The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, April 07, 1904, Image 3

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r " cc <iD^r= >p THE l$ilent 0hoi" she vvjir making. and lha younger or gush over tlio manly perfections her future husband. But she had al | to tell them all that he would not i there this week, and to listen to t O I chorus of astonishment that this sta yj / nront produced. e?S*r!y ou an J 108 perused. I.aily Matilda's legs. which of had been the cause of anxiety In the Iso racing world for the pa t week, so:tnl?o ed to be well enough to give her fob ho lowers conlidence; Mon ltol, another ( to- great horse, was advancing in the bet- 1 ? ??? Pecan Trees aud Vttie. flue*tied, Orafte*' and Heedr.njf Trees, k?d (), 2 and * year* old.. Tilt 3- M On 11ACON PRC AN CO., (luc ) Dewitt, waa UeorjcJ.. tlWa W W UAW~~~ D~1? L * - I t? Perhaps It was the storm that affected her! THI^ ice more young Montagu's star ' ^ ? In the ascendant, tor Lady Ma- OP Y beat all her adversaries. an<t ?< \ " OR? ] the Mystery of StJames'Par! / By /yJNO BLOUNDELLE-BURTO If "Todit i< landing on a silent shoi /"Not here, mv dear l?la," the eld* ly lady, whoso servants caused he much trouble, raid. "Not here. \V1 what a strange future husband! ' '? leave you alone for a whole week, ai \ such a week. too. as the Asi-ot out 1 And the elderly lady?whose hushai \ at that moment was offerioK to tal M \ four to one in hundreds from Sir l*a \l that Flip Flap won his raec??lio< I uiik: f up Flap was all right, aud Sir r*r- Paul felt thankful ho had not hid . so l?et of four hundred to one hundred In " ly, the afternoon; and The Landlord was Po being driven back. It to >k another ad liour for the gentlemen to a 1 th-dr j '."[opinions expressed. c:id ilea they t ad | went to their looms, the ladles having fi ko i Ions since ret red. i ul j "lton't oversleep yourselves, any o/ r >k yon!" Sir l'aul lCaii?'ht?m . J .. . ... niiisvn, nuiv&uurg, o. l>. use LOCAL AGENT. ' for ' - ? Joiol CI.UliHlNU OFrEtt. coacl Th*} Hume hnd Fat ni, i ubIUhed twice ?.r',V i liiuotli. i'litl the Hatesburg Advocate I'Ulk x tli one yejr Tor 91.25. Subscribe ^er tow. Tlie Home and Farm is a 10-page, wbllt (column up-to date farm paper. It i? In tb leurly printed and unlike the general wou tin ni such papers offered in clubs wf,() ill Hi lile j <>" " *' a sporting phrase, "romped in" the Stakes. There was great reng over this on the Kelmont lies, of which there were two, one ?u ny Sir I'aul and one by Mr. e for moat of them had backeu with the bookmakers, and so, e they all won, there was no loser >e party. Miss Xorrls. too. had a dozen of gloves from Fulke, _ took thf lloW -?1?* " Murray's Horel Mullen and Ta 11 ? acic billows never beat, nor tempests roar." counties of Berkshire and Stirre; neither the beauties of Nature ih v.-ere wanting. Surrounded by 1 Jn v.'hicli other villus nest loll, i phlit oft' from the world, whils own spacious lawns and jiardei . ui-i ucau unapprovingly. ' I "\nlh!iig \ :1! Induce my ?<?n to stt I siv.ay from At<-ot." the motlier of tl g.t;.ih!.::. >? : r. r man said t c? hersol #|wlIo will i to-night, though 1 y, and is not cnra~ed to Ida." And the ihx >r Art lady -1 hod deeply, woods "I did so want to see him," tl t was young lady who had Just lieo.i presen t its cd. remarked. "You know 1 have ne is en- or met l.ord l'enlvn vol nn.t i -? ? lauuu ><Ul , | cheerily. "Wo ought to get the fouriy In-uamls under weigh by half-past | 10 eleven sit late t. breakfast will Le If. res-ily as soon as1 the earliest of you" 10 l<la went to her room tired with the ar day's exertions; but her night's rest was very broken. In the early pait, )0 the Hashing of the lightning and the ? t roar of the thunder ithe storm having y. now broken over the neighborhood) i?..i i? ' ^ be fa and tag Plants | Every farmer knows that out a ome plants grow better than of th ithers. Soil may be the same [*ve_ i ? ? .... ?b*iusi me norse Im ncied to obllKe the girl lie admired. * Sir I'aul had promised Ida any; site liked to ask for if Lady Maonly got home tirst. course, after the last race, there _______ id adjournment of the whole partite lawn who goes to Ascot withiso going to sit for a while In one e prettiest scenes attached to a course in England? There, sear \urray Drug Co COLUMBIA. 