The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, June 19, 1901, Image 3

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HIE ADVOCATE. 1'l'ULISltKD KvKKY WKDNKDPiY. Farmer Tom llatsa of Ilibernia, was here Thursday. eir. mose ivneeoe 01 uie ui. i<um action made his appearance in these parts a few days ago. Mr. Jim Gunter of Saluda, was here Friday. Mr. J. N. Burton of Monetta, was in to see us a few days ago. Don't valuo a mail for the quality he is ot, but for the qualities he poseses. "Why do some folks run when they see our "Devil" coming? Plenty of rain, grass and sick looking farmers. Pretty girls frequently pause for reflection in front of store windows. The weather for the past week has been destructive to the fruit crop. The prospects are good for a large hay crop. Should women ever get to be a power In politics there will be a lot ofseratching done at the polls. Mr. Foster's home on the hill, is a thing of beauty. When complete will be the lovliest home in these part*. Miss Wolf of Richland county, is visiting her cousiu, Miss Mary Eliza Fox The favorite word with a woman is the last one It is easier to make complaints than it is to make a living. Don't forget the big barbecue i.i Ratesburg on the 4th. A great dinner will be served and great speeches will be made. Come and tell your neighbor to do likewise. Mr. Geo. Bell Tiinmerinan is home from the South Carolina College. He made highly distinguished 011 both examinations during the year 00 law. If a man looks upon the wine when it is red it is ve.'y likely to cast relleeions upon his nose. Misses Stephen*, two attractive young ladies of Atlanta, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. K. Jones. Mr. Geer. the genial representative of The atae, spent Thursday in our town. The State lias its share of subscribers evety where, especially in these parts. Mr. Ed Raw! has been sick several slays, at his home near Seivern. We are glad to know that he is improving. Gregg Riley says lie hadn't thought of getting married at all. Don't care what some folks say. neither. Mr. I>. B. Rawl has been looking after the new mill, for the past week, one day this week Mr. Glover Able of Steadman's, was .in tow n Friday. _Mtas Allie Jones of Ridge Spring, was iirtowh last week. ? Mr. James Rawl, of Lexington, ' was up .-seeing how his old range was looking Mrs. A. C. Mitchell has returned , from a visit to the home folks in Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Hartley have returned 1'ioin a visit to relatives near Trent, n. ilrs, Dora Etheredge of Dupont, *wat in town Saturday on business. Deputy Sheriff Frank Crouch was in ItownGaturciay on business. was erowded with people mnd our merchants were wearing broad tsoiiles Saturday. Mr. >W. W. Hall, a merchant of Samaria, was in the city Saturday on business Dr. \V. L. Kneece of Baxter, Was in the city Monday on proffessional luis.iness. Miss Virginia Brodie spent Monday Iin .town. Badpe Ernest Matthews "of Saluda, let his beaming smiles fall upon us last Monday. A great boy is His Honor. Dr. J. J. Blister of Ml Willing, was :among the bidders at the land sale .Monday, Cleikof Court, S. B. George, was liore the lirst o* tlie week 011 legal business. T ...i flmitor i\t Sovurn 5s. i'l Il ,uiv: V , - C? who has been iittc>ntlitifir tue Itatesburg J institute during the past session, has fjonu to Saluda to spend the summer Willi lier sister, M r?. \)r. F. B, O u liter. The tv.nny friends of Mr. J. 11. Hartley w I! he delighted to learn of his continued improvement. Mr. Ilarth y has been qiiicte sick for the past 3 months. We were glad to see .him on our streets this week. Mr. Miles L. Hi ley of Mt Willing, was in town Monday, Miles is growing popular in the Mercantile business at Mt Willing. Mr. II. A. Spann, one of our best farmers, was oil our streets Monday. Mr. Killinn llarman, who has been working in Columbia for the past" few months, has returned to his home here, hale and hearty as ever. .Mr. A. S. Quatt lehanin wn? among t he host of visitors who gave us calls Saturday. Mr. Quattlehauni Is a court ly gentleman, one w hom tis a pleasure to meet, Our old friend, Mr. Isiah Smith, of Clouds Creek, was on our streets Sni urday. A clever old gentleman is l?ro. Smith. Tre?