wm v .8 ft ? ''*1! VM? r "* H TE' _! Vi a/I A ? / THE BATESBttRG ADVOCA "T~r / TE l?lr Anilrrtv Clnrk'n I / ' * I V ?* r?* '* ? * ? IN. K?|?rs Iktyly, lid. ai "" Yr.tvred at the liHteebur^, ??8ceaa 8eoobd>6ltn & c/vi IV/VJ id Prop. Pens, Ink, Pape; S. C., Pes' I i;il Yalte i -|?i j l f Everything for r, Copy Books- all Nc .'UC, . ,,| # DO *?| i a NOT ^||, The Into Sir Andrew Clark, who was I Mr. C la11st one's physician, made nso of the three following aphorisms during a I conversation with Mi-s I ranees Willard: 4 I.ahor is the life o' life." "laiso is the way to di<-ca -e." * 'I lie highest "] life of an organ lies i t the fullest discharge of its filia tions." There is a -j. feast of food f ?r rellcctlati in tliese j i three sentences. i! Ifc lovE jjir Love is kindly nial dooeltless.? Feats. i Love can;sun the reulins of night.? rt,sP' Schiller. . Jaun Love's h tiling that's never out of yield icnsou.?Lurry t'ornwall. Lfrue k'VVOII I ?\ V C? |?V.V. I V/1U ftge. : tdiumeful ?hen youth fails to 'proper lospect for oil ngr ImL the contrary io the rase of I)r. 's New Life 1'ilU. They out ?-H" dies no matter h jw severe and ir otlve of o'd age. Dyspepsia, dice, l'Vver, Constipation all to mis perfect I'ill. 2f?j, at nil ' Sior?.?. Sold ov Since the draught has roads are In the same eondi Isn't it wonderful how will thin out af.er the elecl If llie water in the Con bioken tlx Sc?b_o<: majorities Hon. igareo gets Pictures & Pic ...:n si "Work ture Frames in gre: IPBFW^j Ehrlich's Shoes costf r^;less, wear besi. If you've any doubt r.u Men's Fail 'i Furnishing I; A ? - ? Tliey ilo not love Unit do not show O lieir love.?Shrcketspeure. Tinn lie that shuts out love in turu skull 01 Lt )e shut out by love. Tennyson. The greatest miracle of love Is the uro of coquetry.? La Kochefoucauld. Love is master of the wisest; it is ?uly fools that defy him. Thackeray. Iiove never dies of starvation, but iften of indigestion. Niuoiide I'Luclus. ^ .1. Harris ii-itcsburg, l>rng Co. uor.s Hros. ami Crosson Druj Co. t-svi le. HOISTING ROPES. ? Threads of Wire I pun Which So Jinny Live* Dully Depend. UHe the longest ropes are used for ntiiv.it iv>tvji , vuiumuia boats of rocks. * * The Japanese are the p of all soldiers, but not w this fact they ha' themselves to be the bard* that the world has ever kn W I II ll?l> C oorcst paid at Low prices. ithstanding re proved w |_| a 2St lighters V-J ?J ? II lown. Varieties ,RRIS, | to the truth of that ! sertion, examine our Lea? I der $2.00 Ladies Shoes. Note tlie smoothness and strength of the Kid: The flexibility of tili3 soles: Observe the lensftLl* c .. if Call and see me t for your FallGoods ,1 ? ? * i Neckwear, Gloves, Hand? N kerchiefs. Underwear, 1 Shirts & Collars. The magic of Orst lovo is the ignonnee that it can ever end.?Heavens- 1 k; Man's love is of man's life a thing J( ipart; 'tis woman's whole existence.? ?jUn tyron. it is impossible to love a second_tluie n,e vhen wo have once really ceased to past ove.?I .a Itocliefoucauld. i,et> grm Erfrvilnv S?vlinll??r?- > ittvfe ?