; ; " *. kTE' J Cr Vi r\r ti i ii wi m. ii kf T THE BATESBURG ADVOC^ ? 1 I I M Ilia | | ill M II ' I * / I VTE. >1 r \ iidrclv ( InrL'? ? ' r " f TJ \ / ' I I 1% A /V> J A N. Itegsrs Uuyty, lid. c ti t?*r*d at the bnU'sbi?r<: i iSi WS Secon il-C la!?h 1 ? | V/VUW nil l*r-?p. Pens, Ink, Pape , S. 0., Post j kl nil ft'nttei I * ^ i l * f* ?? Everything' for I FI UUUIV5. r, Copy Books- all N< Hncumu^E. ^ ff ?N?TdB IT be Into Sir Andrew Clark, who was Mr. (Hailstone's physician, made nse of the three following apborisius during n conversation with Miss ITauecs Wills rd: "l.abor is tin- life of life." "laiso Is the way to disease." "The highest ' 8 life of an organ lies i:: the fnllest ills| charge of its functions." There is a n feast of food f >r reliction in these , g throe sentences, j I LOVE ju"'? I.ove Is kindly and deceltless.? 'v'" Teals. ! '"? Love cant sun tlie realms of night.? r*'sl Schiller. . Jau Love's a tiling that's never out of >' *' Benson.?1 tarry Cornwall. Llru t'vvsu i iM>|)tkl UI'J Age. : t-liutueful ehen youth fails to vv proper lespeot for o il age hut the contrary in the ease of Dr. g's New I.ife Till-". They rill *-ir (idles no matter luw severe and irleetive of nd age. Dyspepsia, ndice. Fever, Constipation all d to this perfect Fill. 25:, at all g Stor. s. Sold tiv Mnce the drought has reads arc in the same cond # Isn't it wonderful how will thin out af.ci- the dec If the water in the Co: bioken tin SolXOi ' majorities itioD. agaree PictUl'eS & Pit ...til ol "Work ture Frames in gre ' I THBflOR? II iS l Ehrlich's Shoes cos less, wear best. If vou've anv tlotih* m S! | Men's Fall j Furnish ing a * - * They do not lovo that do not show O their love.?Shakespeare. Tin lie t!:at shuts out love in turn shall of 1 be shut out by love.?Tennyson. The greatest mlraele of love Is the euro of coquetry. La Rochefoucauld. Lovo is master of the wisest; it is M | only fools that defy him. Thackeray. Tjove never dies of starvation, but often of indigestion. Xiuondc l'Knclda. t J. Harris r.iU\>l?urg, l>rog Co. imor.M Hros. an?x>rest paid | at Low prices. >':bhKtan(ling ve proved /A |_| * lest lighters vJ ? I? now n. Vr arieties lRRIS, | to the truth of that t:s> sertion, examine our Lea tier $2.00 Ladies Shoes. Note the s moot lines: and strength of the L<>8 ure obtained with their use for istiiiK purposes. Hundreds of thounds of lives nre literally each day ?K by a small wire thread as the n are lowered into and hoisted from bowels of the earth, and in many urg, = S. C. the last: See how well they lit: Compare them witt any $2.50 Ladies ?S!g< i you ever saw. The styles are right ant the quality is in the she:* Jjgk The price don't rrtear ? KNOX and STETSON'S! Soft and Stiff Hats. ' Suit C.ases and Hand Bags. lt>, "There il goes again," said the trol- ool ley conductor as lie raug the bell to m-j, let oil' a passenger who hud only rid- j,jt den for a square. u "YouM be astonished," continued the ^vj knight of the bell strap, "to know how many people try to beat the trolley for p0 a free ride when they want to make a ti1( call a square or two away from home. "They hop 0:1 the ear, wait till it has at'< ,v iwi 10 a 11111?