The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, April 07, 1904, Image 1

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Pays Semi-Annuai Dividends. $?i?oc Ik .* 4 I..* LV Interest, twice a y* ir -compounded April and Octooer- semi-annual dividends?is the inducement The Firsl National Hank of Uatesburg oilers t< its depositors in the Saving Depart ment. They advertise lor "good de positors und good borrowers." VOL. IV lEeBA I TPCDI , A BATESBURt i, S. C., THURSDAY, APRIL >VOCA 7. mo4 I?r|? 91V* */l 111*" I of ilutesburg in Jj 17,000.01 Jnuuury, A Bu January, 1903. $<M LB 1WH, $122,830.10. 1 4Kb ^HbBf proved security niu time deposits. 11 PV .'rtlliMi/ll itiuary, 1901, wera 1902, $41,381.65; 1,871.89; January, Join-/ lent on ap1 interest pi id on air\ ? LOCALJJA Picked Up Here and Advocate >irs. Hub ( hii11, of Monetta. was PNPENINGS. I There and Grouped for e Readers, s Mr. Batfjfot, of mar Kiil^c A .EWDNESS S GALORE. S: I (treath I i lionac! Performance Neither j heart! i hecnuldonlv get well h* was HZ? 1 ( would feel better, but after he [ I e?l his h'St I lie doctor gave up nil >f li s icoovery. oiild have done your heart gocd Prnfecc e heard the lunernl service they oil ah >ut liini. I have since a Due it what a pity it was lie did not little longer so he could have pecte t himself. i . . - y -y " HSVILLE. CC or Haynes Receives of king ? An Unexd and Undesira )RRl^PONDEN Interest From Our Regular ents, and They Are All New nv iy CE. Correspondsy. uei e lasi wet K. Mr. M. S. Cunter went lo Augusta Tuesday on business. Master John Shuller visited fn >ndin Columbia lust week. It pays to advertise in The Advocate. Try it and be convinced. Mrs.L I). Gnnlt. of Monetta, was hero on a shopping tour last week. upnug, ??ns ii vi c i u can ay . I i Mr. I.?m Sightler, of E.lgi field, spoilt Easter lure with friends. i Misses Ilattie and I*et Cnto, of Mo-, netta, were here Tuesday. Mr L. S Matlii.-on, of Columbia, was here Monday on business. > Mr. J. A. Jordan, of Ridge Spring, I ^ was l.ere on business Saturday. Elevating or Entertaining, But at Every {row t * he stir* Point Debasing and place> * . ,, don't g Degrading to Say win wi the Least. y p s )nc of 1 lie toughest and roughest >e|faill very important that you (would D1C t s letter, ho if you have moved F-?it lie house you are now living in i and have it furwnrd? d to the I , on I.ave moved to. and if yon ;et this letter let me know and I "J"he pe< rite you another. i Easter wit I Yours all'ei tionate'y. () .... iVitli the gieutest animosity, "li I D" ay ties ga^ 1 hope i ou are enjoying1 your-j as it was K; il 'joining money. Write to me students t... :aster Bath--A i? . Plenty of ice of Read- ,hutUH.short able Items, our farmers fr?j pie of Leesville g-eete.1 ! l,'em Ur? ,hr?"' . a Ileaity welcome. are ?,r?'l?:>ri?- 1 s.Jay night Prof. I.. 11 Mp* E'web Sw re the student, a reception,', fi>,? i*? ; i . low Creek sect, .tslei. r riuay morning the ? ?i. k,...... 01...11 Saturday. it. iitius. I Aiken here Monday mo?ning, I Miss Ue'en Shepf M snaps do not hinder j is visiting Miss Gra nit planting. Some of Mr. A. K, I.orenzi ;li wiili their corn and Columbia, heir cotton lands Mrs. Jolili *>ary K ygert, one of the most of friends from ters of the upper Hoi- came over to see th on, was in town last Postmaster ('arm some new imnrnvei Letter. >ard, of Edgedcld, ce Powell. ; spent Saturday in vans with a party Hampton Terrace e city on Friday, an lias been having iiwmlt mlilml >? ?l... The tlome atnl Farm and th" Batesl?'*rjj Advocate one year for $1.25 Mrs. James Jones, of Wards, is visit tut; tier father, Mr. J. P. Jones. Miss Kmma Horn, of llidg' Sprinj*, was HtnoiiK the shoppers last week Dr. K. 0. RiUgell list week bewail t?: ship aspara^rus to the Northern markets I I :,?i Mrs. Upward I.ittUJolm returned ' last week from a visit to (ialfuey I mu Mr. liobt. A'de, a popular coutrac- | I tor of I.eesviile, was itere Men Jay. j '-01 , I Utr Mrs. ' osley \oiii t1, of (Jrr.ntteviile, I visit.