THE ADVOCATE. JOHN BELL TOWILL, Editor and Manager. ERNEST WIQU1NS, Associate Editor. publ18iikd weekly hy tiik advocatk pudlishino company. (joint stock.) Subscription Price I One Year, $1.00] Six Months, CO tkums, payable in advance. For liberal terms to advertisers, apply at olllee. G.?od correspondents wnnuil in f .n v i n o- s nn a iIfi'll 1111(1 Sttlll da Counties. Wednesday, Apr., 9, 19J2Educational Week at the Exposition lias crowded Charleston with ' young America," The crowd of students seems to have increased the gala upperance of the city. It is a good step to bring so many young people to the Exposition for it fosters a greater state pride, gives the students a restful holiday, and swells the hearts and pockets of the directors. * * # No DlSl'KSAKY. Qlt has come to our ears that a petition is being circulated among certain people of our town, seeking by their signatures the calling of an election with the avowed purpose of trying to saddle oil'on Batesburg a dispensary. It is up to our citizens who appreciate the value and need of upright citizenship and a moral atmosphere to prevent such an election from being held. We do not deny that a dispensary will increase the sh 'kels of the town's treasury, but it will he a case of subtraction and division when it came to the real welfare of our people. We do not "need a dispensary. We need bette- school facilities so that the youth of our coin munity will be taught to despise whiskey, and to avoid its use. Those who seek to plaee a grog-shop here, though it be regulated bj- the arm of law. seek to advance their own petty selfish desires, and never for once do they think of the true moral welfare of the town. We do not want a dispensary?the strong smell of which savors of drunkenness, immorality, and eventually crime We trust that those who have forgotton the town in the advancement of selfish plans will consider? tli^fc?before they attempt such a it be brought to the test, let ? ^^HB^man with a true mother's train + f f # News FKom Lkesvii.i.k. On Thursday night the 20th. the Rev. J. D. Kinard was given a very pleasant surprise, about eight o'clock the members of bis cliuieh at I.eesville began to call in, each bearing a large and sub tautinl package until a large crowd had gathered and brought great quanitv of valuable presents. This is only a slight indication of the high esteem that his people have for him. Mr. Allen of North Car- lina has opened a lirst class meat market here. He is giving the best service that I.eesvilie has ever enjoyed. Mr. C. I). Harr is arranging to bmld a $ 10,000. Collin Factory here. The foundation is already laid and the lumber is on tlie ground. It will be sometime before the machinery can be put in opperat ion. Mr. B irr thinks be will not be ready for work before the first of January 190J. The Oil Mill people are going right ahead. $2r>,000. worth of slock has . Iw.l.fl IdL-nn ntwl I I... II .. ? : ?_ I I . I ^ Wvv>. ??*?VU UIIV4 I 111- 11191 Iin anilll'lil paid in. Four acres of land lias been bought ami paid for. The site is between the Augusta road and tlie Rail lioad just opposite Hart's flour mill. The stockholdere have advertised for bids for machinery and material. They will also erect a large and complete ginnery in connection with the Oil Mill. Every tiling will be complete, ready for the new crop. . _ - - _ Tlie building still goes on in leesf vilie. Mr. Tlios. II. Adams is building a large and beautiful residence near the college, Mr. l.amb Matthews splendid residence will soon be completed, aslo Mr. .Ins. Warren's. Mrs. Sallie Drafts lias ju-1 bought a large lot and will build here this slimmer. Dr. E. J. Ethercdge lias just received plans and specification for a magnificent mansion which will ba built at once. The peach crop is still perfectly safe and promises to be very line. Some of the tobacco barns have been completed and others being built. The seed beds have made a complete stand and every preperation is being made to raise a successful Top. A large ucreage will be planted. There will be some mellons ai.d cantalopes planted. The College will go to the Exposition on April the 2nd. and be g.