The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, December 02, 1904, Image 9

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AT \ you want to let i whole life before As to men and you satisfaction There is but li Thomas Aug fireflt A \S Porch an 4 feet ionf?, made ni h ir.l wood an regular juice |1.50 each. W? Oilier Good Mat- d'') no <? iresxs at 47^?VO, Sample Br at sweeping reduction?. in wide riylts. Prices for brass ran^t Iro iKON KEDS. variety of colors some trimmed ivitb Twe nty-F r\n It or M nlwiotill V Finish regular price, $3.00; sale price ... Eighteen Itifii Hwnn Polish in English 'hit Ro?'ker for a present, worth $ price 25C Wl Size f xfl feet, all colors, clotli n.on rollers, fixtures complete, worto i Do You VN Then net the hest nialtrens ?? j eat aomina. A curled hair uiattrehs weight 40 pounds, put up only in rice, $:???; saie price SOME G *2U rolls Japanese Matting*.carp per yard, our sale price, 18c. \ari SAMPLE PICTURES. Choic cent, oil. $1 pictures for 18c. ? ai shell. $5 pictures for $2.f>0 ICE BOXES, 25 pounds ice rap REFRIGERATOR SALE. Its Cloanable and Sanitary Refrigera AX MINSTER BUGS. Just a parlor rug made. $!t.50 Rugs for REMEMBER we are closing oi B Wait a minu to us by our bu li you catch men, or our mil Oh! D slip one chance in a tt Why! we have THI boys clothes, we just in every way. ittle doubt you will ta ? 2A1W i > // 4 4 V > >>*>>>#>>>>> < W * * > > & Barton, usta, Ga. alteration ale id Lawn Setts, (l varnish finish. The nnnfl w ill close them out at /Ov? CclCllj 4.00, $6.50; $8.50; $12 ass and Iron Beds m ""/.!! $16.50 to $5 patterns, ? :? ???#- i r?^r in white and brass, excellent values, ft >i'> to f20 :ive Fncy kctki s. Parlor Rocksrs. : ?>r Mahejmnv, Saddle or Cobbler Scats, just 3.98 each. indow Sh d s, ml-d oh rood sprii-K "J Crr o?r? I-* DOc. eo'-ti, will sell for wtlvll f ^ant to Sleep Cool? th. onethat will last a lifetime and cure in, made ot SoU'h American hair drawings, hi-st A. C. A . ticking. Jtejjular Q5 00D THING. >et patterns, the kind sold everywhere at ?Go 1. e assortment of beautiful subjects, r>0 pe uh. $2 pictures for $1 each. $3 pictures fo each. aeity, pettinp hot and you need one of the Leonar tors at ft w left ir. bt autifiii i rtti ins, the prettier ^6 50 Kups f??* ,P5. it Art bquaits. 'i bis n ?mis a saving of 1-hal e Sure te. While you are reac yer who is in the New Our Dm W VI A V J sight of our new cloalllinery goods, or our r Whitl >???????????? ? 05 *v ' on t a lousand to buy cheai 3 NEW HOME Sewii cannot be beaten b? .ke some of our fine j 5. F. . y, \ yyy^y; / / j / > ///>> a > * * v>w> j4 s j7s. Thctioud Old Summer Time. In the i;ood old summer time, when ; hycicles throng tlic thoroughfares, and ' farm animals and roadsters are a'l t kept busy, accidents to man and beast a:c iit-'jiM-m occurence. biiiuu s [ Emulsified Oil Liniment U the most i: ervieeablii accident and emergency li i .iiMit in use. It ielievesquickly and lie ils speed i'y cuts,contusions, bruises I etc Vou get one-half pinl ! you get your money buck ir not satis' tied. .1. I>. Timmons. EIRE IN BATESBURG. (>n Thuisda \ night at about 'io'cljck a lire b"okc out in t Ire ware rooms of the Hatesburgdinnery. The manager I Mr. .1. W. Stribling was awakened ! from his sleep by a burning rafter ! f?il{njj- near his bedside lie was the jtiiily oepupaut f,f |lie building. Before I be had lime to even gather up his j clothes a number of p'stol cartridge* which lie bud in Ids room commenced to go olT. Ills exit by wuy of the door was entirely cut olT and seeing lids lie ' made his way to a side door, which lie i had to force by main strength not havI ing anything to break it open will). ! The building itcing a frame structuie burned v ry quickly an i the flames soon cot lii'ingd all thp contents which consisted of about $1500. worth qf pot' ton seed, cotton seed hulls and cotton seed meal. A freight car was Islanding on the side track be?