*tl her father, Mr. J. 1'. Jones last I al" week. jauMr. Fti no a it Bn.die, a | opular eiti- w? zeil of Sntiinria. wnv in t..irn -relations that ever happened tins occasnj y arrived in llatcsburg Mond..} riling in a special ear. They were Cans raided] as "Jlark's Female Mia- works N, ' advertising to give a clean genera I decent performs nee, free from has ov< i i , hist se? y tiling unseemly or des-rading It I rnm S s supposed and under.-food, a:i veil iiillly. \> lint about til it suit. was enjovei Never Daunted. Seniors >;a\ ;ressin.nii Lever is n man who * hard f?>r his coiiotil units and l,oan,'"rt ' lly ?ets v hat he ?oes after. II.* Tl" en-cme obstacles ai d at il .""IM"'1' a ured a rural free delivery route a in; r a, which will i-ouiaietiee row'r,KT a ion on May 2nd of llii* 'year, 'he boat b il by a!!. Friday ,.i?ht the! U\Sh ?...? eliti'i taintiii'til al tl., ioV[n SmH,aV i>n Saturday evening the' ,u"' 1 "'n< " lo * students .vent to ItarrV ,Mr- 1{"h"rt K ... | 1.1 . relatives here I; J e.i?rieu nitirli and served , . t * i. . . i 11 r *. 11 is leared li t thrpiiMl. I rof. 112i \ ties' t he young were out C P'* * I its tliey neared the banks r '' l>:* ll '* ? ealy, of Fredouia, was l'ostolU-je. ?.n Jiis wily to Lexiug- MUs norgman i ;olumbia spent Monday wit! >of. or 1 rem*, visiteJ ta. ist week. Mr. John Munti li y same tlint the fruit week after spend juretl bv the cold. Aiken. very ijuietly around Mrs J. M. l);ulg? ively "picking" nmorg daughter, Mrs. C. and Mrs. Brackett i friends in Augus ft fur Boston lust tig the season in r i* visiting her I,. Brown, of At Mr. Kdwisi Folk St rot lu?r wei.t ov? t to Lexington on professional business Monday. Miss Daley Edward* and MigsMinnit Crouch, of Leesville, spent Friday lit ri with relntivts, Mrs. Buster and daughter. Miss K?telle, of Mt. Willing, visited relatives here last week. diiv. I as ; . . I r.? Mr. A. C .l><iii's is attending a con- j volition of tin* l?. Y. I'. (' at Ander-1 vve I ion. litis Mr. Jack Joi.cs, who is attending lio school at I.ccsvillc collide was here! t) ' Monday. ' for Miss Mamie Able, ol' Saliulu, pissed through town Ttie.-day in route to s,a kn iwn by nil who over saw this The a r pe. that these annoiineoiiierit s made I re only to evade the bin akers and J hut I,e ore the easy sailing of an nggregn- lllulja , n as thoroughly debased, so far as ciate h ; performance went, that ever permed upon a stage. The show Mrs. rted utr Willi a faint attempt at | ei|t,,'?n pplioition lor t iis:onf,e was '1,01 ,u >v the lite Congressman Stokes. ' l'"' been luroed down four limes, j v*'"'re Cie I ve- <p>l it uiiil the people of Sn- c:,|,u* ?ul v ""I Unit section should appro- P'r??r was is work. Watch t ( St that w UUB3 cor. ills and coi.Ds. vi.le eollej; C. Peters >11, I. ?ke St., Top- j There wa nsas; say>: "Of all eoii-h reme- | Baptist el.i lore they were standing in Tin- rtatiT wa? not i , '* boat Mink u,tl, them. T,' |'??Vel,,rm'U ictorioiisly ami wet The | V'SJt l? relal,Vt enjoyed immensely. .section, be sura,> lor another c,1 liTI'f ill be given lateral I.ees- l ^ 1 ,, an extent I hat ,* .... i.'.. . . additional stiil is an Itaster service at the ....I* ? this season. Jtc.ll >ulld.i\* ~n immense | 1.Hilt a. igood, of New Hrook- | Mr.4. T. C Lindsi home Sunday froui n j Mi?s C, !M. Slodil s in lhe lloll w Creek | uro stoppn ; Mrs. Otto You ne interests of Messrs stopping at Park in inve increased ?> such ( apt. k, 11 Wyn they lire putting *'p an (|le |?t where his f , and will run two here ][. ll. Pe? Conn, and Mr. J. 1 >.v, of Pittsb:.rg anil lard. of Plymouth, ?t,'4Ouklcigh." i r. of Chicago, is i the Pines. ik'n wil! rebuild on ormer home stood, k, of Watcbury, I. Whittemore. of Miss Zana Timmornian, ui r.iigeiiem was t lie guest of Mis# Inu Weiss Hartley a few da/a last week. Mr. and Mrs. B. T Lewis, of Johnston, vitfited Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Tim merman here last week. The Saturday Evening I'ost lia<! a new apent liere last week? And tin papers went like hot onkoa. Messrs J. II. Sudd itli. J.S. Merchant , Spri upheld. ijt%l Quite n nuinb r of I.eesviHe eitirMs t!:? wore litre Monday and took in the t show that night. II n Mrs. Love Jor Ian ami Mrs. Tom Jo:Jiiti, ol Kidge Spring, were here shop- f?r i ping Thursday. wa Mr. John Stnrman, of Augusta wo I name up Monday night to take ill ti e LI''Female Minstrel.