The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, September 08, 1904, Image 6

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V FURMANUNIVE -DCITV GREENVILLE, S. C. I - PnWlN M.NI--II IMITUAI THE I r r 3STE {{BURG ADVOCA I>o Not lie Imposed Udod. V- ; m aty** ' s -< . ' , .. >)V ^ ? ,ywr - r'nm ' -? u iv i Coursrt leading to t lie degr?c* Art* (M. A.) Library Uaudiug 1 Darrnitories. Kxtn'iises rtduttd ti Next session begins Sedt. 11. Catalogue or information, address President. * of Baclielir of Arts (1$. A.) and 51 aster ol loom, laboratories, l.arge and CotnfortubW i) a At i ni in it in, For rooms apply to Prof. II. T. Cook. Foi 111* Sf or tin- Faculty. B its combined therapeutic action ? n J"H!I IMPROVED HAVANA. " , a Noticeable, Especially in its Streets, Squares and Parks- Nil Havana has become In a sense re- k generated and revivified. All the day 'J long (with the exception of a few 1,1 Foley & Co.,. Oiicairo, originated loney and Tar ax a tliroat and lut?x medy. and on account of the great ^ v lerit and p (polarity of Foley'a lloney lug t ltd Tar many imitations ate,??f!e*ed l sudd >r th" genuine. AaU for Foley V Hon- ?cral i uod I'm and tefnsc any anuatitute eum, IFered at; no ot">er preperatioi \vi| ,.jj ive the same -atl.-f ctiou, 't is uiild- j w, r laxative. It contain* no npi<t?.ad is aafeat f? r ciiitdren mid deli -ate did a I No Trade. i ^ M to Rockland men were negotlat- j ? I o sw*p horses the other day when . eoly the younger man paused, , ched his head aa if to recall 'tiling, and said, quizzically: id n't I go to your place once when ^ | H V is a boy to buy a liorse, and 1 I t you try to induce me to buy one i. J le Druggis MMONS F l.NATURES [GRE4TEST t|GERMiP|DI \ ujnjn II1L- UIOCMl Uim uic mucous TA membrane, Hancock's Liquid v^>'V Sulphur positively and surely Cures ;^1 Catarrh | >^ > / Catarrh is a constitutional disIV }J ease, and local treatment alone Jf will not cure it. Sulphur is the P / greatest germicide known, and a . iixuio hi me morning), a cool breeze|^ | from the sea sweeps over the city, while the nigh>s ure always cool and ? sweet. The spring showers have com- i tucnced, but they appear so regularly, in the afternoon only, that they may rbe scheduled, and their unpleasant consequences avoided. I The greatect improvement* the an- I tebellum visitor will notice are in the ! s*reels, squares and parks. The men- - 'TKirns. rur >: ? ty I I'|iiiiuiii>, Kims | v,ut* .tl^rourg. that ! angl< 1 othei Fhe ss r ? * *>y U deal ;r; >e Kiieei were so Partly sprung cnch foreleg almost made a. right eiieve you did." replied the es. I now recall It distinctly," the younger mas. 'You told ine ( the knee springing was caused ediiig the horse from too high a 5er. didn't you?and that if I toolc torse home and ft d him from the On the G orner. : 1^^^ a llQUUJ suiPtttifi r f y harinlessbutpowerfulcoustitution r builder. Its value has l>e.en recognized for ages,but all its curative effects ere never obtainable till the discovery f Hancock's Liquid Sulphur. So posive is its action that we guarantee it to ure Catarrh, Eczema, Acne. Itch, Danruff, Ringworm, Prickly Heat. Diphtlieia, Sore Mouth and Throat, firauulated lyelids, and all diseases of the Scalp. HANCOCK'S LIQUID SULPHUR OINTMENT. repareU especially for Purlin, f?euld?, Open ace of yellow fever having been re- | moved (no death having been reported from this cause in many months), the \ visitor may abandon himself to the en- j joyment of the many places of recro- j 1atlon afforded In the olty and its suhurbs. The most prominent feature ^ of Havana's recreative system is. of ^ course, the Prado, the strip of ver- ' q dure, adorned with palms, statues, ^ ^ niUSiC Stands, anil nvprllritirln? ?.IH. ~ T Jolicy! 