The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, November 10, 1904, Image 4

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s. -' THE BATE! i i - +' * I A?lft **, M sbup.o advo^ite: .. fe. - CI 1 ^ T j A aM r^ik I H % r rr\ Ti/i 1 M El-"S nh A IV TI7 I m ? Have jvsc unpack* Sacrifice and \vc can tlnL I UJ 3d a tremendous line c sell them at the make n r. if Men and Boys clotl jrs price. For the r rCKK* ling made by the best lext ten days they wij T1J manufacturers. 1 ] go at what it cost to v /\i^ Y -vv ^ ^jl spj jk 'he goods were bouemake them. :> > -c * ? .v&ira w X-'.f gfsfc s * ??? ^ I. TH R I lartei's S'EW I for Sev HOME 1 zing lv\c Best Machine o icnines !** ' K k ^ *" - I 3 ; n the Market Rasv Terms ?i tOO>lw Ol fl j OOt>0(?$ 10 0Q We also carry a goo* ?r ' * *"*% ..<? - T i5 < >V?/VIflrhinA in C^/?lr -V ^ Do not buy anywli Thomas & tiarton Co. it A St iere until you get our j " j Thomas & Barton Co.. ! K yd I j for tin reration ir jrices and see our gooi Rydalis Stomach Tablets. ales Stomach Tablets are made I?* l? Stomach and organsol* assitn- * i and are intended for a "cure They contain concentrated asep is. RCHANTS BAN Commenced Business February 1 IX AUGUSTA*] Wffl OA Cream I : , louvimiv III IV/V TV Is Beauly Only ? fprmmiap Pirn I 01 illllllgu fore that ceaie bean -? 1\K III" frilllfain tr rr> ui Sa This, chance beats deal, as we stand | lie, P.? ! digest I ^ iL'rfult the Standard Oil IIacid i ready to deli ver i "? hj psin, Pure Panoreatin and other MAURIf ive agents. They eontiin nowonirs and mild stimulants that . specif I.-; effect on the Stomach gansof assiniulatinn and which Henry 11 lure in reconstruct in;; tin- hr< - ?oige S iwu cells and strengthening the niuar.les of the wall* of the sto- Doesi , . Accoti mul other digestive organs, p Ry- Prom] Ihkin'inh T <iKI.ll _ ? r? I > mief .?/sf K WALTON. Prkhidrnt. W M. .i IIOLI.i> aT.HKRT a. HATCH, Ca-hiki RS: Maurice Walton, Wm .1. Unllingsv t-s T. Pur ft, .lauieH K. Tarver, William 1 , Ci.mining, Bryan Lawn me, .loliii J. Eva Mcrpli t y. i general Banking Fu-imm. Pays interest on s intsof Merchants, Coi poiaUone and indiviiU pt anu courteous att ention gu ritiUed. f-etn ;c; s w oi:t 11. vicf. rhk?. j rortli, Wui. II. I'arret?, i id* *Js Hurt in, I.. I.. Arlington >-M J, / n?, Thomas It. Muxvi't'lJ, - s, y. penal (Snvinp<?) ace tr ! a I > solicit etl THE CHILDREN'S l u? x hit collection* (?? ( 01 THE GENUINE P THE GUARANTEED A lien I he Blood in rh: |?| f* n purit'es Beauty disapjj Ml II K M hiood is pure Beauty bl ^ " " and form. Rydules n H H| n W keeps (lie Liver healthy K r M r II I re-ular, prevents the b ? " ladened with bile and 5 FAVORITE TONIC. make the skin clear,' e, imitation*. Beauty wore than skin RCPAflfD ONLY * Y * arg>d w'th >m ears, when "the lossoois In fafe Li ver Tablets ^ and the Bowels ^ yes bright and the goods. Porch and Lav 4 fi?t long, made ol harJ wood and varoi regular price was $l.r?0 each. We will c!c ShutOut Mosquil The Perfection .ilorquito Canopy nml N?...... ...... nti.vp it 11 rt in i ?1 to an v old place I ? = ss atom i< anil cu vii Settees, crouhi bIi llnish. 