The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, December 02, 1904, Image 10

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. wr+ ? I THE 1 BATRSBURQ ADVOCATf ?? ? m?i 1 / a 4 * - \|. ^ \ As the year is drawing to a Jt<k rH <JP clo.32 1 am going tc ) give my patrons ; IAWL, md custom ars from !> this time on In my store one To each c ment store I \ Also 3 window yon will se customer that trades vill p;ive them a cha: > some Men's and L; e a huge doll a splenc for cash each day in n see iVeo. adies fiats at AC I I lid present for any ly dry gods depart= JAL COST, o 1 ? i j - i $ * $ x Jest calico at 5 cents per yan Jest drills at 6 1-4 cents pe Jest yard wide homespun at < (est check homespun at 6 rVhite and check homespun i d. r yard. C> 1-4 cents per yard. 1-4 cents per prrd. at 5 cents per yard. M M any Bagaii is in Mi my Thing; s .Let all ttie 1; Dont fail to ^ggb1?? GENERAL NEWS THE WEEK niTHPDRrt imrAM ? m/?i i aches com e tor l am $. give me a chance. i: 1 According to Russian in formate way of Che Fno, t he .Japanese ; on Tort Arthur last Saturday .-/ ? ? f'iiure The Japs were repulsec ?omg* to give each an Yours to serve on by | ittack 'I he ladies of tlie llidgi- Spring ba was a | l ist Church will give a ba/arraml II I w ith supper on Thursday night I He. *. I! d everyone a bargain I Get i J. J. RAWL AIKEN NEWS Messrs. A. M. Ik-ll, L. E. Wuod, and (i. \Y. Croft will next week stand ex-1 i 100 sacks of salt at 45 cents Ilaaert Water Trnlla. unties* men anil women have peel in the deserts of tin- ..outliwest uek of rain. Yet had tliey knotrn l-cr I I\VIH T Ar\IVV CES-INTERESTlN(i I EVERYBODY. Tile South Carolina (.' >!!e?re December tlie ninth and tei bratc ils tent h h;rt Inlay. The programe promises to 1 terest.ii g one, and pre pa rat ioi ing made in Columbia tor a n c c\ > ?^1 iv ~ i ? 1 heavy toss. Tin' ltussian &'iicral Kuropatk a now :M horse power automol) will 011 which he dashes from one part < ith celo- lun^; line to another. The Chinese regard KuropatM io an in- his machine with superstitious is a re he On account o t he illness of one at lici in?,r jurors m the l\i 11 pi son ninivlei in the 1 uileiiiiy just baek of Mr. T. in lias Ml wards store i he ohjeet. is the i He in prowmi .i ofr lie ehureh gi aim Is ai )f h|s property. _ | There was a revival meeting k U1(| week at l he Kdi'otickl rresbylcri awe Church. Jtev. T. A. burgess the p; tor was assist<'d by Itev. August " i " \lcl.ease of Greenwood, S. (\ A tin ' I':ki' % i. . . . ... SCOTT'S s Emulsion ! HSllS When yen r:o to a drug store aminat ion for admission to the bar, J ? before the Supreme Court at Colum-' ^ bia. S. C. Ms. W M. Coleman of K.irle, one of j Aiken c aunties prosperous farmers as 11 >I i ' fa nily h ?rj. ! An 8-inch Sewer extension from the | head of Calico branch to the home of | MDS. CECELIA STOWC^^ iu iiiki ii me water xvus tlierq, l mo close thnt a shallow well U1 have brought It. says the author The l^and of Little Ualu." There numberless living things all about l. night traveling creatures, whose worn trails would have led theui The trallH begin fur back iu the :erlng sands and hills and converge one span broad, white, liunl trodway In the gully of the spring, and of Alumni arid friends of tin from all over the eount r\ One of the boldest robberies in the historv of railroading > of an entire erew on the At Ian Line at Savanah (la. The in* arrest are C. C. Clements. tin II. Floyd, conduetor: .1. -I Ret neer and Owen Robinson, ear i rolle^e j J, . j|| , v disvharued Motidiv at t he s.imo l itnc u not he was .i on M isN I 'at I ersou's counsel tluit >ena>t?