'far Vw * * \ { "* batesbukgadvo lCA1 E1 TO WHOM IT T] MAY CONCERN. 3E BATESBIIRO, AHVQCA.TE. 1 Wl] LD BILL'S FIRST " . . J r?is> (.hriQT m hq Pvpcjp-ntc: EtiJkrorf at- the Batoeburgf, office Second Ciuas Mail N. Ro|ir? Bayly, Ed. and FRIDAY, DECEMBER c i If you owe i Mutter. ^ come in ands I Prop. able to pay, m ~ rangements. SI ?? you, I propose ii -1- - ' < lie anything' please ettle; or it you are unake satisfactory ar hould I noi hear from n the near future to For Ciioice Fasii skns> i "R R mwl a ily Groceries)^ and dro1 for Majc G sequent! OVCrl ?n< er qin 1 l TVf nivji i i . 1>JV bill, whose real name was I*0 SUll lickok, firsr cam \\>r;t In 1857. y q re an ox team on the plains , ?r& Rnss 11 in 1?. lie suh- of Cflilia ly engaged himself to the picture, rl Stace Company as stock tend- f . was pnt in charge of a new ition on R?ck Creek, near the egailt lit rllnc ol fancy St* superintendent. He tried n? , the McKandlas station: but plated DOLLS of every on from smallest size, watersetsi sets, toilet sets, nd brush sets, ltute clocks, gold card teceiver, Tjoesville Bank will soon t' Its doors fur business. * * Batcsburg bomb; liave bvc par value and the money *: in hand. Tim Knilrlinir nrnirroKQ h:id ope i M IB * -w va %, v/v/ v/i v? t ? / >,e you anything Tom you 1 vvili le papers. ence to accounts and FANCY may always be fo given lo hot n:a.: and leleph faction euaranlecd. Keep I Telephone No. -57. lamnir i und. Prompt attention uar bi barge. lone orders and satis- expert was not us in mind. iaiiy wi Kandla: In tlx and hi* R. B. & I). McKay, passed i nuns. Me built a new one smoking >\ putting young Iliekok In Up to that time be had never _ ' need trouble with any < ne and ing sets, likely to have irietion, espec books t tli the old station keeper, Mc- ' s, or his men. merits, jwln.crof lsinwil MeKandlas We C?ll nephew and four other men ^ I jy the station on horseback. sets, child toilet iving sets, writalbums, games, >ibles ani testin show you as eline of jewelry as impeded up to this timi weather. . * Look at the statement of last week and then cry out li if you dare. timis ! " r>^l |^Hn. 1st, 1904. J. HARRIS. % I1MQI !f)P Your Life in ance Comp SUBSET ' Orsr.nlzcd Policies issued upon iiealthv leading They ti: nock, take a f Lhesadc the Mutual Life Insur- ^ncl jcrl any of Newark, N. J. in 184 5. Assets Over him wa t!*0 O /\/\/\ rv /\ o list, nr an old man who was afoot any cit} id a rope around the old man's Que je\Vt iind occasionally they would \v turn< arou.id the horn of oest cjtl.l lie, make a run on the rope of Cliff b v the old man down and drag li the ground until he was nearly 1 * The only spite t hey had against gold and s that he was a North rn Meth . i>nclier If tt'll.l lllll ? ? ringS, ' jewelry store, dry is of the very lity and consists Littons, scarf pins pins and but ns, silver i %ve ies, idies and irent^ It will not be so very man fore Old Santa Claus will till side stockings. * Many new turnouts arc I on our streets of late. Do your best girl boys. b< the tiresee i.! forget IG9 ioe i. thing Co., I iOUTH CAROLINA. !I lives between ages of 14 and 70 years; ages below 21 being rated at r.ge 21. Policies issu $5oo to $5o,coo. Policies non\\r "if ^oo,uuu,uuu thing h< W&^tftE?BBB8BEBUB tto''<>r ai eel for any amount f-iom to mak< forfeitable after 2d year, secure t told yoi - the stoc be then 11 n When -?