-Hirer Frank W. Shealy, let lil* In*nig!' countenance fall on us lastSatturdav. Mr. Shealy is not onlyonoof Lexington county's best citizens, but one of the be9t county treasurers in South Carolina. There is no man in the county, whose friendship we value more highly. .Mr. George Slilrey, one of the a taunt-heat citizens in the land, was in town Saturday, as his custom is, laying ill plantation supplies. Mr, W . M. Fallnw, the well known brick mason of Monetta, gave us a call Saturday. The rain, tha rain! Well, we can't stop I" tell about it, but "she slio" brought a great crowd tuour town Saturday. ipmmwmitrmmmmmit iw^kjsr: r ^r- Every sensible person t lint re their friends, to take a 20-pn Annuity combined,?the best sued by the ^FIDELITY MUTUAL LIFE f ? of Phi hit AEAltS OLD, I More Insurance than 11113* oth nt it's oge. None better, few X? call on |c. L. JONES, Dist. Gnl ^D. RUFUS HALT I Agent, BATES Mr. J. D. Brown of Padgett's Mill, was in town Friday. Mr. ltrown is a well to do farmer and an honorable gentleman IIo reports the crops of his section to be in a disastrous condition. Mr. J. W. Derrick of the Holly section was in the city Friday. He and bis brother wil i give a first-class barbecue on July 20th at Holley's school house. You will see notice elsewhere. Prof. II. 11. Buist, of Winthrop Col- I' lege, spent M iiursday in our city. lie 11 is a cultured gentleman and a most 1 entertaining conversationalist. 11 Mr. L. W. Canghman, a prominent and progressive farmer ?f the Blacks t section, was in town Friday and gave fl us a pleasant call e Mrs. Bates and Miss Matinie aro " h ine from WoflTord College commence- a ment. They had a delightful tine. The Bethlehemites have built a stee- J1 pie on their chrreh, and purchased a h bel \ Now the ringing of the hell, s will call the worshippers together. h Mr. J. P?. Suddath, ol the Saluda side. '' paddled down to ihe road Saturday. In public life he has been honored re- v peatedly. In private life, from choice, he is honored hv all who know him. " Mr. Ed Kulgell has returned from *' Fur man University. Efl' is charmed * with his school He will spend his vacation in the orchard. A groat 1 place to be. " Mr. Dan W. Mc (Joe of Black;. S. C., ( was in town Saturday, and gave us a call. We arc always glad to see such men as he. a Miss Lottie Le? Kidgcll is home from tlie (ireenvill Female college. She 1 has made a most excellent record dor- v ing the past year. il l'rof Wiggins camo by to see us t4io ^ ot the week. lie will make our if. educational interests hustle when he comes back to us. lie is on his way to a the summer stnool. lie seems to have ,r ry plenty of energy and vim. We hope our school will prosper as never before ^ Rev. M, I>. Padgett, of the Sardis ? section, gave lis a warm hand shaken few days ago. lie has just returned 0 frmn t hi* Cnmmntinoinonl ?t *? V i lie- S( Hatesburg's becoming a trade cent re, n in truth and hi deed. The Kaininer w building is going up now, since tlie C rnin stopped. It i5 reliably reported w that another liandsoute hrick store will go up in tiie near future. the Rood work go on. Mr. Geo. C. Hates is at home from WolFord College. George returned h wit h his diploma and after a few days o rest will count the cash