>ne four days. A good inanyol our people have already gone and all return pleased. M isi 1 ertrude Oxrier Inn home to spend her vacation. Also, Miss Bertha Anderson, who taught a very success Till school at Meadow I'ond Saluda County. Mr. Furman Ahle, who taught sell >< 1 & daring the winter has gone t<> Atlanta 0 t take a busines- cour ft Mr. prendergast and family, wliol ft came here from Rot heater, N Y. t? | ? spool the winter, have decided to lorn oate here. He has been great y beneB filed. B The Vollers, family from Wllming- | Bj ton, N. is here to spend the suminer. They are delighted with I.eesvillemr. ' "CrcnES i We are Youi We PLEASE GIVE For your fan For your coffee, flour, grits, sugar ar of eatable goods and Canned goods, tin corn, wholesale and "Ice OoicL We will be pleaset dies and gentlemen, we sell for cash. You Eawl - c Miss Janet Kjzts, of l.rxitiKton is visiting her many friends in I.eesville. Pope Matthews and little Marie of Columbia, was visiting relatives here. Sunday the23id. Mrs. E. It. Haynes, State president of the W. C. T. U. and Miss Mary llryce Herbert, who attended the National Congress of the union at the Exposition have returned. Max In Philadelphia. Easter is a big time in Philadelphia. It rivals Christmas. Erery body tries to reu?embur bis dear friends with Easter present, generally cards or potted plants. The ladie>, as in the South, must have new hats and dresses foi Easter Sunday. The show windows are lull of china Eggs and rabbits ol var'ous material. I have not seen any colored Eggs yet. but as it is only Friday and as I have seen hundreds of packages of dye exposed for sale. 1 guess beautifully dyad eggs will be plentiful. Easter Mouday is a picnic day something new to me. Some people keep that day as Sunday am told. A white barber (1 have seen no negro barbers in the City) told me. Some people keep Easter Monday and have a big lime ami get drunk. Really it were better if people would work hard in all week day's and have no holiday's at all, than to "keep the day like many do. A big time at Easter. A <1 inUen spree at Chrismas. Tin verily, a pour Easter or Christinas that cant exist in a jug. We have too many holidays, ami Ini glad the Southern people plow on some of them. Of course we should always have a thankgiving day, but alas, even in the South the best country in the world h iw many "aeep the day," by shooting partidges, instead of going to church and giving soma thing t'j the orphans. "An idol brain is the devil's workshop, and a body engaged in the devil's work is a servant in the shop. We have been having nice v e.ither for several days, but spring has not brought us any leaves on the trees, nor any wild flowers in the fields. The hot house plants are beautilul, but no violets can be found yet on the hills, where ere long they will cover the ground. 8 taw berry plants are just peeping out of the ground Though we h ive no spring vegetation, many signs of spring are to be seen. It'.aek birds and robins are numerous. The people are atitieipalive of out door exercises, soon to he pt-rmitteo, and of the general good times of the season. The stores have spring goods on the counters and in he windows. Rap: rap: rap: all around one can hear strange noises. Some times it sounds like the hammering of numerous carpenters, and at other times it seems as if the poor children in the neighh irhood were be;ng soundly thrashed, without any lomentative on tlie part el' the cir'ldren. Hap: rap: rap! rap! the carpet heaters ga. J j suppose the dust must lly. Sirs been interested in a hook < f names lately. 1 have looked ov? r thirty thousands names of early (ler mam unci 1 miicii seiners in tins country. Those names v ere taken from colonial records. The tine covered is from 1720 to 17CO. Among these names I find many names still among us in Saluda and I.exington county. Some are spelled diUVrenlly now. If I plubli-li these names names now, e en if 1 should make no mistake, somebody would become angry 1 fear; for the names are so different now. 1 know that many would say: my name was never spelled that way. Max. Tiik Adiuckss ok Mas. Stevens, at I.ees v 11.i.e. I'rinted bj request. Prohibition is better for the state and lor the nation. I refer to total abstinence,* because I am looking into the fares of so many white rihboners that we have hers. E irh year our great army of white ribboners increas ?