The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, September 08, 1904, Image 5

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? w TH E BATESBURG ADV OCATE. 4 j RA\ VL.? UR Sept AND OPE ember : INING OF 21st & MILLINE 2d. Rfto RY and t "in n i n rr )RESS GO c.+ in n' >ODS, I wis >h to sa^ to vmy patrons th Y SPECIAL BARG^ at I have the most i UNS GIVEN ON TH ip=to=date lines of 1 IESE TWO OATP?i LI I. IV V/ lats, Dress Qooods and Trimming. UA117 n Pl? 1 T T v I J. RAV , A ? - ?- m m m 1^4^# nvT? uraiAhi'i WAS BU> "No," said the beautift bad Just won the Hurkley playing three extra hole lady who had he'd it Coi aive seasons, "1 can't? yours. Let us talk of the proach I made at the sev IKK RED WWUItlfl "I? W 'or y?ar* suffered from whili called Dyspepsia and Catarrh of the 8 Purchased a boa of Cascarets i ,ll C'rl who Prised Jo find that 1 "had dulrmlng mats left me. Judte our <3 ' medal after Prise when I showed him thirty feet, an . , , day the remainder about the tame lenr S With tlie worm that had been sapping mj rltalM 1 hare enjoyed the beatof health erer tl r two SUOCt'8* this testimonial will appeal to other st -I rnn't li" Ch*?. Blaokitock.1MB Dlrlnl 1 u' Vfe.H'hll* beaut:rul sip- hcst For onth hole. M w *l.? Id the ball; It was not there. Mr. pepper was far too courteous to that somebody bad taken it. lie d J?m? even gay It was gone. He in "wTqcUnc. looked at the terra-eotia tile and dCin>?no?h?r l*bed regrets. It was raining an th)of t?p?- ijjj no umbrella. The courteous iy for ye?ri? in?e. i*rn?i lady came upon him and divine* ifferert." . . . Ity Hlmce. trouble. liiphlt, Pi 'Haven't you any umbrella?" asked. "Oh. that's too lint h uonsunpon erely cherlaud The only kind of consump : his tion to fear is " neglectet consumption." Khe 1 ? 1 Vint. I COnle arc lonrnintr fl-rnf rnn THE GOVERNOR'S DILEMMA. ' A Proof that One Woman Could do a Thing Good. y. Governor Van Sant, of Minnesota, * .1 arrived one day in New York and M went to a hotel. Shortly after, a * former resident of that state called and was shown lip to his room. He " heal enjoy men t is had when rending * hat clever magazine, The .Sin irt Se (, 11 Hc.v Neglected Colds. Every part of ihe mucous m&mhrane nembrane, the nose, throat, head, ears the ind lungs, etc., are subjected to dis- trav ase and bligh*. from neglected colds, clerj tallard's Ilorehound Syrup la a pleas- ai,ol] int and effective reniedv. ii5e , f>0e.,| TWO OLD MEN. ' a Clergymau Aged CO, Wat Taken for 100. lmund J. James. the president of Northwestern I'niversity, was eling some montlis ago witli a ;ymau. The clergyman, a man of it sixty, looks older than he really "Oh! bother your old Geraldine,** he pctul&ntl "You know I don't play g know anything about the I love you. Oh! I love that if you will not coasei I'll not want to live. W1 1 ran do much. I know I It in me to be great. In one of the world's miser if VOll turn frnm mo U? s uuwfin approaches, Mm ^ ? -v exclaimed. WlEIT\1* fmTM if WWv^l ! p-ame. 1UU candy cathartic Ith your love CllU. 1 have P?UH?ble. Potent. T*?teGo< ?* 'Sicken. Wwmkeu or OHpe. I?c. ?it I Sll ill be "Old In bulk. The genulno tablet *t?n ., .. .. Guaranteed to care or jronr money bed able failures Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago o mustn't think of going out wit one. .lust wait a moment till I gel f^WW ' Mr. Culpepper protested, but ^ Virginian meets Virginian courte 0*^ bound to prevail to the end. landlady went upstairs and pros* >d DoOooi returned with an umbrella. wfi'coK 'There:" she said. -Take I * shan't need it today, and you're r 1*Y? 594 feotlv IVpli-amn " - i ; - ?S tiiout sumption is a curable disease you It is neglected consumption ,vhen| ^.at is so often incurable. s>\isj At the faintest suspicion o ent'iyl consumption get a bottle o : Scott's Emulsion and begii 1 j regular doses. ' r | Tlir* 11 cn r\( ..1? I ? - I' found the governor sitting in a chair ^ surveying with a gloomy countenance, j a trunk which stood against the wall. ( "What's the matter, Governor?" n asked the caller, f "I want to get a suit of clothes ^ e out of that trunk," was the answer. "Well, what's the difficulty?lost 1 the key?" t "No, I have the key ail right." said ( the governor, heaving a sigh. "I'll f mil r j. ?v. AKentlruk, Valley Mills, i *] 'exas, writes: "I have used Itull trd's j relul loi-eticund S.vfup for roughs ami ! At hroat troubles: it is a pleasant and and Host effective remedy. (). J. Harris j boar ? "I OCT ANTED ? Everyone who use .