- 1,1 Oil's Mil .vney, but as the everting wore on fttV?rit i daconrv, like the thin ptate of 1 f'-U ,s ilii COU Id on u hrass ling, wore ofluntil and pie ally it was a go in: you pi use, free '"'tile, all performance. Y< s, the a-alienee s composed entirely of nun, for the rd li.itl been passtd "down the I his ' am not e" there was "something I i lie di iiiiru s iiorei? >i?tin nvrup is mv , ? ; it has done and will do all ,:roWl1 am' claimed for it?to speedily cure J?ruiii was I lis and coins?and it lato sweet .Mr. Fori asant to t lie taste." till}, f?0, $ t ."0 Saturday a Sold bv <) Harris. , . ' folks. . Mr. John Dressmaking. lour streets is to notify toy friends that I ^'ll' Mess v prepared to serve them in j spout Kust* res-ni'i l< i 111? line :il mv hoiiie. -t. i M r. and Mrs. 'tided tIn* service. The pro- r,.,alivos ntur \ leuutifully earried om. nan Aide, of Atlanta, nil Sunday with the home ^ (iihson, of Florida, was ol Mr. Tommy ^ one day last week. in Florida duri rs. KushtOu, of Fruit Hi'l, i;t>t week liei r with their sister of this friends. .1. S. Shealey visited Jlangaluck, Conn ,eesville Easter. spending the wir.te Mark May. home ? Mr. and Mrs. T, Ntonetta. York, are spendinf Mr. T. R. Morgar Villiams, who has been ^ ^ g.|(.knM^ ng the winter, spent, M)gs c,nlldia F e with relatives a,ul | qlllte 8ick at the li i., who have been r here have returnee. riatt, of New ; a few days here. 1 is out again after ishbiirne has been mspital in Augusta. mid J. C. Drafts, of Saluda county were in town one day list week. Mr. Tommy Williams, of Columbia but who has been in Florida for soim time, was on our stieets last week. The St. I,ouia Republic, twice oaol week, the Farm Visitor ami the Ritesburg Advocate each week, all for 01.36 Mrs. Shuler and Miss Moida Hodge: ?'?"> i<> It mad Marsh Sat urday. Mis Miss Inaweis.s Hut thy will entertain 1 1 tin; Kurt nightly eitib next Saturday /. f afternoon at 3 :3 I o'clock. , ?vi Mr. \V. S llite, the popular assist- I ant of l>r. O. .1. Harris went to Lex-1 i Migton Moi.d iy on business. I all The i Id shops have been | an< torn away to make room lor improve- t|, i ments in the way or building. ,j I ton ng" ..t tin* Open House ti nt night. ' 'rsl ' ter the main show was over a ccut wa antunineed ami nearly every Selil< e stayed to it. This was a titling /' max to an already bad beginning has nu I jokes were i parked that made "i?*r ise who had at't tided v.irle'j shows settled i i ('in s ami viom Jhhisli uitli V : n "* ; / *" , iMiuc, lass work at reasonable prices. %1 Mrs. I. A. A nil row. ! Mr- 1 I lina col leg >111 has a candidate for any of- Iv1111 let such universal npprov- Benn i all sections nf the dixtrut. as jjoyed Easti tnifested lor Hon Ij. .1. Wil- jjr ^ U tin' distinguished and beloved Edgefield. Mr. Williams repre- Ul" ,""ne 1 this Section in the mem >ral>le j Mr. M. e-sion of lSHH, and was coii- home. The ' Mr. M. K. Ki Ci-inter, of lli^ Soutb t'aro-1 Itatosburg. \?-i i*. spent Sunday afternoon ,iinl sister here Mr. Albert ie Butler, of >lu mbia, er- S| rings prospe *r in cur city. conveniently cr . Sluill spent Knster with Mrs. Un \.Us. Mrs. J. C. Shea M 11 iddle, has; returned last, students are sorry to s:i\e Miss i.oeileH it la ml and family, of U"1 ,s '"iien uener ted the former's mother Mr--. Smith and Sunday. returned from a vi A>hi 11, one of Itidjje Kwell Week.i roiis youiif; men, verv on March 18th. illed this way Sunday. Mr. J- I'arker ito visited her daughter, Mr Cochran, of Bl ly at I-eesv iIle S'Jiidav street. Mr . C. k Suwvt di(,i?