The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, December 02, 1904, Image 7

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Kfl? . 1 Aril j| Now, and ' roj We have a full ; vj plete line of < j(jjj both i?eavy and i jy Our Gsorg " i bonCaneSyt n rd" Ko C21H1 UUi either in fla1 purity. AX I JU~ ?LM?? II i wmammum . ' ?n i ?? ni PROFESSIONAL CARDS. K J. E'l 111-If KI CK I * E N T i ST . Leovillo, s> . C. OlMce nvt-r Austin"* store I. M. MliVIIKI I Physician am> ti;?c n. Pate*ln. r>r, M Olllr. Hour*: 8 to ii. :u. $ X {?. i:>. * i M ( .1 , I)R E K. II x IMHN. Physician am> ikukks Office at ' :? I e -In i r I ?r I'd i >];. ? S ? . I M > S . I M NTIST I >nle-lm t:, s. < > Hllce in IVI.'phoii IIi i i >>_r E I . A?RII I . Attorn k y- at- i.a \v. J.eesvilie, S. C. Will in all courts. Itusincss Suilt'iU'il, (? KO. 1>K| I. TlSIll J HM ASJ. tl. WM. Tiickmonp. TI1URMON I) A 'II M M I1KMAV, ATTOKSKV8-A I-I. V \* . Will practice in all tin* .Mato ami U S. I 'iiurtH. Office in' Hwilriing. l.cxiimIon, S, G. UJ- s). ? . ho.A'i w ivPiir1', i >I IS I. . * . (! Ollii-e i- Kamii *' I? ?imiin. ml It' ">r. I >K. TIIKO. ?. \'i l i KM.MTM rilY^IClAS ANI> >I'HUKON. I > l? s' I'l ^ . -.1 . T. B. KhKN A(ill AN, B/\N':K. BAYKAM1IRO, - S. C. ? A_ - y\ /T7 ^ r> ?r fhen Come H? inci coin- * groceries, ? ar Xmas I' Bug r_ir.-; J i ia Rib- Wa. up can passed /or or IDEAI .i 'if r V^?tS7 >* ;\ I)!!. 'V. 1\ T1 MMEUM AN, Olf?Ts Is>- prol??sssi.?n:il s?orvie?* t< tlit> pc 'plf <>i Pal sbnry umi vii'ini'j Olfif** over I lie N'almiiivl Hank. - can ?>c f?>< tut theri''in> >rntiiln. i:a i Ksiu i.<;. s. <; I). M. < KOSSON. M. 1> I'lIYSl' i ,\ vN? v Kfl K N I KF.S V i U.K. s. ' K. ! *. ST lit ' I'll I' I! \ \T I. AW " V i i: i:i :<;. s. ( . Don't Spank the boy bu\ BETTER SHOES. W ? know I. \> wcircnt sli( i's fas1 I hut is I ho reason we select the kin of leal 1 lit we use in our ltoys si toes. ) Here are shoes you can bank on wil last. "Advance" Vici A 1'ox calf l.oj shoes >i/' s !' to 1.". 1-2 >1 sizes J t > 1-2 -ri.::.. "I'ini l\no!'' Vici & 1 >ox Calf boys si <'.'s si/a's ! lo Id 1-2 >1.2") si/.es 1 h 5 l-_ >1...;. "Mohawk'' Satin Calf and Kangaro* I'.oxs shi es H to W 1-3 $1.00, I to % 1 $1 2"). (irain and \ eal calf shoes at 7ac. > "? and $1.00. (iet him a trootl oair foi ! Xmas. EHRLICH'S 1 164". Main St. iC!?7 .Main St. COLUMBIA, S. C. * _ T1 i Yo ere to Make iigh Grade. f you want a Tyson :gy we Have it, F you want an Old E GI FT For mother would be a i [Suck's Cook stove. For father a nice suit of clothes or a comfortable chair. For brother a fine pair cf shoes or hat. A Lounire or new dress or a handsome picture already framed for sister. In fact all our gifts are just such practical presents as we have named. You want no waste or rubbish. iieai/ITI IN SCLPHI U 15 ATI I I N(>. I The worl I's be?t renmdv for surface irritnt'on Ihsc.K'K's Li<>i*ii? st'i,rurr, Nit tiros 'iivavst (lerniicido, makes < he horn * hat h etpialto linest sulphur springs. ft causes t he skin to eliminate waste tissue, and so restores I soun I liealt h. At loadioif druuuists. I BooY ?\ describing many other cures, free, of Hancock Liqiii 1 Su'phur Co . Baltimore, M<1. TEACHING THE HORSE. ill I.earn Aiiylltiim i.i* 'luictoi On it IVrfurn:. ' , Expert horsem. n 1 e!',cve that a horse I can 1 ? taught to do nnytI.iirt tit: t it is p ?ss!l.