'Ihe ()Or se them out at VOvi Ctiei I ^ j^r Loes and Flies. aimi!.' I?. Tl'e-e festen to tlie bed ?n tha ttliies for <? -j ;!i medicine, they relieve at once ire 'lie worst f .rms of stomach f t e, Price 25 and 50cts. a Ihjx. 4 ^'TO AdvinlnR n Doctor. *A/* IMank? -maybe I'd better call him oteid. since to advertise Ills real mi^ht lie to do violence to the of the medical profession?well, l?r. Proteid is Itimself a sufferer rrWRIOHT'S MANGE CL'RI ILET^soapT NEVERFA1L.II Ballard-Sno* 5 AND DOG | \ ,?T.>? NG^^ r Llnlnufnt Co. , uts- Uo%.\ ; FAMOUS BATTL ! frro iMtancei Where Turned by S?n?J There are two instan< PI n rn "hi n cr a bntt,e wou by ? 1U.II1 Uillg, th? fifth century Germ ; Anxcrre^ aiiiJ Lupus, hi v . j Kant Krlintt .E SONGS. % the Tide Wm Inff Them. ces on record of a war songr. In amis, bishop of shop of, 1 t/t paf iitik tli/k u brctze. Former price, $4 50; will sol' Twenty-Five Fa <io1i)en Oak or Mahc?j?!iny Finish, o regular priee, $1.00; sale price Eighteen Pari Bicli Piano Polisii in Knglish Oak ?>r Mali the Rocker for a present, worth $0 00, sale price Ior?pO.^ Lliilipi^l^. from 1line incy Rockers. I other r$1.40 each Z the ol or Rockers. Vn otranv. Saddle or Cohbler Seats, jus *??.. 3>Q8 each. the 111 rheumatism, which for u long lias resisted nil his ekill. The day a big Irishman came hobtip his steps and was admitted j attendant, who ushered him into Itiee and railed the doctor from it part of the house. Presently >ctor came limping in just us the ^^0 had done. 11, my man," said he, "what is attcr with youV" rMachin Mill Si Lery and. i doctrines of Pclagius. stay In this islnnd the? "hearing thut the Hon 4 m been withdrawn, com JppiieS, [ tics anTdr^C:e fe B. * a T I northern U> the mofe s< J tl^e island. (Jerhi'anus, of the hard pressed ish prices m I against the i'icts and ' ' ad vaueeii as far as Mo During their Picta and Scots, nun legion had meiiced liostiliritons from the outhern parts of at the request mders. led them Scots^-jyho had Id. in" I* linudiire. * "" 250 Windov Six-1 Txfl fpet, all colors, cloth mounted o I rollers, fixtures complete, worth 60c. enc | Do You Want t I Then *:et the best unit?? ->- <> earth one ' souiina A curled lair muttr-1-*. m <! fw.ijiht 40 pounds, put !?>.. ,illy in best A. price, $25; sale prietj H / Shades, 'I,urti 25c. each. ??;?? o Sleep Cool? ?dmit 1) i :i .vi<! In-l a i r?-f i tv mr1 >i fmn ' :>f it I' Aiiifiran li?ir?ir (A. tu-kinsf. ItcjMilar ?[ /\r groan I5.M5. tbt? : to go *- - ? ~ ^ ? enoujj gorru, sor," tlie Irishman answer'il first like to know phwut's the r wld you." jave rheumatism," the physician ted. L?U, then," suid the visitor, rising I his chair with many a grunt audi ? and lah? jminruny toward Dor, "they's two nv us that ought to some docther who has sinse ;h to cure the both nv us."? m the ^ '..B.D02 '4.?f n -J.Ue uisnop. uavtng^ JldlU. cojjiUiunder in his yc ?, , tt?n in an advantages then started one of t! r | I) r* church. Thfs sohSf*T>ej * C tv 4X,vv/ ntencement of the butt erously did the llrito: frain, "Halleluiah," tin umbia, S. G. olnK wlth the souna-t( v*- emtes and caused them rections. This was ca ueen a military mill, placed Lis ivie position and lie songs of the gfth ut tee eomle. and so roclf11s sin^ the reit the hills, echiTrifietl their en- : * i to flee in nil dlHefl the hnllela r *^1?