RSh? ' -? ^ ./ M . " , ffi,OnO Pei:?ys , ftp to r leaders T his Motiio:uiens, and lie is inn good humor all < lie time. Their trade is good for this; yo4. lxterand Slulon. Hntc w Telow our t complete list < phones, giving hers up to this W. WATSON . Cashier lubscribcrs will iiad a if all those who have tlivii nam?vs and num* iS-SVIO. Ali ?,v* CAPITAL. feh ! 11/- ln\/ii (1 Mau; Arrnnnfc s. Mr. W. M. Wollinjf has boon in town [ fur a few days. i It C. Shealy and L. C. Hoy spent a ' few days with homcfolks near Le\- ' 1 ington last week. Mr. Sion Corly from Merchants spoilt a short while in town Monday. < Mr \Ii.L Cl.? - I * ie:ison, am! fai mors all liu\e Idyll ox-j >eotationsol? cotton sixain n^r up tml staying so. The present slump in j We jrices lias fleet rased the receipts but and t lot M:C activity of business t. A. Oswalt's s< 11 met with a seribers arc ad lished each wo til tile com pa 11 tory for that p out ami paste i has been print* it cat. lie read i MCU/c ? ? *?v *? ouir dcd they will be pubek in the Advocate unV Issues a regular dlrecurposc. Cut this list t beside your phone, It i:d in large type so that it a distance. f\n tlf A v> c V.11 uni hit ii If you receive A Sat Copy of The Advocate are not a subscriber an invitation to bee one. Cf .V A IV 4 ?V V Vf M II tOf Tiple >jiss Uv/.ic f'.iium ha?v returned and ; i?,k- e. it is ; Mr. P. K. Htheredtfc who .has be ome 1,1 '^rliunton lor sometime ha* J turned home. i lev. J a be/. Ferris attended the 15a ?>..?. t iO Sit:ilf> ( 'nil vi>? i t ill! i 1 tii< \VAPl>' ** I. i*?a? n UIICUIJ nuuuut III | town. a jn Mr. W. S. Mitchell spent Sunday (1 wit It his botnefolks in town. c el| Mrs. Ktnest It rock man isspei ding u 1 1 rt,_ I short visit to iter house In Columbia. e Mr. O. II. Kaw), made a short busi- il p. ^ ness trip to Lexington, Monday. nt I \(? I n.-i ^ 11 he entire day. At 11 .1. Thanks |,t-IN I living services wore heilvftt i no Met !io-1 w list t'huivh conductr <1 1% i;ros< , lose, .1 ustus, w. pastors !,u-j- Mr. hcrau. Met horlist ami ! ?pt is! iit? I II for a short while but a^ain. Sprint Last Friday evening a missionary |,is |,,s ...... 1.... ....... I,..1,1 I... (I. iv,,..,....1.. annul accident, insulin uenicii in* was standing beside il .tearing siiK'of 11is foot. .Uil.n Jackson has sold out and !u 1 lock county. CK JRROUNDINO UNTRY. to the Advocate;) jwn spent Sunday In her mother, who was (,'otton is bringing loaay on vne Iwirf Market 8 1-S as reported by Cul'um. MOVEMENT OF PR INENT PEOPLE. Where thev liave 1" L. !) Chester, S. t'. Miss. Ilarjct. Mitchell and Mrs. j F. Stroiher are visit in; rclalh <)M : at Johnston. 1 Mr. and Mrs. ' 'rank Watson Ui ye SpriiiK at tenu d the Missional ! service; at the Met h r- friends. . ,( h 0s j Mrs. Walter IIerbeit :?nd childaen n from Newberry have been in town for . a few da vs. o' ' n Mr. and Mrs. (I. If. Coney and cliil- ai [v j drcn have t)ecn on a few days visit to . w relatives and friends at Iteavesvilic, |(]| JCVIIIIK ?'J t.i " VMiiau -? lissionury Society of tin Lutheran hurch iu Luther Chapjl. Tin* in" ig was in behalf of a mrn ann-nt now v't 1: ' n foot to raise money ft * missions. Mr. Irs. J. A. II. Sclierer. froi. Newberry tbrou; Irs M. A .1. Kreps fro. ? Augusta' j purchi ud Mrs. Dinglehoof from Prosperity reside ere present and made talks and ad- Sprinjj resses which were all gr< -.tly appro-1 near t ?es