|dc the .1 buiiding about half loaded w ith seed, Ibis was also burnt. Mr Striblinglost .everything ho bid including w aring I apparel. lie had to walk a distance of a quarter of a mile to the Cullum I H 'h'1 in his undcrsldrt and a pair i f ' ul 1 ,.v .. I. j!!s. barefooted. 'Ill - building was insured but the contents were n >t. Fight Will lie Ji tter. Tlu) .e wlio will persist In closing their ears against the continual recommendation of l?r. King's New Discovery for Consumption, will have a long and ! bitter light with their troubles, if not ended earlier by fatal termination. Head what T. It. Beall of Bcall, Miss |?pa tpspy; '"Last fall my wife had ever* symptom or cunuijinpllon- Slip took Dr. King's New Discovery after everything else had failed, improvement came at once and four bottle**-!)tirely cured iter." (iuaranteed by <>. .1 iiarris. Batesburg Drug Co., I Timinons Bros., . rosson Drug Co. of j I'rice -Vtc, and $l.oo Trial ; bd* ties frcfi. SHOOTING IN EDGEFIELD COUNTY. On last Saturday Kufus Kemp shot land killed Jolin Harris. The shooting occurred in Kdgc field county and about I 12 feet from the Saluda County line. ? The coroners verdict was that Harris came to his death front a gun shot j wound at the hands ol Hiifr.s Kemp. (Both parties an* colored. Kemp is said to be a half willed negro. And R( iL AAA ? 1 \. ling you might see 1" 'York markets expiv partments I __ __1 1 1 J 1 LS, SKI1TS, SK11X gOOClf nens or boys clothing A Fu! ten's 1 THE BATBBBURfl ADVQl Read per better and finer g ig Machines THE I / anybody. If you ( groceries away with Perry * > v> ? > > 7 d J J J J J > > >'> X j > d' J d d > . . Ad. ! OFFERS BiBLE FOR TOBACCO. A Chicago grocery man tells !' a seedy looking individual, with the ap- 1 pcaiance of better days in Ids picmoiy a who came, into the grocery, and in t in- n accent of the old South, asked for 't a package of smoking t-hacco Tliis (l was refused.?The old man, w I.<? wore v | an ancient silk hat and a long frock ' j coat, turned about with a sigh, but ' i returned shortly with a pained look and a copy of the b hie. "My name is Rush, suh?" " You look it,the grocer intcr'.ect??d. "I am a hrntlu-r. soli, of ?;i>n 11list, of MiRs'ippi. sub. and not in the habit of making propositions of this kind. sub. But if you will take tiii* i book, suli, as n pledge, and trust nie < for tire smoking material, suli. I 1 j pledge ynp the )ionah of a Rust'suh' c that 1 will redeem it in a very few1 I days." I And yet the grocer refused to ra?'t 1 ; with the Inoxlous weed.' I Again tiie old man turned away ar.d with a sigh remarked: t "Well, suli, if you won't take iry word nor tlie word of tied, either. 1 ?i presume tliat it isbc*t to close these negotiations. (Joed day, sub: gouc ! I day." 1 , "That was too much for i ven ah hard hearted a man its I am," said tli > I grocer. "I called the old gentleman < back and made him irappy with u package of tli ? host tobacco, and 1 didn't I ! keep Ills Bible either."