The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, September 08, 1904, Image 4

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I ?# r TH E BATESBURG ADVC )CATE. > ? - ? n J. RAV VL. X _____ UR I Sept AND OPE ember ^ NINO OF 21st & 1 MILLINE !2d. Reo" RY and D 'innino* . >RESS GO1 at in rv, ODS, rlnrL I wis ?h to so} to my patrons th. V SPECIAL BARG/ at I have the most u lINS GIVEN ON TH ' p=to=date lines of H ESE TWO DATES. k?. V * w ' lats, Dress Qooods a ss as as ss V IVV ind Trimming'. 1TAHT nnl? 4 T Ti 1 J. RAV r Xi I BSHMHHBHMKVflHBHHl nun uratAjan WAS BIN "No," said the beautlfc bad just won the Burkley playing three extra holes lady who had held it for aive seasons, "l can't? yours. us talk of the proach 1 made at the sevi Sred ww imm lJ l,il "I had for year* tottered from what a called D/iptpila and Catarrh of the 8% I Angnat I purchased a box of Cascarete a il c'rl who ' Prl??<t *o 8nd that 1 "had 'em"?yea? b-ri wuu aqnlrmlng nan left me. Judge our d< mnilnl after Prlae when I nhowed him thirty feet, an? . , day the remainder! about the aame lengt J With the worm that bad been tapping my vitalit: I hare enjoyed the beat of heal'h erer el two sUOCt'S- thlt teatlmonlal will appeal to other an I i.* Chaa. Blackatock, 131? Dtrtnl I cau t U2 ^e,? beaut fill :.p BeaT for M\ t h hole." ^ Yc. kx 1^^^^ in tne null; it was not there. Mr. pepper was fur too courteous to that somebody had taken It. lie d ip.ltnl mm .. .. omtch. la even say it was gone. lie uu S wTkHu*. looked at the terra cotta tile and < Unanothar ished regrets. It was raining an h)of?t?po- ijjj no umbrella. The courteous 1 r lor Tear*. noe. i*rn?? lady came upon him and divined i/Fuc'o. trouble, pbu, 'Haven't you any umbrellaV" asked. ''Oh, that's too bad. h uoiisumpuon srcljr * L'hcrland The only kind of consumpi his tion to fear is M neglected ^ consumption." Yoir People are lcarnincr that con I THE GOVERNOR S DILEMMA. 1,1 A Proof that One Woman Could do a Thing Good. Governor Van Sant, of Minnesota, arrived one day In New York and a" went to a hotel. Shortly after, a former resident of that state called 1 and was shown up to hla room. He *' ? . , ai Keal enjoyment is had when reading * at clever magazine, The Sin irt Set, ! ' Hu.v Neglected Colds. T!viry part of the mucous mfsmbrane Edu mbrane, the nose, throat, head, ears the 1 id lungs, etc,, are subjected to dis- travel se and blight from neglected colds, clergy illard's Ilorehound Syrup is a pleas- a^uut it and effective remedv, 25c ,50c., , ill i 1 \V Ak..iulrti,lr V.,ll.iv Mtlla A TWO OLD MEN. a Cltrgymau Aged CO, Wat Taken for 100. lund J. James, the president of Northwestern 1'niversity, was ing some montiis ago with a man. The clergyman, a man of sixty, looks older than he really fact of which he hates to be "Oh! bother your old Geraldlne," he pctulantl; "You know I don't play g know anything about the 1 love you. Oh! 1 love ; that if you will not consei I'll not want to live. \Vi I ran do much. I know I It in me to be great, be one of the world's miser If *nn ?*- It h irwuoweij approaches, Mm ^ ^ y exclaimed. wT?