8. C. When in Columbia don . .u-i-u ii entirely rrom the noti passers-hy. |i was l>y nu moans only durhiff Ascot week. as hot n 1 her lather wcro In Hie |jul frequently paying visits to It I spring, summer, ami autumn; ami In the winter, whoa tlio trees hare, ami tlio wiml swept over Iti ath ami i!i.was. was It deserted On litis A rot week, or to he pa lr.r. this Monday of Asrot wcieU. ire of Ins lo know hiin. They say he Is t used good looking." h Ida Ida .111 w. red them all as well as sli jit of could, but : lie found it hard to do si n the And bclorc she had had more tha I only time to make .1 1 >.v confused remark were 011 lils being ceil e l to stop away, o the account of learners connected wit Ills proper:y. ana.her iniplojsautnea rtieu- occurred, when ' j. ,.v,,u hci u?ai\?* aiKi wiiea she si<?pt | ^ ;o Bhoiliil so uneasily, waking often. Guce b she starteel up ami listened trembling- q 0 ly, as though hearing some unae-cusu tomed sound, and even rose and openn eel lier doejr. anil looked into the is- C 3 sage. "Of what wa" she afraidV" . "ie *3 n , askeel herself. The h was full e>f jj I visitors: It wa.*. of all t.mos. tl.e least g 1 one likely fen* harm *<? came. T^en ?l | she; went luie-k to hod anel uven:u;i Iv c-> .? CU UI1 na seed may seem the same velve >ut some plants are weak and ?inkii thers strong. <Jran( And that's the way with hildren. They are like young it i lants. Same food, same home, feren ime care but some grow big nd strong while others stay nig^t, ?i 1 i ccmiortahle chairs on that soft. t lawn, with the hut June sun THE ng conveniently behind the ii Stand, the party remained fully and chatted until the horses d be put to. van at thin time that, to the dlft groups scattered about, here u rumor that a horrible murder AflVt lieen committed in ix>ndon last ^ , or early that mnmi?? * *? tnat you owe your face a ti JEROME HOTEL BA Has the most competei Face Tenders' in the South hing in tho General Mei _ ? - - ? neat. I RBER SHOP it force of , Try them. rchandiee line the Ktltjal s Were t?ng:|illiii? U? Si f' r tlio ( in:pii!|{n. it wus .1.: hrl-'Ti pt'-'lty n spot us any In Kngland. lawn was dotted with two or lit tip umbrella tents, under > t: > n a-rivals, who we to Rot ba: U'i'.it'i' the shadow of trees, were Ctl so re of them tail ing of what J.a t ilu..n s'.nc-o Just tjiey met: son j;. ' *< (! i:i s||Ui iilat iig over the oh: t?! the varliin- " > 1 ' ?. | i 15ave ji:iit. heard very hart newt irrlv?t | y j. s ijau; hun." u lall gentleman it t and | marked. who had J?>:ii <1 the group o Thc J Indies. "Sir Paul tells mo that fur throe j;,|| j. u*t eo.uln.a ??:r tli week. I'm put vhlch ticulariy u,. ct. lor I war.toil him i< Kklng g|vo mo some lutroduet ons in Vienna seat- (() which 1 aru just oil". you know." hey Again the ehor::a ro.e, and asiiin p'-o e *' ? iii , jia,i to o::; iain that Mr. t.'uu-hil tncoij was prui u lna Vi srj I m. ??- * - .31 slept iigaln, though only to dentin. Iter bruin must have retained what j she had read In t'linlall's >< I CI t ter thnt morning, for she dreamt li at C he was taking his farnweil of li -r: ? lv It se "Tiiod t! ?y w. r tail, r ;..i n ?j the con orvalory nlt.-iihod to I.ud.* Chcstrton's ball r>a:n. She was ?c : (Ji ed in the s-ame place as she had li^rn j wlion lie trld lief i,f his |ovo; hi c ;..H. | hear the dreamv niiiii unu WCaK. perso Scoct's Emulsion offers an 1?