TH i??i ii ? f H \ E BRTESBUHG ADVOl CATE' -4J"li , lite 1 hughe: STPRK :espa 8* <&? 1DF0I ? - , 'f*... i cot > fc* *. JSTj '5?*J | i ^ ; -/ . i ft ' " We j not be j ! are in the marl overbid by any ^ a *et for all the co one. We guai ? Hon to be had a rantee to pay 1 nd will the top || 1. Jr * ^ : ISffiKS uf?'' -. y,< I IIlctrKCL GE price Tor me su iNERAl ipie. .MERC HANOI! =;f. II' r w< rr /VI l-i #a i carry the large M /4 Z r? st and most coi _ - -i nplete stock of < A i? ? jeneral > ^ ? I ^ 1TIW1 Wild Drugs i LIIUI5C UCLWCCll about the only t uuiumuia ana hing we do not 1 /\ugusta. con handle. ins and = r* r THE :i n ri TI I I T/l/l rnn/in a iv 7 n _. i 1 ^:g|i 1 1 AL I 1 -rf M. ofe iy. V I i ppoppq?iirnv a i r a u Pi C . v.. __i vuitir/i > - ?^-> ?1 / lim *, Dai i lesDursr mill i\ WINNING HIS V "I don't deny arw of yoi Rlgby. but it has been 01 rules to Rive such a post as to married men. I believe tb to a married man a certain responsibility which makes valuable to us and more 8i position." VXY& - ? ?^ jr claims, DR. M. U. BOATWRlQHi' le of our Dentist. ibis only Rstesburjj, S. C. ere conies j i sense of i . .. . . . OHice in Kamui#r Buildini:. S< him more | * ife in th? i floor. | ,? 1* T A L? U I T r Lf ?jj, iug iiim nn_- cj ca were iiul lOOKlIif I straight into his. "I'll?I'll be on th( , road most of the time, and your aunl , : could stay with you?only in a rnucl j better house?and really, I'd do mj i best to malrp you hSLDDY?" * The brown eyes were shootinf sparks now. tccno j -I'm glad you didn't have the im j pertinence to tell me you loved me | anyhow. There is that much to you! 1 Ancient Sage* and Modern Advice * ' About How to Acquire Wealth, t pe x The ancient ssges' "sure road to vt r wealth" was "be temperate iii all D? I things., he eeeonoirica: always." Modern li!e, with its "rti:-h methods" in ID * 'uisiuess requires that "keej) healthy w' b.* added tc the old adage. Every body knows how to be teni, perate and most people how to be r economical, but few know how to keen Self-Opening Poultry-House Door, t In the American Agriculturist ap- j ars the following illustration of a >ry convenient self-acting door for j >ultry-house. Figure i ?j!ves the , _ side view. P is a very small pulley- p teel made out of a piece of oak, and -M l I 1 3.1,11..! . I - PRESERV Long Bee Sto irlor... knowledge [ ordinarily istaurant, ' kept by m ATION OF HEN MANURE. . ' n Fact That If Carelessly, red, Loses Nitrogen, been a fact of common for a long time that, as stored, heu droppings loses art of their nitrogen. Bathe small number of hens ost farmers, little attention uui. air. jonnson," protes Kigby, "there isn't a man traveling force who has do for you, considering the bad you gave me. If you'd gl chance at New York state, the record." "Perhaps, but you'll hav married first! No, don't ai| erated Mr. Johnson as ltigb interrupt. "We'll hold the n ted younj " " rkl Dl"1J* on your ; Attorsev-at-law, me better j Leesville, S. C. I territory I Ive me a Will Tract ice in all courts. Bus I'd brealr Solicited. e to rot ' Geo. Rem.Timmkraian. sue," reit- ' ?' Wm. Tiilhmoxd. y tried to THURMOND & TIMMERMA liace ouen I AltOA.-KYH-AM.AW. credit." she was saying scornfully "But you couldn't make me happy, hate you?" She said more, but Rigby. stuinblin; sinessj to his apartments through the snow could not exactly recall it. ? - And all of a sudden he realized that abov# all things, he did not wish thii girl to hate him. He wanted her t( N, love him, wanted it more than any thine else in the world?even the r?n?l perfectly healthy. Overeating, irie. David, Proprietor. T8 been g r these loss< 1336 Main Street. station ha the effects of nltroger ! conclusion! OPEN ALT. NIGHT ! By itsel UOT'-i PHONES 207. *?ded nitre ally manat ! nitrogen is ! useri it rtn lven to means of preventing 23. The Maine Experiment s made a careful study of of chemicals upon the lose i, and reached the following s: f. hen manure is a oneigenous fertilizer. As usu;ed, one-half or more of its lost, so that as ordinarily for two weeks. If at the ei time you can show me a certificate we'll talk businei "You belong to a club hen have apartments waiting for you couia in from your tri the theatre some, play the bit. eh?" Rigby nodded his head. "Cut It out and get a wlf< id of that j Will practice i;t uX{ the htnta a marriage bs. Office in Ka1 A, ^ ATSON, ( races a Dkntist. Date^burg, S. C. Office over Harris' Pruir lid U. tion. Three days later Mr. Johnson open ed a letter from Rigby, dated in i small Pennsylvania town. "I have changed my mind. 1 don' want the New York job until I've earn ed my wife." j And all that long, hitler winter Rig ' by stayed ou the road. He shunne' | the theatre and closed his eyes to th< nsii a regular, healthy. habit. Kyda-' lt-ti Tablets insure good bealib. | in JL fe 1 tb K iIled. ; 20 1 There is rot su ache or pain that can ' 011 * he reached externally that cannot l>e A! "Killed"' in :? few minutes by the use j pi - of Elliott's Emulsified Oil Liniment, j to 1 1 Roh iton the affected part and the 1 jn 5 pain will soon disappear. Full 1-2 . . I fiillt iiiltt lu 0?i nonfo ? ^' ! p sorted in the planking about four CVc et from the ground. A cord about e size of a carpenter s chalk-line | nnects with the sliding door on the I tside. and conies In over the pulley, lout midway It divides into two eces, each end of which Is fastened the corners of the platform as seen the illustration, PF. This platrm is one or two feet square, with ,ry thing the Market Affords. ically used | ures carrj Columbia, : S. C. potash. A ' kalnlt pre\ |V^vf f ^ , is possible * ^ I with sawdt Skyscraper.!Is.,*?, VQ I1UV KU FICU8I or Because of its excess of will be much more econom1 in connection with manning phosphorle acid and s both acid phosphate and ent the loss of nitrogen. It to use them in conectlon ist or some other dry mateabsorbent so as to make a :ed fertilizer. For example. "Hut l don't know any girl "What!" almost shouted son, "do you mean to tell ir all your humping around th you've never met a girl y seriously consider marrying Itlgby's mind traveled rai his list of acquaintances. I his bead, and caught a pair eyes watching hint from tin the far corner of Mr. Johnso who'd?" ? Mr. Johnle that in D. M. CROSSON, M. I). e country ou would O" PHYSICIAN AND SritOKON. >'ully ovor ,e Leesville, S. C, of brown b desk in Ill's llfficp t.i> ? mi n>inn? Xt iai:nih uvms. DUI lit.' SOIll gUOUS It Qt wrote regularly to the senior inembei of the firm "Rigby's got the trade In Pennsylva nia by the boot stVaps and pullinj on it to beat the band," observed John son to his partner one day?in th< presence of the brown-eyed stenog rapher. "He is surely trying to mak< a record." It was summer before Rigby put thi *' * ?ac r . is at ! to ; sammwwwmwwwwwk " [i^ HAVE YOU % o [i|a headache j?j5 i arm, A. about three feet long. S a stake about a foot above ground, id H a leather hinge nailed 10 its j p and to the under part of the m, a. S S are two stakes, one at ,eh side of the platform, to keep it om swaying w hen a chicken is on it. ^ is the entrance, which is supposed A be closed while the platform i9 I.S'Q ). If the first fowl that leaves the U! U ! a mixture manure, te loam, slxte phate, and ??. would carr gen, 4.5 pe; 6? w< am Vermifuge of thirty pounds of hen n ponds of sawdust or dry en pounds of acid phoseigbt pounds of kainit y about 1.25 per cent, nitror cent, prosphoric acid, and potash, which, used at the d tons per acre, would furpounds nitrogen. 