The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, April 07, 1904, Image 4

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Council Report. J. C. GLOVER, TREASURER, 1 ACCOUNT WITII THE TOW OF BATKSBURC FORQUARTE ENDING MARCH 31ST, 1901: DEBTOR: Jun. 1, To ain't from M,R. Kit wards, Treasurer f 40O l March 81, To cash for Hues during quarter 103 < Road com pou mi 50 * Special collection for road wl .. 12.( Tax on real nnd personal prop. 471 1 For license 341 I Returned by J. W. M-.Caitlia 8-1 Total *1,532.C CREDIT: E Jones, lime bill .. 5 ( P H Nelson, prof, services. . 10 C Standard Oil Co., oil 7 11 O J Harris, bill . 7 Jno Bouknight. hauling tia-li . 4 Sam Bouknight, lighting lamps. 8<J II I. Fink, police 10 Advocate, printing 110 " " 3 0 All Blease, night _ SO ' police service ... I 5 O W Salter, police. 35 0 J F Ferguson, night watchman 22 0 Frank Jennings, hauling rock 4 0 Brantley Watson, work .37 Brag Folk, work 2 2 Ceo Clark, work 15 West Williams, hauling reck 0 0 Oi; 7? C W Salter, sundiy bills lor work ?'? 8: Frank Jennings. Iianlin^ 2 I Brantley Wat?on, work I 0 Ceo W Aspbill, feeding hi d seiz ing mules . .. 3 9 For detective work _ . 10 (X o l* Ellieredgc, for mule 110 CI E 11 Steadman. wagon and lm lis 3s (X Sam Boukmght. lighting lamps 8 0< Brag Folk, street work 1 0: Gso Clark, " H 31 Sam Summers, " 3 3( Brantley Watson, " 1 5< West Williams, hauling __ 1 0< W A Crouoli & Bro, lumber. 14 K E It Steadman, bridle . _ 1 2; Geo Clark, work . .. 2 7( Sam Summers, work 2 II Brag Folk, work _ 3 3." C W Salter, police . 35 IH J F Ferguson, night watchman. 30 01 M K Ru'land, oil __ ft i| It S Simmons, bill .... 3 5" First Nat'l Bank, rebate license 20 0( J J Itawl, oats 3 2> Brag Folk, work ... 3 (H Geo Clark, work 2 1(1 W A Crouch & Bro, lumber bill 13 5( C W Salter' sundi les . 14( Geo W Durst, hauling clay.. 2 7.' duo Nero, work ... ... 1 CC Rufus Church, work. . 1 Si \V A Crouch, lumber & hauling 14 1( George Clark, work.. . . 181 Brag Folk, work . 3 Of Earnest Norris, work (5(1 E Strother, I'sq., prof, services 15 0( M E Rutland, oil . 8 7( Sam Bouknight, lighting lampif 8 ()( Brag Folk, work .......... 7." ,1 W McCartha, expense to Columbia 8(K Allen Wise, work 1 2(1 Schu Nero. .. . 1 2< Geo Clark 't. 1 It! Total . * 57? 91 To Balance on hand 955 11 Grand Total $1,532 01 Practically ?B1 had health comes from stomach. Kidney, lover, and Blood Diseased conditions. Correi ( these and yon will mjoy perfect health RADIO/ONE i- the uiagi< remedy. Even Rheumatism and Catarrh vanish when using It A DlOZoNE. you will need a Spring Tonic, whv not purify your blood, tone up your stomach, kidneys, and liver with KADIOZONEV Wliilc iiie iirtVij uiM:)''rff>i eleiiieiit Radiotn has caused a great flurry in the Scientific world, our new remedy RADIO/ONE has mated an e<|iiat sensation in meuieal circles. P: ice 7."? cts. per. can. at all lirsl class druggists. If your dealer cannot supply you send 7"i ets. to THE RADlo/ONK REMEDY CO. Linton Indiana, and mention this paper ami a full sized can will be sent you, all carriage charges paid, RESOLUTIONS As to the Congressional Candidacy ol 1). J. VV i 11 in ins. The foil iwing preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted at a called meeting of the Milder Democratic club, held on March 1$>04, ami signed by eveiy member ol the club. Whereas we, the member- of llibler Democratic club, the e i.b of rhieh J...I. Williams is a member and the club of I lie section w here he was horn and I.a- lived all Ins life, ate in a position, being his neighbors, to know him intimately. Resolved, lirst.'lhat we know L .1. Williams to be a in.ui of ability and energy and po.