|c for an animal s ? f t an 1 j to Ic utterly fearless. Thus we know of horses rushing Into battle with a fearlessness t'. : t is in.t^n'.f.ei t, al1 though ill the l>e;lnninvj of t! <* lives they may have been fniiishiy timid, ehyina: at everything unusual tliat happened to ho sis-n in their travels. In order to teach a horse featTessness be must l e accustomed to all sorts-of siul.ts atni sounds. lie must eoiae t<? know thut hecauso something that he sees or hears is unusual it does n >t fol1 low that it is harmful, for it is the tin| ustu 1 tilings that frighten hhn. 'I ha horse is an atiir.i >1 of ov.e i lea at a ( time and is not aide t > ii ite. s > f say t1 e men who have made > ..<iy of tie horse. While he v ill travel alum quietly close by the ro; r of a t: in. he may tremble at the Haiti : of a piece of loose papei li.> !nu i.i the win 1. It is not the fright;. :no s ;; obji t that seems to alar: hit, 1 at the : uftmil( larity <>i it. 11. . t: - :v that the mistakes . .!? !-i id-.u" nn.l training a eolt i. t 1* . t > often done in tin' se.-ln-' a of t >:.a . ?u:*.ry road instead < : am. 1 the >i.h's au-l Sounds that the animal must m-. e. sari ly become familiar v>'..!. !:i ' As si?i>u as tin- 1 i >rs" homines famili.'ir with anythin ; and ha < 1 el t> believe tl it it will n ! 1 uvt is .1 ; e will stiiml quietly or trot : i j 1 e fully. even though :il! sorts of n ? njul queer sights are : ! .:t him. '1!. . the artillery horse will -t..nd . ; t ' ro;ir of cannons. ; 1.. .1 the noise niiil 11 it knov .:ig th : tl s . 1 predicts anguish and tlratli. It is well to neons10111 a horse to iiiimi I m.'.s as soon us possible after I10 i; t ; . 1 for riding or driving. It renders hi in | safe and docile, even though ho be tt ' spirited animal. A oertain trainer of horses said Hint an ideal school for horses tvottld contain thrashing inaP clones, pile drivers, steam drills, electric. steam and elevated ears, a hand 1 of martial unislc and a gang of qnarrv i men blasting rock. A horse that was drilled among such a bedlam as this would Indeed prove immune to strange noises. The gentle fnniilv horse, netted ' by inn 11 and child. Is not always train| cd to all this. yet lie often makes a us* ful and faithful animal, loved 1>y his owner and evidently making some return of affection.- Detroit Tritui?-> SSwjF *~>t JE BATESBURG ADVOCAT 11 imp w 11 ii mil in hum i ii ur - ) Your Purchase insoect Our t and Jones Buggy we [ickory Wagon we ha U:JJNC k . :>.';V VV7 vV Buy Bed r,.om si Hat racks, Cli A very haj all kind > of f Lt I ! IMIMII1 III ~ - ' ? ' A Certain Cure fjr Croup. Yi'heii a elti'd allows synipti ins ol : croup there is no time lo experiment v will) new remedies, no matter bow highly they may he recommended s , Titer is one preparation canal- j. way's he depended upon. It lias beer. s in use for many years and has ncwr been known to fail. \ i/.: Chamber- , Iain's Cough Remedy. Mr. M. ! '. ( Cumpton of Market. Texas, >ays of it, , "I have used Oharnlvrlain's ( ugh ^ Remedy ?n severe eases of croup with j mv children, and can truthfully say i' . always gives prompt relief." For sa'o' -j bv Timnions Rros \ Crosson I>n:'? (' >. I (. _____ 3 \ nlur oi llout Int. iVm !., Routine is a blessed thing v. lien s ?me- i v thing happens to inline ti.?' drlv- I j ing power which keeps u. ; the ' * 1 courage, purpose and good ehoer l' give life present joy as wdi a., nav.n j ' Inir 11 k i :i MI 11-11' iim11 ^ ; . .. . *i . . sion or weariness that there is a path marked out ahead eueli day which men follow because it is then', that there is , tiiiiO which custom lias ?ct f >v them t ? , yet tip. t.? eat, to work, to re.