P* HIE ADVOCATE. I rvby.lsllkd wkkki.y. W - ft JOHN-BELL TO WILL. III I EuiTOU and Manager. c0 The Advocate Publishing' Co.? tli (Joint Stock.) si" r, in I SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: b, OtiR YEAR *1.00 a] Bix Homtiib CO ;i payable in advance. ?i ADVERTISING RATES. t< Transient advert isenients one dol!ar o per inch for insertion, tlfty cents per inch for each subsequent insertion. Sate, Want, Found and other notices and Business Locals, ten cents for ten , words ami one cent for each two words additional, each insertion. * Official advertisements at the* rate allowed by law. i Special and other rates quoted upon application to this office. COM M UNIC AT IO NS. The Advocate will publish readable letters on any subject of jrenera' interest, when accompanied with the nwane and address of t he writer. A mmytnons and defamatory articles will not be noiicd. I.ive correspondents want ed in ev?-ry section of the county. WEDNESDAY June 10. 2001. Entered as second class matter at the Bateshurg Post Ofllce. The impetus in educational affairs in South Carolina at | resent, is seetniiife'ly greater than ever before. The attendance at many colleges of the state, has been greater than any in the liistory of tlie institutions. To meet these increased demands for education, the faculty-has b.'en increased at several colli ges. Piobubly tin most important addition to a faculty was tlie nt-w J.aw L'r< H'oseois given t?H South Carolina ("o'.hge at tho la?l meeting of tho board of truRtMH, The Legislature at its hist seisic.ii, approprinted eleven thousand dollars for the erection of a stewards hall at the! P South Carolina College; ai d at the j same time appropriated a sullieietit B^^^L amount of money to compute dor milorii at t\ inthrcp College, then this was going on the management the were not idle. - " ^A^addlHoii.s made ^h - making improvements on the Croenvilie F?-j male college, the erection of he nliitnni hall at Wolford College, whieh W fs to replace the one recently burned, WT and the handsome alumni hall already ' creeled at I'lirmiin 1'niversity. t These facts considered in connec- . tion with our industrial j rosperitj \ is enough to make one feel proud ol his state and her rapid ndvuncomt n1 along these most important lines. lier c.itiz *ns are waking up to tin fact that in orde r to .Miecessfully as- < pi re to the commercial supremacy <:1 11 tlie S- ulh and to become again, as six 1 once was, an important factor in nat j lonal affairs sh" must continue t. : ? ^ - heve educated men and women?a poo t pie that can meet her every demand. 'J The colleges of South Carolina arc v , i! i sending out each year, in largo mini- ( bcrs. sons and daught rs to suipl\ , " these increased ilcnauuh, for whieh i they should rtcciv : the v.cll done of 1 every patriotic citizen. ?. ? . , N The approachii g municipal ele tion bids fair to be a spicy one. '1 here arc 11 good men w ho will be in the race for!' the several positions. The .Advocate;,' dors nol care to liplit any I odies hat- j >, tie, or to take up any one particular's candidate. We have cur choice and " will express it tit the lallat box 1 While ail the men in the lit Id are pen- ( crnlly pood men, Lilt there is, then ;l must always he. a nest and it is our ; ' earnest desire that the best man? (Ik ' j man who can most successfully run Hatesbuip s mil licipal eMails, will l.c 1 elected. With all faith in the pood w judgement and liiph motives of the " people of llatislrir, , we will patiently await the results. i "| The sale of twenty four lot> in Hates^ burp in one day and of eleven the day 1 followinp, certainly speaks well for tin i prosperity of our industrious lit! le city . j It poos to show tiiut I he people o! Ilntcsbnrp feel perfectly safe win ii in vestinp money in her real i state am ihiydonot fail to make such invest w incut <, when ever the occasion arisia who nvo ni .1 place ?Io not iiiv?st tjieir money in the lands'there, you -,i< inny bo sure t lint si rancors will not i To say the least of it, it gives a town :i in lively appearance ami an air of bu>i- (. iters. 