*t E isy way out of the difficulty, a,',"*, 'hild weakness often means three :arvation, not because of lack tho e f food, but because the food J?^)t oes not feed, ami u Scott's Emulsion really feeds niKe? ifl rr*\-<?c= i-Kr, _ ..~e. a lew v?*I U riK, who bad come down by the ipecial train, hid heard someabout I* hut they did not know ing of the details: and two or copies ot the first editions of vecing papers had arrived, hut . told very little, except that uu- SOlQ < edly a murder had taken place, ?? tat the victim was. to all appear, a gentleman. Had It been a iviuna at the store of IE. TOIbTZE everything F\ on merit. Give me a call BUY YOUR irBt Clasa tod . Price? Right . v.1 **.??*-! U HI "I Up," t lio "Stake." utul tho "V enp.iivtftI in iilly pipping afternoon sherry and bitters, us n \ might Imm. :111cl some engagi tho most luxurious of nil purst doing nothing. Vet. although Sir Paul's t-oleetl pu l'j htpl hpon admirable, dls.tpi 11 cmt had onm to him and Ida I wo who would have been tho uu? for a long ported Ap<l. as she modi aso'" the explanation. shr could not kee| 'heir down u toll-tale lilu. h. Scaled In tha * tho was more than one who hu< ^ 'n oii'-e thought that, if she loved anj '" s? man. that man was Walter Cundall. "lie doesn't care for horse racing, on of imagine." the ill-used mother said. >o!nN ..N-(J morn -hoiilil |," the tajl gentle r"k' man remarked. ' it I had his money most wi. ' 1 - \ji i;it" v ry *" j f imi! wall/ nothing v. m ; changed. c:; St rept that it scmied darker, mu h darl*J ci : and she could do little more t. an j ro<o?rnl7.o his form and see his dr-k. ? sad eves tixod on her. Then he '>eat ^ f * over her and ki>v d her gently on he it . forehead?more, a.- it seemed in ver dream, with it brother's than \ luvei's jitss ?and said: '-'l arowell. forev r! _ in this world we two shall never ni >et . mv. V.1111U growing or"7j^ rength. ar;us( Whatever tlie cause of weak- cut. ess and failure to grow? cott's Emulsion seems to find and set the matter right. worth Kcinl tor frc? hanipl*. "some jti p itowuc. Chemists, i<?> Ptatl St., New York .. . jut. and fi uo; all druggist*, ti'H' n In the >? ' - * .... iuui hit in me Seven I?ials, Kasl l?nd, It would hardly have id attention at aristocratic Agog Montagu first heard It from IT kmiiker with whom he was hav- J * satisfactory settlement, but that y knew nothing except that i one said it was a swell, and ie had been stabbed to the 'eart park." y Goods and FROM TH E B. Hartley Ci THE Notions j ash Co. I v i innp, M|f, rumlnll ;tn<i l.ord lyn, hait written to say they e?ni|i Ci-nio. The former's letter had very short ami ttie explanation > for his refusal was tha' he was i PI ea:ir|iik to lea\c Knjflaml. per )i . a v?.r> I.,tiu jihili 'l .tint T oitl jyn's hail ineii ! ? the eif? -t thai t' l"ii)"ss affairs innm- led with pn.|i.oiy wii't'.il prevent tpm leaving town ilurlmr ill \v....h i . . uuiu a jace ne to him, wher '' 11 a turf gamble* would I <* like drop if 1 I1"t | tie* oi'cuu to a inau of lbs iremcmluui 1,('?n , moans?" liven "Ami I have never seen him either," iKain j the debutante r,ma;ki 1. villi a look haps \v,i.s eomieaily piteous. "Oh. dear this is something dreadful! lust tliinty <o:ne , ,)f j,uth' |.?rd rcnlyn ami Mr. fundall '' 3 | being ah ept " froip j e| i(i|i*t you Ui uU t'rune ?r n? I."? i in i ih*:i, as lie turn 'J tu go. sit;: ||, [ saw behind liijn h->t' form with ts 0i. ' I'acp shrouded. hut w.rh a figure that ' seemed wonderfully familiar to her. . ami. as lie fared it. it sprang upon him. And with a slivlek she awoke? 1'^ J awoke to see 'lie I'l'thl ?"fi .