The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, September 08, 1904, Image 8

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'+ r From Seivern's S ?- ? ? % parro\v.| South Carolina Colic I jge. Tl C- r? a f Card of Thanks. ^ * # iPPTPMR P D 1 c+ i ue erupt are line ill mis si country and very little dai by recent heavy rains. Ci opening and the farmers busy. nr. Comptun (junior wli near here gined several hul last week. nr. J. I.. Kellers our |?o agent here has returned u sciion or in? M ocuomrsiiifs Kor Men Tear,I najfo C4u#n I KigUy-two scholarships f? Hun is oov l.^uchers That is one of the fr ui e quit- he educational statesmanship .ist l,.igi?latue. This I.ogula 10 has a gii session in lUOil estublis les of cottoi Lj|e south Carolina college for scholarships, and ut i's vext pulnr depot ,iou|,|,.,| tli?9 number of these s fur spend- tll?iLin? ior*. i iiumuN a narion v*o. ir iiiuii ^ nits of of Hie | A A Great ly onu sI'KMUII fcholar- ^ I nomas ec Barton Co. i - i I alteration \f\ 1p Mr. Kditor:?Permit me, through I the columns of the Advocate. to reiurn my sincere thank* , to the voters of this entire section for the Interest they manifested in me. and for tha very gratifying vote they ifave me at the recent primary ehclion. Words cannot express the gratitude of my heart for such ctnlidence 1 L^lTl We move into the old L. C. next to the Postoffice, wl better situated to serve all Come to our new place of and bring your friend, . Hartley stand, here we will be our Customers, business. Tell ing a month with his hou Prosperity, Mr. Wilson, of Peaks, w ii during Mr. Fellers i.b ?-nt for his home today. Mr, V many friends while here w sorry to have linn leave. Miss Rosa U.intt und Wagener, spent a fe > davi Af:es (iiinter lust, week. lie folk"* at 1 '1 lias was to provide a new < !.?as nut till the holdovers will IO was agent there v111 doubtless he as ma will leave 8jXky m?w scholarships awarde Vilsoii made i9U,?,?erf one in every county ? ho will be instances. Any person should write to President P?e brother, of g;oa? or prof. Patterson Wi > with Mi'8 | Columbia, S. C. - H. bu? I return-j This chance bea 177 deal, as we sta the goods. 'VHW its the Standard Oil nd ready to deliver ? =r *3 anu Kindness. May I not hope that my friends will favor me with their support in the second primary election 1 oil the Ktthinst. Very tiuly, (leorge Bel) Tim merman. Batesburg, S. C. LETTER TOD. P. HARTLEY. ?' Bates-burg, 8. mi I il/ EJatesburg Drug: E. K. I mn/^u a ivrnr<-? r? a Company. HARDIN, Mgr. ivti/ AIinillsTA uisit Ottol<eGunt?r oue < maidens who has been utt summer school in Aiken is Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gibso visiting rel at ives near Hat Gibson will leave for Sneu a few days, Mrs. Hubert Hyde and tw have returned to Gratlgi i mi mi in these scholarships pa of uur fan jn molu.y toward living expensi eud ug the ex?nipt? the holder froui a Tee home aKaio. whieh is exacted of all other st ii have been and also exempts the tuition ei-burK- Mr. jtio, which however i* remitted ds, Fla., in studeut who makes proof of ii to pay it. It admits a man t o little ?irIm free and pays about half of his ?bi?i*k aiter This munificence of the State is ?40. | i*8, and ?????????? a'e*u! Porch and fee of * 'nnP? made ol li tr.l wood and , re*, uinr price was $1.60 each. We v to any r ' -ShutOut Mo: intirely board e Perfection Mosquito Canopy a * you can move it around to any old design- a |,P, KnriiiiM* nrii*u *1 Rl'l %? i 1 I Lawn Settees, * varnish llnish. The V% mil close tlieoi out at VOC? CdLIlj squitoes and Flies. nd Nets. These fasi?.j to the bed so thu .p'"m I?' 1U 75 rnmnlptp I>earSir;?The way to buy paint i? j ./ to go by the name There is h name never seen on sltaui paint 01 weak quint or