< jmv would l?e selected and a r< \as that j hej^un a* l lie lenn of court which He ('east ; ||exJ Mllllfj;iv. Ml lllld'M - - - .?r. Miian: 15 Mi^ Nan 1'attersmi is cli.uir ?1 d. enyi t he umrdrr nf i'aesar Voun,^. inspector , , .. = . ... ... . nor <n persons ii ivi' joined inoetiuri , a id ; ;or \ d lip li .cl and the surround in peon a tn \v t i v an* s; i 11 sulTerinp front want . trial lain. M my wellsaro running dry a opens . in sonic cases farmers are compel! to li ia! water from ionp distances . . Minalv t heir callle and for their o with j n -e. ! 'I lier has I cen cnoiiplt rain to ( !i. dii j c l \ r occ j r.inuision | V j ! . ' j: : : : want; the (f man l.?.c . y:j -jht io have i,.] it. Do : t Lo Gu. ;:ri ;cc,I though, led if you c-7-5 offered eomething to eJee. Wine?, cordiolc, extracts, 1 i etc., of ~'.\l liver ci! ore plcnti* i fu! hut t c.-.'t Imagine you are L-il r.rJ4!r i I l.-r. ,.:i ..^it Mr. w. 11. Karnard on Whiskey road, i eing put down by City Engineer 1'. S. Norris. The extension will cost Mr. itarnard $1,000 and tlie city has tli? privilege to tap it at. any desired point. It is 000 feet long. Mr D .1 Plunkett of Round Top lias moved here, and will occupy a cottage un Newberry >-t. Orator, Kntre Nous Club. B ; ' R tlint 17G Warren Avenue, B 1 Chicago, Im,., Oct.22,1902. B road For nearly four years 1 suffered B J furri from orarian troubles. The dee- n to lo tor iuniated on an operation at the y hole, only way to ?et well. 1, however. F3 votu' strongly objected to an operation. Eg * ( My husband felt dishenrteued as PI well as J, for bonie with a sick y woman is a dit#conv?la?e place at R i?ntrl< iruiis ir there are mo travelers In direction? e land Is scarred by tliese ttuu, fur ways of rabbits and what not of > folk that run :n them. Venture ok for some se'.loui touched water ' and so long as the trails run with general direction you >1111 be sure are right. But if they begin to t your path at never so slight an > to converge toward a polut to In the homes of some of these tcctives found evidence of t lie A colored woman named At while a passenger on a 'I'm Street Car. Augusta <Ja., pro| feet far out into the aisle, mu inconvenience and displeasure dnctor C. C\ Wise, who stuinl them as he uassed tlnoneli r i in- ivm^iiiii mil in i M". i n i r nu n no- hj,,..!,.;,! <lircotor of Converse t ioI)I)l'i\. ji;is ;)|1(,n accepted l?v tin- bond o . tecs anil is to take place at once, ina-tones ' ,)UI The Tlmrnwcll Orphanage Sen 1 I buiidintf at C'lintoti S. C. was li cli to to I ho prom ill last work. of Coll-J _ iled over! An Oranuoliurn man has found olli'Ct i U tr I i !"i I ili?r -.11(1 Vfilinliln i-nli?