-s, and hundreds of new members are added every year. I expect there are members here who wonder w hy we speak on tins great question, hut it is because we think we are doing our duty to (iod and to our fellow creatures. Tne followers of intemperance brine a!>out many points which they say art j -trongly in favor of their side. By these men and by there various notions vast numbers of men are <1 riven down to boll. The gain of liquor drinking is blood-shed, great loss of lives, furniture in the home is broken, destrue lion of every kind in 'be home am1 love links are broken wbii li is never n oted. Some one has wisely said, as time I as proved, that total abstii eTTe s the best, and all total abstainers know what untold good it lias done thetn. The liquor is the greatest curse to human family, and l a done the greatest li.trm of them all : s the stal isties show. Someone hassaid that on every tiarrel of liquor sold hj retail I went y -one d liars is gamed. ] I will now endeavor to produce sumi niiind reason why we should he total n istaimri Great and lasting good In s been and is still being done i y the Woman's National Christian Temperinee Union. All men would have been the better bad they heard I.ady Sotner v?OTTO! ng scire Willing TTG \ a r r UO /V IjAL/L. ey groceries; meat, . meal, lard, id any and all kinds fruits. ware, hay,oats and retail. ZDrizm-lss." 1 to ser> e both laWc sell cheap. rs very truly, ? -* sett's Mildress on intemperance, wiiicli jshe delivered in Scotland. She i.-t a great opposer of liquor drinking and vices of every kind. Now to accomplish any great good we must ull be opposed to this awlful monster called liquor drinking. Charles Sheldon fiat forty years years ago his father was a gocd faithful preacher, but as an act of courtesy and friendship to his many friends he would occasionally take a dram with them, because it was their custom, and bad iic refused them, his influence among them would have been lost lljsays, 1 am a preacher of the gospel and no one has ever had the audacity to offer me a drink, and if they should, and were I to accept, I would immediately loose my position as past 111* i.T I l>>*u loi-oa To bo continued. Postal Laws. "2. If subscribers order the discontinuance of their periodicals, the publisher may continue to send them until all the ilues are paid. "3. I fscoseril ers neglect or refuse to their pel iodicals from the postolliee to which they nro directed, they >re responsible until they have settled their billi and ordered them discontinued. "4. If subscriber? move to other places without informing the publisher, and the papers are sent to the former address, they are held responsible. "5. The courts have decided that refusing to take th ? periodicals from the ollice. or removing and leaving them uncalled for, Is prima facia evidence of intentional fraud. 6 If subscribers pay in advance they are bound to give iKtico at tlie end of time if t hey do not wish to continue tatting it; othctwise the nudlisher is authorized to send it. anu the subscriber will be responeible until an express notice with payment of all artevges is sent to the publisher . The 'atest postal laws are are such that newpapers publishers can arrest any or.c for fraud who takes paper and refuses to pay for it. Under this law the men who allows his subscription to run a long for sonic time unpaid, and then orders it discontinued, or or lt-rs the postmaster to mark it refused,''and have a postal card sent notifying the published, is liable to arrest and line, the same i s for theft.?Atnericiis Times Recorder. CON KEDERATK \ KTKRaNS. RECNION. Dallas, Tex. April, 22?2oth., 1002 Southern Railway announces very low rates to Dallas Tex. for the Confederate veterans Reunion. Tickets will be sold April loth., 19th. and 20lh with final limit May 2nd. 1902. Hy depositing tiikel ( in person ) with .luint Agent at Dallas on or before april doth.. 1902 and payment id' fee of ")'? ets. at the t me of drp< sit an extension of tie- linn I limit to leave Da'las not later than May 15th, 1902 m y be secured. The rates lor this ocea-I sion are the lowest rates ever oll'ore.l to Texaj. Southern Railway affords quickest line and best service. For infot illation apply to nearest tickt t agent or address J. C. He in Jr. D. I*. A., Atlanta. Ga. U. W. Hunt. D 1*. A. Charleston, 3. C. W. K. MeGee. 