-se-sed of tlit highest ideas of lionoi Hull i nt :i .'I'll ? ucler. Rfsolvcd, second, That as lie is in every way tilled to perforin the duties of the high office lo which he i*>pires, we cannot commend hi in t< <> highly to voters of the second coiigressiohal district in his race t> succeed the late ( ongie-sinan < roll. The ah jve preamble* and resolutions were signed hy every member of 11 i lifer Drinor atic Clno (Signed) >. D. VVIIII'K, President. (Signed) It 11 Kircil INtiS, Secretary. Williams' P.lcction a Foregone Conelusion. Reports from eveiy section of the Sc. ond <_ on^ressionn! District are to the effect tliat lion. P. J. Williams is Kainiii^ ground day hy day, and it ihi^lily probable that he will win hy a rnmlortable majority in the liis'. primary. And why i it-' lie is a self-inade man whose i tib ial iteord is without blot, whose private life is above reproach and who is honored, trusted esteemed hy all home and abroad. Mr. Will.anis hascoiiiinandii.K jireseiice, a striking parsonahty, is a lorcetul speaker, endowed with strong and vigorous mind, and, with all he is a practical, well-rounded man wlu is <|iialilied Jin every sense to represent his constituency with credit and ability. \\ h le he may not succeed in his ef ion 10 siiiy Hit* nana <>| corrupt ami ext ravegant Kepiibliijiliisiii. lie will l:e ton mi everlastingly at it, and, tor (lit rinore, il wdl (>e his constant endeavor to open wide the tlind-gates of the J national treasury winch lead southward seeming every duller that can l?.i legitimately had for this section and its people.?Edgefield Advertiser Mar, 30th. Subscribe for the Advocate. * x SL* Vl^ N jfc FOR A ? $ Rheumatism, - Catarrh $ ? Stomach, Livtr, Kid- ? B ney and Bladder B * $ Tronhles, ^ 10 Viz* M) Take the Matfic Remedy. V y ; $ RADIOZONE ? - A CERTAIN CURE ^ j n yj\ yj> ? ^ The Best Blood Cleanser ^ ^ f S r' S vi/* Ever Discovered. >o vy vy m v y v y 17 y > ! /s yv 11 ?oS I'rire 75 cents per yl> yy eau ut all tirst-oiass yy lO ^ ^ Drugstores. If your i?l / y dealer cannot supply *> you, send us the price J? V y also mention this vE* 0 y y 0 yN paper, and we will ,-ty U r'V send you a full sized ^ 0 yv , y s 1 - VP* package, all carriage vi> V' v > charges fully paid. y^ ? ^ % 1 ^ Radiozone Rarnedy Co, $ 1 -> LINTON, IND. y 'i rT> I Farm For Sale. ) . One lliindr d Acres, one and one I half miles south of llatesburg. The ) property contains two tenant houses and out buildings. food water for , houses. The land is well watered by II two streams. Sixty acres iiihIt cul> tivation. the remainder being heavily I timbered with pitch and spruce pine ) and oak. All the land is level. A I bargain for cash. Will sell for T cash and remainder on liberal term", j ) 1 For further information call at Advoi I oate ollice. ' ): ~ " " " 11 I V. I I > i I I On M ial pricesi who visit article pu j Hdgefield's Absolute I'nunimty for I Williams. I J i Tlie Elgelield < "hroniele of last we#k 1 has t lie following to say regarding lion Leon .1. William#, of that county, one J T the most popular candidates for!, Congress from the second district: i The lives of some men are renmrka-i I hie. The life of l.eon .1. Williams, oft* Kdgefh Id. who is not yet forty tears, i ol age lias already heen a remarkable i one, signalized by the uumisinkahie I hand of dest iny, and promises t o lie ; ( still more remarkable in the future. s To lie a man of favoring destiny is not , always to he a mere m in of luek--or an idle man?for while destiny seems to , be distinctly favoring Leon J. Wil-I liatns, she is lint recognizing the man [ of brain, tlie man i f work, and, what is , far better than either, the man of worth , and reliability, l.eon J. NVillaiiis.s as j I we have said above, has not yet reach- | | etl the age of fort*- years, lie is only , some t lori v-seven or eight His record is before Itis simple?his people?and r Willi a spontaneous nod absolute no[aniinity they are espousing ami en-1, | dorsing his rudiiia *y. And, mark veil f ill this world, when a loan's neiglihn-s love hiin and speak well id' hiIII1 Jie is ; einphatiealiy the right sort of num. And when we say " his home people," | we include the good lilizens, men and | I women, of Saluda. For (5od ward <>11 | 'the day wln-u we of Kdgeliold shall . not rail Saluda people 'home people,"' J ,, and love them as such. ( Leon J. Williams, from his rally hoy-j f hood, has hi en a farmer, lie is still a farmer ill thought, wind and deed, and j ! with the farmer stands?with the | I miner stain.?, and, if necessary, with >| I In I'ariui r W ill tall. And this being the east*, I lie young man's ripeness in | ; statesman like thought and expeatne , ! is really wonderful, and proves that ' ( his iniiiil is an clastie and many-sideil i / one. And this i?, jn?t what I.eon J.