Iliiiii A'i.nus 11i' 1 list her are visiting In tl?c 1 I.eesvilhi *h th;? Atfencj' t?!" this scrihe. aseil last week the ifu nee (if Mr .1. A. .Imvlan of I:i?l?r? r anil will move into ii in t he ut lire. Miss AnnieT ertson were lia homo of tlie bri The ceremony i Peacock. Rev. S. R Ha S. C. He wast es in the Sprini ylerandMr. Lee Robppily married at the de, Sunday afteraoon. *as performed by Her. iss Las moved to Wards >astor of several churchjfield section and had ' * " and where they are going?Happenings. Mr. J. \\\ St rililintf spent a fev In Columbia last week. Mr H:imn TIt?ndi ix.of Loosv ill Mrs. John C. Watsun and daughti i of Ridge Spring, attended the Mi j sionary services here Sunday. Miis Lizzie Hates hat returned horn after spending a week with Iter slsti Mrs Tarrant in Newberry, i dats Atiss Eunice Courtney who has bcc spending some time with Iter motlu e, was I in Spencers, N . <' lias returned hum L?r. ^ l i s j Mrs. L. 15. Huyncs is on a few days trip to Philadelphia attending Tem- 01 1 perance mooting. i" c' i ti er Improvement of the order of t he Aye a( j is lieiiiir carefully carried out in every jH ,n detail in our pro perinjf little city. n | Mr IJ. K. Che.wning lias purchased t:i e i Mr. Thus. I.eanhart's cuttaire ahove M ated by the lar^e congregation. M is. 1 We sherer's lecture was greatly appre- and II ated for ?hu was fur a : umber ?>f puller: ?ars In Japan and the many storips while >ld by her of tlieir life while there id which can be only In 1 . ' with the people, wen ver> in. I ^n, j. ructive. A liberal col tlnsi was I' , . .. .... , , out to iken up. Itev. I hos. . tch andj^ ( r. Marshal are holdiu a pro-!.. m? 11ik week in I lie Ilollow Cre< k ell hole seel inns to put up slumps ai)antt and daui Miss Maggie Springfield was last week. The dancp .it here, who wish him 1 his uew field. James Jackson of this heir guests Mrs W. M. ?hter, of Gantt Ala. Weimorts from near . on our streets one day S^lvArn loot Vrl/1 n r? mm. iii Haleshurg Sunday afternoon. Col. and Mrs. A. !*. Watson n flying trip to ltiehmond this wee Miss Lizzie Culluin has been s a few days at home. Mrs. .1. D. Timmons and dai spent a few days in Augusta last \t?-o i n ('niimii snent. a few A commission lias been issued 1 ladea l he batesbui'tf Hardware and Supp k. Co. 1 he capita) is $10,000and the eo nd- P?,ab)rsare It. S. Simmons and C. Ji Uin dcs. ighter Mrs. Sara Shulcr attended the Wa week son-,{alt;s wedding al Itidgc Spring Wednesday evening, days ,, t he College and is reinodling and en- ti lv Urging, which when tinished will h-* a CI r. handsome and commodious dwelling J l Mr. J. C Riknrd will soon commence ; work oil his residence, which will addt [ very much to t lie residence portion t>| Si | of the town. All the farmers are making picp| a t-at iotiH for large crops next year -acted revival at tfie -lethudis: .. .. . , . ' f.'t coi liureli hero. I me. Rev. .F. S. Heasly was in town a incuts, icrt time tirst of the week. ? A number of young people were j:i\ ("j i a sociable at Dr. .las. Crosson's Iranksgiving evening. Yiitl ' win gi FOR SALI:. T!im<. ice ami i.asyjwt h.