short measure paint: l)evoe. \[ \ There are a hundred different nanus in paint. ;Some or sbatn; some weak; some short,measure, and some all three. DIR If there is another such paint as De- ^ ^ ?ce lead-and-zinc, we don't know it. r(,0 There are a few fairlv trnml niiinta* ? I ICKV^l I/\i\ 1 5 D/i Commenced Business I'ebrua URICE WALTON. Prksidknt. WM.J.IH ALBERT S. 1IATCU, C SECTORS: Maurice Walton, Win. J. IToll Charles T. Ptind, James E. Tarver, Willi try H, Ciiinniing, Bryan Lawrence, John J rge S Murphey. - - - - - il>K, ?GAT"" iry 1, 1904. JLL1NG.S WORT II, Vice-prks. ahhtek. Ilngsworth, Win. II. Barrett, am Martin, L. L. Arringtnn, f. Evans, Thomas /f. Maxwell, spenpinff several tin;, s wi >. here. Miss Berlia G jnt> r is vi: tives in New Hronklnnd. Miss Claud Haynes wh teaching a school very succi left for Leesville a few U visit friends. Messrs A. O. Yearain, I Discoll. of Allan ie Ciiv a tli relatives ed primarily to provide better t for the country schools, but itie -iting rela- ly i|va;ds poor but worthy youn to obtain a college education o has been themselves for higher things e sfuly here In order that the scholarships f iys ago to to this class of young men and gobb'ed up by young fellow s'ortou and could get to college without thc.f re now at ili? niviiril< ??? n-? earhers dental Twonry-Fiv g men Oolden Oak or Mahognny Finish, w and lit regular price, $3.00; sale price 'n life. hall go Eighteen not be Kiel) Piano Polish in Kuglish Oak c rs who the Rocker for a present, worth $0 cholar- SH,e I>ri,'e > otn ? Wlll|/iv^v* I e Fancy Rockers. $1.49 each Parlor Rockers. ir MnliOKHiiv, Saiblle or Cobbler Seats, just ,7-ul" 3.98 each. I few; only one Devoe. A gallon Devoe is worth a ^allou-and-a-half of those few. Mr. Aaron Higgins, of P'ainfi^ltf, N. J. always used 15 gallons of mixed " paint for his house. Lust spring he bought 15 g illons of Devoe and had 4 gallons left. % ^ Yours truly, r Does a general BankingdtiMness. Pays inters Accounts of Merchants, Corporations and in Prompt and courteous attention guaranteed. vVorivis!|vv si on speciuI (Savings) ucc't1ilividuals solicited us your collection' VHHTE^ CREAM { ERMIFUCE!! work on the Koaliu bed at miss Cora I.ybrand of Be iting Mr J S Lybrand. Mr. and Mrs m I* Uunter I ed to Brookland after spen time witii relatives here. Alias Estelle Rawi visited folks Sunday. Quite a number of ouryoun Chalk Hill, with re.'ert'iice lo the marks nil ulah, is vis- the examination, ami men n years of age and over are giv ?ave return- preference. This oppo ding some to the country young man, who; nical preparation may be far les I her home that o f the fifteen year old grail a town graded school, but whos ig folks will turity and earnestness are a gu 2so wo iucteet) 3x6 f**et, all color.-, cloth moon rollers, fixtures comolete, worth 5( en the rtu'lit> Do You Wa m? | \?{% | j. . Then get the hest mattress o i eartl s man 80,?jna< curled hair mattress, luateof weight 10 pounds, put up only in b ?e nia- price, 25; sale price laranty ()l ,ltir ,,,W11, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - idow Shades, I l"?l on good s;>rir.g -) , or'1-1 )c. em*!!, will sell for JL * . C ctV^lI* int to Sleep Cool? !i. one that will last a lifetime and cure inin.olt* of HouMi American hair drawings, est A. 0. A. ticking. Regular 95 t. W. UttVO! ACO. 1'. S: Timtnoiis Ilros sell our paints. I # F' (Pr (liven Up Td l)ie. b. Spiegel, 1*204 X. Virginia st., ?