^j>2.Q8, $4.0(1 f|""~ ? Sample Brass a I at aweepinjr reductions, in will'' va/i-tv styles, l'riees for brass rnn;r Inuir iRON BEDS. variety of r?tteri colors, some liltuitietl willi brass, SOME GOOI >, $6.50; 3>iz Brook ind Iron Beds M' 11 "r $16.50 to $50. ?> < ? , . tiger, lis, I'i'iinielins* in willte ami eis, .1 ex elleiit values, $ l.S> to $:?<). riven ) THINGS. Z: a in it 11 :lyn Eagle. Ft mid Animal Sirlmiurm. e ol it 11 > elephant In u good swimmer. and used 1 lid a ul in a Is of tlif cat family, the AT FC the panther, the jaguar uiul othlo not hesitate to eross lakes ami ?. On the other hand, the domesut shrinks from immersion and us quickly. The nostrils of some animals nre so nlaeed as to reu- /^rrl/ Ii?s for li e instant eradi. ation of ami skip. ?lise:t>es dngssnd all duuitsiie untui; or tifiien years - IUNTAIN CITY KENNELS. A FOR .SALE IN BATESBURC BY TIAJA1 x rx t t L nr< /Y T /^? hII iti??c?s and the j ila. M anu fact urep i ugusta, Ga. OSd BHOS. j How lonp are yo II - | lah victory. The date ~ ~~~ """~~" j historians at A. 1?. 420. Tbe second instance J *. 6tUi-of November, 1 * Freneh, under Dumour tbe Austrians at Jemx urn. The day was goii ? j tbe French, when Dui j to the front and raise u going; to unit be- hllBe" Forty thousand 1 took tin the rhorns n is fixed by all occurred on the 792, when the iez, encountered napes, in Delging dead against tuourle* ran out d the "Mnrseflvoices instantly nil insnfrod hv |2f? rolls Japanese M nttiiurs, carpet puti )per J aid, our sale price. 1S<\ yard. SAMPLE PIC'l URES. < In i. c a->or cent. oil". !fl pictures li r 4Sc < nch. *s$l.^V eacli. $5 pictures lor each. ICE BOXES, 25 pounds ice capacity, $ REFRIGERATOR. SALE. It s cettinj; i'Jleaunble and Sanitary Refrigerators at r: t lie kind sold everywhere :?t :to. der b are 1 ii!ii nt i f lie.!ntifni Mibjfctf=, ro ji? m!?.1 pictures fur nictur.s to 1 1 Itats All] 3.9*, are r .. . helpl r hot ana \<>u ueed one oT Ihe Leonar , 0.05. " V and. >reathing very difficult when they IMt n the water. Among these ure and rabbits, which will drown jut sinking beneath the surface, are excellent swimmers. nost all birds except those which \arr ] distinctly natatorial are nearly ess in water. Small birds In parir have no power of propulsion, though they do not sink, they - ~l- I I" ......... )v i n/\ i iuuu Before it St< JS; WE'LL TELL YOU HO We make, sell and guarantee n T I \ ^?re 'iav'P*,f ' )ps YouH Electi W IT'S DONE, i ; ] R? men ber I he ok ligation is the Ihie a safe and llPed : Iiouse lighted wltli the magic of the b; French rallied and f . . upon the Austrians t *lCltV battle was completely | tory given for defeat.? 17. 1 saving, "proora-.- , J" of tune," ..i d take HAWTHORNE'J The Hlarb Standard attle song, the ell so furiously hat the tide of turned and vieFearson's Week5 WORKS. They Hare Set iAXMJNSTEKRUJS. Juj-t a few h jpartor r:ig made. $:t.50 Rntrs for fl.98. REMKMHKP we are closing ? ut Art : Thomas 6 August t ft ir. In M.iilul 13 tli u.s1, tlic j rt tue umn ff> 50 H.'gs for wnte (jiiaus. 