-en seen since: un s your way please liejul i! foi Yours with :ni!v (lissapiinlil.NNERV NO I ICE. Ii v. eek eirlinjf I>ec. '>, l'lOI, \\i u co! i on only hi Wedn. sday am ll:i V I (>:i. ! . \v. . ninp, was atte Sawyer, Lucius ter of this plao Mr Boh Brodi a drove of mule week. Mr. and Mrs. here several da V. ? VIII luot m: A iuaj tfC" nded by Messrs Ciaft Basks and Hayes Gune of Springfield brought s and horses here last Walter Lybrand were ys ago visiting friends in Columbia last week. Miss Moida Hodges visited the ital City a few days a^o. Mrs. Monroe llicburd and dai ?ere in town one day '.his week. m Mrs. T. Ii. IvernaKhanand litt! Lois spent Tuesday in Columdia Dr. E. K. Hardin went to Col >sr \\alter KirwpairicK ui .\uam and a representative of S. E. TaritT a ' Cap- sociatinn is here making new insu a nee rates. l?hu>r :ecn hovering over our land toi l r" i one year at least. jj BANK NOTE! a Ths First Natio i to kpen vour sna IIull ananlt Stock busluess Cook In charge. r. E. A. Anstiu went to ness Mr. Austlt* Is & uattlebaum of Stead Wednesday on business. Mrs. B. B. Riser 01 Mt. Willin here shopping' last Friday. Mrs. M.J. IIolsLein of Monet ta Thursday in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Kncece friends near lie re Sunday aftern Mr. Jeorire Asbill of Leesvill Mrs. Lucy IMunkctt of Granitevil g was V- lias been spending a few da; with her brother spent Col. E. F. Strut her has been appoin ?-d by Gov. ITeyward to represent tl risitcd """ Weevil Conventk 11 at Shrevespo K La. on December TJth. , Mrs. Aeru who has been the guest 1 ' ?'- 1 XT... rn 11 i| ^ i 1st Because 11 2nd Because its 3rd Because it r*| 4th Because it the comptroller c W. H. T of w. 1 :s cashier is under bond. > property is insured a "a carries ample burglar ins : is Inspected seven times >r The currency. IMMERMAN, President. SV. WATSON, Cashier Inst fire, surance. s a year by uiuus, was nere Mr Drayton Leesvllle Collej relatives liere. Mr. Gantt ( here several da Miss Agnes G ed here Monday ;i icw uays ago. Garvin, a student of re, spent Sunday with ::ots of Monetta, was ys ago buying mules. hunter of Seivern visltr. seen ou our streets Monday. Misses Maude and Ida Shealy In town shopping Thursday. Mr. W. L. SmiLU visited frio Wards Sunday. Mr. Zed Crouch of Dennics \ town Monday on business. M r A nflriuv M:i rnnv nf Or:im ,>i r. itiiu .?m. i. i). i\tji uafc imii ivi 11 past two weeks, has returned to li Wl rt" home at Jonesboro N. <\ Mrs. I) P. Ilarllyand herdaiiRhte nds in Miss Ina Weiss Ilartly, attended tl Timinerinan ? Hall wedding at Edg vas in ,ield lasl Wl'ek* Mr. 11. II. Gordon dr. of Atlant ttcn stored in the Bate Cents a month a bale--tt rance, You can sell your and save further handling rise in the price of C es. ill lend you jsburg Warelis pays Tor eotton right Jot ten means | T!,? ,k".M now neurit' i ne oapiisi, v J. II. Strong to Mr. Nathan ? ed his brother ] week. The young pe dance last Frid l ei. | hone < pain have Miss Gai Sivt V nhfUKvs ifeitallrrl and I's v'siting at tl . nurcn nas cawea nev. preach. fonesof Monetta visitor. M. V. Jones this ople of Seivern gave a ay evening in honor of ltt, of Gantt Ala., who lis place. is visiting friends and relative: here. Kcv. 1*. Ifcxizor of Etliercc O. was here Wednesday. J J. Bawl spent Tues Lexington. Prof J. It. T. ajor went ti i near Telephone Company and hasaceept a posit ion in t lie manufacturing d . partnu'iit of Empire Stale Chemii ' Co. at Alliens, Gtt. Mr. II. V. Wyman of Aiken cai [lay in |,ere Monday to represent Mrs. J. Stokes in inking account of the slo ) Lex- of hardware lately purchased by Me? E l' fuller and J. 15. Holmati. [>fj iwenty-iive auiii profits-no use t< m ! WEDDING AT RIDGE H;! SPRING, | u i?