The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, November 10, 1904, Image 6

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pepr ? I / I / . . / r < THE BATESBTTRG AEVOCA i I lTB. -4 VJK? MMMannMMaMBMMMHMMMaMMMal \ Box i hk hnv Is 3ooo kei [>f Mone .'s. To each Durchas sy Will er a kev sroes with be Giv evervl en A\* T TTTPGTn T T 1? HPT *5 'ay.~| 1QDd. | I I dollar I At ? W -W ? ? ? ? ^ s worth bought. There is one key the rate these keys a a out of the 3ooo that' re now going there > will open the box. will be none left afte We the undersig the money box ha bogus keys from r next 4% iJUUU V J. iJJJXU | V V x ;ned guarantee that the 1\ is been placed in the dr< which the customer draws J. I S 1 J. V | X w A icky k9y to 3 iw with the B Q I Body, m r> Shoal v 551 ISatui $5.oo $4o.o< day. The money is to $l.oo, and from a 1 3 or $5o.oo thereip. all in currency or air rough estimate then The box is about one 2 t- ( erent denominations e must not be less i foot square. i trom than u t e. : nt TTX nr t71 c~ L. Asbill. 8 CURED CON SUM I Kp. B. W. Evuns, Clef v H???-: "My I urhand lliret* ujuiilkio* Tlie duct i i . .1 .... ..L UUICW^-UI 5^?? the star antar it water, Kan., itm Mau u Hur Tfc,m, l*y fit k for OrMi?? TkM tk? |i ors >ald that in tbe constellation 8cor n. We pro- rheo visible at all, low do' JUIVlll^lll * ^CONSTIPATIt ulo. SCOn. ' *'Por orer nine yeara 1 suffered with chron , atipatlon and daring this time 1 bad to ti kVO in our I InjMlfon of warn vat?r onct tTtrr M konri - - Best Liniment on Harth I l\l Henry D. Baldwin, Sunt. City W www i ter Works. Shullsbunr, Wis , writi ic con- I have tried umny kinds of linimei ?ko >u ( * .before but 1 have never received much l>*n ?1 TFI 1 ? V U^u Jll< -?n s? a VI curt (i h bt.tllfe tf l'H.lard > \ ru|>,: r.d it l uitil bit l x j. MS t^O. 9 i ie tin r >ys i?pt n boille in llit i-ai.uot do will out it. F < c'Kjm it i as i>o tqual." : .Sold by U. J. Ilarri*. A INtktl Dtrb If fr.ii nro AV?r tin fori ' Uorehnund loutbern aky, is a star of n. 'i hat wa> Int magnitude,' called Auta ,, ^ P |Mve al- object is, according to me i bcu-e. We of lt* D?"*Ilax .by Sir D ...l, , enormously distant and m or ct u|1m and ? . , ... ? r _ fore be a colossal body. C oU,'? astrouomera, J. B. Gore, from photometric considers its mass is probably 86,000 r of the sun. As a rule, the 'urate enouah RMtrniuonem is to doub w , i cDiii un> id action on my ooweia. n> UDJUt tu tried Caacareta, end today I am a well T-ku Online the nine yeara before I ueed Caaci rrw. turn Buffered untold mlaery with internal pllea. 1 eaitraniBni to yon t am free from alt that thla mornlni Mtiremcni cma m %hu ln behalf of luff(rln( humaniv avid GUI, B.F.FIaber. Boano ufit lb ere>ne of our Best For computed Th# Bowels ^ ss totoccyu? tendency t whether _ PP1I7 * ?r?t?ni '*,t: un''' I use>tl Ballard s Snon* L;i [h*Yoa nient for rheumatism ?nd j>ains. K*. HI. think it the bast liniment on earth 25s, 50c $1.00. Sold by <>. J. H rris. Accounted For. LJLj "Youug Speudem insists that I doesn't care for money." "Of course not. lie bus none to cu I mB^mC^UVflflE^CCyjc^ WmsWUSitOBUIllfBBSSSSSSSSBm New store in Batesl u. a complete