'I Li.- 11.?suit- a saving of 1-hall dlflic wing l and ? Barton, r: 7 fly.a, Qa. | II IJUJVlklJ. I - ? VII UJHUJ r?| 'VVIVO v?i rfowl from the water with ( ulty or not at all when their s are wet. After a Hea gull plunge* returns to the surface it stretches rings so that they may be dried by vlnd und sun before it attempts to Success. The Patient Bruin. e brain is one of the most patient ,A Cu efficient remedy that prompt Coughs, Hoarseness and all I Troubles. Us About It. Iv relieves It costs yon no bronchial representative call 1 mat- on Wiring Yr f or .American l thing to have our Two things are to when Hawthorne's nai and make an .e?ti- first, the glory he reft , lean literature. Little by us in letters or art 1 the highest order exce Hawthorne. These 1 ' promise of perpetuity. ; of supreme and univeri w-j-j-p 1 rises to their meaning i .iterator*. be remembered ne Is mentioned, ects upon Amer1 has been done that is quite of pt the -works of Uave the clear The themes are ?al moment. He md depicts them ?? PRINTED ST We have just receive * f- ^'nuet I 1nnrinte ami ???cun I>orfi lze I ATIONERY 5= hard :d a full supply of }""J d Stationery be- nimi industrious organs or tue uouy. it i l>e induced by good treatment to | h ?^ orin prodigies of labor. Few real- i ts capabilities and endurance. Itut sensitive. It will not long bra >'u. le. It briskly responds to the whip rst, but if the lash is laid on too ________ I and often it balks. It insists upon ng plenty of good, red blood when oi'ks hard, and good, ml blood is e from wheat and roast beef, not IMMONS B PETH BROT ,ROS, Hon se Llghi HERS, w M In commensurate foru Tj preacher to cry alouti 110US6. I ^bo paints, yet not 1 that throbs in pity ni |.-,.r 111 uses over the woude not suffer the pall of d over ft forever. That 5 A Specialty thorne an author who* < . ! high Holds of thought TIT^T") T~>"\7" unimpeachable honor r HiK rv Y nernetnal remembranr a. He la not a. I, but an artist without a heart ad a fancy that r of it and will larkness to hang ve have in Haw?e work in these la crowned with and ia sure of e is a ronstnnt II1C 111 l?-P?- ?- w j - iwten Columbia an and let us Print sen d Augusta. Call *?>n le of it up for you. J ' THE BATESBURCl ADVOCATE, brui dCK'i fres tain Till I M i pie a la mode, lobster salad ami ,ine or whisky. The most essential r g for the muu who works with Irs o4U t u Is plenty of sleep. Only in sleep i the brain flnil the rest and rehnient that are necessary to mainIts vigor and integrity.?Chicago nine. Monkrri and Water. onkeys never wash or bathe, successors to c. i*. ah iROADfSTREET, When you buy a stove, buy !*THE GREAT EXCELSIOR.' always kept in 4ock. - V en. ? ?. ALGUSTA, GA i hlectnc 7, , . COLUMI the best. Parts Vrite for . RRaxch ofkic satisfaction as years g ^ ? ; But Hawthorne has CCITlDcinV. opun our irratltude-n * | that he has set the i achievement lxi letters [>IA, S, C. , laws of our nature. things done in Uteratu this sort. They alone. I are remembered and * E ages. Hawthorne is ot A# ^nnlno in ti,.l/l o by. a wider claim auiely. the fact neal of gloriouw upon the moral Tbe greatest ire have been of from Job down, rheriahed