-t, to read. j go to laaI again. They move along the | < rraiivc.s of habit and act all the hem-lit I of their inheritance and the!. oxperi- ' ence. The general may cjuit the lield for a time if lie ehones; the army < its inarehing plan and know- what is 1 expected of It. New York Mail. SI" LIMIT US UKADY All'. ' 1 IIavio. Ks ip st i.pit Na 1 t ttre's t i reatest (iei mic ie. eui s i , i. ; pimples, pr ekly lici t 1 ur < a 1 caiiixcl at til cm ut sc. a p. . . mouth, i.osc and throat. I He t - j . i ' remedy to have always in tie- in, cine cabinet. At leading dni) sts. Hancock Liquid Sulphur ? o.. iilore, Mil., sends descriptive Aaaiired <if It. Pcut 1st (who has pulled t! wrong toot In I -?? how I made il i 1 cousiti'?l il?" molars fini . i .< . list end of the fr >iit. You d i ' ' ' 1 have rut your wisdom teeth u urn; man. <iloaning 1'atient '! h it's r\ dent from the choice 1 in: do a dentist i 'liteago Tribune Jt?!inn> A\xi?? t.ooiV "I'm afraid, Johnny." - .1 tin- Sinday ?clio<?l learlier, rather -; !!>, "that. 1 shall never meet j 'ti i;t the l.? t < r v land." Why? What hare y <n been doln' Is now?" Pick Me Pp. I ilie ()|>i>ort ii ii II > "You must i:.;irk down your uue in tills liliuil; spare." sn! 1 tlie insur-iuce agent t ? the beautiful woman And she did. She marked It down 'from twenty-eight to twenty-two.? > l Cleveland lender. . I | When a bride i* helmr given -iv ay It , I is hard for lier to look self possessed.? 1 Philadelphia Tteeord. :'A \'"' E. , CM AS L ? /I . . .. r^ 9 JS. vur trices ioliday Goods, have it. If you wa ve it. li you want / Your Ho! and -iits. Wardrobes,, S'deboarc iairs, Bedsteads, Bed spring idsome stock of Lap Robes urnituret hat can be fount : ! Grip Quickiy Knocked Oul 4 Sonic wcik-s av;o durii.jf llic severe j rllit<-r weatlicr b >tb n>\ wife an?l my- 11 ft ' i ' I V. I 'i >1 1 - '? 1? ' ?!? i ? peedily dtv? .-i?i -i into 11 <* worst ; | li11'I of la j.r pi'-' w it h all its miserable j ivmptoms." sa\s Mr. J. S. Egdrslon of 1 Tuple Landing. Iowa. "Knees and uinls aehiny:. iiiUm li s -.ore. head stoptcil up. eves and nose running, with Itcrnate s|tells ci chills and fever Ye began tiling Chaudei a ill's ( ugh ieni'-'dy, aiding the same with a close ( if (..'numb ria n's Mciuach and l.iver ["ablets, and by its liliera! u soon mpleteiv kn eked uut the giip." Cliese Tablets pon.ole.i I.ea iiv ae ion oi tiie towels, liver at. 1 1 idnoys vhich isalw ivs b n fieul win n the vslcin is coii^t sled I?y a eol.i oi attaek if the jrip. For sale by '1 iminons tros. u r i< s-?on i n e ( . .Joint llricltl'it llctih , On one t v t .islon John I'.right received i letter from a very bad wr: er. to ivbieh be replied: Dear Sir Many tkenks for yotir letter , >f lb l-1!i li -t. 1 h.ivo no t V t tnat It U u v> :-y c I l? t:. r at. 1 that it ntains m.itler . > lnt-r --fair .is .i is mn- r- ; tant: but. b> the bye, if you shout l be in 1 town in tli rours.' of a f< \v <lii>- would . ion niin.l j:;-t so |.nir.- i ? r- .d..g it to me? V lurs l itiiiuli; j MN* BRI 11rr. j A W'nleb"* V n r in t ion. As to the sympathetic vm'irn's of , ' watches a rr. indent writes: " I dis- 1 poveretl - tiie years ago that it was the | ' metal ido of my braces that caused i i lit" irregularities f my own porta 111r 1 wr eli. 1 therefore now make a rule ( >f putting my spectacle eas on the In- ( : .