185 phosand eighty pounds potash, ils of the exuerinients am The eyes belonged to John rate stonogrupher "No. I don't know a girl I marry, nor a girl who'd care ine." "Well. I'll he hanged!" < Mr. Johnson. "Hut I'll tell you this n Johnson. 1 don't propose to tie thing like not having a v . pj(, . i". 1 I son's pri- ! OllVrs his professional servic (1 care to (j,e ,,f Bnteshurg urii vie to marry Otlice over the National Bank, ejaculated found there ?lay or nl^ht. BATES BURG. S. C. lucta, Mr. let a lit- i r>R T11Eo A> OUATTLKBA /ifo stand < ^ I question again, and fall before tin wedding day was set. Rigby protest ed. but she was firm, intty. \ "I want you to make one more trip.' anj she said slyly. "I want to write yoi every day?for myself. All our corre spondence heretofore has been purel; a matter of business. Tie looked a ber repi oachfully. UM i "Yes," she added smiling tenderly i "I could read between the lines of eae! jg IF you h Ave 3; in 'liNERVALGINElj" 2^ =3! wi J Will Cure It in 10 minutes pr f You con buy it anywhere ^ ^ from - ... ... ar ifc drug dealer-.^! is ? 4.1 itic linn 4iiii^ nui jump tmediately on the platform. It will j /& > pretty sure to do so after it prom- t J ir.des around a few times, when its Jkq fright will pres9 the platform to the ^ ouud and raise the slide on the ^ itside. The platform and the slide ( e made so as just to balance. A w grains of corn might be put on ! ? e platform the first few nights to jug dure the fowl? to jump on it, and ? <> I given in b? jjfet THE GUARARTEEB r;on ^ WORM That ?? abtv'^r said Jacks ^REMEDYr; r Yes. \\ CHILDREN'S FAVORITE TONIC. J him in .ru..r ?. * nrA?nrlT*t '.Icon 98 of the Maine staLMS*crr??.. in in there is a hypocrTi^,"* on as he left the drug an the druggist ?** 'hen I went in I interruptthe midst of compounding Inn' T ?-1? I - tncrn nic .inn mill JUI) I III get both inside of the two vs Charley Itigby crossed th his hands thrust deeply into ets, his hat pulled over his was thinking about girls. Then all of a sudden hi hired the brown eyes that h ed him during Johnson's catechism. Merrllield. the bookkeeper. Koing II* I'llYSIOlAN and Sill. MS-. 'eeks." e square. Balesburg, S,C. bis pock eves. He Located in I)r. ItidgeU's Old O i remetn ad watchmerciless K- J- KTIIEItKDOE Dkntist. ? ,, sauntered I v i 11?- s r ! letter to Mr. John9on, I'm doing thi for you, dear, for you!' But 1 wan I some letters of my very own. We'l 1 make it Just a year from the day Mr niee. ' Johnson told you to go wife-hunting. Rlgby sighed resignedly. "All right, but tell me just one thing Belle dear. Why did you watch mo s< closely the day Johnson asked me 1 there wasn't some girl I could marr; ? In a hnrru''" t 1 i RYDALES TONIC's :> A RE.AL CURE FOR It has recentlv been discovered that n ereby to open the slide. j t> Balla Among the Fowl*. Dry tobaeco will not kill lice or lis. We have seen fowls driven by :e from nests made of pure strong ???bacco. While it is some trouble to whiteish the houses twice a year, it pays, j id it pays to use carbolic acid in th* < fitNUINK PRCPARCO ONLY BY tWOCeilt 8 rd-Snow Liniment Co. aweetiy a8 x. loui?, iso. ?Philadelr I ??????????? "And wh doctor told j quit wearii i sweets?" -1 , ? iuiu uiui t wanted m tamp, and he smiled aa If he was glad to see me." >hia Press. What She Did. at did yon do when your I you you would have to rig a corset and give up for another doctor."?CM' in for lunch, and Rigby weld Joyously. After a few desi marks lie inquired about the the brown eyes. "You remember Darnton. hilled in the Somerville roll summer? Well' she's his Helle Darnton. 1 think her folks have money, but she proud to ask help, ami she 1 hoP fill lifir'o maiMon fl'-tne iiined hi in * ultor.v re- , ownoI ()f Olllee over Austin s store. who wan , M MlTCHELf,. islon lrtsl T) . , , , 1 IIYSICIAN AND M'KiJEoN. daughter, mother's Itatesbur*. S. C. was too Otllce Hours: Ives with 0 . n . 