- ii s. i: i a nf nifiii i isow main, aim 11 u cou i>1leu' up before i.lio frce/injf weather, tli f t rus ' will nave fair crops. DhhloRS AND CRHMIORS NOTh u" " All |n rsnns indebted to the estate mriici j j> stokes, late of BateKburjf !. im}.'t ?11 cntinlx deceased, shall pa\ si an in- amount* to the undersigned: and 11 t 111 i's ins 'A iio haw claims aeains! s: 1? S c .u HV ,? wii tVilvll y \J\M n v take trcrv. Every year f r thirty : years we've been increasing the ssles cf Scott's Emulsion, i Why? Ec-r.auce it has always 1,1 been better than any substitute cxic! f?1' I Send F.r fro 3 canip!a The Northern peop'e are coining in every day among them are:?Mrs. H T tomns Ilitcltovk .lr Mrs. M. C- H KucLis, and Mrs Valentine M ?tte Eu Congressman T. C. Croft left Thurs fig d v tor Washington where ho has gone fig to attend the regular session of Con- E gresi which opens on Monday. tj A friend! v i!r..jigist. advite.l 'I,p ' liiui to get a of \\ ire of ^ matt j t'ardui for nie t'? try. a??-l he'Vol so. mem I inrgan toiraprotremaf< rtlqfc&nil -3 mnk< my revoverj was very in eighteen we?5:s f wrj another pj , *in*- i no ?mLVJLG^ ]bxc<OU^ ?j ' J OOUtl ??o-.. . b. torn ft or right of your objective, uo. er wliHt the tnnp nays or your ory t"lls you, trust the trails. Their rs know. Tips" In Ihe l.niiil of Tl|?a. u<l roils of men who nre foml of are rout pel led, says the I.ondon to refuse tempting Invitations to try houses because of the "tipping r" which is in them. faros. lie asked her to lake i She replied that if there was for her feet, there was not herself. The conductor then that unless she took t!>? ni would have to leave the ear. that point he had to get oil' 11 flag the railroad taaclc. Tin followed and attacked him. i hem in. | shape nf a ("olorrial ! ill otiuravin*: nut roxin whieh is worth about Fi i >oin iur ( 'ilunial ^:U) bills wrii' engraved, i t old her in. sue I T!:c ?'^r'!?.?!?? ?? the 'Jre, .Inst ;ii Mills, with emigrants has met irt car to They have proved to hi , wuinaii i,M' M'dek workers and are lb- had *anjrlit * r platr ' < slmll present tlu-s me propo rom it 's'? '! !? i?> i hr imck'isipni'd. on or brf< laiv?nr\ 1st l MRS. I )KR< ?RA STOKI.S wvillo; Admini t ratrw of 11? ? Ksinto J. with (S deceased, e pood easlh CAPL LUCAS WHIP ? I rl nil SCOTT C COVVNE, C!'0'r.!?l3 4C3 3 . ! ".'riot, New York >, OCo. r.n S1 CD. Ail dfjqr,:. to R. j I ACCIDENT njicAR I Of Interest to Mothers. ? Thousands of little ones die every B year of croup Most of them could I have been saved by si few do.*01* of * Foley's Honey and Tar, and every g family will, children should keep It in H the house. It contains no opiates and H is safe and sure. Mrs. Geonre II. IS -iir?. oiowe icuer snows evrry i u,. woman bow ;s home is *addeiw?] l.y Kj i from female weakiios uid bow i-oiupletely n I Wine of Cardui cures that tick- Hi * ness and brines health and uam?i- H [ The < nee* again. I>o not go on auGcr- ?J? |?{,e in<7. ?!o to your druggist t<>d:iv u .!.!10 [ *>?ir! coritrn at 91 r*f Wit*** F4 1 ,l<" of Cardui" fj '"" ' WlNE^CilROUi k rZ ;WTOII?iiwm?i ^ or Jo re Is tiie Httle "bill" which eon* s the English country house vl?c<>ui !imim or chauffeur.... JLO Id butler who ntnlles at him t 0 nan who YaletH him 1 A ifAil keeper who "plit'eii" him.. 1 ii maer keeper who iooas at him. w in *" (130) ?4 d" ? * Above items ore butted ou n three 111* <1ll VC* ullAAt o IAJ U1U lOIII/lUlId I mill III man to protect himself. A blow the woman desisted fmi attach. Contract for the Hampton lias been signed. The inonun be placed on the east si le ot t steps of the Capitol building be completed in t wo years. 1 e motor- iton. .ions. .\slily nus heenein fL?