?Exchange. i Nervous I); spepsia Cured by Rydale's Stomach Tablets. 1 | Mr. K E .! in s. buyer for Barker & . Bi: is"', whoso large department Stores i , aie located at &th and ivnn. Ate. . Washington. I) C., w rites, under date : of April 14, 't4, as follows- Last Febu' ary, one year, while in New York n | ! business foi my iiouse, I caught a ser-j j vere cold, which laid me up for sevoj rai weeks and left me weak and nervous. 1 had little or no appet ite, and ( I my digestion was very poor. My phv* j siciuns could not get at tiie cause of my j trouble, gs my digestion scorned so ' much impaired. 1 decided to try ltyI dale's Stomach Tablets, being assur.'d ; by a friend, t hey were a good dyspepsia medicine. Alter using them for a few ( days, i began to realize that I was I getting better. I gave up the doctor's prescription and have gained 2o pounds > ! w hile using two boxes of these tablets. I { never felt better in my life, and ao| credit Rydale's Stomach Tablets with j having cured me. 1 can recommend: jthein meat heartily, to sufferers from nerxous indigestion and general run- . down conditions of the system. J. Ik, j Tlannons. \ Subscribe for Tiie Advocate now atnl get one of the best weekly'* in tin siat". ad Our lere something that } 33sing us goods as h 1 HA All I) ni iic illl DDI 5, waistings, trimmin > you will not be sal I Line of Mo!id BArav * __ This' I I joods for less money BEST IN THE > loubt our word, com you for Christmas. A Frightened Horse, funning like n. ! d iwi the Mivit lumping the (t cwpauts. pr =' hundred ! her accident s, are ov< ry day re.air- . cue* s I? lichoiivo: evei\b*?*]y to have reli ib!c Salve hainh an I tie ro's iv i " (JA is goo:! as 1 tuck ten's Arnica Si'v . ( . turns,.('nts. Sores. jBczetna and files. . Isappear quickly under its : Iii? , !T?ct. 2~jC at <) .J 11erlis. fates! >ruir Co.. Tlinnn lis Pie,. Cisss :? . - - - I It rnif Co. of Let'svilio. u t THE TRUTHFUL FISHERMAN. ar The late Senator tjuny. Ii 1 m>ol I a treat fisherman, enjoy telling 'S1 if llie tail stories recounted hy the hi st Virginia at. hrs;.:enu ' >iiu:s -; f Cheat rivevOne day ? i .iri't'r t'r< in Maryland, ! ti search of sport, asked one of the na- ?rj Ives wis thor t! wasanj;good fishng in the t ieh. 'None better anywhere." w..s 'he % cply of t lie man. ' What ! i' <1 of fish l.a\e y u I : [bouts?" asked the Strang'. r. "Oh, most all kinds." a? ' J hope there are some game fish t< nt }C had," continued the man from u| darytan i. "Tell me,' 'said 1 l>\h . <1 vas the weight of the largest tish joii nt vcv caught in thisrogu u " la " Wtdi, sir." vcspora'.v rhc V? Vy' \" i r- t". rlnlan, ,4\ve don't r.evt i t ike n< w< i.l. n' machines with us wh?n we fish, so al I wouldn't 'ike t'? . :\ . h ' :.ii n s? u: na . just how much that las' trout of tv nine did weigh. Hut, M .nuyr. I ron't ai nind tellln' you that when 1 pulled that lish out of tie water t! river,*-* *ent down a loot " Mart land J urn- 1,1 il. vi QREAT ANU/ S c Mont Consisting of GiasswTuc. Crc zests &c. We have had this sale the ~ach year brings larger c?