'K If you keep your I lealth you can very Dal asily pay your In- A uranee premiums. ?f ,h A I Kave that the knees would spring ? ? 'ISeve I did." answered the other. hen 1 guess I won't swap horses \ you. Clang."?Lewlston Jour- r Not the 6amf. Tat woman moved down the aisle e sleeping car Ju:t as the porter the "First eall for I.r.^nUfust in Whih.. <T DESPAIR. HCLP you CurAft MAI ARIA 0S 'llWI (DM (tfDtil I H g ~airrvrc.-- I r Sli I.SiTI llP llltlio itltinn., Id ore*, Cluifctl I'urt-, Kuw Kurfarca, Hoi I*. BE ilea, Kouglme** ol Face mid Hands, and 11 Hkln IMaeaser. (J 9ld at all reliable drugstore*. Write for free Ixxrklet jfl on the curative nun toilet use of aulphur. jgg HANCOCK LIQUID SULPHUR CO, S Baltimore. MtL H I ? ? ...... ?. . wealth of tropical vegetation. -1lt was thought perfect many /"] ago; it certainly has nearly reached j perfection since our engineers opened /"] it out to the shore, and bestowed upou the Havaiiese the blessings of the lq "Malacon," which overlooks the harbor entrance, the Morro. and the open T sea. "Reeoustruhlo en 1002." is the inscription on a plate of bronze set up J\ 3ut 11 you become!""*.' lisabled by illness ** yon. <v disease you can iot pay premiums. *??; lence the Pacific i"-7, Alitunl I ifp nf ToL a lining car." and poked with her i ft! ella at upper berth 10. itty!" she shouted. "Where are Is that you up there?" | ere was no response. j e fat woman beat a tatoo on the i curtain rod and shouted again. y. Kitty! Why don't yen answer Kitty, hreakfust is ready! Kitty, , Kitty! are you mere?" lliroo r Oil feoo aifteW 1""'* n ' CUM ^ EVERY BOTTLE GUAR* s CONSTIPATION ER AILMENT? UITEED. PRICE 50 CENTs. Cold Wave Coming. If you have K.vdales Elixir in house when a eo'd wave is coming, i need not fear attacks of llronchi riieuinonia, Cough >, Colds, EJe. ] les Elixir taken when attack beg never fniles to rlu'rk the progress the disease. It is equall'* success in chroiiic cases of throat and li i'., In The Merry Springtime. In the merry spring!iine tlie festivi* l he I malaria microbe, goeth forth deter*" ^ ?>n * mined to eoloni/e every human organ-* lis, ism. If tins areli foe has invaded you |>^. vxstein allow us to suggest Kyila le us j Tonic. This remedy I'tees the blood ,,f i from malaria m'< robes eliminates poisifol onous matter from the system, sirenmg gtbens the nerves, and restores robust j health. KydalesToiiie is guaranteed. near me i enirai square, or "Parque * Isabel." and "reconstruAdo," renovated, ji regenerated, might truthfully be said , of all parts of the oity, touched by / the magic wand of the far-sighted, self-sacKflclng "Americanos." Many o of the sacrifices made by Americans , may have been (probably were) tin- "l < intentional; but the fact remains that, ? ^ while individual enterprises have fail- t-i j ed, and personal endeavor has been M. m ?. ?-? ?- ?. > ?^ V7 1 C4.1 Jug" 1 fornia is the only peart American legal re'- ??!;* erve Company that g ' ssues a policy that a case of disability]. Dv . vu "I'll It/UK. Iiuw whiskers o'.i the lower half apd al the opening between the ^ ? inn of upper 10, and a deep y voice, said: y name is George." e fat woman lied.?Baltimore "Buffalo Bill's" Story. I. William F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) ti.JUINi Dealer in General Merchai and . . . :?