'J'. 1*. A , Augusta, Ga. Jas. Freeman, Macon, Ga. W. 11. Taylor, Asst. G *11. I'ass. Agent, Atlanta, Ga. April, 20th. We've been sellini score of years" and 1 / t bat s wort h knowing and lit their's none i Quality and Walk-oi Clotlxing Meet your frieiu Thursday April, lOt The new goods \\ i I profusion. The qual NEW YOB THE HOME *p An I n^eiious Trent meat by which Drunkards arc Belnir jC Cured Daily in spite of Themselves. jH ,,i No Ndxous Closes. No \Vrak?n- _ HORSES & MUlESi AVe will have at our stables on Sn urilay March, 23tli. a cur load of fre. s'tiped Tennessee Horn s and Mule The very best that money rail buy ai will continue to ship and keep on bat through the spirng season the l#e Tennessee Horses and Mules for th country. Will not handle branded < unbroken stock. Our aim and object is to please 01 customers. B. L. JONES & SON. Kugelleld, S. C. Mar. 19 -lm. Insurance! Fire, Life and Accident 1 will appreciate a share of your 1 sura nee Business. The New Yo Life, the Glens Falls Fire, the l'lu: nix of Hartford, (Fire) the Truvelei Accident are conservative, liberal ai safe. None Better, few equal. For information address or call J me at the First Xutional Bank I Bates burg. W. W, WATSON, 3- 2d Agent. Ifeafness, Noises in the Henri, ?V Positively cured by Hartley** kar I.otk This new lieinedy goes riijit to the actual s< I of the disease, and has eflecled such remarkal cures that the greatest hone is held out to HUlTerers, no matter how l>ad or long--taudi the case may be. 0>K botti.k wil.LCcio. a ordinary ease, and will be sent securely pack and post-paid with full directions ami to menials upon receipt ??l SI iw. Order din from JAM'S K. IIAIil.KY, ?3, Stockdale Jtoi South Lambeth, London, i.n<.i- \nd. jg^^BrinE us your Jo Work.?? There is no ck mand loo small and n order too large for OUI STOCK OR FACILITIES. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR ''Something New Under The Sua All Doctors have tried to cure G. TAltliil by the use of powders a< gases, inhalers ami drug* in pHste fori Their powders dry up in the tnuco membranes causing them to crack op and bleed. The powerful acids us in the inhalers have entirely eat away the same membranes that tin makers have aimed to cure, while past and ointments cannot reach the d ease. And old and experienced prac tioncr who has for many years maJ. close study and specialty of the trei ment of Catarrh, has at last perfect iiTreatment which when faithfully ?.. not only relieves at once, hut permat iv cures Catarrh, by removing t cause, stopping the discharges, ai curing all inflammation. It istheon remedy known to science that actual reaches allected parts. This wonder! remeiiv is known as "SN I* KKI.KS, I CJI' Alt A XT Eh I > CATAKltll 01 Til and is sold at the extremely low pri of One Dollar, etch package contai ing internal and external me Jim stiHk ient for a full month's treat tip and everything necessary to ita perfe use x "SNUFKi.ES" is the only C. TAltltll CT'UK ever made and >s nt recognized as the only safe and pm live cure for that annoying and d gnsting disease. It cures all inllam lion (piickly ami permaiilly and is at wonderfully quick to relieve II: FKVKit or GOIiD in toe I1KAD. GATAKRti when neglected oft? leads to CONST MTKlX ' SNl Kl.KV will save you il you use it once. It is no ordinary rcr -dy, but complete treatment which is positive guaranteed to cure cure t'ATAUK in any form or stage if used accordii to tlie directions which accompar each package. Don't delay, hut sei fur it at once, and write lull partici lar> as to v our condit ion, ami you w i receive specal advice from the disco erer of this wonderful remedy regari ing your case without co>t to you It yond the regular price if SN i f FhKf the "tiUAKANTEED t ATA Hit CUItK Sent prepaid to any address in tl (lulled States or Canada on receipt One Dollar. Addres Dept. 10EDWI I It. (ill.KSA COMl'ANY, -Ma and *_M Market Street, l'hiladelphi i. Bkttf.u Than 1'ii.i.s. The question has hi en asked, " 1 whaMvny are Chamberlain'sStomael & Liver Tablets superior to pilL: Our answer is: They are easier ai more plesaut to t ike more mild an gentle in effect una more reliable i they can always he depended upoi Then they cleanse and invigorate ll ' stomach and leaves the bowels in n na ura condition, while pills are inoi I harsh in effect and their use is t fie ' followed by constipation. For.