line of I re ! )urg is now opened fo 3RY GOODS, Dress G warn r the public with loods. to smash a new derby t cracks and In spite of blng and brushlux refiw Ita pristine smoothness < the simple expedient of fc ed match Inaide the ha broken spot. By the hi lias half burned oot you the bat has become sofl will brush it vlforouslj KenoK mAWiPnf ! ' iat, so thrft It sueb differences as these f vigorous tub- p]y exist among the clestial tea to res&ms undoubtedly the mase ol >f surface, try must be exceptional. Mr. totting a light- the Lowe observatory, t cioae to the points out that round this me the match {s a wide region "about n will And that stars as any known to the E. If you then Many starless fields are ei r with a stiff in the heavens. "These bint rill rMTftlM 1tfl oVaw* ma sforo yz z A.Utares pa)?table. Potent, Taate Good. D. Lark In Of Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe. 10c. Stc.Mc ne ?I !.ol(l ln bulk. The Kenutno tablet stamped California, Guaranteed to cure or your money back. great star Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.' ? void of ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION Bl telescope." aeountored L-kened and LENGTHY SERMONS nr Jf nnr ^ for."?Detroit Free Press. oOood snn,e ov*>r OK?I? Is bett ?N??er than nothing.?Pallas News, coo. ' ??3 II In Idea. IXEv Wall Street?So your sou Is studyti law. Do you expect that lie will sti< to It? Speculator?Oh, no; I just wa him to know enough about It so tli I.? ...111 I... .,1.1,. I.. O an,<?.iL'j fill I Clothing:, We have Prices her _ give us a trial. $1* eleswhere. ?' We don't want you bhoes a nd e to suit everybody it 00 will buy as much h to take our word fo Mats. ; will pay you to iere as $1.35 will r this statement former amoothneM and 1< ln| had erer marred It* i Housekeeping. Raraakar* C Watchea first came li the year 1477 at Nurei that account and becani cullar shape they were 1 remberg eggs." They """ - fTOOlC Bi CBD ?UU ? UW "V"? ook as If noth- the/ are on the extreme limi arfacc.?Good jn this splendid and pure air. In these dark expanse of the delicate, pearl yrhlte mm*- ing background of the side lto fashion In ture can be seen. Dbe Ir nberg, and on that all the matter once lu ie of their pe- baa been drawn In to bul mown as "Nu- Colossal sun Antares." The were not all been swept clpan. In the t Of vision, op ? ? Hoin nt n Mrr<c! mountain Division* I'p (o "Klaht >-alx(l ? no trace No hhigllsh congregation would , shimmer- listened to such sermons as usnl real atruc- popular in the Presbyterian cln iference la Scotland. There is Indcrtl a i this area' ?f n dissenting preacher 1 lid up the L?obb in the seventeenth eenturj space has when South went to hear him. ' constella- mounted up in the pulpl^ftnd n - " ? *?' ti?*t miidp iiothiiur ??f sul 111 t* Bd Detroit Free Press. ?iy." _____ I have ?4?lte KdrkbIuk. to be "She is a very sweet girl." urolies '-Wby, the beurtless llirt bail proi stor? lseil to marry four different men." named -Well, that's what I mean; her nin who, necs are most engaging." 