-shir, ng J'1' ' in through iiv.i *ind>iws. tu hear thu ^ j iiinls singing oe's'.d . stud to notietj ^ that the h inds (it the !ocH pointed to j t|l , nearly eight. " in* unifMuurg Advocate and the "<,e >n?e and Kami?bulb one year for said. * iy $1.25. Cash in advate-p. one si MARKS A CLKAN SWREf. Q' H-erc's nothing like duiii? a thing m uroughlv C)f nil the Halve you ever |,avj?, itr%l "f, liucklinV Ar*'ioa Salve is the . ;t. It sweeps away and cures burns, * r? s, lhuues. Cuts. U i!s, Ulcers, oul t0 in Kruplions and Piles. It's only 21c, were il Kumautetd to give satisfaction bv ! that, i t a paper, Montagu," the baronet fki " and let us see whut It is. Every jems to be discussing it." Bier said than done. Sir Paul"' her answered. "Hut I'll try." came back In a few momenta, ; succeeded In borrowing a see- _ lition from a friend, and he read J i them the particulars, which by no means full, it appeared after the ? ?- > * * [a W ater Seas AT THIS Fimmons Bre son is on ithera over, it was; dated froin a t'ashioi ho-?l ia Hif West Kinl. ami not Ofh'vo House. '\V111?t lliti ilmtfrj t-an the boy In Ias-:' the Martinet asked iiiinsel |i<' i'oihI tiiu letter over once or t before Eliowing U to hi; (biup Tliey were seat.-.I at breakfast v It ranie. ami none of tie' guests i::;; arrived, they were entirely i <o. - "",c" j can supply their plates?" the gentle table j iU.m -Wo will try very hard, I rout yoU ljn?w I" "tilt, yes! of course." stjio j-ppjiodj o ilO', "j)nt |hen we Know you, and w? don't f as _lal i'u;1st. 1 don't Know them. And wi, n I then you rare about racing, anil Will l'top. i jlo thinking or nothing hut the horrid t hen j horses." hav-j will promise to think about by nottilio* !" ' L 1V. Anil her first action was to kneel by "Tit tlio siile of liPr bed ami to thank t!od so' that it was only a dream, \ I'll A I'TKIt Vl| f?l There were no late risers at Itel- pui Dtunl on that morning, for even the elder lmlies. who were not going to ( , Ascot but meant to remain at home i are j and pass the day olea anilv it. j Harris, H.itesb rg Drug Co., uver. i nuion> Itros., It tesburtr, anil Croat n)< 1 Drug Co., I.eesqllle, S. O. walk i =TT-v=r-=r= Tark. V* iu:iy not beoo:no a ?oitj b .-auti- Ing bj " u? quirk as some other p'acea, Part ? l Ratesburg is moving a'otig coin e I i improvement line. N^vv house ever, i going op ami ill kinds of improve- ani' he u> iu Kuunon was vhU'h was about three o'clock in jrnlng, a policeman going on lila down the Mall of St. James* ha<l come across a gentleman lyf the railing* that divide that f It from the gardens, a gentlerhnm lie at tirst took to b* over >y drink. On shaking htm, howhe discovered him to be dead, rX^r/r* > then thought that he must havo vfr' Pharmacy '~r~rss\rrr j h v..- .n7i;n ?> i::ii 111 r? tloucp ra I'd doing'/" |in rop-ito'l. " ysntif \ l,i tv.ost wijiiUb iii tin: yo;t|\ is the jn which a man likes to not on i- vn, \?i instead of t-quih-.g hor ftioji an;) slavys hintnlf tin in | ho: hotel! An I (Mtmlall, too! Why < tlio man slot) nt homo like a C thin, instead of noinx anil gr.llin tlio Tropics? Ilo lan't want to n pny ijtot'o tiiotipy. surely!" After w ..... j.m. 11 sain, '"'verins; " ,,n (lis voiri'. "if you will lot vot( ,?t dinner. things \v?r? niotu com, fottahle for Ida All the visitors know ' ?' ; now I'milyii ami t'uml.ill wore c?T(> 'ie i tain absentees. ami. having di^ls:,X ,:iiss,;il Ill's. tlu.y found plenty of other nn'M things in talk about. Sir I'aul h'ad got hris-1 all his guests well assorted, even to the ^ 'n melancholy mother, who took comfort nake from ,j10 words of wisdom tlir.t drouhieh ! - - , Ml M- '? I lilt ; own hi. i ly, niuiiii n a j>o;pt Vif being j aaily. Tin.: younger one: . with Miss j Xorris the very lirst ilowu, were ^ hef sight that was charming to the ? ? ' 'h- ' .sec men. with their prcijy ?p:\y povrtis pro bared \>t;po '.ally for the occasion: hut of them all. none looked fairer than i i Ida. Her di turhed i"-i| had made j Jo her. perhaps, a little paler than usual, ' ' but had thus only added p Mum d??