|!j printed stationery to remember ja!ll, bat we have just received a line line -j, if Stationery and inks?that our type iiii0 aces are new ami sfviui. nmi i?io? o.? it i?ti 01 which jic nuics 10 uu tided. . a small rural station an aged bent farmer, panting violeutly, ilcd the train. have had to run," he said, "nearalf a mile to catch these cars." len, addressing himself to i'rof. i-s's companion, he went on: 's a bad job, sir, when old folks you and me has to run." "I do pity you." she ar Ing down her sleeves an beautiful, rounded, browi her forearms; "I pity you heart But would you b stead of love? No. I gU for being more manly tLa "Tell me why you <-an love me," he pleaded. *' ^ be some reason." iswered! roll * UAL SALE, TEM M1LL101 " mwlV* THREE" JURORS CUJ i with all my lave pity in- , re you credit Cholera Morbus with On n that." Mottle Of Chamberlain's not learn to Cholera And Diarrhoer Rei There must Mr. O. W. Fowler, or Hi Ala., relates an experience I BOXES And the grateful Mr. Cut. epp^r ped out and unrolled an urn'1 IE J) which was the very one he had Courteous Virginia gentleman, co ous Virginia landlady, and you ne e Small ask me how the urn1 rella came Colic, change owners, for 1 don't k nedy Neither does Mr. Culpepper.?\\ lugton I'ost. gh tower, he had mnnu -..- - - ? I * Iiv. V4.JV. wi ^ i^lUUlMUI s cp. at once, has, in thousands o io'1* cascs? turned the balance ii ,?tcl favor of health, edn't Neglected consumption doe: no*v? not exist where Scott's Emul asu- sion is. Prompt use of Scott's Emul 1 tell you how it is. My wife packed that j f trunk. She expected to come with ^ me. hut was prevented at the last moment. To my certain knowledge she put in enough to till three trunks j. the way a man would pack them. If I opeu it, the things will boil up all a over the room and I could never get t half of them back. Now. what I'm P wondering about is whether it would be cheaper to go out and buv a new . .J v..^ I I Advocate .Job Office is turning out , the Irst-oiass work. "I* I "C Is t' THE CHRISTIAN. yon Churches at Cnnstntieople, Turkey, "(J nd Yokalioina, Japan, have mug used nian, lie Longman & Marlii.e* Paint fcr yOU'| minting their churches. Liberal contributions of L. J: M. 'aiut will be given for such iinmose clergyman, rrowning, asked farmer how old he was. hi eiglity-six." was the reply. Hi," said ill clergyman, "there iventy years' dlftVretico between and me." oodncss. sir." exclaimed the old , "you don't mean to tell me "e lot;?"-?Itoston I'o.-t. Mini.-).. /-??? ?!.. r>? - r? cu, awe replied. *"yi enough for golf to lean and I feel sure that you me to stop it I conscntei wife. k^-'r-r?J&o*5Pvher. father is very proud, nnd shall never marry any m mot show that he Is of am Tou have confessed thnt able to do thta. Vow v. >u don t care wniie serving on a petit jury i 1 to play it case Ktlwardaville, coi would want ?f.J-;^bourne <gtafcjAlaba 1 to be you'l BHy?: 7 meat and some I^CSSE^5& insists that who can lent descent. *}*} you are un- 9?',c? rhii ?,i instead, saying k.iut he ha< iiuinn auuAM (WA.KIN{; 11) U lliur- ?s-e~_ " a!a^ lTe Extracted from Birch, vr?p fresh ' and Maple. forre-J Oiie of the pleasant chapters iu fife jj'Ji 4 Eastman's "Indian Boyhood" i Piratic with' "An Indian Sugar Camp." ^ ?rt tin* ? niap!e sugar was most citmui g- made, sugar was also secured fron ' H''>< birch, ash and box-elder. The 1 itemeriy amj agj1 g ug-ars were dark colored I what J - - 5>un chucks i nc disease wnne l can "b? checked. Ash Send 'or 'ree simple. 