'being aming Knew llie Woril. fine it - ? ? | we wars! ou to cor Saturday \vi To get you to sta gains: ne and see for yoursel ill be our special cut rt with us we will g'i\ fprice Sale. re you great bar= egg ana pea, nowevw, iw iuf made In imitation ot ncorns, blrda' akulla, el year 1620 watchea beg the shape now generally The Exact Thlnf Reqi stipatioa. 'As a certain purgati' puriiler Chamberlain'* t l&lilet* tesiu lu be the e ?i mem iw uons nagiTtanus ana owriii ' pwr?, gourd#, tat many black field* wltl ;c. About the star or nebulous baefcgronn ma to asauma Telegraph, worn. ? ^ * STRANGE DELU ilred tor Col Wkr ? r*w Priwitn E?tk? Imlmm .?*( > stoi>'*c 1 number'of conrlcts itoniactt Livtr Bucceeded in making tbeir e XUCl linng ro- (Va iiutainiiu (a ramiMratl o mere e*? n -- - tout either up into twenty-six divisions, d.?London which separately he very careful dertook to expatiate in their Thereupon the doctor rose up SION. logging the friend who bore liiu puny, suid, 'Let us go home and Trmm our gowns ana snj)|ieu, i a. man will make night work of it who have But Mr. Lobb himself was h scape from in the pulpit as compared to a < velv small, i mr THiumii Boston, to whose st ?c -- tveeper or uie uuies-Arni i v upou ?fraitj 0f what the recording nnge lly un- hook inny show? Spirit?No; on ear order, j had a candid friend.?Smart Set. , and, j com- When You Have a fad Cold ^ Z?.0., Yoii remedy that will i , ^ "" oiny g'v? TfdTcK .c-Kf iimnne mam nt eur<'certain ^ 0,1 vva,lt n remedy that will -elU rinoiiH the lungs and keen expectoration en r? | ?XTRA VALUES IN LA? ^ DIES DRE?S SKIRTS $l.r?? ladies Heavy Woij^LU I>ress Skirts i's ,ot $5.00 Skirts for SMObbi bnoEsr SHOPS;! Wo t arry :i Maple line of solid lculli DRV GOODS. ' F( Sea Island wort li <? t'de ot -I 7-7 Heavy Drill worth 7 l-:2, <S- at <i 1 4 ! Feather l iciiing worth IS at t. Men.s negligee shirts wort hjxw at | su UNDERWEAR to 1 i?r IOII MKN WOMEN AND i 1111 -1 1 CLOTHING )R MEN BOYS ANII CHILDREN. M.i.on Suits, Navy Blue, Railroad its Extra Heavy Double Breasted Melii Cloth to be *12.00, our ices 7.f>0? quiitd. strung enough robust, u-i d tnuugi cliildiuu and aitbjat g'tpiug au cuuimou to ti vtrs,' guy M. H. We U lora, Ontario, Canada. Tiduioiti1 ttruc, A Cru PlMtidaa a 9 for the uiuBt the natural difficulties of i tou sule tor penetrable jungle with wli that terrible lands are densely covered ai most purga stretch of sea separating bitter & Co., Indian or -Burman ina For sale bV almost, lnsurmount ^on Drg. C j ctai to the enterprising run, Among a large number vlcts there la a curious b< aUmre. leut that the Anrtamane or almost Im- sir Archibald (Jelkle bus drawn ilch the Is- tion In bis "Scottish Itciuinisc) ad the wide Mr. Thomas Boston, who wrote them from called "Primitioe et Ultimo," wn inland pre- later of the gospel at Ettrick. In able obsta- mou on "Fear and Hope, ObJ? away. i the Divine Complacency." fro of the con-1 text Psalm cxlvli, 11, "The I.oi fllef prevo- 1 e*h pleasure in them that fear h e in reality ' in those that hope In his mere; 1 Yrwlfn ? n tnie<\illlotl.\ll 1 alten- You want a remedy tha* wi'l cot iinces." teract any tendency toward jitn a book mnnia. ia mln- Yon want a r-medy that is pleasi ' ') SCl, and safe to take. ?ct8 of in the Chanib Haiti's Cough I?em?