-!< of my vi. l j .M-tvet. thus tilt ting off the iimv. i ?n." I.oiulm t'lironl 10. ' i Mutual Slip*. I Tom- What ti nle y ;i give me awav ' i t v ! >n 1 was : -Iling t!t t yarn at tiie J j 1 inner table? l>ick I didn't inenn to; " j \\ - onli a slip >f the tongue. Itnt \ Hint's no re. son why ymi s'a mi l have j . i ked i . i 1 r. '1 Tom < >h. I didn't I " nli t w.t ; < .1;, a slip of id e f > >t. Jnjrratlt: ie la n ; rtn of weakness. I II liave never kn vm a man of real ubil- ' to h?> ungra -fill ? tlu-the. . 1 ?? | i i he ke tl at t nlo ..- tiie Do r to | Long I. v in zThen-: of eighty- bvc and nim. t\ j1 rears of a ear.' not lie miu-d welli ed. but i . u, spare no n w bo 11 ve en ; 1 Jn.dcnl ' i. be us oni i ful .i . 1" will. 1 lovvever. a i inn past .piddle age, will evasion /y- . t t >o much of some irtie! e: food n it ited to lvis con i 11 ii i i n, , mi ? , i i'ih ,i 11 t>i J'mmlicrlaui's Mi';, ach and I.iver r?tLI<ts t ' c'eansc ?l imit' i j.te Ids ;tom:trli ; i <1 ? tru . o lu> liver and towels. Winn ties is done Micro N n> reasonv\|iv the average man sJiouid 101 li\?-t n 1 or sale 1> Timuops Urns. & Mrosscn Drug Co. % 5 are Fair and ii 1 i hi i??11 nt an Anchor ; an Auburn iday Goo? TV. T 1MOW. Is. Chiffoniers, Dining tal ^s, Mattresses and rugs al! of all colors and qualitit i in a first class Furnitur in H Hw Heart Flnttering. t'ndigest oil food and gas in t he stem-1 ich, located just below the heart, iresscs against it and causes heart palliation. When your heart troubles roil in that way take Ilerbine for a ew days. You will soon be all right. jOc. SoUl t?v ?>. .1. Harris. Too >lacli Many physicians now claim that the general lie: tli is hurt rather than benefited by athletics, that muncle building is not necessary to good health, that to bring about a perfectly train- ] ed condition has a severe effect on the nerves, that a built up muscle has a tendency to degenerate and that the heart, being n muscular organ, shares in this danger. .ltx?X u? With Her I'ntlirr. "Your daughter's music Is improving." said the professor, "but when she runs the scales I have to watcli her pretty closely." ".lust like her father." said Mrs:-Nuriti*h. "in- made his money in the grocery business."--Philadelphia Ledger. It is not tl.e intelligent man who rules, but intelligence: not the wise man, but wisdom.?Goethe. Coughing Spell Caused Death. * 11 artv Duckwcll, aged *J"> years hok d 10 death early yesterday morling at his home, in the presence of lis w fe and child. He contracted a .light cold a few days ago and paid j ml little attention to it. Yesterday norning lie was seized with a lit of j > liing which continued for some I iim-. His wife sent fur a physician but )et"<?re Ik could arrive, anot-Lweougl> ng spell caine on and Duckwell died roni suffocation.?St. Louis (ilober>cm vr t. Dec. J, litol." 