>in. who is- a student al'er a short stay i now. Mrs. Morgan lm/e sit to Florida. of Langley, died bought a lot from aekville, on Union r returned to Aiken a Edgefield. Hennle Towill aeooinpniued iliem hael* home. We art* ottering two tine clnbliiu* eonibinations. Take advantage ol either. You also gel u uhaumi at 0111!. ""IIB I M iss Mary Eliza Fox, who is attend tng the College lor Women ut Coluin bia f pent the Easter holidays witl the h < me folks. ; Col. Geo. Hell Tiininermun is mak- ; ,.j( iOfj esbtir,; headquarters these! days?rather it seems that way. let \ Miss lleonio Towill, wi n has been I 'u>l teaching a si.eoessfu' session of tliej,,,] broad Marsh school i? home lor vucu?. t on. J10 Mr. and Mrs M. It. Edwards spent ( '*,l ( Sunday in EecsvilU , the home oT til? ; iiu former's parents. Uev. and Mrs. .Joab| - v - sniereU t* youtli was nut spared, an I I ids ol t?f ere; uler age, wli > should have been :>i '/l!'In't me w i 111 tli?. i i* parerts, wer | ? r- the n tied to remain in I lie hall a'.d listen J,' idles iiui in Tor decent men, thus tNovv 1 He.* ving with a polluted mind. What Hoard ifinnhgf'itient of our Opera House was ?-t of I>ir i'.I l,?Vu I....... I >. ..r ... ..I . iii! untiring worier, a man up Mr. Kill it cxi'cutive ability ami of i .' " inlltience anil ilitegtityj ^ ' ' roibirril tlie bill will b took j Clieraw, riiing?mei|t out of tbo hands Mr. Tillti State House dlloia's, and put ......Mnni barge of a Ib.ard of Control ' . ho !l,r.rd of L)irr.:lttr ;v , where be ih . s elected as a member of Ibis stitute. of Control and -later, iii 1U01 .Mr-: I{i|| ected (of t,^ Board ; etJ ,riemth ectors of the l)ispen?tfry. lie' M (|t. lule. at Leesville eol t. Herbert -prut Easter in Mnnelta Saliiri] Mr. Swear in nan Shealey passed through among the visi lay en luute (o Columbia, Mi. Claud lla i attending the Bible In- was in town a I It is geucrall, a Wise, of Colombia, visit-I students of Mo here last week. ^ planned to van lege visited relatives at Miss Rorginan lay and Sunday. friends at whist an Rf't <>t Trenton, was Mr. Cordon lien tors here last Sunday. ford were married Kgot.of Ridge Spring, parsonage by Rev. V\v days a^o. Mrs. E. A. Wood y understood that the Istered at Magnolia netta High school had The home of Mr. ate the school last K?i- was entered on Ma - r ? ntcrtalne.! a few Friday, March 25th, idon and Mi*a Cranat the Methodist It. H. Turnipseed. ?, of I'ittsburg, reg, Inn. , William Cirosvtro i ch 2Hth by burglars. Mr. John Koa left last wet?k for Con cord, N. C., where hr will be eon mot ed with one of the large business houses there as bookkeeper. Messrs. J. I*. ituzhardt and C. E Craven the popular mi I men of Wards visited our town Saturday. They had esse of their mill* liurnetl Fridu\ night. It was set on lire by lightning " 1 -> ?? i:........ v.. i j uuwnrus, j Mr. ?! I?, Iljte, "Doctor to be", who has been iittenoing the Medina) col- J hu * I lege at Augusta, is at home for the j jj( j vacation. | i *?> Messrs. Arthur and llill r.ouknight,! '' two of the good citizens of our sister *'t* town, Leesville, were receiving the j |,0 glad hjind here Monday, . . ! an A meeting or citizens, as will he .... " * " >" ? - litis sli v such a J show, we do not know, man v ' lau h tit in (o be hoped thai our Opera energy ntse will never again be polluted "hility in the such an ggregatior of women, since i based in every way, unable to ''nt- H clean i Ul the.r heads up before decency p-puta M r d in I lie eycii of men but as so . ' of Ills km' iii.ii turn serve i a* ; * ,illimit opposition. Ilis service ; Cades Mote veil oharaeterized l>y untiring m work. . el eat handed and husineas which has put the dispensary best condiliou it has been ( .. t was inaugurated. Many men ' 1 ;one into this business with a i'l Co record and .mine nut with their Mr. A. M tjous staiiiod with suspicion. at?'