The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, September 08, 1904, Image 7

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\ >7*3? . _ ?. y " - -;i THE E IATK (llBURG ADVOCA' - , 1 FURMANUNIVI Course* leading to the degr?o Arts ill. A.) Library Heading I Darmilories. Kxuenses reduced t< Next session begins Sedt. 1 4. Catalogue or in formation, address ^DCITV GREENVILLE, S. C. ^ V^l 1 I y EDWIN AicNEIL POTEA'I President. i of Pacliehr of Arts (13. A.) at:d Master ol toom, Laboratories, Large and ComfortubU j a Minimum, For rooms apply to Prof. II. T. Cook. Foi tli? Se.r?;ary of ttie Faculty. I r r ? ? ; re THE IMPROVED HAVANA. ,n at Noticeable, Especially in its Streets, Squares and Parks- <>t I Havana haa become in a sense re- K' Do Not Be Imposed Upon. Foley & Co.,. Chicago, originated oney and Tor mi a throat ami lung medy. and ou account of the great ^ * erit and p ipularily of Foley'a Honey log to id Tar many imitatiotia aie,<>ffe*ed audde r the genuine. Ask for Foley'* Hon- ?crat< r and I'm and ?eftiio any Huostilute gomel t? red as lio ot'ier preperalioi \viI ve the amne-ali.-f ictinu, 't is mild- , ~ - - I 1,1 No Trade. M o Rockland men were negotlat- 8 B > swap horses the other day when nly the youuger man paused, lied bis head as if to recall hlng. and said, quizzically: dn't I go to your place once when ^ | A ^ le Druggis A/l It/I/Mvrr* r* * * ' LVHATURES mmm LGERMICIDI 9 By its combined therapeutic action H * \ upon the blood ami the mucous H TA, membrane, Hancock's Liquid 9 ^\>?v Sulphur positively and surely H m J? * I Catarrh I I ^ / Catarrh is a constitutional dis- 9 O // ease, and local treatment alone 9 i rj v.w unu rofiviiira. aii me tiay 'y long (with the exception of a few i 1,1 hours In the morning), a cool bree/.e *',* from the sea sweeps over the city, while the niglus ure always cool and ? sweet. The spring showers have com- i menced, but they appear so regularly, j la the afternoon only, that they may be scheduled, and their unpleasant consequences avoided. ' The greate t improvements the an- V JMXiime. it coiti?in? mi u|?i?t?? * "" i?l i? safest f> r riiiidrfii mid deli uli- l rsuus. For sale hy Ti-niuous, tiros, v/lios< ,il*/Qiiry. that t J annle 1 other. I np ??m i 1 llv , that 14 hy fei ri rv/i I I 7 U .iv; iv duj u IIUI6U, JtUU you try to tuduce me tu buy one J|. ; kneei were so badly sprung :ncli foreleg almost nt:ido u right lieve you did." replied the 3. I now recall It distinctly," he younger man. 'You told me the knee springing was caused rding the horse from too high a IHlHUrN^ ts i On the C< . Oy will not cure it. Sulphur is the / greatest germicide known, and a f y liarmle.sbutpowcrfulconstitution r builder. Its value lias been recognized for ages,but all its curative effects 'ere never obtainable till the discovery f Hancock's Liquid Sulphur. So posivc is its action that we guarantee it to ure Catarrh, Eczema, Acne. Itcli, Danruff, Ringworm, Prickly Heat. Diphthcia, Sore Mouth and Throat, Granulated iyelids, and all diseases of the Scalp. tebellum visitor will notice are in the J ^ streets, squares anil parks. The men- * ace of yellow fever having been re- | J moved (no death having been reported from this cause in many months), the visitor may abandon himself to the en- i joyment of the many places of recroatlon afforded in the o'.ty anil its su* * * burbs. Tlu- most prominent feature ^ of Havana's recreative system is, of ^ course, the Prado. the strin nt vor. ? ucdi | ;r,-: ^olicy! S5t If you keep your' tealth you can very asily pay your In- A ( er. man i you ami tliu; IT I took irse home and fed him from the that the knees would spring !eve I did." answered the oilier. ie:i I guess I won't swap horses \ you. Clang."