; ^ \ Largest Circ dilation of Any Paoer Between Columbia pp A and Ar^usta. 2 50 y -/ D n 0 8 Page Papers* Ea< ch Week go to Monc y-Spenders UlVIUtNDS QUARTERLY-- FO' PER CENT. Fut your spare money to wo deposit in the First National Bar Batesburg and get interest e three months : February, April, ly, October--four per cent per nnm compounded four times a ; Dividend period begins first of i iron:h. W. H. TIMMEKMAN, I VOI IV UR i1 The B/ year each 'res. lTESB* R / JRG As] y kTPCHI lur. Q r NiWPMRP DVOCJ L? U) mni 1 m s State, Count* | W . Capital $25,0< M MW ^ Ii0.160.82. p. $4,625.00. Don ^ otnl net earnir Interest \V > 2 YEARS OLD. onai Bank of Batcsburg, i and City Depository, 00.00 Surplus and Profits nd out ir Dividends, ?sits, 19V/I\VJ Oi "W l f i^?i>a by a few hundred votes. If Mi^ry- j Miehi: oil has pone Republican, as unoillcial Minni turns at this hour indicate, the lie- Monti iblican vote In t he Electoral College A ?s? hra ill le the u uproot den tod one of 2*J"? \t,u r IhMvM'veit and Ki'ihnn s to l."#l f?>r i \0VU( ?\ ?vf -yv > ?5111 100,04)0 14 I McCUl ssola 1?H),0GG il y. -1 ina (cot leaded) Icrsey . o0,m)o 12, ska > motio> Hampshire - 2O,ihh) ml \ a (pr?b.i!.-p.) . 3 C.ail,>ll i OUILTY OF ,??ejOT L.i.ino HIS wiFEi "r;; | kMciI that i IOR A MIW | rial 5.'* wo" ua e ' mi one oc UollHO of H f vvillo V';? V/1I- " 1 ! H Ml I'll hi/np 1 NO 43 ImliMrlfy. ry's memory bad begun to pranks with him, but bo reait ibc fact and stoutly lnhe COUtJl retnember things ver. caaion while culling at tho rlehd be was introduced to If vnn rprpivp A S:nr ;vi? f \ /\ i i i?i i. i\ , iVCrlv 9* | < . O. GOODRICH. Cashier. I UFUS kt. BROWN. Assr. Cashier. Capital & Profits $150,00( Oui-of-Yown Accounts Receive Our lirst Attention. ? - WRITE US, --, 'MOVEMENT OF PROiV inle i 1 ROOSEVELTf.uou .HI , ,, ; l>akotit *? ">,(HK) 4 ;^,5c uc 100.IHM 2.0 'W. SV ? :t >oo) 4 1 of the mm vlvaoia 300,000 :u /.i'''."V^ ' Island r?,ooo Dakota :io,?too 4 \ llM# l(!r 8.000 3:'iesthede out .. 30,000 4 1 rcioia (I5ri) urij. unk'n) 7 " u ,e ( II,- "Ov4 ' ** ' " " "' ' In the co for four years Major ot ?|(tt followe ilie, was to day found guilty , K?.r ?s -Mr. (k*r of his wife, Fannie Me- "I i**s you ptcmbcr 4 last, says the "but my na i Post. The verdict was P00' 14 l* * t tie first degree, which car- l.'T^vT0". ath penalty. The jury do- ^uP/miKl^C ess than lialr hour. Crowds g,,?n* Jo i.o.? ? i her eves re rcw nervous as (Jilnier. com- J i's attorney, was closing, *\ yomi* ? , 11 . i ? their Avodninj d up, occasionally taking a . , 1 , , , ' , und old shoe from his pocket and reading entered the r He stood calmly as tlic ver- (raln pulled ad, l)Ut wllilo his attorneys nn old shoe lv is to their motion for u new lug it wus ?\ owed emotion. His little at talin, be pl? ltuby, climbed on his lap, out of the wh flilein"! tn Old Shoe. anplo recently started on r tour, a shower of rice s followed them as they nilrond coach. After the out the bridegroom saw i?K in the aisle. Supposie that had been thrown 'ked It up and dropped it Mow. An old man across Cotton is bringing today on the I' burl' Market 9 1-2 as reported by I Cullutn. WRIGHT & BAYLY, Real Estate Broker >ates DMr. William Mitchell spent a fo\ Oavs in Columbia last week. 1 V r. .1. A. I). Sheal.v spent Tucsha niyht in low n. I S. I Mr. Charlie Kneece went to Lcxiny Snowed under by an Avalanche of c< V { CJ Ballots c< y' _ I) At three o'clock yesterday morning I< - j T loose volt's plurality in New York 11 JV?l. IVl'C. ........ State. riur'.v Vote. K U?ri<7 dorado . RflilO oi Mi.ssit lalio (conceded i MIssoi linols. ... 150,Ouo 27 Noitli la 1?,m>o 6 two olher 5 (Jrcat tear ,a 4u'000 1J, Surroundii ickv ? . W.ooo 1>I | jyos. una . . ... .t.i.OtW) Tno vo re >pi (largely Dem.; . 1" "y the Uir iri . 3:?.(HK) lh fence move i Carolina (largely Dem J. 1:: ,lsi('c 0,1 t'i , ,? X had read t i'lMKi Willie v willii iinall children clung to hlni. ",,ait^ Met. was received in silence "My dear," i ?ving for tliut particular Idegroom had to buy hloi Scrloun. said Mrs. Ilenpeek, "I'm our (Jeorjtre Is thinking latriuiony." hope so." returned Henisunl spirit. "I wonfrfn'* Foy Sale. It lots IN) feet front by* 2(H) feet on South siil<' of Kail road strot Hatesburj:. One acre of land in heart of burg, desirable building location. |ion Mimroay. i Miss (leneva Jones, of Wagoner spent Monday night in town. deopf Mc. W.i' Hates spent several day 'n i this week with relatives here. I | Miss Eppie Ethcredge visited rel ates-1;?lives in Hatosburg this weekMiss Sallie Hodie, of Leesville, wa iitato was greater tlian that of itxtn. i ii , J'arker's vote in and out, of New; lc York City fell 10,000 short of Bryan's, i K s mocrutic pluaality in greater city J yj less than forty thousand. M 1'avker was heaton in Maryland on- ; I idiana 00,1x10 jr. iwa i:t i Tonnr ansas Ilo.OOO lo! Toxas aino .TT.ooo ?; ^ ''n'ii [airland (prol?. h Thi Miissacl uf< tIf. . io.fio t|.ir?l r<>] V .IMM n.ti vmii-1-1,. / * - ?. ,. 1 '1C cuui -,'00J witness st:i luo.ooo IS tinned thoi lia (largely Dent.) 1:1 ; they had j s shows a total electoral vote of sa'*' "Ia' 1 r ranker.?Augusta Chronicle. t hit; Ll 11 ' lie mot MeCue left - ? jail, accom : . I triint nny boy t called the jurors to tlu- nnie a* to r+gt md, one l?v one, and ?|uesunder oatli as to whether Fnther?Nowread the newspapers. All hujj'l):liul took, hey had not I ccn intluenced tt'lligmiec nnd ig they liad read. i i am sorry t< ion will be argued later. As , money. , the court house to go toi ipanicd by four guards, a! - of mine to be so unfortu rd it as a joke.'* 'nK nimarlf. Maud, in selecting a before nil things, for Inintegrity. Your mother, ' say. looked only for Polllee. :ton acres or wood inun in i Creek township. Lexington eonr o.ie of the Inst farms on t he 11 containing :>2"> acres. Three foi in circulation yields a hale to the , One house and lot. in Matcshurg containing ; an acre, six room h small harn, good garden, line well siacs in town .Monday. ,ty* Mr. W. 1\ Lloyd, of the Ml. Willini idije section, was in town one day this week ntlis Mr. AV. I\ Jlodie, of Kinory, spen acre. Monday niyht. witn relatives here. lot Miss Ilaltie Gibson, of Columbia ouse, spent Sunday in llatesbuiy. wa- Mr. 15. J. Reynolds, of Aiken county {! Hold Your Cot The First. Natic t money on your Co1 house at Thirty C lf storage and insur at the Waiehousea Five cents r 4- Ir- v> + * - ? -f* n T t r!