|. j"**' . - , .i .> D?eu > nts are being made on In * olu i ne . gjam.e e streets are oeinij worked an never rate, i ore ant everything and everybody nian w heart. ilia lo be K?tlli>K busy. been 1 robkkd the grave. broker t sinrllitt? incident, i& narrated by button nOlivtr of rhilude)|>hintns follows papers was hi an awful c> udition. My uutbre ii uasdlii ost yelK'W, eyes sunken, i ...... urucK by lightning. A further showed that tills was not the vy P as he perceived that tho dead ^ ^ as stalihed In the region of the ^ > that btu watch and chain had ?1"* wrenched away (there being a ^ ^ J] i piece of the chain left In the ^ > hole), aud. If he had uny, his ^ ^ yj and pocket-l>ook taken. Ula v (la. which waa without any name Vf^ ?' ' ^ ^ v v *> > > /// W\ ^ / //V\V//* rHIS IS TO NOT] friends and patron iave purchased the inl ny brother, L. T. Perrj < i ir i " 'TO 777TTw777^ FY my $ s that * $ :erest of v& Yf in the ^ jv" linns t.?, t. 4: .! <1 liolh 11?<-? lul o t to 1 tin. When she read thorn v. . - sorely troubled. for she ? oulil lie!|? inniLrinin^ tint there w.i s< tli!i;ic inoro thin strut""' in tit|! t lit* ill.ill Willi lit:'-.ii^ -it til ,.nil I lit. in.,i. who li.i.t in. i])o ii| in rt f' W tit-th- :i >, should I lutvH ntisi.iinnt In ni ciiininvf < ' ?M the week with them. At Urst, \vi:::tlereil if th??v 1 - | |w>ti fp'in li'.o :*v lli' ~uatluiuiin ivlio wa:i'"'l t<> hack Flip Flap: "'.et *1'? the I>oy nave hi liln^-. tuadam, lot him have his tiing! There is nothing >me* I sickons a man so much of gambling an la("1 . hit unlimited onpnriHUll f ^ t' Hid 11 Igillg '' r-I iu it- tiivu hint this, and then, if ha ',or j loses, null him \i|> i . ; i|> on his allow ' iinoo, ainl bn'll 110 all l ight. When ho "*nd |\n,|s in* i;u? no mere nior.oy to sijtsans'*^ ilt-r. he will o'th.o- ?' " . - lovennt ss. As she | '' "j stood t:ill lag i? young Montagu on | the verandah. this youth begun to i |ia," wish tiiat lie was I.ord I'enlyn, un t jq | , st, think that tltPp' W'fo p.lier tiling: iq.i Initio world licttv.1 than going Maiu q op | in lucking uinner- or loiters I lndo- | i tatigabh i:i o\ vythinu connected with |*"le 1 sport. in.' young man, In company M|nj with two oth?r visitors, officers who j ri>. \ had lioon in Imi'ti anil had become ac- o-' ?m- coaieu, pain continually In wi,ich k and aide*, no appro |le, growing ikt-r dqy liy day, Thpee physicians unarkei I ^iyen pp. Thru I Wii- advised to drench (lU'C.irU' Hitters; to my trr at joy, the l>? li st hot t le no di< n d c d -it improve- now, v nt. I continued < li r use for three per p<] ks, and am now e well man I know "flgi y robbed the gray.* of no ?.her rp> . i?.'* NoOne -h md fail ?o ry them, ly .'i0 c< nts, guaran'i q'o, 1.1 O. J . llai- ,,s t"a e?l?ur{j I'riiji tio , Tim mom* i deter c arms, was t?y n?s side; bis linen, ^ whb extremely tine, was uo> y S n il, anil his clothes, although I' ed with mud and rain, were of v y st possible quality. That, up to ^ ' U k-as all the Information the pa- ^ ^ isaoseed. ^ 13 ft dreadful to think of a man l>e? v y * irlie l eu in SUCu a public plUv S V ^ l!" Ida said. "Surely the rnurannul long eaeaDO'." uuerui luerenanclise ormerly C onducted b} ew stock of goods i laced upon the shelve vill ever be my desire business v? ^ r us. A ? s being ^ is and it cp vy + n carxro tu OU* ? V/ .. -....I Iiii\ u mci i|i::irrolod 1 in she ri :J? t ??1 that was not possible! Surely ('mi.lull wiiiiM nM! have lohl non he hid proposed io 11or and I iv.iM'ii. Moil, ho thought. did tall; about their love affairs (<> one t?:h.?r certainly thr* rojoeto 1 ono w< Ijiit rtmlidii in iho nro|iUid. Still. ?.: s vwrj troubled! Troubled l?e?'ii the man -he