*r one and sentenced 1o pay fcio for dis u flirt Iter ly eondwet on the streets of I'a ill. The attorneys appealed I lie ease will lie lieard at the IVI Stat lire , 11.,-ni of t he Court of general s? lent is to i lie front .lames Si, 'more. a colored w.a and will the('leu son Club 11 >tel, died at t will lie ' Mi'i College lust week from the < PUD TO DEATH. " Tii<'tI'li-.VPnr-oM soil of Alfiv I I ' cas. who lives near < hist on Lexinpt >1 ii.ii x v was severely whipped hy t >?>sl " of his comrades. which caused itero death l-'riday last The hov did not t (; his parents ahout the attach lit .jY ... h.'j dis ?vured hlo til oil liishndy. th . . , !...? ?. I . I ? SWANSEA. l.ast S il nr.ia .' .I t;: .le'Tonat' 'l< v;t> removiuga loa 1< i she:; from a gun 1)1 ' : t accidentally discharged, killing Mrs. ! Muncy Sturkey. Tlu* load entere 1 be' 1 wee:i t Mo eyes eausing deal It at once. .. The verdict of the coroners jury was I hat dea'.li had resulted iron an aeeiIt*! 1 dent. Tlie parti . live six miles west ? "Si Picket, San Francisco, Cal , writes: ' My baby bad a dangerous attack of croup and we I bought she would choke to d *:ith, but one dose of Foley's ' Honey and 'J'ar relieved lier at once Ca after other remedies had failed. \Vc n e arc never a minute w it bout it in the o; ho-s". Sold by (). J. Harris. em ii ii ii mi ii iwmimi?n ~ riAlAIERMAN ?HALL "n,"' \ wedding of much int* rest loSout rolinans was that ofMissZana Tim ,.n,j , iman and Mr. Ch rle- Dawson Ilab ; Tlu A ikon, which ?* as solemnized Nov- I boxes iber the I went y-tbird in the Ktljp j <>f ih Id llapt ist Church The ceremom j divldi ...v .. wuvx/i, a vri a iVUUl|)Jl U the ligureK would be nearly Hi. one lurge house a eolleetlou hoi need in the room of ouch guest, tliis box the guest place* a gentffering to indoor servunts. i hostess holds the keys of the t. and these are opened at the end e season, when the contents are^ ed equally among servants. reel nignand win show \\ a< ton, hat in hand on a eharg sheiId below tlie horse's h'ea< (he general's last words: "My people, white and l>l;i bless them all." There arc also other inserip The suit bv llerhert i>. N llrookland Mass. and otheis, li'liamp- oi a wow on i oe neao wiina si o. on a the hands of another negro, liiil < I will he leaf. The trouble was over a i shoes .lames Si/.emore had sold ( lek t od leaf, and who still owed a dull; them. IJeeause Si/einore aske< t ions. loi the inomv a nuinberof t imos< leaf knocked him in the head rwton of >( ie'k causintt death. , ajra nst If J; I! J ' ?t' I II I I l I IM | I I 111 t III" 11il1 I I M'f I I I M'tl I ireen- "v 1 lu? t wo son-; c?f Coorjfe \Y Si^ht >air ol 'hrkleki. lie rceeived cm tin- lie irt'i'ii 'dast. bark and letfs resulted Inter ir |,? injuria The parties are white a I 11iIT, ; all about the sameage. i rec-i iwit h a hi: ni:vi-:r said it. II . . , ??l MVitn :i. i ad. ; hill i WillTE'S Cream Vermifuge 11 ?-? 1 1 s Tar RiiiciUTPrn Ui>UJt;KI AKtK^ AINU v 1 Tli PUNERAL DIRECTORS Mr a I; Seeing the need of a Funeral <ar for Uatcsburg and surtounriirg conn- ^ try, 1 will open up Jan. 2, 1P04. a roll mu line of eortins. caskets, ladies and tents 'j burial robes, and run a funeral car in jj connection with nice new carriages ?