/\1 1 o ton for Higher Price )nal Bank of Batesburg wi ^ton stored in the Bates ents a iron th a "'bale--th: ance. You can sell your c nd save further handling, ise in the price of C< o r n t Vo VaU --thp fai n-P7 lurpc cro\\( was no uut 11 lcr.d you When til stllg Ware- <' '!mer res is f8y 3 for closing at l Ottcn right ?lie case. at 11o c climax to ( 3 t ton Il.eorjS t rials eond r.ppfls this von rc A ' -i i .it tie J.uues 1 stood outside, hut there nesv Fntheroward act. ' have jjroxvn e court convened to day Mr.' aimed his closing address. 1 Ll:uu, when the jury look Kille The verdict was rendered I . . . rr. ... .. on Tuesday i lock The verdict was the | me of the most, important1 to "u> P?^s a ucted in Virginia in recent| the name cf -bather, what are fol-AmusernentB that wo eil of, my ann. d in Saiuda. loon, while on his way kounjr" white man by !. D. Wills al>out 22 icr. rtr? acres farm land, one tenant 1 t wo miles nort li of Kidge Spring, jj :acres in cultivaiion situated, on p road. Fine never failing stream .through the premises. Good w :good pasture. Sold on easy term One-half acre of land in Ilatef Pr Jmnroved hw oil.1 slot and tiv.i II1UM U Hi.> IillUII V H? muse J)r. W. I'. Timmerman attended th 4."? medical association at Lexington tlii iiiblic week. runs ^[rs | stokes spent Sunday wltl ater. r(.iat ives at Ridge Spring. Mrs. Sadie Wise \isited Miss Hell ?l>urg lloisten at Wagoner Monday. 'lllng ??IX. "1VN_ , v.nuuwOVIU, IS VIS Iuv*c:iiLy?.Live uui J.U proiil--no use to Dividends Qua la| Fut your sparF Katicr.al lark of oi three rrciA_ths ; T " " " W - ^ 0 ividend period t let the broker have it. irtei*Iy==4 Per Cent. ? rrcr.ey to v.ork( -deposit i Fatestur? erd i got J lite. February, p\t?1July, Oc - .. _ _ _ egins lirst of each irontt ' were heart timony 14 i\ j sumetl in a r x counsel. < n the Hist 'llier,rp,.r rest every ; iilrlst.?, totei--icur \e h?; n v o a } c c j 1 ' the oar i>el # | The jury ] t MOCL'OO rl mini- numner 01 witnesses years ofagean I and a great amount of tes- wms waa snot en and over three .lays con- Crotoluilds ab# irgumentsby the array ot leorge W. Morris. of l<*a ( " x attb'n'court, presided. breech-load log arlv sad was the fact that taking effect i? ? ? unier tearing o ore which he was convicted. There were v frequently questioned witr?. - * d the son of Ex-Auditor and killed near Kerry's ut ten miles from Sahivas shot twice with a shot g?n, one shot 1 *ri * tr the back of his head, witnesses presents but \jf splendid opportunity for a man lr! into the nit-team ilc business. 123 acres of land <>n the Mollis 1 road, one half mile from Hates ft- r Mr. \V. Farbcr is on a visit toRai 'l"f timore and New York, where he wit 111 " " spend about ten days, and I 1 | Mr. and Mrs. Capers Kthcredge at (tended tlie tunerai of their nephev I Monday. W. N. TIi VV. 1 vs ] J The next meet ii g of the Fort night ly ) YIMERAIAN, President. W. WATSON, Cashier 'ALTER CARTLEDGE, Asst. ( A SAO DEATH. I v*ith the p 11 lie con vie Jashier. Thecrln Septemliei turned fro Shortly afi in a night ????