forourNation- ci al Hank. Doubtless, he will timl it a l< more pleasant job, than solving the li intricacies of "Math." C Major Lumpkin, the celebrated *" "Georgia Cracker," was in town last ^ week, looking after the interest of bis road. Major Lumpkin is an uniquely liaracter and lies the happy faculty of n being equal to all occasions. ' llere conies Chief Sailer with a j, "dun" for our street compound. We have a great mind to refuse paying, " hut the weather is too had to lie up in 1 the guard house, besides Mayor Jones j might send us to the county chain j r gang, and that would he too had, to n run The Advocate from such head- 11 t ^ M' quarters. We will go out and endeav- 1 ? or to collect a subscription in order, to , i pay t he aforesaid debt. 1 <' s ' :? Host M iikos, Ii()\vost Pri( Peter A. !>.'57 IJroii ^-"a_g "CLSito mrnitfwmmumwm i| rED 1 ? ads this paper and all of yment Lite Policy with ? . policy in the world; isINSURANCE COMPANY^ lelpliia. ? ) lave sold 000,000 I er company lias ever sold r as good. Address or . Agt., WAGENER, S. C. WANGER, Special^ BURG, S. C. Save your IVtoney And keep it in the Savings Depart nent of TUB FIRST NATIONAL IANK of liatesburg. Four (I) per. ent interest 011 deposits. Dividends eini'annually. Both large and small ccounts so'icited. W. \V. Wntson, Cashier. Capt. John O. Able, one of our most iroininent citizens and successful farners residing near Leesville, was in own Monday, and while here, gave s a pleasant call. Dr. A.C. Wilkin', lias returned from he Greenville commencement and lied his appointments Sunday. Rome xpected the Doctor to return haricssed In a double team. These expecttions were not well founded. Misses Emma Kernaghan, Kate Itutind and Eva Jones, left Monday mornng for Spartanburg, to attend the umliter school, Mi?s Eva Ciloyer also eft this morning. We trust they will ave a pleasant and profitable time. The only and original George Ward, .'anted to know of the Dank rllicials uring the down pour of rain last week F money loaning was a good business uring such weather. George is a real one. lion. W. J. Talbert has accepted au uvitation to syeak here July 4th; a real crowd will be here that day, and Sol Talbert will talk to the boys. )on't fail to be on hand. Anothjr old Confederate soldier has nswered the last roll cull. Mr. It. V/. IcCartyof the Duller section, Saluda ounty, died last Saturday morning and ,-as laid to rest in Dutler church cemtary Sunday, lie was a gailant solier and commanded the respect of his Many years had been ranted unto hi.5 , as he was in his ighly third year. A few more years ml those who wore the gray, will leathered with their fathers. Our town has telephone connection rith Columbia. Hello was heard from 11 r capital city satin day morning hiswiii be a great convenience for ur town, especially the business men. fe trust that our local exchange will ion be in operation and that a large umber of our merchants and homes 'ill subscribe. If the 8. C. Telephone o , will give us proper service, they ill receive a liberal patronage. If ley do not, they cannot expect it. A Terrible Kxplosion "Of a gasoline stove burned a lady ere frightfully." wr'tesN. K. Palmer f Cirkmaii, la. "The best doctor mihlii't Ileal the running sore that fol........i i...t 11....i i. ircly on rod Iter." Infallible forCnts, urns, Sore?, Boils, Bruises, Skin Upases and Piles. 25e at F. It. Gu titer?. Boys Started in Bu iness The puflllshcrs of the famous big il'usur.itcd reekly newspaper, 1'ksnsvi.vasia tinir, arc mv placing representatives at every post olllcc i South Carolina anil tlicy desire to secure the ci vices of capable hustling agents in each of lie following towns of Saluda county: Hiilge (Spring, Saluda Wards, anil as lany other towns as are not already supplied, lie work is profitable and pleasant. A portion f Saturday only i* required. Over .r>.ooo agents re doing splendidly No money whatever i* i ipiireil I'.verjthing i- furnished free. Station ry, rubber stamp, ink ami pad, advertising natter, sample eoplee, etc- I'opers ore shipped n he paid for tlie end of each month. 