'J he vcnerntid I)r. Cnrlilo h:> agreed to ret as Preside-nt of Wi H'oro ?i > College one mi.re yer.r Dr. t'r.rlile wt has been eonneet it! of I his institution !l since ils foundation in l.lM and duriii i ing this tune, his ii.fluei.ee has been felt not only in this particular college, hut throughout the tin Jund. Wofl'ord is to lie congratulated w" j I J t iae re ? IV o I . v~t.>uiuuicatioii by (t e of our contributors, tlie nam* of |e jn. \V. 11. Timmerinan mention in nnectioii wiih the Cotreruorship o' 01 mill Carolina, and we feel assured '' at this sentiment will (1ml a response echo among1 tbo friends of this 11 >iu red citizen throughout the state, y e is a man with a character of too igh a cast to be contaminated a y the ordinary influence cast bout one who figures in politics, nd the people of t?.e state could o 110 better than to place at the bead f their government, one so well fitted a judiciously exerciso every function f that important utiles. It has bcou announced tliat Secretary of State M. R. Cooper, will be a :andidute for Governor, in next year's primary, lie intends making votes >11 the platform of a rigid enforcement of the Dispensary law?a most excellent platform, hut it .wont take with I he voters worth a cent, at leust it failed in the last campaign. 31 ass Aleoting of The Citizens of 15 a tesburg. At a meeting of the citizens held in tile otlice of K F. Strother, Esq., for the purpose of discussing town politics and of nominatingu ticket fop the up preaching municipal election, the following w?re nominated : For Intcmiunt; 3Jr. ij. S, Htendmnn. F?>r Wardens; Mr. .1. A. Win I ten, S. .1. Itulgell, Jv'J. Kite, II. I}. It aw I. For Clerk,\\\ S. JJite. Jl w?* recommended to the incoming council thftt the salary of Chief of police be reduced from thirty to twentysix dollars per month, and that the ollieeof lamp lighter bedon away vvftli put) thftt the duties of same devolve oil the Chief pf pojipp, The above action was taken by the citizens only aftcp epiiip considerable discussion among themselves ^qd^npli yptjng. The Stntr' 1'rcss Asssnciullon I 3Vill Tafce Water Trip. . . i he Mate press assicialioii lias ? f splendid 11*i 1 > aheud. 'J'lie visit to Iluf- J falo will be a very pleasant trip. The ; programme lias been changed anil tin I illitors ami others who will npeompanj" tin in will leave Columbia July Vto, instead i?f leaving Spartanburg | July Htli at the coneliiilon of l)ie annual meeting of the association. From Columbia the party will go via the F .uthern to Portsmouth, riieuoe tliey take the water route via the OKI Dominion line to New Y >rk From New York to Albany t|ie trip will be up (be beautiful Jliulson. From Albany to I'.ojf.ibi tliey take the New York Central. (J.o|. JO I be 11 11. Allll, jlirMuiui ... .... u.-aub>an?M, ..... in a few days issue more complete in.Iruclions and information. Our ."Mine Creek Crf)|il(. What shall wo -'o or where shall we iiegin? I think the beat we eun do, is o plant corn where our cotton or't to ' ie. I never havsecn .'t so hefo We 1 ire hunt through vvid the grain, but 1 ivliere to began is the tig; no use to ;iimt, too late, like ,J. Nl. guns?he j ays lie iiiver thought of being a dull- ; lidate for an i llieo on dis side of Pres- ' dent: hot when 'J'illman & Mel.aiirin i' esigued he thoughl that was a good IS bailee lor him as lie had it in his iiind that lie could heat tliem both . or t lie Senate, would like to know i hat fellow that so smart as to let Mr. a illoian and McJ.nnrin know that lie . 