8 to 9 a. in. "Because ? because?" and thi brown eyes were covered with thi sweeping lashes now, "I was so?si afraid there might be."?By Avu Will lams. Left ieO Wills. In 1876 William Rennie of Westflela Dunbar. Scotland, died. He conveye; his considerable estate to certain trui the germs that produce Malaria, breed a and multiply in the intestines and from w, a there spread throughout the system 5 by means of the blood. This fact ex- .. l? plains why Malaria is hard to cure by the old method cf treatment. Quinine, Iron, etc., stimulate the nerves and 'r( build up the blood, but do cot destroy to the germs that cause the disease, ha ] Rydale's Tonic has a specific effect tipon the intestines and bowels, freeing them from all disease breeding mi. If you have no spray pump to white*sh with, the tinner will make you tin quart gun for 25 cents that will ^ row the wash into every crack. If the roosts are suspended by rods ^m the rafters and not allowed to . uch the sides of the house, you will Uoinj tve much le9s trouble with lice. ( To the writer's mind the ideal pouly house is one with plastered walla or so of at i for Chamberlain's Colic, *tems in tb Cholera and Diarrhoea to ^eep off D . w?ll provlt Remedy. 8ultg beltei tLl ? d-Herald. to Put Hen's Neiti. its should be in the darkest he poultry bouse. An inch ihes or a layer of tobacco >e bottom of the box help* vermin. Nests should be led with clean Way which r than straw, and as It la all they have is her little s; That night he walked h< Miss Brown-eyes. The next eall'd. the third night he to the theatre?but all the \ brown eyes never met his. And Sunday night of the week he asked her to mt Thero were four days of gra< "You know. I won't bother 2 to 3 |l. Ml. i'ar-v- 7 :30 to U j>. m, line wlih n.ght he ok her to vhlle the DR. K. K. IIARDIN, following Physician anu Sckokon. ?ry him- Batesburg, S. C. yon very ; iccn, mm umu ui uuuo iu i rL'U^lll?f ill subsequent writings left by him, n< matter how informal. When they wen over his papers they discovered thu he left 180 documents, which wouW ! have to be accepted as wills as al of them bequeatehed sums of varloui amounts. The testator disposed o his estate several times over. Sine< that time the trustees have beei working at an equitable settlement ' crobes. It also kills the germs that ' infest the veins and arteries. It drives In 1 from the blood all poisonous matter ce t and makes it rich and healthy, i RYDALES TONIC is a blood fo 1 builder, a nerve restorer, and a Malaria pc # | destroyer. Try it, it will not disapf P<>?nt you. ^ i >Ve nre offering twoilne clubbinc , combinations. of m id celling, and with a cement floor. I bnYket such a house funigation is a sue- , home, ss. i Colic, i Don't fail to provide grit for your Diarrh wis. If oothing else is to he had Hnmmt nind up broken crockery. Many otherwise good poultry folks \yh^ il to recognise the value of plenty ened it pure water for fowls. You. Wood ashes In the dusting box sure to akes nlumaee dinrv Ratter m* and V (lut juuirrn 111 IU1? IllHO spiace, sorter Will p a bottle of this remedy in year down so b There is nothing so "good for mrtoit ATr,Aii Cholera Morbus, Dysentery and , , oea. It is equally va.uab'le for Place ?* 8tr > " he explained ojvkwar dly, wishOflr-e at Uate*burg Drug O4 I and the case has only now been takei i. J out of the courts. a i either. Ion a Is ffiflgpSfrft r our m $70 buggy. JBH ad dust and coal ashes.?Farmers' ** badl; >ice. not buj ? - ? anauie j; yon will need it qnickly. Why k?nf and 1 it now and be prepared for ?nch abould be rgency7 Frio*, HSc., 1 arge !*?, 60o and a box n tha middle on the floor a pan with fre.h water of Xee4 all the tiida. ? , /.?l