1 hose not old are not charged for. write to tlrit I'uhlishng Co., Williumsport, I'a., and mention 'I'm: i iivoi'atk. !iiViin(ai(fViiV(V(irrr^ mt a, -X- -X os Known. 0 0 Brenner, (1 Street, - - BARBECUE! We will K?ve a first class barbecue with refreshments at Ilolley's School l ouse Saturday, .July 20th. I'rice reasonable. Senator Tillman and others will be present and address the crowd. Let every body come and #pe\d a pleasunt day. Derriek Bros. ltU-liIuml Dots. Mr. E itor:?As I have not seen anything from this place in some time, I wi'l endeavor to K>ve you a few items. The crass is crowitier in abundance uud the farmers will have a battle right, to destroy it. The eornc rop has not been planted yet. Mr. Frank Mc Gee Is in the hospital at Columbia. We hope for li'.t speedy recovery. Miss Viola l'adgett is home >m school. Miss Alice Bodie visited Miss Vuelo Stoudamire last Sunday. Misses Octavo, 11 at tie and Donie Johnson, visited the West Creek section last Saturday and Sunday. Mr.llenry Matthews was in this community last Sunday. It is evident that there will be a marriage in tins community soon. Messrs. Bunion and I.initial Stoudamire visited the West Creek section Sunday. Best wishes to The Advocate S. It. From Aliovo liaxter. Peaches are gett'rg ripe, and melons are blooming, so iv t hope to live ami get fat before winter arriaes. Dr. and Mrs, D. R. Kneece of Pelion, with their two youngest children Kennieth ami Frank, spent Thursday and Friday with the home folks at Baxter. Mr. U. M. Adams has the (Inest lield of corn we have seen. Mr. Oscar Garvin of Wagencr, came up last Sunday to see his friends. It seems that it is with the girls as it is with every thing else, The best is always taken first. From the present outlook, we will hear of some o!d time wedding cake before many weeks. We learn that Mr. G. M. Adams has purchased a lot ol' fish an J put tnem in his pond. We fear that the Advocate's poet has laid down his famous literary pen .....l .... i i.:.. _ ii.....!? ? . i i III. hiiih u Iiiniiui-llliuil lliwiirus uailKing. A certain young man made his girl sick last Sunday with pink ribbon, we hardly think that it was the ribbon altogether but; we don't wonder. Mr. Editor, if this article is not cast into t lie waste basket and we are not forced to surrender to "Gen. Green", you will likely bear from this section ag/11. A-s Free Scholarship. ' 'bo attention of all South Carolina Club-women is called to the fact that the Scholarships belonging to the South Carolina Federation will he open competition mi July 12lh, 1001. We are very fortunate in securing such valuable gifts from the leading educational institutions in the State, and we should use our best influence to seethat these Scholarships are filled. The Scholarships are as follows: 42 Of free tuition ntjConvcr.seCollege Spartanburg, S. C.,one for each County in the State, One of free tuition at Winthrop College, Hock llill, S. open to the State at large. One of free tuition r.t the Presbyterian Co.lege for Women, Goluinbia S. ('., open to the State at large. One of free tuition at Mrs. I. A. Smith's School for Young Ladies, Charleston, S. C., open to the State at laige. One of free tuition at Miss Ida McCollnugh's School for ?