- T~M / /~>J e was an abolitionist and free WHtcEies id loyal to the United States, with elg Ickaudlas gang were planning - # . a raid on several stations to namcieil he stock and go south. Thej CuP.tlic ing llickok they would take Nuilliall :k. He replied that he would R ages are i they returned in the evening oranges, , 14k gold filled in, wait hum and movements, s of all kinds. \y's Xmas packbutes. Apples, raisins and nuts. Jiatesburg has one of the ephone systems that can structed. We venture there is none better in tire South. * * IMant hedges instead of bui tcicot ithe eti pens It's Furnishing Store betwoen Hs We carry anything to be this kirnl. i g a Specialty, jj | Our goods you will be conr.c while the entire stock is ?! . i: . ones c u T iv iJiucoessor to F. 1 U'M ^ IWO SIO JLLLfJ n thefr0r the hut told th( HT1X >HE wT..e?: but mis with a through W. Husemann! killed t ppea at me coral, two went to it and two to the back door of or cabin. The young man we Cilll ;m he would shoot the tirst one hflVC pri< >k down the bars of the corral, lder McKandlas tired at him, One. sed. llickok returned the lire rifle and shot McKaudlns j the heart. The next shotjd^OSSO he nephew, and t hey lv>th fell i efore buying, for please you, and ces to suit every n uj co., around your houses, they art the year and beautify your h Fences cost more and make look squatty. v t * * * President Roosevelt"s vis World's Fair, which was rej manv with serious anorehen all omestead. M|^^^H^HH^H^HH the house HH by fw'3 R HR ONRY THAN ^ | Clothing- Co. Pj Iding. Full Line ol sportin i Ithaca Hanrmerless g and many Holiday ; kinds. Repairing dor i rnm T Ati at. the f . at the r g goods supplies, from ? uns, ammunition ^''"'1 gifts of various le at short notice. I \;^0s~i -i -1 r>* r? i iv ront door. . .lust then the two ear door opened tire < Mie shot l double-barreled K'.in lodged iHgrown bueksl.ot info 11 icght side and breast, several of ^ itering it is lon^s. The men i?.? ? <1 stopped at the corrai eanie iienvni tssistaneeof tiioseat the house. A seienti was then in a hand to hand study of i it )i frni r ii.oii II.. L-sit../i 11..-.." illumine tit Leesville, S. C. ARTHQUAKES. o Account I'or TIickc rt>s of ifi?> Rart! '? f'rnNt. st who h:is ninth- ?t spocinl Milhtiunkt's s.iys: "I^ct us f? itlfhtv nl' tlirk ^>.1 . a most successful one. Tl Service- Men had but littl with cranks and other pei ainSjS want to see and spea president. , * NOW OR NEVER. -sons * -"" ^^^3B^^^BSSgMB||Jj J^^HH ious mam fct jTel^hone No. 276. i_ Columbia, b. O. oft.,c? l lie 1 u n< ? I Rive. (?( . 1 itkc l)r kind's New Life l'llls (Ml 1*1 >uv ov.t 11111/ (HIV tiros formed in the earth's ruining in! > contact Willi I tor il would instantly In: to gaseous stoaui, expand tlian IS.ikhi times Its oiini'lils would press with euurupward upon the crust i'Wiiiti upon (he sillliquid mvii. if there were it for the lava to escape an .......i t ?" With this edition we an out 5000 copies of the A(lvo? 2000 of these papers go to t are not subscribers, but ni names have been carefully from the ledgers of Merchan business within a radius of tl: of Batesburg, and men Qf C( > sending' .'ho i(^nHan iiT.mereki! ^^B^^WkB^^^BBBBMB HRiSTMAS PRESENTS we are wholesale anc TTT 1 1 T "> 1 retell dealers in A r\i , m ,< .pcpsiu, Dizziness. Headache, There ar r Howei troubles. Tliey are tfcn- which lwv< thorough. i'lfat (> .I. Harris. Davv, whi irg Drug Co., Timinoiis llros.. ' tuetiilhe l>a i Drug Co. of Leesville. p(?iicelv< 3TABLE WEDDING I ilei uiMtiit.l j r ORANGEBURG. .a,. na/.i..l i I... 4 v I .... | OUII . 