> in UCpi.ll, is liy n nparatively small hoistim; rope, link <>f liaiuriiiK froui tin* end of a ea only a few inches in diameter and mile long, beinR hoisted at a rate nth is faster than that of the uverc railroad train, and sonic idea of the istiiiR problem can be Ruined". To honor of the wire rope manufactur: it must be said that very few shaft idents are due to the breaking of ii i aptun Hitch li ui di same amount of energy at b ro lynch as lie has in ting lie would now be one os of t lie clay. * ? No matter how font! friends have stuck to him splayed the S6S TuT?Z | Batesbui or the hors- R8 i an< lly Teddy's 8 BATHS8URO, in the p re i H 'K. Shoe i Clothirig_ Co., - - SOUTH CAROLINA. ^ $2.25 or I.CO o/ ci i:i 1.75. gs' It's $ 2.00 if yo;i j^| one pair or Tc j Cc gU pairs. We have but one jir r. ?3 and it's like a boifod ^ you can't beat it. WHITE ?5; PANCY VWSTSV Suits made *o order. I I its (jiKir; .nteeJ. j * * * 1 i % I rtlillllll ?I 1441 lilt II Willll III KIIOW 11 IIIU till par doesn't yo to souic place which they 0vi kuow it doesn't come within a mile of. an In this way they cet their ride 1 r tra nothing and so on their way in the he* ??r lief that they have feoled the comlue- u tor."? Philadelphia Press. Bp? roi Their Two View*. tal Hicks If the newspaper men should i,?j print every thins they kuew they would ro. rope, excepting where tlic cage is 'nvound and unwarranted demand* made upon the rope or which are ccable to false eeouoiny on the part the users of wire rope. No part of mining plant is inore carefully inH'ted and watched than the hoisting >e, and very lew mine managers will re any unnecessary risks in the [stiim of men. The skill of the wire >o maker is taxed to the utmost to fiit political contest, tl tiling sure, his own lior-c the same feeling, as .t thr< a few days before election # Tne Weekly Mail, says S man has been challenged Ssimc n Cnn to^l.....? 1- ... liere is one , BB The only < tl ill ii,t have BH Columbia ?w him over By found in s || Shoes and C enator Till- If vou wil 1 by c. v. B l ed- ] excluisive Gent's Furnishing Store betwoen and Augusta Wo carry anything n< be iCity Store of this kind. Nothing a Specialty. il come and see our goods you will Ik1 conNow is your time while the entire stock is SEHRLiCH'S iC27 Main St. COLURIBiA. S. C. i'i Tile Af?v tic:\ii.* n itrS A mci J H ELEAZERy 15!! ?i\ai;i Street, ' Columbia, S. C. 1 fit. / '"t ni?>>- . . . rM maico a lot or irouuie in ino woriu. pr( U'iiks Tiny would make a lot less if d,.| lliey wouldn't print so much that tliey Ki;: ilon't know, Snmervllle Journal. nn, ? Is I* Ntfil on Art. {j|, r.neon 11 went to the fancy dress U1(J ball in a costume made of old letters. v.-(. Egbert?Soil of a suit of mall, eh?? Viil Yonkers Statesnuin. ,ln] Mi ivhle ropes lor hoisting fr?