-dy me rd tak- H" three reipdreir.enis i nd (or i im and sp?? dy and i.rruianetil ctre oi 1 f," Mr. colds stands wi h lit a peer. For sa'e - - 1 k: I u " >. in- Men's boy's Misses, children and old en- lady comforts. A sm.e for ajiv member of the family a shoe : s trin- to his name as can be int made 1 < 111 lea* her. ;*:$ ."><) Mens v ci kid at J.'JSk Hl> A n i! ha Traill solid leather box ' calf i t prs nan' L'.fiiioui price l.T."< Aim; Ji.V* II 1 l.'Ja si oe lor Si* ,rHl Ladit*> $1.7o. dress shi e sp? iheeJ by lace or but ton 1.1s , $6 I'KKN. ro Ext ia heavy ribbed undvrvest worth i lOe at 25 qti Men's and Lad it s I levi ed lined Mn-1 dcrw<arh avy weight s\oi th ."(>< at to n; f)0 doz. men's heavy lleeeid lined j draws worth "?0e wejiuve loo many of | them at It")1 Si.aO comforts at l.i'o $1.75 lilankets per pair ' J'1 ,<H) Suits every thread wool fancy ^ lors * w *3.50' Men's heavy coats and vests lality worth $8.00 our price 5.50' Also $1.50 boys suits size from 1 tee at 98 $3.50 Hoys suits for 1.98 100 pr. all wool pants you will see iut thev arc worth $1.00 more thane I nM mv ui? uuhik Urut fun." "Find a red ear?" "Tea." "Kiss the prettiest gl "Nope. Didn't dare, girls were engaged to I "What did you do?" "Kissed the homelles "Did that give Batista "Not a bit of it. Eai ? irww vuv Wft ? JMU-l VI IUV uiiuuMiuu vi lone **& voyate being me on tlie part of the alrkar, deavors to deceive them aa rl?" position of the settlement AJ1 the pretty the ship that brings them lusky fanners." a circle for several days be: them in the harbor of t girl." Many of them according!] ctlon''" convinced that if they ca L-h of the husky ceed In maklnf their way *.UUU!t tmv , XvUslUU, uuri uu iuuwmkiiwh . rely a ruse lections. deduced six doctrines , which en- 1 Hubdivided into from three u i to the real headB, but the last doctrine r< by making another aermon which contnl go round in practical iniproveiuent of the fore landing arranged under eighty-six lie: Port Blair, aermon on Matthew xi. -N. was r are firmly vjded into seventy-six heads.' " a only sue-1 text, indeed. Mr. Boston preach through the such sermons. ... ...... | iiiiiiiuii- i?ros. ?v u i (it'soii i?riii' i i, each > eight equired )U TI1 CAROL I nod 'a whole,' ids. A On this NA MARBLE ed four WORKS. I/O. I ; *_ iRflfpcKuvcr ? O. Yours for busint IACOH V Dili U ? ?(7M\, llill J III"*. !SS, V( )I u b\ farmers felt that I snubbed lilt* best gi Plain Dealer. Mure Llkclr *? Nocash?Wonder wh row some money? Hardupp?What do j "Ob. I've got a sure t race tomorrow." "You don't want m< bad personally belt or juugie mar neug rl." ? Cleveland they must eventually find back in their own count! even the disastrous fate ? Oe? It. puided few who from ti ere I can bor- make the attempt only to j ably of sturv&tlou or by i ou want it for? neae arrow is snthcleut to blng in the fifth them or to deatroy their I ' astonishing delusion?Mod >ney; you want ' ^ * es mem 111 it Is more tnan aounirui wnei themselves bruins or hearts south of the ry. und not could have stood the strain < of the mis- discourses. But a Scotch p me to time not jn the present degenerate f ?erlsh miser- been known to preach from than Andama- bours at a stretch, and soi discourage when one preacher had tinis faith in this sermon another would begin at iras Mall. would be a succession of pi ~ delivering sermon upon serin* ner nuy 7 Tweed ;?f such . readier, j 1707 iYiam Street, Colur me. has , . c e to si\ bia, ^. C. net lines hed his Manufacurers of and Dealers in id there reaeliers >11 until x T \ TJ I )1 r_T? | VIA ^ y B KaBHaBffl^^2aaie^Bg8Bfae85aB to borrow trouble."?< COUNTERFEITING! Foley & Co., Clii. Honey and Tar cs a tJ remedy, and on accoui merit end p'pu'nrity < and Tar n.-any iuitati ft r t lie erriiuice. A Tib- " 1 nsterous Wre< j Careles-naa* Is respond 1 _ -In railway wreejc and the i ME GENUINE, |Hre making human * recki ago, trigufaied) from Thrnat apd Lurg tr roal and lung eince the advent of Dr. 1 nt of the gr?ats D'erovery for Con?un-pt >f Foley'.. llon?y'land Colde, even the worst ona are ? ffered 1 cured, and hopelena ret-i^u isk for FoIm 'pI u? ' "Iffl the unhappy congregations \v? >le for rnair listening to "the word'' for n <HQ.e causes as ten hou1'" without n break , of sufferer, WUldon lu the Nineteenth Cenl ouhlefl. Hip King's New DrF C1?ar" mnd D?mP ?* . "Some smokers prefer a cign on, oug is damp to one that Is dry," says cases can b? manufacturer, "and In show mi ion is no preference I think they makt , ? A M- ?!,? I. tn.> ,lm re kept | i> 1 / ill 1 UjI'j s many a j Bishop XV. jJN i " turv. , GRANITE r that is M()N U .\LK N'I ? a uiistrlll <\t H ft- I i3 _ - nr ua rara ^5? sa E ? tfid r. # * r ? IW | Honey and Tar j nd r siit'ite ? ffered as no ot w ill jfive the *>: me *h u ildly h xalfve. Tr <-? les and i? Mifeat lor c i< t t pereoiia. SoM l> B rfuse any sub- Dorchester, Alaas., is ci her pepuration -whose life was Raved by Li.-faciion. It Discovery. This j;r* Mains no ''p'a*! g?uar in*eed lor all Tbroa i.dren and ? el- d'sen-es by your I r iff isl > Tunn ana Kroa* H(l<1 p qq Tria| bottle fre IWOMEN'SI ^ n 5 "S ^' LQiktr. *\ % i iuu i Jr? ii/i/ u J j lie of 118113 course, cause a little annoyan It. K n<f's dust, but a cigar that is as ? >?t remedy u u'Hiiy smokers prefer It will 1 it mid Linn MS KOfMl nn aroma ns tl.?e other Price '?ic not l,uru KO we"- A medium ^ respect t.) these conditions, Is between n dump and a dry would always take the dry thus secure the better sine Louis Globe-Denioerut. ice from lamp as lot have Heads'ones and all kin ami will iiK-ar. i>. of Cemetery Work. best, but cigar 1 R> STLLUR, Manager, one and >ke. ?St. F.M. f.YATT, Proprietor. Iouipnur was It' you suffer scalp; from will cure you li! the bosom of ? ?woiitiercug rower u from any disease of the circi Gout, Catarrh, <e suljihur. !i is nature's owi Mother It nth. m Uisease llati /ii, skin or , cic.y nothing i remedy Irom * We have a V $2.00 I SHOEsJ Vt man's Two Tollar Slioa th*t is * "satis Herb. W. Edwards Inn Ilerb. W. Edwards of I)is. Iowa, go' a fall oil an icy w wintir, -jiiaini.-j. his wrist a mg his kue?s. "The next tl >a>s, "lbey were so s ?e mm w?s afraid I would have to.-ta , . ,, but 1 rubbed Iheiu well will fvinir" . r; ICROSSON L)RU< "k,r COMPANY. . . . i?r," ?