0 other ingenious theories 1 weight. such ;ts that .if ' wlu-ii ho discovered the sos of the earths and nlkx"d that water may peue< liictals if they exist unin an mioxidized state an I stillicient gaseous matter to rthquakc. Shrinkage of the d is a!so t'? l.e taken into standing in their respective nities; for*this reason we set paper as an invitation to subscriber and at the same you personally inspect the columns and judge for 3011 the paper is not worth fully as any weekly published In t com mi-. ^ nHH irselvcs ii as much ;lie Starf dw is the time to ready l'or Christ . The early buyers the choice of the suuclc, and on payment of part of the price vs 'v.ill holcl anv art.i n ^ window and J All kinc Bui] ding and Gnu Investigate the great fiate trlass. ,, WlUcot Is of of t lio t\VC imental Glass.. ^ , brides 1 advantage of our ; and IJe pv\ itv* iv in** U VI liTclll!. ) j 4IV* M;w'' narriak'e of Miss Fiorcnee I5ull? | MM gg k to l)r. Lewis Milton Miteli-ll jBHSB fci inty thlrd at the First l'resby- m .'hureh wasquitca socialevent. remony was peifom.eil l v tin "t t??vo ?u??i >? i ?? . Ono year ??f> In irotnrr Uov. riank \* ilJcock. f*?rmu*ttpnti.?i .... lt .. ?.? *" * P"?.1 " KKI> kS assisted bv Rev. .1. L. >ic*L'- i?im\v"i int \ r.-i'i P".** f"r thirty-p|* years, i l',, i . I ^?",WlMCMr.nu 7, V< ?*'?k I noticed to oi south Carolina. Theoffe on another page of this issue plains itself and breaks all 1 anyt hing that has ever been Southern Weekly Journalisn the subscription price is c But like every other busin< prise, we have a motive, and rvtemak Pacific Life of California is fully ex ecords o issuing .just such a Policy that donc 51 , i everybody?Ifayou live we pay vc 1 as fa r a^ lonccrned. you become disabled from accident >ss enter ... . anv kind we pay you Or illness o that is ti * 1 * J i Tor you until wanted . now suits Cur stock will be u, if found unusually lull of .s of good things, we handle r&ny only good reliable a" - I' A J ? Moores's Pl eoioi >J rl^ | was art ^ I and sin % I k-5 M s. man, M ' AI ford ! j chorus ire House r*Cl . Cart.M 1 wr Is. Wolf istical y lecorited in pond lilies F. L Hood. Mrs. W. R. Low[r II. Wannamakor and Mr. S.illey .sanu Lohengrin's hridal The ushers wore l)r. Calhout tm:'''--Mr J. W. Fairey, Jr., Dr. W. man, Dr. A. C. Litfon, Mr. Jn<. [r. K. F. Malpass, Mr. Waller . , , rn T lt . , ? Plea* in t, Pal a eaiui (!*.!- 1. ^ llrnntSMV * Best for W The Bowels ^ CAN OV C A7MARTJC table. Potent. Tnatn OrvoJ r>nnoo.? increase our circulation fi what it is now and to make tide circulation *>000 by J anna i We wish to state to our rea number which leaves this each week from now until I >e<. .",000 and those who have not .x ' to pay one dollar heretofore tm ir beyonf, kind we pay you, or if you die we our boi.i ... .... * vour wife or your children or your T 1st 11)05. iders tlie tat1' as you desire it paid now I post-oft !c< r ) , a few tfood true men to sell I 31, 'o-t i?. been abk ffreat contracts for me. can now ; 11 c l e s. pa> This is a good time to ' ?f> Replenish your table u-antI SILVER, or get a n v set entirely. ilCKO A it fly ir.ixnl j-:iin n n?le wit! ll n-uul i!\ tlie : :iiT v.ouhl liaw if llloti. T1NT1M) (i():)l>S. !-_rul:sr prl Lorick & Lovvi I)r. V i pure linseed oil onlv. i was to be $l.:.0. Sain price $1.00 j>er I i'c il.",.": sale price ?!..'