?Lewis ton Jour* r , Not the Same. ^ at woman moved down the aisle DESPAIKj, _ ... B s v jfiU iilwt I hiUM H M "-sairrvrc.- 1 HANCOCK'S LIQUID SULPHUR OINTMENT. Q repured especially for Huron, Sculdn, Open C9 ores, Chafed Harts, llmv Hurfacei, Holla, I 'lien, Koughneett of Puce und Hands, and II Hkin Diseases. rfl old nt all reliable ilruK ?tor<-?. Write for free 1-ooklet lfl on the curative and toilet use of nulpliur. QUI HANCOCK LIQUID SULPHUR CO, R Baltimore. M<L K i dure, adorned with palms, statues. j ^ ! music stands, and overflowing with a ~C : wealth of tropical vegetation. j A. lt was thought perfect many 7c?ts /-] ago; It certainly has nearly reached perfection since our engineers opened q It out to the shore, and bestowed upon the Havaiiese the blessings of the p "Malacon," which overlooks the harbor entrance, the Morro, and the open urance premiums. *rjv'f >ut if you become d isabled by illness _ # ** you?r disease you can ot pay premiums, TpriPP fbp Parifir me? ? sleeping car ju.^t as the porter v the "First rail for breakfast in |?j iuing car." and poked with her [t ?lla at upper berth 10. tty!" she shouted. "Where are Is that you up there?" | I re was no response. ! fat woman beat a tatoo on the curtain rod and shouted again. r. Kitty! Why don't ycu answer Kittv. breakfast Is rem!v' ICittv Cures ^ livi JT EVERY BOTTLE 6UARAI Cures MALARIA CONSTIPATION AISJO ALL > SR ?ILMENTP ITEED. PRICE 51! CENTa. Subscribe to the Advocate. Cold Wave Coining. It you have Kvdales Elixir in bouse when a co'd wave is coming. ; need not fear attacks of Itronclii Eiietnnonia, Cough -, ('olds, KJe. les Elixir taktn when attack beg never fallen to cheek the progress the thsease. It is equall'- success In The Merry Springtime. In the merry springtime the fesiiv*' the ' malaria microbe, gocth forth deterr you | mined to colonize every human organs ti.-j,' ism. If tins arch foe has invaded you By- *vstein allow us to suggest Ryda le T,sj Tonic. This remedy f^ees the blood of i from malaria m't robes eliminates pois,fu| oiious matter from the system, stren act.. nccuuitiruillU CJ1 l'JWZ, " IS tlltt inscription on a plate wf bronze set up j J\ near tlie Central Square, or "Parque Isabel," and "reconstruWo," renovated, j-j regenerated, might trpthfully be said . of all parts of the olty, touched by ' A the magic wand of the far-sighted, self-sacr'flcing "Americanos." Many Qv of the sacrifices made by Americans a may have been (probably were) tin- i c intentional; but the fact remains that, t ?. VA4.V/ ? W%VI1 IV I say, lutual Life of Cal- ln* I fornia is the only pearei - . Y ourlai American legal re- ^ erve Company that ;sues a policy that ' Kitty! are yon mere?" arge reil face, with lonj?. flowrhiskers ot the lower half api at the opening between the ? ? ns of upper 10, and a deep voice, said: : name is George." fat woman lied.?Baltimore rs: 11 ^ ? . E.JONE Dealer in General Merchan - ' *? Mi 111 iiriinic canes hi iiiroat and h disease, When in Sha\ id.r gthens tli" nerves,and restores robust "j health. ItyUulesToiiic is guaranteed. Columbia 'e at the | wnne individual enterprises have fail- -ii | e?l, and personal endeavor has been inadequately rewarded, the Cubans have benefited from the push and energy of their neighbors from the Vnited States.?New York Evening j v Post. I A Famous Bird of War. 1J "Old Abe," Wisconsin's famous war -i eaale. Is now onlv a meninru In ifco rl i case of disability j <-?' . . i i i lias al it her by sickness1 ?