( .Williams's mind is?ipiiek, ?* )a st i o I u and luony siiled-?joined to a lira in ami' ; a hand brave to ihiie and do. I ,] Mr. Williams needs not in the slight-* j ese any help or boast nr, from blond orj ( ancestry, but, at least to a man of th ' i, writer's a^i* and early training, it |, will not hurt liiin t > sav that patri- t, otic and statesmanlike South Carolina blotid llows in Ins veins, lie is a great |> grandson til sturdy old Coverner John i, if. Williams ofSouth Carolina?a Lhir- M Mr. J. J. Rawl. Dear Sir:?Oter fifty yeats ago. our firm begun selling paint throughout the South; sales have continued uninterruptedly, and ten times grater than any other brand of paint, Read the following : "Have used the I,. & M. Paint twenty 2l'arsi houses with It eight years ago show better to-day lb hi houses painted with other paints within two years." A. It. Kdgell, Alachua, Fla. "Have used all brands of paint, L. & M Pore Paint stands better, and wears longer than any other paint I have ever used in my ten years experience." "I painted our old homestead with I.. ?fc M. Paint twcntv-six venrs iitn. Not painted since; looks better tlian houses painted in the last four years with other paint." 11. S. Scolleld, Harris Springs, S. C. "I sed the l<. & M Piint for sixteen years Painted three boosts with it Uft en years ago; th.ty have not needed painting since." J. ?. Webb, Hickory, N. C. Respectfully, BONDMAN & MARTINEZThis celebrated paint is sold by J. J. Raw I & Son. Baleebur*, S. (!. HALI.AItu's IIORI llOt'ND SYKt'P. I in meditely relieves hoarse, cr-?upy cough, oppressed, rattling, rasping and ditlicult breathing. Henry C. Stearns, Druggist, 8 hull-.burg, Wis , writes. May 20, 1901: "I have bt en selling Ballard's Ilorehoiind Syrup for two years, and have never h?U a preparation that lias given better sunistaction . I notice that when I sell a bottle they come back for mere I can honestly recom mend it.'" 25c, 50c. $1. 0'? Sold by O J . Harris. Dcmocrat'C Club. The Butesburg Democrat t'lub will meet on haturday April Kliliat 8:00 p. in. in the lia'.esburg opera house to reorgai izc and attend to other husi"i'Sa. W It. llite. Ch'ui., of Board. Wll.f. 1NTKKK8T MANY. Every pecson should know that go< d health is impossible if the kidneys are deranged Foley's Kidney mire will cure kidney and blander disease in every form, and will buihl up and strengthen these organs so they will perform their functions properly. No danger of Bright's disease or diabetes if Foley's Kidney cure is taken in time. Sold by Timmons Br. s. SPECIAL Londay I will o1 n many lines, my store on th rchased. a\ jr. iRj ington man, who in the olii, high, jetter days held the Palmetto State safely anchored to it- proud history. Yes, aa we have said, the absolute ind eiitetsiastie unanitniiy of Hetre- | ield and Saluda for I,eon .1. Williams s remarkable - and vet not remark a- : jle?-and nodes well for tin-young man ' abuse wort lily ambition is in serve his |>eo|de in t lie Congi ess of t liese I 'nit ed states. I'alwam wt l .MKKl'ir i kiiat! Col. Towill and the Church. Col Jtio Ih'l'i Towill who was in the ,-ity yesterday, was tiei ng ijii i/./.ed by io:iie of his Iriends as to the faets in he case of alleged voluntary retire- 1 neot from the Haptist chureli upon 1 lis being eleced to a position on the lisp-usury board Col Towill disclaim- ' id having ipiit the church for any mo- 1 ive other than that of preventing any ' u-r * i *?i m in tiir ? \i% - ^ I ?i I i nil >t winch lit* li:i.l been a member and he las not left the dciiomiiiation, as it ins been made to appear. Upon liis candidacy liav hk been aniiinniutl, be was approached by severtl conscientious meuibci s of the eon- ' cremation who told loin that hey be- ' euveil that he ou^lit not to take the | ilaee. Ypon having received assor- i Hue that lie would lie elected, C'ol. I l ow ill appeared before t lie eongrega ion, started I lie ease ami asked fur a 1 etler of fall fellowship. Ills friends 1 tad made a poll of the e iigrcgnlioii 1 tint hud found nine out tif a iiieiuber- ' I hip of over'2011 who thought si nee re1 y hat be should not eoutiniie his col.