_____ fIlh ii a a t hnt i iic foreman sliook hands Ittt piesonl lt is risoncr and relatives befui-j "ho they were, ted man went to jail. . appears tl. ie occurred on Sunday nipht Caus ' by 4, and Mrs. McCue rc- r . ... church about I. p. m. s"me " Lerward her dead IkxIv, clad the (iutease(J ^ rob<\ was found in the bath. can 1>c learned with water. McCue said ^l"l?*^lon^,tlie j impossible to llnd out iat tlie homicide was a misunderstanding ajs ago Itetween r. Wills. From what tonight Wills was riroad and when he reach All persons are hereby warned to (unit, tisli. or ot lierw ise t respa; the laie.K of the undersigned. " law will be strietly enforced toil most letter. M. COCKREI (:ine Laundry Work. When you have laundry work f done, and want same fixed up in not. I %s on Mr. and Mrs. M. Whittle aw '!' their daughter, Miss Alma, were hen s u(. j Monday. : Mr. anil Mrs. W. 11. At well liavi - I- moved into I heir residence formerl occupied by Mr. W. A. Itawl. Lo be Mr- Klijali Hall, a progressive busi iirsl.- ness man of Minis, was in the cit I club will be held at the home of Mrs. 21 T. B. Kernanhan on Friday Nov. 1 St h. in New Firm for Batesburs. M e| Mr. James B Ihlnnn, vl.o las fo ()| v1 a number of years been connected with the Powell Hardware Co. has re- j j signed his position with that tirin ' and has associated himself with Mr. ', y Ot 1 K. M. Imiller. the popular traveling ,,, Our people were Faddened Sunday! L*< ornii h to learn of the death of Mas r Capers Ktheredne, youngest son of r. I'riah Ktheredye. lie had none it in the country about ten miles Sat ith his elder brother to the home of I house s uncle, Mr. Capers K. Etheredye, j naturt id Saturday ni^ht the two. with two hesita hers, went into the woods with their things me I,. ) i.nnneci.n.1. It ...... ol., .il flirt ill eesvine Letter. k,;,;k bly killed Leesville, S Nov. s. 1!m>4. bis urdav afternoon every business I'u ''?nl rei was tilled with happy good1 -^'rs. d ptople, who were showing no j t(,|ds of a ney in buying, for 1 hciuselves j sl,,llcient . w hich give I hem joy and coin- (b'?ith aim ti . heavy hlnv w.ic uau entered the house e(' part of ed hitn senseless and proba- was and said: is vvift'< but i?" vesication wills threw hi. i rest only four days after , , , ,, , . upon l'errv tire led from the Mayorship. ii : i . i ^ effect in the I no had received t lie conhot tfun in her breast, a ward on the m wound to cause instant carried away tt had also been struck a Wills was kille L III! tll right hand up. Thered. The first shot took >reast. Wills fell forule. I he second shot ie hack of his head d instant Iv. class style, leave it with Kdga Itawl, at Lcesville, S. C., who i scuts I,aureus Steam Laundry at place. This laundry is "best by j All work is guaranteed strictly class in every respect. ' Lea\e trial bundle and be eonvineed. Call and inspect our line ot II u r j| i uesuav. re pre- Miss lk\u?;jie Tuwill began teacliln that tiu- Tom Branch school near low tost. Monday. Iirst*j I>r. and Mrs. Theodore A. Qnaltli >om ; ban in have returned from their e: ! tended bridal tour. i vl >'iss Annie Lee Eiheredgc retumc . J from Columbia this week to si?"iid salesman of t he Belknap ll\td\vare & (>j k' Mfjj. To., and have taught from Mrs. j n J. B. Stokes, of Rateshurg, the stock ^ j of Hardware of the late Mr. Stokes. ^ L.. These