\h\l* CITM ? i jrame. Hut tli your love Clin 1 hivf' ^PImuM, PitiUbto, FMhI. Tula Oot I na\t Never Sicken, Weaken or Orlpa, Me. S< II 1 sll ill be 5,ol<1 ln bulk- Tlio genuine tablet itanj Uuaranteeil to cure or your money buck llDle tailures Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago 01 mustn't think of going out wit one. .lust wait u moment till I get UftU mine." Mr. Culpepper protested, but \ Virginian meets Virginian courte: bound to prevail to the end. landlady went upstairs and pros* d. Do Good, returned with an umbrella. IpeJ ct'oi "There!" she said. "Take It shan't nee?l it to-day, and you're f N'Y. 594 fectlv wplrnma " i?ont sumption is a curable disease. you It is neglected consumption vhen| is so often incurable. 5y ls| At the faintest suspicion of nTi'iyl consumption get a bottle of : Scott's Emulsion and begin U 11 regular doses. | tr| The use of Srntt's Fmtikinn j luunu iuc Kuvcrnur silling in a cnair y surveying with a gloomy countenance, jj( 1 a trunk which stood against the wall, u, "What's the matter. Governor?" m asked the caller. "I want to get a suit of clothes out of that trunk," was the answer. ^ "Well, what's the difficulty?lost the key?" tfc "No. 1 have the key all right." said of the governor, heaving a sigh. "I'll fa >xns. writes: "I have used Hall ird's j re,uln Drelicund Syfup for coughs ami i roat troubles: it is a pleasant and j and I ost ett'ert i ve re.ned y. (). J. Harris j board KT ANTED ? Everyone who use printed stationery to remember j.ltlH.v iat we have just received a line line ' Stationery and inks?that our type inie v ces are new and stylish and that the The tied. a small rttral station an aged >ent farmer, panting violently, id the train. lave had to run," he said, "nearf a mile to catch these cars." 11, addressing himself to l'rof. i's companion, he went on: t a bad job, sir, when old folks on and me has to run." clergyman, frowning, asked a / vu iUiU 4 turn LUC. ua "I do pity you." she ar lug down her sleeves nn< beautiful, rounded, browi her forearms; "I pity you heart. But would you b stead of love? No. I gl\ for being more manly tha "Tell me why you <-an r\;.' love me," he pleaded. " t be some reason." r??. mini, sale. ten millioii i' muscles'of THREE -'UROR8 CUH with all my iave pity In- r .. , 'e you credit Cholera Morbus with On n that." Bottle Of Chamberlain's not learn to Cholera And Diarrhoer Rer There must Mr. O. W. Fowler, of Hi, AJa.. relates an experience I BOXES And the grateful Mr. Cul. epp^r ped out and unrolled an unib '.ED which was the very one he had Courteous Virginia gentleman, eo ous Virginia landlady, and you nci e Small ask me how the umbrella came Colic, change owners, for I don't k nedy Neither does Mr. Culpepper.?\\ lngton Post. ghtower, he llud luniiu s cp. at once, has, in thousands of cases, turned the balance in urtc, favor of health, edn't Neglected consumption does to not exist where Scott's Emulnow. asli- Sion IS. Prompt use of Scott's Emul' cinn ?e tKn /Iilwiolw* ti?h?Ev ? * leu you now 11 is. My wire packed Uiat Ai trunk. She expected to come with jjr me, but was prevented at the lust moment. To my certain knowledge she put In enough to till three trunks the way a man would pack them. If I 1 open it. the things will boil up all a: over the room and I could never get tli half of them back. Now. what I'm |>!l wondering about is whether it would be cheaper to go out and buy a new J ' ilvooate Job Oftiee is turning out tlio f: st-eiass work. "l*'n "Oh I is tVi Til K(-II III ST I AN. you :? Churches sit Constnticople, Turkey, "CJoi nI Yokahoinu, Japan, have long use?l ' mail, le Longman & Martinez Paint for I you're linting their churches. Liberal contributions of L. ?fc M.I nint will be given for such purpose I............ i> I.......i. irnter how old he was. i eighty six." was the reply. saiil ih' clergyman. "there enly years' di ft* re nee betweci nd me." inlness. sir." exclaimed the old "you don't mean to till me lot;?"