> w?!I;a!la, S. ('., open to the State at large. One of free tuition at the Alumnai Club School of Domestic Science, Louis ville, Ky., open to the State at largo. Any Club-Woman wishing further particulars in regard to any of these'p-t, w ill please apply, before July 1st, to the Chairman of the Educational Department, Miss Christie II I'oppeiilieiin, 31 Meeting Street, Charleston, S. C. From Monctta. A great (inanity of the fruit has been destroyed by the long ami continued rainy weather. Some of the farmers have made their assignments and have put up their flags. "CJeneral Green ' now lias possession. Mr. .1. T. llrudeii of Norf ?lk, Va., was in our town and section this weak in the interest of fruit. Mr. E>t Cato and sister have returned from the Johnston Institute. We are glad to welcome them hack. Mr. A. fl. Stevens has arranged to s.*rve his customers with refreshing cool drinks. The hand from Columbia will furnish music fur the dancers, at the picnic next Thursday at Burton's mill pond. The boys have formed a .team for base ball. It seems to ijs tbis popular game is being carried too far. It is astonishing to see how much interest is manifested in places. We think it is loading tho minds of our young men in the wrong direction.j C. F. Monetta, S. (J., June If>, l.K)l. Condemning Slang. A traveling man claims to have heard two girls on the street condamding a friend for the use of slang' "I think it is shameful how she uses slang. (?reat sakes alive, if 1 twirled my talker the way site does, my bloomin' old dad would tan my duds for me till the lust would lly every which way." "You bet," sa'd the other; "my paw and maw nro sunflowers of the same hue, and If I should make a jaw craek in my gab there would be nothing loft of me but spots.?Exchange, I f ~~ % ?.* 4 I The 1 ?5 Sholton ^ i Mills, S; 3 Manufacturers of 5^ ^ ^HIGH-GRADE-^1 i? ^CHATTANOOGA, TEN.g e ^ For Prices<^J gs ^5 J) Write to 5 i it. 1" ^5 # *> 11 Sg Haltiwangor, jp c -Sbatesburg, - - s. c.S; 1 v> V/ vy 1 IF* v y v y ? vy ? The incc: weeks, are H 33_A. v ,* v / ^ at our Stor vy ? i til I'll Ofl Hue: vl> w not escaped ^ pessimist; 1 ^ to ho posso! "It's an ill 1 5 to tlio I] stock of OY< rT\ $ Wo have o] r \ ^ and make 1 inciimhent ^ S ;k tion at one.i s tivo, sliatto y done it to < t a f ^ Come an ^ cut price 01 i i NEW A Didn't Marry ForMoncy. Tlie Boston man, who lately married a sickly rich young woman, is happy now, for he got Dr. King's New 1- fe Pills, which restored her to perfect health. Infallible for Jaundice, Biliousness, Malaria, Fever and Ague and all Liver and Slnnnche troubles- (leu tie but effective. Only 25c at Hunter's drug store. Call at F. B. Hunter's drug store and get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stouiaehe and Liver Tablets. They are an elegant physic. Thev also un- , prove the appetite, strengthen the digestion and regu.ate the liver and bowels. They are easy to take and pleasant in elDd. t You may as well expect to run a I steam engine without water as to find ? an active, entergetic man with a torp'd ] liver and you may know that his liver is torpid when he does not relish his ^ | food or feels dull and languid after I eating, often has headache and sometimes dizziness. A few doses of Chain : herluiu's Stomnehe and Liver Tablets j WILL EVANS.,. Haberdasher, Shirt maker will, ( ] give your mailorders prompt and eare! fill attention, at 1 1433 Main Street, r Columbia, S. C. A Lite An?l I>cntli right Mr. W. A. Mines of Manchester, In. j wtiting of his almost miraculous es e ?pe fr? m death, says : '"Exposure at ter measles imlueed serious lung trouble, wliieli entled hi Consumption. i " had frequent hemorrhages and cough ! ed night and day. All my doctori said I must soon die. Then 1 began to use Dr. King's New Discovert jwhicl; wholly cured me. Hundred! have used it on my advice and all sat it never fails to cure Throat, Chc.