|enisoi Wiiiiains leaves the tiisp-i.sary o.N ti aeeord with hands, patents, .1 ... ...... \ I .. I / v HUJ4&II iuanut'\\n wiii" 10 uay. when it 1 ilay, where lu* wi.l engage day tliat there lay, t he sLudtu _ ?. . had endeayoret F rom Delmar. .. ... . Alanv penn.e ii < annoii is Malting re la.- * . . . I tended therein In nhia. ( t., i . . . . i meiit high-ton . bhealev lately a student ... . . 1 ting, given at i oollege is tin a visit to his | , , r. and .Mrs. .1. Kd, Shealev. > ,, , ) 1 here was a iirtnttuiM-t'ti inurs- -- ?- ?-?* ?.? urH.u< would be nc school Fri- nade, and while sc its believed the teachers family were ou I t > "turn the joke*" hrro came up, and I of this community at- l>1' him as a sign or Keeital,Jail entertain- around the house 11 e I, creditable and eleva- hack. About this t I.eesville college Friday dining room her as if some one ncgio row near here | Pa;d no attention ?-? nrir vucir V\? ormune members of the the piazzia a nethe seranaders bowi. Then he walked liiil entered it at the ime those who were trd a noise overhead stumbled, but they i to the noise and nurai rrro w n< cij ??> ? , fr>*m Batesburg, with Will A.Kawl ;t.< eurrier, began operation last Friday Tin* Advocate visits many ??t" tlie go k penplo along th|s route anil hopes >1 wilt not be long before it will go |iit< every home on tlie route. Our Mobaeribers are not failing t< take advantage of the clubbing oU'?n \ e are making. The Kit. l<oui? Kepub lie twice eat ii week for a year, "" ' oj 1 l>a It'nrnt Visititr flftV t V\ < 'seen'wuere, is ca I It'll lor Monday I "i:i ' at the opera house. a'l aten.i | and argue upon a p an lor good road | ' ! improvement. , abi i Tlie f.'?ne Star Hand is . not dead?j l'H' but oi|ly sleeps We are inlorm.'U am by its lender that tire long sweet > strains will be beard Hauling on the ''n ' evening breeze. |. Mil. I-' <A Idritlge lias tenderejl 1 tli 1 I 11 is resiirilll? inn !U I n i f ...I lllolui I l.. I my ainmtiis. a root mat nas onee an uii-> rboretl a performance like tlie one ' 1 1 man < i>re me lio:it<l coulil not br further ability bast (I by *helter tin* lo?v?st j' il vilfsl creature Hint tlotl e\*:r ho asp abl v pate,t- sea and . . . hull* < \ three y? ar old rlulu, playing m j,, t|,j ie factory of the Dickson S(jUib C >ijj" uiiieu reputation. lie lias prov mi .m. >. vj f a clean, honest and capable Sunday in ?f nival bnsiuesi ar.e excutive Messrs ( and lias demonstrated in his v" Hlbiie service his peculiar lit- * , M berry ?r lie l|igli position in which the former dris. That lie will .blj", honor- C. Can^lin auo creditably represent the >yjr j congressional eistricl iu III* . ! f Congress, few if anv not onlj >,r" s district but in the State, will improved on .lohii?'nu Moniter Mar Hist. Mr. and . r.rgie, 01 i.eesville, spent , , , . ' 1 Sunday night ? Delmar. . , lining "knifti anghin.ui and Derrick, ol . .. , ,. .. . 'Stitched . college, spt nt K.ister with ,, . O lv a week ' s parents Mr. and Mr-. J. ... , .vas ill. I n a. I nan. ... , . regarded as ser .. Mienly. Jr., lias heen quite . , , , , . 1 to Augusta w I i era I days, though lie lias . , . . . ncr!04tiled, liu oiiie at this wr lii g. ,, ? , morning at ??:t Mrs 1. K. Kitiitiger, til near . ... Iiieh resulted in a father after i et .irning to tl and a son hein^ some cue liad stole ! jewelerv ami inont :>K<) lilt'e l>.>llj Burton to $8(H) 'I lie tl e\v days her ease was Two of whieli are ions. She was t ken I he others were th iere an operation w?s|lhe Carnival wh l to no avail. Saturday Aiken last week. )0 o'eloek, as she seeineil I^r. T. T. Moore, ' * : ? i.