->, ; pcrr??rmed by t i?e Kev. U. K. Hurt* ! e bride is the eldest daughter o' | . and Mrs. James Timmerman ai ' tv hil ;ieee of Mis. I>. P. ffurlly and M iiil?s I*. RouknUht of Batesburg. f?u j, he is a lovelv. queenly woman at - \ ivfiu. eh admired wherever slie g<?es. frlem 'he groom is t he son of Dr. and V i oVloe H, Hail of Aiken Mr. and Mi- I u'? at arles Hall are spending their Inn Ilun llnliac Wurkrii. twelve years Hul/.ae wrote sereule novels besides au abundance of and newspuper articles. When in wing lie led the life of a recluse, ing to s?-e even his most intimate is. lie usually went to bed at S k, alter a light dinner, uud got U in the morning to resume writAt <; he took his tub. lying in the Mrs. CassieChadwiek ol ('U \ 1 for $207,N00. lias ereated im Mrs. Chadwiek who is l In* prominent Cleveland physic ; ed to possess $.">,0du.00o in I ton curietiesin Trust, and muna; tain large sums ficin variou tions without the slightest it. is said that she lias hypu ers and is also thouaht t<>h,:; land < ?liio i iK'siiay mornrutf a ne^io ai ifh talk. '' a Ik inous n iinc upon a youn vvilf ?.! a M iss Zaidco Houyei who lives 01 m. claim- s'roet. Augusta Ca. The Isanil*ii*lv made a dispciatc liyht an jed to it*- -' ititnis trij?litoue?l the liend s iiis! it a- ' neKio, win sc name is ( lau l ti. uMe. lson' wascai twn .J and contVs; lolicj-iw- ls"ilt. M is-. I onver \\ as l?:idly t 11 px-ci n and li ifjhtciitd, I tit t liol otli toii.|> ' \ on say. do you. Ilia I 11. t w o sh K 'ad\ you hoard were tired simultaneous!; 1 I'"i-j asKed the lawyer of an old noyro on your:,. , v% i' no s'and. d her j "No, Salt: No, Salt. 1 ( a.^ed no s away, reiiialih." ie -lei y, |mt; did \<>u -ay?" ed I,is 1 it i :e said t! y \va- lnitli tired at ho'vcd s in;o t i<n;\ da''s what I said, Sa fl W InO vV i ? i ?^ ? I. . 11 / < ' ? n 11 i : ?n jir? -,u ? -WORM "VMEIIEDY ,1 . THE CHILDREN'S FAVORITE TOK2C. If BIWARC or |V!TA7lON|. TM? CINUINI FHtRAKCO ONLY F. f n _ll 1 (> . I * * lor funerals. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. M. R. Ill' n.ANn, Hateshurg. **. ( -B-^xaucaaceae-idHi When \ ?u want a pleasant laxative ar,(] take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv- | er Tablets. For sale by Timmons l,,r I ' I i \ c X* i ' I le?t r f wahu on in Florida. 1 oup o then v way 1'lie Atlvtiritf has the largest circi' slide, t? lie iti of .my paper be! en Cu'nnr faster I Augusta. It brings tl??- last i ' wri'tli ns tu advertisers. keep! 'tis one hour. after whi< b lie drank ;t f coffee. Werdet. bis editor, was mluiitted to bring proofs. take corrected on??s and wrest, if pnsfresh nmnuscrip* from him. From wrote till noon, when he hrenk1 on two boiled eggs au?i some From 1 to 0 he continued Ida ig. For six weeks or so he would ihis up; then he would mysterlnire nitpear for month* v ict. 1 Itui-mrd. !>BllfirU"- iHJW Lltiiiliciil VU> 8 V, LOUI8, N.O NEV1 Ik / T ( > n bz W ^ I T H O H I B K R ? 3 ( ) NT I ^ Y The i idvocate For One Whole Year \ % 'or TF.N f.F.NTS Just think o f it an eight page pa iper, fifty-six columns . 52 weeks for ten cen ts. This offer good X JU11 food only until Decern VJU11 x Kf . ' \? iber 31st. 1904. ' i!? . Positively not Send us ten cei one day longer. All nts by mail. subscriptions after tf lat time $1.00 per Yes ir, our regular price. N. ROGERS Now is Your chance. JJAYLY Editor and J* Proprietor. r<~i , V^>,: