_ ; V _ j,; 7 THE BATE SBTTP.G ADV^ATB. 1 1 v ' * ? ' .: ' ' -' X- ^ 'yi ?V * ?av-.- aL\ ^ L?iJKfvaMKfl CI n it ? nr* l T j A .T C r rrt Jw fltf J ni \r?V k, Have just unpack* Sacrifice ana \vo can ncL i uj 3cl a tremendous line c sell them at the mak< .> r. >f Men and Boys clot! srs price. For the 1 rnKK * ? 4 hing made by the best lext ten clays they vvil : manufacturers. 1 11 go at what it cos:' .0 rv\i w- i 'Vl . _ j? a Che goods were bone ? make theril . fclf*?|!j THE I larters NEW I tor Sev HOME 1 vmg Best Machine o ichines n the Market Rflsv Terms ,, ; - : \0 We also carry a goo lWarUlno 1 #-* C-fy\/irl-r Do not buy anywh Thomas & riarton Co. Great AH ere until you get our i Thomas 6: liarton Co.. ! Ttyd j 9 lor thi :eration ar prices and see our goo< Rydales Stomach Tablets. ales 8u>rnnch Tablets are tnnde : /Vl p a Stomach and organs of assiui- * i and are intended for a "cure They con Lain concentrated naep Is. RCHANTS BAN Commenced Kusiress February 1 [ Is AUGUSTA/} WH ,\b. OA Cream 1 KIUVIIIIIV 111 IUVIV j Is Beau)y Only l/prmiffiiap beauty is only fkii CI 11111 U*% C > forces (hat c>eate ben -s ! f)6 fll?? friinfain f?? m i HpiJ * jffijfefi <'.?<&{#?} ?x.'- i'**''* ,;*. ????? SKin Deep? i deep, but the tity are as ^eep *W~.. \ Sa This, chance beats deal, as we stand lit*, Pe ! digest I ^ I erful I 16 . i,m." ? t ami or the Standard Oil k^TJ llacid i ready to deliver 1 *' * i dales S psin, Pure Pancreatin and other MAURI* ive agents. They contiin nowonics and mild stimulants that . spec.ifto ell'ect on the Stomach c Hari jfansof assiniulation and which Henry II urc in reconstructing tin- lire - ?oige S wu cells and strengthening the I )Olls 3 tiuscles of the wallo of the sto- Accot mil other digestive organs, I Ky- Prom Itlllllanll Tnllli'ls :ir.? :i H?pfui kii>RS: Maurice Walton, Win. .1 llolliti- sv It-s T. Purd, James K. Tarver, William I, Comining, Frjnn Ijivmukh, John J. Eva Murph iy. - - _ i general Hanking PtMntes. Pays interest on mis of Merchants. Coi poiatton* and individi pt and courteous attention gu r: nlted. {"en *ccswoinn, vice ri?K?. i \<>rtlt, Win. H. IJarretf, ? \S ^ Martin, !.. I.. Arrirgtun * ./ n?, Thomiis It. Maxwell, ' S pperiHi(Savintrs) ncc't*iials solicit eil. THE CHILDREN'! il us\ot'r collection* icwamc o the genuine f THE GUARANTEED Alien the Blood in ci |?| V* BJ| purit>H Beauty disajp 1W II K M tiiooil is pure Beauty I " ? and form. Rydales f? J* Bfl ^ n U keeps the Liver healtlj K I M I U I regular, prevents the " " ? ! ja,jenetj vvith bile an 3 FAVORITE TONIC. | make the at in clear, * r imitations. ^04utj' inoro Ihtti) skii irrpiarn ftniv ?v' niir^ll lllCJf 1 IIIW , harg?d w tit iin pears, U ben 'the blossom* in lace Liver Tablets ly and the Bowels blo.oA. .beeomlnff id waste niattar, eyes bright and n deep. , the goods. Porch and Lav 4 fi ct Inn?, made ol ImrJ wood and varno regular price was $1.50 each. We Mill c!c Shut Out Mosijuit The Perfection .dorqiiito Canopy anil Ni l vou can nicve it aroiiid to any old place _ = ? stormc and cu m Settees, troubi di (ini-li. 'I lie QVif tVlfll se thetn out at VOv? ^ . (? . 3?*. I't oes ana Flies. suhh> p. Tbese festen to the bed ?o tba ethics r?' ? 1 ^ rnmn :h medicine, tliev relieve at onct* re 'li" worst f .rms of stomach i S*V e, Price "20 and 50ots. a lmx. I 1 W'TO AdvUlnic it Docliir. [Unti'.v- maybe I'll better call blui I oteid. since to advertise ills real | mi^ht be to do violence to the of the medical profession?well, I ?r. Proteid is bimseif a sufferer TWRIGHT'S MANGE CURI ilLET SOAP.