- I leeiiou W'lb t he coiigregat < Ahsdutely no objection was exiresscd (o give him a letter of lull felow-hip. a lid ever since tha* tune Col. I'owiil has taken part id the cniiimiinon services at If.itesburg. He put his e| t? r hi a ehiir rh about three mile* ait of Hate-burg. Metlilehem, with a iieinhersliiii of UU I, and ne is in full elfow'sbip. Col. I'owiil declares that lie went ipon the hoard with thu determination o see (toil the law is enforced in the isiiensaries. As to himself, lie slaieii i it reply l<? ipii'stinii.x, dial la* lias not aketi a M'ore of drinks of whiskey in i is IiIV altliron^li It - is lint narrow in | is views as to the use of wine as a overage, lie would lotia\ oppose tin* |( l a li I i-l i men I of a dispensary at Itate - ' urti as lie lias ever done, and Ills plat- ^ ?rm is tliat the dispensers themselves \> Mist toe the mark. ?Mtalv, April Itli, ,, TOL At The F< Will You i Tile BATESBURG DRL ceived i?ud put in oreratio fountain. All the latest d best of s* ?e. Give us a ea Batesbur * This is to inform my friends ol' tin* fact that I am now with Mr. J..I. Kawl and would ho glad to have them call on me wliei. in need of anything in the way of notions, clothing, dry goods, J etc. C. <5. Wise. I A BATESBTR3 WO ?/K ASKS "have you a II or paint that will last j two weeks?" Yes we have Devoe's; it 1 lias a beautiful gloss and will wear two ! years if properly applied. Tiinmons | Bros. IIKN CAST (SIXTY IN DAKUKIt More than half of mankind over six- ; ty years ot age suffer from kidney and ' t ladder disorders, usually enlargement of prostate gland This is hoth painful ami danger us, and Koley s Kidney j (.'lire should he taken at the first sign , of danger, as it corrects irregular;! it s I aim lias cmriMi many inn me 1 m mis disease. Mr. Rodney llurnett, Rock l'or?. Mo., w rites : 1 suffered with enlarged prostate gland ami kidney trouble for \ ears and afler taking two bottles of Foley's Kidney 'Jure 1 feel better than I have for twenty years, nltlmiig I am now hi ytursjobl." Sold by | Tiintnons Uros. PRICES ffer to my patr ind it will mea at daya saving CSS &5 3 A 1-T-T--T Announcemeiits. Candidates Cards, not exceeding One and One Half Inches will he Inserted in this Column fer $5? Cash >u Advance. l-xtra space will he cltorged accordingly. FOR CONGRESS. I.ongmires, S. C , March II, 1901. I respectfully annoiiiiee invself a canlidale for Con ress from the Second listrict, S. C., subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic primary ieetion, and pledge invself to abide by the results and support the nominee* if the party. I,. J. W'li.l.i.vMs. FOR CONGRESS: To my fellow-eiti/ens of Aiken 'oiiu'y and of the Second Congressdona! I?i-*t riet : 1 have read with priile and gratitude | no*t profound, t lie numerously signed petitions inviting me to bee.-mo a i nndidate lor Congjcss to till the va aney caused hy the death of my re-i vered father, llonorahle Oeo^ge W. j 'roll, I'ri in the Second 'Congressional District ol South Carolina. No strong* r token of honor; e*teem ind reverence for t he memory of your jepurt"*! represent!!!ive can he given. ; W bile reluctant to d > so, y. t I aviug 'ailh in those who signed the petition j mil the fili'/.ri s nt (lit* district .it large i niiijorii \ <>t \\ liuiii wcri1 Ins t'ri?*it?ls, have derided to nnkf Ilu? dm* anil ieri"iy antioiiiire 1113self a candidate nr Congress ir.iin the Second ('.in-! I i-if.t. in llll tlif iiiicniirt'il ti l in only, rtilijf I tli I In- rr.