1 ^)r* SCOTT & liOWliE. ChemiiU, leal 3 409-4,j Pearl Street, " NewYorl Hill* 7? --- ? ^tgffftr lonl/ x\ 1 the Jlroli; Our scbscribere are not failing; t< and take advantage of the clubbing oll'er t suit of clothes or two additional * trunks.?Saturday Evening Post. v I Those Dreadful Noises. ? t r-*-?r 1 ; -ZW>\ vlierever a church is located. . F. M. Scolield. liar lis Springs S. (J., vritrs, "I printed our old homestead niln' villi I. & M. twenty-six years ago stree Tot painted since; looks better than of be louses painted in the last four years." a sn W. It. Ilarr, Charleston, W. Va.. cam* vrites, "l'ainted Frankenburg It lock ,,UOH with L. A. At. ' hows better than any ^ ( lUildinys here have ever done; stands ! of as though varnished, and act ual | er ost of paint was less than $1.20 per "Oh. VII Hia^vi Hie 1-rii.C. good one is told on a well-known ster who was walking along the t the other (lay and saw a crowd >ys sitting in front of a ring, with tall dog in the centre. When he s up to them he put the following tion: "What are you doing to log?" line little hoy raid, "Who tells tl.e biggest lie wins it." V said the minister, "I am stir I might under other c learn to love you?Archil I?I do love you, but t must not allow you to 1 we can never be more friends." A little sob broke fron she turned her back to t the strong muscles of tt he stood for a moment 1 .... ?a... |s3nt for, but tliat this medicit ircumstances much better he would rut tier i bald?indeed.' me u> the iix I was in. 1 look here?no! I of it and was better iu live in ilss me, and The second dose cured me than 'mere Two fellow jurors were atl'llot same manner and one sina cured the Miree of us.4' Fo \ her lips as Timiaous, Bros., Batesbur^, & dm. show in if Drug Co., I.eesvillu* le nock, and like a.statue ] in wis so SO!,iewlial bitter, and had nicdii ;en?l it to properties. The box-elder yielde one dose beaultful white sugar, whose inuter. fault was that there was never en< entirely, of It. edinlhe The maple trees were tappec 1 bottle hard-wood chip was driven into r s-' ' *3 incision to serve as a spout, ai rosson, birch-bark basin was set to catch sap. The sweet Juice was boiled t! in kettles hung over the onen lire. einal * *' aro The .St. L.ouis Kepuh ^ lie twice each week for a year, 10 . copies, die Farm Visitor fifty tw< on y times eaeli year and Tt.e Advocate r> i>ugh tunes a^vear?207 papers a year?al for in advanee. I, a the id a i the J lown | The I ;ai. These Celebrated Faint* are sold i prise >y J. J. Haw I. , was ? . Tin r j one R. B LITTLE i""" Tiik only place in Lkksvillk Til TO OET Yi.l'lt DINNER KOH TWENTY- eX,,r cheei FivkCents. Mkai.s at all hours. ..j <1 at you little boys, for when I like you ( never tohl a lie." c was Silence for a while, until of the boys shouted: "Hand up . log."?Mt. Olivet Democrat. An Exploded Theory. e stranger had such a haggard ess: on that we attempted to r hlni up a hit. a 11 ;?n?l I*' m?V?? . v. vt A/csimir. "I can't see." he bittei last, "why your father hi to be more proud of his 1 should be of mine. 1 a tingulshed descent, I :idi of my ancestors fell at and that?" "At where?" she cried, a glad, eager look in her "Bunker Hill." he ansv CL1VBB1N0 OFFER. ly said at The Home and Farm, publial is any cause a inonib, and the Bntesburg i family than both one year for $1.25. ? m not of dls- now. The Home and Farm is a aait. but one 8 column up-to date farm pap< Hunker Ilill, clearly printed and unlike the run of such papers offered 1 turning with SamPlp copies on request, eye*. fered. "That, j A Remedy Without A P sugar was run In molds of birchl ,e(j Lwjce Hollow canes and reeds, and the Advocate and geese, into cakes of iubscribe ous forms and sizes. Some of it ld-page, pulverized and packed in raw ?r. It is cases.?Cooking Club. general n tUlb* Usual Thing. Rrowu?So you bought that si ban property, eh? I>id you im eer. srate the title to see If tt wee ?n jark, bills vnrlwas WILL LVANS, ,li(1e Haberdasher, H32 Main St., COLUMBIA, S. C. il>urresti If you want ths new l. "I want to see you about my husbaud. Doctor." "Yes, madam." "He says lie hears such awful noisea at night." i "After he retire^, I suppose?" "Exactly. Now Doctor?*' "Yt?