?'). ' i bearer ; The I -ance, Inc., Brooks COLUMBIA, S: C. i Worc pi j trons 01 |M? F _ _ -- -- ...M..VIVJ . i *ioTBr niCKon, v V. r Timincrman of llHtosburji j Ou?rLnt!r*!ikto'c st man anil Master Reginald | SterlinK Rl k nephew of the bride was rinx ! ANNUALSA llower triils little Miss Jennie Sallev and Miss Gladys Cart. T* nk sun plaited silks The ina' honor, Mrs. F. F. Malpassand rancis Robblns of California, t f eak? n or Gripe 10?\ J?e. So,-. NVver li" theri v/3 .vant you to call )rci I and look over our handw'Msome stock. But for A'ant';the convenience of wil' those who cannot come re issue a HANDS01S King Cottc is I My Xmas sto ;k of i'oo Is rea . ^ nun me Sense, v msflk Krov ?itli pii The ? deehin Com isr. ncr *?w per na just coming; in and in bride i main 01 uonor, Miss Funny Cl'tUAUl ?ore handsomely trimmed white DING ins and carried carnations tied nk ribbons. RY. t ide was lovely in a white crepe e over silk elaborately trim* tl? plaitinRS of chiffon. It don't m; the ceremony a wedding sup* you ?am a> s served at the home of the m, U(> wrents, Mr. and Mrs. William tmtiiN i -- VVEI)? AiNNIVERSAutter what kind of present h>ii?j as you want good have in, ui. i'he latest in of Christina* goods are daily and that now is the time for 1 ers to make their selections, the merchants have large s select from, and don't forget no time like the present" or . . put off for tomorrow what done today. itockft ti "there i? " 1 I'll,/T0 2 selection of same, ill please the most hanc ole stock is Complete ! rhe [5es 5 that will blease the c ..1.1. k. iir lino nl\ri ...i M.s. will reside a. ston- ami t irk where T?r Mitchell enjoys ind flourishing practise. prettier ami SOCK'S LIQUID STLPHUR - 11 . graved ki'iss it Blood Purifier Known In. . I'liedi-play va uablces a Wash. 1)1 AM(I nxsfitnl its way to our liia year (lie pattern* are more tempting than ever ie Silver, < nt anil EnIs , magnificent of l!\I IU IPU/CI i>\/ My readers, read the Aclvoc fully coaniDf? both the rent advertising matter, Kivc it a and then you will not hesitate us your dime and receive tin eate for one whole yea r or f consecu t i ve weeks. -?*r a \tvn _ ate eaiew? iTs! Special Dist. Agi ! to send a Advo Ift.y two P. H. Lachicotte & t., i Co. 1424 Main Street COLUMBIA, S, C. J. C. (il< PRINTED ST A r?u i |ii i over. ~ y fwl|y pr discovci Han<:O< TIONERY ?H : s= ? ??? ?a complex ur is n;iiurc s greatest germifs value has been known for without an; ;s, but, it was never success; , ? St'MMIfH. i ... j ? . nuns the npi lie best blood purifier known. K'w I.KjUID KULPHl'K Will save goods. You bills and make clear, brilliant ,lre -,|ari s ions. Taken internally. It i-. UL>" '-'-IV I . i iil)i. tin- finest over into. Ii you happen at hi- near our slort don't, iicrlnnitj of seeing' our will always find thai we how yon Kemetnber we "'"JUUC printed stationery tort that we have just received a of HtatiqiTjery and inks?that < faces are new and stylish and Advocate Job Office is tuin first-clans work, member Wards, S. < fine itn*Di r type thatthe ling out 0 i t;ie pi.une me 1 We have just received i the finest I in printed ! tween Columbia and / and let us Print some o i hi. ? full supply of Iv^shTt Stationery be- hcals oc \llgUSta. Call prickly ti >f it lip for you. scalds, ai kathsbukq advocate, , a,sk for bookl phur Co., >lc in the spring. i'sed as a ' ?vc only ?m>1 kills germs, and cures and mke you Ion, zcina, acne, itch, dandruff, .. ... , . . are the very icat, diphtheria, cuts, burns, id all inflammations and sores* ur druggist fur it, or wnt1 et to Hancock Liquid Sul |5 Baltimore, Md. Columbi; li'l ? ...i*, mul it will not ^ to see thai our (u-icr* loWP-t. ylvan Bros, >24 Main Street, a, C.