In the ir only exponent I Little Higher i n Price,fcut==" ir | L^us ugh they hhve, us a rule, every uce to do so. Possibly experience taught them to be afraid of croc * es. which are pretty generally diluted on monkey haunted rivers. It laid thut a number of Indian inou \K/ * s watched a party of Kumpeaus in ; W C >oat who washed their hands and m shed their teeth. Next day the in likeys were seen to come to the ' r>p?iiin nml wo throuirh the form of Catalogue. : : : ie Largest Sto sre and Bcycl this section. i We have a few ver Prettv i : : Ba vc, Tin= leHouse 1 he Monarcl X : t * i t t ; Calendars Ivi i u nun uriu, i _. ly has he tilled If: His of Dante and St. I'a\ moralists?whatever a other die does to hlmae good or evil. Men wl h Stump Puller In tlTls truth and w .. ... those gifted souls wli I he Monarch IS ?h- ? i4 #, _4, inly mschii e that lno an* SOt " ln ptrl i hand lever 10 erar> art.-Ceutury. wind sinek caile. IIIIU uv?w nu|?riumessage 1m that II and all great man does to aulf. whether It be III forever dwell 111 never forget 10 see It clearly feet forms of lit sldng their hands and of brushing ir teeth with bits of stick.?Nuturs. How We Catch A Cold. i cold is sometimes contracted ile remaining inactive for a while in uncomfortable room or a cold ft and by falling to sleep under ? conditions. But nvnt e i ds arc i ? ?... ,...m m i v^ left. Write for on. Vou a to make otir store our head when in Augusta. peth brot; re invited i [quarters i wotplit. If iii r.< -? ; write to HERS, _ . They can lie set *?ii I .ml in under ; Not A Sick Da lie heaviest strain. The racket, is held ! "1 was taken 9evere <esr hy its owe | rey trouble. 1 tried a t-Ue fa tump puller ! ieirse??". none of Whic "i ssc.! 2,,e ,lay 1 ** ad: Bitters and de'ermln - - A fter takirift a few doa and soon thereafter wi y Since. ly sick w it ti k idII sorts of tnedh relieved nic. of your Electric ed to try that*, es I fwlt relieved is entirely cured, Si.M 1?> ?' gula lit a *rs in ! al KJrat, liui?. l'ater.l Asl . . I El Ivory Town. C osl a l.iltlo Mort | ^ of, Wliii h JJavt Kun ?,000 miles ( pr C( Itfllt Willie Mtrrjjmn iu > j flit. Deep seep causes sill ;<ish (.'illation which renders the system | iceptable to change of temperature, i pi event col Is, sleep under ylenty ; cover. To cure c Ids use Itydale.? 1 ixir, it lessens the severity and j ortens the duration of a cold and 1 events I'Keumotiia Bronchitis and jnsumption, Subi Successors t<C. l>. Al E5ROAD STREET, Acivocate and Americn Farnu scribe now. After De<, 1, this len. K. B ] AUGUSTA, OA. The oni.y pl - to get V(.l r i>1 Five Cents. \ ;r, one year. 50c. grocfhim.?hd offer expires. , 1 TT I T*1 ' antl l,ave not **pn n 8 ul 1 1 LL Neighbors of mine hai t Rheumatism Neural , Kidney troubles at.d AC& il? I.KEfiv II-LK ity." Thlail whit B. nhkh FoaTwnrrr- mont.N. C writes. ( i ka us at ah. hoi ks. druggist. Sold by Fruits a Sprcalty. . O.J. Harris, Bates Tlmmoni Bros, and C 1 of LiCeavilla. iicK Uay since, ire been cured of gia. Liver and (General I>?hUF. Bass, of Fre? Only 50c, at your burg Drug, Co. rouon D,u, Co. ? . J jWllIH'ilt tilling. - ? i ; ixna > ** ''V > ?? iuuc, d. u _ - ? *