-NEVER FAILI ~ Ballard-Snov E AND DOG ?T->C NG_ ? j v Liniment Co. , u>e. FAMOUS BATT trro ItuUncM Wher * ' Turned Itjr Sln? There are two instai PI n yv? "hi n cr bntt,e hei"s wou 1)5 riUIIlUlIl^ Hit; fifth century C.eri ; ? - . ; Auxerre? anil Lupus, t I LE SONGS. ' e the Tide Wmm tin is Them. aces on record of ' a war song. In nunui), bishop of jirthop of Troy.es, a breeze. Fo? mer price, $4 50; will sol* Twenty-Five Fa <>ohlen Oak o>- Mnhnisiuiy Finish, ?ou?l or regular price, $3.00; sale price Eighteen Parl< Rich Fiano Polish in Knglish Oak ?>r Mam the Rocker for a presenl, worth $0 00, $7. ?ale price lor vuiiipivivt from time I ncy Rockers. other $!.40 each ?'? the ot 3r Rockers. "bed" ?irunv, Saddle or Cobbler Seats, jus 00 3.98 each. '-?> the im rheumatism, winch for a long lias resisted nil his ekill. The (lay a big lrislimau came bobup his steps ar.d was admitted attendant, who usbeml him into ttce and called the uoctor from >r part of the house. Presently etor came limping in just us the ^^0 had done. 11, my man," said he, "what is itter with you?" ~ Machir ppl Mill Si 1 ""C OCI1I, (UlU X >11 111 Lery cin.Ct doctrines Of 1'claglui etay In this island the hearing that the lto f been cVithdruwu, eui upDlies, I ties aiiif* drove $10" I * WT ' 1" northern to'The uioj*e 1 v*" 1 the island. Cferinauui ' of the hard pressed is prices virii against the I'k-ts ant i' ad vanee^'as far as M 111 iu rriuie uw **. During tbeir .net* and Scots, mun legion hud umenced hostillIritout from the southern parts of 8," at tlie request , landers, led them . I Scot bo bad old. In FHnteliife. ' 25C Window Siz* Cxfl feet, all colors, clotli mounted 01 rollers, fixtures complete, worth 50c. end Do You Want t< Then net the best mut?rex- o earth one i soniinn A corletl lair iinitir?in tlWv'Kht 40 pounds, pul u??,??nly in best A. price. fS5; sale pries - ? ~ * - ~ ^ a , SI a 'es, 25c. each. ? ??? [) Sleep Cool? j admit lha? * ? ! last. ii i'Vti iv nti'i m . :?f n. ii ! A iim"'can litir.ir Trom tilur * r /v P" Rroan KS.95. tbeuc : to go ' ? * r? or, "they's two nv us that ou;;kt to some doether who lius sinse h to cure the both uv us."? _ ^ ' t _ ^ irrr"' V j jf i the fc ^ I..B.DOJ jLdLvi. commander iu his y -- . men in au mivuuuige j then started one of 1 r I PJ> A- W.trrch. Tfcfs ROhjr'TK * * C Iv t\ wv/ i nieneemcnt of the bat erously did the Iirit< frfclu, "Halleluiah," tl umbia, S. C. olnK wlth the 8?una* emies and caused thor rectiona. Thi9 was e n militaVy outli, piMtd bla oils |>onitiou uud ^ . the songs of tlie *?wn ?t the eomtle, nn?l so roclfjii8 sing the reint tlie hills, echterrlfted their eu11 to flee In all dialled the hnllela -"cfiner vtoou tout- -1 |)Si tt. /? 4.Ul; ? " Sample Brass a at sweeping reduct ions, in w i?I v ni iv rtyles. Prices for brass rnn/t from IRON BEDS, variety of | a11? rn colors, some tnmiind vviili brass, SOME GOOE , $0.5u; 3>o.ou; via l Brook nd Iron Heds Thi? "f $16.50 to $50. . I ., , tiger, s, enameling in wlnle anu ....^ .1 exoelleii t values, $ 1S"? to $20. rivers ) THINGS. small lyn Eagle. Finnd Animal gnlmurri. r ul all elephant is u good swimmer, and used I ild animals of the cat family, the AT FC the panther, the jaguar and otho not hesitate to cross lakes and . On the other hand, the domesit shrinks from immersion and ??? is quickly. The nostrils of some uniinuls ure so placed ns to reu its f(lr tl <> 11.statu eradication of fleas and skin diseases on dogs and all domestic aniui; or fifteen years - - iUNTAIN CITY KENNELS. A FOH jSALE IN BATESBTRG BY TIMM \r\ T. occurred on the 1792, when the riez, encountered 111 a pes, in lielgling dead against imouriez ran out ed the "Mnrseil1 voices instantly o r\il Kw 2f? rolls Jnpafirst* M alt intra, carpet p 1111 i jpcr Jnid, our saIe price. ISr. \nrd. SAMPLE I'IC'l 1' EES. ( In i> c a sort nnt.otf. $1 pKtiirts l< r 4Sr < ?? ! . $2 j tacli. pictures lor $2.1-0 cacti. ICE ltOXES, 25 pounds ice capacity, $3 REFRIGERATOR SALE. It s getting EJIeuuuble and Sanitary Refrigerators at $ r: I In* kind sold everywhere :it Jl'h J (ler b are li r.K lit i f lie.