>. ridise When in Shav Jerome Hot* Columbia 'e at the CI, Inadequately rewarded, the Cubans p have benefited from the push and energy of their neighbors from the "*7 United States.?New York Evening 1 Post- c A Famous Bird of War. ^ "Old Abe." Wisconsin's famous war -i eagle. Is now only u memory, in the ? fire which recently swept through tfio f'anitoi imtla'?o- u. ither by sickness1 whon rour premiums ease and your pol ? ' cours 1 I to 01 zy becomes paya>le in 10 annual in-, ranch 4-^11 ~ 4- ~ V... store ilways a story so tell, and he told one yesterday or an Irishman * 1 he employed on his ranch in \ nlng: "Fat has been only a months in this country, and. of ??? ? e, Is as green as Kentucky grass it ways. Strolling through tho ts of Wyoming City one day rey with a fellow workman on tho i, he noticed in the window of a a sign with the words. 'Shoes ZJottonn. JE3o?( olkcer. ? ? ? ? V MM V-T ^ ^ SPETH E Successors 840 BROAD STREET, k/1 CI 1 IU VI 4^1 BROTHERS, i to C. B. Allen. AUGUSTA, OA , ..V 1UOUIDUU, IHC iualorlc relic was reduced to ashes, i Grand Army n.en all over the country Y] are telling stories of the bird which led the Eighth Wisconsin Infantry Into thlny-slx battles front Frederickstown to Hurricane Creek. "Old Abe" was captured on the Flambeau river, between Ashland and Price counties, Wisconsin, in 1801. by Chief Sky. a Chippewa Indian, son of ? icHilliCilLS. I UU black . i notic nust see our con. . . ! Of till racts to appreciate hem. With same -n mount of legal re- w erve that anv other *.17' ened inside.' Pat stared at the e and exclaimed: 'Phat the do people want with the inside ] eir boots blackened." J Out of the Ordinary. tie pie3 n:y mother used to began the young husband. lat will do, sir." Interrupted the hrlii** wltn lit'l ? *10 B. McMASTER, /f . ^ Bicycle Snpplies, / * Tennis and / f Baseball Goods, When vou buy ? p ? "THE GREAT t always kept in Catalogue. : THE LARGEST ) i stove, buy the best. ;XCELSIOR." Parts stock. - Write for STOVH, TINWARE i iiuuuiT en noes. cmei o! the Klanibeau band of the tribe. Chief Sky Q caught the young bird after a climb to the top of a gigantic hemlock tree, Q and a week later realized on his ail- ^ venture by selling his captive for a (J bushel of corn. The bird was carried to Kan 'Maire. just as Company C was 0 being muster d in. The lumbermen from the pine woods vot. d in the Q eagle aa a volunteer, and after a sur* ! i ! Id line companyhas odLu ,nd with |20,000,-1 qT; '00 special'fund, evry insurable man nd woman should <? A ^ " ' " ,,,v " wiauuiat.iui cu a i 11 by herself. "Comparisons are / ere mud pies." calmly continued h- "Our folks always board- _ nd'lhcy were Hie only kind she |?33^4| tried to make." Will He Do This Later? . "1 ^Ouns, Ammuniti Etc. Repairing. Colun "X "' $* .] ' y'\\ ^JH ) AND BICYC THIS! We have a few \ left. Write for to make our sto when in August EE HOUSE IN SECTION. (_>i \ Pretty Calendars one. You are invited re your headquarters a. : : : : peon's examination, 1< was added tQ f] the list of recruit8 and began lt3 course from obscurity to fame. Tj When tlie company marched into Camp Randall at Madison in 1801. a T] salute was fired in honor of the bird which became the uiascot of the whole 0 regiment. It went through the war, curried Into battle aloft on a perch, ; V from which It rose screaming to the length ot its cord. At the end of th? C* iave one of our ideal olicies, not only to j*i irotect family in; ase of death, but * ourself in the ev nf Ol' noo r\ v? I B ILERS AND ENQ ^ and Sheet Iron Work, { angers, Etc. lliiilding <"astinirs? <'ast ever | XT CC Tanks, Slacks 1 1>I C5, Stand Pipe ihaftioc, Pulleys, Gearing, v dnr c?ini'ii>' WW SPETH e Successor! 