-- I in 1 lie i-i l v for a fe rooms found that n a large amount of y which amounted lievea were caught. Aiken negroes, and ose who belonged to li |'assed through .) r., of Columbia, is w ilnvs. l,,v "? - .7 times each year and Ti.e Advocate ? times a yeai?207 papers a year- a I fan |1.26, in advance. Mrs W. W. Kneeoe died at Iter honv Tuesday morning at Middlebur# Mills The deceased was the wife of on townsman, Mr. Ward law K??ece( win haa the sympathy of many friend* ii his bereveinent. Three children am the husband survive her. 1 puty add ret urdcd hoiw.e from t'haelesI ton last Friday. Just couldn't stay *'i' a\v:?n , tliat's ail. J lot Hev. VV. P. \arbohoiigh on last Sun- an day began a scries of meetings at the mill chapel. Ser? i. os every afternoon r( at 4;iMaudat 7at night. The pub- j hi" is cordially inviud to attend audi X? I assist ill I lie conduct ot these meot-! 11, ings. Sunday night tlioy will close. 8#l I Some neirro mvbiiis 011 Moiul iv nii?lit ny at l'ricebui ?, J'a., threw a nib into a stove. An explosion t'??I? ,ved in which six persons were i.illed C? d many injured. On : Wilki The Federal l'rust Company, ot pastor 'W York has made an assignment to t? tak e (inardian Trust Company of fhe the mi me place, j A ? : IU l\ i visit*, i Moore and tmplimcntary to Dr. \\ ilkins. \| Minday, March '21, HtiH. I>r A. <' , basilicas o< n> tendered hi.-, resignation us : Sunday \vi of tlie I'M -luirtf I'uplist church i \V. M_ Sh e elVeet a I liiw discretion?either' iddle or la?l of Aprii. omm ttee of three, consisting of ' ii -e;........ -... ... i i' r:i... .r. spent Easter will, Mr.T.c. family. ai,Kels. Sa.JIi >h Slu-alv, ol the Columbia :iimI " hal * 1 allege, spent Satiml.y and W his parents, Mr. an.l Mr.. d"?lh WH* I'"rt.awere silent, ul ? wept; strong i I trown. ? words ol grid Saluda News. (Sod ,,nl* < luneral ?ervir i. t , > II tJ Wnil i * I j t11 11 i in- | ^ ? _ _ -ad ! -ail! Yes, '11- true, ! All's* (ienia Wow use In deny iir Dolly \ a four weeks visi when Hie news of her rth. ilded, her s lioolinali s Messrs. .1. O. Pal 1 hut -obs; hei teachers a"d May Held neii were made U uttir candidates for Co I": and her relative-.? j city on Thursday, i eouii'uit theui. The I ^'r fC ?i es ware held from the J11 business trip. hvan! returned after t to friends in the itersou, of Ua.nwell of Hiiniberg, botli ngross were in the tint to Columbia on Rtv. E. T. Hodges preached nppr., priato .sermons on Easter .Sunday a Ht. John's cliurch, ltatesborg, m t li morning and at Ridge Spring ir. 111 afternoon. The floral daro|\ii ion Were simple and ueai.tifol?the nnisi exeellent. The offerings, amount ioj to a little over $100, was applied t missions. " | wanted to see tlie show, but did not ' , have the price of admission, so secured e a ladder and ^:>t on top ?.!' StoUes' e hardware store so they could see s through the window. They were dis- ''' ' covered anil driven down and llui- dn s their good morals were presyrvnl to da ?ithein. It in an ill wind that blows |(> liohody good. ? te "Dear Bill." "h*1 1} appo i A ?< iillemnn the other day handed us (>1) j e following loiter, which ??e re pro- >rJ ice omitting iiauit-, the Utter 's ! vn I) i i^l ted Concord, N.C. J'clirnarv Huh, j (1Iianj 04 and as you will soc, addrc sc I to [) ar Bill " It wan neatly t y pe writ- i |tnt< si n on stationery u-cd by a large cot- ^ j>t ..... Mi-^ Km r. then. A. JJuattlelcuiin, e tie (:hapin itoil to report on '.lie resignation. \j js> y|n a?t Sun.lay I hey made '.heir re- wil|t | neeejit ill}; the resignation. After, yj,.,. \\ . , ilie following reso'titIons v ere J sj, |< moil>ly adopted an 1 ordered pull- proving;. in the Baptist Courier and The j fcx.Supt Inir}; Ailvoeate: ? I lieon in to Kesolvid: That in the a> . ept- >1;iV OVt.r niee Sadler visit?t' Miss Mat- llorlou hoiue < an last week. Justus, of Lee ynie ll.iK^'-t spent Sunday (.( munt e'l to mine folks. burying ft1'" Ldwar.ts, who has been irietxis aial 1 for the past two weeks is im- Theftiiefis n iiioi nix-; the : . of Kilueatit n MajfleUl has j t(, jo r.aile tlx -> 11 for several days. lie *>? ill were seen j. ;i nil nltxitil fit* '*'? nitttiiif it i * >n Smday by tin- Itav. ijmtc u large pa >ville. The body was ta lu see the "Wiz t he grave in ihe fniniiy und amidst sorrowing j oaii11fiiI lloral tributes. lot yet over. Monday Cl pirit of sadness seemed Kaster pasted ol entire school. Students j The most of our ;at hering relies, their :,t Convent Hap rty went to Augusanl of <)/." A. B. C. ivern. V very quietly. people woiv hipped li-t church. Why y. >v. uswii.D, rrcs, t>eo. isi Ai.kkkd J. The hoi Incor i PYiwm'nw u i. j immekmAN, \ ici'-rrts. A Attorney. I 1,1 Fox, Cashier. in so ne Bank, ? 