* Evansvllle, Ind., writes: Forever 5 years 1 was troubled with kidney and bladder affection* which cause i me A much pain and worry. I lost lloh and was all run down, and a year ago had 9 or 20 Years Has Led all Warm Rs BOZiS BY ATjIi ?ni lotjuaL'Jty. ? BcjitjoQuaUty. ( imediesTT^^^^^I rGGZSTO* ^ BALljA^Df^St^JLouls^ tttirnu me i*u<3 ui otttfUL day. Mr. Cofer. of Wagner, wi Sunday. To the Voters of ton County [Communicated. I have been given to nuns osuir tnat when given an oppnrtui study in college lie will pull tl is in town anil make a man of liim?clf. ence is still further given to men who have taught school, Lexillg- often the case that a \oung i the country, although with pcoi aration, attempts so teach the borhood school. For his own si understand for the schools he ought to he g ,ily lu I treses aT~ $4 ll'OUgll ' prefer- Sample Bra young l at sweeping reductions, in wide v It is ! styles. Prices for brass ranje from man ,ni 1 HON ItEDS, variety of p r prep- | colors, some trimmed with I neigh- | ike and | __ _ iven a . 0, $6.50; $8.50; $12, ss and Iron Beds $!6.50 to $ 0. atterns, enameling in white anil ?rass, excellent valnes, $4.k3 to $20. to abandon work entirely. I had three ( H of the best physicians which did me M no good and I was practically given W up to die. Foley's Kidney (Jure was; H recommended and the lirst bottle gave 1 kg me great relief, and after taking the wj second bottle 1 was entirely cured."? ? Sold by Timmons Bros. JR Fruit Trees. ? I N h n A m A1OND^ ^ The Only I Polyglot ... & ng on the same machine. Bp hundred type shuttles vv??iit v-wiY 1 ? n (omcMfi iii. M?: that there is a report being about my friend Mr. M. which states that he is pLj capitated tc fill the duties ditor's ollice. He is a collei in literature, bookkeeping manship. He is a hard w< and is dependent upon ills for bis support. I have I.indli.r n? n full>.w /-j.IIi.i.u circulated better education before lie b P. Lindler settled in a life of inferior rsically in- Hence the special effort of the a of the Au- ties of the South Carolina Collej tje graduate induce young men teachers wl f and pen- ill prepared for their work to^t< irking boy and go to college white they cai own labors scholarship men last year were known Mr. average age of 22 l-5t years a otiiilanf fnr .?I /I ?.- a ?./ ?? ? - 1 ? 1 t:;5 j some go uthori- j is to I ,, , i>o jiPM rolls Japanese Mattings,carpet per yard, our sale price, 18c. yard. i>p now | i. The SAMPLE PICTURES. Choice >f ?i>.> I c,'nl* $1 pictures for 48c. each. , $1.40 each. $5 pictures for $2.f>0 ea nd the | .. I ICE nn\ ITS ok : : >0D THINGS. I I patterns, the kind sold everywhere at :10c. ! j assortment of beautiful subjects, -r?() per pictures for ? 1 inch. pictur ;s for t ch. .. !? ) no I am still selling fruit trees for ggr! the Greensboro Nurseries, the same O lirni that I have been connected with Hi for 10 years. The trees lmvegivenl v much satisfaction, displaying a hardy I j growth, and I find no trouble making Si sales. See me before buying. Geo, M. Adams, g n,iu,k..?.. c r> efl I Typewriter of 2 hemispheres I An Indestructable I Will Inst iri'iierntions anil mitlivn t>?ii trn 11v iuteivhungeablf. : Machine.* g ip-lirir machines- Writes ^9 three years. He was alway at every duly, always ready in# to do anything that lay er to advance hia Alma M people of Lexington need in put Mr. Lindler in the Audii The people will do well to e L. A ovuuviiv ?vi iMucst ?>ua oo. t I8? ll'.'jieu IMilt r punctual young men, having alrci^\\y. auu will- aoine tas ^c\ar\?s -< in his'pow- college adhere b*Mic^^^ESS^^R|^DV^ tor's office ships were di^^MU^^^ffTeda lect him. er proportion oTthem would do ; Mack. lege men so often do, turn their on the country forever and 1 SUCH ' t aj??Li -'oped REFRIGERATOR SALE. It s ge r to Cleaiiauie ami iSatiitary Relrigeruioi L-.wiU AX MINSTER BUGS. Just, a f? JToo. parlor rug made. $3.50 Rugs for $1 J 'ar REMEMBER we are closing < ut large as cofbacks | >eccnie | 3 > * ?.??"