two enterprising young men ex^ poet to open there in the near fifture an up to-date hardware stole, to Ix- j(| known as the Rutcsburg Hardware l' Co. Mr. llolman lias many trionds InilM it I uk eiiifrot t I >1 1 liianv annul his younger brother to get tip Clirist id go far out of reach of the t ree, but show t istead he ran In front of the falling eumst ee and was instantly crushed to ,|.j at li. Cuperu had the lantern and all riltltlit streets were crowded with wajr-!tar ,1L'ai'.v it vehieles, whieh \\ nt away j -Through .vith goods. the s t fanners are already buiing theh IM mas ?i o Is. all whieh goes to i1 iie outset hat t he people arc in good cir- wo,ncn ances. seats durin ... ... , once or t\\ coUonso.MU.il mill g.nncr, is , , wr iH'ftrt- ((nr \nt ocv ? -- - - ??" | in two. out his trouble McCue had Gala Week A >it of his brothers. The Char i l;as been crowded from November of the trial, some of the VKIJV LO^ in^ their lunches in their THKtt the midday recess. Only The Southen ice was their any attempt low rate tvket ^ in the court room. Judce nd Kini; Cotton Jubilee, leston, S. G. -1st, 26th, IP04. i\ HATES VIA SQUN liAILWAV. i Hail way will sell very s from all points in ('andics. All specialties, i*i? .!* unci boil bolts ?always fresh, shipment every l.~? days* We s , ,cand.\ on its merits and its reput HatPsbiny I >rnn Dots from Mirr The usual once a month mi "< ?? O.Uil -it Ss;im:iri:i Itnntist (' ulU's , . l-'ivsh' ir v\1111 hrr Iioim* punplo. I this Missi s Sialic and Sajlie (iri^sby, i at ion. ?|)(. i t ion were here shoppin (-'o. Monday. in Mrs. A. I*. Manville, of Harnwel visited her daughter, Mrs. I>. 1'. liar Iv, this week. H'tinjj liurch Mi"- and Mrs. C. K Craven have n 1MH. IIKIVIT ||I?I i.-i (I I leave the city, and 1 lio.v wish him ^ ,f| well m his new business. ^ j Aiken Journal. (( in Letters of Admin-1; i- . . I"1 istration. 2*'?. . ? ? , _ le light was extinguished. After ( ^ arching in the pockets of liis coat , . , ? . i weeks lueh was a tew steps away under a *ee, Mr. Thomas Ktheredge found ' latches and went to look for his l1^'1 s< rot her whom lie found crushed to eat h under the tree. lie never spoke lKim' orgroanud hut, died prehapswithout ' ^crN ven knowing what had struck him. (,ns* r I ri>mniliu u-nrn l.r#\n.rlit t.. M.< *1 tloU ,h v ,v.j ..u. .... iimvii nn- Morris pr< iny sold at present as was a tew t,lireatenin ayo. i found mak oil mill now- lias on l and eno>fd to run them until nearly an HI mas and with this amount on ] n tlie U quantities are beiny lI,,Ua(h'd i ,m(ier date week hoth from cars and way- s|-4|e(| tlisii The mill capacity has been near- j?a bled, and the manayement ex" ouuin c ; th, with final urn November28thl!K>4. t attractions will be tl* Of Lima PnvL- <{ .Sermon to a large c< Ration. Ar the close of services. J.nla fxidgell and air. Jasper I were nnjted in happy wedlock. I extend lo LJiein onr host wisliea Jonj a chimney to Lis new house. deliv- tinned to their home in ( ordelle (la Lingre- after a visit t l several weeks anion Mrs. friends here. lauh Quite a number of the members < ^ t: the loeal order of Knights of 1'ythi; 1 ?or a went to Leesvilie Friday night to he! organise a lodge of thai order there. build* \yt. Mr. Daniel KraDer returned la stale 01 sou in i. uroiina , ? 