1 porated. |!![ c/\i v" i r?/\i k < . i ii milling uriii <11 inai pi.irr: ance < 1>KAK HII.L: Your letter asking n pa i* for a loan of $o.(H) to hand. 1 ain rhure rry to say I cannot le! yen have it a- place have not got the money. Since tuithf riling this letter | haw borrow ed $.V? lidelit oin a friend of aii'.o and will lot yon sued I ive the Jive but will have to v\a I tin 'andti I my n \t letter as | have already ly on1 ailed this one and cannot get it Jut to tin i lie Post Olllce, . < 'hi iti You say that you are Mirpri-ed t?'chine ?! tin* mil ot Mr. >\ ilkips, .tor of tin* ll.itf-.oiirK H.ipii-i invs i ii, vvi*. as a ehunh, desire t> Air. W"I on reroril our nppreriatioti of t lit* |ias n N nine?, ?>ariu*stiic s, /.??al anil vv j _ y with vvlii l? lo* has st i ailily pur-! ' lis ilu e? as p ist<>r and pr?-Heli.-r I'ri.f. H. le interest wliioh ho has e>i:istanl - j-oliool at I nilo-toil in t v-ij Hurl pot-',amine aIll| ailv iii?*oin *nt <?l the Kingdom ol I, si iloo he lias been 11 istor ol the 1x 1' 1 "" Miss Ito naintvi \vr iien 'oe-dny. j l>y \\ Ittc*li to I Icj (iillion, of I'hira^o, '" ami Hi lioolumt isiiim; liifattier for several j vvi, u her ileal i wept bitterly. I>'. < arson, who is teaching thus loved; >1 .atta. spent .Sunday at home. ; ;in,l pa hers, Mrs. .1. M. Smith attended e:,.\eii years ? t Hood Hope ln>t S unlay. and reinarkal -sie Winn visited her -ister. j>r,.|iiming. v i i?y 4 iiauu, rail l otri\uin iia> remember their friend own'/ e. A iid t his was not all; "Something doi ill was referred to, all lute The nu'rcliuii litj* no wonder she was store room ami ar le loved her schoolmates lar?*er stock than loviil all. Dolly was The turpentine if a;;e, kind, inmnent Lybnand ar.d (ii ily intelligent; >l,e was ' their stills and ex Vh\ she was llms taken business than eve r .1 (.11 iii i ii (ii lit i us" hi our town of ts Imve added more e handling a much before. season is lieie and inler rip repairing peel to do a greater r. I VI 1 ? Capital, $ FOURM Per Centum, pe on Savings Accouu rril//\ ^ I*_- A. ^AK^LIiMA Ii. 30,000.00 i in 1 I 41 >1 r annum, Payable Quarterly [? its. I u\ . . _ *ar thai 1 am alive as you beam 1 '-'imI as dead hut it was another fellow, I biotlu tew it was not nte the moment I read w h uu Speaking of deaths, yoor old upon lend Co*'. Murphy was murdered last field t e||t in hei] for his money, hut luck} r t'oti lie put his money in the hank ie day before. We liaye rea oils t > lievts he is not Mile ! and wi.l not Ie." I'Vu 11iin dead till we he.u it Irom his | .vii lips. 1 thank yon for tie* elegant pair of Tin 1 hat im* n.ii.nit ml 111hi to ilie | Mrs, K. W i?rly love I*ml fsivor of the Hook li.j Miss m , i lie jjoes; ::iiil ask (ioil s blessing 11iin 111111 Ios labors in bis new j l" if usefulness. ' fpii'iitls. |w>|u it| fully submit lt d, , er.ii ilaj s \V. II. Tiuiiiiermuu, j Mrs* | .1 t . (5lover, '1'. A. (j'l i' 1 lebaiiiii j '!;l"V I" t Committee. i ."flat ive* | t At a im K. V. < iiIIuiii <' >. Ii ive just re- L, . , . ('much last week. w e van not see ni.l Wise has rft urnetl t.? S.i- nothing, llit- tleligiit ol her ninnv willing t > g<?. Mi>- Ma Colt-Mian spent sev- j, |?VciJ oatIll town la-t week. 110i father ai t. K. Ktliei-f-il#?f and little :llui ?1X b-olli of Cran i tt-v iI'.i' are visiting w -w iltrj r. iTt-, J never ft rgel. elingof the ilirertors of the| .l.l.vl.lll I . I II ? '. II . 11 lllt.l ill I , I>111 know that she ha> Col. A. Klioe I Sir expressed h-Tself a> < 1 iv H?.iiri i; nil w an I made an a| ,< a I I r 'ears of K >a t: 11 r.a - to meet in r in heaven. I?r. A <>. Yeari id mother, t?vo sisters . werk looking afte trs in.mrn n the loss. c.'