>111 jrreat ?tlis. To make a roj 0 of practicable 1' tlial will be sulllciciitly llexihle il that will I far ovcii its own weight no moan problem, for in such cases weight of tho rope is often nine. >re than the material lifted; hence have taper rope intended to give a I'yitnC section dependent on tho omit of rope off the drum or reel.? nes and Minerals. > >?, u L |iunuiiuui)j iaw cuss in joint debate the question. If they meet,1 see some fur fly?,the abc correct but (good spirits) v day. * Mr.ny thousands of c yer, 10 uis- ^ dispensary jjl Ollf* iViOitO# n-c expect to B BETTER ive may be ELSEWh vill win the &? || Batesburg z Kan ioliars have H GOODS FOR THE ONEY THAN [ERE shoe & Clothing Co. niner Building. jjjj Subscribe now. After I)v wins i in IIIV.1 , i v.- ; ciir, lA/Ci :c., !, this c.'r er expires. - - i i- i- J Md Sarcasm I - a j ivorfnl weapon, l>nt 1 in hundlim ii many |v ?t?lo lake hold ^ of the bhi i* iuaload of tho haudlo.? Cnsaell's Journal. A . J do q fit A~ !. hu ETTING THE CLOCK FAST. I'St'tisn ? t Sort * I" Dprrption Common 'V ' 4>. $ * - ;S?-X r- * P#1#^ V "V, > ^ - \ r?- K?I / T " . . "V. 1 ' cm p- ' v, > \ ' *' '. ' i: : pi i; v.. tip: -v. . -v'^ te mw .:.y ' v N lax. V f, ; ti.? . v vu ?u ' tii "in i; rvuJJ" ed by tin* fact lliat you have 110 iso in hurry, as the clock is so mue.i >ad of the luue. las ii < ver occurred lo you why rks are tisuuiiy put ahead: Sumu< isieians have said it is due to la 7.1;s. for it is sueh a satlsfaetion to the y man to tmd when he lias to get al T in tlie mornina ami strains ids 11 it' I?d 1-Ves lo lo-^V t\lje clock j Last Tuesday the whole centered upon the ballot Amerian people to decide too greater factions had power, thousands of dollar In arranging devices for tl method of gathering news egraph lines and svstems v s world was l?ia? Atlanta. cast by I lie Short Line, which of the Schedule in Effect January It the greater Eastern Standard Time s were spent Northbound. S. A. lie 1 '"T-> u , I . r j || ir.coc j nail j ^ {a&tiiur'G Olid iil'-tM' i ; TiiiS CNE k ,mk& ,*A? y/ : ' il - ^?5>Bk \ " ri: / , vrSgjs? ;* & : i ) i :~f?S .j v? ft i i: i .*-j v. . i- r ?/i 7 2 J' i' f |i ? In IViTH TM5 C^APACfCR ' Ion ivTA"^0 h " iiiim-ii inure win- 10 urn,, with the 1 ult that he oversleeps h-.'.,C(>If au... iv and misses his train or bunt. aid a watchmaker when askeil .lit the subject: Yes, it U a peculiar till in; with most iple to put their clocks fast, and, iile there may be some satisfaction it when ii comes to dozing a little ^ iger, there is really no advantage in for when you wake up, say, at 0 and solely for the purpose of election news from all pi 1'nited States. Thousand stood for long hours watel leti" board eager to know of the wishes o' the Amer To some the result was of tance from a political sta gleaning the j'v A}!lu'x,i"e Lv Elbert'in ?? ill'ts of the Lv Athens. - s or people TAr (via s- A- L > 1 * Lv Atlanta ling the bill- Ar Chattanooga the result Ar ; ~~ j Ar Lvansville lean people. 1 Ar St 'Louis ... vital impor- Southbound. S. A. , . f.v A tin ii tn ndiKiint tnl ? .. ? .. .4 Ol? piu ' r> >:) pin 11 Policy! ..?? 40 pm { 12 4(1 | ni j , 7 16 put | " 3'?" y?ur health yi II 'o* tn | very eas.ilv pay your liiMir.tnce . 8 40 a nj | J 1 ' J 1^! i \ ' ft I " ' "V1 s/i% ^ #! ,w " |s A/. !p A ' ???--. ?-? /iC > |5 . ,.J IJjg CE: $3 pre-1 PC 7v*e E. .50 BAT I ' 7 r-.V" H 13 s BEBKBCS >R sale !?v g V. Cu'Sitm Co.. l "? , ?c 1 1 tiSU URCi. s. C. $ Ml. v;-~JUV. kT^ sSsBKS ' ,., j ti>; iii i' jit the I'loeU ami it registers half t ?'