-t and ' I.iiug troubles." Regular size fsic am' l.Oo. Trial bottles free at F. It. (inn ter's I >rug Store. ( lorioiis N'cn.j. Comes from l?r. I) II. I'argile, :l Washita, 1. T. lie writes: "Kin trie Hitters has cured Mrs Brewster ol scrofula, which has caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and fact and the best doctors could give no help: hut now her health is excellent." Electric Bitters is the best hiood pari tier known. It's the supreme reined) for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, 1 (toils and running sores. It stimu! lates liver, kidneys, ami bowels, expeh poisons helps digestion, builds up the | strength. Oi|ly 50 cts. .Sold by F. B. (iunter, Uru^tsA- tJauranteed. N TJ ft TVTTYT 17. HTTD "t wwn v AND YOU'LL :E?sc3n.a.l )RY GOODS AND Snaps, Even for BarSHOES!! . Ba,n "unters. Wo . full lino of Ht,oo, .ml O' . , . , tnat we will close out at prices that . >ry Clootlit that arc Up-to-date ... ev- w||, t|wm ck A ry [lurticulur. '? 3HNTS & C OTH- Sewing Machines! ? ? Hurry and get your wife th&t Sewing Machine before present lot is When we try to describe our bar- sold out. Several styles to pick from, ains in this department, we don't You pay less than one half of Agents now where to begin. It's like try- prices; and sane terms if desired, ag to tlud the commencement of a Special inducement.' on a limited j, ircle. 4iiunity?to the first twenty five. E. JONES, The Und 13 ao wi o>????x?ccc::";::cc?:???c?ra? C3ST! \l vy v y --A.I3ST! i t tut 1 vy & ssant rains for the past few & fu 1 V/ lfr superseded by showers of v A1 viy vT> ! ' JE^Q-^_I3SrS g V y e. :j: X The rains have re- v2 ness of all kinds. We have v y ; however, we are not chronic ^ v y I u leither are we so fortunate as ^ vy ssed of an optimistic nature? X wind that blows nobody good." X N oint: .... Our magnificent ?R pa u* 812000,00 is not broken. illy 00 days to dispose of it, X 00111 for winter goods. It is X upon us to begin this reduc- ^ t A e. There is only one alterna- ?5 r prices. We've done it and ^ juicken the speed of sales. 0^ * / s d get the cream of the great X He rings. X /ORK RACKET STORE. % ?))))))))?) ?cg????c?c?ftarfg THE. MUTUAL LIFE , Insurance Company ; Of New York. llieliard A. McCurdy, President. the Largest, Stro/igest, J Lost Progressive Life Insur- (tare Com pair* in the World. ?;iid to Policy holders in ltXX). . . $2(?,3(51,803.83 Total Income in 1000 , (50,582,802.31 \ssets December 01, 1000 .... 325,753,152.51 > Insurance and Annuities in force . . 1,141,407,888.20 A.nd it Leads Again in South Carolina. " From tlit? reports of twelve leading coaipaniss, on file in the Comptroller's V. dliee, it is shown That The Mutual T.ife of New Yojk paid for forty-nine per cent. business ii South Carolina in 1SNK) than any other company. Gained lifty-eight per cent, more ^insurance in force than any other out pany. Cull >e(ed iii cash premiums $79,521.31 more than any other company. Has $'.1,827,903 more insurance in force in South Carolina than any other om puny. The Mutual T.ife is now selling a Single Premium Guaranteed Three and )ne-llalf Per Cent. Bond, which does not requireau examination. The Five Per Cent. Twenty Year Bond policy cannot be equaled. Better ban a Government Bond. No impaired or vicious risks solicited or accepted for insurance in this ;o:npany. -? icn in-i-i iii^> n^fiiis cnii secure desirable contracts. For particulars as to plans, rates, etc., apply to* ( J. G. ETHEREDGE, Special Agent, Columbia, S. C. 3 f'oman's Crowning Glory is ' Her Health, 1 and tho jewels In this crown aro the magic letters which stand for the greatest of all healthglvcrs UEKSTLE'S FEKALE PANACEA. It gives now St.