>.?? < whom our premiums T ? I f J] ease and your pol ? ' cours( i I to ou ;y becomes paya- ???>' ,1? {v, in i? icen"! wuiiviv/ wm o ?. luiy. William F. Cody (Buffalo Dili) I ways a story to toll, ami ho told jne >\>st<rday nr an Irishman f he employed on his ranch in ^ ling: "Pat has been only a nontiis in this country, and, of ??? ? ?, Is as green as Kentucky grass r ways. Strolling through the s of Wyoming City one day rewith a fellow workman on the and . . . Uottoan. Brc 1 3^iiPi jOsex*. Jerome Mot< SPETH [ Successors si Barber Shop. BROTHERS, ; to C. H. AUrn ? ? HJ Hre which recently swept through tho Capitol at Madison, the his- ? toric relic was reduced to ashes. Grand Army men all over the country are telling stories of the bird which led the Eighth Wisconsin Infantry into thlny-slx battles from Fredericks- . town to Hurricane Creek. "Old Abe" was captured ou the Flambeau river, between Ashland and ^ -xc xix j-v cumuai iii^jranch tallments. You . notice nust see our eon- ? "< . . . of the racts to appreciate hem. With same t., mount of legal re , he noticed in the window of a a sign with tlie words, 'Shoes ?ned inside.' Pat. stared at the i and exclaimed: That the do people want with the Inside ^7 I ir boots blackened." ? Out of the Ordinary. e pies n:y mother used to " began the young husband, 3. McM ASTER, Bicycle Snpplies, Tennis and . 840 BROAD STREET, When you buy i r ? 'THE GREAT t always kept in Catalogue. : AUGUSTA, GA i stove, buy the best. ?XCELSIOk." Parts stock. - Write for i n<.c wuuiit . , nr iacuii?iii. III 1SI>1. I)V Chief Sky. a Chippewa Indian, son of ? Thunder of Hees, chief of the Flambeau band of the tribe. Chief Sky Q caught the young bird after a climb to the top of a gigantic hemlock tree. Q and a week later realfzcd on his ad- !? venture by soiling his captive for a | \J bushel of corn. The bird was carried to Ran Claire, just as Company C was 0 being mustered in. The lumbermen erve that any other fair I Id line companyhas' oLm nd with $20,000,00 special fund, evry insurable man 1 1 IT at will do, sir." Interrupted the irlue, who had manufactured a 1 by herself. "Comparisons are s." v jre mud pies." calmly continued . h. "Our folks always boardid they were the only kind she rifd to make." gH Will He Do This Later? Baseball Goods, ^Ouns, Ammunitio Ft*"* Danoifiiio tyvpiAtk lll^* Coltim ibia, S. C. ^ 1 11 tz LAKUHST j AND BICYC THIS: We have a few > left. Write for to make our sto stove, tinware ;le mouse in section. ,eiy Pretty Calendars one. Vou are invited re your headquarters from the pine woods vut. d in the Q eaglo as a volunteer. auJ after a sur* -i f.eon's examination, i. was added tq j) the list of recruits and began Its course from obscurity to fame. T} When the company marched into Camp Randall at Madison in 1801. a 13 salute was fired in honor of the bird, which became the mascot of the whole Ci regiment. It went through the war. carried Into battle aloft on a perch. V na woman snouicl <? ave one of our ideal >olicies,not only to jm 'rotect family in \| ase of death, but ^ nnrsplf in i-lio ^ ^jj ^ 1LERS and enqi VT P?C1 Tanks, Slacks 1 ^ L-i*_7 j Stand Pip* when in Augusi SPETH E Successor 840 BROAD $TREKT, la. : : : : IROTHERS, s to C. B. Allen. AUGUSTA, GA. from which It ros-> screaming to the ^ length ot its coril. At the end of the 0 war the war bird was placed on ex* hlbit'ion once in Chicago. Its value ^ had risen from tlit; original bushel of corn to S.r, for each tot her