? itinsr hot and you need one of the Leonard ; s at >w left in heautifui tatUins. the pretties ,?8. *f? f>0 Uuks Tor $:i Art Squaws. This nitons a laving of 1-lia j ! like print?prints like writing, The Best Man The one machine producing perfect and p uniform impression. The earliest HAMMNND does bet newest Machine of any other maki Decania Dowling Mail ifolder. g eruQiinent alignment with Jfl tcr work than the ^ ,"?s(. Columbia | Cured of Bright'* Dim ' lien. A. Sherman, Lisbon Lawrence county, N. Y., < had kidney disease for mail] had heen treated by pliysici yearsh liad taken well ktic medicine and other remedies recommended but got no re began ussng Foley's Kidney first half bottle relieved in bottles have cured me of tli ease professional men in towns and ,, , Hut where they have previously Ked Mills, , ! , ,, wiites* '*1 themselves to public , years and work, and then stop and go to t aiis for 12 with the ideal of lilting thenisel ivvn kidney better work in that line, there is s ( that were ..... lief until I probability that for the most pai Cure. The will return to country school ten e and four a result which will r'clily repa; is terrible Slnt.A f.*r ilc lilw.rnl!i*v in cities j com - ! school A | : 1 nomas strong . t they j ichhiK Augfu t the i ? & Barton, ista, Ga. T3 O. ' a, E i OK AT BATt-SlSURti A3VOC Ci rig Cot tor 1 disease. Metore 1 begun tuki Kidney Cure I hud to in about every lifteen uiinuti night and passed a briek stance, and sometimes a stance. 1 believe I would it I hud not taken Foley' Cure." Sold by Tiiumous 11 All summer pants to In week at a sacrilice. ,1. <J, ng Foley's . ~ "V ... ake water r?r their training ai teachers. s day and Each year better salaries are dust sub* p.?jd in the country schools ami I have (bed *r:i1 .Vl'ar,s counties country s s Kidney vv 1?>? !? college bred men of high i ros. tion are proud to teach. The si ity, freedom and beauty of count ( sold this und the Rro*',,,f?a(lva?taKcs. wit Glover phones, mail deliveries, and lib beinj* - or <ev 2s insure c in*- RHflHl Organi: iiti'ir- Policies issued upon hes raries jjyes between of 1J. I I ife in the Mutual Life Insur'ompany of Newark, N. J. j zed in 1845. Assets Over "lis: $88 nnn nnni o Q ^ 2 O j* QJ in T # eln isC y Fall Stock of Goods and in a few days I v i f\\XT O rJAi'vrrvlnfr* oming. is just coming rill be ready to ~ ?n beautiful Women Plu = p cheeks, flushed wit glow <1 health and a pure c make all women beautiful email dose of Herbine after t it will prevent constipation digest what you have eaten Win. m. .Stroud, Midlothiu writes, May HI, 19ul; "We Herbine in our family for eit have peculiar charms for the s and the thinker. Tlu* present i tint's are that within this decade It the soft lry sc|too|teaching in South Ca omplexion . . . . . .. . Take a so 'onK ''eld in disrepute wdl In >ach meal: egnized as a choice profess.on. and help ready six to nine hundred doll M; Mrs' year, with little expenses for livi n, lexas. . ' have used not iln infrequent salary. Pro rlit vears. Wardlaw's men readilv find ties ciioiar years; ages below 21 b 'eomi" i rated a* a?e 21. Policies roiiim $5oo to $5o,ooo. Policies i 3 rtT-1 Al- ! lars a i HflHBSBSHHSHSBfli fe-nor 1 n -T ? ? ,vvv^vrv/vr >eing ftESPfliaiiglWMHBSBMMBBMl issued for any amount fjom non-forfeitable after 2d year, j | TumiBrrPi The " HAMILTON QJ -5 ^ ki c I 5 81 *""*03 ^ en S-n ? r ch LV7 VV Ct V^IUJJICI/C iiliC < nds. These goods we: eat care and particula: i to the selection of sai ess goods will please " J} J. J1 1 1 ji guuas 01 ciu re bought with r attention givne. My line of the most fastii T and found it tlie best medicii used for constipation, bill and nf.alaria." O. J. Harris When in Columbia le we ever [daces, and the demand for sucli Ions lever jn(.