- ength-giving qualities to the blood and brings new vigor to every one of the delicate organs upon wli'ch woman's health depends. Itcures heucorrhcBa, Prolapsus,Tumors, Ulcerations, Inflammations, Painful and Irregular periods. It gives health, and wltb health, beauty ofcomploxlon and tlgure. Is Prepared Only by Iwv fr \jc.J: .1T.L. GERSTLE & CO. \ ? / CHATTANOOGA. TENN. Sold by Oruggistt at St a Bottle. SIm Bott/ee for $5. C I I thought it might interest you to know what your f J \ Q. P. P. is doing f6r me. po 1 am writing this letter. For / \ nfRiNfiln twelve rears I whs troubled with > ,.nu derangod inciistriiatioii, and tho - MENSTRUATION agonies 1 authored during that time ,, .... ,fcll RELIEVED IN Can be batter Imagined thap deIf y.uT complaint I* not hilly niva scribed. I had tried doctors t>rotaa?'.?>i in our fr?? bona jn f?- ?UM1 UAT?. acriptlong ar.d various other remn>atn <11. *? ?. lUftitiir Moth- odies. but nothing "lid me any good and It seemed that *".1 ., ,V'P. o.""". ' was aooiutMl toeuner to iha and. llyaoma fortunate u confl<t?n?uiir for fr?? ?<tTio? occurrence I heard of O. F. P.. audit must hare been i O.rViU t rJ fkiiia nF inspiration that caused nie to try it. for in eight days * , after J began using It 1 felt a marked improvement. < 11^^. ?n3 too .oil after using two botties I am ready to proclaim it lot tor containing full sn.i co^n i tho grandest remedy ever made for women, possessing | l*?tl iriorocUonn for onnung I greater merit than you claim fork You may tell this voar truubU. , tO *11 SU (luring WOintU. tourtruubi*. Sikt. A. E. CHALKF.R. Ben. Oa. i V 9 I M Stoves! Stgves!! Now is the titn.* to buy' We are rer stocked and they are going cheap ny Size?Any price. Wood cooking ' : cans good eating?and yon atay altliy. We guarantee them. Groceries! | i We have on hand always, a ful1 and implete line of the choicest Grocera. The Celebratatl ''Hungarian | urity" Flour always in Stock. erseller. ITKSBl'RG COTTON MARKET I Trices subject to change *v: I tice and corrected by Vf. 0. Cartldge I LOW Midling, V 7-8 1 Middling 7 6-8. I Tone of market quiet I Wanted!' Everyoody to Know 1 That I have for sale a large,and beau I I selection^ of framed Pictures. En I avings and Paintings. I r.SO PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO | Call and see and be convinaed. I R. L. RAMEY. I Saluda, S. 0. I T EO. L QDATLEBADM, J PHYSICIAN & SURGEON " V 'i nee over narris' Urug Store. Money to Loan. On farming lands. Easy payments, o commissions charged. Borrower lys actual cost of perfecting loan'. John B. Palmer & Sow. Columbia, S. C. Ecokne W. Able, Atty., Saluda. S. C. I. L. HARTLEY. Attorney at Lav. eesville * - - sc. Practice in nil Courts. Business soliited. ? Jk GO TO SAM HOWES. lestuaraiit for fir s t-c 1 a s s ncais, at all hours. Watson & <Towill. Fire Ins., Ager-ts. Town and County- Risk. Offlct in ADVOCATE Building. P. B. Asrill Watches, [ClOclcs, and Jewelrv Re ?airing. icLena Huildinj?, BATES BURG. s. C. J as. W. Pitts, SURGEON-DENTIST, tyOflTre at Etheredjre liuildinjr SALUDA, S. C. Eugene W. Able ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR. Oltices at EDUEFIRI DC. 11. AND Saluda C. n, Prompt AttentionfOiven to All IlusOes.?. J. ff. DkVORR, .1. Ji. u. (illKdl'KV. Kdgefleld, s c. Saluda, s. r.. DhVORE & GREGORY ATTORXEiSAT LAI V. All business in trusted to our tare eotivos prompt attention. WOfllee up stairs in Elheredge niilding. E. K HARDIN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office at Heme. ;g. L. Trotter, ~ PHYSICIAN & SIRGF.ON. HTers bis Professional Services to the >eople of Ratesbur# and vicinity. TO THE DEAF. A rich lady, curen of her Deafness nd Noises in the Head by Dr. Nieholon's Artitlcial Kar Drums, ffavc f 10M><> to bis Institute, so that deaf peo>le unable to procure the Eur Drums nay have tbem free. Address No lt>SO-c. The Nicholson Institute, 780