> :) II 1 y in be \ j W d ? not try lo deceive 3 1 ( hum intfRence by tellin* you we ? j HASICO is pure sulphur our I life to the talo< ae'i I Use Ilancoc Q in liquid form. It brings heal >d, strength and vigor to tl k's Liquid Sulphur and 5?c tli to the skin, ic entire bod v. :zema, Boils. tJlioe in (Ti ry It's a c 1 It_ f It l as all t In The stock is n:nkii'K at a i Uo Wi is i ot Ma tier | 1 lie \Y? man re*p*et. ihat w ill please any Woman. , is Exfp^^tly Made. p at j d Shoe, jfo?r id examp'e of por U' ' r o DoPaj Shoe b?-ri w. ...e*tT*o Dollars and no m t>*rlain'8 Pi'in Ha in anil i f(i applications all ^orenesa lia penred," Fi r sale \>y Tinr.mona Una. &('rj-taon I' <1 Hhoe it asmwwmitwwwnf ere, i? 1 HAVE YOU r a l< w everunng ciieapor man any d (1 i?a|i? elsohut we want to t. I) von t we live I he larjjeHf and most c )iff. Co' < !>>: stock of Drugs, Aledicii I l'erlint ry, Soajv, Eye-Glas Statutory, Flavoring Extra HI|>tr f Hot* Powders, .l.welry, Huh TTTTTTnm (j Oi's. and <*l.i s m oil.-Hi to the trade hi .his s. ct 31 at tires : > low as the lowest. Tni Ulcers, etc., < t?in,jt s The llulioock l.l(|lli<lSltlpI Hullimore, M d. Sesi, (ienllcmeii: ,.js I w .->li to Ml your I.itjnn sri.i-iirit. '',e, month in which lime it < Vi-r i Hint I'lmpleu on my fuee. cure for prlcklv liont, iiml j inrndlnc I,i?jtil> Sfi.rin and ! from llit ibove dluMMi. juickly disappear. aurCn. The ll;meo< U l.h|iinl Sul Il:i11 lliiore, Mil. 1 ifitr Sirn: . . For nearly t \ iy a word In regard 1<< |>.-en alllieicil v illi h-tci I nxeil it nbont one trenletl l?v two <>i the i? nr< 1 ma of I'olHon oul; , ore. wiiliont relief. 1 I ni-o found It a aw ? i iqi jn Hutriioit ?nd < lake iileaMirc In reenni- entiii ly. A" Mile woki. K to nn\ one mill'. r.nS "hler M a von.lerfnl me * not too hic'l.U recotnr. nlnir i v<? y? ur? our little boy ban ink hi i l>fi I n i iiit11 inn. been "*l v'i.i xIcimiih I roi.ld wethen iti enii a lo try your mi' )i utie Iihh 1'iireil liiui Vt<r ? libitum r ISi', I rowIt. tin i ml f i but I I'ttnI i i \ .1 l.llil III a pair 01 snoei Express Chi [lev enonia give this rr.oe a trial, ar^es prepaid* ten fiurry eccfrrftn'rs o ER "The Shoe Man 1613 Main Street. ||A HEADACt p IF YOU HA ,?| ^NERVALGII I Will ? ure It in 10 uiinu ^ Yt,u evil buy it anywh ' Sr from IK* qu ily exeelU .1 by no one. 1 \\ nii k>a spi'i:ia'?y of fill VE 3 * v<*r want of our customers, . . Jf to III stork will s-cure it \ ^2 f tlieiwitboul uny extra ? ? ar#e Un irt Your^atronage SeliciU ere ? . a* = a'r-nncrwi rvm i/; r/\ KesjH-ci iiii{ Tampa, Kloriila. ami Prepared (specially Piles, Ron 'lincss of ;d. Hold at all rc 1 nilile drug * \ H I M l Mf ! IftlUy si i-i'lll'H fi?i' lliyriiriM(' W." V? COMRH, K,'"r' k: !.< < si., l>uu\iili't V?i INCOCK'S I.IQiHD SULPiiSL'H OI.VTMFN' for Rums, Scalds, Open Sores, Chafed parts, 1> l-'uer ami Hands, Scaly Kczema, Itluckhcaiis an itores. Write for free booklet containingirr&lefi.L hints on the curative value ami toilet use of l.l?jui<l KI-Z.-iiih eotfniik k nif, H Hi ft Hi n-v/N H law Surfaces, Roils, H 1 all Skin Diseases. H testimonial* and giving Sulphur ,^v ^ Columbia, S, C. -Wy ti f * IEDKUU Dfc.?Lli vmuiuiuusiuss ^ WK.V/C7V/I1 1/IVUVJ v\/., itUtifiSj Leesville, S. / ^^^HANCOCK L1QU IU SULPHUR CO., + -