1 . as I'xing for him. which paused them , > take hack, it is well that it was ?o, t f tliey had not taken hack,* they ' ' rouhl of luui out oJ? soap, I am sorrj hat it is so as our crops ti.Ja your is t lie mature grow lit of ?he earth,?r ii cod time to canvass the country, j ' Hack berries getting ripe, iio oh-iiice i r it make a crapdis year, did not know r hut my land waz mi good as n is, will I i av to curry my crap owr to another 1 ( ear inaby I can gil u better Start, J lys if lie eonlil hav got ill the H.nate I j e woulil of ban better able to run u s rop nex year, I will hold in til I hear ' !l 1 i,-e hoot it : what say ye Kmjis can 1 gi t your mil vasing pants-? should I i _ e a candidate for the Senate J. M. S.? ! nyone wishing to go in Itui slock bus- t ie.-s here is a chance?too ncrs fine 1 ^ ast r l.uuii well water d free stone 1 I V nd mineral with a router farm on . og branch. I wish you \v; u d notify ie board that tli. old omnii has about I irgive my hound pups an I ; ot to ' other about getting him on the ter- ( I in list he can support himself on < ibhits tlie old omen's guiding is put- ' ' { good and yet it rains. I can't say ' hat it will do, y on see friend Tom's i f niel kill a fil e ling a short tune back I nd tot her day while Tom wiiz plow-I r ig dat same mud found a bulls-hat , ! est and wanted to kick it over or she ' lined to kicking end to it ami Tom t ove it the Moon and Johnson Hag is i finnio together, no telling what ?vi I j next? I ( K. I>. l? 1 b Leusville Review Still eleudy. wet and grass in abun- ; lliee. I 1 li i o U if ll.ia I , rn-.-|in till IUIIIt'S | I' .1! ^*1 fill, cows will give |il?nty of j I ill;, ami the Kra->s hoppeis will fly w i?h. * K Mr^Gary Crouch is now confined to ' s ho I with ty i>lioitl fever ar ?1 is very ? k. ? Mr. .1 K. Smit h w ho is traveling in *' a , in the interest o' li.hilling roil bus ess, s|ient last week here A'!til his mily. Mr. .1. K. K'hercdge is now at li one ' ith his parents for a few (lays. ?i I Miss My rile Yergin who has been |> siting > ? ?nr town for the past few sn seks, will return to her heme in a n, w days. Miss Vermin has a lot of <; ends in our tow n who regret very id; for her to leave. Prof. I. M. Hiiiitli, who has lieen it' irhing school not very distant from | p city of Huiniiti r, is in town on his . i t i ti Kl y * > In* iHiiiii? iii .Saluda, 116 I ifiilfc ...v.e wui be n barbecue here the h of July, given by Mr. 1).S. Keis- N r. ?i Mr. H. II, Able, a successful contract- ^ r, spent Sunday here will) hi) fuui: Mr. J. Ij. KinarJ, who is employed V i Washington, was tailed home on ac- x mint ol' the death of his slater, Mrs. ^ lonroe Bolls, of near Ureenwoodd. Mr. W. 1. Keeps was called away ccouat of then death ol^ his moth ?" w. y ,n -. Oxner. College of Charle- ton~Founde4| in 1783. r anrleston, S. C. Stvong Tacuity; well-equipped Chemical. P hysicul and Biological Laborator'es; Observatory; Library of 1 1,000 voli lines; :\ud ihe finest Museum of Nuturu 1 History in the South. 1$. A., H. S.s and A. M., courses olfered.? Tuition, $40.00 payable in two installments. hoard in College Dormitory, can be obtained at $10 oo a month. One Scholarship giving free tuition, is assigned to each county ol Booth Carolina; the holder to be appointed by the Judge of Probate anil the County Superintendant of Education. All candidates for admission, are permitted to compete for vacant Boyce Scholarships, which pay $150.0o ? year. Entrance Examinations will lie odd in Haladu, on July 12, 1D01, by the County Superintendent of education and Judge A Probate. Next session opens September JO, 1901. Kor Catalogue, address I". A RIUSON It.