loved, and whom she >?? caret uiiy :,mI that lit' will 1>*' in to win, or he'll that throw it up ahoy ?her. That is wh *Jr' thPV P' aornlly d?,.'" u soeaiod. how':u,,) ever, tr* 111 his oonvcrsnt'on. that ho ' ( n ha*l never ilone that himself. no* Miss Xorrls. the young lady in her :,n* lirst season, was uvulimliy getting i over, or. Indeed. lejd grjt <tVv.r. hur n ? j appoint mom. ami now seemed very l,!S^ ! I'ot.ifortahle with Mr. l-'ulke. the tall had | j un customed to early rising, liatl already ridden over to Asc > t.4 luit-n wiai wan -^cr I soing nil there, and to poo IT any In- Q formation could he picked up. "And now. Miss Uaughton." lie said, "to breakfast with what appeti\u wn can'? And 1 can tu.siun you ihai. d old \Volsu> hail only hull' good a one ^ mint) la now. King Hal wouldn't j yov have frightened him into saying. 1 i> ;t.nt M'>iik'g mid Cris;o.. Ui U? I "'1 do , Lfi ttvilie. j said. ? ?^jlQ ni< ver-YVork Weakens ?"ryu^' Your Kidneys, 1 Ing do' ?? I and ro aealtny Kidneys Make Impure Blood. -il \ a aunt) dl the blood in your body passes through don w| ir kidneys once every thre? minutes. . Vk. >-i -i- - n't know al>out that." Mr. I-'ulke ^ 'The Malt at three o'clock in vj> >rntng, especially on such a ''X* K?whl a storm It was:?is not luch frequented. A tnau walk- r r A-ii It mi^ht easily be attacked N'VXV bbed'," a ntee state of affairs, when lemaa cannot walk a Unit Ix>nithout laiing murdered," Sir >oth town and country SHELTOIS L- PE? ?xco>xco??g # antes friends. O lllY. ? i <ii soon iitr throe days?anil It son a:i eternity!?would njt lie tlit*re pa s that happy week with her al--?? because th?' man wl ? i- did not l??vo, hut whom $hn It :?n.' pitifil ?.?. was i:vitlon11> soiv h alt. *" 11 was truing awav air, p uhajis for ti vt*rv long period." )i:':i sniil. yet. <>n the night ?(f I. t in teflon's hall lie It id tuhl I mi t |i vvoitlil go no nioi't* iiwiv ti K<>ihum>wiii. He w is a man <?f 1 lit* \\ > 1<I :is well as of society, and knew in 1 ovor>'',ol|y. an,l vlie heiran to think that, after all. she could eiipport the ' ,Tj j absence or t < rd IVnIyn and Mr. Penal hill. ri 'n So the tlrst n!j?ht pi.-sed away very !,,? i pleasantly, and Sir I'gttl r.p^i.pulat <1 ||(ty? I himself en the pru..pcvt or a pleasant (rlt i week. < ?!' >o :r e, a^ was natural, a ..... ! eiitlem:!" ? n<>o(Miyo' t<> all the roo<I things iu Hitf* I Itla langhe^ his nonsense, and iS i then. every onu being down, the lirsf important part of the day's proceed- H ings lieyan. Tj\u story n' *? Ascot party has / peon told so often and so well, that no i *i~ other pen is neetleil to describe It. I There are few of ?< who, ?i*th?jr tp ^ l,,,,., ......- > f. no moneys are your | * b\ood purifiers, they (il- "ul'l ter out the wasto or The | impurities in the blood, this tin If they are sick or out over U cf order, they fail to do ready, their work. t ' Pains, aches and rheumatism come from ex- an coss of uric acid in the Belmon blood, due to neglected H Wt I glorloui '.idnev trouble * ?!<?? ? tut. " t?ui norrible things seem icn every day now." aublie were leaving the lawn by ^ le, and one of the grooms came ? say that the coaches we?e n \ There was no louger anything I for. and so they all went back \ ?k their places, and started for \ ^5? is a glorious evening after a i day and as ihcv ? *>?? o i ~?s^&??^ DESPAIR^ b* HELP you ^ mm n amis be. she knew. th:it lior rejection <> ' 1 onco jm r? dPVinK h|m jo In \k-niierer ell the earth. and. won ||! ( . she eOlllil llill but f?t?l sorry 11j:i ??