*o\ ime than ever before. t* f i he ;ou need. We 1 eve e selects them. nrf I) A Y\i A i llg ilCpiUi 1 gs, rugs, carpets in t tisfied until you ' iosc lav Goods. V Unless U ". v,V^- i; than you have ev< .VORLD. e and see for yourJ any QUICKSANDS. Quicksands? That is moving or liyu.d? is ordinary sand so saturat- ca with water that it will not liearany fe r -table weight. Sand that is dry vrj r.oi very wet becomes on being pics- j ru i closely compact and less yielding tn t where there is sufficient water at i v. it it it to keep ti e grains apart ' en i.tiL < > h and yields to any 1 ight. da Quicksands, then, are sands fromjth deli the water is not drained away, se her because a constant current pas-' hi - through them or because there is a 1 A nsesub&tru uinof clay or rock. They .on e commonly found near tIre mouths i pa large rivers or where there are j l ings or on Hat beaches. lit Probably those who fall into quick- bi nils would not be engulfed if they or pt quite quiet. As soon as the sand fu a-. Oe'l their chin they would be sup- of ' rti-d rather more than if they were i T I ordinary water, owing to the great- {at mil y ol the mixture of sand and di r . iiich constitute* a quicksand. al X'-hange. _____ 0> Revolution Imminent. m ,\ sure sign of approaching revolt 1 serious trouble in your system is ; rvousness. sleeplessness, or stomach " vis. Electric Bitters will quickly snwraiicr the troublesome causes. It r rai :s to tone the stomach, regu-J^ t t.ho Kidney* am! Bowc-lf., sUmui?i? ie 1 -iver, and clarify tlie blood, llun n systems ItcneQt particularly and 1 the usual attending aches vanish ij d r its. searching and thorough effect- y\ eness. Electric Bitters is only ">0c, w t ' at is vnone i it it don't give per- yi ,t sutistaction. Guaranteed by L .J. Harris. Batesburg DrugCo.,Tim- ir ons Bros., Crosson Drug Go. of Lees- ^ le. a VL SALE. md 10 C day December, 7 ckerv. Toys, Towels, Hand first Monday in December \us. We propose to give \ E. V. Cuiium C xt Wee goods coming by e: islied. ttings. neckwear fo :ss them. Come in am Store. \y \\x v\ xvxitxv ' jiWY - >*: ?* */j / // 7* j 7}, vTsTyy^ ~7n^Pr' - ' j;\ * *? ?r done in your _ self? we promise ?> GOING TO A FIRE IN CHINA. J was in Perkin," said an Amerin tourist, "when a fire broke out a w doors below the house in which I is lodging, and at the first alarm I shod out and into the burning strucre to sec what could be saved. I was once arrested, and later on diSCOVr./l I ti*> c*' " ? . ?..v v u.uvcK rnij ui iiKuiuiK u ure. "A policeman first required an aflivit of the head of the household to e effect that he did not deliberately t the blaze, and for this purpose took in before an official half a mile away second was stat ioned to see that no e removed any furniture until the .pers had been made out. Aftei a lapse of forty minutes the emeu arrived. They looked at tine lining house and decided that it was 1 lire. After much argument it was rther agreed that it would be a waste water to try to put out the flames, wo members, who erected a ladder idelimed part of the way up, were i!y reproved for too much zeal, and ter the name, age, and habits of the vner bad been taken the five department retired in good order. "As the Haines were unhindered the use burned to the ground, and when le owner returned he was beaten by is neighbors for endangering their operty. I was held in durance vile r two hours and then fined 40 cents" lirro ^ A Great Ruler. One of the greatest of rulers is the \er. It governs the human organism "lien the liver is out of order the hole system becomes diseased. Keep our liver healthy by using Rydale's iver Tablets. They cure all liver [ouble. They cure constipation, our money liack if they do not give tislpcticn. J. I). 1 iir.mons. ;ents 5. kerchiefs, Socks, Underfor the fast fcur >cars. fou bigger bargains thi Company x press daily, sent jm r both men and wo1 be convinced. f \