840 BROAD STREET, ROTHERS, 5 to C. B. Allen. AUGUSTA, GA. ^ I war the war bird was placed on ex^ 1 Ibbitlon once in Chicago. Its value Q had risen from the original bushel of corn to $.1 for each feather that fell J"] front its plume, while P. T. llarnum j? offered $20,000 for permission to place J it In his circus.?Chicago Reeord-Iler- , aid. 1 L -7??- - ?- c 11VJ V_*J- OIV^ XV1 lt/OD U 1 i y ccident. We charge 1 10 extra premium j| or this grand con- m ract. Drop me a p ard and a represen- 1/7 lose, Pipe, Valves and Felling: Belting, P Repairs. LOMBARD FOUNDRY, MAC! .Y S10RU, Augusta, (ia. NOTIC acKing and Machine Sup1INIZ & BOILER WORKS ?L1 rts F! w&mmmmmmm wamwBammBmmm If $ ative of the "Pacific "/ /ill call on you and how you the most tej|* iesirable c o n t r act n earth. n T T A\T-nn ?When we have the wireless jphy. what will iho-e poor birds lit tto <iand out there on the wire?" ?They'll do as 1 do now. dear." ?How is that? ?Hang on your words, dear." 1 . ere is your opportunit Fall Suit for a very rei Te have the right stul , so call and see us be y to get you a isonable price, ff at the right 'fore purchase 9 El k X. ; Li. JUiNJtfjfe, Special Agt., Wards, S. C. I" 7 ,.T, i the i "you' troit ANTED?The Advocnte wnnt> a >|'0 , ulo# A Bad Combination. ii a lightning: calculator." .said tlll(l ( pplicant for the bookkeeping posShoe ien you 11 not do here, replied iroprietor of the powder works, d blow up the institution."?De 1 Free l'ress, . tion nrrtve this week a line l?-?e of ? c have Clothing children; also a speeia s All goods sold by i You shall have ven %/ if you honor us with i for men boys 1 good line of is are guaran* r strict at ten? i call. On I * J _ . iV a i- Spot 11*w ioau-i 01 on subsorip- g,?ntl? hi. Wood subscriber-" will plea o made vern tlieuiselves accordingly. ir^v - - <*? mens pants. These pants were , r by the Pants Kin^* Prices right., Wx? J. Clover. i >. F. Perry The Cheap Stf BATESBUBC, S. C. & Co, >re. Kcaciv ior We have p Clothes for Regulars, S Comprising a most car tractive stvles. SO critical iHiyers, erfectly modeled Young" Men Sims and Stouts elii 1 ly selected variety of ati ,. Oil ( \vrit=nuwt> (^ME ULTRASAC" Don't tor a think of getting along this Summer without a pair of ni iTiisir.? Minute [ I ^ack of En< Murray's Iron Mixture contains tlie tie it a genuine Blood Tonic, a remedy that hlooJ improves digestion, increases appel wt roiio'l oml i?nA?i?i. ' ' -1 ' ergy! meats that maka makes rick, red lite, and supplied $8.50 to $22.50 in th things this week in Shii KINARI 1523 M VV. N I. *? v/ |'IVV\r ^ 11 I I , ree-piece suits. Some new rts. Neckties and Vests. A CLOTHIER J ~FURNISHER ain Street Columbia, South - : Carolina i W A ? 1 1 V_*. 4^. Of course meantime your shoes vass or Lit Hen and Women's, $ /i a \y you know in the you are saving Made in Canten Mesh. >1.50. j,. ? ? iiv-1 xy I" nrm, Ul'UlllKtlrtl, 1 MURRAY'S IRON MIXTUI i> not a temporary stimulant. The k< sticks. Excellent Tor pale, emaciated. un-Uown p?M>ple. > RE * ! j ? - * * %' - : ' & r>od in overy dose Moodlev poopU, Advocate Advert isers Are Reliable. Patronize Them.:c Misses T. A. BC )pposite Postoffice. ' and Childrens, )YNE, Mail Orders Solicited] S. C. and as a recuperative tonic for those sickness. I nequalled ae a tor'c 10 preve the lassitude, tited, exhausted an.! "run prevalent in the spring. A combination tl e approval and coram*m!ation of phj*sii Price 4Ro. fJuararteed Satisfactory t< IT ItDl'fl <noi>r. recoVt-riiiK from nt and overroiu? -down" feeling ao that meet* with inana eterywhm. > every purrhurr. I '? '?%* ? m v II c.? Prepared by The Murray l>ru*t Co., 3, Columbia, 8# <jf