|ii> knew as well as llo>a! that ni 'Ti. though ihey died, <1 l do for love lint still tliev must . ill for their unrequited love. That would sillier, the look in his fa e ; the tone el his voire on that uii ( , ......... .1. . .miiuiilliy liutir1 m ntpt a conversation with Ills neighbor, 'I a i-ou\? r-ation on balls and dinners. ',I*' .Hid the opera, and tin; last theatrical '?l* pr. ihn tion; I>y leaning across the tal)|?j "'J plld s;iyjii? to nnottioi' gen' lenja.1. l it 'J"1 take yon live to four In tenners, or 1' r ponies, about that;" or, "you tan have 'l0 three hundreil to one hundred it 111 doesn't win, if von like;" and, of i ulit . ........ - ...iiioiivm ? very ituunt days, hea: | have tup ipiined part in one of those thej pleasant outings; who have not sat ove upon a coach, with some yetl?g lady j P?jhesido US. who sec.iueti. ?t le?st for the j tro^ time being. t?? be the prettiest and ^ut nicest girl in the world: who have not ap c eaten our till of lobster salad and , ninj pigeon pie. and drunk our till of If champagne and claret cup! ; by f Sir Paul's phi1* went i'hroin?ii n 1 an^ v^uiw?s cr unsteady some la rt beats, and makes one (eel as though , ln,? ?n r had hc?rt trouble, because the heart ? r-.wo.rktng in pumping thick, kidney- ! ;oned blood through veins and arteries, usei to be considered that only urinary ibles were to be traced to the kidneys, ; now modern science proves that pearly 1 ;onstitutional diseases h&Vti thou begin- , ; in kidney trouble. YOU ?'<* nick you can make no mistake , Irst doctoring your kidneys. The mild ( the extraordinarv - Lushing and talking, some dirt- En!1// !/ (1 some discu^ing the |, (To Be Continued.) fti I' EVERY BOTTLE GUARAN Cures MALAKIA CONSTIPATION and all :R ffilLMENTS TEEC. FRICE 50 CENTS. nM.ivi'i very |ua:niy; his ie;t?T to I father iiini his loi'iliroiHiiiti (Ifpar:i t?!d hor that the sulToritii; hut hepI utnnately for her the arrivals the 'rtt">sts. and her duties as hostc l>re\ nteil her from having much ii for retleoi ion. The v isitors had ee. to amused and she could pot p . M.iiii.' hi loiKutlul oi tticit cpnifc Ti. i^LMiilenit'ti might look after tin , iiinw, i mil- WDIIKI IT; tjll'i 1>'<J. , , .lllctlou nf |il I Im sl|\i?|-hoilhd honks 1 j nil'i wards, ami sumo hasty writing. n# Hut on llio whole, though. the Introductlon of the state of l.ady Matilda's s" leg- into the conversation, until it! mo turned out that she was a mare v.'Wa 111(3 * * ' was lirs' fnvtji'i^ tor tlte up, did pulp j ' et dismay whim o| 'tie fairer portion of i the guests, everything was very nice j ^ j and comfortable. """ S\vi the gentlemen iw.tli Mr. Montagu very soor busy at thisi dashing across the course j won between each race, ami iuto the an(j Grand Stand to "see about the odd?'' ^.y. 4 Flip Flap disgraced himself y*i.???uly la cent the Gold Ytpv a?u( taint* in lust of all, I esmui tt in sir rattl'a d* pitst. who regret- ! teil now that be hail not laid his old friend four to one in hundreds, but to the intense delight of young Moi?- & q , rnUT\e*- % | amp-Root, the great kidney r^nedy tj i realized. It stands highest tor its j derful cures the p?yst distressing cases pie bottle by mei\ ffcNM OC S?uipK?'t j also pamph\eV iclting you how to find ' if you have kidney or bladder trowhto, | ,tion this paper when writing Of, KlltOW O.. Binchamtnn N V fvs H igh | kt? A ==? /ORMSilvEB ilostia Qu ) Years Has let] a!f V/orm Heme* bold u y aijij divug-c te!jtcream \ ?k3sfugef: lanlitj. ? Beat to Quality. {' lies?tt^^^: HBTC. J> LAID, St. Louis. , reiio: and amuse eaoh other. a-= I could do very \v 11 with ihrir sport t.o.vspa> ? rs ami KnlT's Guides, tl hotting honks and their cigars hut j.idles could not ho neglected. So. through that long summer day. 1 Wliosu mind was tilled with the plot pf two men. had t?> put her < thoughts out nf sight. and dftvote 1 self to lite thoughts ol others. ! h.iil tit H<ton t/? tin* vl. ti*-i\<lioo /? hoy I It Wits it hot night. in overpowering; ingly hot night, ami every one , n ir pln?l to eseapp front lh? tuning room th?j on to the lawn, where the footmen had , all brought tint lamp-lit t ihles for the cof- I i'lu. fee. it seemed to the guests that theyu ure nu st he a thunilerKtnriii prewlng: in?vt\ deetl. tow irtls I.onilon. where there ter-. wore o.