-ull j I tlif primary election. And I lierc- 1 '.V pieoge in) m1 11 to almlf liy mill snpMiri tie nominee in such form and! iruiciplcs ?.t tl.f Ih 1111 c ml if Party.' T. (i C HO FT. 11 ( I'll. Win. II Payor, of tin.' lainonBlack Home Cavalry," and whose oiim" was at W irrenton, Vn? died ir. fasliington Tli' rsdaj. The remains I 1 rere burnt' home to the grave by ex- ' icinboi'a of this htmous brigade. I a )AY juntain Meet Me? JG COMPANY has just re>n their new and elegant einks will be served in the II. gDrugCo A DANDY KOK BL'KNS. Dr. Berg in,) Fanii, Ills., wiitts: "I have used Ballard's Stnw Liniment; always rmiiuiD'iuled it to m.v fjii":d?u as I am confident there is no better made. 'It is a dandy for burns.' Those \\ ho live on I arms are especially liable t'j many accidental cuts, burns, bruises wh e heal mpidlv when Ballard's Snow Liniment s applied. It should always be kept in the house for cases of t merge ncy " 2"m',. BOe. ai.d $1 per bottle. Sold by O J. Harris. II K A I.TII IS YOUTH. Disease and Sickness Bring Old Ago. Kerbine, taken every morning before breakfast, will keep you in r.ibost, lit you to ward otf disease. It cures constipation, biliousness, dys !>#*psi;i, lever* situ**, nvti aim muiie^ complaints. It purities the blind and clears i lie complexion. Mrs. 1). Smith, Whitney, Texas, writes April 3, 19C2: "I have used llerbine. and lind it the l est medicii e fur constipation and liver troubles. It does all you claim for it. I can highly i commend it.SOcts a bottle Sold by O. J. Harris f ons specritto those f on every s ? I Letter to Dr. W. H. rim merman, Batesburg, S. C. Dear Sir: A big in ill-owner, Spartanburg, S. C, wanted 5,000 gallons of paint, and bought by price; paid 5 rents less than ours; got a "Itad-and zinc paint; but the lead was sulphate of lead, not earbouale, Sulphate cost? about half; mid covers ah tut half. That paint was ndulteraied about six times as much as the 5 cents paid for He "saved" A cents; and it cost him ;to. Uh no; it cost liiiu more than that; we forgot the labor. Can't work it out exactly : don't know how long it will wear. Short-lire.isi;u* besides; that alone was twice as inu.h as his "saving" 5 cents It was thin, too; some loss there;! don't knew how much. There was too imieh drying in it. The maker made something on that: he didn't. Taking 't altogether, lie didn't make much by A cents. Co by tin* na Jie; and the name is I>evoe lead-aotl-zinc. Yours truly. K. W. Dkvok Co New York. 1' S. Timiiions I res. sell our paint, i To the voters of the Second District w lui do not know personally lion L. I. Williams, Kdgelield county's dist inguisht d sun, w ho lias announcement j in the News, who will recieve hearty support in li s Inline county where he i> best known, we say. do not decide upon who } on will vote ior until you ste him and hear his platform His - 1 ........ . .Mini; "in -in I'jiuri mm, anil is proud ot his past record as a public servant, and the tiest rerunniemlation lit lias is that the people who have! known liiui from his youth up, endorse lit in and will vote l or him to be their next Congressmen ?Johnson News' M nr. lit) h. Anderson is to have the largest cot- : on gin of i's kind east of the Missis-op- ! ii . It will consist of 1(170?row gins nd four presses, all under one roof, | French A \ Wo Have Juat Opened a Nice and 5 Millinery ever brought to this* i and OUR M 1LLINER is we'l up v remarks as to the quality of our \ that Our qualit'es are known. > 5 you, and we should he pleased I |Tc?KINARp We are headquarte Pure Drugs and Chen THE BEST THAT N Stock Food Visit us befc I Batesburg Dr District Summer School. Sometime apostate Superi itetidet t Martin otrered 'he suggestion that it! would he well for two or thrte counties to join in a district sumtm r school for teachers. llis reason for this was the snnill ultciHhir.ce f teachers in some countie* not wuriantng the employment of two ii stri ctors. At present each county receives #loO for instructors. ny cuiiioining two counties Into one sclioull a fund of $30u could be provided the joint school. This would he beneUcial for following reasons: 1st. Ellieaey (if school would be increased, t?y employing four instructors instead of two 2nd. A gsent r vatiety of courses of study would be made possible, thus enabling each teacher pup'l to select two or three studies for which he feels greatest need. 3rd. An Instructor for drawing an I sight singing could be had, pro; ided ; lth. By holding school In n new j community, new material in the v ay | of pupils could be drawn into the school, which would thus broaden tl e good results from these schools. Why should not Saluda and Lexing-I ton unite and hold a school at Bates- ' burg? Ilea ns: 1. Town partly iu both counties. 