.alk Mil!. It i ot to grieve but shall be-.l in tins eoiniu Mr. K Id Shull.i pleted a lovely ins bi^nn washing ill soon have several <ly for market. 11 was in town last r I s K on I i ii bed at s saiil to be one the unity. >f near here has comhonie a'. Snow ilill i wi} [?.) rer senium per on checkingaccoui not less I han $200. YOUR ACCOU 'Ariip Fur Further Jnforinat|oi Always Givun. - annum, Payable Quarterly i?< its on minimum amount of 00. s, t NTS SOLICITED. I v i Prompt up I Courteous Attmill "i p - - ? ii w Mts that you staiil me hut they arc j t.,.; V(1| ilirely loo small, I do not, . hink I ran; |(ti j el iliriii on until 1 have worn tln-in j ' i vera I t i in s. In ri'turn for the hoots i ox'"r have sent you hy tins day's expres- a i ne I r i -1 > free/i- overcoat ami as the Kpress ci mpaiiy eharge hy fn i^ht I | lit the buttons oil' to save expense. I * " i u will lilid the bittms in llie top J inee ock- t of the coat |\>r fear you have conn ot a hatchet handy to open the box | ... :n 11 h 1 ha ve hacked one \v i t li t he e mi. i "J. 1 1 a lar^e u:.?l fullliii" of b\iuti ?? |> tiles low eiit slipper.H ami l > Sal :nl .v Is ties. increase l to f 109,0'l Citizens Meeting. , , nt. Hrsl it are all invited to it ritiz* ll? J per mile itiU to meet the Major ami ? ity ' period re *iI on Moii lav at l0:0t> o'c o k a. j t.lit* slo. k I lie opera house for the purpose j ;{okli to r. ail way ceiiipai y ti?* l?l lieie i '' l'' ' J ?> i r opera hoti alIt-rimmi i; was decide.I to ' (.| u.(heir lie capita! nlock from ifti.'i.OUi bar.? ?> 11 hum 0 and to issue $r?0,(>U0 <i per *old iiineh I'.h niartiraije bonds. 11r $"i ( ',)<) ''11 11 1 -N . '* * * i pnw.ier wlncl . ATter Kiviiirf notice for ill hardened fact ijuiieil n law a nicetinjr ?' tin* la'ter tret linlJcrs w ill lie held nil April . lookup* I >i 11 ily t lie action of t lie direcln- | Ration that appeared at which nc iiimycu Men laj ni^lii had pur- si>ter Mrs, lii??ht< Mate till 1 ,.-||.s i . I!:.',chants world not have , .they were ahsrevint ml, n\ I\ line is visi ad | urcli iscil tin* pa nt v.lie. i they dauhed on iheir ! Mrs. Kli/ilu-tli S from ..I.r tlr.iffKists, am, Misj, t ura itltMiieii Wt'jiM luive to r :i new supply, quests ?>I Miss Liv - <'ome otfaiii \w i\ ilf nix._ I such pleasant visi in mm ?r^i\. 11 ?r% >wer w ill keep house friends in Black Rhodes, of Perry illey, of Sally, were './.ie tinnier last week, re always glad to see tors to our town. HOARD O f. W. oriwai.n, ai.kkkf) i ( ko. He 1.1. Timmkkman, II. I. <>?. COUNTY AND 1 afety Deposit Boxes for Rent F DIRI-CTOKS: >' Kox. Kdwin \V. K<> h khthon il WAI.1?, .11* I.I AN K. KAFFMAN. II OWN DEPOSITORY, , 1 Your I nch* idicky Dc.v Died very : l '1' ii?l<lenly last ni^lit alter .1 lingering lie it In ess. The doctor who at tended him iiiil lie le ver hn<> a patient It > took netliciiie any easier than your uncle, lid lie himself said he had as soon .ike ilie medicine as whiskey provided t lias the same I i-to. The old man tin* levy ^li^li'ly for pit j rati*. M nproveiiii'lils. ' 1 ln? one o \V. I.. Haw I, ! ??'r. \.. I?. Coll.,in. "{. ?lay 11 \\ . ?\. Crouch, olner mo T, H. Kernaglian, ii*|.e''tio N. l'.iivly. vv. nl ove - r*. Molilcy Mill Sander*. | I'"' i 111 on i Kith field, tlia other of ? in - f''11' ! ' nil inhers nl (in- penitent iar\ t i:*l?11 11^ liri'i tors, were in Saluda I-'ri- P'-1'"'*" SI.1, ?'i" i In,) were joined by tin*! Tlie l\?nam tuber, Mr. lYuril'ov, after I'.v Colombia ir tin- oliain^an^ of t bis ronnl v VVI" n >w m;i ^ r to Kd^i'liidii. " i I'irted State I rn>v v iiiii I'.m} i l < )i i:h d last Thursday, i Mr. J. I* i*.i of ilit* company arc , J.oesville. Oh,(MM), The "sky ncij?p a ivinal ease lias been h>s. imieh to the and the French oompany ,, u now reftll f, ic over I's proper!J m the i r> s| eiit Sunday in c;" oil the hillside beauty of tlie town. >r occupancy. "Sparrow."