>| MR. T. S. BAITS WKDS MISS MVUTI I* WATSON. ars on ine oa?e--ine i arme d let the broker have it. SALUDA DOTS i { p Mr. .1. N <> (irotfory went to Col-1 inbia Monthly. I' au^li Wards was represented here w'alnr- t lie t v> r neeas tins in operatic For s>. j . . "! ,,i ,, , bla< tilth tune it is expected Tvice \\ ill not be quite so The funeral t \ ill be later owing to the fact of Ward S. C. subscriber will have to get people from th i t'M-,illin>j lor the numbers was married at names Kverything in t he a member of Gk or Central) go by numbers, leaves a hust?ai lv if Mr. A calls for Mr B her loss. . :ks dots. jt Mrs. Aileen Howard was attended by several is section. Mrs. Howard >outa year ago, and was xxl Hope Church: She id and infant to mourn IHKIUI1 Id^L OttlUIUilj, Air. Fred Vensball Is here up tha water and litfht contract :r E: . Fulkr spent koiiu in Batesburtf t liis week. Mr. M. Anderson of Leesvil here Sat unlay. Mr Hoof Haltiwanpor has at r\ Mivit inn in Vcuhcrrv ciusiw JOHNSTON NEWS. Mr Lot he- Osner is In St Loi tin.i- whole lie lias none to buy sUx1 mulls an.I horses, le was mr. \\ ,) lluiet visited in Augus last week icepted Misses Lou and Gladys Sawyer we (] Tin* wedding ul Miss Myrtle Watson , s of Ridge Spring to Mr. Thomas S. k Bates of IIiuernia l< ok place Wednesday evening at Xo'clix-k at the home ' of the bride. ,J The ceremony was pel formed by u | Rev. K. T. 1 Indites of B;.| csburg. re Tb?' itreo n was attended hv his hro- H ? ' ihfli-Mr (?t'i.rif < l*at< sand the maid | ay l?y I'rof Whittle and Mr. .loiies. cin?n ( Messrs llnfus Miuieli and i.eorye mj-. litehell of Mt. Willing \isitinK town hen- I aturdav. j A 11 < Amonj; the ladies on our si ie< ts Sat* 1 ivlay were Mrs \V.<> Clary. Mrs Jno turnet arson, Mrs VV. <;. < rawford. Mrs. .1 >| |*. !. Croueli and Mrs \ ira Cirdoer , M. ha and does in f tho Ltithoran i hureh. erator ha I0)111 SchoillcM of iviiun toryaiul *e 'ri.lay. I?*s phone, , Oalosbui r a pleasant visit to relatives 111 , ' . . , equipment lie 1 Mrs Alma Geisrcr has rc- . , material a -,t i uments Mlj>iovo is visilintr W. out. This IIKI innnex .1 mw the numb t, the op- Messrs Podie > to look It up in his direc- in llie Wards ewliat number belongs to Mr 'thanksgiving 1 thus killing time. g has now one of tlie tinest M,ss ^'ma ' > in the state, lal?or, money, ,lor ifaandmot 1 i.d the latest improved in- Mr. J. M. Obi have I-eeii installed through- jn Newberry la work has taken more time Misses Josie t linn OI)i> wnlilH I mnei no 1 hnnlr??rifJnir < and Whittle, teachers High School, spent jere. one of Travis is visiting er this week. ipman visited relatives st week. and Elsie Black spent ctf iv t hntr aiuf oi? Miea %? I X..,.. .V/.. ... - - J ' ftlish Mjia Mlenn, of August \xill make this her homo in tli uro. Mrs. A. P. fimiknight attend marriage of her neioe Miss /.an: merman to Mr. Mall lu*t week. Mr. Malt news of Mie firm o thews Si Houknlght of Leesvillt j.ri IFm ti olmrir ?\t\ Sinmlh V I ur Kiiu.Ma ui mm. i>ia^^ Junca a a. ( ::. ^jrs Ham well Jones last week, ic futMr. and Mrs. \V. T. Walton wholh . , near here, visited in t he town of Kdi ed the ? . . , , Held several davs ago. i I nnMr. S. I>. Hlaek went to blacks tl , . week on business. f .vlatvisit Mrs. A. A. Langs ton is visiting 1 son at Laurens. UM v..w. ... of honor va ? Miss K I. Wulsnn. v The bride were a handsome fires; or res , . d j crepe tie Ci.u.e, '( j Mr anil Mrs i; at t s u i'.l spend their ( honey moon Xmt h. tiis Mrs. I a'es is the daii^idrr of Mrs ' Si Alice Watson of Hid^e Spring. 