-ale b i IJate-burg Drug () ?. Try Chamberlain's Stomach;- ?St I.ivi Tablets, the best physic. For sale li Itatesburg Drug Co. sihio: IE:sr]per,ie:t shoes for 4nif?* 11 we've brushed up u >\ When it conn u tlie same class rcr. I in these depart li, and any day %> %/ I hold a reception, it ics are higher and ,K RACK! \ ,I, 11iiK of (he nervctt. A I'lcusunt and positive Cure for the Liquoi llabit. ,,B It Is nu? gei.erully known and under stood that Drunkenness is a disease Ul and not weakness. A body tilled with poison, and nerves completely .shatter ur ed bv deriodieal or constant use of in- T toxicuting liquors, requires ??n antidote capable of neutralizing und eradicating this poison, and destroying the craving for intoxicants. Sufferers may now cure themselves at home without publicity or loss oT time from business by this this wonderful W "HOME GOLD CUKE" which has been perfected after many years of close J'OUl study and treauient of inebriates. ue"1 The faithful u*e according to direct- ^ ' ions ol this wonderful discovery is lwr pesitiveiy gauranteed to dure tlie most obstinate case, no matter liow hard a drinke. Our records show^the marveln" ous transformation of tliotisriids ot "I rk Drunkarks into sober, industrious and e- upright men. 11 ' B cons r?? WlVESCURE YOUIt HUSBANDS!! , lld CHILDREN CUHE YUlilt FATH- 1,1,11 EKS!! This retneds is in no sense a ???I nostrum but is a specific for this dis- lierl on euseonly, and is so skillfully devised por of and prepared that it is thorouglily sol ubleaml pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given in a cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it. Thousands o! Drunk? ards have curei themselves with this priceless remedy, und ts many more I have been cured ami made temperate ' men by having the I KE" ml in in is- Ollic ?v. tered by Icving Iriends and relatives ___ at wiliout their knowledge In coffee or tea j ( a,i anu ueneve louay mat iney uiscouiin- . ng tied drinking of their nwn free will. ,s a ">' DO NOT WALT. Do not be deluded not ,tl! by apparent and misleading "improve- p.,in set meiit." Drive out the disease at ottee oi. and for all time, The 4 ilOM E GOI.D 1 * 1 Cure" is sold at the extreme! low priee of One Dollar, thus placing it within linin reach of everybody a treatment more ,.mu effectual than others costing $25 to $ftO. . b Fuil directions at company each pack- ' uge. Special advice by skilled physio ''as ; ians when requested without extra lial churgh. Sent prepaid to cny part of iPitt the world on receSt of One Dollar.Address Deept. 1,Edwin lht Coin O . 1^ Our Clubbing Oflur. xX( The State (seoii-weekly edition) and -T . Tub Advocate for $2.25 a ytar, $1.25 for six months. Regular priee of both J, papers $3.00a year $1.50 for six months. The Thrice-a-Week World and Till. Advocate for $ I .lift a year, Sft cents for Di m six months. Regular price of both pa- ? <>ur pers $2.00 a year and $1.1)0 for six Kidi months. pure ^ The Advocate and Atlanta constitution (week- exte us 'y 1 year $1.75 cent*, six months ! cunts. The Parmei ,,,. ... Student and The Advocate 1 year SI?.">, six es ? v ' hi a : . mouths ts> cents. ,s* iliori li- T1IE NEW YORK WDLRI) rem. jM THRICE A-WEEK EDITION. " ?' t.,l As Good to you as a I > aii.y and You ed Get it at the Pkice ok a Weekly. res !t- Judging from the reports in the da- suil. he/.. . ... [1(j lly news papers, it seems Senator ly i MeLiurin made a hit at Anderson last lly Friday .July 31st. It furnishes more at the price than any other newspaper puhlishcd in America. Its-news scr 1 ^ vice covers all the globe and is equaled by that U of few dailies. Its reports froiu the lloer wai have not been excelled in thoroughness ami t) j promptness and with the presidentia! campaign ? (i^ now iu progress it will he invaluanlc. Its pollti mv l> iIm litily Impaittul. This fact. makes It of especial value to you at this time. j j| A- If you want to watch every move of tho great >W political campaign lake the Thriee-a Week ' i -i World. If you want to keep your eye on the ' IS- Trusts?and they need watching- take the """"~~ It* Thriee-a-Week World. If you want to know all **' fnri'ii'tt iIPVi?liitiniMnt?i t iLri* fit*- Tin In-. i.U'tuilf O' World. ' lv< The TUrice-a-Wctk World's regular suusorip- ' ill lion is only $1.00 per year. We niter tins mi- cd hi ' F e?