1 f? ig I Count v of L?xinirton. ^ ei fi BY <;* I of Administration of the Estate of 'I st j and efforts of Mrs*.I B Stokes e tiller's home Sunday afternoon and ,'T' ir!y Monday morning at his home the mera! serviees were held, after which i C t!unl :e hody was interred in J lie town ln,um emetery. For lie was thirteen years old and a N't-'n I right, ot?edient, and promising youth "l(1 ' 'lie family have ttie sympathy of the wires, ntire community in their sore he- town been bougl to run unt il June at lcasl* ! uf jj,c u0j had a display at the Lexington h(1 w?, mo y Fair, which took tirst pre- i h. jn an Itawl on the past week a gang of work- tjia^ jf tlie laveheeu in town putting "Pjknewnotl elephone poles and stringing one of the It will not belong before our will have telephones. To Wi lit by Mr. J. Walter breher from-Limey Jab low ('reck section, and that The (treat l'ik< ve here soon with bis fa mi- The (JoskiU's C interview wit h Mr. J. J j over ?0 ?1 istin Tuesday morning lie said j Hatfonback's V t property bad been sold lie , Iia,*uck. in b iii?vr about it. Mr. Haw! is Loeplnff The I executors. j Flume. Oreat Militan ham It Mav rAfir??rw K.w ??.n, mill l? \ direct from St. Louis. Ireat Shows, containing ct features, including \ ondcrful Animal shows is hair-raising act of -oop And Flying The parade, the largest 1 Kit ess t fie last * < !?! weal her ten him of the much needed comfort The tie* telephone line will s< completed from St end mans in l)ii r?. Mrs. Thnnius lloat wii^'lit has ^ to M r. J. .1. It..at v i \ plaee. Mr. John tinu'er <>! litis sec I j v. . v ill. lillUi'U " ,th lOSpeild 11 IS IOII ll 11 Will 101 1111)01 our people who arc always delight! to so*- him. Kill t?P Hates- j Miss Vixio Hudd, who has lie* j clerking in the New Yol k Hack moved Store for several months, left Salt; j day afternoon for Saluda eouritywhe t ion is s'ie leaeh school. l Mrs. T. H. Kernaghan and lit) lg I I A li r. 1 II KH Mil*"* Mi K !o<*i tc r< ;d and admonish ti 11 ?nd similar the kindred and Creditors of tin* said J. *?' I H Stokes j '1 ;deceased, that they be and appear, l ? ; fore me. in tlic Court of Probate, to be Iheld at Lexington, C. II., S. c , on I1* day of November i'?01 next, after pi I - ( Heat ion iiereof at II o'clock in the!' v. forenoon, to show cause, if any tlinv avemont. Tin Prof. Major and all the teachers to u,o it ether with t lie whole school attended plctio lie scr\ ices at t lie grave. reads M r. 11 and N Prominent Lady Dead (| Mrs. .1. M. Lanier Non is, widow of land pi lie late Rev. .1. Milton Norrls ofjtegrit lateshiirtr, died at her home in Kilo... .... > brick work on the buildinjr for If you 01 auk Of Leesville is near 'ii^ coin- jI( ;in(j S(,j( 11. The directors want to bo p;lv< make to do business try December 1st. l4i n [. F. llendrix will If president in tlie nen Ir. II. A. Meet/.e the cashier. ( papcrSt a j irectors is composed of business %vjth rofessional men of ttie highest in- ;ini( v. count, sot I IIIUI I I ? I ^ Klrcmcns Para AC mo anything please come , ()ver tH> lie: or if you are unable to I prj/es p, the p?i satisfactory arvanffements. J Th|a wU1 <)0 ot bear from you, I propose (li(i g,,nt jK r lot ure, to publish in three I ^Qr tujj ||,fU| ist of those few who owe me , Tiekot A^cnt i Hit civ no exceptions, ???