10r Mr. Hates is tho eld st s?>n < ulioir ays. sirs Nora < lri|)inan inee MissQnat- M 1 let ?a it in of this eounly. died last week The t her home in (Uoryia. She was the ehary life of l!ev I lios ? hapman al of been I Ills ncivfld oi hood ! ^ I Mr Willing DatTy spent Tuesday I j ast week in Johnston I and Mrs, c M. Ktird had as For ncai quests last wick Mr. A Van Ki of men ha d child of Norl h < arolina. erecting pi pastor of New let In I. A.M. K. ' uiir. store e. liev. s. \\ Harper l?as v , .\eaii\ six let in lied i.v his conference. ,, ,, . .... { touch cai "oriuer resident of tliis country ers at the aniel Amick. now it Newherrj >ur inerch r> ....... rvc* I. , l\ two months past, Jiangs Wright, vo laeen here and at Leesvilie >!es. st ringing w ires and do- RUF work in the exchange build- .. ? , s and private residences. Mr. Stamps > months ago. Mr. Thomas cst "f" llving me here to solicit subscrib- n^instigation of a number of Messrs Her mi ants, l oth here and at Lees- went to Newbe V IHI tUVll 013VV1 ?!> ? f"notes. Vheeler, one of the oldin this community is an Wise und Moot Ruff rry this week. U'l .TMlip, VII ( . Mrs. J. ('. W. Kennerly of Ml Jin^r, spent a few days with her Jer last week. Miss Mammie Hates from C< College came home to attend h flier's marriage. Mr. George Itatcs w) ohas lieei liiit the jfrater part of the year; L. Wil- Mr Lewis ITart has ^one to Mills (laugh- Fla. to visit his father. Mr. I.. B. Asbill is back from a vi an verse to Waynesboro, Ga. or bio-j Mr. J. ,1. Wetherford of Glearwa' i spent a part of last week with the i spend* niily of Mr. M K Lowry. it Ash- I \i low I'lviiW I* IrunlifM i? nf A iki>n ^ burn A SAO DEATH. si t ^ We were made sad to b arn of I be (leaMi of Utile Jlul y St iller whicl ^er happened at Spencer, X. <'. i? >"o\om f;l* her - > She was the daughter of Mrs ( Cb r. Wiseman, wli II riiicf ,lusi if? I'opc has uranti <1 bail ^ ( o W. L Henderson in thi'siini of ( r .(Ml. . \ niua S !>. (ii'lion, who was acting a>con- in*? a lable wlien lie killed the nemo, Wj| j\ ii 11 treat 11. (jets luiil for $1,0 iillion. Mit t It. Morse and .1. Mid .Maiit t. *.">00 each. i in- i t-iu11 \ es iicre v 0 ^i| olored painter named Jim War ****' 'lit* <--c came near shooting Mr J. IT exchange, k last Monday, lie was l and ?ut-si? h'tin when it wont oil missiny s'?'P of Mr miek ju-,1 l?\ a few iuclus. " appeared i erect I lie | This pos A _ Mr. Frank WARD INKWS. r0uch < mpany decided to put in an js doing good w ;iltout twenty men, nown as . le gang under the foreman- Mr. watt . llelvin of Atlanta, here and will a >n tlie scene or action to Miss Edith (olesand string the cable, quite ill with v so was closely followed by vvell* Dunbar, the long distance Thc Ml8Spg I; with an euual number ??f of the Bethany School ork. ry has bought a place Don move In. Willis, who has been nalarial fever Is almost amape's sister fiom Al vllle, has returned home. Miss Mary Kliza k'ox who al the t'resbiterian College in Col ca nt! home for Thanksgiving. Mr. J. A. Whit ton has tfono t York to buy tfoods lor the Cli Holidays Mrs. It. PhmkHt has retail visitinK V'S!? Maude Sawyer Llended >jr an,\ .