN D. paper p a p e 3h, yes," said, according to Puck, Only s Dolly Yassaguri, "of course 1 The i a my ideals as to the kind of man a,,d 9.OIi future husband must be. Of 6,a>'< 'Hi* ho ? - - r straightening. (No letters diagonally w typewriter which will do as pretty work w Hammond has all of the good points of a'l o tie good points which they hav'nt. orders fo?* supplies for all machines imp Rp?oe (iKfiul ii)>- u|n* lai* Automatic ffjgBH 'IU|I-I'>.I,.pi ((.?i 11 t tli" rjr panto for I ir >t i?r l>ar l ^ ^ stroke of ke?*. r^sularitv anil ii" an.-** of work.) Anioitiaiic ritleti I lien olil so* w lirti i ?-?? , titer t j p^wi i le>a < omb n*-il J o&agent for some scientific aln - concern. Spring begins one sc after midnight <>f February 2S. Weather Bureau which, is perf reliable in its prophecies of what happened in the past, has some i esting statistice on tile in otic of it drawers. In the 10 years preci 19 ).*>, the coldest day of the season i t.^r.tt I.. *1 I.V.l - -S; .. 4 lanac Hon to the pernicious influence oft I icona clay nipc ami the decayed tooth The causing cancerous growths. ectly has nter Two iron railway bridges over tl stop Dyle in Pelg'um are to be built at M ding lines at an est imated cost of *72.Ml lever and tllt.nOO arc to be expended for tl GET OUR F nGuano an )RICES OB ? cT ll if Aril r lit illjWi wa^s l?c strong and handc but not at all struck on himself lustalso be shrewd and practical, poetical and artistic withal: lie t be able to make lots of money, !k> generous and unseltlsh, and sing ' r and be a deep thinker, and per- t/ \ y straightforward and truthful I Wt a political leader; lie must be althoughtful of the rightsof -? ? w o\/i iv, i in Decania D( Gen. Agt, N. & * on't for a I J. )\vling, S. Carolina. Columbia, S. C. ^ Hinutf? I.IUiVli Idll'l I IlilM r IMII HUM .'ir IVt 1 the mercury leiched its lowest \ iu January: four limes in Pebruar; ? once in December. Of the Febi records, two were muleearlier ir in)alb than this present date, chances are that we have expcric the coldest day of this winter, almanac agent may say that figures proves nothing with respe j 11ii's irouworKSOl me upper part of a ean joint bridge at Bruges. y and J v uary i the ltengal-Ragpur Railway Cm *')e pany ofllcc Gresham House, Old Itroi meed strr(.(. London. England will build ' '10 railroad line to connect the coal tlel these |n pench Valley with the Statu Ct t (> \ f* \ | itnl vv n ri r?n T?~ : i al ? We Handle a id n t Virginia=Carol Full Line of I g ina CherrBal iS:' W V??vl3 )wm u racing automobile, and he , never touch liquor and be a >ugh yachtsman. 1 want him to iKr to the clubs and societies, to be n amongst men and always be nights; and he must swear lie I 1 me for myself alone, and never 'oolisb: in fact, he must be my ul and spiritual attlnity, and no | nor " think of getting along this Summer without a pair of UTING SI" IOES. 1 the time of spring's arrival. The who, knocking that t he worst Is still seeks to defer hope of the b< not worth listening to. not the i nae's as long as we can. In Tmibridgc Wells, Kngland a read in his Bible the passage: ......... . it vii vuc ? .11 [Mii.i n?in?ii man j I lie estimated cost is $1, (?52, ;">0i nip over, ( 535,248). sst is I ill tea- ! The hairpins come, from Painswio a village in the Stroud Valley, En land. There Is the greatest liairi man factory in I he world. Strangely 'And notiph, this factory employs nnlv t hri V. Com pan k. Armour ] kin e H> ?? y? ;,nd I *sz Fertilizers? p'3 > ministry for industries and ; work at Santiago, Chili, has od a concession for the building lilroad from Parral Conquenes iYlCll cum and a branch road to nie. 4 Of course you I meantime you your shoes. M? vass or Linen iV and women's, $1.50 Misses' an mow in the are saving ade in Canlesh. >. i d Childrpnc if thy ritfht hand nfTend thee c oil," and at once wont into his ; took a clever and eh < | j cd his .hand olT. lit it,; hundred persons, the machinery list yard, ? hcing automatic and requiring hi rij.|)(little attention as it grinds miles i wire into tons of hairpins. Q I (1 "r VV. P. ROOF, = = REAT I fx rant* of a ra Vailed use on entry. r vv.unioian government lias :(1 a concession for the building > .ilway line from Uio llacha to j upar, Construction materials L-. i t his road will be granted free | "PPOSl T I ^ M ** T. A. BOY te Postoffice. Mail Columbia* S. C. m V/l ' O ) NE, Orders Solicited E Commencing I cles at actual co +u ? 1AA r\ 111 r /\4 reb. 1st. and running st. I am doing this t 1 *11 to March 1st. 1905. ;o make room for my "1 " I am going to? spec spring line, will 1 t i U 1> tial prices in my Dry ( De the largest and bes -Toods department an< f~. 53 CCJAvf w\ /\%% i. T 1 J some arti . ... anu win guarantee everv sale made to Lk J. J. RAW J as represent rL. Bate*!.-, ? >. C. ~ -^wacnii nave - - - \ i.r \