-nt ifui -iibjeclP, f-0 pt rn)<.t lictures for >ltiuh. $:i pictuivs I'o wituo Rats Alu .98, are i r , ? helph hot and ynu need one ol the Leonnr tleula (S.9~>. and, * 1 J- fl r.nn reathlng very difficult when they IS 1 11 the water. Among these are nnd rnbbtts, which will ilrown ut sinking beneath the surface, are excellent swimmers. lost nil birds except those which . qr- T iistlnctly natutorial are nearly >ss In water. Small birds In pnrr have no power of propulsion, though they do not sink, they n rmtfklv Kvpii mfinr nf yv i n/\ 1 wuu Before it St< JS; WE'LL TELL YOU HO We make, sell and guarantee ni ! ! v fore having JQur )ps You!! Electi W IT'S DONE.: II. men her the oil tination tlic ihi< a safe and ,lf*ed : house lighted wiili the magic of the I French rallied and I . . upon the Austrlans battle was completely J * tory given for defeat.17. il paying, "Peocra*if of time," .-t d take HAWTHORNE The Hlirh Standard IU-1.UCT4 "J >attle song, the fell so furiously that the tide of turned and vle-Pearson's WeekS WORKS. They Hire Set AXIiIM?TER BUGS. Just a 1e%v 1. jpartor rug made. $8.50 Ituirs for $1.98. : I REMEMBER we are Hosing ? ut Art I Thomas S August. 11 ir. in *'I.IIIII' 11 1111ii>, < 11iiiic- ~, {."> 50 Hups for .5)5. watei juhms. 'I liis ii.? mis a raving of 1 -ha11 difliei wing! i A Mn(1 r t Barton, s' fly.? ! a' ?a- I rfowl rise from the water with ( ulty or not at all when their i are wet. After a sea gull plunge* eturns to the surface it stretcher! lugs so that they may he dried by 'lnd uud sun before It attempts to Success. The Patient Bruin. brain Is one of the most patient ifficient remedy that prompt Coughs, Hoarseness and all I Troubles. Us About It. ly relieves it tost:- yon no bronchial representative eall ' mat- on Wiring Yr hop American thing to have our 1 Two things are to when Hawthorne's na and make an.e?ti-< pjret> glory he ret | lean literature. L.ittl< by us in letters or an 1 the highest order exe Hawthorne. These ' promise of perpetuity, of supreme and univer rises to their meaning Literature. 1m? remembered me Is mentioned, lects upon Amere has been done t that Is quite of ppt the works of Lave the clear The themes are sal moment. He and depicts them ? PRINTED ST, We have just receiver i l-u* finest Un Drill tec unu i " CUII I pcrfo lzo It VTIONERY bard 1 a full supply of . . It Wl I Stationery be- nmu? nuusi niiiih organs ui nit* uou.v. n be induced by good treatment to ? trm prodigies of labor. Few real I s capabilities and endurance. But sensitive. It will not long brook e. It brisklj- responds to the whip rst, but if tlie lash is laid on too ^^?__ and often it balks. It insists upon :ig plenty of good, red blood when i irks hard, and good, red blood is ^ I i from whent and roast beef, not MMONS B PETH BROT ROS, House "ERS. w M In commensurate fori tt preacher to cry alouilOUSe. paints, yet not that throbs In pity n |n.r in uses over the wondi ** not suffer the pall of < over ft forever. That A Specialty thorne an author who . - high fields of thought "riv r unimpeachable honor I PiK K Y rvemetnnl rem- iJimni ixi. He is not a d. but an artist without a heart nd a fancy that er of it and will darkness to hang we have In Hawse work