|ualed newspaper and Till. Anvoc.v i k together |,,y at one year for si.05. (en(', a The regular subscription price ot the two apersis ?2. 00. j "Mill The News anil Courier (weekly eili- dang ! tJnnj and Tiie Advocate $1.75, six iy mouths 90 cents. case id Prices will be inade upon a|i|dication ""t i 11 * for other coinhinations ttian above, i Brut ill . . , , , v_ subscriptions also received lor any ol , 1 il- the above papers singly. The rates ' OK quoted are strictly for cash i.i advance. 4'i y ill Ij Write to or call on us for good reading. We offer you only The Best. ;( " The Advocate. : "'ff 1 of M.C w! lload the Postal m!,k' I | SOIIM - in another column vT-u ? * ? etlly In J Damier of Colds and laCitli'i'E lu ii "'! The greatset danger from colds and ofal j lagrippc is their resulting in pricumo- fecti | ilia . I f reason able care is used, how-j more *' ever, and Chamberlain's Cough Ken:- hoar: ls edy taken, nil dinger will he avoided, to ir !!* Among the tens of t hoosand> who have are a d*! used this remedy for these disiases, we the r have yet to learn of a single case hav- lijug e ing resulted in pneumonia, which) ? " slijws conclusively that its accrtainl y preventive of t hat dangerous malady !_ , It will cure a cold or an attack of la vere r grippe in less tunc than any other j whit iy treatment. It is pleasant and safe to Aftei take. For sale by Bateshurg Drugt o. r1 of A? i.l Iron Mineral, got a bo and found immediate beneficial Its. Would recommend it to a rets. Respectfully, II. S. Stkadman, the fi- in of Steadm.ic & Rile; 'Sburg, S. C. TRADE SUPPLIED. cid Iron Mineral Company, Columbia, S. C S?"" Corre: pondence Solicited, in sai k at Batesui'ko by Dr C arris and R. L Hartley. ?k to see a descriptive pampnli aiding all. How To Cl'KE tub Gkii*. main quiet at home and tal nberlain Cough Remedy as direr .d a q iek recovery is sure to fo That remedy counteracts an eiscy of Hie grip to result in pnei in, winch is ready toe only serioi ier. Among the tens of thousatu have used il for tlie grip, not or has ever been reported that di eciiver. Forsala by Ba'esbur J Co. t'dl illh ANI> CO; I? IV ClIILDlIK? have not the sliglite-t hesitant: r'.coin in Muling Cii amber lain jli Kcincdy to all who are sufld r in coughs or colds, '' says Cha .aiu r, Ksq. a well known watt r, of Colombo, Ceylon. "It lit two years si nee the City Disper lir^t railed my attenti >11 to tlii ible m 'dieine itni I ^liuve repeal used it ar. I it has always bee lieial. It has cured me quickl I .best eolds. It is especially el ve for children an 1 seldom tak lb in one bottle to cure them t >en<'ss. I have persuaded man y tins valuable medieine, and the II as weM pleased as myself ovi esiilts," For sale by Batesbur : c>?. (ioo!? KOR HllKl'MATlSM. *t fall I was taken wi'h a very si attack of inusetilar iheiimatisi ii caused me great and annoy a net trying several prescriptions an io cures, 1 decided to us hcrlian's I'ain Ha I 111, which I ha advertised in the South Jersey After two applications of tlii dy I was to it h better, and afte : one b ttle, I wa> completely I?S.illie Harris, Salem, X. J al=? by Uatcsburg l>rug Co. neighbor ran in with a bottle o i be r lam's Colic, Cholera ami I >iar Remedy when my son was suf Z with severe cramps and wa iiji a-* beyond hope by my regit lysician, who stands high in hi: --i mi, A I ter ailininistt ring threi ol it, my s- n regained conscious lit! recovered entirely with ii v four hours," sajs Mrs. Mar; r, of Mt. Crawford, Ya. 1 hi: is for sale by Ruteburg Druji a (imri'k ijrickly Cvrkp, lie winter of lsJM and 1S91> I was down with a severe attack ol is called l.a Grippe," says F. L tt, a p-ominent druggist of win III. The only medicine I used ' wo hot ties of Chamberlain's i Remedy. It oroko up the cold op the eoughing like magie, and never been troubled with Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ways be depended upon io break leiere eold and ward olf any en?d attacked of pin uinouia. lea-ant to take, too, which m ikes most destrcable and one of the aopul ir preparations in use for nilmenVs. For tale by HatesI?rv?. C >. \ % v-fjiuers And Health And Pleasure 1 1 ? i Re orti of the South with the j& I S NORTH, EAST and WEST. | Hlgh'Claaa V??ttbul# Xreins. Through Slaopln^-Car* ~ b?lw??n Now York and Now Orlotni, via Atlanta. Clnoinnati and Florida Point* via Atlanta and via H j Aihovillo. I Maw York and Florida, olthor via Lynchburg, Danvlllo U 1 and davannaht or via Richmond, Danvlllo and | ' l?f Savannah. ns Suporlor Dinlng-Cer Sorvico on rll Through Train*. 