\ NDOLPII, Pltf.SlpKMT. lteul Instate Hale In ltatcslnirg. j Ileal estate in Batesburg lias been changing hands considerably within the last few days. Jos. II. Phillips with hjs abje assistant, W. E. Philips, representing the Rational \ucl|onand Improvtnent C'o . of Brunswick, lla., sold on June 17th fjr Mr. S. F. Perry, to the highest bidder, 04 Ids nverrginr about otic lifill of an acre each, some smaller and some larger. The 1 prices ranged from (ifleen to seventy two and a half dollars per lot, some ot which tycro rp-so'd at ii ppofit before the purchasers left lliofjeld. The land -old lies ahout half a mile from the business pari of town ami bropgh! something over two tiumtred dollars for acre. After the sales were complete, a > bad been advertised, a I t was given lo the person holding the luclfy nuiqber, and in this instance the fortunate individual was master C. W. Sol lee, Jr. On the morning of June the lHth, the sale was continued, |ju| after making several sales it was decided by the owners of the property toeall tl.i'tii? 11' and defer the auction to some future day. It brought equally as illUch as it did the day before, but for ieisons best known jo tj|e gentlemen helling t|ie pi'opprty, it Has decided to wait awhile, when the auctioneer will eoiije aoJ|in and more lots will be sold The sale was fairly oonduuiuJ and so far as we know Mr Phi lips, as ail auctioneer, gave perfect satisfaction. | This makes his393rd sale in the South lie leaves Ugfeshufg fo go to Aligns a, wh. re h3 will auction off property, on Iutie, 20th, from there he will go t<> Covinjrtoji; 0;\., and frc jii there to Columbia. A WORTHY SI CCESSOR Something New Under The Sua" All Dontnrs liaye tried to pure CACAKKII hy the use of powders acid pases. inhalersatiil drugs in paste form, i'heir powders dry up in the mueoiis lieiubrnio realising tliptp to crack open ind bleed. The powerful acids used , n the inhalers have entirely eaten iway the same membranes that their nakcrs have aimed to cure, while pastes uul ointments can net reach the dis ase, And old and experienced prarliioner who |i|fs r? p many j eurv made a lose stinly and specialty of the trcatnent of Catarrh, has at last perfected lTreatment which when faithfully used lot only relieves at once, but permantv curps Catarrh; h>' removing the 'ause, stooping the discharges, and tiring all inflammation. It istheonlj Miicdy known to science that actually , caches all'ecteU pnt is. Tins vvoiiderfu emedv is known as "SN P I T'l.KS, the 1 il'AHANTKl.H ('ATA H R11 ( llfK" ind is sold at the extremely low price ?f One Hollar, e icli package eontainng Int. rpal and external medicine adlieieiit for a Mil I moiitii'g t regl fiieiit j itnl everything necessary toil:, perfect ise, I "f-M'FI I.Ks" is the only CAI'AKHIICI UK ever made and is now ('cognized as t he only safe and posi- ' ivo cure |? r that annoying and (lis- t Misting disease. It cures all intlainn ion quickly ami pennant I> and is also | vnudc-rfully quick to relieve liny KV ! ' It or < :< >|,D in tne 11KAD. (lATAIIItll when neglected often ads to (OSSt.MTJt)N "hNl K I.KV will save you it you uoo it at I lice. It is no ordinary rctmily, hut a I ' on jdcte treatment w hi< h is positively fuarantccd to cure cure t'A'I'Altltll | n nny fui in or stupe if used according I o the direr tiers which accompany aeh package, pon't delay, hut send nritntciKc, and wnte lull parlicn- . ars as to > our c onditic n, and you w ill j 1 cecivts specal ad vice from the diseovrcr of this wonderful rt inedv regard- ; o^ your case without cost to you he- !v ono.the rc polar pric e if SN i ' I'l.KS" ' he ' (.UAltA.NTKl J? CATAItltll i 'UltK J, Sent | repaid to any address in Ihe 't iled States or Canada on rec eipt of; hie 1 > c > 11 it f. Addres |)ejit. 1()KI)\V|N I I. tilfKSA < OMl'ANY. 'Jill! and 'JiJJ i I.irket Street, l'hiladelplil i. s ( A Wealth of lienu