>uiuu ui iue uiusi ill* sting data in counectlou with wlro >a are obtained with tlioir use for iting purposes. Hundreds of thouils ??f lives are literally each day g by a small wire thread as the i are lowered into and hoisted from Itoweis of the earth, and in many >s the only means of eoinuiunieatloii ,recti the surface and the umlerind workings, which are from u There is more freight liatosburg than any oilier t ween Columbia a d A us g??es to show that our are keeping up with the tii *. * received 1 in Batesb merchants ??????? nes. Druggist, u rg, = S. C. Br5^5aBMWGMT>Vj&'SCTiMh SMLZZEL.tKs. * J. ?M?aEf+*j BB| ! the last: See how well tliey lit: Compare them with any $2.50 Ladies ?5!or two away from home. era "They hop 0:1 the car, v? ;it till it has ntvi im in a 111110 in ucpili, 18 l?y ? pnrntively small .misting rope. 11k of hanging from the end of a eaonly a few 1 nehes in diameter and lile long, boiug hoisted at a rate eh is faster than that of the averrailruad train, and si ne Idea of the tinr problem can be gained1. To honor of the wire rope ninnufaeturit must be said that very few shaft dents are due to the breaking of ii i aptuin it itch Iml (lis same amo?nt of energy at ro lynch n^ us he has in tir.jf lie would now be one t cs of 1 he day. ? ?? No matter how foml! friends have stuck to him i played the "qg Batesbur >f the hors-1 BN | ant I, Teddy'sj Eg BATESBURG, in the p r?j ! ?_ Shoe 1 Clothing Co., - - SOUTH CAROLINA. $2.25 or 1.90 or 1.8^ ci ' ? | 75. gjj It's $2.00 if ye:; f.? ?; 8 one pair or Te j 'Oo'/.ui: pairs. gtj We have but one jj.- c ; 63 and it's like a boiki^ ??:?;= pjgyou can't beat it WHITE & FANCY VWSTS^ Suits made to order. 1 , Fits Guaranteed. \ j v I.IHMI Illivi nun Hill II I'l 1%111'H ll me tile ar doesn't go to some place which they ovei mow h doesn't couie within a mile of. are 11 this way they get their ride for true lotldng and go on their way in the be* of t ief that they nave fooled the oouduc- u n or."?l'hiladelphla Press. apec rope Their Tivn VIpw?. tllkl ITIcks? If the newspaper men should i,ois Tint everything they knew they would ropi rope. excepting where the cage in wound and unwarranted demand* made upon llu> rope or wliich are cable to false economy on the part he users of \vii<* rope. No part of lining plant Is inore carefully Jn tcd and watched than the hoisting and very few mine managers will ? any unnecessary risks in the ting of men. The skill of the wire maker is taxed to the utmost to ent political contest, tli thing sure, his own lior-c t the same feeling, as .t Hire a few dajs before election. ? * # Tne Weekly Mail, says S< man lias been challenged KimC O Cniitnohn.#* 1" icre is one -?5 ,, , , The only e lidn.t have pi Columbia w hiin over found in a || Shoes and C mat or Till- HE If you will by C. 1*. vinced. h xcluisive Gent's Furnishing Store betwocn and Augusta We carry anything to be City Store of this kind. Nothing a Specialty. i come and see our goods you will bo conJow is your time while the* entire stock is IF.HRUCH'S ^ , iC27 Main St. COLUMBIA, S. C. tThe Aciv cicaf e nml Amf?i*i< J H ELEAZERi: i?' 15!! Alain Street, . Columbia, S. C. it i ;i I: I 'rfinov > >" " aaae a iot 01 irouuie in 1110 worm. pro\ ticks- Tlmy would make a lot less If jp.pi hey wouldn't print so much that they KjZt. ou't know. Sonierville Journal. ni! Z Z ,rt, : Clocl ' ^ !.J I'itln >:i';/vir. i;' f? d. 'V* V r Luti , ? i, h*)v? TTING THE CLOCK FAST. Sort oT I ion ( oiu* iiktin 14i Many I'ooplo. is a tunuion tiling to lint! Iho Us in nine nut of ten households i?r fifteen minutes or list IT an hour , and should you hni>i>(>n to he in u y or inenlioti the l'tu-t that you . i... i.niin. - changed hands in the past ningr high for the past**' What a pity both side the suitless and the dolls fellows who were on the \vr T rn * ^ - few days. ?? L b<;pn nm* con hi n 't J _ 1 I n- v L.,- . irless poor I ^oliUai iJ i A ^WhK.o, ongside. AND LAURENS H. Charleston. Greenville, (_ R lol ii m IBS! J" A- " ?. m ... !' ' d: I S ' 1 ksl ^ - - - J ' " ft 2 5 ' \ r-.' BUtV a 'V' . . . L' 'ori?