?Host on l'o. t. Minister Got fche Pri?e. "wen," afte replied, "yt enough for golf to lean and 1 feel sure that you me to stop it I cousente* wife. - ;?,,???ther father is ve.y proud, and shall never marry any m mot show that he is of an( You have confessed thnt fi HI* fA fKlii Vaw? ? m don't care wniie serving on a petit jury i i to iilay it I case at Ld^\ ^rdsvillt*, coi would wunt I^J^ebourne cJ^^Alaha 1 to be you' BHysi ''VV 7 uieat and some GSSSSSSmm reiicon L* we cholera ux^m reason. ^?y , tan who can- certain . lent descent. *}*} you are un- ??VC' Cholera^^^=^<? , ?,, instead, savin;?- *.tut he ha< u u rnurma^ lie fextracted from Birch, cvp'frerli i and Maple. for re-J Oiie of the pleasant chapters iu m jwtf * Eastman's "Indian Boyhood" i ^Pcratic withj "An Indian Sugar Camp." V jrt lilt. a maple sugar was most coum fiT- made, sugar was also secured frou n*,s birch, ash and box-elder. The I itemed y an(i aSh sugars were dark colored 1 what I __ ..... ... VIIV.V|\0 II IK, UIOV.U3L ? llliL IV can bC checked. Ath Send ?' 'r*e simple. 1 ^>r" SCOTT & DOWSE. ChemUu, lea is 409-415 Pearl htreel, New York Ifllll* . joc. and Jlj.OQ**y432}i?l;lf. loniy. \ 1 tlie L)irch; Our subscriber? nre not failing to and take advantage of tin' clubbing oiler? suit <?f clothes or two additional trunks.? Saturday Evening I'otft. ^ w u Those Dreadful Noises. r- 'j ^ 3T~j~ ,H -/ fv-ia> * 1*1 A-JpN u, I? W ' VI* v VV i IVI W VI 4* VII o ivyi ?1 I I'll J . F. M. Srolield. Hart is Springs. S. C., j rites, "I printed our old homestead , ith L & M, twenty-six years ?zo street ot painted since; looks better than ; of boy uses painted in the last four years." a suia \V. II. llurr, Charleston, W. Va., came rites, "l'ainled Frank en bur>t Itlock ,,?ost[ ith L. A. U. -hows better than any .. iildinys here have ever done; stands I it as though varnished, and netua) i ?ver? >st of paint was less than $1.20 per "Oh.V ll TIiokh PuLilirn'ml l?.iiliu milil I T?rtsi?.l one is told on a well-known er who was walking along the the other day and saw a crowd s sitting in front of a ring, with 11 dog i*i the centre. When he up to them he put the following on: "What are vou doing to jg?" One little boy said. "Who :ells the biggest lie wins it." said the minister, "1 am stirVilli l.lU'l! f.\*? 1 I might under ether c learn to love you?Archi I?I do love you, but t must not allow you to I we can never be more friends." A little sob broke fron he turned her back to 1 the Btroipg muscles of tl he stood for a moment ?? ? "?" I sent for, but that this mcdieit ircumstances much better he would rather t bald?indeed.' mc ui the iix I was in. i look here?no! I of it w?