1 n(i Ex*ollont Forvico and how 11. as to Charleiton ac? R count .South Carolina Inter-S.- o ?nd Wr friends throughout this section, that we have purchased the entire stock or the Uate-burg Buggy & Harness Co.. and have he largest stock of ihe best Buggies and Harness that has ever been to this market. We defy competition as to quality and price. Before buying anything, ' jet our prices?that's all we asK. STEADMAN & RILEY, "The Rollers." ? ? =j? 1 ' Virginia=Carolir\a Chemical Company, CHARLESTON, S. C. , nrrrr * r? is. i K^njvi ui\ u, uJt. _ ATLANTA, GA. '* Largest Manufacturers of ]l Fertilizers in the South. d Importers of . K Pure Gem an Kainit, Mu? *ate oi i otash, , Niti nte of Soda, ?s Sul^aate of Potash. It is import.nt in buying your fertilizers, not h only to buy goous of established reputation and high ,s grade, but to buy where your wants of every ~ character can be supplied. < We are in position to furnish all classes of " goods and in such quantities as buyers desire. It r'_ will pay you to see us before purchasing. 1 Address Virginia*Carolina Chemical Co., y Charleston, S. C. y Send for Virginia-Carolina Almanac. free lor the aaking. T I 1-. . For Kent. , < ,, ... ... ... Hatcs>burjf Real-F.state for I ? Persons desiring to rent the E. . ! J ucCenna store building, should apply ?aie. | ' at once, to n ? ! Tlie stort building and two lots of J. C. GLOVER, I ; E. W. McLenna, deceased, is offered I . Pateeburg, s. 0. ' j for sale. The lots measure 70 feet 1 t* I ,, Something That Will I>o You front by 175 feet deep. j Good. For terms apply to I s We know of no way in which we ran ?* f- OLO\ ER, r be of more service to our readers than Batesburg, S. C. 1 to n il them of something that will he tjan_ g >q.i of real good to them. For this reason we want to acquaint them with what ? " * ? ' vve consider one of the very best reme- ... .... , .. ... f .. .. , . , , ,. Mr. Wheeler (lot Kid of llis ilies on the market for coughs, colds, and that alarming complaint, croup. Kheuiiintism. s We refer to Chamberl lie's Cough "during the winter of 189S I was so ^ Remedy. We have uitd It with snob j lame in my joints, ill fact all ovar my ' s good results in our family so long that I body, tlmt I could hardly hobble 4 _ it has become a household necessity, around, w hen I bought a bottle of By its prompt use we haven't any Oharaberlath'a Pain Balm. From the 1 doubt but that it has time and again first application 1 began to get well, prevented croup. The testimony is i and was cored and have worked steadI 11 v all thevear ?R. Wl eeL?r, Xorth' given upon our own experience, and I N ^ Kor saIe by ijdtesburg ? we suggest t 110 t our rentier*, especial- | |)|||r y those who have small children, al- j | ways seep jt in liieir Domes as a safe- guord against croup.?Camden (S. ('.) f Messenger. Fur sale by Batesburg ' licir Secret Is Out. Drug Co. All Sadie vilie, Ky,, was curious to ?????????????. <.Mu?*e of the va?i> improve! A Good Cough Medicine. ment in tbe health of Mrs. S. P. , (From the Gazette, 1'owooniba, Aus. Whittaker. who had for a long time, I (Ind ChamberlainV Cough Remedy endured untold suffering from a is an excellent medicine. I have been 4 hronic bronchial trouble. "It,s all suffering from a severe cough for the <',u> to '>r* * New Discovery," list two months, and it has effected n wr'*es her husband. It completely cure. I have great pleasure in recco- ',<>r am' also cured our little mmending it.?NV. C. Wockocr. This Sfraiid-Uaughter of n severe attact o is the opinion of one of our oldest and Whooping Cough. It positively most respected residents, and has been Clires Coughs, Colds, I.a