|Pases each year. The hettei to i 111 pre.8 the ! - ? spirit and arouse the young men sense of the dignity and magnili tlieii profession, tliere will he a of let tores by leading school sii| lendeuts and principals. Thus this hotly of young teachers will i men H school jH |w3 vML gJ ^V9BHBBBHHKWg^SMRBjjHnPJB9B^M| this com- MEN'S SHOES, LADiES M BkOWN % P SHOE K The Shoe w ea r 'SHOES, MISSES' SHOES i 3-D I Ui ^ ?-< p' w 5 JJJ pi' S3 * r uus, in iact tne wnoa ete and will be sold at ease the most particul ar nin } stock is comprices that will ar bnyer. You do not want to m opportunity of seeing Hit and be?t stock in tlte SI HIGH CLASS JEW (told, Silver, Cut Glass an ouie incury ami practice in ilieir ics, a ml every two or three weeks iss the be stimulated by a special mc 'finest from some notable edu/ator I'resli daily contact with the practical tale of lems of the schoolroom ELRY Do you want a good pair of s ilDec- j If so caM on J. C. (Slo Children's Shoes of i ?sa ge , E. v. culll I il:oes? j ver. ill Shapes aad Qualities. IM COMPANY. i ! 5 w v * " L o Oj cri I C ^ V V 1 \> WORLD'S FAIR, S VIA r j * ' fl T. LOUIS, Ai trf orated China. Wo sell at prices than any oilier and only han.lle the best, Kolutely no plated gout! by lis. We also do all ki Watch and Jewelry Hep* Having a complete facte l?wer | Fearful Odds Artiest Him. store, Bedridden, alone and dcst Ab- Such, in l?rlef was the condition | old soldier by name of .1.1. Ila Is sold j Versailles, O. For years In- was bled witli kid..ey disease and nt nds of uoct >rs nor medicine* nave him i At length lie tried Electric lilt nrinf?. j)||( jnm on bis feel in short try we jand now be le.sti>ces "I'm on the ; FINEST Of UII ?- (' V?'|ls, j P troii-1 jr itliiT' I ?1 WORK. j road jT % lowest 1 prices. ! w ^ <D P > sd s" ?outnern i< Best Line, Choice of Routes, epers and Dining Cars. Stop-overs allowed at Wesi ailway Through Pullman tem Marl h r are able to repair an repairing of DIAMOND - JEW As good a* any Noi Firm. * D<> not forge I o <IA lo complete recovery." Heat on i id do j for liver mid kidney tronbhs ai forms of stomach and bowel eom| ts. Only Tide Guaranteed For sn <{. .1. llarrif, & Tiuunons, Itros, I I:l RY knrj,', ?.V Oro-son l>ro>; Co..^vi .jlM,rn The Monarch Stump fuller. t, the juk The Monarch i only machine Mm i /?? enrtli &- .tl all lain- i vfc*T il?> b> --.x ?. '' Atlanta Grt I) K A I < 11. All Kinds of Moi it lias .1 Cf !Tw ) jhinite Works, .EKS IN luments- ^tntn/irv . rj Lo< S, < mmer resorts and other points w excursion rate tickets on s C,, as follows: Season TiokHs, - - . < Sixty n.<y Tu'kcts - Fifteen Day Tit Kots, - : f:or full information or VVoi . , v. W I I v/l I I Ul ? ale from Batesbmg, W7.85 31.(Ml. i"? 75. "Id's F.i i r llfuHni J""' ' -----Sylvan f 1524 Main ! Columbia iros. i * i -ti street,! ?e?r *?y its wtlplit. If jn iit'ilc of a tump > I, S. C.!wnlet0 ? *M. Allan H?t?sburg', i Ill)- Work and aide. ! '"it t. id,ike anything from (lie Light n,.'''r Monument or Vault. We Lavs a f< llj am. wi(|, the bint pneumatic tools to coni|i 1,1 ! our pricas are the very lowest couswl ow" tnansliip. For prices and estimates c; idler I r, P. W. BARNRS, Iron Fences. est Marble H)al> to the Heaviest granite ' rutting and finishing plant. , >ete with any rf the wholesale triple, ana I , !e?i4 with first-class material and work- ? ?H mi or correspond witli - - -J j, Spring'. ' Sprain*. a PI S. A. Head, Cisco, Texas, writes iiareli 11th 1901 : "My wrist was sprain , >d so badly by a fall that it ?vas usees:.; ami after n.-iiijr several remedies list failed to Rive relief; used Mallard's Snow Liniment, and was eiitcd 1 ear _ lestly recommend it to any one suf- | 'eriiitf from sprains." 25c , 50c., $1. I >. .1. Harris. ilv to any agent Southern Rai R. W. HUNT, 'atronize Our Advertisers. T ? _ - ?>i vvi atui c ilway, or l)iv. Pass. Agt., Charleston, S. C. hey Are Reliable, - ? ? - <4