?. the tact remains that it is a li ! i:r t'as*. While this may make a IV,-1 easi< knowing that you still ve iliirty Minnie- to ilnze, 5 eonfc.s lon't - e mtieli advantage in it. 'Why not luive the rloek right? It is i on-.,- tliU g in the > ml. railreails were t<> put this practice, how many trains ?1,? you ilk people wouhl uiiss then-by V Tills others it meant a lo.*s of h money put up in bets. T1 pers through out the conn tie returns enabling tl south to get the news sin ?itii New York. All s?r ulous bets were made and hft t llf* fnnnv thimrv i1/>no i , i | , Y I lit* 1 If* irfee sums of '-v Elberton T,v. Abbeville le news pa. j(V (Greenwood try gave out J'v ?r.,,s!j ,,i11 I.v Clinton lose in the ,vr Clinton liiltancousb Soutlil#oun?I. ts of ridic- Lv Glenn Springs (C & W C).. Lv hpartanburg many will lv Greenville ir. I'V Waterloo mi--- f5iit y?? become ?ii?: ..1 o:i pin j ..1 2S nm by illness or disease von cannot 1 52 pin .2 1"? pin prom in?)?. Hence tin* ..2 1"? |mii ioPacific Mutual Life 12 01 prn 't !? P"?: California iii phi t ibSetl I ,?s i>?y1 Tff' Clothes that cost bu1 gingv ' bi-ear lops sole They tempt in the j pu : little are like the ?' *? L around Christmas, window and are Itlng clocks fast Is really only a a-.ml form of deception which peo like to practice on themselves, I nt does more harm tliau good."-New irk Herald. Presents! For ? With the recent, char Southern's schedule, it 1 added much to the serv Columbia and Augusta, if been put on to run in an r'*ction to No's 7 & 8. A> passengers are compelled I ... Ar Ln,irenfl (Dinner) Northbound. * it v? Ta Laurens (Dinner) nu> Ar Greenville itre in Hi Ar spartnnburj; would nave Ar (j|^nnSprings ice b f.veen Ar Waterloo a train bad Southbound C. N. & I opposite di- No ^ , it is now. 700am to ride on a Lv 1-nun ns 1 30 pm C. is the only Aimtican leual ref .8 07pm 3 '2.">pin ''oinp-nj' lint lsmis a pol ey ilia 3 30pm .4 dOpm rase of disability either hy sickm-s 4 JOpur. disease your prem'ums cease and No. '.)(>. polu j becomes payable in 10 an '2 02 pin. J 1 p . 4/ tei Vt , ::: I m fragments on the in The Barley Coy/ela LORS:L> CLOTHE! I if orr ow. , md's HAND TAf:- 1 5 are made with n j V?>ii 1.!,. - I passe n ire r Lv Clinton 7 attain i passe ng( r. Lv Newherry * 40 am the stations |(V Prosperity .*.0 02 am tilar freight Lv Cliapin 9 to am 'or more re^-- Columbia to !?> am or three l?e- Northbound C. N. & 1 ion No's. 74 jjo. 21. tiid not pay Lv Columbia.... 0 00 pin pay better Lv Clotpin ? ... 0 05 pin 'ulijmhia and l v Chapui ?06pm . I Lv PrnsiiMri t v 0 I! iiin - -- Pm I installments. Yon must see our 3 10 pm I I 24 pm ! 3 51 pm I ,riu'ls *l? appreciate them. W itli < t I.) pm nmount of legal i t serve t lia*. any < No ." ? line company has anil with ?'2 11 10 am 000 syerial fund, ev ry insurable 1*2 t3 pm 12 (?3 pm anil woman should lia\e one ol 1 *2 mil cor.- ' / ii \ \ Lr " wiv. is \J \ \tyj iiiici* m <% ' 0,0 m the firm and singh Oil I i 1 _ 1_ _ _ _ 1 2 idea of making you qua our S?o piv; ?.-f< o ^ ~y i'.'