-s better in live m iiss me, and The second dose cured me than 'mere 1'wo fellow jurors were ull'lict same manner and one sma Cufeu the Mifai of US. 4 r ? a her hps as Tintinons, Bros., Batesbur^, <8 llm, showing i>rUg Cp., Leesvillo* le neck, and i like a.tdatue | somewnai miter. and had uicdi le was so ,, . ... send it to properties. The box-elder yielde one dose beauitful white sugar, whose inuter. fault was that there was never en entirely, of It. edinllie The maple trees were tappet ' b,otV.t! hard-wood chip was driven Into "3 incision to serve as a spout, ai rosson, blrch-b.irk basiu was set to catct sap. The sweet Juice was boiled < in kettles hung over the open tire final * fare iiiuKinK* i ue ow c,uuis> nepiiu (j" lie twice each week for a year, 1(M . copieu, flie Farm Visitor fifty twc y times eacli year and T?.e Advocate 01 oiixh times a?year?207 papers a year?all for $1.26, in advance. 1, a the (id a i the lown [ . The | y J. Kawl. 1 was 1 ? . There one o i the tit R. B LITTLE TltK only placr in i.krsvii.i.k The to glt youh dinnkk kok twenty? exjite cheer r i vk Cents. Mkai.s at all hours. ..j ,x ike you I never told :i lie." was silence for a while, until f the boys shouted: "Hand up . >g."?Mt. Olivet De:uocrat. An Exploded Theory. stranger had such a haggard ^< ssioa thai we attempted to hint up a hit. ugh and the world laughs with or uespair. "I can't see," he blttei last, "why your father h to be more proud of his 1 should be of mine. I a tlnguished descent, I ad of my ancestors fell at nd that?" "At where?" she cried, a glad, eager look in her "Bunker Hill," he ansi | CU BBING OFFER, rly Bait) at The Home and Farm, publisl "If ?aufi0 a month, and the Uatesburj? . family than both one year for $1.25. J m not of dls- now. The Home and Farm is a mit, but one 8 column up-to date farm pap Bunker Ilill, clearly printed and unlike tin run of such papers offered i turning with SamPlp copies on request. eyew. vered. "That. S A Remedy Without A I: sugar was run In molds of birchl lied twice ',oI'ow l'aues and ree<ls, and the Advocate ducks :1?d geese, into cakes of bibscribe ous forms and sizes. Some of it t lti-page, pulverized aud packed in rav er. It is cases.?Cooking Club. > general lu t,ubs Usual Thing. Brown?So you bought that s ban property, eh? I>ld you in' 'eer. ^ate the title to see if it was all r bark, bills variwas WILL EVANS, 'h,de Haberdasher, , 1132 Main St., COLUMBIA, S. C. uburyesti If you want tlia new Iflit *' j in H \ 'l\ nni 1 i 'W"*i l_ "I want to see you about my husband. Doctor." i "Yes, madam." I "He says he hears such awful noises at night." i "After he retire', 1 suppose?" "Exactly. Now Doctor?11' "Yes. madam." Gkockkies and P RU1TS A. SPKCAl.TY. j you. ???????????? : "Wee] But fierce Rubber Stamps i we gently admonished him. I> and" ho interrupted us with suoh a look that we quailed before that s.>?" he w!ldlv cried. "Did vor try to sell ji joke?" tit then again from his maun r itherad that i. wasn't a joke. Smart Child. It seems to me. should l>e "Oh! Archibald?Arcfc sobbed, throwing herst arms, "take me?take un get all the rest. Papa be golf, too, will forgive long as your ancestor w with a Bunker. We sha Hut she didn't iinish was bent downward and tnn hnsv Jollr ? ' . , ? , I find Chamberlain's Stni ?"e Liver Tablets more bemfictal (If into bia otlu-r remedy 1 ever used for s! I can for- trouble, says J. I*. Klote, o ?lng crazy on Mo. For any disorder of the anything as biliousness or constipation, tl as inixell iin lets are without a peer. Fo n l!