15ailard's ilor hound Syrup would liavc saved i !!:. .'"e. *)0c and^J.oO. Sold bv < >. J. Harris. Lftal Kuiulnj on 'I lint Skip. "As a almost." said an old sea enptaiu. "1 he a me second mate of a Nova S- otia sailing vessel hound from Liverpo.?i to the provinces. It was on a Saturday that we left port, and the following morning the tug which had placed us to windward off llolyhead left us. "We were making ready for the trip ru-ross the north Atlantic, tut our minds were diverted from work l?y soeI: x the - kipper plneo a blackboard upon the break of the poop upon which was written "Sunday ' The skipper, a thorough typo of the seaman, called all bands aft. He said: 'I want you to know what Is on that board. For you fellows who can't read I will spoil it.' j Then doliherntelv lie snhl- 'S.n.t?.' . ' ? You understand it. don't you 7' Then 1 he iravo the word to throw the hoard into tho soa. Over it wont, and as it t<> >k the waves he said. 'You nil know that was Sunday, don't you':' 'Yes,' niwwered the men. 'Well,* he continued. 'that will he the last Sunday you will see on this ship.' And it was."? Baltimore Sun. Our S l ds Here I >lcs, Rocking chairs, H es. In fact any and I k'*- ' Are Your Lungs Weak? Does the cough, left by the 'grippeor the cold contracted during the win *?? ctin l,., -J -r? ? - iti.ou.. iiuiiK uii; ivyuaie s r.lixir Will cure your cough and heal your weak lungs. It kills the germs that cause chronic throat and lung disease and helps nature restore the weakened organs to health. Trial size 25c. Family size 50c. J. D. Timmons. Not n Bit Like a Cat. Lady Visitor?Your little girl seems to be very much taken with me, Mrs. Stepswell. Mrs. Stepswell?Yes, and she doesn't often take to strangers. You think Mrs. Klppur is real nice, don't you, Agnes? Agnes?You said she wa? a cat, mamma, but she doesn't look a bit like one.?Exchange. Partns Trial*. Gaggsby?Jones is very wealthy, but he says his life is full of trials. Waggsby ? Yes; that's what makes him wealthy. "IIow so?" "He's a lawyer."?Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. More Information Needed. Ward?What do you think of a man * who sells his vote? Street?Which side did he sell it to??Boston Transcript. An emergency Medicine. For sprains, bruises, burns, scalds and similar injuries, there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It soothes the wuuad and not only gives instant relief from pain, out causes the parts to heal in about one third the time iwnntn.ii k.. *i? . )U..VU UJ IIIC USUHl treatment. Sold by Timmons Bros. & Crosson l>rug. Co. A Natar*! Infrrrncf. They were discussing the couple in the next flat. The husband Is silent and reserved, while the wife is a gosBlp and the most Inveterate borrower. Food of nil kinds, articles of clothing, money nnd everything that Is capable of being borrowed she endeavors to get from the neighbors on one pretense or another. Some surprise was expressed vlint her husband should have chosen her as a partner for life when a little girl who was listening created considerable amusement by exclaiming: "Perhaps she borrowed him too."? New York Press. The Self Made DoiIdni. "Yes," said the egotistical person. *'l jmuuu or tuo fact that I nm a self made man; but, strange to say, I never have yet encountered a self made woman." "Oh, that's easily explained," rejoined the auburn haired lady. "One glance at a self made man is enough to di^ gust r woman with the self made bustCured Paralysis. W. S. I Sally, P. O. True, Texas, writes: "My wife had been suffering five years with paralysis in her arm. when 1 was persuaded to use Ballard's Snow Liniment, which cured her all right. 1 have also used it for old sires, frostbites and skin eruptions. It doe3 the work." 25e, soe, $1.0o. Sold by O. J. Harris.