that fell from its plume, while P. T. Harnum i j? offered $20,000 for permission to place it in his circus.?Chicago Record-Herald. t V MA A ill LHVy Vw V IB nt of sickness or ,p ccident.Wecharge; ? o extra premium M or this grand con- p| ract. Drop me a ??' ^ *ml Sheet I run Work, Si infers. Kto. Building Castings?Oast overy ose, l'ipe. VulveM ami Felting: Helling, 1'a Repairs. LOMBARD FOUNDRY, MACHI Y S10RH, Augusta, (ia. ~\TAT!r? latiiog, 1'ulUys, (it-snug, day; oipiiHty 300 hands, oking and Machine MupNE & BOILER WORKS r^r 1 - c BSSgBCHEBBBSMMBMI V S E&SHEEflGHBMfis '' ardand arepresen- Wi ative of the Pacific /ill call on you and L_ how you the most * esirable contract Jv;' 4.1. ?When we have the wireless j . aphy. what will tho-e poor birds ] 10 Si and out there on the wire?" * They'll do as I do now, dear." l\ it i /* 1 1 I ere is your opportunity Fall Suit for a very reai j e have the right stufi 1 i Gr! r to get you a sellable price. F at the right if* I ft! BS8BB8SSB8B8BIB u earui. ! C. L. JONES, Special Agt., 1 ? Wards, S. C. I "> 1 -Til ; tho p "you'< troit ?How is that? I'1 H't~ Hans on your words, dear." . lllg. A Bad Combination. 1 a lightning calculator." said <111(1 C jplicant for the bookkeeping pos- ' SllOCi len you'll not do here." replied j roprietor of the powder works I f noil 1 blow up the institution."?De 1 Free Press. I . < , van hiju see us ne We have Clothing 1 children; also a special 5 All goods sold by u You shall have very * <? * tore purchase For men boys good line of s are guaran* strict at ten? 8 e? 17 ANTED?Tli* Advocnte wants a 'i'c) , * few loads of wo .(I on subsrrip- gentle n. Wood subscribers wili please vern themselves accordingly. tion i irrsve this week a tine hue ol mens pants. These pants \Tcr? by the Pants King. Prices right, j J. Clover. I it you honor us >vitli a . F. Perry < The Cheap Sto BATESRURC, S. O. call. & Co. re. Ready tor We have p Clothes for Regulars, S critical buyers, erfectly modeled Young* Men Sims and Stouts Don't for a think of getting along this Summer without a pair of Minute I \ 1 -ack of Eru Murray's Iron Mixture contains tlie elm it a genuine Klootl Tonic, a remedy that ;rgy! u*nts that make makes nek, rpd v~umprisin? a most cxii tractive stvles. $6.50 $8.50 to $22.50 in th things this week in Shi KSNARI 1 1 M eimiy selected variety of atto $15.00 two-piece suits; iree-piece suits. Some new rts. Neckties and Vests. ^ _ CLOTHIER J ~FURNISHER L-1.. .-A ? ! - '-* ?^WUltrasac~ *1* -- . : mimmmmmu HHHS9HH53ES9SHR OU I IINUir Of course ; meantime your shoes vass or Lir k/i .t \ \ r ? - tr* >nots. you know in the you are saving >. Made in Canlen Mesh. 4 p? /\ oiouj. improves ingestion, increase* appeli strength am! energy to weak, debilitated, ri MURRAY'S IRON MIXTUt is not a temporary stimulant. The goi te, and supplies in-down people. i r>d In every dose I.7JO 11 I Advocate Advert am oircei ^oiuinma, >outli isers Are Reliable. Carolina - Patronize Them. * ncii iiiui women s, ^ ; Misses' T. A. BC )pposite Postoffice. I.DU. and Childrens, >YNE, Mail Orders Solicited1 ^ r sticks. Excellent for pale, emaciated, h and as a recuperative tonic for those r mciiDfM. I Unequalled as a ton'c to prever the lassitude, tiicd, exhausted an.! "run-* prevalent in the spring* A combination the appro\al and commendation of phy-iei loodlesr people, ecoveririR from it and overcome lownM feeling ao iliat meet* wi'h ana everywhere. \ i warm t'ru-e w?c. <; unrai.tood Satisfactory to AT PRIG St ORES, Prepared by The Murray Prog Co., C every purchaser, Columbia, 8, U,