> .f*- ,^v ' alio: ? Sf ri Hl ; r4 clod *< 1 \ X' r! pliyi j? ??'?8 fM r ^ 0 ;J . - LiLLi: >\ ;*X: /H; i ?# h-'ins ,? v u ?i t * ui wm u I VilO* il by the fact that you have no o to hurry, as the clock is so much, id of the time. is it (vor occurred to you why is are usually put ahead? Somedetails have said it is due to iazt, for it Is such a satisfaction to the mau to lind when he has to get t 7 iu ihe morning and strains his J it'is hnlf'an tfourifetfK.Sk0..S%,S A Irtish ?uesoay tne whole centered upon tlie ballot Amerian people to decide v too greater factions had t power, thousands of dollars in arranging devices for th method <>f gathering news, egtaph lines and systems w world wasI urn, Atlanta. cast by the Slu^t~Line. r'lllch of the Schedule in "Effect January 10, he greater Eastern Standard Time were spent Northbound. S. A. 1 e (|Uickest I Entiretel- Lv. Clinton (Dinner) T,v Cross Hill - ere erected i,v (Jrpenwood : r loot I .. The )aily. 2 45 pni; _ S OS pm : I jrl ?o 1 4 :t:i pm i a u^as tyj i\ V / m i % y made in all : | leathers and \4'-^' J P ra,s ,a CK~ ^0 .*&: // \ : : ' ' c'\t - ' ' Vi P ;; 3S ' 1 - - '? v-v\ i \ - r: " -f V- , how H i / t * / ' / ?' a?"'. )[(' I y>- . V-tj pj whii ^ - 23 pin i !("? pin I S! Policy! 15 -10 pru i 1 4(1 i m | 7 !0 pill | " 3 ?" Keep yulir lit-.iMli yen i S10 nni j Ve, J' ea-i,y ')aj yul:r I "Ml ranee | 'I S3 am ! ...i o... :r . , i SI ;vy * 1; I 1 , A / J |5| . $3.1 >r?" roi T;?e E. ' 50 BATH v r:risr.m c.i- a u s_ rj --^7 55 3 - !.* pii>? R SALK BY | I K W' ! y?'? \ . CitHfum C<>.. |i 1'".;,: h:": ; "V iSBURG, S. C. W I iiio: ehscjk ! lm? I til !?' ill tin* lock and il resistors linlf (!. the fad remains that it is a j ! v.r fast. While this may make feel easi? Iniowinn that you sti'l ' thirty minutes t<> dn/.e, 1 confe. s n't s- e luueli advantage in it. i hy not have the cloek ritflit? ll ia ame '.hu lc in the t nd. ... railroads were to put this \ pradiee. how many trains do you otners it meant a lo*s of lai money put up in bets. Tin pers through out the count tie returns enabling the south to get t lie news si mi with New York. All s<>rt.ulous bets were made and be the funny things done in ke sums ol l-v Elberton 1 Lv. Abbeville 3 news pa. jiV (; reemvood rv gave out J-v ?.r.OS!i 1 Lv Clinton ? : )se in the Ar Clinton lUancouslv SoutliLoiiiul. i of ridic- bv (il?nn Spring ((' & \V( ) li Lv Spartanburg 1'. many w ill lv (ir< enville 1: i payment- r;v .Wuterloor: 1 0 Co i i ' ""i ii jou tit*rome cni'iii 1 o:: jnn j 1 pin "i' illness or disease y? u cannot j I .V2 pni j i 15 pm premium*. Hence the ,no im Pacific Mutual Life I 01 pm infmi California "! !lm Clothes that cost but ging'erbi ea' lops sold They tempt in the """ pUtl pit'.l: little are like the Vorl around Christmas, window and are ?? ?f ?uiu uiio.i lUfiruj . I 113 Injj clocks fast Is really ?>niy a sant form of deception which peolikc t<> practice on themselves, 1 nt >es more harm lliau goo?l."-Xew : Herald. Presents! 