-cnsionally seen, ami tiie thnn Miu lor heanl rolling, lint the eni.ileinety wim iihii per. nade;1, V-uike to take ; Di the same o?l?is in tens from him. the lloorah!" lie rrietl. as the beaten Swa favorite came in with the prpwq, I "now. if 'T.lila will t?nly pull oil the Stakes, 1 am tioiiinl to score heavily to ?lay." i And lie dashed off acrog. ionise ajrain, to see what tho Wet tint? was rrii ihu inaKnllo. at mire whogQ I name ho so familioriw ?i"-' ont make any mistake, bu? remember j name, Si**mp-Rool. Dr. K'.tmcr's mp-Roor. an4 the add.ess, BJnghamlon, . 1 on every bottle. i HAT IS R [TRXTSTT "RATTT? t T lothingj ff GO TO X I7TT T TP T PTrv i 333b ' / N-r . _-* yontiK lady over In r presentation (hunt, to how "iii ?juhhi| 1 r*IiiiIf-il Kindly on hop. iillil to how world seemed full of happiness > Joy: she had tn Union to tho homo lnjrn of an elderly holy as to the m nor in which her servants liehav and to syinpathi/.o with another ii| tlie way in which her son was ruin himself with haei-arat anil racing \ .? ,-h-ii oeriveil i 'Oil So 1H t lull from this. nil nml -aid that a jiood storm woult} iaij make tlie rnuree -wliieh was an hard , 11?? as a lir'.ek tlo >r bettor poln{?, atut nd world lay the? dust on the country in- roads an- At pU von o\ lin k the last sjuost, Mr. od, Montagu. the sportive soil of tlie sail i on laity, arrived, anil, as he liroiiRht liivi lug laiest raeini; information froui town, . .mi was eairerlv weh nniod oa\?nt'umi, Ma pat very poaeofully on the coa?h listening t<> nil iho laughter and mover, at Ion that wta going on around her. hut taking wry 1 ittIt* part in it. T^l, e\ opt whi n iliivrtly spoken to. Itnt I II in the intervals, when it wag tu.t nt^. o.-anry tor her to ?,ii? tu 11. her mind *] reverted to thing* and persons far away from the bright, sunny race VVII course. In iter heart, she did feel WHY 4 Dctors Prescribe it u u ro Their Patients. IV TI1E TURKISH BATH J /V jLIjUI zi U.Ej v I 344 Broad St. / gusta - Ga. -j? i In am * Southern Railw/ ^Y \\E RUN THE I ;>!m. i.i cnicr lulu lull |>;irll<ul .is to all things concerning her foi coining marriage, to give exact counts of the way in which M. In fin ite was preparing her trousse and of what alterations were to made in Occleve House iu London. n at Oceleve Chase in the country, lier roceptioo; to hear tho married tlljld congratulate her on the m?t ara "Vi'.i." ho said after ho liiul kissed j ih- his mother and had told her she nc- needn't bother heivelf about him. he I la- wis all right enough. "Yea.* ih? ??v au. orites are atMudy. dropped into the i?i! 'Yietorin' before mining oxer t<? \Vaind terloo, and took a look at the hotting, for There you are! And here's the 'Sjie- ' la- cial." Uh The-;c vera * ? 111 nurt tlint. whatever imi>ort:u\t oust- j lies a transactions lie flight have, her lover could u?t nnd time to run down -yj for the flip, lie could leave town at lnhluaj and lie tiack at seven surely 1\Q could spare that much time to hef^ Nor had she forgotten U?r ilraim, hex 1 horrid ilreapi. and she wondered over nnd over anatn why she should have Imd *: V. a ilriudful one, and why last r. tilt EAT KMT OF AM. SKfX EANKRS? STOP AT THK : : JRKISH BATH HOTEL, In Augusta, 74 2 BROAD STREET. Try One. ,8u ?* ?11 ribe to the Advocate. THIS CRLAT RAILWAY RUNS THROUGH GREAT COUNTRY CONVENIENTLY UNITING ALL THE C.IST SECTIONS OF THE SOUTH. W.A.TURK. S. H. HARDW1CK. Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passant; er Ape: Washington. D. C. W. H. TAYLOE. Ass't Gen'l Pass. A-ar.t, Ati_anta, C a BEST VEST IBUtF TRAINS _ AND HAVE THE j BEST DINING TAR SFRV'fE * i .*