< mntiatn " Groceries and Fruits a Spkcai.ty. i you." ???????????? "Wei i Bu lU>rc( Rubber p Stamps - * v n w? IM tau^iia wiui ' we gently admonished hint. ?p and" t he interrupt, ?1 us with such a i look that we ((trailed before ^ that so?" he wildly t rie.!. "Did ever try to sell it joke?" hit then again from his maun r withered that i. wasn't a joke. It teems to me, should be "Oh! Archibald?Arch sobbed, throwing herse arms, "take me?take me get all the rest. Papa be golf, too, will forgive j long as your ancestor w; with a Bunker. We sha But she didn't linish. was bent downward and too busy to talk.?Illustr! I ftn<l Chamberlain's Sinn jbala, she Liver Tablets more benifictal I If into bis otln-r r* meiiy I ever used for i! I can for- trouble, says J. 1*. Klote, ol lng crazy on M?. For any disorder of the mytbliig as biliousness or constipation, tli as mixed up 'et8 nre without a peer. Fo; ii'im. o,v Timmons, Bros., Batesburg, & soT , Drug. Co., Leesville. Ills head ? they were Ttlia oaoh and Oreen?Yes; and after living t Liian any weeks I have come to the stomach elusion that the title is the only t f Edina, about lie place that isn't defecti stomach Chicago News, lese Tab r sale by ~ Crossoi, CVever Indeed. La Montt?He certainly has a 1 appreciation of singing. La Moyne?Can he uuders nijfirs in iiai o uuu her? FURNISHINGS, oorc"n" fectly priced, look in hinK i at our shop. - - ve.? | ' I Fill Orders keen Ma ' I Lin J ! "Do you suppose it is possible for * I man to hear himself snore?" Cause for Howling. The brave Saint Bernard dog had ' found the traveler who was lost in the i Alps. Lifting his head, the dog howl- | ed long and dismally. Nor did ho top with one how), hut continued to : howl, each yelp being more agonued ; . I Are my longsuit. I make any . " kinds except the had ones. I "T furnisr :i name and an indelible pad for in irking linen for ( l"<" ' 4(1 rents. 1 have seme otln-r ^ pood tilings. - i "0 can J cagn T TTT IT ? II I omai i u>n11c. o the hoy.' K'u.-'t* you?" &?'.;? .1 nother. hey used to." a:is\. n.l the a.*o 1 rl. "but tin y don't do it any -l*y nut V" . I chose for my beau a boy who i-hip all the rest ?>f them."?CliiEvening l'?.t. *> " THOSE COURTEOUS V Showing How Mr. Culp Into His Own It I* the story of u ]>o ished Virginia gentleman ludy, also polite, polished fflnlan. It rained on a < a go, and when Mr. Culp for his umbrella in the tr 21" Suscrioetc the Advocate. VIRGINIANS. Cause Of Insomnia, epper Came Indigestion nearly always the sleep more or less and is ? lite and pol- cause of insomnia. Many ci and his land- been permanently cured by C !, and a Yir- Iain's Stomach mid I.iver Tut lay not long For sale by Timmoi s, Bros epper looked ^urt?> Cp'sson, I'rug Co., I Tm.pnttti tilo I grand opera songs? La Montt?I should say so. \ he can even understand college sc ?Chicago News, distill bs __ >ften the A Yonkers Philosopher. ises liave r iliTniber- Teacher?And why should we ilets. deavor to rise by our cwn efforts Hales- Boy ? 'Cause there's no te jeesville. when the alarm clock goes wroi ""I Vhy, nga. ,ea "IV ANTED?NY want to do yuu lilng ' Job l'riiiting' for the year 1U04 1g | Good work at reasonable prices. than its predecessor. The monks came on a dead run * through the snow. "You seem to be all right," they said to the traveller. "We wonder m why the dog howled in such a distressed tone." j 1 r "Well," explained the wanderer, "I didn't know whether or not he could make you hear his ordinary howlk, so I just whistled 'Hiawatha' to keen him J. Wilson ixibbes, A Typewriters, Office . Supplies. Etc. run. liain 335 Main St., Columbia, strai OU ADVOCATE OKKR.'E. ban'(,' | ill Strange Happenings. ;.Lehiga:i woman was scanning the !. trriage columns ot a news* r ail.I remarl.ed t.? hhsoaiul: ?'s a strange coincident* a Wil* Strang ' tii?rriod to a Martha ige." rang-;, indeed." replied her lius* , "but 1 expert the next news be a little stranger."?The Lyra REA D THIS j uuu'is iit*rill(i. 5==for it n lay interes Cv A bucfc' - "?Judge. you and save you money! Aboi jt Organs: We want to show you our line o if Parlor Organs, in o >ak and walnut. The: V are beauties. Aboi Pall WE CARRY Noti it Buggies: Just recei Clothing: A big, noi a big supply of single ons. Hardware. Shoes ved a car-load of up-t< bby line of Mens' Suit : and double-barrel br< . Hats. Pictures and fr o-date, stylish buggies s and trousers have ji jech-loading Shot Gun amps at all timps arw 5 and surreys. Can si jst arrived. is, Stoves, Sewing Ma< 1 will npt hp nnrlprctpli jit young and old. shines, Groceries, Dry rl Goods, r~x a ?* r* "--x r rx y-* /-? -ELi- U \ I-* iST> I KU, ?3 Ml. JO. jNnES.