\irs n. w. Crouch cut lumbia, taincd a few of their friends Than j giving at tea. " New, Miss /una I'aync is attending the list mas; j, r Convention at Orangeburg. is W ogburn was here 1 rued to, week 11 it remains wore car rled to Ridge; -prints for burial. A ho3t 01 s'triow i' l?/\ loft iii tliiv wnltni'ii iif / .\s report eel l>v the Mute, "< hkiJusi? e Pop' granted bail to Henderson in jccause it appeared to t he court thru f |( he proof was not evident ix r the presumption so great as to warrant tlx Mr *ontinned inearceration, although a? to go u* said there are suspicions circumitnnees enough to arrest the alien- jtrpjf ion of all good, peace-loving citi:ens.' " l Pou pav<- a de-J side work, ill pound part> la >1 wei-k I in |usitiou V. M. Amoak id' Aiken S (; j idenrcs, They made all t he long d is-' is visitii leetions ami put in place the 1^ me Mr. A. (). Unusle.t also' INVITET i?*?si . "till skilled elect ricdid what tho> term the in- 1>r W. II. Tl -ucli as placing Hie phones a telegram fron i inside "f the stores and re*- (?afTney, S. C him to make ai . ?A.tAA1 pink n? iiR them .TTmmekman ) TO SPEAK. immerman has received 11 Miss Neunie Mosley y. urgently requesting 1 address for the Histhn Pulfitniv r.f t hnfnit_ Granit iville after MM-iuliiitf a f? wit)i tier relatives. 1*7 J. A. Wat1 on was amr quests at the Tim merman ? II diiiR which took place in E st week. Mr W. It. Glei'ii of Augusta < severed his connection with th tersOilCo. of tliat place to Mrs. \Y. K I-I'll of Edgctield out j t airier' on 'I hauksgiving. I >r. P N Ki'csco, and N-isscH Luc '! \V' ,! and -siHic Mobley of this place (Igchcld ; ;a has' BROWN SUGAR ATRAWLS. e Plan- readies will find brown sugar at J accept Rawl's for making cakes etc. IUL U.*> ? IK' <4iv t K ii. (i ...... .i|.in ?v ... | er- trouble, strive to pass tluon^n tlie : pearly iptles, throuuh \\Iil.'li she euII _ tercd that bright home which is our promise. i t _ she was about nine years of ajte , 'Farewell sweet Ruby, I Earth has lost a precious prize, ? . J. Rut we know that a fairer.towel < (g above us in the skies.'' 1, _ tspent TRESPASS NOTICE. AM All persons arc hereby warned not ''enr 0 hunt, lish. or otherwise trespass, ros' '' m any of the lands owned or eonMilled by nie, including those of the ^ Summerland Companies The law I Vn will be strlctly onforeid to the lit- and t hi ?-:t let ter. , her .*>, , , . , i ? ?nvers; a t? \\ da\s In iv uiM week. . in a \>hisp era short \isii k KditeiUdd. Mr y I < rrt'st ami Miss Ml hoi 1 or-1 'I'liisoxi ias rot urncd. tvoi sopor - - ('jiiitnh a" ILIA M S 5 & 10 CiiNT SALF. s.stl.m hai i't forget our great annual ii\? i Tli -day on eenl val<- on Monday Docooni-1 and Mr no | after ti.30 i mons can now no cnrrio(i on viuu m ci the equipment is so per- federate Flag : cembor 5th. mnge will be under the di- CAP'T Wl visii ii ol Ml. s. It. Lucas s eiTVienl manager, 'i'liis1 J-|C s 75 miles of wire. opperatur will lie Missfllenn I ( hie of tlie I i llartly will answer all calls property of C?| a clock in the evening aad I last nig Ill* I Itl l.ll I 1^ V?? W?VVV.. at that place on I)cEST'S ~ IT.. USE BURNEDtenant houses on tho p*t A T. West burned lit. Loss $200,Oo. It J he post as superintendent uleshuri; plant. of t l)e i I .1. Win. Mitchell J in t lu . moinliitf. ! was occupied ti 1 name of fireen J ?y a colored man by the Harnes,