.e lity . we have them The latest in line always li ul its way to our re, and Mi dyear the |>attere. The Silver, Cut and Kneed ^ !i: - i-. -ini;. y nia.m ilieent t:i Jjili!3 of ^ a. j i iiJi.t it would not only take s v>ork olT of the local freigh be arranged to give Edgeti ule that she so badly net ranging the above ached u do away wit h No's. 129 & the passenger sendee is thus cutting down expo hoped that the officials wii wen* insine, . "f r *%. Lv .Newberry. i 0> inn ome of (lie LvClir.ton ....8 30 pin its but could [.ftnr,.|)s 900 p m ield a selied- c ... . . n , , Southbound, A. C. 1.. ds. 1(5' aide if, would !'v 9'dumbia ..... . Lv Slimier I as far as ,\r Cln.ricst'-ti 11 concerned, rises. It i-> Northbound, A. C. I. II look Into L-v Charleston 12 13 pin 'rea' policies, nol only to protect 1 Jo run imniiy j,5 0f ti,.a11-, but von 1 50 pni J in tlit? event of sickness or nci it! i 55 p in We charge no extra j>f?*ruiimii for > 20 i? m I 35 p Krnlid contract. Drop me a card and a r 0 00 a in u.. icok your eest as them, We wish v with a surgeon's k SIDE GOODNESS long" as you wear cu could dissect them wife tlv n their IN, the reason for their \ t L\ (^Snv \r*j \ ' / my - v !' U h ' n. <*- ' i-JL- \ ? HAMOND-JKWELRY . limit any the line>t rvi-r r -li '.! Il 'j ou liiippen at (ini"l?> 1 r.i- ir our -imc don't -llf opp? rtunity ?*f foeirifj o?ir !*. \ oil will always find that wo mis matter ana give it t consideration. t>R. WATSON'S NEW ( J>r. J. A. Watson lias i his old ortice over 1 >r. II store to his newly fur equipped offices in the h'l I lfii tw (111 Uranltn atmr, heir careful Vv i7,7IMT = Ar Columbia (A ('. L) Trains r>-l and 52 arrive n < y from new union depot. n?:pirpc Trains 22 ami *21 arrive am from Cost Line Freight Stain moved from vais street, Columbia. arris's drug For rates time tncile or fur niKhed and fo'mation. ?PP'y to any agent r Telephone ,{ 1 ' f'*'A1 \'A .J t , I$ank of f.Oli y i a m 11 (k: am sentative of the JACIFIC will ca I depart you and show you the most desi I depart oi?. Cereontraet on earth. ther in?r write, A., imhia. ri T Tr^ATIT'O lj Outside would be plain. I Goodness y lakf 1 I '.o show yon. Koir.einhor we only liil tin! il will not you lonjj to mm.- tlint our priors tlio vory lowest. Sylvan !3ros, I =; >.i M ? spent considerable time an fitting tip his new officesw or a ladies wsitinjf room, ni ating rixims. All t he room first floor and nicely furnish out. lie t xterds an invite his patrons to use his \va for a place to rest while in v. jiu jia^? i 11. jl. l.mckstln, 1. <1 money in Wi'mington, 1 liicli consist J *' UVINORTON. H.,l. men consist Mank (lf Cn;(| id t wo ope r-I y <; emu S. Pre- id s are on t lie c? luin'j a, cd through- ; ition lo all dling room ywj A NTED?We want to i Halesbnrg* '* job Put ting f? r the j do work at reaaonahtA nr)p? Mm V.;. lj. t) viN JLliO. s. v , ' imhia. in) Special Agt. lo youi T"*4 ' Wards. S I 1 >. \ I I j I\ Y 9 , 1556 Main strc I i. I ' < << )l MO!. :et Corner Main and V N 8 ) < >. ~ atlo fay] or streets, tun. iTitim oireel, lumbin, S. C. I.- \?l v urate baa the largest circu* n ?18 (oadverti-ers. i c OLUMBIA, S. C. !