* I way, or: units ami date of the ac-i 1;. W: 1 hat you will then know how fu in State in years, ie. 1* oot Hall Contest. " to bo given away in trade. the greatest shjw in rmatiom apply to any >f the Southern JlailInnt. iMr. Paul I!.itto visited Mr>? I -oneday lust week MAR Rl^ir.S. Or. Sunday afternoon in the pi of a jvirtj <>i wuin^ people at. 11< <1eni'c of Il.-v. N. fi. (' .oner. Mr. land Cililuin. son of Jesse M /(! iikI Viss ithena Stone, dauerl v. Hall j Miss Lois returned yesterday fix J .lone?h<>ni where they have beenspcn ! it if some time \\ it li Mrs. Kernaghai | nu>l her. esi ncol ^ county medical society was or{ Irsj. ni/.ed at Lexington, Monday, with t Clove- r?ll<.wi?jr officers: President, 1 >r. VV, 'iiHum. ! 'finimermai.: Vice President, I>r. J. iter of Sliuler: Secretary, I?r. .1. J. Wingai >1" have, why the said Administrat ion ' A id- should not bo granted. 1: i'si (liven under my Hand, this day of' j Nov. Anno l>omini 1004 ' r>l , Geo. S. Drafts'L. S.) ( ^ Prolate Judge, I.oxingtonOounty, S.C. | ' i Published on the 0 day of Nov. 15104, 1 j in the Ilatesburg Advocato for two i r(;;j issues. I - -- ? r>" l lit 1cId county on Frida\ ni^ht and was, ^ |; luriedat Hot linny Church on Saturday! is nca Mrs, Norris was in tlie loth year' rpW( if her aye and left no chi'dn n. She ? i?HM1 , vas the second wife of Iie\. J. M. Nor-1 is and a member of the prominent I tinier family, J spent I aftcn > Mr, ^ oilnif man: ('<*111< 1 von meo vonri I'omiumiions residence 01 Ml". yuti stand. McCartha, 011 Railroad street, are never i ing coniplet Ion. I owe you i> new mercantile houses have it. established recently. Should ] *rs Fred Wise and Mark Shcaly, M'n(' vou 51 a short while in town Sunday noon. I latest ?n rj .(Jeo. Lybrand, of Wagoner, was An honest in an'.-, accounts | loo old to be just ly due. li ' anything come in and yet A CO;V I)r. L. M. M I not hear from you, 1 will soon take u"U i copy of the papers. Flossie Wi cox DlNO. lo'iell of (iiis place will > itim-elf a wife. Miss of < >rangeburjf, and onMr. and Mrs*. William bride elect. The wedto Le quite a not.ihlnnnp ||fl .1. L. Stone, w.-c liajM'ily inarri I Mr. Tillm in I hi* Is and Mi . H: Jones were married Sunday ifi B| at the residence of Mr.Oui iamn H f | J?ev. N. ii bons unless it was slampod Hurler's? If you buy a cheaper s,l,, ul brand you buve no excuse, for it is! Col kept fresh at the Hatcsburp I'rup Co. | day a ( all and inspect. < Fair ivn Monday. A 1 ? Maggie Oar\in. of Wngcner, L a short while in town Sunday. Slightly I. K. L. Asbill and wife left Sun-, jeweled i iftcrnoon to attend the World's at St. Louis. 1 ?; ! as the ceremor idies Solid Gold W atch church l>efore; u ... I After the cere used, cost tin.-, Mil al lllt, rw now uient, will sell for $30.00. which only r O. J. HARRIS. I friends will be ! takes place ai Novt to! or 23 rt -a ly will bo performed in Marffe number of friends mony a reception will bo. sidcnee of the bride, to datives and intimate invited. The wcddinp I in ihe afternoon o I.