in these la crowned with and Is sure of rv a tvtncfu nf Iwten Columbia and and let us Print scm i I Augusta. Call e of it up for you. HE BATESBURCl ADVOCATE, brali dot's frosl tain Trih pie a la mode, lobster salad anil Ine or whisky. The most essential _ ; for the man who works with h's o4U t 1 Is plenty of sleep. < inly in sleep the brain find the rest and reltncnt that are neeessary to mainIts vigor und integrity.?Chieago une. Monkrji anil Wntrr, mkeys never wash or bathe. successors to is. All IROADJSTREET, When you buy a stove, buy !*THE GREAT EXCELSIOR.' always kept in stock. - V en. * * AUGUST A, GA T71 i Electric COLUMI the best. ' Parts yrjto j*Qp 1?R ANCH Ol* FIC satisfaction as years g ? ( But Hawthorne hai Company* up?u ?ur latitude?i I that he has set the c: r achievement in letters ijIA, o, 0. i laws of our nature things done in literati this sort. They alone, are remembered and !' ages. Hawthorne is o :o by. i a wider claim lamely, the fact seal of KloriouM upon the moral >. The Kreatest ire hare been of from Job down, cherished in the ur only exponent I Little Higher ii ^3 i Price, cut? lXz | bas^ gh tliey hhve, us a rule, cver.\ ice to do so. Possibly experience | tuught theiu to be afraid of croc * 's. which are pretty generally dis- : ited ou monkey haunted rivers. It lid that a number of Indian inoit \/l/ "" i watched a party of Kuropeans in W nly machii e that and BOt !* f"rth ,n *>er ? ha mi lever to m?- erarr ?rt-Century. wind stark caale, I ' huu now superoi message 1* tiiUt ul nnd all great man doea to an'If, whether It be ill forever dwell \11 never forget 10 see It clearly feet forms of lit M hlng tbelr hands and of brushing r tooth with bits of stick. Nature. llow Wo Catch A Cold. cold is sometimes contracted le remaining inactive for a whilr n uncomfortable room or a colli t and by falling to sleep under conditions. Hot nv??t coils an ?!*# twltiln uloutt! iiur tit 1 I'ikl 1 :t ( ! ^ left. Write for on. You ai to make our store our head when in Augusta. PETH BROT1 I welpht. If in in "? wriic io HERS, They run Ik* set on mil in K*?r ??(j, r Not A Sick D? lit" heaviest strain, riie racket is held i "I was taken severe 1 sasv an ad" Bitters and de'erini! Aftertnking a few doi and soon thereafter wi ly Since ?y *iek willi V idill soils of medt? relieved nie. of your Electric leil to try tliafc ies I felt relieved ts entirely ell red, i j fStdd by i'< gulH l??? tfh in Kv I *it First, isut?. I'm lei. t? Axlrt u'iihi.nt inline. ''' ry Town. C ost n I.iltU* Mon i J sho <, Wln< h JJavi Run V,000 miles pre I Coi ?"v I?-? it. Deep s eep causes sluggish illation which remlers tlie system J vptable to change of temperat ure. [>i event col Is, sleep under yleiitv over To cure c Ids use Ryilale.* sir, it lessens the severity and rtens the duration of a co'd ami 'T*||g vents I'Keuinouia Bronchitis and | nsumption, | Subs Successors tcC. B. All *ROAD STREET, Advocate and Americn Farme icribe now. After Dec, 1, this < h. b 1 AUGUSTA, OA. thk only pl ___________________________ to t.ft yc.l'R r>i Fiv* Cents. 11 t, one year, 50c. g roc* hie* and offer expires. . 1TT I P"1 : aRd have not *een a f ? 1 i?'I?' Neighbors of mine ba , Rheumatism Neural Kidney troubles and AC* IN I KES\ ll.LK I ity." Utfv is What B. NNKR FOR Twintt- i mont, N. C. w rites. I k a 1.8 at all hours. | Drn?*fet. jSoldby F*um A SPECALTY. . O.J. H ar r is, tf.ites j Timmons Bros, and C r* -. I of LeesvilU. nek day ninoe. re been cured of gin, Liver end General l>eh?lF. Bass, of Fre* Only 50c, at yuiir burg Drug, Co. 'meson Drug Co. Ji % .. fij* SStJHBHBBHI i ucnovi iLi^n, v*.