2. People anxious fur school. 8. Bateaburg as acces>ble as either Saluda or Lexington. 4 A better school would Le in better reach of each county. o Board could be lutd at very cheap rates. tl. Good school building with two pianos and liorury of 300 volumes at disposal of teacners. 7. Funds for tour instructors could be provided. The county board of .* aluda could recommend tso and county board of education of Lexington could recommend two. A THOt'CAND nOI-l-AR's WORTH OF UOOD 'I have been afflicted with kidney and bladder troubles for years, passing gravel or stones with excruciating pain," savs A 11. Thurnes a well know n coal operator of Buffalo. (>. "1 got no reliel from medicine until I began takin Foley's Kidney Cure, then the result was stippriaiiig. A faw doses started the brick ou-t-like substance and now 1 have no pain across my ki 'neys am I leel I ke a new man. It has done me $1000 worth of good." Foley s Kidney Cure will cure every form ( f Li. * n...ivB. <M uiauun uinru-trs. rtuiu liy I I Titiiinoits Bros. j The Ladies || Favor painting tlieir church ?s, ami therefore we urge every .Minister to remember we give a liberal quantity of the. Longman?fe Martinez Faint to- j ward the painting. Wears and rovers like gold. Don't p>y $1,50 a gallon for Linseed Oil (worth 00 ceiits)^whieli you j do when jon buy other paints in a ran with a paint ladel on it. s&O make 14, therefore when you want fourteen gallons of paint, buy only *[ eight of I, ?v M and mix six gallons pure Linseed < > i' with it, and thus ? git paint at less than $l.?0 per gal Inn. Many houses are well painted with four gallons of L Sc. M and three gal- j Ions of Linseed O.I mixed therew itti. These Celebrated l'ainta are sold by 1 .1 J Haw I ?& Soil, Bates burg, S. C. \ Sii'js ribe to flie Advocate, ( frVftVriWVftVtftf rift | IT'S TIME T< Cjy Give your fai ter Suit a rest took courage t VI/ now it takes n | **J Ull WllllCI uuc Many of the :=: Dressei You in* et were wearing SuitsB $0.00 to $25.00 is our scale of remember tlint our (iuarantee oi eyerj s?V we make. We shall lie thing* any ?lav, for our garments I. C. Levy's ^ 858 BROAl) STRIitr -r 7 lillinery | I Complete Line ol the Finest c lecti.'ti The sty1 es ai e varied < on them. We need mike 10 / piods. Our iinnie guarantee? X i. trip to our stor.? would pay > to have you call. ----- / rs for nicals. IONEY CAN BUY s always on hand. >re buying elsewhere ug Company. Without* Music k Bi* nto your using soofrfldwr ' - *' .. r?.. COOKING COMPOUND scud to bo 14JUST AS GOO0" AS r aim a una ? w When Yoo C40 | Ceti PALMAT1NA THE PUREST VEGETABLE TAT ON THE MARKET ' "V vTwg> Wesson Ompaw# viratim; Foley's konky and tah Foley & (' ? , Chicago, originated loney a <1 Tarns a throat and long emedy. and on account of the great aerit and popularity of Fol< v's Honey nd Tar many imitations are otfered or the genuine. Ask for Foley's lionand Tar and refuse any substitute (Tered as no other preparation will pve toe same satisfaction. It is tnildlv axativea It contains no opiates and is ?fesI for eliiIdreo and delicate persons, iold by Ti trillions Bros. At Beaufort 011 last Thursday Sarah drown, aged 29. on last Thursday kill\bell Scott, aged 74, by striking him villi a stone. Scott had beat her and ihustd lier in various ways. She eners a plea of self defense. 3 CHANGE! * thful, hut tired Win- , A few days ago it owearaSpring Suit, lore courage to keep Js." If you knew how j Very Best d Men :=: here you'd he surprised, prices on SI'KINO SUITS, and f Style and Service g'us witli pleaded to show you tlie new invite admiration. - - . Son & Co, , AUGUSTA, OA. ?^