1 For # *. With the recent chunp Southern's schedule, it wi added much to the servic Columbia and Augusta, if s been put on to lun in an o rection to No's 7 & 8. As passengers are compelled to ( ntiihinnfirm An,l ar Laurens (Winner) 1 Northbound. L. ? ? Lv Laurens (Dinner) rp in the Ar ; , . . Ar Spartanburg DUld ha\c (i|p,m Springs e between Ar Waterloo ' i train bar1 Southbound C. N. & L. pposite di- No 22 j it is now, A ride on a j J'v Lnnn na } I I .v :'>() |.m I . . - - rv'l 11 f ' V I 1"X 1 u.l| I I ^ fragments on the i.nc The Bailey Coy/elai LORHL? CLOTHES EN( HT OW. I D id's HAND TAh- R > are made with 11 (l | Vol! iv 3AGEMENT ? WEDI NO --- AN NI VERS AV. ? on'l matter what Kin?l ur present alii a I : s you wimt w..ivatii*uuii lit UIMI which stops at nearly all tl to shift cars and do refill work, thus killing an hourn ularly and sometimes two 01 tween the two cities. Who 8 were tirst. put on they di expenses, but now they r than any trains between Col .Augusta. Jf this change v passenger. Ly N"ewherry" ft 40 am 7 ic stations j>v Prosperity 9 02 nni fl lar freight Lv Cliapin 9 10 am 3 Ymore reir- 1 Columbia 10 4?> am * ' throe lie- Northbound C. N. & L. n No's. 7& No. 21. N d not pay Columbia... f? (X) pun ]1 ?av better I.v Cluipin _....0 05 pm 13 umhiaand '-v Chap*n 600 pm P2 re re made, I !'v P^P^ity 041 pin 12 ? i",j installments. Yi>u must see our c< 110 pin 101pm 'rnrls *w :>I'prf^xut? them With sr. Pm j amount of legal reserve t ha*. any till fo 0? line company lias and with $*20, 10 am ooo syeruil fund, ev ry insurable n ! (:! pm 1 03 jim nnd woman should have one t?l < .-Sl"n 1 ...... - ? \ \ Lr' ?-'w \ w; IK?:? I "'the firm and single mi , 1 ^ / ! r -x - y- x - 1 , J idea of making'you qua! it Our lii St ore pi-ftl i '>i ,/ZZ^ I'.tVC! \ ' 'f l'Ue.ii y, we have them. The latest in ne always fi ?l its way to our , anil
  • , inn umj ll> protect I -">> p'n tnse u' 1'i but your* in the event of sickness or act idei r> p in We charge no cxtin premium for t 0 }> ni 5 p in Kram? contract. Drop me a card and a rep 00 a in JO a m it - i i^uiv tyuuj' L'fcbt ciS to if them, We wish yo with a surgeon's kr - SIDE GOODNESS, long as you wear i! could dissect them life th< n their IN? the reason fortlv/n W I ' * L (\ ! I V j w i l In>i (A i \*) "' ' I'4 u:k :r \MOND-JEWELRY . lit nr.y ? the lineal rvcr ^ t! c If j (hi happen at ni" t w t " i . sr our -lot i ilon't I" ip| ( rl unity of o'ip on will always linil llmi consideration. DR. WATSON'S NEW OF Dr. J. A. Watson lias mc his old office over Dr. Ilari store to Ills newly fnrnif equipped offices in tlie "] building on Granite street. Ar Columbia (A C. L) II Trains ">.{ and 5*2 arrive n- (1 < t from new union depot. Trains 22 and 21 arrive and < FICES. from Cost Line Freight Station ivctl from v?isstreet, Columbia. r|s-8 (]r?j. For rates time tnule or furtb I >fl I f?'mation, apply to any agent or \ p'V . B F. LEAPHAUT, ii long to scu tluit our price* ? very lowest. Svlvan Bros, * i r \ * *m * ~ spent considerable time and i fitting up his new officeswliii or a ladies waiting room, and ating rooms. All the rooms a first floor and nicely furnished out. He extends an Invitatii ids patrons to use his wait! for a place to rest while in lh money in ' ^ 1 mi ngfon, N. ......L,, ' J. K. 1.IV1NGHTON. H-?l. Ajc cli consist Hank of Cn'.timl two ope r- V. G. CIIIL''S, Prriden neen the C? Imnb a, s, throughIP lo all { injf room ?? ANTED? We want to do itesburg- ** Job I'm ting fir the jean do work at reaaonable prices. >./? TJ vyx 1 y V , I. >>ia, r Special Agt, you i Wards. S. C I I !A 11 ,MV 1556 Main atree ! < '< )l MO!. ,.S t Corner Main and T IP Coin w JNTI) ( X >,hr | ntlon o ! j :?r.?I An 'ayior streets, ir?^ \ />iain Street, mhia, S. C. \ 1 v ha-. the largest <*ir?u1113" | i r 1 ' \v4mmi < 'olumbin frusta. It ltriitK'; the bast rei) advert i-crs. C( >LUMBIA, S. C. !