_.. P Timmons, Bros., Batesburg, & ... , Drug. Co., Leesville. His head * they were A?Ai1 T)t?a nach and Oreen?Yes; and after living i than any two weeks 1 have come to the stomach elusion that the title is the only f Edina, about he place that isn't defecti stomach Chicago News, lese Tab r sale by Crossoi, C.'ever Indeed. L,a Montt?He certainly has a appreciation of singing. Ea Moyne?Can he unders Ib^re FURNISHINGS, oorcon* fectly priced, look in ,hinB I at our shop. - - ve.? | I Fill Orders keen B> Ma lI itind ! "Do you suppose it is possible for a I man to hear himself snore?" i Cause for Howling. The brave Saint Bernard dog had 1 found the traveler who was lost in the i Alps. Lifting his head, the dog howl- ! ed long and dismally. Nor did he ; top with one howl, but continued to : howl, each yelp being more agonized i ^ Are my long suit. I make any , 1 )l I her in kinds except the had ones. 1 ! "Th furnisr a nnme ami an indelible pad for in trktiit; linen ."<>r J '4l?1' " 40 cents. I have st.uie other ^ ' good things. - j "0. can J cago r ttt ' i n:\\ > the boys t.u.e vou?" a.1 other. ii?y used to." ansv.. red the a.??j Kirl, "but tin y don't do it any liy not V" I chose for my beau a boy who hij> all the r?-.-t of ihetii."- ChiEvening I't.t. TH08E COURTEOUS ' Showing How Mr. Cul| Into His Owr It Is the story of a ]>< ished Virginia gentlemuu lady, also polite, polishei ginlan. It rained on a ago, and when Mr. Cull for hi* nmhrollo in Hm * Suscriaetc the Advocate. VIRGINIANS. Cause Of Insomnia, sepper Came Indigestion nearly always ' lhe s!eei> more or less and is Jlite ami pol- cause of insomnia. Many c and his land- been permanently cured by < J, ami a Yir- Iain's Stomach and Liver Tal day not long For sale by Timmors, Hros >epper looked ^,urt9> ^ Cfsson, I'rug Co., ] I grand opera songs? Ha Montt?I should say so. 1 he can even understand college s< ?Chicago News, distui bs __ often the A Yonkers Philosopher. ases have r JliTinber- Teacher?And why should w< ijlets. deavor to rise by our own efforts Hates- Boy ? 'Cause there's no tt Leesville. when the alarm clock goes wro I Why, angs. * ?ea* xy ANTED-We want to do you liing ' *'ol> I'rintinj? for tl?*? year 11K)4 ?g | Good work at reasonable prices. i..a? J I TIip monks came on a dead run v through the snow. "You seen) to be all right," they said to the traveller. "We wonder why the dog howled in such a distressed tone." 1< r "Well," explained the wanderer, "I didn't know whether or not he could make you hear his ordinary how to, so I just whistled 'Hiawatha' to keep him i. wiison uiuues, A Typewriters, oflice \l\Zv Supplies. Etc. ; "Hi n 335 Main St., Columbia, stran OH ADVOCATE OFFI'JE. ,)aii*(,t , *M11 t air>:iiyc ru^pcniKjS. r.I>higan woman was sc.wning in- i, irriage cult.tans of u newsand remarked to l.i r hn.sound: :\s a >tr.tng?* coincident* .1 WilStrang ? in..i*i*ic?il to a Martha rang1}, indeed." r. plied her bus"hut I e.\ pert tin- next news >e a lit11 v stranger."- The Lyra REA ,D THK IUIIACID IlflttiU. for it rr N lay i uteres ft fcuct'' "?Judge. ;t you and save you money! Abo ut Organs: We want to show you our line ( >f Parlor Organs, in c >ak and walnut. The] / are beauties. Abo Fall WE CARRY Not ut Buggies: Just rece Clothing: A big, no a big supply of singk ions. Hardware. Shoe? lved a car-load of up-t bby line of Mens' Suit i and double-barrel br Hats. Pictures and f o-date, stylish buggies ;s and trousers have j eech-loading Shot Gur rames at all times, an s and surreys. Can si ust arrived. is, Stoves, Sewing- Ma< d will not be undersold jit young and old. 3hines, Groceries, Dry d. Goods, ^ i r?r* inn r Jt?j, M -tUS=> -CLi- U J>i -tus=>